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Last post 20 years ago by JonR. 29 replies replies.
#1 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248
and a Signal for Slaughter

George Bush's press conference on April 13 was a scary performance.

Not because his second sentence was ungrammatical: "This has been tough weeks in that country."

Not because he pronounced "instigated" as "instikated" in his fourth sentence.

Not because he said Donald Rumsfeld was Secretary of State.

Not because of his foolish comment that before 9/11 "we assumed oceans would protect us." (Ever since the Russians built their first ICBMs fifty years ago, the oceans haven't protected us.)

Not because he said of the August 6 briefing, "Frankly, I didn't think it was anything new"!

Not because he said that even if he had known beforehand that Iraq did not have WMD stockpiles, he still would have gone to war against Saddam Hussein.

Not because he had no coherent answer as to why ****** Cheney must hold his hand when he testifies to the 9/11 commission.

Not because he said that no one in his Administration had "any indication that bin Laden might hijack an airplane and run it into a building," when in fact, at the Genoa G-8 summit, there were precautions taken against incoming airplanes as missiles.

And not because he repeatedly refused to take a shred of personal responsibility for allowing the 9/11 attacks to happen on his watch.

No, his performance was scary because he plunged the United States deeper into a no-win war in Iraq.

"We will finish the job of the fallen," he said.

He gave only a pro forma nod toward the additional innocent Iraqis the United States may kill in the process.

"We will continue taking the greatest care to prevent harm to innocent civilians; yet we will not permit the spread of chaos and violence," he said. "I have directed our military commanders to make every preparation to use decisive force, if necessary, to maintain order and to protect our troops."

He reiterated this point later, saying, "Our commanders on the ground have got the authority necessary to deal with violence, and will--and will in firm fashion."

Here is the President warning that U.S. troops, who have already killed more than 600 Iraqis in the last week, will have a free hand.

That is a signal for slaughter.

He also continued to underestimate the resistance the United States is facing in Iraq. He called it "a power grab by extremist and ruthless elements." He said, "It is not a civil war. It is not a popular uprising." And, astonishingly, he asserted, "Most of Iraq is relatively stable."

That is not what many reporters have seen with their own eyes, and it is not what the TV screens are portraying.

What's more, Bush's vow to unleash "decisive force" will only make things worse.

He indicated that he will go after Moqtada al-Sadr, saying the cleric "must answer the charges against him and disband his illegal militia." This strongly suggests that Bush will order his troops to, as one senior commander said, "kill or capture" al-Sadr. And if that happens, all hell could break loose.

In his Manichaean worldview, Bush lumped the Iraqi insurgents in with the terrorists of 9/11. They are all "enemies of civilization," he said, and they share "a fanatical political ideology."

But many of those who are fighting against the U.S. occupation are not Al Qaeda members who want to destroy America and are not subscribers to the "ideology of terror." Rather, many are Iraqi nationalists who want to expel America from their own country because they have seen the brutality of the U.S. occupation.

That's a huge difference, and Bush makes a terrible mistake by conflating the two.

He also seems to have a static view of who the enemy is. He sees it as a finite group of innate murderers and evildoers. He thinks that all he needs to do is kill all the bad guys and victory is his.

But he doesn't understand that his policy is creating new enemies by the thousands every single day.

He warned that if the United States does not take "resolute action" and does not "stay the course" in Iraq, it will "recruit a new generation of killers."

What he failed to grasp is that by maintaining the brutal occupation, he himself is recruiting that generation.

And the more "firm" and "decisive" the U.S. military response, the more recruits Bush will be enlisting to fight against the United States.

Interestingly, the first question Bush got was on the Vietnam comparison.

But Bush did not want to hear anything about it. "The analogy is false," he said, without explaining why.

He did, however, suggest that it was almost treasonous to raise the specter of Vietnam. "That analogy sends the wrong message to our troops and to the enemy," he said.

(This is an echo of John Ashcroft's infamous statement that "those who scare peace-loving people with the phantoms of lost liberty" are giving "aid" and "ammunition" to America's enemies.)

In previous remarks, Bush has made clear that he believes the lesson of Vietnam is two-fold: first, that the political leaders interfered with the generals, and second, that the United States did not use overwhelming force.

If that is the lesson he applies here, the generals will run the war, and overwhelming force will be the order of the day.

Expect more troops to be sent over soon, or to have their tours extended. Bush said if General Abizaid wants more troops, which he does, he'll get them.

Bush also displayed again the full fervor of his messianic militarism.

Several times he mentioned that the war offered a "historic opportunity to change the world."

In one of his most emphatic moments, he said, "I also have this belief, strong belief, that freedom is not this country's gift to the world; freedom is the Almighty's gift to every man and woman in this world. And as the greatest power on the face of the Earth, we have an obligation to help the spread of freedom."

This is Bush saying that he is doing God's work in Iraq. That is a particularly inappropriate claim to make, leaving aside the obvious leaping of the church/state wall. Given that Bush has chosen to wage war in an Islamic country, it is unlikely that there are many Iraqis who are anxious to hear Bush's theological justifications.

Bush's rhetoric is proof once again that the government of the United States is in the hands of a crude and deluded leader, whose war policy in Iraq promises more disasters to come.

"Our work may become more difficult before it is finished," he said.

With Bush's approach, that is a guarantee
bloody spaniard Offline
#2 Posted:
Joined: 03-14-2003
Posts: 43,802
Boy, I'm glad you're not my wife! Talk about nit-picking...

Besides, you shouldn't make fun of the handicapped. I think that he knows his "limitations"- unlike Kerry.

Bush may not know how to run a business succesfully or turn a grammatically-correct phrase (Harvard/Yale graduate!?), but he is the right man for these harrowing times (PLEASE don't bring up his border policy).

What would you rather have-- a pc, fast-talking, truth-bending, Rhodes' scholar drop-out type.

OR a man with "limited ability", who has nerves of steel when it comes to fighting the enemy? You don't have to be Einstein in order to crush the enemy with your boot. I just hope that he finally takes his gloves off & allows the army to do their job. OH, and stops calling Islam a "great" religion. Makes me want to puke...

Gene363 Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 01-24-2003
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GWB is not a good speechmaker. The message is the GIs on the ground in Iraq know what is on the news in the US.

It most certainly DOES affect their moral.

It undermines their safety and emboldens our enemies when we constantly question every action and incessantly assume the worst. That is what they hear. Statements like, “I hate President, but support the troops” sound like BS to the men and women being shot at.

This is an e-mail sent by one of the front line Marine Battalion Commanders in Iraq. It tells a different tale than the media is presenting to us here in the States.

Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2004 2:03 AM Subject: Update from LtCol Kennedy

The last two days have been the hardest two days this battalion has faced in over 30 years. Within the blink of an eye the situation went form relatively calm to a raging storm. You've known that since arriving there has been violence; attacks have been sporadic and mostly limited to roadside bombs. Your husbands have become experts at recognizing those threats and neutralizing them before we are injured. Up to this point the war has been the purview of corporals and sergeants, and the squad they lead.

Yesterday the enemy upped the ante.

Early in the morning we exchanged gunfire with a group of insurgents without significant loss. As morning progressed, the enemy fed more men into the fight and we responded with stronger force. Unfortunately, this led to injuries as our Marines and sailors started clearing the city block by block. The enemy did not run; they fought us like soldiers. And we destroyed the enemy like only Marines can. By the end of the evening the local hospital was so full of their dead and wounded that they ran out of space to put them. Your husbands were awesome all night they stayed at the job of securing the streets and nobody challenged them as the hours wore on. They did not surrender an inch nor did flinch from the next potential threat. Previous to yesterday the terrorist thought that we were soft enough to challenge. As of tonight the message is loud and clear that the Marines will not be beaten.

Today the enemy started all over again, although with far fewer numbers, only now the rest of the battalion joined the fight. Without elaborating too much, weapons company and Golf crushed their attackers with the vengeance of the righteous. They filled up the hospitals again and we suffered only a few injuries. Echo company dominated the previous day's battlefield. Fox company patrolled with confidence and authority; nobody challenged them. Even Headquarters Company manned their stations and counted far fewer people openly watching us with disdain. If the enemy is foolish enough to try to take your men again they will not survive contact. We are here to win.

The news looks grim from back in the States. We did take losses that, in our hearts, we will always live with. The men we lost were taken within the very opening minutes of the violence. They could not have foreseen the treachery of the enemy and they did not suffer. We can never replace these Marines and Sailors but they will fight on with us in spirit. We are not feeling sorry for ourselves nor do we fear what tomorrow will bring. The battalion has lived up to its reputation as Magnificent Bastards.

Yesterday made everyone here stronger and wiser; it will be a cold day in Hell before we are taken for granted again.

Paul Kennedy and Jim Booker
THL Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 10-22-2002
Posts: 3,044
Rick, is that you're un-biased opinion? :)
I saw it and gleaned virtually none of that from it. I saw a man who is trying to do what he thinks is right, being attacked by an obviously hostile and agenda driven press corp.
Can you imagine a reporter asking F.D.R. if he felt guilty or if he would like to apologize for Pearl Harbor? How can he answer those questions? They're designed to make him look foolish. Kind of like, "Do you still beat your wife?" There are no possible answers to satisfy them. They stop just short of demanding his immediate suicide.
#5 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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perhaps they should not just stop to short.

#6 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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awile ago i posted my belief that little w did not know about 9/11. i still hold that belief.

i add this disclaimer. bush is so disinterested, so uninvolved with the realities, so incapable of making inteligent decisions, in short so disenfranchised, something like 9/11 was possible.

instead, we now have over kill. unfortunately it is the young men and women serving in iraq that are being killed at a rate that is exceeding vietnam.

disput it, if you can. if not, say something nasty about me.
fritzthetiger Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 04-03-2004
Posts: 314

I disagree (you know that) and I love to debate you, but don't invite epople to get nasty to you. If one can't enjoy an intelligable debate and have fun with politics, then they shouldn't respond and should get a little maturity.

You big meany!!!!! lol

eleltea Offline
#8 Posted:
Joined: 03-03-2002
Posts: 4,562
Rick, if the FBI had yanked those Saudis out of the flight schools, the ACLU would have had them out of jail and back in flight training and had the taxpayers funding their studies within a week.

If anyone thinks that had the Florida Supreme court succeeded in electing Gore there would have been no 9/11, well, dream on and don't wake up.
bloody spaniard Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 03-14-2003
Posts: 43,802
^ That's how I like 'em--short & to the point. Otherwise they hurt my eyes...

Fritz, don't worry about Rick.
He has the hide of a rhino & the heart of a baboon! LOL

428cj Offline
#10 Posted:
Joined: 04-26-2003
Posts: 741
Ok Rick...

"Here is the President warning that U.S. troops, who have already killed more than 600 Iraqis in the last week, will have a free hand.

That is a signal for slaughter."

First off I know you can't seriously mean that our troops have ON PURPOSE gone out and killed civilians, do you??????

Ok, so are you suggesting that our soldiers and Marines who are being attacked shouldn't fight back? Do YOU, Rick, want this to become another Vietnam (by NOT allowing the military to do what it needs)? I for one feel that our military SHOULD use extreme force to deal with REAL threats. Do you really think this means we will now target civilians too? Seriously?

I guess you probably think that I, and the President for that matter, mean we should bomb constantly and kill everyone we can. Or how about a full nuclear strike? Why not? We're already over there killing as many civilians as we can, right? I'm not going to get into military strategy with you though, it's obviously not worth my time. We're going through extremely controlled attacks to MINIMIZE the risk to innocents, yet aggressively kill the people attacking us. How is this wrong to you?

And yet you have to go against us again here. It doesn't matter to you that the enemy is using civilians as shields. Or using civilian homes for shelter. Or using schools and churches as shelter. It's all OUR fault again, right? None of that matters to you, or does it? And yes, they are the enemy and they ARE terrorists. Look back to your other post and see that people who use innocent civilians to make their own point are in fact terrorists.

But to be constructive, how would you recommend we handle these terrorists? You seem to be 'in the know', so I'm really interested in hearing you opinion on how to make it all right. I know already that you feel we should NOT fight back now, so I'm curious.

Looking forward to your insight. Really, you've continually made some pretty bold statements as to how wrong we (the US) are in many things we do and have done, so you must have some brilliant alternatives (I'm sure you don't attack all the time just to hear yourself). I'm eager to hear them.
#11 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

I agree with your disagreement because you should disagree with me because i am disageable.

that's ok for me to say about myself.

don't tell anyone, that it was a psychological ploy to intimidate guys that say something nasty about me. if they do, they will play right into my trap by doing what i said, thus agreeing with me.

do you agree with that?
bloody spaniard Offline
#12 Posted:
Joined: 03-14-2003
Posts: 43,802
^ Only part about this that I understood was when you admitted that you were disagreeable...

#13 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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bloody spaniard

Lazygardner Offline
#14 Posted:
Joined: 08-20-2002
Posts: 176
How many of us want to re-elect Bush just to see if Rickmaven's head will explode?
bloody spaniard Offline
#15 Posted:
Joined: 03-14-2003
Posts: 43,802
^ His head can't explode--it's inflatable.

Gracias, Master Rick for the help. LOL

mentally challenged blood
428cj Offline
#16 Posted:
Joined: 04-26-2003
Posts: 741
Well Rick, could you type slowly for me too? If you're going to answer my questions of course. Maybe I'm wrong here, maybe you DO enjoy attacking people from the safety of your computer without explaining your comments when asked.

If so then never mind, I understand (well, not really, but...). I'd be upset, for I really was looking forward to your explanations related to your comments. No big deal though.
Charlie Offline
#17 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
Posts: 39,751

Nothing changes with you! Your hatred of GWB is funny and at the same time ridiculous! I guess you just love wishy washy Senator Kerry.
GWB is the right man for the job and we should pray he wins the election in November.

#18 Posted:
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#19 Posted:
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"First off I know you can't seriously mean that our troops have ON PURPOSE gone out and killed civilians, do you??????" no!!!

"Ok, so are you suggesting that our soldiers and Marines who are being attacked shouldn't fight back?"

"Do you really think this means we will now target civilians too?" no!!!

"it's obviously not worth my time" oh, do you have so little time or is your time so precious you can't waste the three minutes it takes to type?

"It doesn't matter to you that the enemy is using civilians as shields." yes it matters.

"And yes, they are the enemy and they ARE terrorists."
of course the terrorists are terrorists.

"you feel we should NOT fight back now, so I'm curious." where did i suggest or imply that we should not fight back?

"Well Rick, could you type slowly for me too?" that is not necessary for you. you are not mentally challanged as our brother bloody spaniard, whose name i will not mention, out of respect for him.

"I'd be upset, for I really was looking forward to your explanations related to your comments." of course you were and are.

toby and i have truly been busy the last three days preparing to go to vegas for a few weeks.


saturday. set vcr for band of brothers for a BOTL.
go to wholesale pet store to exchange hooded feed cups that didn't fit in the holders in the cages in the office. watch the lakers that i taped the day before.

sunday: move the 4 birds and the rabbit to the office for bradley to take care of for the two weeks. clean up paper work that i am responsible for by agreement with bradley when he became my partner. set up vcr for two episodes of band of brothers. set up vcr for bradley because he dosn't get TLC and he wants all the episodes of the big one. something about screwing up other peoples houses in an attempt to win a new house because the other people painted the inside of your house, purple, green light and dark orange, not in the same room, and moved all your furniture so that you bump into things.

dr mays for our eye examination and to pick up new driving and reading glasses, which, of course won't be ready until two days after we leave. pick up prescription at one end of town after toby's doctor at the other end of town faxed it to the pharmacist.

tuesday, today, or really yesterday
take sheba to be boarded with the lady i copied two dvd's and 5 cd's because she asked me to. also brought her a cutting of a burgandy plumeria that she will try to grow. went to the VA hospital for my appointment with the cholesterol clinic. heated some shumi for breakfast and took a nap. did all the packing for our vacation.

and now to answer 428cj.

i already mentioned that i have decided little w did not know there was an attack coming and i also mentioned why. see my post "AM I LOSING IT? NO."

1. even though there was no discernible evidence that iraq had anything to do with 9/11, little w calls out the troops he evaded being a part of, he was preparing himself for bigger things. from Lt, to grounded for failing to report for a medical, to commander in chief, in the twinkling of an eye.
2. even if iraq had WMD, which they did not, unless you are gullible enough to believe they hid them in another room, like iran or pakistan or afghanistan, it was an unprovoked, irresponsible act of terrorism on our part. the result is 600+ youngsters and some middlesters are dead. how many iraq people, i don't know. i believe we killed 2,000 panamanians when his daddy decided to go after the drug dealer he had created. very hard to get the figures, but they can be found if one cares enough about reality, to search for.

bloodthirsty family, aren't they.

what should we do? exactly what we are going to do and should have done in the first place, give it to the UN to handle. what's the difference if they screwed it up or not. we weren't threatened by iraq and now the UN will soon have the opportunity to screw it up, down, or sideways. personally i could care less what color they paint someone else's rooms. an analogy, i haven't lost my train of thought.

i am not advocating, but over 80 officers were fragged by thier men during vietnam, because the men knew they would end up getting killed because of the stupidity of their "leaders."

and again i am absolutely not advocating anything but making little w, the appointed one, a never elected president.

whether you like it or believe it or not, we will pay dearly for pissing off the rest of the world, and creating more terrorists.

428cj Offline
#20 Posted:
Joined: 04-26-2003
Posts: 741
Thanks for getting back with me Rick. You really are a funny guy.

So we should turn Iraq over to the UN?! That made me laugh so hard my head hurt! I know you MUST be joking about that. I can't imagine how anyone of even reasonable intelligence can believe the UN could handle it. Good joke! Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the UN pack it up and run after the FIRST time they were attacked? Just wondering, but I'm sure they'd be better now though, right? But would they take over the process BEFORE or AFTER they settle the Iraqi food for oil corruption issue which they themselves are being investigated for?

So you aren't against our troops then, good to hear. The things you originally typed lead me to beleive otherwise, that's why I had to ask. I take the time to carefully type what I want to say, I guess in the heat of the moment not everyone does (if you still don't understand what I'm talking about read your original post and the quote I pasted from it, you often infer a lot without saying it).

You still believe now that Iraq has never had weapons of mass destruction? Still, do you have any facts to back this up other than your opinion and the fact we haven't found them yet? Again, just wondering.

Now for the big one. You're suggesting we shouldn't do anything to get the world terrorists MORE mad at us? Like taking their war back to them? What exactly provoked the '93 WTC attack, the attack on the USS Cole, numerous other attacks and of course the 9/11 attacks? Since a lot happened under Clinton's watch and he did little to nothing in the way of beneficial military actions, what exactly prompted them to attack us (and please be constructive and specific and not sounding like you're justifying their actions, I really can't tolerate that from claimed Americans)? Please explain. Pretty sad strategy though that people like you try to push, 'don't do anything negative against the terrorists, we don't want them to be even more mad at us'. Like so much it might sound nice on paper (well, to your kind maybe), but in the REAL world it just doesn't work.

As to my not wanting to waste time, I was referring to a more detailed explanation to you, I didn't want to waste my time. I could throw all the facts and logic your way (as well as most liberals) but it's a waste of time (your mind like so many others is firmly set, and that's fine). You don't want to hear it so I'm not going to try. I write here for entertainment purposes, not to change anyone's mind about anything. I have to often wonder though what you're talking about, so that's why I respond. Again, I mean what I type, but I realize not everyone does.

Oh, and have a good trip!

#21 Posted:
Joined: 10-27-2003
Posts: 189
CJ: Please address your facts and logic to the rest of us. I have seen none so far, only juvenile, emotional gibberish. I give Rick credit for even responding. We care dearly for our soldiers. We want 'em back alive with their families and ready to fight a real war if needed. There is no "weapons of mass destruction" or "Al Qaeda" reason to be in Iraq, to die in Iraq. We will NEVER win their hearts and minds over there, and that's why we are there... to bring democracy to oppressed Iraqis. Where in the Constitution or oath of office does it say that one of the president's duties is to wield our military to bring democracy to the oppressed countries? This is not where the bulk of "the terrorists" are from, although we are making many more of them each day. It sounded good one time, but it just didn't pan out that way. Did you miss that? Terrorists are from Canada, England, Pakistan, Morocco, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Indonesia, Chechnya, Bosnia, West Bank and Gaza, other African countries, and others I can't think of. Any non-democratic countries that opress their people in there? What should we do with those countries? Invade? By the way, you may have missed this one, too, or you just couldn't believe it. News! The Bush plan now is to get the U.N. more involved as quickly as possible with a new "resolution" on Iraq. Hello? Now you can begin LYAO!
428cj Offline
#22 Posted:
Joined: 04-26-2003
Posts: 741
Another fine post from you AJ, thanks for thinking of me. Yes, we're trying to get the UN back into Iraq. We wanted them there originally. THEY are the ones who fled the country. Or is this more emotional lies coming from me? Maybe so, but I really thought the UN had been there and then left (after the terrorists bombed the UN hq, maybe it was a dream, I don't know). Please correct me, seeing as how you know a lot about what's going on in Iraq too I obviously have a lot to learn.

We obviously share different political opinions and I'm not going to continue arguing. We both feel we're right and that's where I'll leave it. I only hope this wasn't too emotional for you (no emotion in Ricks response either, I just asked for clarifications of what he meant by some seemingly anti-US military comments). Honestly I have no further interest in arguing facts with you on this topic, neither of us are going to agree with the other. Again, nothing emotional, just lack of interest (I've seen what you can do in other posts and I'm not going to get into it with you like that, I have no need or desire for it).
#23 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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having too much fun in vegas. we are staying an extra week

may i please remind you. i am not a liberal. i have in fact declared myself a
hat Offline
#24 Posted:
Joined: 03-22-2004
Posts: 782
I'm a Bush supporter, but there is one little thing that does bother me. When the President of The United States does not pronounce the word nuclear correctly & says "nucular", that makes me a bit nervous.
I think you missed that one.
And by the way, I thought of something nasty to say about you, but decided to keep it to myself.
428cj Offline
#25 Posted:
Joined: 04-26-2003
Posts: 741
Good to hear it Rick, hope you have more fun and win lots of money!
dbguru Offline
#26 Posted:
Joined: 03-06-2002
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$10.00 Red 23 (10 1 dollar bets... one will hit)

Isn't it amazing hot many GW supporters discount his innability to communicate effectively in press conferences, field unrehearsed questions and deal with interviews in a natural way. They simply forgive his shortcomings here as just something "he's just not good at"

So why is he not good at these things?
One can choose from the following
1) he is not verbally intelligent.
2) He trying to hide something
3) He's afraid about lying in public to cover up something
4) He is simply not intellegent

The first 3 are very plausable. The last conclusion depends on your perspective

His lack of verbal intelligence may very well be an asset to his rural supporters. After all, its proof that you don't have to be a fancy talker to make it to the top. Funny how this "dumbed down talk" may be the only thing this constiuency has in common with Bush, himself since they have nothing in common with his priveleged upringing.

The fact that hes trying to hide something and that he fears having to be caught in a cover-up is a point that can't be argured. This is the most secretive administration ever. The executive branch operates strictly on the "need to know" basis all the way up to Bush himself. Even he admits not needing to understand details so that his mind can remain uncluttered to make the big decisions. Delegate the details. So he is vulnerable to questions of important details that are foundations to his big decisions.

Finally, Is he simply unintelligent?? Well obviously, he's no Rhodes Scholar like the last president and his daughter. Some of his opponents think he's sneaky smart. I personally think that comes from his advisors. He simply has choosen not communicate with the country in the way Reagan, Clinton or even his father did. IMHO he simply doesn't have the intelligence to deal with impromptu communications effectively. All his public communications is so rehearsed.

Rick's comments at the beginning may nit pick a bit, but you do get scared when you start putting the Bush Administration policy pieces together.
#27 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

sorry i don't have time for a lengthy answer. we ae off to the piaute reservation to buy cigs for toby and cigars for me. then to sit outside under the freemont light show, smoke a monte #5 and people watch.

re little w.

he is just plain dumb.....
Sylance Offline
#28 Posted:
Joined: 06-19-2003
Posts: 592

I have a good friend who stutters… I’ll be sure to tell him he’s either a liar or an idiot.

The strange thing is that I’d trust him with my life and have in the past… and he is going to the University of Arizona for a Masters degree. What am I confused about here?
dccrens Offline
#29 Posted:
Joined: 04-04-2004
Posts: 721

Your points are well taken. The President does sometimes suffer from an inability to communicate; he makes mistakes. He is definitely not the most eloquent speaker. President Clinton and President Regan were both better communicators. One could infer that this indicates President Bush is not intelligent. On the other hand; you seem very intelligent. And yet, if you read your own post, it is filled with spelling and grammatical errors. Should we draw the same conclusions about you that you have drawn about our current President? My point is that WE ALL make verbal and written mistakes. This is especially true when we are communicating “unrehearsed” or under pressure. Would you do any better carrying the weight that ANY American President has carried? I know I would not.

JonR Offline
#30 Posted:
Joined: 02-19-2002
Posts: 9,740
Yo dbguru: How dumb is clinton, he doesn't even know a bj is having sex. Why is it some people choose to point out other peoples mistakes and not their own, perhaps so they may seem less stupid? LMAO JonR
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