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Last post 20 years ago by Robby. 76 replies replies.
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meet the press
pabloescabar Offline
#1 Posted:
Joined: 02-25-2005
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and thats the man you what to run this country, that is his best he can do I think that I would be embaressed if I was going to vote for that waffle!

what a looser!

sounds like a buncho****!

total kook!

how you going to act!

go on tell me and make it good, don't embaress your self!
RDC Offline
#2 Posted:
Joined: 01-21-2000
Posts: 5,874
missed it, actually I turned him off. What did I miss?
Robby Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 10-30-2002
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It was horrible... My favorite part (most funny) was when Russert(sp) asked him which foreign leaders had endorsed him, referring back to his "quote" that he had "met with many foreign leaders who told him that they would much rather deal with him (Kerry) on international and security issues than Bush." When confronted with the fact that his published schedule did not have him out of the country in the last 2 years in any foreign countries and that he had attended no meetings in this country where foreign leaders were present, Russert asked him how does this jive? The waffeler said, "Tim, I'm not going to give you the names of these people, they have to deal with the present administration." When asked again, how he could have "met" with them, he got visibly upset and responded that you can meet foreign leaders in a restaurant in New York City. It was humiliating, and he did it with a straight, botoxified, flaccid face.

He went on to say that we went to war in Iraq with no plan. No plan? How do you mobilize one of the largest armies in the world half way around the world with "no plan"? That's a straight up slap at our military, NOT Bush. This guy put the Ass in Jackass and if he gets elected, it will be one of the darkest days in American politics...
smelly4tay Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 11-15-2003
Posts: 2,775
LMAO at Bush.

His stupidity aside......He still may be the only President I have ever seen that relies 100% on what other's say to him and brief him on. Anything that comes out of his mouth that isn't usually a snide smirk, or an abrasive jab with a texas kick, to fight his way out of the holes he digs himself.

Everything that has his name attached to it, internationally, and the interests that we have persued in his term.....have been negative. Sad.

Bush will not get my vote.
I want McCain!

bloody spaniard Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 03-14-2003
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When asked again, how he could have "met" with them, he got visibly upset and responded that you can meet foreign leaders in a restaurant in New York City. It was humiliating, and he did it with a straight, botoxified, flaccid face.

Robby, you always crack me up!!!!

Smelly, you can't have him.
Hold your nose (get it?) & vote BUSH!

RDC Offline
#6 Posted:
Joined: 01-21-2000
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God help this country if Kerry gets elected
428cj Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 04-26-2003
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smelly4tay, you wrote: "He still may be the only President I have ever seen that relies 100% on what other's say to him and brief him on."

Now, I'm leaving politics and opinions compltely out of this, just want your opinion. So, do you have reasons (proof, not just thoughts) as to why a US president should NOT believe what he's told and briefed on by his Cabinet members and aides? Interesting.
bassdude Offline
#8 Posted:
Joined: 01-13-2004
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I missed it but I probably could not have looked at Kerry for an hour anyway.

Good question Ford man.

How do you vote for this man when his wife gives so much money to hate groups? I honestly never thought I'd see anybody waffle more than Clinton then this guy shows up. Hell Clinton's own staffed used his inability to decide against him.
Sonny_LSU Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 11-21-2002
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....(long sigh)......yep, McCain......a bright light swallowed by a sea of idiots.
#10 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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"yep, McCain......a bright light swallowed by a sea of idiots." absolutely.

i had to read this all twice before i realized who you were all talking about.

Robby's answer to pabloescabar, finally clued me in.

i really thought that pabloescabar was talking about little w.
JonR Offline
#11 Posted:
Joined: 02-19-2002
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The more I hear Cur_ry the more I think of that great statesman Sen. Joseph McCarthy, can't wait for Cur_ry to start yelling how many card carrying communist are in the White House. LMAO JonR
hat Offline
#12 Posted:
Joined: 03-22-2004
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As much as the press & some others would like to get George to start second guessing himself & his decision making processes & sources of information, he can't afford to do that. He has to keep his eye on the ball & stay the course. Besides, if he started playing to that game they would accuse "him" of being a waffler & being wishy washy.
I'm voting for George Dubya Bush & proud of it.
#13 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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i can't find Cur_ry's post.

at last count, 87.
#14 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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"decision making processes" you mean like:
eeny, meeny, maihny, mo?

"keep his eye on the ball & stay the course" that's what he was doing on the golf course instead of paying attention to the PDB's.

""him"" you forgot to capitalize the H.

"wishy washy." isn't that lux soap, so pure it even floats.

"proud of it." isn't there some kind of saying that goes "pride goeth before the fall?"
dbguru Offline
#15 Posted:
Joined: 03-06-2002
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Tell me what isn't legitimate about the answer.

"Tim, I'm not going to give you the names of these people, they have to deal with the present administration."

What would happen if he did start naming names?

In either case, you right wing neo-cons would criticize Kerry. To me that makes your criticisms both worthless and mindless.

Heck you'd criticize Kerry if he breathes. Hasn't it become so apparant that every neo-con spokespeople of the Bush campaign will mindlessly attack anything not supporting their candidate. Ready... fire ..then aim...... Facts??? Who needs them when I got all the neo-con attack propaganda and assertions we need.

THL Offline
#16 Posted:
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And you're doing exactly what you criticize them for. At least they know that they're biased.
tailgater Offline
#17 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
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Kerry told Russert straight up "I will make my armed service records available".
The Boston Globe (yes, the ultra left liberal rag) was denied access to those records.
Kerry's camp has decided to make certain aspects of his war record available for public consumption. Not the entire thing.

Pretty sad.

And when Russert showed a clip of Kerry back in the early 70s spewing about the soldiers doing dastardly deeds, Kerry retorted with "I chose harsh words, but I don't rescind any of what I said. I was attacking the administration, not the soldiers themselves".
Yet, the very clip Russert showed included attacks on "soldiers", not the war campaign itself.

The usually astute Russert let it slide.

The guy is a lying sack of ****, and if the mainstream media wasn't so biased he'd be deadlocked in a tie in the coming election...with Nadar!

Sylance Offline
#18 Posted:
Joined: 06-19-2003
Posts: 592
I love this...

There's no WMD's because we haven't found any yet, but when we search for Kerry’s foreign leader support... it MUST be there!! LOL at the left.
Sylance Offline
#19 Posted:
Joined: 06-19-2003
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In response to Kerry’s war record, this is my favorite quote from today’s news. I even copied this from so those on the left can’t accuse me of using biased sources.

“Kerry's former commanding officer, Lt. Cmdr. Grant Hibbard, told the Boston Globe last week that Kerry's first Purple Heart came from minor wound, resembling a fingernail scrape. (Veteran blasts Kerry's antiwar comments)”

A fingernail scratch? By the same account, everyone in Iraq should get a Purple Heart for being thirsty or getting a sunburn.
Charlie Offline
#20 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
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Kerry was the worst! We need more of his "interviews" to show just how shallow and stupid the Democrat candidate can be! I thought Gore was good for a few laughs, this guy could be an entire standup!

dbguru Offline
#21 Posted:
Joined: 03-06-2002
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My g*d guys... Kerry's posting his military stuff on the internet...

Bush would never consider that level of disclosure...
His government is more secretive than the Nazis.

As far as the comments by the Lt. Col. minimizing the wound..... Doesn't that seem to you to be politically motivated. It's pretty obvious to me. It's not a fact even though its in CNN. Its an assertion based on a politically biased opinion. Did you personally inspect the wound back in Vietnam?? The mere fact that this Lt. Col. makes an issue in my opinion is a direct assult on the integrity of the Purple Heart. If you have any respect for the military .... you should absolutely be ashamed to give any respect to such an opinion.

Typical of you neo-cons trying to pass such things like that as facts...
Sylance Offline
#22 Posted:
Joined: 06-19-2003
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You're a pretty angry individual aren't you?

Question: Do you believe that Clarke's book was politically motivated?
dbguru Offline
#23 Posted:
Joined: 03-06-2002
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Instead of addressing my comments... you call me angry??
Its a pattern... Avoid the issue, attack the person...
Sy.. I'm not angry at you.. I'm not an angry person. I feel more like a parent trying to wake sleepy kids up from a heavily induced slumber. WAKE UP!!!!!

But perhaps if some of us here could break away from marching in lock step with the name calling false assertion filled neo-con propaganda and begin intelligently put established facts together with open minded perspective instead of engaging in name calling and personal attacks, heck... you might qualify as a Democrat. And you'd begin to unstand why the anger exists rather than just labeling and diminishing a person as angry.
dbguru Offline
#24 Posted:
Joined: 03-06-2002
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unstand = understand sorry about my spelling
Robby Offline
#25 Posted:
Joined: 10-30-2002
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db, do you feel that John Kerry is the best man to run the country? Do you have no problems with him? I have problems with Bush but will vote for him. You can't simply dismiss all of John F'in Kerry's waffling and out right BS. He has serious issues. He will raise taxes, he will turn over control of our military to the UN. Bush is imperfect, but this guy is a bafoon.
Robby Offline
#26 Posted:
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Oh yeah, and why are you so angry?
Sylance Offline
#27 Posted:
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Let’s not get into a pissing contest here, but everything you just said above could be said about you as well. I feel the same away about the lefties that you do us “Neo Cons.” You stated that I ignored the issue but you didn’t answer my question about Clarke’s book. Does that mean you’re not addressing my comments? At least Lt. Cmdr. Grant Hibbard isn’t trying to sell a book right now.

As for Kerry and his military record... everyone complained when Bush couldn’t find all his service records but Kerry can’t find anything about one of his Purple Hearts.


“The campaign could not locate a similar report for Kerry's original Purple Heart.”
Let’s start over here, dbguru… ask me as question and I’ll answer it and then ask you one. Let’s see who can debate as an adult without name calling.
Robby Offline
#28 Posted:
Joined: 10-30-2002
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db's a poo poo head!
JonR Offline
#29 Posted:
Joined: 02-19-2002
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Yo Db: You settle down now, no more name calling are people will think you are trying to emulate john "F" ( when I make peepee it hurts do i get a medal )kerry or teddy ( she said she wanted to wait in the car while I got help ) kennedy.
#30 Posted:
Joined: 10-27-2003
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It's very clear where the "poo poo" lies and it is not with db. As db said, to make a simple point, Kerry's record from Viet Nam is published. Where is Bush's? Why are pay records missing? Why did it take an "act of congress" to get what has been found? Why can't George W. answer his service questions himself? Why can't George W. answer to the 911 commission himself? Why does George W. always have someone else do his talking for him? None of these questions can be answered by any of you. You can only ignore and blow smoke. You can only do that so long before you really start to look foolish. Kerry should never have said anything about foreign leaders (dignitaries?) favoring him, although I have no doubt that he has dined and spoken with many. Half the time they will tell you what you want to hear anyway, if they think it might bring favor and you might be elected. They probably told George W. the same thing about him, but no one told Bushie to talk about it, so he didn't.
pabloescabar Offline
#31 Posted:
Joined: 02-25-2005
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hey , the point is that the waffle head Kerry did not answer one of the questions that was asked of him instead made up some poopoo to say than that was good enough. that was truly embrasing if your a democrap.

He should have been grilled, that than would have speeded up his demize...
Robby Offline
#32 Posted:
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Bush's full records were disclosed including his medical and dental records, pay info, everything. Kerry said he would disclose everything and then didn't and now appears to be doing so after a lengthy delay (stop me when I start lying AJ). So again, the classic waffle "I voted for the 87 million before I voted against it..."

Do you have pay records from the 70s? I don't. Do you think the pentagon deletes or modifies this sort of thing on request? Isn't that a slap at our military and not the president? I know the left loathes our military…

Bush IS the president, why does he have to stand up and answer your stupid ass questions about his National Guard service in the 70s? What kind of idiotic request is that? Did you ever consider that he IS the president of the United States and maybe, just maybe? He has one or two things on his plate? Sorry if he doesn't take the time to stop by your place for dinner and sign something in blood that still wouldn’t make a damn bit of difference in your opinion anyway. The bottom line is, you hate him, you're not going to vote for him, and you're looking for excuses to justify your rationalizations.

You may not have a detailed knowledge of how Government works. There are issues of separation of power and responsibility put in place by the framers of our constitution. The President doesn't need to testify before the 9/11 commission, but if he does, it will go a long way toward making them look even more like the hapless bunch of political hacks they are. That charade is the biggest farce every foisted on the American people and it's disgusting because it dishonors all those who died that day.

You may have no doubt that Kerry has dined with and spoken to many foreign leaders "in the time frame he says he did", even though there is nothing to substantiate that bogus claim. Just like I have no doubt that Hillary "spoke with" former dead first ladies in the white house... What a kook…
THL Offline
#33 Posted:
Joined: 10-22-2002
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Damn Robby! Well said! What's your last name? I want to write you in on my ballot.
Cavallo Offline
#34 Posted:
Joined: 01-05-2004
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funny, but the boston globe talks about another man as being kerry's commanding officer.

no, i'm not pro-kerry. but i don't like rumors to go on if i have other info about it. that goes for kerry OR bush or anyone else.

anyway, you can read the whole scoop about all of kerry's purple hearts on snopes here:

it wasn't a little "fingernail scratch" injury -- it was a piece of hot, flying shrapnel. and it wasn't an uncommon injury.

"There were an awful lot of Purple Hearts — from shrapnel, some of those might have been M-40 grenades," said George Elliott, Kerry's commanding officer. "The Purple Hearts were coming down in boxes. Kerry, he had three Purple Hearts. None of them took him off duty. Not to belittle it, that was more the rule than the exception."

he was wounded the first time when he volunteered for a special mission. in a fire fight, his M-16 jammed, and when he reached for another, "a stinging piece of heat socked into my arm and just seemed to burn like hell."

he was back on duty the next day, his service uninterrupted. the globe reports that the injury, however, caused him "pain for years afterwards."
Cavallo Offline
#35 Posted:
Joined: 01-05-2004
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oh, and for the record, i think that it's ridiculous for EITHER candidate to be grilled about their military records from the 70's. i thought it was important, but really, what's it show?

NO ONE is the same now that they were 30 years back. mistakes made that long ago and especially in their relative youth have damned little to say about the men they are now -- either pro or con.
Robby Offline
#36 Posted:
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Another quote from the same article "Kerry declined a request from the Globe to sign a waiver authorizing the release of military documents that are covered under the Privacy Act and that might shed more light on the extent of the treatment Kerry needed as a result of the wounds."

I wonder why? What is he hiding?? Also, I heard on the news this AM that one of his wounds was "IN THE BUTTOCKS SIR!" Didn't see mention of that on Snopes... I wonder why?
Sylance Offline
#37 Posted:
Joined: 06-19-2003
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I think you all know I’m a Bush supporter, but I agree with Cavallo that questioning either candidate for their 30 year old military status is silly. But what I find even sillier is the hypocrisy of the media.

Anyway, I agree that questioning actions from 30 years ago is silly, but what about the last 5-10 years? What has Kerry done to prove himself a leader? Remember, the President is a leader… he does what he feels is right, he should not just follow the latest popularity polls. When you follow popularity polls you’re destined to waffle because the American will can change within a week.
dbguru Offline
#38 Posted:
Joined: 03-06-2002
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Neo Con = New Conservative not a traditional conservative in the sense of Richard Nixon, Barry Goldwater, etc...
Neo Con = A conservative with a religious social agenda.

This is as much of a name as you referring to me as a Liberal. And since the right has made every effort to demonize the word Liberal and make crass generalizations about Liberals, it is absolutely fair game for the same to be done about Bush supporting Neo Cons.... Especially those who make it an art form (as in Neo-con Artist)


I will stop using the name "Neo con" when all pundits on the right stop demonizing the name Liberal and those who are liberals and treat the word "liberal" with some respect.

DrMaddVibe Offline
#39 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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When liberals can act with decency and not looking for government handouts to Save The Air or whatever bs their sandal wearing bean sprout eating double talking then, and only then will they get one iota of respect from me.

Every one of their agendas to protect the environment, human rights or anything they rant on about is so anti-USA that they should just move to Holland or Switzerland.

While I'm at do you conserve new?
dbguru Offline
#40 Posted:
Joined: 03-06-2002
Posts: 1,300
This is getting funny

Policy on Government Handouts under Clinton - Welfare reform

Policy on Government handouts under Bush - Corporate welfare like padded contracts to Haliburton, Bechtel and subsidiaries, Medicare reform resulting in major handouts to drug companies and HMOs, etc. etc.......I don't think too many fiscally conservative folks which including most Democrats support this. Note Fiscal conservative does not equal mindless neo-conservative Bush supporter. They are mutually exclusive. The fiscal conservative cares about out future from a financial perspective. The neo con is all about rich getting richer and stealing from our future to the benefit of the richest 0.5% of the country.

I don't look for any handouts... and I pay my taxes... a significant amount...

Speaking about trashing my kids future...Save the air.... Well as far as I know most liberals on this site smoke cigars..... so I'm guilty!! I pollute on a daily basis. However the environment is Gods gift to us and to date there have been over 400 Bush policy decisions detrimental to the enviroment.... way more than an other president ever. Every major environmental group has judged bush to be in a class by himself as the worst environmental president ever.

Bush likes trashing God's gift, our environment, and yet claims to be born again.... How hypocritical can that be...

And by the way, what do you have against bean sprouts?
(Some liberals hate them too.. I happen to like them...)
Robby Offline
#41 Posted:
Joined: 10-30-2002
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This is getting pretty funny alright. Clinton veto's welfare reform? I think twice? Then finally bows to the pressure of a "Republican" House and Senate? Correct me if I'm wrong, please. Do you honestly think Bill Clinton would have pushed for welfare reform? Do you think it was on his agenda? Or do you believe he was cowed in to it by the conservatives who set the agenda with their contract with America?

Can you define what you mean by corporate welfare? I don't understand what that is. As I understand it, I'm employed by a "corporation". We produce services for our customers and employ close to 100,000 people who then consume goods and services made by other "evil corporations" who employ other people who must also be evil by definition "guilt by association". It must be nice to live off of the annuity of your parents and perhaps administer their trust? Going to and fro and helping the downtrodden in your daily philanthropic duties? While the rest of us are condemned to the daily grind of working for "evil" corporations?

The last time I checked, I thought the AARP and others lauded the president's efforts with Medicare "reform" which to me is BU!!$H!T because it's just more handouts which strikes me as odd that you don't support this? Interesting... They're giving prescription drugs to the old people and you don't support it? What kind of a heartless monster are you DB?

I'm curious, how much do you feel someone should be "allowed" to make? Are you familiar with the definition of the term Marxist?
dbguru Offline
#42 Posted:
Joined: 03-06-2002
Posts: 1,300
Robby ... you drink too much koolaid
try bean sprouts....

Then you might be able to comprehend what corporate welfare in America is.

Marxist. C'mon you drink too much of the Bush Kool aid to use this term with any accuracy.
Robby Offline
#43 Posted:
Joined: 10-30-2002
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I truly do not believe in Corporate welfare. The concept is alien to me. Take my company, we're a phone company, we are a fortune 50 company. We are large and heavily regulated by the Federal government. But there are business expenses for example that can be written off. So suppose my company buys a truck and says it's a business expense, and therefore, tax deductible. And they can amortize that over 3 or 4 years. At the end of that time, the asset is fully depreciated. So what does the company do? Why they sell it, give it to charity, whatever, and buy a new one, and begin to depreciate it (write it off).

Now if you remove or limit or lessen their ability to do what I just described above, what do you think the company will do? Will they continue to buy a new truck every 3 or 4 years? Or will they patch ol bessy up and keep her running? This is an overly simplified example, but an accurate one none the less. This type of “corporate welfare” is what drives the engine we call our economy. Tinker with the fuel to air mixture, and it’s liable to start knocking… There’s just no such thing as “corporate welfare”. Corporations are made up of people, they employ people, they consume goods and services made by other people, and the world goes round. So if you’re against corporate welfare, you’re against people, period.
dbguru Offline
#44 Posted:
Joined: 03-06-2002
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That is a false and deceptive arguement basically intended to shift focus away from the big picture to your own personalized and very simplified scenario. Your scenario is fundamentally diversionary.

Even if I accept your scenario as a fact on it's own merit, it doesn't really deal with the huge, very complex and highly (intentionally) obscured big picture of corporate welfare reality. It's so much bigger than your simple scenarios that come from your own companies experience.

So even if your scenario is true its darn irrelevant in the grand scheme of things....

Open up your perspective and consider things beyond your own companies experience..


rd2thbn Offline
#45 Posted:
Joined: 04-28-2003
Posts: 205
I say damn the corporations. Don't let them make money. Then take all the money from the "rich" and give it to the poor. Our world would be a much better place. Right?

Corporations would close or move offshore. No more jobs.

But that would be okay because we still have the "rich" to soak. Of course take away the profit incentive and they would stop investing and generating wealth.

But that's okay. The government will take care of us. Won't it?

It was tried before. Remember the USSR. It FAILED.

Robby, Marxist was on the mark. Good posts.
dbguru Offline
#46 Posted:
Joined: 03-06-2002
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OK so you have a working stiff like me who works his ass off for $150,000 salary and I have to pay 35% taxes and you have some lazy heir that makes $150,000 in dividends on stocks that his daddy gave him and he pays 15% or less on his taxes.

Do you really think that is fair??

Bush's policies rewards wealth... not productivity and hard work....

You have proven your complete lack of understanding of the term Marxist...
EI Offline
#47 Posted:
Joined: 06-29-2002
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"some lazy heir that makes $150,000 in dividends on stocks that his daddy gave him and he pays 15% or less on his taxes. "

Kerry has a son?
or were you refering to one of the Kennedy clan?

You see they already made/married into their money. They just don't want us to make ours
Sylance Offline
#48 Posted:
Joined: 06-19-2003
Posts: 592
Quote from “dbguru”
“Bush's policies rewards wealth... not productivity and hard work....”

So with your above statement, do you believe that a McDonalds burger flipper should get paid $500,000+ a year? They work really freakin hard and produce a lot. When I was 16 and washed dishes at a restaurant, it was the hardest job I ever did... should you and Kerry reimburse me for my work and productivity?
Cavallo Offline
#49 Posted:
Joined: 01-05-2004
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do you believe that government money (i.e., our tax dollars) should be spent on bailing out corporations?

does it alter your perspective if the CEO is bringing in a multiple million dollar salary + perks?
#50 Posted:
Joined: 10-27-2003
Posts: 189
Do you think there are people who voted for Bush who think we invaded Iraq for the wrong reasons and we should not be in Iraq?...that "terrorism" is now on the rise instead of diminishing?... that we are making five more terrorists for each one killed?... that we are not safer, but more at risk because of the policies followed? What do you call these people? Turncoats? Traitors? Conservatives gone bad? Why do you have to put a label on everyone. That is truly a sign of shallow thinking. I call them Americans. In a Washington AP article in my local paper it discusses Americans thoughts on terrorism as reflected by polls. Half of Americans have concerns that terrorists might be winning the war on terrorism, and 1 in 5 believe strongly that way. Two thirds said it was likely that terrorists would strike in the US before the Nov. elections. A third said it was likely there would be an attack at one of the political conventions this summer. Two thirds of Americans acknowledge concern that terrorists may be recruiting faster than the US can keep up. A third feel strongly this is the case. The Bush administration calls the invasion of Iraq as "a front line in the war on terrorism". Those who say Bush made a right decision to invade Iraq, 48 percent, are now about even with those who think it was a mistake, 49 percent. Sampling error was +- 3%. I guarantee that a lot of these people voted for Bush. Do you think of all of these people as "commie liberals"? That would be very wrong. This is not a case of ultra-liberals against ultra-conservatives as much as you would try to make it to be, and as much as you might think, you are not smarter than all of these people. This is people, like you and me, trying to understand and make their minds up on what they think is RIGHT (as in not wrong). Try to stick with the issues and see both sides. We'll all be better for it. Unfortunately, when people lie or try to hide or cover up things in the past, it becomes an issue. Many of us are forgiving people, and can put that aside depending on the magnitude of it. If there is a track record of it, people become concerned. In politics, perception is everything and the spin doctors spin. You have to get past the spin whether you're for it or against it. I supported two Republican governors in Illinois who did well and were both multi-term govs. I supported Ronald Regan. I am a conserv-eral. My belief: we need the money being spent in Iraq being spent here and our foreign policy cannot take another four years of the Bush administration! He just has the wrong people around him and they made some bad decisions. I think he could have been a good president had he not been so influenced by those people, but the buck stops with the president. Besides that, he refuses to pronounce NUCLEAR. Never! He will not! Does that say anything to you about the man's character. Taken with all of the other "personal revelations" that have surfaced. It does me. It's something I can't overlook. If he corrected himself, I would overlook it. The fact that he's gonna damn well do whatever the hell George Bush is gonna do and to hell with everyone who doesn't like it...... some might think that's a good trait for a leader. I don't in this case. In this case, It belittles everyone else who takes the time to "get it right". Perception is everything. It's NUCLEAR, stupid!
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