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Last post 20 years ago by DrMaddVibe. 30 replies replies.
Vietnam War Hero & Retired Democrat Senator
rd2thbn Offline
#1 Posted:
Joined: 04-28-2003
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Special to the Register

Knowing that I served in the U.S. Senate with John Kerry and that, like him, I am a veteran of the Vietnam War, many people have asked me what I think of him, particularly now that he's the apparent presidential nominee of the Democratic Party.

When Kerry joined me in the Senate, I already knew about his record of defamatory remarks and behavior criticizing U.S. policy in Vietnam and the conduct of our military personnel there. I had learned in North Vietnamese prisons how much harm such statements caused.

To me, his remarks and behavior amounted to giving aid and comfort to our Vietnamese and Soviet enemies. So I was not surprised when his subsequent overall voting pattern in the Senate was consistently detrimental to our national security.

Considering his demonstrated popularity during the Democratic primaries, I earnestly hope the American people will soberly consider Kerry's qualifications for the presidency in light of his position and record on both our cultural war at home and on national security issues.

To put it bluntly, John Kerry exemplifies the very reasons that I switched to the Republican Party. Like the majority in his political party, he has proven by his words and actions that his list of priorities -- his ideas on what most needs to be done to improve this country -- are almost opposite to my own.

Here are two issue areas that I consider top priorities: the war over the soul of America, and national security.

Top priority should be placed on an effort to recover our most fundamental founding belief that our national objectives, policies and laws should reflect obedience to the will of Almighty God. Our Declaration of Independence, our national Constitution and each of the states' constitutions stress that basic American national principle.

For about 200 years, the entire country, both parties and all branches of government understood that principle and tried to follow it, if imperfectly.

For some 50 years, our nation's opinion-makers, our courts and, gradually, our politicians have been abandoning our historical effort to be "one nation under God" in favor of becoming "one nation without God," with glaringly unfavorable results.

I believe our political leaders, educational system, parents and opinion-makers must all return to teaching the truth most emphasized by our Founding Fathers.

George Washington called religious belief indispensable to the prosperity of our democracy. William Penn said, "Men must choose to be governed by God or condemn themselves to be ruled by tyrants." And when asked what caused the Civil War, President Lincoln said, "We have forgotten God."

In these days we have not only forgotten God, we are by our new standards of government and culture rejecting him as the acknowledged creator and as the endower of our rights.

As a result, we are suffering cultural decay and human unhappiness. The decline of the institution of the family is the most obvious result.

Perhaps the current movie, "The Passion of the Christ," will help many to come to realize the cost of the redemption of our sins, and the destructiveness of sin.

Let's remember that over 95 percent of Americans during our founding days were Christians, and though our Founding Fathers stipulated that no one was to be compelled to believe in any religion, and also stipulated that there would be no single Christian denomination installed as a national religion, there was no question that our laws were to be firmly based on the Judean Ten Commandments and on Christ's mandate to love your neighbor as you love yourself.

That setup brought us amazing success as a nation, lifting us from our humble beginnings, through crisis after crisis, to become the leading nation of the world.

Now, though, we are throwing away the very source of our strength and greatness. Yet I am not giving up on our country. I am encouraged at the stand and the attitude of our president, and inspired by his courage. There are many more of his stripe in Washington now.

Though Rome and other empires have decayed and fallen, the cultural war in the United States can and should be won by the majority of Americans -- a majority to whom Kerry and the Democrats disdainfully refer to as the "far right." They are people who believe in God and in the original concept of "one nation under God."

As a nation, we are now at the point of no return. The good guys are finally angry enough to join the fray, and I pray we are not too late.

John Kerry is not among the good guys. The Democratic Party isn't, either.

Indeed, on the subject of national security, John Kerry epitomizes a fatal weakness in the Democratic Party.

During the decisive days of the Cold War, after the Democratic Party changed during the mid-1960s, the party was on the wrong side of every strategic debate on policy regarding Vietnam and the USSR, and is now generally on the wrong side in the war on terrorism.

The truth is that the Cold War was barely won by a narrow margin -- a victory and a margin determined by the political choices made by our government regarding suitable steps to deter Soviet attack and finally win the Cold War.

If the U.S. had followed the Democratic Party line, the Cold War would have concluded with the U.S. having to surrender without a fight, or the U.S. would have been defeated in a nuclear war with acceptable losses to the USSR.

It was not Johnson and Carter and the Democrats; it was Nixon, Reagan, George Bush and the Republicans who led us to victory in the Cold War.

And George W. Bush and the Republican majority -- not John Kerry and the Democrats -- can lead us to victory in the war on terrorism.

Jeremiah Denton is a retired Navy admiral who served in the U.S. Senate from 1981 to 1987. Readers can phone him at 473-1010, or log on to his Web site at
Gene363 Offline
#2 Posted:
Joined: 01-24-2003
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Thanks rd2thbn
goodwrench Offline
#3 Posted:
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EI Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 06-29-2002
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Great post. Won't here about this on NPR or Meet the Press
Robby Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 10-30-2002
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Wow, he sounds pretty educated, astute, and has a background as a democrat and in the military, but he STILL doesn't like Kerry? Why do you think that could be?
rd2thbn Offline
#6 Posted:
Joined: 04-28-2003
Posts: 205
dbguru Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 03-06-2002
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Ronald Regan was once a Democrat....
Benedict Arnold was once a Patriot...
And on and on....
I know you extremist neo-cons love this stuff, but I say all it is is, more oil money fueling more partisan propaganda to mislead more and more.

Its a lot less moving than 800,000 women in Washington passionately marching and fighting in person for their right to reproductive choice. Now that's something to take notice of. Makes this article about as significant as the Charmin I used this morning.

dbguru Offline
#8 Posted:
Joined: 03-06-2002
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Whoops a Freudian slip.... I misspelled Reagan
Robby Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 10-30-2002
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Yeah, and Democrat Senator Byrd was once in the KKK... Should tell you something about the neo-libs...
Robby Offline
#10 Posted:
Joined: 10-30-2002
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And another incendiary topic, since we're already at loggerheads over politics... "reproductive choice?" Do you believe if your wife is pregnant, and I hit her with my car while driving drunk, and kill her unborn child, that I should be tried for murder? That's the law in many states, how exactly does that square with a woman’s "choice" to do the same thing in a doctors office? Hummmm? Did you know, if I take a bald eagle "egg" not a bald eagle, but the egg of a bald eagle, or an "unborn" bald eagle, and I stomp on it, I've just committed a federal crime? And can be thrown in jail? How exactly does that square? If the egg is an eagle for legal purposes, why is not the embryo of a human granted the same protection?
EI Offline
#11 Posted:
Joined: 06-29-2002
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Your getting too deep for "THEM" Robby.. Your gonna make their heads explode
dbguru Offline
#12 Posted:
Joined: 03-06-2002
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Robby ... rather than get into this topic today on reproductive choice. Lets just leave it at agreeing to disagree... My point is just that the testimony on one turncoat politician is insignificant in the face of 800,000 avid activists marching for a cause that only a Democrat will support. My other point is that folks have switched parties throughout our political history from the time of Benedict Arnold....And these words have similar significance to those of Arnold's

You may not see this yet through all the attack ads and propaganda you promote. What is significant this year is the depth and degree of passion of the folks in opposition to your political views.... I'm just pointing that out and reminding you that these postings do nothing but fuel the fires of those who hate your views. We know what its all about.

Keep it up.

rd2thbn Offline
#13 Posted:
Joined: 04-28-2003
Posts: 205
They also fuel the fires of those that agree with us. Burn baby burn.

rd2thbn Offline
#14 Posted:
Joined: 04-28-2003
Posts: 205
Wait, Senator Byrd, I didn't mean that literally. Put that tourch down, Senator. Senator....Senator....
Robby Offline
#15 Posted:
Joined: 10-30-2002
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DB you can run, but you can't hide. One day, the logic of my arguments will catch up with you, and you'll be left holding nothing but your....

#16 Posted:
Joined: 10-27-2003
Posts: 189
Logic? I love the eagle "logic". There aren't too many unwanted American Bald Eagles these days are there? Their parents are generally well equipped to care for them, too. However, it is a well known fact that if there are two born, one often kills the sibling when there's not enough food to go around.
Sonny_LSU Offline
#17 Posted:
Joined: 11-21-2002
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ahhhhh....the relavance of a REPUBLICAN senator. He's republican, so I could give a hairy-rats @ss what he thinks of Kerry. If Mother Teresa were the Democratic nominee, he'd find a way to write something negative about her too.........HE'S A REPUBLICAN, PEOPLE!

Post me an article from a respected Democrat that reflects the same sentiment and I'll pay attention.

BTW, argue these for me (and stick to the issue):

Kerry actually shed blood in Vietnam.....did Bush?

Kerry was shot at.....was Bush?

Kerry witnessed the struggles of Vietnam.....did Bush?

Kerry has not yet been proven a cocaine user.....was Bush?

OK, now answer them directly and don't concoct some anti-Kerry rebutle that dances around the simple questions listed.....just answer the questions.

DrMaddVibe Offline
#18 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
Kerry actually shed blood in Vietnam.....did Bush?

Kerry was shot at.....was Bush?

Kerry witnessed the struggles of Vietnam.....did Bush?

Seeing as how Bush was in the Air National Guard and his unit wasn't activated for regular duty...unless you count border runs and reconn...These 3 are non-issues. I'm not sure why you'd write these out and cover your tracks with a blanket of "no Kerry bashing either!" when you're slanting this all one way.

Kerry has not yet been proven a cocaine user.....was Bush?

Sonny...ever hold a million your hands? Just because you never have doesn't mean it doesn't exist or others haven't! Besides after Clinton's admission that he smoked marijuana but never inhaled I'd think that the hipper crowd would love Bush for his cocaine usage. Kerry's going to have to up the ante by taking ecstasy on live tv during a debate to win those votes over!

If you're going to look the other way on one us a favor and do the same all the way through. Don't quit on us now!
Sonny_LSU Offline
#19 Posted:
Joined: 11-21-2002
Posts: 1,835
Doc, I'm playin' Devil's Advocate, these are far from NON-ISSUES, so just answer them.

Oh, I like the "Kerry may have used we just never caught him" logic......weak.

And, I have held more than $1mill cash.

You're harder than this, Vibrator.....come on!
DrMaddVibe Offline
#20 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
Did Bush commit war crimes and attrocities in Vietnam? Kerry did!

Did Bush kill babies in Vietnam? Kerry did!

Did Bush organize and encite anti-war sentiment at the cost of POW's still being held in a foreigh country at a time of war? Kerry did!

Sonny_LSU Offline
#21 Posted:
Joined: 11-21-2002
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dude, you can't be serious.......I actually regard you as an intelligent man!

John "The Baby Killer" Kerry....hmmmmmmm.....kinda goes against the John "The Jane Fond Whore-Monger" Kerry title.

BTW, your last point can be argued both ways, but I do believe a bitter Kerry did make some poor judgements when he got back from the war. BUT, as someone who was there fighting, he has more right to screw up than one who wasn't there.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#22 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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It will be America's worst nightmare if the American people are convinced to elect John Kerry as president. Kerry's election will mean that America has finally embraced Kerry's much articulated view that the Vietnam War was unjust and validate Kerry's assertion that the brave young men who answered this nations call were "baby killers, rapist, murders and despicable losers.

Think back. By the time of the Paris Peace Agreement in 1973, the American soldier had for all purposes won the military war on the ground in South Vietnam. Between 1973 and 1975, John Kerry, Jane Fonda and other so-called antiwar activists played no small part in turning our battlefield victories into defeat.

Deja Vu. Whether or not you supported "Operation Enduring Freedom" in Iraq, the war has been WON by the US Military. Now John Kerry and his supporters want to again turn victory into defeat.

DrMaddVibe Offline
#23 Posted:
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Sonny_LSU Offline
#24 Posted:
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DMV, we haven't "won" a damn thing yet. And. it doesn't look good in the near future either.

Our death toll is now 722. Have you seen the news today, things are looking pretty bleak. 722 dead and OSAMA BIN LADEN is still loose........isn't he the one that sparked the "War On Terror" and isn't he somewhere between Afganistan or Pakistan?

When a link is called "", it isn't worth my time.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#25 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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What is your time worth? How much do you have? Do you charge by the minute or do you prorate it to the nanosecond? You must be awfully busy, what with your time and all, but not busy enough to write your hatred.

That was free, and always will be.
Sonny_LSU Offline
#26 Posted:
Joined: 11-21-2002
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Well, it's worth about $120/hour, but who's counting. My "hatred"?
Doc, Doc, Doc where are you going with this?
I am asking the right for some is that spewing hatred?

I'm not even angry, just looking for someone to shoot straight.....I AM NOT TRYING TO SAY KERRY IS STRAIGHT. I would like to see someone from the right take some responsibility for GW.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#27 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
Well thanks for your .02!

You got your answers.
dbguru Offline
#28 Posted:
Joined: 03-06-2002
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Boy this thread has legs!!!
Steve*R Offline
#29 Posted:
Joined: 07-23-2001
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MaddVibe wrote: "Think back. By the time of the Paris Peace Agreement in 1973, the American soldier had for all purposes won the military war on the ground in South Vietnam."

I spent 1968-1969 in South Vietnam. I regretfully must say, you could not be more incorrect. Because of the nature of the war and the shifting make-up of alliances, it was impossible to secure any area without physically securing it 24/7.
Charlie Offline
#30 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
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Sonny, I am sorry, but if you think that Kerry would even begin to shoot straight then you better think again! He has trouble remembering where he stood on an issue from day to day! Too much like Al Gore! But you can vote for him and I just hope that more folks have sense enough to vote for GWB than John Kerry!

DrMaddVibe Offline
#31 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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Steve...thank you for your service.

Generals and presidential staff disagree with you.
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