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Last post 20 years ago by tailgater. 26 replies replies.
Iraqi Prison Abuses?
uncleb Offline
#1 Posted:
Joined: 11-13-2002
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Robby Offline
#2 Posted:
Joined: 10-30-2002
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These guys should be court marshalled and thrown in Levenworth...
dbguru Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 03-06-2002
Posts: 1,300
What goes around, come around.. and in this case its serious
RDC Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 01-21-2000
Posts: 5,874
its just wrong, plain and simple

They lowered themselves and visa vie the entire country to Saddam's level:-(
428cj Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 04-26-2003
Posts: 741
Not a good thing at all. We're supposed to be showing the world how good we are and this crap sure doesn't help our cause.

And no one has yet to drag the President into this? Surely it was all his fault, wasn't it?
Thom Offline
#6 Posted:
Joined: 12-08-2003
Posts: 6,117
Okay, I'll do it. It's all GW Bushes fault. If he hadn't of gone to war with Iraq in the first place... :P
Robby Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 10-30-2002
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I wouldn't even mention Clinton's name if he was president. This type of behavior, what they did, was just wrong on multiple levels and they should be made to pay.
Robby Offline
#8 Posted:
Joined: 10-30-2002
Posts: 5,067
I wouldn't even mention Clinton's name if he was president. This type of behavior, what they did, was just wrong on multiple levels and they should be made to pay.
428cj Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 04-26-2003
Posts: 741
I agree Robby, and well worth repeating!
CanyonDVM Offline
#10 Posted:
Joined: 10-26-2002
Posts: 259
The difference between us and many other countries in the world is that these people will be pubically and aggressively prosecuted. They should go down for a very long time as they have discredited the whole country.
PMoreno349 Offline
#11 Posted:
Joined: 07-05-2002
Posts: 665
What I would like to know, is why is the Ted Boudreaux photo less offensive than this. The judgement of that soldier (excuse me, ... Marine) is a matter of ignorance, while GWB, the beloved figure-head of the right wing has found it fit to speak up now and condemn the abuse of Iraqi captives (and, I assume, also civilians). The physical abuse which has come to light, and the alleged "joke"-photo are similar in nature. The point is the disgrace of our societies values that are supposedly being defended.
Robby Offline
#12 Posted:
Joined: 10-30-2002
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PMoreno349, as I stated above, this should not be politicized. It's simply deplorable human behavior. People kill people in war, ok. Soldiers die with honor, but to capture people and treat them without humanity lowers us all, Concervatives and Liberals to the level of the animals we're fighting. I refuse to condem or defend any of this on a political basis or enter in to that kind of a discussion. And I'm a rabid debater on concervative vs. liberal issues, believe me! But some things should rise above or beneath that debate, and in my opinon, this is one. These guys were bastards who did wrong and need to pay, period. Not concervative bastards, not liberal bastards, but bastards.
JonR Offline
#13 Posted:
Joined: 02-19-2002
Posts: 9,740
Yo PMoreno: ) wax on..wax off ( . If we fought our wars as they should be fought " NO FREAKIN PRISIONERS ",and " NO FREAKIN HALFSTEPPING " we wouldn't have these minor disruptions. LOL JonR
Cigarick Offline
#14 Posted:
Joined: 07-28-2002
Posts: 3,078
I thought it was kind of funny, but you guys are right, those poor terrorists. Just because they're trying to kill Americans is no reason to be mean to them.
Sonny_LSU Offline
#15 Posted:
Joined: 11-21-2002
Posts: 1,835
Cigarick, are you serious????

Many of the individuals in question were NOT militants, rather civilians detained for questioning.......dude, I question your moral fiber with a dumb@ss statement like that.
428cj Offline
#16 Posted:
Joined: 04-26-2003
Posts: 741
Sonny, now first off CALM DOWN, I'm NOT attacking you here, ok???? I was wondering where you heard a lot of the prisoners weren't combatants. I haven't heard this, but I admit I haven't been paying much attention to it.

Again, I'm just wondering, I'm NOT attacking you, ok?
Cigarick Offline
#17 Posted:
Joined: 07-28-2002
Posts: 3,078
Maybe Kerry sent him dossiers on all the prisoners. The resulting PR nightmare probably would have been avoided if it weren't for the biggest dumb@ss move of all--taking those pictures. I wonder how long it will be before they start showing up on the 'net?
Buckwheat Offline
#18 Posted:
Joined: 04-15-2004
Posts: 12,251
Just an FYI, The Ted Boudreaux photo is a hoax. See this link.

Robby Offline
#19 Posted:
Joined: 10-30-2002
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If this was truely a hoax, will those who attempted to connect the dots to the President or others in the administraton retract any comments? I doubt it...
Sonny_LSU Offline
#20 Posted:
Joined: 11-21-2002
Posts: 1,835
FYI, Buckwheat, no it was not. Snopes is wrong. Ted did indeed do it.

428, I'm not that bad ;) I saw it on abc news the other night. It was regarding individuals taken into custody at check-points, etc.
Buckwheat Offline
#21 Posted:
Joined: 04-15-2004
Posts: 12,251
Sonny, I agree that I was a little hasty with the post. Here is the link to the AP story of the photo. It is unclear if it is a hoax but it is suspicious.

My main problem with the whole Iraqi Prison abuses is that no one is really taking responsibility. Privates in the Army don't do ANYTHING without an order. Orders like this don't come from anyplace but HIGH UP.

Just an FYI, I attended LSU back in '84. Had a great time. Great school. My roommate at LSU gave me my username (very bad morning hair ;-}
Sonny_LSU Offline
#22 Posted:
Joined: 11-21-2002
Posts: 1,835
Really? OK, Buckwheat, you've got brownie points now;)

My sister was killed on the Indian Mounds in 1984 by a drunk driver....bad year it was.

Buckwheat Offline
#23 Posted:
Joined: 04-15-2004
Posts: 12,251
Jesus Sonny,

I was there that night. The Indian mounds where a little down and across from our dorm. I'm sorry. I had a brother that passed away in '97. Really a bitch. Not a day goes past that I don't remember the days. Toast to all...
Sonny_LSU Offline
#24 Posted:
Joined: 11-21-2002
Posts: 1,835
...were you living in the Pentagon Dorms????

I lived in Broussard Hall......well, from 1989-1994.
bigbike Offline
#25 Posted:
Joined: 09-22-2003
Posts: 145
How much of these pictures are done up just for the news media? We all know (at least I hope we do) that the media will make news where there is none.

If the guards are doing this on their own, then yes it is wrong. But if the media is making up these shots OR getting the guards to do something outrageous with these prisoners then the media needs to be shot.

One other thing-lets not forget that these same iraqis think nothing of torturing and murdering downed pilots and peace keeping troops. They have no problems with doing it to others but when the shoe is on the other foot (as it appears to be) then they get all up in arms. Go figure.
Buckwheat Offline
#26 Posted:
Joined: 04-15-2004
Posts: 12,251
Hey Sonny,

I was in Hodges Hall (which I don't think is student housing anymore). It was a non-AC dorm in '84 (hot as hell). As I recall the Indian Mounds are down Fieldhouse on the other side of the street. It was a common place to hangout and party (till the cops showed up). I took a few dates up there as well.

I was only at LSU for my freshman year (flunked out - wayyyyy toooo much partying ;-) I was on a full academic scholarship and my day had a coronary. I came back to Louisville, KY and had to work my way through engineering school. Took me 7 years to get my degree, but I got it. The follies of youth.
tailgater Offline
#27 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
Posts: 26,187
This proves yet again that we Americans ARE INDEED BETTER than the filthy scum Arabs.

When Saddam et al had torture chambers for his own citizens, the world outcry was far less than what we are continuing to hear of this bonehead hazing prank.

Why? Because we ARE better. And we should remain as such. This is a black eye. Nothing more, nothing less. Let's investigate, prosecute and continue our mission.

We've got 200,000 troops in Iraq. Should a half dozen represent them all?

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