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Last post 20 years ago by DrMaddVibe. 36 replies replies.
HockeyDad Offline
#1 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,269
please list three reasons you personally think that people should vote for bush for president in 2004.

you are your source. your personal reasons are your source.

please, no nasty remarks about anyone else.
MACS Offline
#2 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
Posts: 80,015
Freudian slip? I think not. VOTE BUSH!

HockeyDad Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,269
Darn copy and paste....Let's try this again.

RICKAMAVEN started the thread regarding Bush and it is perhaps one of the best threads on this board in some time. It has flushed out real reasons as well as the to be expected "He's not Kerry!" response.

Personally, "He's not Kerry!" or "He's not Bush!" are not good enough reasons for casting a vote.

In the interest of fair and balanced:

Please list three reasons you personally think that people should vote for John Forbes Kerry for president in 2004.
#4 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

to be truthful and honest, i can't think of a single positive reason to vote for kerry, but i will give it a try.

1. i believe he will be able to bring our allies back into the fold and he will be able to make us a part of a coalition, instead of the coalition itself as we really are now. along those lines i believe he will be able to change our reputation throughout the world from priah to at least acquaintance and perhaps friend. the friend part, i really doubt that we can ever be again, if we ever were.

2. i believe he will restore some dignity to the military and not just "hooray for the troops." i believe by restoring money to the VA, pushi9ng for a pay raise, and respecting the commitments made by this government to "the troops", service men and women will again respect the leaders that places them in danger.

3. i believe he will make adjustments to eliminate some of the tax cuts that have wrecked havoc among the middle and the poor class.

as an extra, if anyone believes the negative ad's being run by the current administration are true, they should remember the negative ad's run about mccain's uninterest in breast cancer research. i think mccain would have beaten the pants off gore and the last 3 years + would have been better for all of us.

Charlie Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
Posts: 39,751
I do not like negative ads, but in the case of the esteemed John Kerry, I would say the ones against defense spending, appropriations and voting against just about every military improvement option were TRUE! Those ads, were not negative! No, I cannot think of one reason to vote for John Kerry!

428cj Offline
#6 Posted:
Joined: 04-26-2003
Posts: 741
It STILL amazes me how people can think we're doing the whole Iraq thing ALONE. With other countries STILL helping us, how do you all define 'alone'????? Do you have a specific number, obviously around 30 means alone to you (????), that would mean others are helping us?
I'm really curious about this.
AVB Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 05-21-2003
Posts: 995
Considering that we are bearing the brunt of 95% of everything the rest of the world is mearly giving lip service. The Bush collition came down to who could he bribe or buy.

My opinion must be more important because I did my 30 already.
JonR Offline
#8 Posted:
Joined: 02-19-2002
Posts: 9,740
Reason #3..I like SUVs

Reason #2..Free ketchup for one year

And the #1 reason..His daughter flashes her breasts


JonR Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 02-19-2002
Posts: 9,740

To see alexandra's breasts

go to, click on photos and scroll down

CWFoster Offline
#10 Posted:
Joined: 12-12-2003
Posts: 5,414
As I said before...
Me too! I see that the liberal left has chosen to take my name in vain in spite of the restraint I've shown.OK here goes...
1)Respect- after eight years of Clinton and his disdain for those stupid enough to make the commitment HE avoided, I see George W. Bush board Marine 1 and then debark, because he forgot to return the salute of a marine he WASN"T REQUIRED TO RETURN THE SALUTE OF! Just because he thinks the young mans commitment rates it!
2)Commitment- He said within days of 9/11, that this was going to be a long haul. He said that we might not see the end of it, but our children or grandchildren might. In spite of the left constantly carping about exit strategy, and cost, and the inconvenience at the airport, he is staying the course!
3)Courage- He hasn't sold out what he beleives to be the right thing to do, just because John Kerry, Ted Kennedy, Hillary Clinton, and RICKAMAVEN think he's wrong (as if he could POSSIBLY do something they would give him any respect for!)

There's your three reasons! Now can YOU give me one reason to vote for Kerry besides the fact that he's not Bush?

Further allow me to address Ricks comments point-by-point.
1) i believe he will be able to bring our allies back into the fold and he will be able to make us a part of a coalition, instead of the coalition itself as we really are now. along those lines i believe he will be able to change our reputation throughout the world from priah to at least acquaintance and perhaps friend. the friend part, i really doubt that we can ever be again, if we ever were.

Someone who blindly goes along with whatever the crowd wants, regardless of their own best intrests is not a friend, they're a sucker! The rest of the world is envious of our economy (did you know that the Dinar the currency of Dubai, is tied by their constitution to the US dollar?), and our standard of living. Yes, you can get free health care in places like England, but may have to wait a year to see a doctor! We cannot make the rest of the world love us, they never will! But we CAN and SHOULD demand respect, at least enough respect to not allow terrorists who target our citizens to train, raise funds, and plot within our "friends" borders! And with England, Poland, and for awhile Spain and numerous others, in Iraq, what, to you, constitutes a coalition?

2) i believe he will restore some dignity to the military and not just "hooray for the troops." i believe by restoring money to the VA, pushi9ng for a pay raise, and respecting the commitments made by this government to "the troops", service men and women will again respect the leaders that places them in danger.

Speaking as "one of the troops" I have MUCH more dignity now than I had for the first eight years I served. And I feel that I can safely say I speak for more than just myself when I say I respect our current commander-in chief. At least he's not in the Oval Office doing to an intern what service members from noncoms to flag officers have been forced out for doing! As for payraises, and equipment upgrades, forget the negative ads, check his voting record, he has NEVER voted to appropriate funds for the military! He has CONSISTANTLY voted against EVERY system upgrade that's come up in the past 15 years! Or do you beleive the "I was for it before I voted against it" tripe?

3) i believe he will make adjustments to eliminate some of the tax cuts that have wrecked havoc among the middle and the poor class.

By all real indications, the economy is picking up! The only dark cloud on the horizon is the price of fuel, whick could drive an inflationary monkeywrench into the recovery. By the way, if Bush was so "in the pocket" of big oil, don't you think the prices would be going down to make "their" candidate look good?

I really don't think I'll convince RICKAMAVEN, or any of the hard-core left to vote Republican. Their hatered of Bush, and anything conservative is too strong to be swayed by logic. I can only hope that the casual observer whose mind is not made up may read what I say, and see the truth in my words. Let logic speak for itself. No, I'm not a die-hard, rabid Bush supporter, I don't agree with everything he does, but I DO think he's the best choice we have on the ballot.

dbguru Offline
#11 Posted:
Joined: 03-06-2002
Posts: 1,300
Peronally I have far more than three reasons. To sort these in order, the ones that rise to the top have a lot more to do with the negative performance of Bush and his operatives rather than Kerry's positive points. My three most positive reasons to vote for Kerry fall in a nutshell are...

1) Foreign affairs. Understanding that friends and relationships are critical in our foreign affairs and that powere comes from respect which we have all but lost from other countries for the Bush administration. Also under foreign affairs understanding what it takes to successfully prosecute the wars we now find ourself in. Between Kerry and Wes Clark I am far more confident that a decorated patrol boat lieutenant and a former Supreme NATO commander and general can be successful in managing the Iraq situation than the AWOL (avoid Vietnam by joining the) Air National Guard flunkee and his boss, the master of deferrments.

2) Economics - Kerry is focused on the whole economy, not just the economy for the top 1/2 of 1 percent richest Americans. With Bush, first we lost jobs,then we started exporting them, then we spent and spent and spent.... while giveing tax breaks only that were only significant to the very wealthy. Now we have a nose bleed deficit, inflation and rising interest rates rearing its ugly head pretty much robbing anything most of us got from our tax breaks.

Finally there is health care
Republicans ignore the issue because the uninsured generally don't vote Republican. However the thing that most medical administrators and Democrats understand is that the uninsured are not really uninsured when they utilize emergency room facilities and end up costing us more for medical conditions then they would if universal health care was a reality. This is all part of skyrocketing health insureance costs that eat up corporate profits. Why this is a partisan issue is beyond me. Businesses would benefit so much from a universal health care program and yet the Republicans turn their backs on it to support HMO big wigs earning outrageous salaries.

We haven't even talked about the environment, education, honesty, open government (remember press conferences every month??).
dbguru Offline
#12 Posted:
Joined: 03-06-2002
Posts: 1,300
Heres another one... Energy independence

Here is a guy, John K. Bates, in the energy business who posts a very interesting and thought provoking reason to vote for Kerry. I enjoyed his obviously conservative perspective and provides some conservative grounds for backing Kerry. This does not represent his only reason, just one of many. I enjoyed the posts and thought it was worth reposting here. Here is his bio.

Mr. Bates is a 37 year-old mechanical engineer who specializes in the energy industry. He classifies himself as a “libertarian conservative” who believes in small government at the federal level and a wide range of government options at the state and local level. He lives in Colorado with his family of critters both furry and finny.

Here is an excerpt from his post on

Let’s start with the first and perhaps most debatable reason: John Kerry, if elected President, would do a decent job. At the very least, he would not ruin things.

Remember, a President is first and foremost Head of State and Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States of America. He has almost exclusive power in the discharge of the duties required in leading this nation on the world stage. Therefore, how a man (or woman) will conduct himself in matters of state, including both diplomatic and military affairs, is by far the most important criterion in choosing a president.

In this sense at least, Kerry looks like a man who will do little harm. Yes, he is more of a pacifist than many (including this writer) would like, and yes, he has a deplorable record at times in voting to use American force. He also speaks much too favorably of “allies” such as France and Germany, and about useless institutions such as the United Nations. He is a fan of multilateralism in a time when that doctrine is not sufficient to protect our borders.

That said, Kerry is neither a stupid man nor an egomaniac. He is not a man who will go significantly against the grain of the people, especially in a first term of office. The American people are very much in favor of a strong military and a strong response to our enemies, and they will not allow a President to systematically dismantle the armed forces of the United States or to leave us vulnerable to either conventional or unconventional threats. The point is not to say Kerry would be good in the conduct of foreign policy, or that he would be better than Bush. The point is that Kerry is someone Americans can live with, someone who is not going to screw things up too much. (This is actually a vitally important trait, as will be clear in the explanation of reason #3 later in the week.)

As for domestic policy, conservatives will not have to worry about a President Kerry implementing Big Federal Government. After all, they already have a President Bush implementing Big Federal Government. Indeed, “liberal” Mr. Kerry is likely to preside over far less government expansion than “conservative” President Bush, who has been the most pro-big-government President since LBJ. Presuming the GOP holds at least one house of Congress, a President Kerry will be blocked from his implementing the worst of the Democratic Nanny State. For that matter, holding power may not matter at all: The Democrats held all the levers of power in 1993, yet could not get the awful HillaryCare passed over Senator Phil Gramm’s “cold dead political body.” Holding power, unless that power is filibuster-proof, seems to mean less and less these days.

Even better, a Kerry victory might help the GOP find its long-lost conservative spine. From the day George W. Bush was elected in 2000 and especially since the GOP (re)captured Congress in 2002, Republicans in DC have spent our money like drunken Kennedys. From the Patriot Act to the creation of a massive new federal bureaucracy, from Medicare expansion to farm subsidies to highway bills to pork-laden appropriations bills, from targeted tax cuts to Clinton-esque small government initiatives, there is nothing too big or too small for the GOP-run federal government to take care of. Time was conservatives and Republicans stood against large federal government. Maybe by having to be at least partial opposition, they will find the will do to do again.

Robby Offline
#13 Posted:
Joined: 10-30-2002
Posts: 5,067
DB, I seriously never thought I'd say this, but welcome back...

"1) Foreign affairs. Understanding that friends and relationships are critical in our foreign affairs and that power comes from respect which we have all but lost from other countries for the Bush administration."

**DB, are you saying through implication (I'm inferring) that countries like France who had a vested "financial" interest vis-à-vis oil contracts with Iraq would have been wooed by the French looking candidate? They would have put aside their self-serving financially motivated decisions and gone with JFK? Based solely on his charisma?

**Additionally, are you convinced that nothing is going right in Iraq? In the face of an Iraqi council taking charge of their own affairs at the end of this month? In the face of democratic elections scheduled for later this year? The only “Arab” country to take this unprecedented course? Are you really that jaded as to deny ANY good out of this situation?

“With Bush, first we lost jobs, then we started exporting them”

**How has John Kerry proposed to stop outsourcing? Trade restrictions? Tariffs? Do you support this approach? Do you believe that would be best? Or do you simply stand and sling mud at a difficult problem without raising alternatives? Additionally, do you support tax hikes? Do you believe in a zero sum game as far a the economy goes? I.e., if they give more back to people who pay more, there will be less for folks who pay less?

“Finally there is health care”

**DB, do you believe the government should mandate, control, and pay for health care? Socialized medicine? How can you espouse such a leftist position when you’ve said repeatedly that you “used to” vote republican? Your positions are all left wing.

“We haven't even talked about the environment, education, honesty”

**How is JFK flip-flopping on every issue he weighs in on honest?
Robby Offline
#14 Posted:
Joined: 10-30-2002
Posts: 5,067
"That said, Kerry is neither a stupid man nor an egomaniac" Thousand dollar haircuts? Can you say flip-flop?
#15 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

no charlie, they are true only by the manipulation of facts and time frame. you really need to look into it for yourself.
grond Offline
#16 Posted:
Joined: 06-07-2003
Posts: 738
1) He'll raise taxes on most of us who pay taxes and likely give a tax cut to those who don't pay taxes in the first place (ie. unearned tax rebate).

2) He'll kowtow to the U. N. anytime an international crisis appears knowing how rich in ethics, morals and financial savvy that the U. N. has shown in managing so many international programs. (Can anyone say oil for food?)

3) He has a viewpoint that every single American can identify with. If you don't like his point of view today... wait 'til tomorrow... it'll change to something more palatable.

MACS Offline
#17 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
Posts: 80,015
Robby!! Shame on you! We all agreed on waffle, not flip-flop. Now I say to you, sir; pass the syrup!

CWFoster! Once again shipmate, thanks for holdin' down the fort for us military types!

Rick! What Clive said! I don't care if anybody in the world likes us. We ARE the 800 pound gorilla and it is time we started acting like it. We have to protect what is in our best interests, the rest of the world be damned!

And one last thing... DAMMIT! I got sucked into another political thread. I think I just like to hear myself talk... as long as I don't talk back it's okay. Right?
#18 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

after britan, our next biggest ally is italy. they have provided 2700 troops and they are getting ready to leave.

the fact that a nation proclaims to be part of the coalition, but in fact contributes neither money nor troops, is empty rhetoric.

we are a coalition of the usa and england.....

where i come from that ain't even group.

if you are interested in information, do a google search for iraq coalition and decide for yourself.

either way, being uninformed is not an option.
MACS Offline
#19 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
Posts: 80,015
WHO NEEDS A COALITION?? "F" 'EM! They're like a buncha baboons with colorful butts. They all wanna be the gorilla. USA! USA!

It may not make much sense... but it was fun to write!
#20 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

i believe HockeyDad's premise was ehy would you vote for kerry, not why would you vote against.

"if you don't have anything nice to say about someone, don't say nuthin at all." thumper's mother
dbguru Offline
#21 Posted:
Joined: 03-06-2002
Posts: 1,300
Hmmm Robby,
The French thing you raise really has me laughing. Maybe I should go buy a beret.

"Socialized medicine" if that isn't an obvious neo-con code word, I don't know what is... What the hell does that mean... Medicine that is more friendly and socialized... or maybe if you take enough of it you become more socialized and gain a lot of new friends... Also a laugher.....

You make a lot of inferences that have nothing to do with what Kerry or I support. Example: Tarriffs... c'mon, get real... (Oh that's the one Bush flip floped on... first for steel tariffs then against it). Robby maybe a new waffle you'd like. I have other comments... but strapped for time right now..... oh and yes nice to be back!!


Your c
usahog Offline
#22 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
Well Said CW...

Well Said Macs and Robby...

Db do you invite Mr. Bates over for dinner? or even a sleep over?? what about Kerry? how come it seems all I have been reading from your post has mainly been drivil posted by some other intelectual being who you fell for hook line and sinker?? course this does not suprise me considering which side of the fence your standing on and the gate swinging in... I'll be waiting to read some more of your responce.. can you pass us the author ahead of time and possible link and we can review it prior to your postings??

JonR Offline
#23 Posted:
Joined: 02-19-2002
Posts: 9,740
Yo Hog:

Here are the top two reasons db idolizes kerry

#1 alexandras left breast

#2 alexandras right breast

usahog Offline
#24 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
LMAO @ Jon...

when I first seen that picture of her a couple weeks back.. I thought it was a transvestite the way her cheek bones and facial hair were and all...

dbguru Offline
#25 Posted:
Joined: 03-06-2002
Posts: 1,300
I've told you guys before.... I'd really rather have fun with Monica.. She has talent!!!. And I really have a thing for curvy Jewish brunettes.... more my type.

Nevertheless, Alexandra's pics are HOT!!!! If you don't think so you must be gay!!! (guess we have a few gay neo-cons out here!!!) Next to Bushes daughters. no comparison!!! Thinking about Kerry's daughter wrapping those legs around you. You'd be a liberal in 2 minutes. Oh yeeehhh.... You can't tell me you wouldn't like that.

dbguru Offline
#26 Posted:
Joined: 03-06-2002
Posts: 1,300
Sorry about the gay neo-con thing Hog.... it wasn't personal ... Not you of course!!!!
dbguru Offline
#27 Posted:
Joined: 03-06-2002
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Nice threadjack, JonR...
Robby Offline
#28 Posted:
Joined: 10-30-2002
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Wanna see my log cabin?
MACS Offline
#29 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
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Was there a car here?
usahog Offline
#30 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
"I'd really rather have fun with Monica.. She has talent!!!. "

DB she's a spitter.. she left proof on her Dress remember??? I wouldn't give Monica 50 cents to call someone.... I would however if she was stranded along side the road help her with the flat.. I would remove her diaphram from her purse to plug the hole and then wrap my belt around her waist and have her hold her lips on the valve stem as I pulled the belt tight and then loosened it... she'd be back on the road and minutes and I would feel better for assisting a motorist ;0)

Robby Offline
#31 Posted:
Joined: 10-30-2002
Posts: 5,067
Yeah, and besides, the Jews killed Jesus. Mel Gibson said it, I believe it, that settles it... Cartman says so too.
pabloescabar Offline
#32 Posted:
Joined: 02-25-2005
Posts: 30,183
damn straight, Robby's always right so I belive him!
bloody spaniard Offline
#33 Posted:
Joined: 03-14-2003
Posts: 43,802
I'm sorry db but you have eyesight like Mr. Magoo.
Kerry's classless daughter, Alexandra, looks like she hit every branch on the way down the UGLY tree.

Hog, you came back spunkier than ever.
Plato's Retreat must have agreed with you.

dbguru Offline
#34 Posted:
Joined: 03-06-2002
Posts: 1,300
Don't start that one.....

The most evil bloodiest murderers of all time are prominent among those who profess the Jews killed Jesus. Hitler among them... Do you think early Christians who were trying to attract pagan Romans to their faith would ever tell the truth about Romans killing Jesus. What crucifiction ever done by the Jews?? Never ever!!!

It's always been so easy to wrongly blame the Jews. You commit a grave injustice to humanity by proclaiming what a major part of the Christian faith has consummately rejected.

Cut the racist Anti Semetic crap and cut the threadjack....I really hope you are better than that.

And how would you know Monica is a spitter??? Did she do you too?? (If so you'd be a lot more famous)

And Anne Coulter looks like a hag!!!
#35 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

"And Anne Coulter looks like a hag!!!"

she does have this great schtick going, "i'm so far to the right, i make hitler look liberal."

unfortunately, she has a following, which tells me there are more morons that can read, then i would have imagined.
Charlie Offline
#36 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
Posts: 39,751
Ann Coulter has a good gig going for herself and she will milk it for all it is worth! I am envious in that regard, while she is no prom queen, she certainly isn't a hag!

DrMaddVibe Offline
#37 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
Tom...You won't get 3 reasons to vote for Kerry! You'll get a bunch of opinions, but no facts to sway you come November.

I had a conversation with a guy the other night at the hockey game and he was a big Bush hater. I simply asked him why he disliked the President. He said "Because". Like it was the end all be all defining answer. I had to ask him again. "He started this war on terror". I nodded and reminded him that terrorists hijacked some airplanes and thought they'd have fun smacking them into Washington monuments started the "war on terror". Then he started up that Bush is bought and paid for by oil companies. I nodded again. Been to the pump lately? Seems if he was their guy they'd open all of the spigots and let 'er flow. Then there's the "Iraqi oil" that we "invaded" a nation for. Guess that's just like the WMD's! There just aren't enough to make a difference. I reminded my friend that it takes conviction to see something through to completion. The cost of world peace could be bought right here by ridding the planet of this scum. Cutting and running or appeasing our "friends and allies" isn't a plan. It's an admission of NOT having a plan!

Good luck on your quest, but I think you'd be better off seeking out the Holy Grail then 3 reasons to vote for Kerry!
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