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Last post 19 years ago by Charlie. 17 replies replies.
#1 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248
what domestic policy has george w. bush passed that helped the average working man?
Cigarick Offline
#2 Posted:
Joined: 07-28-2002
Posts: 3,078
Tax cuts.
EI Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 06-29-2002
Posts: 5,069
and just this past month because of those cuts the deficit has been reduced 19 Billion dollars,
But you wont see that on CNN or the other media elite news channels
Oh and job growth. up to record levels
Sorry to bore you with the facts Rick
AVB Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 05-21-2003
Posts: 995
Doesn't record job growth imply that there were lots and lots of people out of work to start with?
bloody spaniard Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 03-14-2003
Posts: 43,802
You have to be in the front lines (not reading the rags as you wait for your Government check)to EXPERIENCE the truth.

His paltry tax cuts & creation of low-paying jobs are nothing compared to his decimation of the Government purchasing system which is creating monopolies and higher costs for the taxpayers to shoulder. This is a dirty little secret that only Government contractors & subcontractors understand. He hands out juicy, no-compete contracts to large corporations, and yet, the small business community has to scramble to bid on leftover scraps.

Don't forget that many of our higher-end engineering jobs are also being outsourced along with more of our manufacturing base. Why? Because this imbecile has been assured that by building up the economies of India, Mexico, etc. we stand to have stronger "allies" in the future(ie., India vs. China)... All of this at the expense of hard-working Americans. He doesn't understand that all that we're doing is creating formidable adversaries. And, unless we come up with the next wave of innovative technology, we will taking their place.

Now, he's helping the "common man" by allowing illegals to position themselves for the amnesty coming around the corner. These people are no longer looking over their shoulders for la Inmigracion.

Don't forget, his next ambitious project is to unify Government under yet another "Homeland Security", cabinet post, and to create CAFTA, the Central American version of NAFTA.

There is no end to this man's idiocy & disregard for the American working man--the Patriot Act notwithstanding

I will not vote for this elitist, phony again.
Inasmuch as, there is a Republican congress to counterbalance a transition, I also urge you to consider the alternative candidates.

Don't vote simply for the "lesser of two evils".


EI Offline
#6 Posted:
Joined: 06-29-2002
Posts: 5,069
You seem to have all the rebukes on Bush policy
Answer this question. What would Kerry do that would be more benifical? All I have heard from his camp is that he isn't Bush.
As for voting for the lesser of two evils, who do the terrorists and other enemies of the US want in the white house come next Jan 20th?
snowwolf777 Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 06-03-2000
Posts: 4,082
I paid $9,733 in federal taxes prior to the tax cut.

I paid $5,300 afterwards.

I am not a rich man. I AM $4,000 better off because of a domestic policy GWB passed. That's a lot of CBid cigars.

bloody spaniard Offline
#8 Posted:
Joined: 03-14-2003
Posts: 43,802
Wolf, for every story like yours, I hear at least one person say that he is paying less because he's making less than he did three years ago. Many small businessmen have put a freeze on hiring and on raises because of reduced budgets, fewer bidding opportunities, lower profit margins, etc. That's a lot less $$$ available for discretionary spending (cigars) as well.

Brother EI said:
"You seem to have all the rebukes on Bush policy
Answer this question. What would Kerry do that would be more benifical? All I have heard from his camp is that he isn't Bush."

ANSWER: EI, I'm not an authority on Kerry yet. Besides, it doesn't matter. He lies more easily than Bush. However, Kerry has said that he will slow down outsourcing of whole industries, and eliminate corporate welfare, while he stimulates small business. Believe it or not, this could come to pass. It actually happened under slick willy & ozone gore. Maybe it was the combination of a Democrat in the white house with a Republican congress...The mix worked. Fact is, that what we have in office is "broken". If we have to replace this broken part with another, well, who knows for sure that the replacement will be completely broken as well?

EI said:
"As for voting for the lesser of two evils, who do the terrorists and other enemies of the US want in the white house come next Jan 20th?"

ANSWER: Probably Kerry--but why?
Because Bush has spanked the terrorists severely. He's good at jumping in & using military force. Then he rebuilds at a huge cost in human life and with $$$ that we DON'T have! Besides, what difference does it make, if he continues with his long-term, dangerous foreign involvements? How does that help us domestically, if he leaves borders open for terrorists, and runs up huge budget deficits? Does it matter how we're destroyed (violent terrorism vs. economic destruction)? At this rate, we will "enjoy" both soon.

Now, why do the Germans, French, Chinese,& much of the Third/Developing World etc. favor Kerry? Simple. They are envious/paranoid/fearful of our military/Industrial prowess. They also know that they have a better shot at contracts without a Bush there to award them to his cronies under no-compete/solesource "bids"...

Maybe Kerry will be worse, but I know that "one world" Bush is already pretty bad & out of touch. Any improvement is possible and badly needed.

I can't believe that Bush, his neoconservative cabal, and corporate cronies have tossed aside the Republican core. Sayonara, Republicans.

EI Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 06-29-2002
Posts: 5,069
thanks blood
I'm not saying I aggree with your statements or you have changed my mind. But you have provided an answer with out name calling , talking down or using angry lauguage to make your point.
I wish more people here would just answer the questions without calling into question the other persons education or family heritage.
Those responses beg to be answered in kind.
And as a result nothing is accomplished but a pithy shouting match by the opposing sides.
I know because I have taken part in them
but rarly have I started one other than to ask an opposing question
Thanks again for a straight forward answer to the questions
bloody spaniard Offline
#10 Posted:
Joined: 03-14-2003
Posts: 43,802
^Aw shucks, I haven't changed you're mind yet? LOL

Man, I wish that I could be on your political side of the aisle again...but I can't.

Appreciate your banter & yes, I've seen you when you get hot but hey, it's kinda fun (beats some of the yawners who are posting out there!). Better stop before I start sending you kissie/smoochies.

#11 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

great posts.
tailgater Offline
#12 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
Posts: 26,187
AVB, that is perhaps the most negative way to view things that I've heard on these boards.
If your child gets a "most improved" award at school, do you tell her she simply was terrible the year prior?

Your glass isn't half empty, it's friggin shattered.
tailgater Offline
#13 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
Posts: 26,187
Blood, the current administration is not "creating monopolies". At least no more so than the last administration.
Business everywhere, in every sector, are getting gobbled up by the big boys. The government sponsored jobs are more a result of this "big get bigger" situation than a catalyst for it.
Forget big oil and the haliburton situation.
Look at any manufacturing segment; medical, automotive, construction, etc.
Then look at service industries like banks and insurance.
Then look at retail outlets like Walmart.

Did the Bush administration create these mega giants?
Certainly not.
But you'd apparently like to think so.

bloody spaniard Offline
#14 Posted:
Joined: 03-14-2003
Posts: 43,802
Gater, you're a day late & a dollar short...

The "monopolies" that I am referring to are IN the Government. When you have TWO and ONLY two primary/mandatory sources (GSA & NIB) for Government buyers before they consider small businesses--that, my gater friend, is a monopoly. Bush is copying the corporate template for purchasing which is grossly unfair because it cuts out competitive bidding from all small business sectors. The corporate template is usually made up of ONLY one or two vendors on multi-year agreements. Corporations used to allow for "open bidding" from many vendors. Now, because of croneism, bottom line BS, etc., they couldn't care less. The problem with dubya's aforementioned, 2 mandatory sources is that they are usually 40 to 70% more expensive! He doesn't care either.

Did the Bush administration create the mega giants (McDonalds,Walmart,etc.)? Of course not, but they're helping them to expand geometrically by facilitating their outsourcing overseas, and through more tax loopholes (corporate welfare). The administration is also helping foreign entrepreneurs to get rich by tranfering technology (software engineering, etc.)and running huge trade surpluses in our adversaries favor.

Sorry, but I've got to get to work early in order to undo some of dubya's "creative" handiwork. LOL


eleltea Offline
#15 Posted:
Joined: 03-03-2002
Posts: 4,562
Rick, what was the golden era for the average working man in this country? My guess is during the Eisenhower administration, if ever.

After 8 years of The Presidents Clinton, the average working man should be living like a king, but that all came crashing down the minute Shrub's daddy's supremo court stole the presidency from that Southern fire-and-brimstone evangelist son of a Ku Kluxer and caused the dot com bubble to burst.
tailgater Offline
#16 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
Posts: 26,187
"Caused the dot com bubble to burst"?

The dot com bubble burst because their companies and therefore their stocks were nothing more than modern day junk bonds.

That it happened on GWB's watch is merely the timing.
tailgater Offline
#17 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
Posts: 26,187
Which tax loopholes did the current adminstration give to companies moving overseas?
Believe me, I'd like to see the unfair trading ended yesterday, but I honestly don't believe that this adminstration created this problem.
Should they fix it? Absolutely.

But our outcry should be for the remedy, not to lay blame where it likely does not belong.

I think in another 4 years, the Bush adminstration could right some of these wrongs.
Why do I think that? Because as history will show, he started his first year with an economic recession and a terrorist attack on our soil. Yet, the tax cuts did EXACTLY what they said they would do: stimulate the economy.
The fact that we're climbing out of a major recession in less than 4 years time is a feather in their cap, not a slap in their face as many dems would have you believe.

As for Kerry, I've seen his ineffectiveness in Massachusetts and I don't want him running the show. His negativity will further divide our country which is already divided because of the war.
Charlie Offline
#18 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
Posts: 39,751
Believe me I know about the dotcom bubble, and it was already exploding under Clinton! GWB had nothing whatsoever to do with that one! That was all overinflated values of stocks that had no backing whatsoever!

Tax cuts are a good thing and job creation is another one Rickie!

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