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Last post 19 years ago by 428cj. 35 replies replies.
#1 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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see picture post DCCERENS.

unless of course you can't handle the truth.
Charlie Offline
#2 Posted:
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JonR Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 02-19-2002
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Yo Rick:

Your extreme HATRED for GW is so blinding, you wouldn't know the truth if it bit you on the ass.

#4 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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yo JonR

i'll bet you didn't read the information i posted.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#5 Posted:
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DrMaddVibe Offline
#6 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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Excerpt from Drudge today....

"A veterans group seeking to deeply discredit Democrat John Kerry's military service will charge in the new bombshell book UNFIT FOR COMMAND:

Two of John Kerry's three Purple Heart decorations resulted from self-inflicted wounds, not suffered under enemy fire.

All three of Kerry's Purple Hearts were for minor injuries, not requiring a single hour of hospitalization.

A "fanny wound" was the highlight of Kerry's much touted "no man left behind" Bronze Star.

Kerry turned the tragic death of a father and small child in a Vietnamese fishing boat into an act of "heroism" by filing a false report on the incident.

Kerry entered an abandoned Vietnamese village and slaughtered the domestic animals owned by the civilians and burned down their homes with his Zippo lighter.

Kerry's reckless behavior convinced his colleagues that he had to go -- becoming the only Swift Boat veteran to serve only four months.

The Kerry campaign is planning to vigorously counter the charges and will accuse the veteran's groups of being well-financed by a top Bush donor from Texas, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.

"They hired a goddamn private investigator to dig up trash!" charged a top Kerry adviser traveling with the senator late Tuesday. "This is pay for play, and the dirtiest of all dirty tricks ever played on a candidate for the presidency. How low can they go?"

Kerry supporters are comparing the effort by the veterans to the Arkansas State troopers tell-all against Bill Clinton.

UNFIT FOR COMMAND will not be released until August 15.

The names. The details. All on the record.

Beginning tomorrow, the DRUDGE REPORT will break the embargo."

rayder1 Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 06-02-2002
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Well...something had to go right for him. 4 months in country and got pulled out of Vietnam doesn't sound like a punishment.

If he was such a screw up, wouldn't you think that a nastier assignment would be the way to go?
DrMaddVibe Offline
#8 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735

I remember that in Germany (before unification) there were officers that magically obtained Pentagon TDY's that became permanent.

Nobody wanted them around.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#9 Posted:
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rayder1 Offline
#10 Posted:
Joined: 06-02-2002
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I have just been playing the devil's advocate in my last few posts.

I just am suspicious of political nastiness prior to an election. I am especially suspicious of this level of damaging revelations surfacing this late in his career.

Following Michael Moore's crap-fest...I am ready to doubt anything either side orchestrates.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#11 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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They've been stifled and misrepresented for decades. Now they see their true enemy reaching for the brass ring and know that they HAVE to speak up now. I applaud their convictions. It's been documented by several authors, and even Kerry himself that he committed war crimes. I don't see him changing now. He was anti-american during a time when we could've crippled communism and stopped it's spread. He chose to weaken America's resolve and has since voted wiht an utter hate towards the men in uniform. Kerry is a cancer to America. Kerry is a blight to our nation. Kerry is in for a bumpy ride.
Homebrew Offline
#12 Posted:
Joined: 02-11-2003
Posts: 11,885
Talk About a Propaganda blitzcrieg.
Dave (A.K.A. Homebrew)
usahog Offline
#13 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
Well...something had to go right for him. 4 months in country and got pulled out of Vietnam doesn't sound like a punishment.

If he was such a screw up, wouldn't you think that a nastier assignment would be the way to go?

Nope Rayder1... I worked with a Guy who in 2002 deployment told a 3 star General.. He felt his tour was the Armpit of the world and this place sucked!!!

he was on a plane back to homefront the very next damn day!!! and he still holds his job.. don't know and cannot say about promotions LOL...

Now a command who had some Balls... say during DS-1 with Stormin Norman.. he would have been forward deployed so he could really see an armpit... but we've got allot of **** top command out there in this world today... and we also had it during the Vietnam era also... no body wanted to be the bad guy!!!

I can atest when Reagan was CNC and then Bush Sr. Command in the Military Gave a ****...

Cavallo Offline
#14 Posted:
Joined: 01-05-2004
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so why doesn't it give one with GWB as CNC now?
#15 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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the fitness reports i posted were writen at the time of his service and all are excellent.

all the name calling and BS posted shows that the information was either not read by all you negative kerry, bush loving fools, or are you all so blinded by the holy light of bush, that you can not read and understand short sentences?

good luck in the future with your country if that facade of a man wins or steals another election.

it's a shame you didn't have the opportunity to live and grow up in the country that i lived in. the idea that the government would look into our reading habits at a library would never have entered our minds.
cigarsmokin Offline
#16 Posted:
Joined: 04-14-2004
Posts: 272

above you say good luck with your country. are you going somewhere. maybe your going over to the middleast where you can't talk about your leaders like you bhl do. if you do they cut your b-lls off and shove them down your throat or maybe rape your wife in front of you and your children.
on the subject of kerry and this book coming out on the 15th I hope we will all learn the truth. 11 members of kerry's unit tell it all what a big piece of shat he is. hey if that fat ass twinkie eating 2 floor penthouse living ahole moore can say what he wants.why can't these guys. oh i forgot there lying and moores telling the truth. i read that report that was posted. my dad was in nam also. he was in the 1st cav air mobil. bon song 66-67. he never talked about what he did there or what happened. after 25 years of keeping it all inside he hit rock bottom and ended up locked up in va hospital.after several years of counseling he decided to tell me and my brother what went on over there. it wasn't pretty. we saw his military records also it mentioned how he received his bronze star also how he received his air assult wings. it made him sound like a good guy. untill he told us that there were things that he saw and he did that he would never be able able to talk didn't mention that he was removed from the field because he was doing to good of a didn't mention the hole in his leg he received after being ambushed by some vc ak47 round. he didn't get a purple heart. 33 years later a counseler at the vet center he goes to told him to put in for his ph but he was denied because he was treated by a field docter and not transported back to the rear like jk was for that little boo boo he received but he made sure he got his ph. we can go back and forth with this all day.

JonR Offline
#17 Posted:
Joined: 02-19-2002
Posts: 9,740
Yo Rick:

What happened to your, I'm not going to call G.W. any names, and I'm just going to post helpful thread and not debate?

You gave us your word and then you broke it, because of your blind hatred toward G.W..

Welcome back Rick, I knew you wouldn't last too long, what was it 8 days, LOL.

cigarsmokin Offline
#18 Posted:
Joined: 04-14-2004
Posts: 272
the way rick talks about your country and the way he says his country. I don't even think rick is a American Citizen.
428cj Offline
#19 Posted:
Joined: 04-26-2003
Posts: 741
Rickamaven wrote: "the information was either not read by all you negative kerry, bush loving fools"

So there's no confusion, I'll type slowly, you read slowly too Rick. Let the (meaning your) maturity shine on.

So to you someone at work, although management sees them as doing a great job, CAN'T be hated by their co-workers for being a complete moron? What a happy and peaceful world you're in. I still prefer the world I'm in, reality.

I DID read your posts. So what? The opinion of your boss can differ from the opinion of the people you work directly with, can't it? Maybe I'm wrong here.

Pretty glowing report too for someone who confirmed they committed many war crimes. But hey, you always have that wonderful report. He (Kerry) must have lied about the war crimes, huh? According to your report he sure did. You should get in touch with Kerry and tell him he's wrong, tell him he DIDN'T commit war crimes. Golden info you have, guard it well.
#20 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

"the opinion of the people you work directly with"

have you not heard from or listened to three of the men who served directly with him on his boat.

guess not or you might have to thik through your emotional response to bush almighty.
#21 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

i thought you wanted some jim thompson books, which i sent to another BOTL when you failed to send me an address to mail them to.

are you full of crap about everything? just asking.
JonR Offline
#22 Posted:
Joined: 02-19-2002
Posts: 9,740
Your statement:


i thought you wanted some jim thompson books, which i sent to another BOTL when you failed to send me an address to mail them to.

are you full of crap about everything? just asking."

Yo Rick:

Show me in any of my 1500+ posts that I asked you at anytime to send me any books.

About being full of crap, well we all walk around with some crap in our bodies. However you and some other liberals have found a way of turning your crap into type and then words and then posting those words on this forum.


428cj Offline
#23 Posted:
Joined: 04-26-2003
Posts: 741
"guess not or you might have to thik through your emotional response to bush almighty"

In English please?

Ok, so to you THREE whole people constiute EVERYONE who worked/served. Creative on your part.

If you were as insightful as you think you are you'd see I haven't said much of anything against your pathetic Bush bashing (as far as political opinions go anyway). I haven't defended him, I've only commented (not often either) on the repetition you're stuck with. Pay attention so you don't have to get emotional about subjects that aren't even on the table. Please? It's not difficult, just read what's written, don't try to read into it. You'll just be wrong again if you continue.

Nice try, but another swing and a miss.
#24 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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i think you have the right approach to all this attack BS, even moore's attack documentry.
#25 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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i was born in a log cabin in brooklyn. i read books by flashlight because candles weren't invented. i used to listen to jack armstrong, the shadow, and terry and the pirates on a crystal radio. i listened to classical music and dixie on a windup phonograph and had to use the same needle for years because we were too poor to buy a new needle. i would have used a paperclip, but alas, they weren't invented yet.

my grandmother saved me from dying by mixing potions,
medicines had not been discovered yet.

i completed high school and during my secnd year in college, i enlisted in the USAF, s/n AF12423637.

when my four years of active duty were up and i was released, my honorable discharge came at the end of my 4 years of inactive duty, i was busted several times for insubordination, but never court martialed, i worked on an assembly line for 75 cents an hour.

i drove my little mg tf with a chipped idle gear and a chipped first gear, across the country on route 66 to get to california so i could get a job working on a rocket test stand as a jr engineer for $1.00 an hour + time and a half for overtime and double time on sunday's.

i decided to go on my own and became a fuller brush man, making more then i was paid at rocketdyne.

on my route i met toby who i have been married to for 41 years.

together we raised, 2 sons, without religious or political indoctrination. they never used dope, never been arrested, and are both happily married to nice wives.

both are self employed and do not require government assistance.

we all like each other, love is such a cliche, i don't use it. and toby and their wives do things together as friends.

bradley and his wife have chosen a mystic religeon that i do not understand, but it makes them happy and content.

ross married a newly born again christian, who doesn't understand his ability to do the right thing, and maintain a moral life without religeon, but she accepts him as a good person.

what have you done with your life?

Charlie Offline
#26 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
Posts: 39,751
Brings a tear to my eyes! What does that have to do with Herman Munster anyway?

JonR Offline
#27 Posted:
Joined: 02-19-2002
Posts: 9,740
Yo Rick:

"when my four years of active duty were up and i was released, my honorable discharge came at the end of my 4 years of inactive duty, i was busted several times for insubordination, but never court martialed, i worked on an assembly line for 75 cents an hour."

Make up your mind please, you said you were active duty 51-53, then it was 3 years of active service, now you claim 4 years of active duty, what's next will you be a 30 year retired General.


#28 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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yo yo

i enlisted in jan 53 and was to be released in jan 57. because of a RIF iw was released in nov 56, three months early.

i did reach the rank of e-3 for a short period of time but was busted back to an e-2 for insubordination. i was refused OCS because i did not meet the height requirement of 5' 4". pity, i could have been busted as an officer instead of as an enlisted man.
#29 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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i was responding to


" the way rick talks about your country and the way he says his country. I don't even think rick is a American Citizen."
#30 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

my apology, i made you an offer that didn't interst you. i made you the offer because i thought it might interest you because of your display of information about jim thompson.

sorry i made the offer.
cigarsmokin Offline
#31 Posted:
Joined: 04-14-2004
Posts: 272
I grew up in Albany NY

My Dad worked construction during the day and worked at the post office at night. My Mom was a stay at home Mom.

I attended public schools from K-12. After graduation I worked for a landscaper. With no direction in life I joined the military (Army). After leaving the Army I had odd jobs. I had a girlfriend that I met her in my junior year at school and we've been together ever since. For the last 12 years I've been Correction Officer. I have 3 children that I would die for. I'd have to say that my life just started.

I only asked if you were from this country do to the way you said your country and my country.

#32 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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as i suspected we are both regular normal people who disagree about politics. isn't that as it should be.

i speak of your country and my country as a different time not a different place.

things i remember such as

a party line on the telephone meant several familys used the same phone number. if it rang three times it was for us. one, two or four meant it was for a different family in a different house. it didn't mean call to talk to some one at a price and listen to something about a party somewhere.

i remember not locking the front door because some neighbor might need to borrow something from your house when you weren't there.

i remember going to a formerly one room school house that had been expanded to four rooms and kids coming to school on horseback. this was after we left new york for the vail homes, outside of red bank, nj, where military personel that were married lived off base. i became a hick and enjoyed all the rest of my schooling living there until i went off to college.

i remember my folks buying a new house in levittown for $9,950, 2% loan for gi's and nothing down. it was a 3 bedroom, 2 story house all landscaped and with a cement driveway.

sorry you missed some of that time.

i met someone older who told me when she was a kid, she was given a buggy whip. it meant she was old enough to drive the buggy. sort of like car keys.

whe lived in a different time then i did.
428cj Offline
#33 Posted:
Joined: 04-26-2003
Posts: 741
"as i suspected we are both regular normal people who disagree about politics. isn't that as it should be"

Try to keep this in mind, especially when calling people who support someone you hate names. We all have the right to support who we want (as you just stated above), and it's pretty immature to call people names for thinking the otherway, isn't it?
#34 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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no. sometimes it's the only thing to do to maintain sanity in an insane world.

you might track back to see the list of things i hve been called and the acts i was suggested i do to myself. it hasen't bothered me. sometimes one is called upon to fight back with the same venom one is atttacked with, just to break even.

pabloescabar Offline
#35 Posted:
Joined: 02-25-2005
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= a eye...
428cj Offline
#36 Posted:
Joined: 04-26-2003
Posts: 741
Too bad Rick, I was hoping we were all grown up and mature here. Oh well. I've said it before and I'll say it again, each to their own. Sad though.
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