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Last post 19 years ago by AVB. 15 replies replies.
Roll Call
usahog Offline
#1 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
this will be ongoing and pretty simple to look up yourself.. but since a few individuals want facts I can only accomodate with the Actual Votes and a link...

And will only touch on the important bills
U.S. Senate Roll Call Votes 101st Congress - 1st Session (1989)
Statement of Purpose: To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to promote savings and long-term investment through a reduced capital gains tax rate and individual retirement plus accounts, and for other purposes.
Kerry (D-MA), Nay
Measure Title: A bill to amend the Rules of the House of Representatives and the Ethics in Government Act of 1978 to provide for government-wide ethics reform, and for other purposes.
Kerry (D-MA), Nay

S.J. Res. 180; A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States authorizing the Congress and the States to prohibit the physical desecration of the flag of the United States.
Kerry (D-MA), Nay

these are just a few...
want more??
spend the day reading the Truth behind the lies of John F. Kerry... he's for America

usahog Offline
#2 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
Measure Title: A bill making appropriations for the Department of Defense for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2005, and for other purposes.
Kerry (D-MA), Not Voting
Edwards (D-NC), Not Voting

Not Important Enough??

Mr. I'm for the Military...Kerry...


Nomination Description: David W. McKeague, of Michigan, to be United States Circuit Judge for the Sixth Circuit.
Kerry (D-MA), Not Voting
Edwards (D-NC), Not Voting

I'm For America, and I want to see Osama Bin Laden tried and convicted here in the US of A... but we don't have enough Judges??

Cavallo Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 01-05-2004
Posts: 2,796
what else was stapled on to those, though, hog? without seeing all the stipulations, it's difficult to see what all was being voted on.

i mean, bush said in 2002, "refugees contribute so much to our society... i am proud that we are the world's leader in accepting refugees for resettlement."

but then he recently announced his foreign-aid budget, and it proposes a $30 million cut in the Migration and Refugee Assistance account (MRA).

how can he be for it publically but then cut it down when and where it counts? answer: i don't know. there may have been parts of the MRA account that he found to be "pork" -- in other words, we don't get the whole picture, because we don't know what the MRA budget entailed specifically. it could have requested $10 million to create condos for iraqi immigrants from saddam's inner circle -- we just don't know.

same with the votes above. put a little info out there, and you can make something sound good or bad. the devil's in the details, though -- and so is the truth.
Cavallo Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 01-05-2004
Posts: 2,796
also, another trick of propaganda is to point out only one person's record on things while giving no info on others -- who ELSE voted nay? who ELSE didn't show for the vote and why? that info is not given to us in your excerpts.

i'm not doing this to attack you, hog; i just feel the need to point out fallacies in logic when they appear -- no matter who's getting skewered, bush or kerry.

a slice of information tells us one thing -- what the presenter wants us to see and nothing more.

please, everyone, look deeper at info on BOTH candidates. don't be taken by propaganda on EITHER side. don't just look at the numbers -- ask what those numbers MEAN. don't just take snippets -- look at the entire records. kerry didn't show for a vote? did any republicans miss it too? bush vetoed legislation that looks good as a snippet; what ELSE was contained that the headlines don't mention?

all i'm asking is for folks to look past the veneer and get into "the rest of the story" before you make judgments about who will be the next POTUS, bush or kerry.
usahog Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
Cav, I have given the link to the actual bill and the votes.. if I posted the whole damn thing here CBid would Yank my Ticket... use your fingers and Copy and Paste method Bill gave to you and look them up...

Don't try the legendary lefty spin cycle on this one... danny wanted Facts and intel wants to check it through so how better to give the facts as to give the links to the actual voting record of a man who wants people to know he cares enough to be the next commander and chief of this Great Nation... you can go back to 1989-2004 and see what type of man he is...

he's a legon in his own mind!!!!
and I want to know one thing.. If he becomes CnC of this country.. is he going to be Absent when we need him most??? his voting record says "Yea"

Measure Title: To authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2004 for military activities of the Department of Defense, for military construction, and for defense activities of the Department of Energy, to prescribe personnel strengths for such fiscal year for the Armed Forces, and for other purposes.

Kerry (D-MA), Not Voting
Edwards (D-NC), Not Voting

not good enough to make the count??

usahog Offline
#6 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
Cav, again who else is running for the biggest seat in the land?? it doesn't matter at this time who else wasn't there or how THEY voted... what matters is how John F. Kerry voted or wasn't there!!!!

another lefty spin...

Facts Cav, FACTS

Cavallo Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 01-05-2004
Posts: 2,796
so, hog, are you just interested in putting out one side of the info?

here are a couple of facts for you about bush and HIS voting record. what he says and what he does seem to be quite at odds here. the source is listed below, so if you want to go after more info, there's your starting place. :)

"a request for $12 million needed to investigate the financing of terrorist groups like al qaeda was rejected by the bush administration."

tough on corporate fraud?

The Bush administration has repeatedly declared its intention to go after tax cheats and put an end to a steady decrease in tax law enforcement; in fact, under Bush audits and prosecutions have fallen.

In September 2002, Bush said that the government was sending "a clear message to every dishonest corporate leader: you will be exposed and you will be punished." But according to Syracuse University research, in a fifteen-month period ending on December 31, 2003, the IRS obtained convictions in only one-half of one percent of its cases against corporate officers.

(Source for both: Johnston, David Cay, "Corporate Risk of a Tax Audit Is Still Shrinking, I.R.S. Data Show," The New York Times, April 12, 2004)
usahog Offline
#8 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
Cav, pull up the bills that bush shot down??

here's another one of importance...
Statement of Purpose: To urge the President to release information regarding sources of foreign support for the 9-11 hijackers.
Vote Counts: YEAs 43
NAYs 54
Not Voting 3
Edwards (D-NC), Not Voting
Kerry (D-MA), Not Voting
Lieberman (D-CT), Not Voting

Not important enough for Mr. Kerry nor Mr. Edwards??

Cavallo Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 01-05-2004
Posts: 2,796
hog, do your homework. :)
usahog Offline
#10 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
here's a good one..
Votes by Vice Presidents To Break Tie Votes in the Senate
Richard Cheney (2001-present) 6 votes

1. Amendment Number: S.Amdt. 664 to S. 1054 (Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003 )

2. Measure Number: H.R. 2 (Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003 )
Measure Title: To provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 201 of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2004.

3. Title: Establishing the congressional budget for the United States Government for fiscal year 2004 and setting forth appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2003 and 2005 through 2013.

4. Statement of Purpose: To provide mortgage assistance for employees who are separated from employment.

5. Statement of Purpose: To eliminate the marriage penalty tax.

6. Statement of Purpose: To revise certain provisions providing for a reserve fund for prescription drugs and medicare reform in the Senate.

If only the Blind could see.. who's out there for the working man??? all 6 the VP had to step into and vote on were NAY's by Demorats who are for the working Man/Woman Yea Right!!!!!

Charlie Offline
#11 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
Posts: 39,751

Looks like hog did his homework and you do not want to accept the truth! What's new in that statement. Why don't you and danny boy just keep on dreamin' that all who oppose JfK are wrong! The truth hurts!

Cavallo Offline
#12 Posted:
Joined: 01-05-2004
Posts: 2,796
charlie: have i said that i support kerry? no, sir. i have not.

hog doesn't have the time to report ALL the facts. should i have to? :)

seriously, though, what i'm encouraging is for EVERYONE to THOROUGHLY do his/her homework. look at both sides, then decide.

i do applaud hog for providing the govt. source for his finding; at least that way, the curious can go and look up other people's voting records and go from there to look for why they voted the way they did -- at least from those who care enough to say why (often on other web sites, though).

as for the claim i made about bush shooting down the $ to finance anti-terrorist efforts in finance... that came from one reporter's story. i did, though, take the time to look deeper into it. i was hoping to find a rationale from bush about why he denied the funding.

i'm sad to say that what i found was disheartening. bush is touting the IRS's achievements in a way that makes him look good ( but will not explain why he denied funding to dismantle terrorist financial networks ( even as he takes credit for and boasts of what's been done.
usahog Offline
#13 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
LMAO @ Cav... Bro as I stated earlier CBid would Yank the posts for the amount of bitspace it would take up...

I provided the links so others can take the time to see what was voted where and why?

the question Why lies with the person who made their vote or not made a vote... but to the importance of the bill's is there for all to see and judge Factually by themselves...

Myself, I have been doing my own research long before WE knew who was going to be the Canadate for the Dems... see what is said in the liberal media and what has/is actuality are two different things... so I go to the root of the issue and snoop it out.. astonishing what you will find but it does take allot of time but I look at it this way.. I spent 8 yrs with the Clinton Whitehouse in Charge and what I seen and read was very sad.. so I make time.. thing is being able to show others... that is sad also... because they will twist it anyway but Sunday to fit their beliefs.... to each his own...

Cavallo Offline
#14 Posted:
Joined: 01-05-2004
Posts: 2,796
no, i do understand you not posting it all, hog. but what you point out... have you done this level of "snooping" as you call it into bush?

see, i'm still an undecided voter. i could vote for bush, for kerry or abstain altogether if i can't in good conscious vote for either of them to lead this country.

so i'm doing my homework, too -- on BOTH bush and kerry.

i appreciate the links you provided, and i've looked at them. presentation, however, is what separate fact from propaganda. propaganda does not mean "false." you can have 100% verifiable facts, but if you present them in an overtly biased manner, they become propaganda -- whether it's anti-kerry or anti-bush.

i prefer to look for the WHOLE truth and not take anyone's word, especially when presented in such a biased manner, as the gospel truth.
usahog Offline
#15 Posted:
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AVB Offline
#16 Posted:
Joined: 05-21-2003
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Another point is that if the people that a senator represents doesn't agree or like the job he or she is doing they get voted out.

In this case we have someone with 24 years of service in the government making federal level decisions, as his constituents want running against someone who now has almost 4 years of doing the same.
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