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Last post 19 years ago by Cavallo. 21 replies replies.
#1 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

use link "having a nervous breakdown."
JonR Offline
#2 Posted:
Joined: 02-19-2002
Posts: 9,740
Yo Rick:

Your statement:

"in order to maintain my rights as a citizen, and because my i believe my country is in danger, and because there are some posters who actually care about their country and don't have the time that i have to research, i will continue to post what i believe are sites relevant to the current election.

these sites will present ideas contrary to the administration and it's voice on tv, fox news.

having said that, i will not respond to any posts that either agree or disagree with the authors of these articles. i choose not to get involved in the negative responses that are sure to follow, nor, to be fair, will i respond to anyone who finds the information of value.

i will respond to anyone that emails me with questions or information they wish to share. emails to me that attempt to be ugly or negative, will be deleted and ignored."

Nuff said.

bloody spaniard Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 03-14-2003
Posts: 43,802
You know, the man has some redeeming qualities, but I am so embarrassed for having voted for him (and his father) on so MANY levels- not just his lack of depth.

What a shame that the political cream doesn't rise. We get to pick from the dregs.

DrMaddVibe Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,724
Speak for yourself Blood. You're voting for Kerry!
rayder1 Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 06-02-2002
Posts: 2,226
I wish everyone would have a recorder on 24/7. That way everyone would know that there are times (some more frequent than others) where you just cannot get your thoughts together. I guess Bush isn't a robot...he might actually be human. Damn...what a concept.

Now Kerry...we know he has never made a stupid comment or been unable to formualte a thought.

Bush did sound like a dufus trying to think on the fly. I guess that 20 second sound byte proves beyond any doubt that he's a bad President.
bloody spaniard Offline
#6 Posted:
Joined: 03-14-2003
Posts: 43,802
^ Maybe he should try to shut his mouth even if there's a pregnant pause, formulate his thoughts logically, then proceed with a simple, grammatically-correct sentence---or maybe just say, "I don't know"...

Why yes, DrM, I AM voting for Kerry.
I approach it as though I'm getting a prostate exam--very uncomfortable, messy, and awkward but necessary.
It beats getting fisted by dubya for another four years. LOL!

DrMaddVibe Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,724
I'm not getting fisted!

My business has TRIPLED!

My savings account isn't some Robin Hood piggy bank. I want the tax cuts to become permanent. I'd rather vote for someone that has a problem annunciating his words but has the moral comapss to back them up and follow through with them. I like the fact that the war on terror has had only ONE battle here on our soil since he was elected. I like the fact that Iraq was/is backing Al Queda and that they're not anymore! I like the fact that he pushed the UN to act even though they voted 14 times to use military force.


Keeping your word.

Not trying to be all things to all people.

You can call it being fisted, but from the world I live in...I call it a good start and worthy of 4 more years.
Sonny_LSU Offline
#8 Posted:
Joined: 11-21-2002
Posts: 1,835
My, my, my DMV you are a Republican! Glad to here you've benefited from ol' GW's tenure. By the way, if a compass aligns itself with the poles of the planet, does a moral compass align itself with the closest stash of cocaine?
DrMaddVibe Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,724
I don't know the answer to the questions you seek.

Maybe you'll have a blinding revelation while packing boxes!
bloody spaniard Offline
#10 Posted:
Joined: 03-14-2003
Posts: 43,802
Mean & nasty just the way I like the Madd Doktor! You're friskier than Liberace's cleanly-shaved, Malaysian houseboy.

Well here goes...
Glad to see bidness is going well for you. Been robbing banks very long? Hey Doc, now that you've tripled your gross, how's it feel to make 4 figures a year?

Kidding aside, not everybody has been blessed like you. Many people's economic progress came to a halt and even steadily declined under dubya.
I would have never believed it if I (and MANY others that I know) hadn't experienced it firsthand.

On account of this fiscal mismanagement/croneyism, only large corporations (enjoying a startling 30%+ profit increase)and a few entrepreneurs like you, are enjoying good fortune. Venture capital is scarce and so are dubya's ideas.

You are like the energizer bunny.

DrMaddVibe Offline
#11 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,724
Sept. 11th did play a huge role in the economic downturn, but things were slowing before that happened. Once it did...corporations used it as an excuse to get "lean".

I still don't see where there's any wrong doing business wise that can be pinned on GW besides Haliburton(if they count!). I look at them with raised eyebrows but understand why they got the no-bid contracts. They were in place already. They're global. They're familiar with military operations. They're familiar with petroleum production. They're familiar with construction. They were willing to respond in a fast manner and hit the ground running. Did they do some bad math...yes. They found it and reported it. It wasn't another competitor or congressman that ratted them out.

What businesses has GW given "special" favor too? I'm interested.
bloody spaniard Offline
#12 Posted:
Joined: 03-14-2003
Posts: 43,802
DrM--As Average Wages Stalled in 2003, HMO Profits and CEO Salaries Rose:

HMO profits Up 50%
Average S&P 500 CEO Compensation Up 61%
(figures inflation adjusted)

And While Americans Pay Skyrocketing Prices at the Pump, Oil Companies Get Rich:

2004 First Quarter Earnings on U.S. Refining and Marketing Operations
Chevron-Texaco Up 294%
BP Up 165%
ExxonMobil Up 125%
ConocoPhillips Up 44%

Indeed, Wealthy Corporate Interests Have Profited throughout the Bush Administration:

Corporate Profits Up 83% (Q3 2001 to Q4 2003)

Dividends Paid By S&P 500 Companies Up 15% (2001 to 2003)

(figures inflation adjusted)

Plus, There Are More Corporate Giveaways To Come.
One recent study concludes that drug industry profits will increase by $139 billion over the next eight years as a result of the new Medicare drug law, and the Bush Administration estimates that the new law will provide private insurance plans with an extra $46 billion over ten years.

Worse Yet, Polluters Are Getting a Free Ride Under the Bush Administration. Unlike the previous three presidents, George Bush has opposed reinstating the polluter-pays fees for the cleanup of toxic waste sites, and he has cut enforcement of environmental laws.

Rather Than Ask the Wealthiest Among Us To Make Some Small Sacrifices in this Time of War, the Bush Administration Has Given the Biggest Tax Breaks to the Richest Americans:

Average Tax Cut for millionires $123,600

Average Tax Cut for Top 1% $35,000

Average Tax Cut for Middle 20% $647

IRS Audits of Corporations Down 26%

IRS Audits of Individuals Up 37%

Food for thought...

DrMaddVibe Offline
#13 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,724
"Corporate Profits Up 83% (Q3 2001 to Q4 2003)"

That was the LARGEST growth spurt since the Depression. It kinda makes sense that they would rise with the tax cuts in hand...people spent THEIR money.

If you make more got your share back. I've never begrudged anyone for being rich. Neither should anyone else! They do own the companies. They took the risks. They should be rewarded. Class envy is a sophmore game that's best left to the little pouting and preening girls than people that are bitter about spent opportunities or that believed the dotcom bubble was going to last. Economies are like waves in an ocean. Once in a while a tsunami comes along, but for the most part you ride 'em in sets of 3.

You're starting to sound like Rick if you're going to blame executive compensation on GW! There really is a limit to his abilities. You guys guffaw and snort about how stupid he is and then in the same paragraphs give him credit for raping the Tresury Department, wiping out the environment and ripping off everyone else in-between...that sounds more like Superman or Dr. No than it does this proclaimed Texas bumpkin that you like to goof on!

Which is it...the history books are being written. Which way is the wind blowing up the kilt tonight?
bloody spaniard Offline
#14 Posted:
Joined: 03-14-2003
Posts: 43,802
Uh-uh, you're not taking me down the class warfare route tonight. I've had too hard a day.

Suffice to say, that I and many other businessmen are taking the necessary, expensive, arduous steps to successfully pull ourselves out of the holes that the current administration/events dug for us.

You crazy nut--talk to you later. Enjoy the skins tonight.

blood (or blud as deak would say)
tailgater Offline
#15 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
Posts: 26,187
I honestly don't know how you can blame this president for the recession that America had recently.
The bubble burst from the falsly high dot.coms and when the telecomunication industry tanked, so too did many others associated with it.
Companies without sufficient diversification folded.
Is that President Bush's fault?
You seem to think so.

As for "corporate welfare", that is the most widely abused term by liberals since homophobe.
The "welfare" you speak of is simply tax cuts. Cuts that are intended for the most part to keep corporations here, thereby keeping jobs state-side.

I agree that vast abuses are the unfortunate result, but that is true of any and all federal government programs involving high dollars. Fix the problem, don't cry about it and denounce the purpose and validity of the intent.

#16 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

what utter nonsense that the piddling hundred dollars or so that some middle class people got as a tax "refund" gave corporations an 83% profit.

suggesting class envy as a motive is also BS. but when a ken lay, a bush heavy duty supporter is allowed to rape his companies treasures and break the back of people who had their retirement funds liquidated because of crooked ceo's, and he is not in jail, don't even try to explain that with class envy.

your texas bumpkin doesn't have a master plan. he and his handlers, and don't think he is the big thinker, the big planner, the big mind, have set the stage for the rape of the treasury by corporations that have contributed to bush's campaign because they expected personal gain and they got it.

and although i can't remember which, there is one state in the usa that allows bankrupt people to keep any and all equity in their homes, ken lay along with other corporate thieves have purchased multi million dollar homes in anticipation of potential bankruptcy in that state.

i personally don't "guffaw and snort about how stupid he is and then in the same paragraphs give him credit for raping the Tresury Department, wiping out the environment and ripping off everyone else in-between".

i don't give him credit for anything except being a "dry drunk" and using his new conversion to god as a substitute for his prior adictions. his "family values" include raising two daughters arrested for underage drinking. the family that drinks together, get drunk together.

i don't where a kilt, and i don't have to stick my ass in the wind to find out which way the wind is blowing.
don't ask for whom the bell tolls. it tolls for people with the wind in their ass.
#17 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

corporate welfare is exactly what it says. it is money given to corporations as a gift to reward people that contribute to a politicians election and the democrats are as bad as the republicans.

at least ioccoa paid back the government loans.
JonR Offline
#18 Posted:
Joined: 02-19-2002
Posts: 9,740
Yo Rick:

Your statement:

"in order to maintain my rights as a citizen, and because my i believe my country is in danger, and because there are some posters who actually care about their country and don't have the time that i have to research, i will continue to post what i believe are sites relevant to the current election.

these sites will present ideas contrary to the administration and it's voice on tv, fox news.

having said that, i will not respond to any posts that either agree or disagree with the authors of these articles. i choose not to get involved in the negative responses that are sure to follow, nor, to be fair, will i respond to anyone who finds the information of value.

i will respond to anyone that emails me with questions or information they wish to share. emails to me that attempt to be ugly or negative, will be deleted and ignored."

Nuff said.

bloody spaniard Offline
#19 Posted:
Joined: 03-14-2003
Posts: 43,802
Gater, I know that dubya inherited the recession from slick. I blame dubya for the mandates that he's passed down for Government purchasing. These mandates sound like the workings of his handlers- many of whom have corporate "wonk" backgrounds. He merely wags his tail when they suggest their "streamlining" ideas, which prevent competitive bidding & cost the Government more.

As far as "corporate welfare" being the most abused term by liberals since homophobe... Well, what do you call it when they get tax advantages for outsourcing?
This "welfare" is not simply tax cuts. It is the loss of many jobs and possibly industries/technologies. Look at the garment industry or maybe the computer engineering sector. The tax payers are subsidizing other countries' technological/GNP growth.

Hey dubya, keep protecting the pharmaceuticals, oil companies, defense contractors, hmos, etc. They (and their investors) need to make more $$$, regardless of how they hurt our citizenry. Edwards will probably stand up to them.

Gater, I'm tired of wondering what dubya's intent is. He had his chance. No hard feelings dubya--you're fired. That's how we fix the problem. And if Kerry does the same--he goes too! It's simple.

BTW, "homophobe" literally means a fear of man/primate. Anyone who uses that term or "gender" (instead of sex) for determining the sex of a person on application is an illiterate ****. LOL!

Cavallo Offline
#20 Posted:
Joined: 01-05-2004
Posts: 2,796
i have to laugh at bush's "honesty" and "keeping his word."

first he says "i've created/supported XYZ program to benefit veterans/environment/ordinary americans/our children/etc." and then when it comes to put his money where his mouth is -- SURPRISE! -- he guts the budget for it, leaving the program he got the good PR for to twist in the wind, linger and die.

some kind of follow through and word keeping!
bloody spaniard Offline
#21 Posted:
Joined: 03-14-2003
Posts: 43,802
^ He's busy building Iraq's infrastructure--money's no object!
As long as he and his corporate buddies shovel in the $$$...

Good seeing you Tony! Your surprise bomb touched me & made my year!! The hand-made box was awesome!
DrMaddVibe Offline
#22 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,724
Cav, it would be one thing if what you said was the truth...but it's not!
Cavallo Offline
#23 Posted:
Joined: 01-05-2004
Posts: 2,796
hey, bro! glad it got there okay and that you liked. :) kick back, light up one of them thar smokie treats and post like a fiend! lol

one of the things i'm keeping an eye on is how the military is going to fare when soldiers are getting paid (even with the increase) peanuts in comparison to civilian contractors making obscene amounts of money to do jobs that soldiers previously did. the "hey, he's doing my old job, but i'm making crap and he's making $1k PER DAY."

some contracting is smart, absolutely. but already privateering is causing a dent in re-enlistment; when re-up time comes, soldiers are saying "bye bye military, hello cushy, well-paying contractor job!"

it'll be interesting to see how this eventually plays out.
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