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Last post 19 years ago by usahog. 21 replies replies.
Finally Paid my Last CS Payment (Rant)
usahog Offline
#1 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
after 5 yrs of BS... I had my last day in court with my ex wife... this burden is behind me now and I can get on with life with Mrs. Hog...

I had to take my ex back to court to have the Child Support stopped she wouldn't volutarly sign the paper to terminate this issue which could have been done some weeks back... (few choice words insert here)

I also had (while I was forced to make her sign) brought up a few other issues she did not follow through with on the Decree... Lack of payment on her bill responsibilties... I also asked the courts to not allow her to desicrate my Fathers last name any longer.. now that my Children are grown there is no need for her to carry on this name and should take her maiden name back for the actions she has done while carrying my fathers last namesake...

All was granted accept for reimbursement of the 1153.00 in overpayments... and the Judge is looking into the lack of payments on the bill resposibilities...

169 consecutive child support payments and one kid in college and another one headed there... not a bad record I don't think....

But the Bitterness my ex has stired throughout the yrs is something that has scorned each one of my children and will be there for the rest of their lives... I can only pray that time will heal all this bitterness as it passes....

what I do have now is communication directly with my Kids rather then through their mothers interpretations and hatered....

dave97402 Offline
#2 Posted:
Joined: 12-24-2003
Posts: 3,598
It's funny (ok not really funny, but you know what I mean) I know numerous divorced people, and more times than not, the ex wife will cause complete grief for the ex husband for the entire time. I don't understand that, though never will....and I realize that men sometimes get the chance to do the same thing and do. But whether or not it was the man choice to divorce, he pays through being tormented by the ex wife.

Oh and congrats on keeping up with the CS payments and responibility of those kids! How great it must feel to know that it is over!!

DrMaddVibe Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,785

Free at last, free at last. Thank God Almighty, free at last!

You're the exception and not the norm!
bloody spaniard Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 03-14-2003
Posts: 43,802
Bro, the fact that you're one of the few who OVERPAID says a lot about you.

Hang in there, Hog. You know what they say, "you gotta get at least one under your belt, before you get it right".

donutboy2000 Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 11-20-2001
Posts: 25,000
Most women hold a grudge and make you pay again and again and....
gadog95 Offline
#6 Posted:
Joined: 12-10-2003
Posts: 91
After 15 years of child support, I now get to pay for 4 years of college. Maybe I will live long enough for the ex to leave me alone. LOL

usahog Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
Thanks All...

Gadog, I also have been assisting my oldest in college with what I can through-out... this was not in the court option this is because I want to see my Kids do better then I did when I started out as a Father at age 18... Now I will have another in college and I can focus the funds a little better now knowing this chunck of change if need be can be directed right at the effort to support.. one of the ex's arguements today was that she has paid for everything and I haven't helped with a damn thing.. that was quickly smirked at by the Judge and also quickly reminded to the courts by myself what was the 169 consecutive payments going for your honor?? he squalled her speach...

as for the rest it is a past issue and the focus now is the future...

I do have a 20 yr old son I would love to see finish his hs education and advance on with life.. but this is an issue I have to be patient with...

God Bless Ya'll

redneck1 Offline
#8 Posted:
Joined: 11-15-2000
Posts: 813
Congrats Hog!! Today I mailed the final form that will end my 17+ years of CS payments.

Make sure to have yourself a special smoke this weekend. I will!!!

bassdude Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 01-13-2004
Posts: 8,871

So when is the celebration herf???
usahog Offline
#10 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
Congrats to you also Redneck1!!!

Bass... we can herf anytime Bro... but the party is on hold as I said my oldest I help with Schooling and now the youngest is heading off also... although the youngest doesn't speak with me now.. I know she is short changed and will also be needing something shortly and my budget was just cut in half until I can find other employment to make up the differences... all I can offer ya is a Beer and a Fine Cigar LMAO!!!

Cavallo Offline
#11 Posted:
Joined: 01-05-2004
Posts: 2,796
hog, congrats!

i've known several guys who've been through the same thing. if it's any consolation, every one of them had improved relationships with their kids -- the kids were of an age where they could act on their own (and see dad whenever THEY wanted to), old enough to understand relationships better, and -- most of all -- they could talk to dad more and get HIS version of things -- not the "your father's such a )(@#$)@" version filtered through a pi$$ed off mom.

here's hoping things get better and better -- for your kids and for you and mrs. hog.
MACS Offline
#12 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
Posts: 80,091
Words of wisdom from MACS: Remember guys, no matter how HOT she is... somebody, somewhere is tired of her ****.
nealep Offline
#13 Posted:
Joined: 07-14-2004
Posts: 519

Congrat's!! You are obviously a good Dad! I'm also in my 2nd marriage & have 3 stepsons. Being somewhat on the other side of the equasion, I can see what has made my wife pissed at her X. However, I have to say that she has good grounds for her anger. For starters, though he thinks he is "Father of the Year," he is mentaly unstable, having been placed in a Psyc. Hospital twice in the last 3 years so he can get his act somewhat together. He lost his job & was on Worker's Comp. for a year & drawing disability from the State & his company, but was terminated by his company because he could not provide a Dr's note to his company saying that he is continuing treatment. In additon, he has continually failed to provide the child support that has been mandated by the court, & is actually less then is the norm for 3 kids at his wage rate. He got an other job, after having been on "disability" for a year, and has again been "injured" and is on worker's comp. and riding the system for as long as he can. Though the Child Support Division is/has attached his wages, on Worker's Comp. they can only attach 25%. But, he doesn't care because his Dad, the kid's grandfather, supports him under the table. In addition to all of this, he continually, throughout the Divorce process, filled the kids heads full c@%p about how terrable their mother is/was.

Soooo...... It's been a tough road for my wife & me to keep things together, emotionally, psychologically, & financially.

Well... Now that I've wined (and dinned? LOL), I just want to say, again... Great job Hog!! Keep in contact with your kids, & I hope that you're able to re-establish a relationship with your 2nd child.

xibbumbero Offline
#14 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2002
Posts: 12,535
Hog,I feel your pain and liberation having gone thru that many years ago. Funny thing though,my ex and I are on friendly terms now. X
bassdude Offline
#15 Posted:
Joined: 01-13-2004
Posts: 8,871
all I can offer ya is a Beer and a Fine Cigar LMAO!!!

Hell, that is all I need.
usahog Offline
#16 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
Macs Yur Right on some of that...

X congrats to you that you and she could retain that type of communication...

Bass why didn't ya say so?? LOL

Nealep I also am on the other end of the deal.. Mrs. Hogs Ex in 2 1/2 yrs hasn't made 10 CS payments... he also keeps bouncing from Job to Job... he used to beat her and the kids and for the 19 yrs she was married to him she was the major bread winner... while he did his thing...
Now Illinois has the same type of CS inforcement but these state workers don't want to do their jobs... So now with time on my hands she and I are going to relinquish this from the SDU, hire an attorney and push for change of Venue... Force the Hand so to say...
there is a deadbeat dads website and his picture is going to appear on there before any court action...

My wife and her family have spent numerious hours trying to track him down at different employers.. this is the job of the state dispersment unit, enacted here in Illinois... but they pass the buck... so it is worth the money to hire an attorney, get a change of venue, enforce the state Laws, IE: revoke drivers liscense or work camp or both..

the great thing about the internet and the freedom of information act.. is that all the information one would need on the state laws over issues.. is available and cannot be argued about in a court of law...

good luck to you and your wife on this issue...

bassdude Offline
#17 Posted:
Joined: 01-13-2004
Posts: 8,871
you still a repo dude?
nealep Offline
#18 Posted:
Joined: 07-14-2004
Posts: 519
Thanks Hog. Best of luck to you too. You have a heck of a lot of irons in the fire!

usahog Offline
#19 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
Na Bass, this was the wifes job.. I was just the enforcer/driver... the person she was working for told us we were licensed as repo for repo.. well after about 4 wks of working I was still harping about the card we were to carry on our persons?? with that and him shorting her on her pay and lying to us about using their vehicals to repo.. we both decided to have him shove it..
I told the wife ya know what.. with not having the license and such as promissed.. we could of had our heads blown off and not a leg to stand on IE: trespassing etc..

I did however locate a buddy of mine who has been doing this work for years... he is now moved or joined in with another company in Northern Illinois.... he's more than willing to put me/us to work with a company out of Belville area and we would be licensed for sure.. this will cost out of pocket 310.00 bucks but good for any state in the nation... IRA Illinois Repo Association... the money is better But as with the other.. it was tying up weekends and nights and with the Teen starting school and all I would be the only one who could work the night shift or find a partner because it really does take 2 people...

So as of right now I have put the thought on the back burner.. working in the shop with some other projects and tinkering around the yard with honey do's LOL...

I built a dog house last week and will be posting the pictures... wife and kid call it a doll house without windows.. but hey I got 3 dogs and they need living quarters too... LOL

one things for sure.. I do miss that "Rush" of doing the Repo thing...

Oh I did pick up another Gig working at the races... AMA Dirt Track races that come to Springfield twice a year.. I'll be helping set up and take down the props and working the track... may even end up working this in Dequoin Il. also...

usahog Offline
#20 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
You have a heck of a lot of irons in the fire!

Yep just trying to get them fires put out so I can get on with More of them LMAO!!!

bassdude Offline
#21 Posted:
Joined: 01-13-2004
Posts: 8,871
Belleville huh?? Need help LMK - with the new addition forthcoming I can use an extra buck or two.
usahog Offline
#22 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
Bro I haven't fully thought much more on this one.. but now your getting my gears turning again LOL...

I still have a few things to iron out here and will take at least a couple weeks... but I will be giving this guy a call and faxing a resume off...

I'll be dropping you an email on this one...

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