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Last post 19 years ago by osage. 12 replies replies.
Unfit for Command' No. 3 on Times list
usahog Offline
#1 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
Kerry critique sits at No. 1 on both Amazon, Barnes & Noble

#2 at other areas.. sure is selling like hotcakes... maybe Kerry himself is buying them all up so people wont get a chance to hear about the Real John F Kerry??? seems some places are pulling them off the shelves even....

and whats John Kerry say about this?? it's all Bushes doings... pointing the finger at Bush and the Repubs... instead of taking action against these men who are making these Charges??? something Fishy here??

xibbumbero Offline
#2 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2002
Posts: 12,535
Hmmm...I thought the book was about dubya,LOL. X
Charlie Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
Posts: 39,751
Haven't read piece of literature and probably will not, but I will say one thing along the pointing fingers line...Kerry is very very good at feighning (sp) horror and acting aghast about ads run by outside interests, when he has the moveon boys and other outside groups blasting away at GWB daily! He is such a damn hypocryte that I would not vote for him for that reason alone!!!!! Fuhgedabutit

CWFoster Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 12-12-2003
Posts: 5,414
X, you WISH the book was about Dubya!
Cavallo Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 01-05-2004
Posts: 2,796
charlie: are you not going to vote for bush then? because he won't say a word about the swift boat vets' ads either ya know. ;)
DrMaddVibe Offline
#6 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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CWFoster Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 12-12-2003
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"McClellan described the Republican donor to the Swift Boat group, Bob Perry, as "a supporter" of the president, and acknowledged Perry's personal ties with Bush's top political adviser, Karl Rove. "
- I suppose you could call George Soros a "supporter" of the Kerry campaign, couldn't you?

"CRAWFORD, Texas (Reuters) - President Bush (news - web sites) and a top adviser have long-standing ties to people behind advertisements claiming Sen. John Kerry (news - web sites) lied about his war record, but the campaign denied any part in the ads on Friday and derided Kerry for "losing his cool" over the accusations.
- Wouldn't you say Soros has "long standing ties" to the democrats? I don't recall Bush whining about the tripe put out by, nor have I heard Kerry denounce them!

"Kerry went a step further on Friday by asking the Federal Election Commission (news - web sites) to force the group to withdraw the ads, alleging it illegally coordinated its efforts with the Bush campaign.
-Do you suppose he'll ask them to shut down while he's at it? It's just a little thing, the first amendment!

""His losing his cool shouldn't be an excuse to falsely attack the president," McClellan said."
- What the heck! He never needed an excuse before anyway!

"McClellan described the Republican donor to the Swift Boat group, Bob Perry, as "a supporter" of the president, and acknowledged Perry's personal ties with Bush's top political adviser, Karl Rove."
- Let's see, they're all politically active, and they're all from Texas, Of Course they know each other, and I'm sure they have for some time. Does that mean they HAVE to be taking orders? If they are, is that any worse than Boat Veterans for Truth has been operating for what? two or three months? Rick has been posting propaganda for five months? And the Dems are accusing BUSH of dirty pool? Hardball? PUH-LEASE

"The White House has declined to specifically condemn the Swift Boat commercials. It has instead challenged Kerry to join Bush in calling for an end to all ads funded by unrestricted donations, including those questioning Bush's service in the National Guard."

"Kerry has condemned one of those ads, but McClellan says his campaign has actively fueled some of the attacks."
-tell me does shutting up one specific ad sound like a fair exchang for an across the board condemnation of a series of ads?, or is Kerry wanting Bush to roll over for him? I think the liberals who get upset over this are just upset that Bush ISN'T as stupid as they paint him to be!

" Records show Perry is also a long-time Bush supporter. He contributed $46,000 to Bush's 1994 and 1998 campaigns for Texas governor, and has contributed the maximum allowable $2,000 to Bush's current re-election."
-and HOW MUCH has George Soros spent to get Bush out of the White House? This is chump change! The dems better not start quoting figures or Kerry's gonna look awfully funny with richer friends, and deeper pockets than the "poor little rich boy" Bush!

CWFoster Offline
#8 Posted:
Joined: 12-12-2003
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All the above being said... I STILL don't give a blind rats behind about what either of these guys were doing thirty years ago! Bush has been DOING something about Afghanistan, and Iraq, while the previous administration said it needed doing since '96, Bush is actually DOING something! Whether you agree with the actions or not, he is NOT all talk and hot air! Lets see, what has Kerry done in the past twenty years? I'm not going to list all the weapon systems upgrades he voted against, YOU look them up! If I list them, you'll just accuse me of cut and paste propaganda, so YOU do your homework! If he's too busy to attend more than 24% of the congressional sessions, too busy to attend all (or even most) of the Senate Intelligence Committee meetings, and continually votes against upgrading our weapons and equipment, how does he expect me to beleive that HE is the candidate who will assure Americas security?
usahog Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
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Why Are The Media AWOL?
August 17, 2004

Contrary to the polite, watered-down dismissals of much of the beltway pundit community, there is simply no way to chalk up the opposing stories of John Kerry and the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth as mutually honest differences of opinion.

I've now read the book "Unfit for Command," and am here to tell you that its multitudinous allegations against Senator Kerry are breathtaking. You cannot read this book without concluding that its co-authors John O'Neill and Jerome Corsi -- and the scores of Vietnam veterans they cite by name throughout the book -- are making specific indictments against Kerry that cannot be rationalized away.

John O'Neill doesn't timidly suggest that Kerry might have lied occasionally or exaggerated in Vietnam and afterward during his antiwar crusade. Rather he paints an unmistakable picture of Kerry as a ruthless, self-promoting egomaniac who systematically placed his own interests above his fellow soldiers and who was obsessively involved in building his resume at all costs during the entirety of his short tour in Vietnam.

O'Neill depicts Kerry -- with mountains of documented evidence -- as a pathological, unconscionable liar whose penchant for dishonesty in Vietnam was only exceeded by his brutal, unmitigated slander of his fellow soldiers when he rushed stateside to lobby against them, their superiors and the entire military establishment.

You can certainly say that John O'Neill and the some 250 Swiftees supporting his position are lying. Or you can say that John Kerry was lying about Vietnam and continues to today. But you cannot honestly say that both groups may be telling the truth. That choice is simply not open to us, as anyone who reads the book will be forced to admit.

You can also dismiss these charges out of hand by accepting the propaganda of Kerry's supporters, whose primary tactic has been to discredit the Swiftees as paid Republican mouthpieces who "did not serve on the same boat as John Kerry."

But John O'Neill himself denies that he's a Republican and says that many in his group are Democrats. Let the investigative reporters of the partisan media run that down if they dare.

And to suggest that the Swiftees had to have been on the same boat is flagrantly specious, as the boats traveled in close proximity to one another, affording the Swiftees firsthand knowledge of the events they describe. In one case, O'Neill charges Kerry with taking credit for the heroics actually performed by members of another Swift Boat. You can see how you wouldn't have to be on the same boat with Kerry to testify to that one.

In evaluating the respective disputants' credibility we should note that neither Kerry nor his defenders have even attempted to refute the great majority of the factual assertions in the book. They tried with the "Christmas in Cambodia" incident and dug themselves a far deeper hole, and they're still digging.

They haven't been willing to engage in a debate with Mr. O'Neill. Instead, they have shouted him down. Just review the transcript of O'Neill's appearance on CNN's "Crossfire," where James Carville and Lanny Davis ceaselessly berated O'Neill and literally wouldn't let him speak.

And Chris Matthews, though he allowed O'Neill to speak between interruptions, couldn't seem to get past his perception that Kerry had to be a hero because the Navy, as an institution, bestowed multiple awards on him.

But if Chris had read the book, he would have understood that one of its premises is that Kerry often circumvented those who had actual knowledge of events and duped his superiors into giving him honors by falsifying reports and presumably recommending himself for these awards when his superiors refused to do so.

Kerry could clear much of this up by releasing all his medical and military records, but so far he has been quite selective with their release. We need to know, for example, if he filed false reports, such as claiming that certain self-inflicted wounds were a result of enemy fire.

But what's even more damning to John Kerry's credibility is his unsubstantiated defamation of his fellow servicemen in his opportunistic Senate testimony and elsewhere upon his return from Vietnam. Kerry not only indicts his fellow soldiers as war criminals, but the entire command structure of the U.S. military as directing these types of activities.

Yet Kerry has never been able to produce specific names and dates of those who committed these actions, nor any real proof of systematic, much less top-down orchestrated atrocities. Kerry has never apologized for these slanders.

If just one tenth of what the Swiftees assert is true, we should shudder at the prospect of a Kerry presidency. Where are the media?

So Someone from the Kerry Camp here on the Board want to tell me?? Why the Hell is Kerry Attacking and filing lawsuits against everything and everybody (Media and the Elections commision) and not against any of these individuals directly to squash this?? why is he wanting these peoples 1st ammendment rights revoked at the hands of someone else doing it??

CWFoster Offline
#10 Posted:
Joined: 12-12-2003
Posts: 5,414
If just one tenth of what the Swiftees assert is true, we should shudder at the prospect of a Kerry presidency. Where are the media?
-firmly in the liberal camp, where they've always been!
Sonny_LSU Offline
#11 Posted:
Joined: 11-21-2002
Posts: 1,835
Clinton's book was #1......does this mean people are more interested in an Oval Office BJ than the illustrious Swiftboat Vets?

CWFoster Offline
#12 Posted:
Joined: 12-12-2003
Posts: 5,414
What can I say, sex sells!
osage Offline
#13 Posted:
Joined: 02-18-2001
Posts: 492
"Unfit for Command" dropped to #5 on the seller list today. Let's hope it moves back up in the weeks to come.
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