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Last post 23 years ago by rem_KM. 16 replies replies.
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hatkins Offline
#1 Posted:
Joined: 12-27-1999
Posts: 36
the DEMOCRATIC National Committee owns this site, yes i said DEMOCRATIC. isn't there some sort of copyright infringement here?
CL Offline
#2 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2000
Posts: 855
Another one of their ploys.... I guess anyone can own the name to a website. I tried and it's some individual evidently trying to make money off the Republican party.
CL Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2000
Posts: 855
....or it's some individual trying to make money off the Democratic party if the liberals want to exploit that site too.
BrentM01 Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 05-30-2000
Posts: 343
Looks like Bush got a little help from Daddy. Ever wonder if he could have done it on his own?
tailgater Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
Posts: 26,187
Of course he got help from daddy. Every president needs help. people vote based on the economy. If it's good, they stay within the current party. If not, they vote them out. Gore should be running away with this election, but he is so out of tune with the real world that he will hopefully blow it. So what if GW got help from dear ol dad. It's time we should look to get back to men (or women) with strong moral character. Clinton is a JOKE who happens to be riding the wave affectionately known as the economy. BTW, I am NOT republican. But Gore scares the crap outta me. His pro-tax and anti-business voting record sends shivers up me spine. I wish his parents had the late term abortion he is in favor of (did I say that? I'm sorry...)
BrentM01 Offline
#6 Posted:
Joined: 05-30-2000
Posts: 343
Thanks for the enlightenment, but I still feel this country is not ready for a Republican in the White House. As you said yourself, in a good economy it rarely happens. I'm pretty much tired of ALL politics given the record of the last 2 years. The majority parties have acted like a bunch of 2-year-olds. If it came down to CHARACTER or HONESTY, I doubt whether either one would be up to the challenege. Yes, I believe we need to get respectability back into the Oval Office, but I don't see it happening any time soon. I wish I felt a little better about it. I used to be one of the most patriotic people around but as I said , the last couple years has been really disappointing
russ_rfh Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 12-16-1999
Posts: 45
Everyone needs help, ie. Gore's father was a senator. I lent the money to get my daughter started in her business. My dad got me my first job. My wife's best friend got her her job. No one is an island.....Russ
BrentM01 Offline
#8 Posted:
Joined: 05-30-2000
Posts: 343
You still haven't answered my question which is do you really think he could have come this far on his own????
We all need some help in our lives sometimes but what we are talking about here involves more than just a job.So if it took two speech writers and practice time of weeks for the speech he gave tonight at the Republican Convention, what can we count on from him when he himself needs to make an important decision??
unklebill Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 12-29-1999
Posts: 729
I'm from Texas, but I'm starting to notice, that bulb just ain't too bright...
hatkins Offline
#10 Posted:
Joined: 12-27-1999
Posts: 36
wait a second, why is W the first guy to get heat for having speech writers. he is on the campaign trail each and every day making speeches. every president and presidential nominee uses speech writers. content is delivered by the RNC collectively. he adds his input and they put together the speeches. it's just part of the game. reagan used speech writers, kennedy used speech writers. these guys are out spreading the word about their campaign everyday and have you ever put together a 1 hour speech. i doubt you could do it in a couple of days. also, just because he's not as eloquent as "mr. feelgood" clinton doesn't mean he's dumb. finally, this crap about getting help from his dad. if you're an entrepreneur and you have access to jeff bezos everyday, would you call him. absolutely you would. why re-invent the wheel. he has everyday access to someone who has been there before. get the prior knowledge and build on it. rome wasn't built in one day by one guy. it took an army of men.
BrentM01 Offline
#11 Posted:
Joined: 05-30-2000
Posts: 343
Personally, I' ve delivered a number of speechs that were over an hour in length, it isn't that tough. No notes, nothing. If you're speaking from the heart you have nothing to fear. Honesty should just come out naturally.Yes, most of these guys have speechwriters but we've also had alot of great Presidents who wrote their own speechs. They didn't pay millions of dollars in salaries to try and get it right. That's how they got elected!(what ever happened to those days?)
The other thing that bothers me is these guys are TERRIFIED of saying the wrong thing. One wrong word and they're out man. Hence, the reason for the speech writers. Hey, I'm no bleeding heart liberal but Bush has had everything handed to him on a silver platter. I, on the other hand, have had to struggle to get where I am, with NO help from dear old Mom and Dad. I think that counts for something. Hey, maybe I should run for President! Ya'll have a nice day now.
robnsue Offline
#12 Posted:
Joined: 02-23-2000
Posts: 269
OH FUN! Maybe we should start talking religion next! Bush is the best choice. Pure and Simple. IMHO Brent, help from a friend/family is not a bad thing be it politics or cigars.What has changed politics is very simple TV. It only takes 3 seconds of a speech to be broadcast nationwide....The times we live in. Do you think Lincoln would have a chance today?
BrentM01 Offline
#13 Posted:
Joined: 05-30-2000
Posts: 343
Haha, I knew I' d probably have to answer to a bud sooner or later, so I'll just let it go for now. I don't like getting into arguments with my cigar buddies. Like I said Rob, I'm just pretty fed up with politics these days. It sure ain't like it used to be. I'll listen to both sides and then decide. That's the American way isn't it!
unklebill Offline
#14 Posted:
Joined: 12-29-1999
Posts: 729
I wasn't referring to his speeches. I know all that is just scripted crap anyway. I am referring to the times I have watched him debate. That is the only way to really tell if the wheels upstairs are turning. Again, his ain't.
robnsue Offline
#15 Posted:
Joined: 02-23-2000
Posts: 269
It's all small compared to the big picture of friendship!
unklebill Offline
#16 Posted:
Joined: 12-29-1999
Posts: 729
AAaawwww Shucks....
rem_KM Offline
#17 Posted:
Joined: 05-14-2000
Posts: 101
I have gone to this website and read everything on it. I have no doubt that it is all true. I have never been so proud to be a American who is about to vote for the greatest Presidential team ever! To see Mr. Cheney's voting record highlighting the votes where he and a handful of other brave men voted their beliefs over "popular" trends made my heart swell with pride! The only way I could have been any prouder of Mr. Cheney is if he were the only vote against these anti-American proposals. I am so thankful ****** Cheney is a Republican. When W. is President I hope they increase defense spending 1000% . I would rather they completely did away with every domestic program to facilitate it if need be.
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