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Last post 19 years ago by usahog. 23 replies replies.
Sain Gas Scare... Question?
usahog Offline
#1 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
let me ask this since Bull brought up the other thread and the discussion was going quite well...

If there was an attack on American soil using Sarin Gas or Anthrax like after the 911 these mailings happend..

The question is, would you want to get help to prevent the possibilities of yourself or your family becoming a victim? to what extent would you go to ensure this type thing didn't effect you or your family members?

usahog Offline
#2 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
Sain = Sarin... Sorry bout that ;0)

Hoss Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 07-26-2004
Posts: 238
I did like everyone else. I bought 1000 rolls of duct tape.
PMoreno349 Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 07-05-2002
Posts: 665
Is that a rhetorical question? Are you offering advice, or trying to find out what our plans are? I have never thought about it, because the probability of it happening here is so low.
tornado Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 05-27-2004
Posts: 244
I think Anthrax is easily controlled with modern antibiotics, so it's really no more of a threat than the flu.

Sarin gas? Guess I'd better practice holding my breath.
usahog Offline
#6 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
Is that a rhetorical question? No I wanted an honest reply once thought over...

Are you offering advice, Nope

or trying to find out what our plans are? No Again

I have never thought about it, because the probability of it happening here is so low. how do you figure the probability is low?

I simply asked a question to see what responses would be..

CWFoster Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 12-12-2003
Posts: 5,414
"I have never thought about it, because the probability of it happening here is so low."

What would you have thought of the probability of terrorists crashing jetliners into our buildings was on 9/10/01?
18delta Offline
#8 Posted:
Joined: 09-18-2004
Posts: 3,235
some people amaze me with their ignorance..........
uncleb Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 11-13-2002
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I love how someone gives an honest answer/comment and are called ignorant.

Now THAT is ingnorant.
18delta Offline
#10 Posted:
Joined: 09-18-2004
Posts: 3,235
ignorance can be illustrated no better than stating that the likelyhood of a sarin gas attack in the USA is low.

usahog Offline
#11 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
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No I seriously wanted a good discussion here... I don't feel anything or anyone on Ignorance with their post to this thread...


btw I'm back... ;0)

18delta Offline
#12 Posted:
Joined: 09-18-2004
Posts: 3,235
sorry, i couldn't help myself........
18delta Offline
#13 Posted:
Joined: 09-18-2004
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honestly, i do not know what i would do. if the attack occurred in an enclosed area, i.e. subway station, i would probably just bend over and kiss me own arse goodbye..........

if it occured away from me, which in all likelyhood it would ( i live in a sparsely populated area), i would do nothing.

as far as gas masks go, you know as well as i do that warnings would probably come too late. we, as civilians, do not have the advantages of having nbc guys set up those warning devices or anything of the sort. i do, however, live near and downwind of an army chemical weapons incineration site and the guidelines given everyone who lives in the area were, at best, vague. put it like this.......any experienced m.d. i trained under in the army always reacted the same way when confronted with the question "what do you think the chances of surviving a chemical attack (from any given agent...nerve, blister, etc.) with moderate warning times and protection of masks only?"....."i, i, i, do not know......probably not good." even with good warning systems in place, the likelihood of coming in contact with an agent via contact (skin), respiratory, or otherwise is huge. you also know how hard it is to remain proficient at the use of nbc equipment for military personnel, much less civilians who do not have the advantage of intense nbc training.

to answer your question......i do not know what i would do in reaction to an attack or to prevent myself or my family from becoming victims. there have been times when i considered gas masks as an option....but what would you do, carry them everywhere with you?

as far as prep for my home, i do not know of any viable options available to me that would prevent the agents from entering even the innermost part of my home. certainly, duct tape wouldn't do the trick.

as far as remedies, i think it is illegal as well as impractical to allow citizens to keep and/or administer atropine injections to themselves or to others. they simply could not be trained in the proper use of these medications and the physiological implications of administering them at all, much less improperly, could be devastating.

on the last live ops i participated in where the likelihood of exposure to chemical agents was high, we did not even carry our nbc gear. first of all, when you are hauling 100+ lbs of gear, weapons, ammo, water, and food, the extra poundage can be a killer. also, the chance of us receiving adequate warnings was extremely low. therefore, the chances of us contacting the agents themselves were high. in which case we knew we would most likely die or worse.....yes, there are worse things than death......studied many patient profiles of those exposed to saddams last attacks against iranians/kurds and the prognosis, imho, was bleak.

hope this answers your question as this was my honest attempt at it. btw, why do you ask? i must have not seen the thread you were referring to.


jackconrad Offline
#14 Posted:
Joined: 06-09-2003
Posts: 67,461
I would kill the 1st anti American idiot i could lay my hands on.
usahog Offline
#15 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
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LMAO @ Jack... I probably would do the same thing as you...

Delta, and all the others.. the reason I asked this question and posted this thread.. was because our Federal Government is spending Billions of $$$ to supply these United States with Anthrax vaccines stockpiles, now the only way they can re-coop some of the profits is if there were an actual event took place where the American people would fear coming in contact enough with it, they themselves would want to be vacinated to prevent harm if coming in contact with the threat??

Less then a month ago.. A Federal Judge halted any and all vaccines given to the troops and ruled them unsafe, which there is 1000's of documented cases of these vaccines causing more harm then good... So I posed this question to the forum group to see what their take on the situation if warrented would be... would you risk the chance of a vaccine not working correctly for yourself or your family?? could the fear factor raise that much? it was just a thought I had when I posted the above thread...

PMoreno349 Offline
#16 Posted:
Joined: 07-05-2002
Posts: 665
now Hog... I wasn't trying to give you a hard time, I too, was just trying to understand what you were trying to communicate. It was an interesting question, and I thought, that you knew something and was trying to share it.

18Delta... you need to lighten up. First of all, I didn't say the probability of an attack happening in the USA was low... I said the probability of it happening HERE, in my town, is low. You know, just like the probability of me hitting the lotto is low. Therefore, it is not a good use of my time to sit around and prepare for what will, in all probability, will never happen.

It is irrational, to sit and worry that a low-probability event will happen to you.
CWFoster Offline
#17 Posted:
Joined: 12-12-2003
Posts: 5,414
PMoreno349, we'vedisagred on politics, but just to clear the air, I meant no disrespect nor implications of ignorance. I merely wish to try to do my part to allay the quid pro ante thinking that seems to permeate our society. The only way to stop attacks is to stop thinking they wont happen, plan on them happening, plan how they would hapen, and be waiting there when the bad guys show up to do it to us!

History has shown us repeatedly what happens, yet we never learn. Every time we get past a major conflict (WWI, WWII, Vietnam, Desert Storm, hopefully not Iraqi Freedom) We decide it's time to enjoy the "Peace Dividend" and cut back our military. This causes what some potential enemies see as a weakness to be exploited. When we scaled back on our forces in the years between the World Wars, the Japanese thought they could sucker punch us, and take what they wanted of the South Pacific. I only mention this to point up the danger of returning to the "wont happen here" line of thought. JMHO
PMoreno349 Offline
#18 Posted:
Joined: 07-05-2002
Posts: 665
Foster, I assume you are the same as 18delta?

I don't see how we, as individuals, can defend against a single random attack like this. However, there should be a system in place, making it difficult for terrorists to accomplish this. However, As soon as you do that, then some liberal is going to start screaming about impinging on their civil rights.

I think that the vaccination approach is a legitimate attempt at a solution, but I am sort of with Hog, questioning the safety of that. Maybe CigarPrimate (being our resident biologist) could comment about the risk associated with the vaccines. My bottom line analysis is that you are not going to be able to make any major changes until another event occurs, and more people die. Only then will you have the ability to get closer to a real solution. In the meantime, I will steer clear of vaccines (I don't get flu shots), unless there is more evidence if an immediate danger, balancing the risk.
EI Offline
#19 Posted:
Joined: 06-29-2002
Posts: 5,069
Author: PMoreno349 Date: 11/23/2004 12:28 PM Reply
I don't see how we, as individuals, can defend against a single random attack like this

Try being more alert to your surroundings and report any suspicious activity. Don't go around with your head in the air or stuck in the sand.
Take notice of that stranger photgraphing the courthouse or bridge. Look people in the eye and see if they look away or begin to get nervous.
If you see a car or truck parked in a location it shouldn't be use your cell phone to contact the police

If your wrong so what.

But if your right in your suspicions, you have just done something as an individual to defend against a single random attack

And don't say that it doesnt happen like that.
Two off duty police saw some people on the Chesapeake Bay Bridge in Maryland taking pictures and reported it. Guess what. It was a muslim doctor and his wife who had a history of giving big money to terrorist causes
18delta Offline
#20 Posted:
Joined: 09-18-2004
Posts: 3,235
well well well.....

i actually agree with p. moreno on a couple of things......bwahhhahhhhh

i posted my thoughts on the whole chemical attack thing, and i don't know if i was clear or what but i agree with p.moreno that we do need a system in place...i do not know, however, what that system should be. the previous post, EI stated that we could "do" certain things in order to prevent attacks. i agree with what he had to say as well. i am also in agreement with you, pmoreno, on the whining liberal backlash that would occur if and when a system were established.

damnit! i am also in agreement with you on the vaccination issue. i don't get the flu shots either..

don't know what the answer is but sure know that some things need to change.............thought they would after 9-11. according to the families that attended the hearings on 9-11 in nyc this year, we've not come very far at all.
echo4alpha Offline
#21 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2003
Posts: 4,349
There isn't much you can do. Vaccination won't help against chem weapons. If you're talking about prepping - you'd need a ton of stuff. I'm not even sure you could buy it. If you could, it might bankrupt you.

You'd need chem detection kits, enough 2 Pam chloride/atropine injectors for the whole family, MOPP gear (the whole deal, not just the masks), Super Tropical Bleach to decon, a super filtered way to overpressure your living quarters once it's deconned, shelf stable food that can't be compromised, a water source that can't be compromised. There's just too much to list.

Like Chris said, I'd turn around and kiss my a** goodbye. It's good to stay vigilant, but paranoia is no way to live. I'm a stones throw away from an airbase and wedged between two other major military intallations, so I expect to go first if we're attacked.
usahog Offline
#22 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
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No way did I post this thread to make anyone paranoid about this possibly happening.. but just aware.. and Echo, your first sentence was the point I wanted to get at...
"Vaccination won't help against chem weapons."

that is very true... but our Government is spending Billions on these Vaccines already given to the troops and ruled again recently by a Federal Judge to be unconstitutional and have not been thoroughly approved.. have caused many Veterans of our armed service sevier medical problems... but yet there is a plan in action to use these vaccines to help protect against the possibility of a chemical/biological attack... I think $5.6 billion had been awarded to stock pile this stuff.. when I can attest personally this **** ain't any good but yet they keep stockpiling it and another question comes to mind.. How are "they" whoever "They" are going to get the American Public to want to take these Vaccines? because nobody's making any money off these unless their administered to someone....

echo4alpha Offline
#23 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2003
Posts: 4,349

Didn't mean to imply that you're paranoid. I just meant that I'm not willing to live like that.

Same thing here with the anthrax vaccinations. I got them and a sh*tload of other shots in '90 during Gulf War I. They aren't bothering me, but I didn't want them to begin with. I sure won't be getting in line if they begin giving vaccinations at the shopping center or YMCA.

Like I said before, I'll just turn around and kiss my a** goodbye if I'm in the middle of it.


usahog Offline
#24 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
Echo, I didn't take it that way...

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