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Last post 13 years ago by SteveS. 18 replies replies.
Senior Citizens HATE Obama!
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735

In an election marked by dramatic defections from the Democratic Party, older voters swung hardest, seemingly threatened by President Barack Obama’s mantra of change.

Voters over 65 favored Republicans last week by a 21-point margin after flirting with Democrats in the 2006 midterm elections and favoring John McCain by a relatively narrow 8-point margin in 2008.

Concerned by changes to Medicare and compelled by a Republican Party that promised a return to America’s glory days, seniors played a crucial — and often understated — role in races across the country. They were unswayed by ubiquitous Democratic warnings about Republican changes to Social Security. And they put a series of campaigns out of reach for Democrats.

In New Hampshire, for instance, seniors backed GOP Senate candidate Kelly Ayotte over her Democratic challenger by 33 points. In the narrow Illinois Senate contest, Republican Mark Kirk won older voters by 22 points. And In Delaware, they were the only age group to back tea party favorite Christine O’Donnell, by an 11-point margin.

“I’ve been saying since August 2009, that there was a tsunami — in this case a senior citizen tsunami — headed towards Capitol Hill,” said Jim Martin, chairman of the 60 Plus Association, a conservative campaign group targeted toward older voters. “That tsunami came ashore.”

The shift in older voters was the most dramatic swing of any age group, George Mason political scientist Michael McDonald said, and it gave the GOP the “magnitude” of its victory.

In the 2006 midterm campaign (regarded as a more useful basis of comparison than high-turnout presidential elections), voters 65 and older essentially split their vote evenly between Republicans and Democrats — a stark comparison with 2010. But that’s not the only noticeable change in voting patterns: In this cycle, in addition to losing the senior vote by more than 20 points, older voters also grew as a share of the overall electorate. In 2006, seniors made up 19 percent of the voting public; this year, they represented 23 percent.

Senior voters seemed motivated by concerns about the health care law and punished incumbent Democrats accordingly. The bill cut $500 billion from Medicare programs, a wash at best for older citizens. And Democrats largely failed to campaign successfully on aspects of the law targeted to benefit seniors, like closing the “doughnut hole” in Medicare Part D prescription drug coverage.

“I think that there is a level of fear that has grown with seniors vis-à-vis the Obama health care plan,” said Republican pollster Steve Lombardo. “Anytime that there’s change, I think seniors are going to be more concerned that that change is going to affect them in a negative way.”

“In the backdrop was the Obama health care plan that many people perceived as a level of government overreach and change that they weren’t happy with,” he said.

Republican strategists also tried, apparently successfully, to heighten the anxieties of older voters, running a barrage of negative ads against Democratic incumbents who voted for the health care reform package, highlighting the Medicare cuts as a campaign theme.

“It’s always easy to frighten seniors,” complained Democratic strategist Celinda Lake, “We allowed the opposition to define the health care plan for seniors. But the legislative process made it too open to definition.” Lake added, “Would [Franklin] Roosevelt have allowed anyone to say that any plan of his had a ‘death panel’? No.”

But Democratic counterattacks on Republicans who were on record in favor of Social Security reform or privatization failed to gain traction with older voters. Those attacks resonated best with middle-aged adults worried about their retirement. According to Lake, seniors didn’t seem to buy the argument that GOP candidates were planning dramatic changes to Social Security.

“That third rail has been pretty well unplugged. Seniors know better. Nobody’s going to take it away,” said Martin. “They’ve been using that scare tactic since Goldwater days. It was a canard then, and it’s a canard now.”

These dynamics were at play in races like Pennsylvania, where losing Senate candidate Joe Sestak hammered his GOP opponent Pat Toomey on the issue of Social Security privatization. Sestak tied Toomey in the 50-64 demographic but lost the senior vote by a lopsided 18 points.

Obama’s 2008 campaign didn’t much improve Democratic fortunes with the group. Obama has never been strong with older voters — and he didn’t need them to win. He lost the over-65 vote by 8 points. But rank-and-file congressional Democrats do need seniors to win — especially in nonpresidential years when younger and minority voters don’t turn out as reliably. In close races i which Democrats prevailed, it was often with the support of the senior vote. Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.), narrowly reelected, won seniors decisively by an 11-point margin.

“The president had a marvelous message to many people. But seniors — they’re not big on change,” said former Democratic congresswoman and senior advocate Barbara Kennelly. Like Bill Clinton in 1994, Obama will learn from the midterm elections, said Kennelly. “I think he should pay more attention to them,” she said.

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Git the cans of dog food out...Grandpa is coming for dinner!!!
#2 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248
you are full of crap again.

i haven't found any problem with my medicare of my social security, neither of which is an entitlement, both of which i pay and paid for.
jpotts Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 06-14-2006
Posts: 28,811
you are full of crap again.

i haven't found any problem with my medicare of my social security, neither of which is an entitlement, both of which i pay and paid for.

Maybe. But it just jacked-up your AARP supplemental insurance.
DadZilla3 Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 01-17-2009
Posts: 4,633
DrMaddVibe wrote:
Git the cans of dog food out...Grandpa is coming for dinner!!!

Not to worry about Grandpa. Check the entry under 'Soylent Green Option' on page 1,187 of Obamacare.
ZRX1200 Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
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Northsidepk Offline
#6 Posted:
Joined: 10-22-2010
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I don't know anything about AARP but us youngins aren't exactly fond of Obama either
HockeyDad Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,269
I suspect that the mooks are behind this propaganda.
#8 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

i don't deal with aarp. they scam older people
donutboy2000 Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 11-20-2001
Posts: 25,000

i don't deal with aarp. they scam older people

Of course they do. They are far left radical Democrats.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#10 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
you are full of crap again.

i haven't found any problem with my medicare of my social security, neither of which is an entitlement, both of which i pay and paid for.

As a standing member of Mooks Over America I cannot be full of crap.

The article wasn't written by me either. Write them some email saying they're full of crap Pigpen, you're good at going off the rails from behind a computer screen.

As for the rest of your blathering, you WILL be paying more and getting less. PALIN WAS RIGHT!
#11 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

As for the rest of your blathering, you WILL be paying more and getting less. where did you get that misinformation. you just make up s h i t and believe your own BS.

PALIN WAS RIGHT! about what.. do you believe every woman you hear about or meet in a bar. what are you 19 with hormones blazing. grow up.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#12 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735

As for the rest of your blathering, you WILL be paying more and getting less. where did you get that misinformation. you just make up s h i t and believe your own BS.

You really don't know how to use the internet OR you think you're the ONLY person in California that is going to pay less in taxes and keep your healthcare plans the way you know them now.

PALIN WAS RIGHT! about what.. do you believe every woman you hear about or meet in a bar. what are you 19 with hormones blazing. grow up.

You really are a woman hating **** aren't you? Every reference to a woman with the exception of Toby or your dogs you call them the vilest of names, talk down their opinions and continue to show what a misogynist chauvinistic pig you really are. Why you haven't denegrated them here on this site amazes me.

There is NO WAY in hell I'd ever want to be filled with so much hate as you. It's destroying your credibility with each and every post. I used to look at you like some grandpa figure here. Some wisdom to be had from enjoying a cigar or a new profile, but you stopped doing that YEARS ago! Then you slid to crazy uncle stature because of your political beliefs and conspiracies. Everyone is against you and the political party you oppose is responsible for everything wrong in your life despite the facts that the one one you clutch to is even worse! Then you graduated to Hinkley status with your rage on Palin for the last 3 years. I'm giving you a pass on Hillary, but you made it known you weren't fond of her genitalia either! Now you squat comfortable in Troll status. Under a bridge starting your crap when you're bored for the masses to laugh at you. You think we don't know what you're up to? Dream on little one. Instead of bashing on Womanhood why don't you aspire to clean your house. Top to bottom. Throw out the useless junk that's cluttering your living space. Use some household chemicals too. Warm water doesn't cut the crud. Paint the house. You know you haven't lifted a finger doing anything but throwing up some tarp and aluminum pole tent to set up your "mancave". Time to act like the head of the household and take some pride in where you live, your neighborhood and your community instead of being a blight on society and a borderline neighborhood ordinance violator. Who knows, with a little vigorous work around the house you might even have a different point of view. The one you're holding on to isn't conducive for mixed company...why you're effectively cutting out almost half the world's population. Time to man up little one.

ZRX1200 Offline
#13 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
Posts: 60,731
^ Oh snap.

Rick you got served.

Though these days that's a hallow victory.
#14 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

palin is a stupid woman. y ou think she is smart, because you don't know the difference. how do you arrive at i hate all women.

by extrapolating, (that means taking a small sample and making it seem like a large sample. you sound like bush explaining torture as being legal.

have you ever married anyone? how many?
DrMaddVibe Offline
#15 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
how do you arrive at i hate all women. [/color][/size]

By your own words.

dsmokers Offline
#16 Posted:
Joined: 11-22-2010
Posts: 569
Post 12 cracks me up. Some moron explaining how another person is full of hate by telling us all a bunch of personal **** that somehow irritates him about the one who is supposed to be the hater. Classic.

Post summary: You're a hater because I hate everything about you!
DrMaddVibe Offline
#17 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
dsmokers wrote:
Post 12 cracks me up. Some moron explaining how another person is full of hate by telling us all a bunch of personal **** that somehow irritates him about the one who is supposed to be the hater. Classic.

Post summary: You're a hater because I hate everything about you!'s going to be funny to see you ran out and exposed....AGAIN!!!

Buh-Bye JAMIE boy!
SteveS Offline
#18 Posted:
Joined: 01-13-2002
Posts: 8,751

i haven't found any problem with my medicare of my social security, neither of which is an entitlement, both of which i pay and paid for.

problems are on the way ... none has affected me yet either, but that's going to change all too soon ... the new health care boondoggle assures us of that.

as for the programs being entitlements, I hear you when you say you've paid for them, but that's not strictly true .... you, of all people here, should be more than well enough versed in laws surrounding insurance, which is what the government would have us believe SS and Medicare are ... had the government played by the rules they impose on the insurance industry, not only would the system not be in peril, it would actually represent a profit center for the government .... however, the so-called "trust fund" exists in name only and funding for both programs is paid for in precisely the same manner other entitlements are ....
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