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Last post 13 years ago by tailgater. 27 replies replies.
president obama's dilemma
#1 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248
when it was time to buy his kids their swing set, his shoppers came up with two. choices.

one of the choices was an american manufacturer, a small company in wyoming that had a set that was perfect for his kids. the cost was $225.00.

the other choice was a chinese knock off, same configuration, the same kind of wood and no paint that could contain lead. it cost $125.00.

either one will be paid by the people's taxes, through the allowance given him by the nature of his office.

which one should he buy?
DrMaddVibe Offline
#2 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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ZRX1200 Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
Posts: 60,731
You dip****.....


You thinks he gives a flying F about spending $125 or $225 of taxpayer money!!!!!

Oh poopy pants, you grabbed the WRONG little plastic cup o pills off the RN's cart this morning.
snowwolf777 Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 06-03-2000
Posts: 4,082
Where in the hell did you find this one, Rick? Off a a Bazooka Barry gum wrapper comic?

snowwolf777 Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 06-03-2000
Posts: 4,082
And before you get all put out regarding some of the answers here, had someone posted the exact same with GWB subbed in for Barry O, you would have had the same reaction - or worse.

HockeyDad Offline
#6 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,269
Sarah Palin would just build it her d%$m self.
ZRX1200 Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
Posts: 60,731
^ outta moose horns collected by helicopter.
#8 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248
what a bunch of numb skulls with ZRX1200 in particular.

let me walk you through it slowly so you can understand the dilemma.

1. he buys the one made in the usa. republicans such as yourself start to piss and moan that he wasted taxpayer money.

2 he saves the taxpayer money. he buys the cheaper, and such as yourself start to piss and moan that he should have bought the one made in the usa.

do any of you understand that?

as i said. "what a bunch of numb skulls."

DrMaddVibe Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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HockeyDad Offline
#10 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,269
Boy that sure is some big dilemma. Just vote "present" and let someone else decide.

So here is how it really goes down:

Those two choices are perfectly valid but are never even considered. The swingset purchased will come from a company that was taken private by billionaire venture capitalists. The actual list price or manufacture location of the swing is not relevant because it will require custom modifications to make it more "Presidential". Once complete, it will price at $85K, a second one will be ordered for Camp David, a third will be ordered for an undisclosed location in Hawaii, and a fourth will be ordered as a backup that can be kept on an aircraft at Andrews AFB.

During the run-up to the 2008 election, the billionaire venture capitalists hosted multiple $5000 a plate fundraiser dinners for Obama and also personally donated the maximum allowed. They also donated to various pro-Obama PACs for much larger amounts.

When word gets out about how great the swingsets are, the venture capitalists will take the company public and sell stock and turn a 100% profit, or $865 million US dollars.

Now the real dilemma is how to look Rickamaven in the eye via teleprompter and tell him that GITMO is still open, the wars are still going on, and the rich just got massive tax cuts. (I'm just kidding.....that is easy stuff to pull off!)

The real dilemma is creme broule or ice cream for dessert!

Fricking peasants.
ZRX1200 Offline
#11 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
Posts: 60,731
^ no cake???

Rick put your glasses on, breath in your nose out your mouth and get ready for the bus trip to Walgreens then Bingo.
snowwolf777 Offline
#12 Posted:
Joined: 06-03-2000
Posts: 4,082
what a bunch of numb skulls with ZRX1200 in particular.

let me walk you through it slowly so you can understand the dilemma.

1. he buys the one made in the usa. republicans such as yourself start to piss and moan that he wasted taxpayer money.

2 he saves the taxpayer money. he buys the cheaper, and such as yourself start to piss and moan that he should have bought the one made in the usa.

do any of you understand that?

as i said. "what a bunch of numb skulls."

No I think we all understand it perfectly. It's just your post is a pimple on an elephant's ass vs. the trillions your hero and his idiot buddies wasted on their grand socialist experiment. So it's getting the trivial responses it deserves.

Do YOU understand that?

BTW, the "Buy American" mantra is typically a bumper sticker slogan parroted by the unions, which are not known for being populated by Republicans.

If you require an answer to set you off again, I would say he should buy the one made in America. Because the Chinese one is a knock-off, so it's probably thinner steel, which means it may collapse if Michelle decides to plop down on it.

richokeeffe Offline
#13 Posted:
Joined: 12-07-2004
Posts: 7,020
when it was time to buy his kids their swing set, his shoppers came up with two. choices.

one of the choices was an american manufacturer, a small company in wyoming that had a set that was perfect for his kids. the cost was $225.00.

the other choice was a chinese knock off, same configuration, the same kind of wood and no paint that could contain lead. it cost $125.00.

either one will be paid by the people's taxes, through the allowance given him by the nature of his office.

which one should he buy?

Well, since you want to look into this,......

First, if he is buying the swing set, he will be using his own monies from his salaries (or personal wealth, or profits from a book deal ...whatever), so the money is NOT taxpayer money. It is his. And no reporter worth even the pen she or he writes with would dare ask where the money for the swing set came from. Cuz it'd be a stupid question and they'd get a "that was a friggin stupid question" response.

Second, if it is to be installed at the White House, since that building is a National Historic Landmark, there are higher than usual standards and regulations about what can and cannot be built there. So, therefore, the swingset would be being built at his private residence in Illinois (or elsewhere) and thus it is no longer a public matter.

Third, the simplistic choice offered does not begin to tap into the various factors that would be in play with the economics and monies involved.....Swingsets are more simple in this regard, but let's take cars...Is he buying American if he buys a Pontiac instead of a Honda? I say no - even though Pontiac is made by an American owned corporation, it is mostly manufactured in other countries and shipped here. A Honda bought in America is generally a car made in a plant in America that is owned by a Japanese corporation......Same with most any manufactured goods. I care where the actual job to create the thing is. Odds are pretty good that the "American swingset" has just as many foreign parts as the "made in China" swingset" - just with higher markups.

Fourth - I **** hate hypothetical questions cuz one can always add some other minor piece of info or factor to make it ridiculous. Let's have some fun with this one...

The American swingset is produced by a company that donates tens of thousands of dollars every year to abortion clinics and the Chinese company spends tens of thousands of yuan every year supporting gun control......Now which does he pick? What's that? The CEO of the Chinese company is a blind concert cellist and the CFO of the American company has only one leg and skis on the PAralympic gold medal winning team?

Lord Almighty.......

For the record, I have equal disdain for both major political parties - I don't lik eor dislike President Obama any more than I like or dislike President Bush or President Clinton.....

wheelrite Offline
#14 Posted:
Joined: 11-01-2006
Posts: 50,119
Here's the rest of the Swing Set Saga,,,

Barak tied Rahm Emanuel up on the Monkey bars and sodomized him.Then, Michelle got on the slide and her giant fat azz collapsed the whole thing crushing their ****gy dog the late Sen.Burp gave them.

now you know the rest of the story...

DrMaddVibe Offline
#15 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
I'm sure the SEIU thugs that ushered him into power like the Brown Shirts did Hitler will be assembling the swingset.

jackconrad Offline
#16 Posted:
Joined: 06-09-2003
Posts: 67,461
Option C

He has Congress build him one with the Hundred Dollar a piece Green bolts he bought from China with money to help jump start the economy..
Whistlebritches Offline
#17 Posted:
Joined: 04-23-2006
Posts: 22,145
what a bunch of numb skulls with ZRX1200 in particular.

let me walk you through it slowly so you can understand the dilemma.

1. he buys the one made in the usa. republicans such as yourself start to piss and moan that he wasted taxpayer money.

2 he saves the taxpayer money. he buys the cheaper, and such as yourself start to piss and moan that he should have bought the one made in the usa.

do any of you understand that?

as i said. "what a bunch of numb skulls."

The answer is YES Rick..........

The question is....are you really this ****king stupid???

I would hope that all thats going on in the world he would let someone else handle such petty problems.But you're probably right.......this dilemma could tie his hands for months....maybe even years if we could be so lucky.

I wouldn't give this a 2nd thought......BUY AMERICAN,**** THE CHINESE and their COMRADES......the DEMOCRAPS.

donutboy2000 Offline
#18 Posted:
Joined: 11-20-2001
Posts: 25,000
White House Swing Set Draws Attention to Child Safety

The Obamas' Latest Purchase Had Been Recalled


Vetting a brand new swing set may be just as tricky as vetting potential Cabinet picks.
First lady Michelle Obama and daughters Malia, and Sasha try their new swing set
Malia, Sasha, and Mrs. Michelle Obama test the First Family's new play set Wednesday, March 4, 2009, installed just outside the windows of the White House Oval Office, within the President Barack Obama's view.
(Joyce N. Boghosian/White House Photo)

So the Obamas' new swing set is drawing attention to child safety, as parents nationwide consider purchases for their children. Parts of the Rainbow swing set like the one that President Obama and first lady Michelle Obama added Wednesday to the White House South Lawn had been previously recalled, more than once, for safety reasons.

Malia and Sasha Obama were surprised Wednesday with the wooden set, including three swings, a slide, a green canvas loft, a tire swing and a ship's wheel.

"It's totally 'tricked out' [enhanced]," said Rainbow Play Systems owner Greg Foster, who was at the White House Wednesday to help install the swing set. "We put a double bubble in the penthouse. One bubble faces the Oval Office and one bubble faces the front lawn."

Foster also said that problems with Rainbow's swing seats were fixed long before the Obamas made their purchase. He also said the first family did its homework before buying the swing set.

The White House's chief usher flew out to the Brookings, S.D., swing set factory, per the first lady's instructions, to test out and help design a set for Malia and Sasha, Foster said.

"He [the chief usher] said he did his research first on the Internet and narrowed it down to three or four companies," Foster said.

In 2006, more than 18,000 Rainbow Play Systems swing seats were recalled because the part, made in China, could unexpectedly break in half. Rainbow voluntarily recalled the swing seats after 84 reports of broken seats, including the case a 2-year-old girl who suffered a broken wrist when she fell to the ground. Rainbow also voluntarily recalled 7,000 sets in 2000 after the company received seven reports of the chains holding the seats breaking.

"We sent everyone a new swing made in the U.S.A.," Foster told today. "We haven't had a problem since the '04-'05 incidents and the swing seats on the Obama set were made in the U.S.A."

Today, the company makes its seats and other major parts in the United States, although it still imports some smaller bolts and hardware from other countries. Foster said company officials regularly inspect foreign facilities they work with and "we recheck everything ourselves in America."

"I would assume that they wouldn't have this particular problem again," Nancy Cowles, executive director of Kids in Danger, a children's safety advocacy group, said Thursday.

Cowles added that a recall "doesn't necessarily mean that the company is not making a good product.

"Part of the problem is that it's just hard for consumers to know," she said.

Still, Cowles also said the number of children injured in these incidents might be even higher because "most people don't report that unless they feel like it broke right when they put it up or something."

Nearly 50,000 kids each year visit the emergency room after being injured on home playground equipment, according to data from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission.

The Obama's latest major purchase -- advertised on eBay for up to $2,850 -- underscores the difficulties parents face in buying products for their children.


DrafterX Offline
#19 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
Posts: 98,644
'Rainbow' swing sets..?? Confused
daveincincy Offline
#20 Posted:
Joined: 08-11-2006
Posts: 20,033

There is no logic involved. Shame on you
Kawak Offline
#21 Posted:
Joined: 11-26-2007
Posts: 4,025
when it was time to buy his kids their swing set, his shoppers came up with two. choices.

one of the choices was an american manufacturer, a small company in wyoming that had a set that was perfect for his kids. the cost was $225.00.

the other choice was a chinese knock off, same configuration, the same kind of wood and no paint that could contain lead. it cost $125.00.

either one will be paid by the people's taxes, through the allowance given him by the nature of his office.

which one should he buy?

I heard he chose neither and went with the brand from Kenya which consisted of rope and a tire. When it was discovered the tire wasn't made by union employees he simply replaced it with Joe Biden. Word is the kids are thrilled and Biden doesn't know the difference since he's been on a rope for two + years anyway.
octavup Offline
#22 Posted:
Joined: 12-25-2010
Posts: 57
HockeyDad wrote:
Boy that sure is some big dilemma. Just vote "present" and let someone else decide.

So here is how it really goes down:

Those two choices are perfectly valid but are never even considered. The swingset purchased will come from a company that was taken private by billionaire venture capitalists. The actual list price or manufacture location of the swing is not relevant because it will require custom modifications to make it more "Presidential". Once complete, it will price at $85K, a second one will be ordered for Camp David, a third will be ordered for an undisclosed location in Hawaii, and a fourth will be ordered as a backup that can be kept on an aircraft at Andrews AFB.

During the run-up to the 2008 election, the billionaire venture capitalists hosted multiple $5000 a plate fundraiser dinners for Obama and also personally donated the maximum allowed. They also donated to various pro-Obama PACs for much larger amounts.

When word gets out about how great the swingsets are, the venture capitalists will take the company public and sell stock and turn a 100% profit, or $865 million US dollars.

Now the real dilemma is how to look Rickamaven in the eye via teleprompter and tell him that GITMO is still open, the wars are still going on, and the rich just got massive tax cuts. (I'm just kidding.....that is easy stuff to pull off!)

The real dilemma is creme broule or ice cream for dessert!

Fricking peasants.

What an imagination. Either that or one too many hockey pucks to the old noggin.
DadZilla3 Offline
#23 Posted:
Joined: 01-17-2009
Posts: 4,633
which one should he buy?

He will buy whichever one George Soros directs him to buy.
delarob Offline
#24 Posted:
Joined: 06-28-2001
Posts: 5,318
The correct response, In proper text size mind you, would recquire Barry to purchase the wood and hardware himself and build it with his children.
DrafterX Offline
#25 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
Posts: 98,644
can't he get Jimmy Carter to build him one..?? Confused
DrMaddVibe Offline
#26 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
octavup wrote:
What an imagination. Either that or one too many hockey pucks to the old noggin.

Beats licking Jimmy Dean's sausage, eh?
tailgater Offline
#27 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
Posts: 26,187
Rick is obviously racist, as he has suggested that the First Family needs a Jungle Gym...
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