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Last post 19 years ago by Liz62803. 42 replies replies.
Peterson jury set to weigh life and death
SteveS Offline
#1 Posted:
Joined: 01-13-2002
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Panel expected to begin deliberations
Thursday, December 9, 2004 Posted: 10:21 AM EST (1521 GMT)
REDWOOD CITY, California (CNN) -- Jurors are expected to begin deliberating Thursday whether convicted murderer Scott Peterson will be sentenced to death or receive life in prison without parole.

So ... given what you know of the case, what do you think they'll decide? ... what SHOULD they decide? ...
Liz62803 Offline
#2 Posted:
Joined: 01-21-2004
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I'm a big court tv fan and have been doing a lot of watching of the case - would have loved to have cameras in the courtroom, but judge nixed that idea but the coverage especially from beth karas has been excellent. I believe he should get the death penalty, but even if he does get it it will still be life without parole because there are 600 + people on death row ahead of him that need to be executed before he gets the needle and the liklihood of him getting executed before he dies of natural causes is very low - and the rate of execution in cali isn't very high. So regardless of the penalty phase verdict he's still going to wind up in prison for the rest of his life. It is true there will be a few differences if he gets the death sentence rather than life without parole, but there isn't many. So I'm hoping for a death verdict, but either way he isn't going to see light of day again. There's some more interesting cases coming up...Robert Blake's opening statements are supposed to start on the 20th - you got Michael Jackson's case starting Jan 31st be interesting to see how cameras will come into place. You know the judge probably won't let cameras in for Michael Jackson's which will be a pain, but things tend to get out of hand when there's cameras in the courtroom, but it would be nice to get first hand accounts on what is going on instead of just hearing it second, third hand from reporters. That's just my 2 cents worth :-)
JonR Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 02-19-2002
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DEATH BY DROWNING or FIRING SQUAD one bullit every 5 minutes !!!

If they give him the death penalty they should free a prisoner (like in Roman days), I say free Charle Manson. CHARLIE CHARLIE CHARLIE !!!!!!


Ps: But it is Kookafornia so he will probably get time already served and two weeks house arrest.

Charlie Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
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I would like to see him spend lifetime in Prison in the General Population of San Quinten! Not on Death Row, that way he could be the boy toy of many of the big sex starved inmates in the Q. He would probably not be able to walk without severe pain....LMAO!

He should get death penalty!

lukin Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 03-31-2004
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I was watching t.v. last night and one reporter said that in all her years of court reporting, she has never seen a jury so stonefaced and cold while a mother was pleading for her sons life...I think he's going to die.

not for like thirty years though as the appeals will keep on coming
BeatDragon Offline
#6 Posted:
Joined: 02-28-2003
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From what I understand he is slated to spend his sentence at Pelican Bay. Pelican Bay makes all other prisons look like Club Med. Its where all the really violent nasty ass criminals go to rott.
SteveS Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 01-13-2002
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That'd make for a short, but highly unpleasant prison sentence ..
Charlie Offline
#8 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
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Pelican Bay sounds like a resort or something? But it is supposed to be one of the very toughest of the prisons with the lowest and meanest sob's that ever walked the face of the earth! Great place to send this POS! He will live in Hell while alive and then continue to do so when dead!

DrMaddVibe Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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I'd heard that he was going to San Quentin. The other night on MSNBCABCCBSFOXXYZ they had a show called Lockdown or something like that...I normally don't watch shows like this unless they involve Linda Blair but when they said behind the scenes at San Quentin, given the latest headlines...I was in like Flynn.

That place is where he belongs. Death Row isn't some special place there. Due to overcrowding it's everywhere. They have the old linear cell structure like Cagney in Caged Heat. Anyone from a guard to another inmate could kill him and nobody would know until the next guard checked up on him. Some young guy serving life with no parole would relish the chance to make his bones on a target like Peterson.

Either way the jury slices it...he gonna die if he gets sent to San Quentin. Hey Peterson...Say hello to Charlie Manson!
SteveS Offline
#10 Posted:
Joined: 01-13-2002
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Pelican Bay is a new "super-max" prison designed to house the most serious criminal offenders.

Half of the prison is for maximum-security inmates in a General Population setting. The other half is for maximim-security inmates in the Security Housing Unit which is designed for the most serious "management concerns" or "difficult management cases", prison gang members and violent maximim custody inmates.

The "yard" has separate cyclone-fenced excercise areas for Latinos, blacks, whites, Asians and American Indians ... they are seperated because prison officials say they would otherwise kill one another ...

Pelican Bay is currently housing approximately 1000 more prisoners than its stated capacity ...
EI Offline
#11 Posted:
Joined: 06-29-2002
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The "yard" has separate cyclone-fenced excercise areas for Latinos, blacks, whites, Asians and American Indians ...

Segregation in the prison?????????
What ever happened to civil rights
I think we should get the ACLU involved here
Maybe all the California liberal BOTL can protest outside the prison gates. This must stop now
These poor individuals will never be able to blend into the great American melting pot if this is allowed to continue
Charlie Offline
#12 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
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LMAO, ACLU for prison rights to integrate the races so they will cut each other up!

That would be something!

Liz62803 Offline
#13 Posted:
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scott, regardless of what the jury comes back with - life or death isn't going into general population - he'll be in what is referred to as special needs area - where they keep child molestors, cops and the like to make sure they are protected - which means 23 hrs in the cell with 1 hr for exercise and the like. as for if he gets the death penalty they said appeals will take like 10 years and like I said earlier with over 600 prisoners needing to be executed before him it is unlikely that he will be executed regardless if that is what the jury recommends. I just hope this will be all over with today.
usahog Offline
#14 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
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I think they should give him an Abortion... I mean think about it... this is why his wife and unborn son were killed.. he didn't want the child and to be bogged down as a father... he liked his free life and free lancing...

shove a rusted coathanger up his arse jab it around for about an hour or so and then let him bleed to death in his locked prison cell... course they said it would be 20 years before he'd actually be put to death if he does recieve the death sentence...

as others have said... give him life without parole and put him in General lock-up with population... he'll be taken care of in short order...

he sure has a purty mouth Boy!!!! LOL

MACS Offline
#15 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
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See? This is what kills me about our society. Lets put the burden of housing and feeding this POS on the taxpayers. Lets allow the taxpayers to pay for his many appeals and sit him in a damn cell for 20 years.

Lets get cost effective folks... as soon as the sentence is read, take him to a little room and put a $.15 bullet in the back of his noggin.

Done deal. Expedite his meeting with the lord of darkness, because after what he did... he ain't going to heaven. (I say this based on the fact that he does NOT look remorseful to me)
EI Offline
#16 Posted:
Joined: 06-29-2002
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"Lets get cost effective folks... as soon as the sentence is read, take him to a little room and put a $.15 bullet in the back of his noggin."

Mac you forgot to put in the part about having him stand inside the dumpster before they expend the bullet
that way he can be taken away with the rest of the trash
MACS Offline
#17 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
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Good point. Apologize for the oversight. :-)
Liz62803 Offline
#18 Posted:
Joined: 01-21-2004
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that would be too inhumane *cough cough cough* that's why they brought in the lethal injection instead of the gas chamber or electric chair to "soften" the brutality of the death penalty *cough cough cough* Personally I feel five years is enough to waste on appeals and then once the appeals have been exhausted set up an execution date that is no more than a few months down the line. having so many people over six hundred on death row in california is ridiculous, there should be no need for that. appeals over - execution date set up and then carried out. those that have exhausted appeals start getting them ready. there should be a mandatory number of executions a year.

ok it's 11am jury should be about to start deliberating again, I'm going to prop myself in front of the telly to wait on the penalty phase verdict lol
MACS Offline
#19 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
Posts: 80,027
Pickles and bon-bons in tow there little Lizzy??

Stay rested, get your check-ups and take your pre-natal vitamins!!!

Don't make Uncle Shawn come over there.... :-)
MACS Offline
#20 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
Posts: 80,027
Jeez... THAT was a threadjack.

THL Offline
#21 Posted:
Joined: 10-22-2002
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Hey MACS(SW) and EI,,,,,why not just shoot him at the landfill?
In the "Old West" many times they positioned the prisoner in front of their coffin, so that they would fall into it after being shot. Sometimes they even made them build their own coffin.
Liz62803 Offline
#22 Posted:
Joined: 01-21-2004
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lol Shawn! hmmmm bon bons......*adds to cravings list* hehe

sighs guess we have to wait till monday now - jurors have gone to the hotel for the weekend. At least they aren't taking things everyone said on court tv not a position most people would want to be in. It's easy for us to sit back and be arm chair lawyers, jurors, whatever, but we aren't there weighing life or death. I would rather them reach a death verdict, but either way he will never see the light of day again and will die in prison. What I think would be justifiable but doubt it will happen is scott having to spend some time in general population and see how he is received, but he probably will get sent to the *special needs* part of the prison and be kept safe *rolls eyes* what he really needs is some big dude named Bubba to make him his bitch =x oopsie did I say err type that outloud *giggles*
#23 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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5 amerucans got killed in iraq the other day.

why is this convicted murderer getting all the attention.
THL Offline
#24 Posted:
Joined: 10-22-2002
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Well Rick, you see this thread is titled :"Peterson jury set to weigh life and death."
Other threads can deal with other topics. You can start one about yesterday's casualty list if you like. Or maybe the 3 people that were killed in NYC, the 2 in LA, or maybe those 2 guys in Baltimore.
Liz62803 Offline
#25 Posted:
Joined: 01-21-2004
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I happen to pray for our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan every day - several times a day as a matter of fact. I do care when our troops or Americans die. I pray for their souls and their families, but this particular thread deals with Scott Peterson so we are discussing Scott Peterson. If this topic offends you, don't read it, plain and simple.
thurson Offline
#26 Posted:
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Liz wrote: "Personally I feel five years is enough to waste on appeals and then once the appeals have been exhausted set up an execution date that is no more than a few months down the line. having so many people over six hundred on death row in california is ridiculous, there should be no need for that. appeals over - execution date set up and then carried out. those that have exhausted appeals start getting them ready. there should be a mandatory number of executions a year."

I couldn't agree more. The only thing that I can think of that's better is to ship our (California) death row inmates to Texas.
Liz62803 Offline
#27 Posted:
Joined: 01-21-2004
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LOL yeah TX doesn't mind executing them

did I understand someone on court tv saying yesterday that cali hasn't executed anyone since '92? WTF is that all about when there's over 600 on death row?? Anyone know if Arnie is pro or anti DP? He should be pro being the Terminator after all lol - he needs to get cracking and get the gas chamber and lethal injection chamber going again! Since they believe that Scott suffocated Laci in some way I think they should gas him and let him slowly choke to death instead of the easy way of lethal injection.....

yes, Liz is in anger mode today lol
#28 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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ok, back to peterson. i believe all executions should be shown live on tv during prime time.

part of the argument for capital punishment is to prevent, not only the murderer from committing the act again, and part is to show how final the punishment is in hopes to stop future murders.

other potential murderers might be disuaded from comitting the act of murder. and no tranquilizers for the condemmed. the murderers don't give their victims anything to lesson their fear.

Liz62803 Offline
#29 Posted:
Joined: 01-21-2004
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I totally agree with Rick! Gas chamber and electric chair was just fine - don't need no pansy a$$ lethal injection crap show them the mercy they didn't show their victims? cough bs cough. Death row has become such a mockery because for most they never get executed - cali as an example - over 600 condmened on death row? there is no need for that. I don't think it bothers a lot of people if they get sentenced to death, especially when they know how many people are ahead of them - if Peterson gets the death penalty he's more than likely going to die of natural causes before getting put to death. And I'm sure if he just gets LWOP Geragos will make sure he's in protective custody to stay safe from the general population *rolls eyes*

ugh I'm so worked up now I need some caramel cocoa with marshmellows lol
TrannyMk Offline
#30 Posted:
Joined: 12-12-2004
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He should get the death penalty. Although that probably means he will still never get executed in CA. He would most likely end up dying of old age on death row.
countryboy83 Offline
#31 Posted:
Joined: 08-28-2004
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I think he should be let out of prison so he could come hange out with my wife and my unborn child.

Liz62803 Offline
#32 Posted:
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if that was supposed to be funny country it failed. I find that remark highly offensive not just as a human being but as a female and a pregnant female at that! You need to apologize for that remark. Disgusting!
CWFoster Offline
#33 Posted:
Joined: 12-12-2003
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Well, at least we know of what caliber person we're dealing with here!
countryboy83 Offline
#34 Posted:
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Author: Liz62803 Date: 12/11/2004 10:34 AM

"but this particular thread deals with Scott Peterson so we are discussing Scott Peterson. If this topic offends you, don't read it, plain and simple."

Liz, you have given me your opinion about how you want him to die and I respected what you wrote when you said "If this topic offends you, don't read it, plain and simple." I'm sorry that what I wrote offended you, I was taking you at your word. I meant in no way any disrespect to you or your unborn baby.

rayder1 Offline
#35 Posted:
Joined: 06-02-2002
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I spoke with a neighbor of mine who's a supervisor at Chowchilla Prison and has been a guard at Soledad, Avenal and Corcoran. I got his opinions on where they might send Peterson.

I would hope that the jury gives him death. However, that penalty is meaningless in California. If he gets death...he gets to live in San Quentin. An icy cold nasty place. The cell block containing death row dates back to the late 1800's when comfort and recreation were not considerations. It has been upgraded in comfort a little, but prisoners have frequently complained about the cold and sparse accomodations. Good place for him.

If he gets life...the thought was to send him to Corcoran. The facilities are a bit better for protection of notorious prisoners. Charles Manson can be his neighbor.

Pelican Bay is usually a place for gang members who have proven to be violent. They have the best solitary confinement facilities and it is a higher security prison for prevention of escape and control of access to prisoners...not protection of prisoners. They will probably send Peterson to where he will be protected.

But the winds of incarceration are fickle. They might feel sorry for his mother and put him in Folsom or Vacaville where she has easier access to him.
KNOF Offline
#36 Posted:
Joined: 10-08-2003
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With all this coversation about Scotts life or death, no one mentioned anything on the location if he gets the death penalty. If he lands a cell at San Quentin, maybe they can give him a view of the Bay, where he dumped Laci and Conner. For those not familiar with the location, San Quentin is directly across the waters where they found the bodies. It would be a little justice for him to wake up every day and look out to the area he committed part of his crime.

FYI, for all you court buffs, come visit the Bay Area and I will direct you to the court house. I'm only 20 minutes away from Redwood City.
Charlie Offline
#37 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
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My corporate office is in Palo Alto (as you know)and when I was up in Bay Area and we had the Herf, drove by the court house, and it was like a Pro Football game or Golf Tournament with all the news vans, trucks, etc and people out front!

I hope the SOB gets life (I am for the Death penality) but would rather see him whimper, cry and suffer for the next 50 or so years! Love to see him in General Pop of the prison, so he could take it in the a-- from all kinds of perverts!

KNOF Offline
#38 Posted:
Joined: 10-08-2003
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I know Charlie,
I've had to go to the courthouse (actually next door) to do some research too, and the news crews are a joke.
SteveS Offline
#39 Posted:
Joined: 01-13-2002
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They've reached their verdict...

But it will be 4:30 EST before it is announced ... most of the commentators are predicting it'll be a death sentence ...
SteveS Offline
#40 Posted:
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Death Penalty

Verdict read less than one minute ago
DrMaddVibe Offline
#41 Posted:
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SteveS Offline
#42 Posted:
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Updated: 04:55 p.m. EST (21:55 GMT) December 13, 2004

Death sentence recommended for Peterson

A jury has recommended that double killer Scott Peterson be sentenced to death. The jury that decided the sentence found Peterson guilty of the first-degree murder of his wife, Laci, and the second-degree murder of their unborn son, Conner. Laci, 27, was eight months pregnant when she was reported missing on Christmas Eve 2002.
Liz62803 Offline
#43 Posted:
Joined: 01-21-2004
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Scott has shown no remorse, if he gets a view of the bay I really don't think it will phase him, but you never know, but I very much doubt it. As was mentioned on court tv he could have called in an anonymous tip to let people know where Laci & Connor were instead of letting Sharon and the rest of the family suffer for over 100 days, but he didn't which shows he didn't care, didn't have any remorse. As Laci's step father said "he got what he deserved"
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