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Last post 19 years ago by herfsnipe. 14 replies replies.
#1 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248
Those of us who have followed and written about George W. Bush’s life before he became President, are not at all surprised by his “solution” for our ailing national retirement plan, Social Security. Throughout Bush’s pre-political days in the business world he never spent a red dime of his own money but rather risked other people’s money to make millions for himself. Even when his business venture failed, which was more often than not, Bush not only did not lose any money personally, but usually walked away his pockets stuffed with stock, cash or both.

Even though all those alleged business deals were actually arranged by Bush family friends, George saw it all as affirmation of fiscal brilliance – the Midas touch of an idiot savant.

Administration officials estimate that Social Security faces a long-term financial shortfall of $10.4 trillion, mainly to cover the burgeoning costs of old-age benefits as today's baby-boom generation enters retirement.

With Social Security heading for insolvency Bush and his supply side sidekicks have decided the best way to save it is to begin dismantling it. To get that process going he wants to let today’s workers put a portion of their SSI deductions into private savings accounts to invest as they see fit.

There’s only one problem. Doing so will starve the already starved Social Security Trust Fund of about $2 trillion. How does Bush intend to replace that so that those about to retire don’t get short changed? It’s a secret. He is not saying. All we know is what he says he won’t do.

He won’t raise payroll tax limits from their current income limit of $87,000 in wages.
He won’t cut benefits.
He won’t raise other taxes.

So, what does that leave? Well, the same thing that seemed to work so well for Bush during his business career, borrow. Use other people’s money – in this case our kids and grandkids money.

With the national debt already pushing $8 trillion, what’s another $2 trillion? A drop in the bucket – someone else’s bucket.

To George it’s just another loan and, like all the other money he borrowed over the years, he won’t have to pay it back. Life for George W., you see, has been a carefully choreographed win/win affair from day one. (Born with a silver boot in his mouth, as Molly says.) He literally could not lose, which explains the permanent smirk.

Trouble is this time when he leaves the table thumping his chest in self-declared triumph; he will be sticking us with the tab.
SirWolfgang Offline
#2 Posted:
Joined: 11-14-2004
Posts: 417
Come on Rick! I thought you authored this yourself.

By the way, the site states:

Copyright 2004 NewsForReal
No reproduction or distribution without written permission.
Violators will be violated.

Hope you got permission.

DrMaddVibe Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
The Ponzi scam otherwise known as Social Security is a farce. It's sheer theiving power is that people are only looking out for themselves and not their kids or any other savings program.

The money you pay into SS isn't invested to grow. It sits there with the same amount you paid in. The theft occurs when the first generation got "theirs". They reaped the benefits that they didn't pay for. Now when the "baby boomers", the largest generation take theirs out of the piggy bank what's that going to leave for people in their late 30-early 40's? What about their kids? What's that? You just want yours, screw the rest? That's how the game is played.

Being able to invest part of YOUR money into some sort of IRA is a fabulous idea. You can't lose it, it's not like putting it all on the line on red 7. I believe this is the 1st step to the government getting out of the social program game. I've often said that they can keep what I've paid into the program if I can get out forever. I don't need government "looking out" for me in regards to my "Golden Years". Then there are the schlubs that actually believe that SS is enough to pay all their bills and that life is a bowl of cherries. Look around. McDonald's, Wal-Mart and other low paying jobs are being scooped up by the rubes that thought they'd coast in on fumes.

Free lunch? Anyone with 1/2 a brain knows there's no such thing as a free lunch. SOMEBODY always pays!
EI Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 06-29-2002
Posts: 5,069
Author: SirWolfgang Date: 12/12/2004 08:59 AM Reply
Come on Rick! I thought you authored this yourself.

Sir your new here. You will soon learn that Rick is the master of copy and paste and then claims to be the indepentant thinker who never copys and paste
snowwolf777 Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 06-03-2000
Posts: 4,082
What the good Dr. said, in spades.

I have been paying into this scheme full-time since age 18, and I'm now 46. As the target continues to move, I'm sure I'll have to be somewhere around age 1,000 to retire. For some time I have considered my weekly pay-ins nothing more than money lost in yet another government rat hole.
Charlie Offline
#6 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
Posts: 39,751

You continue to be the "master" of cutting and pasting, but you fail to give credit to the rightful authors of your postings unless it some slime like Art Buchwald or Stuart Smiley!

Quite an elabote bunch of crap you posted today! Keep up the slime tossing, as we need for you to continue to help us laugh!

snowwolf777 Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 06-03-2000
Posts: 4,082
PS - I almost forgot. It's all Bush's fault. SS was flawless before he got into office.
dapperdan Offline
#8 Posted:
Joined: 08-18-2004
Posts: 2,847
I'm self employed with employees. I pay 16% of my income and half of all my employees SS. I have a IRA but I sure would like to put a percentage of my SS into my IRA, because quite frankly at 45 I don't expect to see any thing in return till 70 if ever,no matter who is president. But at least Bush wants us to be able to make a choice on where we put some of our retirement( SS). I mean is it not what its for. At the rate its going it seams like a pyramid scheme to me.
#9 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

"Rick is the master of copy and paste"

and then claims to be the indepentant thinker

who never copys and paste
not true
#10 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

if someone outside of the government tried to set up SS, he would be arrested for starting a ponzi scheme.

but what to do???
#11 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248
ponzi scheme = a pyramid scheme.
usahog Offline
#12 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
LMAO @ this thread... not the posts or posters... ah fuggit I don't have to explain why I'm LMAO @ the thread...

SS is the Governments Bank and since it's creation our boy's who make the rules have looked at the system as the Free Lunch System for all...

Bush wants and is working on away to get US away from this open bank and into something new that will work.. and who's the biggest B!tcher to post the thread topic?? a Liberal thinker LMAO!!!!!! blaming GWB as being the Free Lunch President... Clinton used the SS system as an open checkbook for 8 yrs trying to keep the economy in check to make him look good and now it's turned around to be Bush's fault LMAO!!!!!!!

usahog Offline
#13 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
LMAO @ this thread... not the posts or posters... ah fuggit I don't have to explain why I'm LMAO @ the thread...

SS is the Governments Bank and since it's creation our boy's who make the rules have looked at the system as the Free Lunch System for all...

Bush wants and is working on away to get US away from this open bank and into something new that will work.. and who's the biggest B!tcher to post the thread topic?? a Liberal thinker LMAO!!!!!! blaming GWB as being the Free Lunch President... Clinton used the SS system as an open checkbook for 8 yrs trying to keep the economy in check to make him look good and now it's turned around to be Bush's fault LMAO!!!!!!!

usahog Offline
#14 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
Frickin Server.. sorry bout the double post..

guess it needed to be said twice???

herfsnipe Offline
#15 Posted:
Joined: 07-28-2004
Posts: 3,315
Insted of saying it twice, you could have just cut and pasted it....
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