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Last post 22 years ago by Charlie. 35 replies replies.
#1 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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WASHINGTON, May 29 — As part of a sweeping effort to transform the F.B.I. into a domestic
terrorism prevention agency, Attorney General John Ashcroft has decided to relax restrictions on
the bureau's ability to conduct domestic spying in counterterrorism operations, senior government
officials said today. Among other changes, the new guidelines let agents search Web sites and
online chat rooms for evidence of terrorists' planning or other criminal activities, the officials said
These new guidelines say to the American people that you no longer have to be doing something
wrong in order to get that F.B.I. knock at your door,
Charlie Offline
#2 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
Posts: 39,751
If you have nothing to hide, then you should be damn happy that they are planning on "invading" your privacy-this is a little price to pay to hopefully help prevent more 9/11's, etc. The price of freedom!
I think we should shut down our borders for about 5 years and round up all the folks that are here illegally and ship them back to their native lands! Charlie
esplendidoschick Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 09-22-2000
Posts: 417
Rick, Well, as far as I know, any agency/person/etc...can knock on your door. The question is do you have to let them in? Would you invite the feds in? Or would you ask for a search warrant? Hmmm...since you were in the military, the gov owns all of your info already, probably has your dna on file too. Do you have a driver's license? If you do here in Calif you gave them your thumb print...they don't need to knock at your door, they're already in your house! Get off your computer now! They're watching! See that little black circle on your monitor? That's the camera!!!! I'd turn off your electricity and phone too! You can run, but you can't hide!
#4 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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e: when i was in the military, they didn't have dna. we had snafu, and wasserman tests, and see you next trip from the plane to ground control and back. guess what the radio code initials were. just because one is paranoid doesn't mean they are nmot out to get you. i've seen x-files, and ashcroft looks like cancer man, name changed to smoking man for no reason other than the influence of cigarette makers. ps, toby can read your post this time. happy beanie day.
esplendidoschick Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 09-22-2000
Posts: 417
:) Hi Toby! My daughter has been working full time and planning to attend 2 proms, so she really hasn't had a chance yet to email you...sorry! Give her some more time! Rick, I gathered you weren't in the service recently LOL! I just wouldn't doubt that somehow, somewhere, your blood, urine and whatever else samples from back in the day are locked up somewhere just waiting for you to screw up. I bet you go the the VA hospital like my dad does...if you do, there you go! They gotcha!
xrundog Offline
#6 Posted:
Joined: 01-17-2002
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I think someone may have dug up J.Edgar! The "if you don't have anything to hide" arguement does not hold water Charlie! That's what the fascists always say right before they start kicking down your front door. If someone is breaking the law, use investigative techniques and due process to arrest and prosecute them. I am not concerned that arab men were rounded up and questioned. I am concerned that many of them are still in custody without it being proved that they have broken a law! They do that kind of stuff in South America! We need more freedom not less. If my life is at risk enjoying said freedom, so be it! More freedom, not less!
JonR Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 02-19-2002
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Was he (J Edgar ) in a nightie when they dug him up? LOL JonR
Teninx Offline
#8 Posted:
Joined: 11-24-2001
Posts: 138
Ummm....there's not right to privacy once information is committed to the internet. Feds snoop in chat rooms and intercept email at the routers? No kidding!

Remember who invented this technology!
tailgater Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
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Privacy? Since when is the internet your own personal information capsule? It's a PUBLIC domain. If someone uses the words "bomb" and that triggers someone to look into it, so what? And what facist movement is our government trying to achieve doggy? If you equate being killed by a terrorist as a price for freedom, then your view is different than mine. The Feds are not asking to peek into your bedroom. They intend on being too busy finding the Muslim Freaks that threaten our very being. And I think that's a good place to start.
#10 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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tailgator: like they found the loneguman, oswald.
JonR Offline
#11 Posted:
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JonR Offline
#12 Posted:
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Please disregard what I stated in my previous reply. What I meant to say was I thought Clayton Moore was the lone gunman. JonR
#13 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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no clayton, moore and durante were a vaudville act in the 30's. jimmy went on to sucess and always looked out for one of the partners. i don't remember whuch one but i believe the other one had either died or moved on to something else. clayton moore is the grandfather of the green hornet, until he died and became "was."
xrundog Offline
#14 Posted:
Joined: 01-17-2002
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Tailgater, are you being disingenuous? I was using the fascists as an illustrative example. The nazis did the same thing, kicking down doors, rounding up jews to save the "true" germans. I guess your feeling on the matter depends on which side of the door you are on. In our society it is hard for law enforcement to gain permission to kick down said door. I like it that way. I agree that "profiling" in this case, makes complete sense. I don't buy that we should willingly give up freedoms so we can be "safe". Isn't it a bit of a coincidence that the area we are currently conducting military operations in is also where Chevron and others want to run a big oil pipeline. I know, 9/11. Yes, something needed to be done. But what the hell is going on now? Lastly, and this is slightly off subject. The people seeking to be in charge are often type A personalities who think their way is the best way and we all better get on board pretty damn quick or there will be hell to pay. I am always skeptical when someone in government assures me that something is for my own good or in my best interests. You should be too!
tailgater Offline
#15 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
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Doggy, so now you're suggesting that our military efforts in the sand are due to petroleum rather than terrorism. No wonder you're so paranoid about "Big Brother". I'm a big boy and have nothing to hide. Apparently that's not the case with you. To each his own, I guess.
#16 Posted:
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tailgater ---you don't think this is about oil?---you need to read a little more.---if they didn't have oil, they would be nomadic tribes riding camels along the trade routes. notice i said nothing nasty about you at all. nothing personal---just a suggestion.--by the way xrundog is correct and you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground.
xrundog Offline
#17 Posted:
Joined: 01-17-2002
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Well tailgater, we have chased the terrorists out of Afghanistan. Are they in Kazakhstan? Uzbekistan? The Military of several countries are conducting ops out of these places. Again coincidentally, the pipeline will be going right through there. The big oil boys are as happy as pigs in s**t. It could not be going better if the US military were on their payroll. I am sure GW will have a great job later on. I'm not paranoid! It's just that everyone is out to get me! :D
Charlie Offline
#18 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
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It is not about oil, if that were the only reason the USA were involved in the Middle East, then we could simply disolve any relationships with Isreal and get all the oil and have the Arabs, etc all of a sudden being completely chummy with us! It is not about oil, it is about 9/11 and other terrorist activities that we finally have a President with enough balls to do something about it and move to do away with Terroist! Oil is simply a bi product of this, it is not the driving force, 2,000 plus dead Americans were the driving force behind our efforts in the middle east! Charlie
tailgater Offline
#19 Posted:
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Rick, whether they be oil mongers or nomadic tribes wandering aimlessly in the wind driven sand, we are in a military retaliation for 9-11. If those efforts get extended for other reasons, be they political or oil related, so be it. We are not dealing with civil peoples. We are at a heightened state of awareness. Freedoms are infringed upon as a RESULT of these beasts. To belittle our efforts as simply a power-move to boost fossil fuels is not only incorrect, it is blatently idiotic. Now excuse me whilst I wipe my hole in the ground and flush the toilet...
xrundog Offline
#20 Posted:
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I heartily agree that 9/11 is the impetus for current military ops. There are opportunists in government that are taking advantage of the existing situation to further their own agenda. That's MY point. Wether that is good or bad depends on how you feel about the agenda. I saw Ashcroft on a morning news show today. He explained that nothing is being changed legally or constitutionally. The FBI is merely updating it's own regulations and operating protocols. Having worked in the military beaurocracy for many years, I understand these things need to be reviewed, changed or regularly updated. You have to keep up with new technology. FBI on the internet? It's a public forum. Can't see anything improper there.
#21 Posted:
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we were in a hightened state of awarness during the 2nd world war, the korean conflict and the vietnam war. i don't remember all this invasion of privacy by the fbi and this fanatic religious zealot, who couldn't beat a dead man in an election, we have as an attorney general. if i announce in the paper i am going to invade you when the weather is nice, of in a month or so, doesn't that give you an advantage of preparing. if we are going after saddam because his daddy didn't finish the job or because he is a threat is not the point. read "the art of war" by sun tzu or at least some excerpts.
xrundog Offline
#22 Posted:
Joined: 01-17-2002
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Hey Rick! I gotta point out a couple of things. J.Edgar ran the FBI in a pretty clandestine way. His own little fiefdom. Weren't those dossiers he compiled in some way an invasion of privacy? And what about J. McCarthy and his boys? I don't think they considered privacy of individuals to be an issue when faced with "the red menace". There are just some new aspects to the issue that need to be considered. We need to watch the Attorney General yeah. But the guys who can really sell the farm are in congress! Watch out for those midnight votes!
tailgater Offline
#23 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
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We can't profile middle-aged Mid Eastern men. We can't increase the military effort in areas of the world where an economic advantage could be perceived. We must allow foreigners to "practice" their religion and customs whereever and whenever they want. And we can not use existing technology to investigate suspected terrorists. Because Ricky feels threatened. And if you allow the FBI to actually Investigate then they'll surely want to know what Joe Public is doing on their days off. No paranoia there. No siree bub.
#24 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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xrundog--------you are correct. the closet gay and the drunk ran roughshod over the constitution. but, and a big but, is they were doing things illegally, ashcroft is officially sanctioned. the midnight votes on both sides of the isle, is legal scamming. how about the bill that said unless we vote against a pay raise we will get one. "i did not vote for a pay raise" is the hue and cry. the farm is pretty much gone. i hope we can get it back. term limits (never happen, as the founding fathers had envisioned, will be a start. public funding of elections (never happen) would be the next step. it also wouldn't hurt to have an informed electorate,
#25 Posted:
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tailgater---no sir, bub. oh by the way the electorate are the voters. the same people that think drew carey, and frazier are funny and that ali mcbeal was an excellent show with great writing and wonderful interactions.
SteveS Offline
#26 Posted:
Joined: 01-13-2002
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It's an imperfect country we live in, but one that is by far the nearest thing to perfection that the world has ever seen ... as for the leadership the country has in place, I thank Heaven that we've got the people we've got, doing the job they're doing ... anyone who actually thinks that Bill Clinton, Madelaine Albright, and Janet Reno could or would have done one tenth of the good that GW, Colin Powell and John Ashcrofte are doing is either uninformed, incapable of learning, or just plain nuts ... if Clinton or his wanna-be successor Al Gore were in office, we'd have issued some more "stern warnings", "protested vigorously" in the UN or fired a few missiles into some empty tents in the Afghan outback or some other horse-s**t thing. As it is, we're lucky enough to have the right people on the job with enough gumption to get the job done ... the flag flying on my home, on my car and on my lapel are my statement that I totally support those people and the actions they're taking.
Charlie Offline
#27 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
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Steve, you are 100% right on target with your post! It cannot be articulated any better than your reply! Thank God we have the Administration in office that we have at this time! Charlie
xrundog Offline
#28 Posted:
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I think anyone in government deserves some regular scrutiny. I enjoy this forum because it sometimes makes me think along paths I might not otherwise mentally traverse. I am still waiting for the man of pure motives to come along. A man (or woman) who thinks only of the good of the country. Jimmy Carter may have been that type of man. I know, he couldn't work with congress. Bipartisan politics stymied him. But he's a good man. Can't think of anyone else I admire in recent history. It's sad. I would really like to trust a President fully, to believe he cares about me and mine. GWB isn't that guy. I think he is a federalist of the old school at heart. Though a decent guy, he is not a President for the comman man. I'm hoping we have some better choices in 2004.
JonR Offline
#29 Posted:
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How about the man for all seasons in 2004 - "Hubcap" LOL JonR
Todog Offline
#30 Posted:
Joined: 05-05-2001
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Tailgater for President 2004!!!!!!
esplendidoschick Offline
#31 Posted:
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Slimboli for classroom monitor...
xrundog Offline
#32 Posted:
Joined: 01-17-2002
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I'll bet Hubcap would be an interesting debater! Honk! Honk!
Charlie Offline
#33 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
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Maybe a Master Bater! Charlie :):):):)
#34 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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xrundog -------how about truman?
xrundog Offline
#35 Posted:
Joined: 01-17-2002
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I think Truman turned out to be a really fine President considering the low expections of him at the time. He definately did some politicking back in Mo. Guess he built some great roads back there. Once he was in the Senate he played it straight. He was partisan, but tried to pick right when given tough choices. Rode roughshod over defense contractors in WWII. I have been to the Truman Library in Liberty,Mo. Really illuminating! The man had true character. Oh! The atomic bomb? Yeah, I think he made the right choice. If science could reanimate his corpse, I would vote for him!
Charlie Offline
#36 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
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Truman and the Pendergast family built some fine roads and creekbeds in and around Kansas City. Some of the creek beds have cement that is 8 feet thick and more! Truman dumped all over Boss Pendergast once he got to power and they never spoke a civil word to each other after that time! Charlie
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