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Last post 12 years ago by snowwolf777. 57 replies replies.
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Gingrich Losing Steam in Florida?...
rfenst Offline
#1 Posted:
Joined: 06-23-2007
Posts: 39,655
My understanding is that last week, polls right after South Carolina's Primary Election showed Gingrich surging ahead with a 10% or so lead over Romney. Now, at least one poll shows that Romney has "bridged the gap" and may even be ahead by 2%, making the race a statistical "dead heat", if you will. Moreover, approximately 7-10% are "undecided" and of those polled who will be voting for Romney or Gingrich, upwards of 20-25% say they may decide to change who they will vote for. Crazy, yet interesting, huh?

DrMaddVibe Offline
#2 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
Sorry, but Romney held a double digit lead last week that's now gone.

I don't care for either one of those Progressive tools so let them slug it out.

America deserves better.
wheelrite Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 11-01-2006
Posts: 50,119
I love to watch all the kicking and scratching
jackconrad Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 06-09-2003
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The Romney Moneyslaught hath begun..
FuzzNJ Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 06-28-2006
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Anyone notice how Limbaugh and Hannity are bringing up more negatives and questioning Newt harder than Romney now? It's fun watching them carry the establishment's water for them while pretending not to.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#6 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
FuzzNJ wrote:
Anyone notice how Limbaugh and Hannity are bringing up more negatives and questioning Newt harder than Romney now? It's fun watching them carry the establishment's water for them while pretending not to.

Nope, do tell you Dittohead you've been Hannitized!
Ragin' Cajun Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2009
Posts: 835
I can't listen to those guys much anymore. They are entertainers, not newsmen. Sadly, too many talking heads on both sides pass themselves off as purveyors of absolute truth when the only truth is they just want to milk as much money as they can from their minions.
bloody spaniard Offline
#8 Posted:
Joined: 03-14-2003
Posts: 43,802
The question I keep aksin' myself is why all of a sudden (last 24- 48 hours) are so many Republican luminaries and establishment types attacking Gingrich in a concerted effort to nominate their boy Romney? What is their motivation? Newt's electability? Newt's arguably more conservative than the once self-acclaimed progressive Romney who in the 90's proudly claimed he had "no ties to the party of Reagan". Connection to Fannie Mae? Romney has indirectly invested millions in same. Inability to play well with other Republican "business as usual" Republicans? Viagra Bob raised his gimp arm to accuse Gingrich of being a "one man band" and responsible for hurting his presidential ambitions. So what??? This loser phony was the original McLame & is angry because Gingrich never kissed his ring. They (including Ron Routine Getting Very Old Paul) claim he betrayed Reagan's ideals. Bullcrap. I heard Nancy & even Ronnie himself refer to Newt in very glowing terms and as the flag bearer of Reaganism after the Great One was gone.

Everyone is coming out against Newt or critical of him- Elliott Iran Contra Abrams, Anne Conveniently Obnoxious Coulter, Jeb Don't call me Shemp Bush, Bobby Third Eye for Perry Jindall, Marco Play Along Rubio, Tom I'm a Lying Thief Delay...
Hey, Newt is not my ideal candidate but I've lost a lot of respect for the aforementioned folks.

Looks as though Mitt Business As Usual Romney will win next week and is well on the way to winning the Republican nomination after the next series of primaries in states he previously won (coincidental timing, isn't it?)- thanks to the concerted of traitorous, multi-generational long knives & Newt's poor performance in the Florida debate. Too bad because Mitt My Daddy was Born in Mexico Romney is not electable & will burden us with 4 more years of Obama IMHO.
HockeyDad Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,295

I said a long time ago that Ron Paul would be destroyed. Mitt Romney was the designated loser to Obama.

People should have been using that insider information and trading on it. Even FuzzNJ could have done it instead of just letting everyone get over on him.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#10 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
HockeyDad wrote:

I said a long time ago that Ron Paul would be destroyed. Mitt Romney was the designated loser to Obama.

People should have been using that insider information and trading on it. Even FuzzNJ could have done it instead of just letting everyone get over on him.

Some just can't shake the "victim" mentality.
FuzzNJ Offline
#11 Posted:
Joined: 06-28-2006
Posts: 13,000
HockeyDad wrote:

I said a long time ago that Ron Paul would be destroyed. Mitt Romney was the designated loser to Obama.

People should have been using that insider information and trading on it. Even FuzzNJ could have done it instead of just letting everyone get over on him.

Courtesy of various loopholes, members of both the House and Senate have long been allowed to trade on inside information, something that grabbed the media's attention when back in November 2005 someone, somewhere sent the stock of USG Corp., W.R. Grace & Co., and Crown Holdings higher even though there was no public information. Only later would it become known that then-Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist would deliver a speech announcing new legislation to relieve companies of asbestos litigation. Subsequent studies (such as Ziobrowski et al's 2004 paper “Abnormal Returns from the Common Stock Investments of the United States Senate.”) confirmed substantial market outperformance by members of Senate. A few days ago, Ziobrowski et al, have released a follow up study "Abnormal Returns From the Common Stock Investments of Members of the U.S. House of Representatives" which confirms that not only do congressional critters consistently outperform the market, but does a granular analysis of just who it is in congress that should consider leaving the public arena, and raising capital to start their own hedge fund: simply said, junior, democratic congressmen beat the market by roughly the same amount, with the same consistency (and probably with the same Sharpe ratio) that allows SAC to charge 3% and 35%.
In a nutshell, the latest stereotype is that if one is a junior democrat in Congress, and one trades for their own discretionary account, one most likely is doing so using insider information.
The conclusion.
In sum, the findings from this study of the U.S. House of Representatives’ common stock transactions are generally supportive of the previous study of the U.S. Senate. We find strong evidence that Members of the House have some type of nonpublic information which they use for personal gain. That having been said, abnormal returns earned by Members of the House are substantially smaller than those earned by Senators during approximately the same time period. These smaller returns are due presumably to less influence and power held by the individual Members. The nature and source or sources of information is unknown, but clearly further research is warranted. We recommend that congressional committees should be studied for abnormal returns and indications that members of those committees may favor stocks in industries their committees oversee. Abnormal returns associated with the common stocks of specific industries or companies should be investigated for patterns of potential misconduct. We suggest the examination of the relationships between campaign contributions, common stock acquisitions, and abnormal returns.

Stuart P. Green, JD, Professor of Law and Justice Nathan L. Jacobs Scholar at Rutgers School of Law, wrote in his May 13, 2008 email to

"People in many fields of endeavor are privy to valuable confidential information before it is made public: For example, business executives, investment bankers, and lawyers have access to information about impending corporate mergers and acquisitions; Judges, juries, and court personnel have access to information about the probable outcome of court decisions; and officials at the FDA [Food and Drug Administration], EPA [Environmental Protection Agency], and other administrative agencies have access to information about the likely outcome of regulatory proceedings. All of these individuals are prohibited by law from using such confidential information in the purchase and sale of publicly traded stocks. Likewise, members of Congress and their staffs are also privy to valuable confidential information not yet made public. They have information about the likely outcome of various votes, committee proceedings, and investigations. Such information can be extremely valuable to investors. Those who buy and sell stock on the basis of such non-public information will have an obvious advantage over those who lack such information. This is not the sort of information that even the most savvy and sophisticated investor would be able to obtain legally. From a moral perspective, such informational advantages are indistinguishable from those enjoyed in more familiar forms of insider trading."

"'Senators' stocks beat the market by 12%' blared a headline in the Financial Times. So what? Isn't beating the market what everyone tries to do?... Like corporate executives, senators also have access to valuable inside information. They are aware of likely changes in the tax laws, government contracts, research funding, trade negotiations, etc. Any of these may have profound ramifications for the various companies or industries involved. In addition, those in Congress have the power to help or hurt individual companies and industries by changing the laws. This also can impact share price.

Unlike corporate executives, congressmen can trade common stocks without restriction, buying and selling as much as they want whenever they want. They may vote on issues in which they have a personal financial interest. Furthermore, Senate members are not required to report their transactions to the Securities and Exchange Commission like corporate insiders...

In fairness, just because they have the power to earn 'unfair' profits in the stock market does not necessarily mean they use it. Two-thirds of senators do not trade stocks at all and, so far, not a single member has admitted trading stocks based on confidential information he or she obtained on the job. The evidence, however, is rather compelling. In beating the market by 12% per year, the chance that they merely are lucky is very small."

May 2005 - Alan J. Ziobrowski, PhD

Sheila Kaplan, MA, Lecturer in the Political Reporting Program at the University of California at Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism, wrote in the article "Trust Busters" published in the Sep./Oct. 2005 issue of Mother Jones:

"Federal agency officials are generally prohibited from buying and selling stock in the companies they oversee. But Congress long ago exempted itself from ethics rules regarding investments. At one time this exemption made sense: Farmers wanted to be able to serve on the Agriculture Committee without selling their farms, for example. But many lawmakers now interpret this exception as carte blanche to invest after taking office.

...Some members, seeking to avoid the appearance of conflicts of interest, avoid buying stock or stow their assets in blind trusts. Others invest only in index funds or in diversified mutual funds. But a substantial share of House members and senators trade enthusiastically -- or, like Biggert [US Representative Judy Biggert (R-Ill)], permit their spouses and children to do so. An examination of the latest batch of financial disclosure reports, filed this summer for calendar year 2004, shows that dozens of lawmakers routinely buy and sell stock in industries they oversee, raising questions about whether they have an unfair advantage over the average investor."
DrMaddVibe Offline
#12 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735

Maybe an investigative show like "60 Minutes" should at least do a segment on that.
bloody spaniard Offline
#13 Posted:
Joined: 03-14-2003
Posts: 43,802
I hate cut 'n paste with a passion. Too dry & usually full of tangential, irrelevant info.
I've found it to be a tool for those who are either intellectually lazy or simply can't grasp and/or communicate their interpretation of the subject matter in a clear and succinct manner.

Can't you encapsulate, Fuzz?
HockeyDad Offline
#14 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,295
FuzzNJ wrote:

In fairness, just because they have the power to earn 'unfair' profits in the stock market does not necessarily mean they use it. Two-thirds of senators do not trade stocks at all and, so far, not a single member has admitted trading stocks based on confidential information he or she obtained on the job. The evidence, however, is rather compelling. In beating the market by 12% per year, the chance that they merely are lucky is very small."

What is comes down to is you think you saw smoke, therefore there must be a fire, therefore they are guilty as charged.

I can beat the market by 12% a year and nobody has presented any non-public information that was acted on. All I've seen is stuff anyone could have got from Jim Cramer.

We just don't like seeing other people win.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#15 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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Kinda like winning the lotto...ya can't win if ya don't play!horse
FuzzNJ Offline
#16 Posted:
Joined: 06-28-2006
Posts: 13,000
bloody spaniard wrote:
I hate cut 'n paste with a passion. Too dry & usually full of tangential, irrelevant info.
I've found it to be a tool for those who are either intellectually lazy or simply can't grasp and/or communicate their interpretation of the subject matter in a clear and succinct manner.

Can't you encapsulate, Fuzz?

HD is insisting I'm just seeing smoke, making sh*t up, it's a crazy thing I brought up and said there is nothing there, no concern and it's all blown out of proportion. He wanted more info, I provided it. Simple as that. As usual though, he ignores it outright and continues to accuse me of just making crap up and for saying everyone is guilty, both things I did not do. Want to get upset about c & p then I suppose you should be upset with the people asking for proof I didn't make crap up. Simple.

Just look how HD dismisses the studies. He can beat the market at a higher rate than normal investors and that means the fact that elected officials do that consistantly doesn't mean a thing. Silly. It's got nothing to do with being mad at winning, it's a matter of public corruption and how easy it is for it to happen in this particular way. Frankly, I find it amusing that the conservatives on the board aren't upset up this, they love to hate corrupt politicians, or so I thought.
teedubbya Offline
#17 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
Posts: 95,637
I always liked Newt. Looking back on it I think I liked him because he constantly tweeked and threw hand grenades at the wacky dems. It was a game. I helped campaign for one of his right hand people (Nussle)

Watching the debate last night I could never vote for him for Pres.

This is deperessing.
HockeyDad Offline
#18 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,295
FuzzNJ wrote:
He wanted more info, I provided it. Simple as that. As usual though, he ignores it outright and continues to accuse me of just making crap up and for saying everyone is guilty, both things I did not do.

You never could provide any no-public insider information.

....and poor little you is being victimized by big bad Le HockeyDad! Oh! Come and see the violence inherent in the system! Help, help, I'm being repressed!
bloody spaniard Offline
#19 Posted:
Joined: 03-14-2003
Posts: 43,802
^ Yes, you are a bully conehead. LOL

teedubbya wrote:
I always liked Newt...
Watching the debate last night I could never vote for him for Pres.
This is deperessing.

Why on both counts?
How will it affect you and yours? Despite whoever wins, the country will continue on it's gradual decline for the time being at least. You have no control over that.

Fuzz, I can appreciate that explanation but I just find most cut 'n paste to be long, drawn-out bullshiite & I ignore them. Speaks droves to me about the poster when they toss what usually amounts to a another party's (usually subjective) point of view into the fray. Figures don't lie but liars figger.... HAHAHAHA
FuzzNJ Offline
#20 Posted:
Joined: 06-28-2006
Posts: 13,000
HockeyDad wrote:
You never could provide any no-public insider information.

....and poor little you is being victimized by big bad Le HockeyDad! Oh! Come and see the violence inherent in the system! Help, help, I'm being repressed!

Ok. Do you think that no elected official has ever traded on inside information provided to them in the course of their job? If so, provide your proof.

Or do you think that it is a possibility based on the evidence or just crazy that it's not illegal just like for corporate insiders? If so you are arguing over nothing.
teedubbya Offline
#21 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
Posts: 95,637

Why on both counts?

1. Watching the debate last night I could never vote for him for Pres.

His slime was fun when pointed at the Dems. It gets more clarity when pointed at my own party. At one point it became clear he knew what he was saying was wrong or out of context and he had a smirk like he thought it was cool. It reminded me of many of the posts in here LOL. Granted his tactics and antics were not very productive back in the day but I was easily amused, less mature (remember that is relative LOL) and it didn't seem to matter.

2. This is deperessing.

Your next comment could sum up most of why it is depressing. "How will it affect you and yours? Despite whoever wins, the country will continue on it's gradual decline for the time being at least. You have no control over that."

I still have hope and want to vote for someone I actually like and have some faith in. It has been about a decade since I have done so.

FuzzNJ Offline
#22 Posted:
Joined: 06-28-2006
Posts: 13,000
bloody spaniard wrote:
^ Yes, you are a bully conehead. LOL

Why on both counts?
How will it affect you and yours? Despite whoever wins, the country will continue on it's gradual decline for the time being at least. You have no control over that.

Fuzz, I can appreciate that explanation but I just find most cut 'n paste to be long, drawn-out bullshiite & I ignore them. Speaks droves to me about the poster when they toss what usually amounts to a another party's (usually subjective) point of view into the fray. Figures don't lie but liars figger.... HAHAHAHA

So you dismiss it as bullsh*t without reading? That's fine, but to do that and then make a judgement call on the validity of content it is kinda weird.
FuzzNJ Offline
#23 Posted:
Joined: 06-28-2006
Posts: 13,000
teedubbya wrote:

I still have hope and want to vote for someone I actually like and have some faith in.

Most of the country still feels that way too. It's why the popularity of these guys is so low.
bloody spaniard Offline
#24 Posted:
Joined: 03-14-2003
Posts: 43,802
teedubbya wrote:
Why on both counts?
1. Watching the debate last night I could never vote for him for Pres.

His slime was fun when pointed at the Dems. It gets more clarity when pointed at my own party. At one point it became clear he knew what he was saying was wrong or out of context and he had a smirk like he thought it was cool. It reminded me of many of the posts in here LOL. Granted his tactics and antics were not very productive back in the day but I was easily amused, less mature (remember that is relative LOL) and it didn't seem to matter.

So you caught him in a lie(s) based on historical "fact"? That's more than most could do. Or is it just you don't like his recalcitrant smugness when it's directed at Repubs? I find that his loose cannon persona is what makes him endearing to many of the party faithful who are not into party ring kissing.

FuzzNJ wrote:
So you dismiss it as bullsh*t without reading? That's fine, but to do that and then make a judgement call on the validity of content it is kinda weird.

How many bad cut 'n pastes must one READ before they see a pattern of he said she said. Sorry, just don't read it unless it's short.
yardobeef Offline
#25 Posted:
Joined: 10-25-2011
Posts: 849
bloody spaniard wrote:

How many bad cu-nt 'n pasties must one EAT before they smell a puddle of he sucked she choked. Sorry, just don't slurp it unless it's short and vein covered.

You are one sick bassturd.

(Not that I condone your behavior, but I can see how certain words mixed up out of context can cause issues. Herfing )
DrMaddVibe Offline
#26 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
FuzzNJ wrote:
Most of the country still feels that way too. It's why the popularity of these guys is so low.

Yeah, and most of America drinks Bud Light, watches American Idol, and listens to Lady Ballgag so my faith in America and the way it "feels" is lost on me.

Their popularity is low but what do these morons do? Vote them back in or put someone that's lockstep with the last guy.

So what.

Who cares.

It doesn't change a damn thing.

You would've been better off just yelling "I love lamp!"...really.
bloody spaniard Offline
#27 Posted:
Joined: 03-14-2003
Posts: 43,802
yardobeef wrote:
You are one sick bassturd.
(Not that I condone your behavior, but I can see how certain words mixed up out of context can cause issues. Herfing )

LOL!(slick spinmeister)

Lady Ballgag- or gagag- what a piece of work that one- LOL!
Btw, not to threadjack but I will. Saw Jim Carrey's daughter on that Idol show the other day as I was surfin'. She's a "waittress" looking for a break...d'oh!
FuzzNJ Offline
#28 Posted:
Joined: 06-28-2006
Posts: 13,000
bloody spaniard wrote:
[color=blue]How many bad cut 'n pastes must one READ before they see a pattern of he said she said. Sorry, just don't read it unless it's short.

Seeing as how we're talking about different information each time you would have to read all of them to determine that. Just because you've never seen a pink car doesn't mean it doesn't exist. ;)
DrMaddVibe Offline
#29 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
bloody spaniard wrote:
So you caught him in a lie(s) based on historical "fact"? That's more than most could do. Or is it just you don't like his recalcitrant smugness when it's directed at Repubs? I find that his loose cannon persona is what makes him endearing to many of the party faithful who are not into party ring kissing.

Sorry...they can save time and energy by just putting Mittens and Neutered into the same noose and we hang them both at the same time facing each other.


There's NO difference between the 2.

They're all barking about how they're different but you see Romney...the architect of Massachusetts doomed RomneyCare repealing ObamaCare? I sure as hell don't! He KNOWS that one piece of legislation is what's keeping the economic engine from revving up and peeling out because of the uncertainty associated with this bloated boat anchor entitlement.

Neutered...poor Neutered...he keeps on telling people he's a Neo Wilsonian...a FDR stooge...a Teddy disciple and Reagan's "braintrust"! He's a lying POS that wants back in at the taxpayer trough. He wants to waddle his huge carcas back into position and wants to trot out some of his failed ideology. He couldn't even manage to give the American populous the ONE thing it deserves from the carrion of K Street...TERM LIMITS!

Yet the stage has been set. The winner already decided. This is the best we get? Even on the Democrat side. NOBODY wanted to take a run at the Kenyan King? Nobody is better? He's it? We're doomed if this is the best we get. This is becoming a "Take Everything That Isn't Nailed Down" event as we're now close to 120% in debt to GDP. Tell me the nation that's come back from that? There isn't one and these are the clowns that we're going to entrust to solve the mess?

daveincincy Offline
#30 Posted:
Joined: 08-11-2006
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bloody spaniard Offline
#31 Posted:
Joined: 03-14-2003
Posts: 43,802
Good ppint, Fuzz. Guess I just don't care enough to glean the peanuts out the shiite though.

DrMaddVibe wrote:
Sorry...they can save time and energy by just putting Mittens and Neutered into the same noose and we hang them both at the same time facing each other.
There's NO difference between the 2.
They're all barking about how they're different but you see Romney...the architect of Massachusetts doomed RomneyCare repealing ObamaCare? I sure as hell don't! He KNOWS that one piece of legislation is what's keeping the economic engine from revving up and peeling out because of the uncertainty associated with this bloated boat anchor entitlement.

Neutered...poor Neutered...he keeps on telling people he's a Neo Wilsonian...a FDR stooge...a Teddy disciple and Reagan's "braintrust"! He's a lying POS that wants back in at the taxpayer trough. He wants to waddle his huge carcas back into position and wants to trot out some of his failed ideology. He couldn't even manage to give the American populous the ONE thing it deserves from the carrion of K Street...TERM LIMITS!

Yet the stage has been set. The winner already decided. This is the best we get? Even on the Democrat side. NOBODY wanted to take a run at the Kenyan King? Nobody is better? He's it? We're doomed if this is the best we get. This is becoming a "Take Everything That Isn't Nailed Down" event as we're now close to 120% in debt to GDP. Tell me the nation that's come back from that? There isn't one and these are the clowns that we're going to entrust to solve the mess?


I'm not a Newt zombie. He had a poor marital record, was not a team player (actually a plus IMO), and true he didn't serve us up term limits among other things BUT he was one of the architects who helped push the Contract with America while Romney was distancing himself from Reagan.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#32 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
Don't you see that the one part of that "contract" was Term Limits...they weren't going to deliver that. That ends the gravy train. It's like how they don't vote for their own raises...insanity that would protect us but we didn't get it...and we won't!

Hell, I didn't even go for the "low hanging fruit" and call him morally bankrupt or deathly afraid of contracting cancer or MS from his exes!
teedubbya Offline
#33 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
Posts: 95,637
[quote=bloody spaniard]So you caught him in a lie(s) based on historical "fact"? That's more than most could do. Or is it just you don't like his recalcitrant smugness when it's directed at Repubs? I find that his loose cannon persona is what makes him endearing to many of the party faithful who are not into party ring kissing.

It is what made him endearing to me when I was younger. But it seemed to be less transparant, or maybe I just beleived at the time the ends justifies the means and was hoodwinked into thinking he really beleived in what he was trying to accomplish. Now I think he will just say anything, has no real beleif and is sort of like the Rev Jim on steroids. Plus when he walks on the stage he sort of reminds me of burgess meridith as the penguin.

By the way..... the part that was really transparant was when he was attacking Mitt Romo's finances while realizing he had invested in the exact same things. When called out on it his look was priceless. A yea but so what look.

Talking about their wives gave a pretty clear impression about who he is on a personal level too. She may as well been wifebot 2000. It really messed with my estrogen levels.

I liked Ronnie's cloak and dagger approach and beleived he did so because he really had a beleif in something. I thought Newt was like that too. I was wrong about Newt.
bloody spaniard Offline
#34 Posted:
Joined: 03-14-2003
Posts: 43,802
I remember the Contract having huge ramifications on taxes, welfare, and other domestic policy in general. it was fundamentally responsible for electing a majority Republican Congress which put Slick Willy's administration on the defense. Gingrich and ****** Armey were in the forefront of this fight while the majority of today's Repubs chickened out including Mitch Daniels (counterpoint for Obama's state of the union speech) who was a lame staffer for the cowering ****** Lugar.

I commend Newt for that. He was rewarded by the Republican establishment with trumped up tax charges & replaced by the hapless and short-lived reign of Livingstone(sp?).

He's opinionated, a bit overbearing, and pampered but he's done much more good than bad.
I know the better of the two evils...

Things were simpler before Watergate- absolutes were more easily identifiable, black was black, etc. Now, there are shades of gray about almost everything. There are no truths anymore. I don't think America can handle the truth either (in my best Nicholson).

In all honesty I vacillate from Paul to Gingrich to Santorum to staying home... and I'm not the only one. That's not good.
teedubbya Offline
#35 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
Posts: 95,637
Agreed blood but I honestly felt Newt was a firebrand zealot that actually beleived in what he was doing rather than just an oppertunist. I actually admire some of the Paulbots because they really beleive. I was a Newt/Nussle fan and beleived. I was wrong. I think some of the paulbots will find they are as well.

Newt never really did beleive. He has no integrity or compass moral or otherwise. He was about Newt. He could have been pushing the slapchop or gratey instead and he wouldn't have cared. The other thing that pisses me off is the rain of Republican establishment folks comming out of the woodwork now that seemed to know this all along and didn't say anything because it benefited them. Now it doesn't so they emerge. Shows that I wasn't paying attention to the man behind the curtain at the time.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#36 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
bloody spaniard wrote:
In all honesty I vacillate from Paul to Gingrich to Santorum to staying home... and I'm not the only one. That's not good.

I know what I AM going to do.

My guy doesn't stand a chance but an effective change he would make. I really think he knows it and is stacking delegates for a run at the convention. I could be wrong but the more those 2 coiffed pampered pooches slug it out the more America is disgusted by the show. If they think for one second that they're going to garner the sacred Independent vote bloc they're SADLY mistaken. Both are unelectable in my eyes. Tarnished beyond compare with too much baggage tying them to Obama himself.
HockeyDad Offline
#37 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,295
I'm undecided and have no strong opinion.
pdxstogieman Offline
#38 Posted:
Joined: 10-04-2007
Posts: 5,219
bloody spaniard wrote:
I hate cut 'n paste with a passion. Too dry & usually full of tangential, irrelevant info.
I've found it to be a tool for those who are either intellectually lazy or simply can't grasp and/or communicate their interpretation of the subject matter in a clear and succinct manner.

Can't you encapsulate, Fuzz?

Didn't it have enough pictures for you? or are you too "intellectually lazy" to understand what the article is saying and that it was posted in response to the challenges only raised by the the august protectors of the faith here when some perceived "liberal" issue of concern is brought up, to provide legally admissable evidence of wrong doing to support the post involved?

The whining about cut and pastes is selective here based on the viewpoint expressed in the cut and paste. Some people prefer to have the cut and paste in the post instead of having to paste the link into another browser window. Others such as yourself obviously prefer not to see the cut and paste content here, only the link, or want the poster to craft a summary post so they don't have to go to the "effort" of reading content amounting to about 2 or3 pages of a magazine article at most. That seems to be the real act of laziness.

If there's a way to put a hot link into a post, such that it allows the reader to more efficiently access the content of URL referenced in a post, then I'd be happy to stop cutting and pasting, but until then suck it up and scroll baby scroll.
pdxstogieman Offline
#39 Posted:
Joined: 10-04-2007
Posts: 5,219
HockeyDad wrote:
What is comes down to is you think you saw smoke, therefore there must be a fire, therefore they are guilty as charged.

I can beat the market by 12% a year and nobody has presented any non-public information that was acted on. All I've seen is stuff anyone could have got from Jim Cramer.

We just don't like seeing other people win.

Did you drop a pant size when you unloaded that turd?
HockeyDad Offline
#40 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,295
pdxstogieman wrote:
Did you drop a pant size when you unloaded that turd?

Nobody has presented any non-public information that was acted on. All I've seen is stuff anyone could have got from Jim Cramer.

We just don't like seeing other people win. Deacon Blues!

DrMaddVibe Offline
#41 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
Ya cudda just given him that lil fantasy Cleveland Steamer...but NOOOOOOOOOO.
bloody spaniard Offline
#42 Posted:
Joined: 03-14-2003
Posts: 43,802
Steamers reamers, turds curds- that pdx guy is using gray matter when he makes those funny quips.
Other than that sadly no. not much. Give us YOUR interpretation of the article which validates YOUR point if you dare! BwaaaaaaHAHAHAHA!
Ok, on a serious note, no, don't need pics, just cogency. Don't flap yer Ubange plates for my benefit. I'm not impressed. Make your point w/o kid's paste and blunt scissors.

Anybody else taken aback by the generally shrill tone on the political forum?
DrMaddVibe Offline
#43 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
bloody spaniard wrote:
Steamers reamers, turds curds- that pdx guy is using gray matter when he makes those funny quips.
Other than that sadly no. not much.
No, don't need pics, just cogency. Don't flap yer Ubange plates for my benefit. I'm not impressed. Make your point w/o kid's paste and blunt scissors.

Anybody else taken aback by the generally shrill tone on the political forum?

bloody spaniard Offline
#44 Posted:
Joined: 03-14-2003
Posts: 43,802
wotta maroon
smaht but still a maroonDrool
DrafterX Offline
#45 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
Posts: 98,656
DrMaddVibe Offline
#46 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
bloody spaniard wrote:
wotta maroon
smaht but still a maroonDrool

The Fredo of the Lefties. OhMyGod
DrafterX Offline
#47 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
Posts: 98,656
poor Fredo, all ate up with the dumb-ass and stuff.... Sad
DrMaddVibe Offline
#48 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
DrafterX wrote:
poor Fredo, all ate up with the dumb-ass and stuff.... Sad

Maybe he should stick to the Hail Mary's and fishin'...Mellow
teedubbya Offline
#49 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
Posts: 95,637
I blame drafter and all the other gays too
DrafterX Offline
#50 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
Posts: 98,656
Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you
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