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Last post 12 years ago by tailgater. 24 replies replies.
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DrafterX Offline
#1 Posted:
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Whistle Whistle Whistle

George Soros -- the rich man who is hated around the world
By Dan Gainor

Published February 27, 2012

George Soros has donated more than $8 billion globally to his Open Society Foundations. Couple that with decades of investing around the world and it would be easy to assume Soros in a figure of global popularity.

Only he isn’t. He’s almost the polar opposite.

Soros made headlines recently warning of increased economic problems, the growth of Occupy Wall Street and government repression what he characterized as “strong-arm tactics to maintain law and order.” In short, the kind of chaos helped foment in the old Soviet Union and elsewhere.

In his book “Open Society,” Soros credits his foundation with “mobilizing civil society” against the government in Slovakia and Croatia, among others. He readily calls himself “an active participant in the revolution that swept away the Soviet system.”

So when Soros talks of chaos, it’s a subject he knows well. The only question is his involvement.

Most everywhere Soros, his foundations or his investment money has gone, trouble has followed.

He’s helped start revolutions, undermined national currencies and funded radicals around the world.

Soros has been convicted of insider dealing in France and fined $3 million, fined another $2 million in his native Hungary.

His “foundations have been accused of shielding spies and breaking currency laws” and his investing strategy has been targeted for harming several national currencies.

That’s not the story the broadcast networks have been telling about Soros for the past five years.

There were 29 mentions of Soros during that time but only one gave any hint at trouble, and that was merely to mention he was “still known as the man who broke the Bank of England.”

But ABC followed that description up with: “That was all legal.”

Only a sex scandal with a 28-year-old Brazilian actress gave Soros any negative publicity at all.

But there have been lots of negatives in Soros’s past as he’s spread his influence around the world. Soros wears criticism like a badge of honor.

“I have now come under attack in several countries: in Hungary from Hungarian nationalists; in Romania from the Vatra Romanesca; in Slovakia from the communist party newspaper Pravda; in the Soviet Union by the organ of the hard-liners Sovietskaia Russiya,” he claims in “Underwriting Democracy.”

Soros’s Open Society Fund was created in 1979 as a charitable lead trust. Even its creator admitted his motives were “basically selfish” and he wanted a “tax gimmick.” He did it as a “trust for his children”

While Soros has been known worldwide for his investment skills, he hasn’t always managed to stay clear of the authorities.

He was found guilty in France of an insider trading case about 20 years ago and has repeatedly failed at having that news pulled from his record.

According to The New York Times, in September 2011, a French panel upheld his conviction because “he had bought and sold shares of Société Générale in 1988 with the knowledge that the bank might be a takeover target.”

He was fined $3 million.

His fund ran into problems in Hungary, where Soros was born and lived till his late teen years. At issue was how he handled an investment into the “the country’s largest bank”: OTP.

“His fund was fined $2 million by Hungarian regulators last week for having manipulated OTP’s stock price,” wrote The New York Times in 2009.

Even when he has steered clear of legal ramifications, he had some questionable dealings. In 1999, New York Times economist (and now Nobel Prize winner) Paul Krugman skewered Soros in a piece for

The story, “Don’t Blame It on Rio … or Brasilia Either,” accused Arminio Fraga Neto of working with Soros in his role as president of Brazil’s central bank. Fraga was upset, saying he “did not have access to any privileged information” and Krugman posted a formal apology saying “Fraga has behaved entirely properly.”

A very positive profile of Soros in The New Republic in 1994 still explained that his investing angered several nations. “The president of the European Community and representatives of the French and Belgian governments have accused him of orchestrating ‘an Anglo-Saxon plot’ to undermine the French currency.

The British government blames him for driving sterling from the European Monetary System,” wrote Michael Lewis.

Soros’s currency moves have long been controversial.

The magazine Foreign Policy ran a cartoon of the billionaire in 2000 that shows Soros torturing a James Bond character and saying “You saw what my awesome destructive powers did to the British pound and Malaysian ringgit, 007 … Do you think your puny governments can stop me?” reported The Washington Post.

Speaking of foreign policy there’s also the Soros foreign policy.

Morton Abramowitz of the Carnegie Endowment for Peace once said Soros became the “only private citizen who had his own foreign policy.”

That remains true, though it often conflicts with that of the United States where he is now a citizen. He has even helped fund the non-profit group called Independent Diplomat, with the motto “a diplomatic service for those who need it most.” It represented Kosovo, Somaliland and the Polisario Front of Western Sahara, according to The New York Times. All three were looking for recognition as independent states.

Soros was targeted by anti-globalization protesters at the 2001 World Economic Forum in Brazil. An Argentinian activist called him a “hypocrite and a monster,” reported the BBC. The next day he had to cancel a trip to Thailand “after protestors threatened to pelt him with rotten eggs and excrement.”

In 2004, “two young men threw water and mayonnaise at him” in Ukraine, accusing Soros of trying to push a “velvet revolution” just like had happened in Georgia, reported the BBC. That same year, a critic of that nation’s government said “Georgia does not exist right now, it is only another U.S. state whose governor is George Soros,” wrote Al Jazeerah.

His efforts went so poorly in Russia that they came close to open combat.

In November, 2003 Al Jazeera reported, “men in battle fatigues have raided the Moscow headquarters of billionaire investor George Soros.” One of the Open Society executives said the attackers had removed documents as a “climax to a long-running commercial dispute.” Soros’s fund pulled out of Russia that year, after having lost a reported $2 billion.

Soros has enormous global influence – typically purchased by either his own hand or his Open Society Foundations.

At one point, he funded the entire government of the then-new nation of Georgia. “George Soros, the New York financier, helped to establish a special anticorruption fund to supplement the paltry salaries of most government employees, from the president (who gets $1,500 a month) down to border guards ($500 a month)," wrote The New York Times in 2004.

In 2008, he gave $50 million to Millennium Promise, run by Soros buddy and economist Jeffrey Sachs. The goal of the project is to get “the world’s 22 richest nations” to increase their foreign aid budgets. He gave another $27 million in 2011 to a related project.

Soros has spread billions around he world – even to helpful projects. But his liberal views and aggressive undermining of governments makes everything he does suspect.

Given his sweeping global influence, you would think some traditional media outlet might look into that. Oh, that's right, he funds journalists, too.

Film at 11.... Mellow

Stinkdyr Offline
#2 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2009
Posts: 9,948
He is like a better funded Bonor. And just as obnoxious to us taxpayers.

Shame on you
FuzzNJ Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 06-28-2006
Posts: 13,000
Uh oh, a Jew with a lot of money pulling the strings of the puppet leaders. He's both a capitalist with billions of dollars and a socialist/communist/nazi at the same time. It's what jews are like you know, it's in their blood. Did you know Marx' father was Jewish? Those people control everything you know, the media, the banks, everything! There is a Jewish problem here in America.

HockeyDad Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
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FuzzNJ wrote:
Uh oh, a Jew with a lot of money pulling the strings of the puppet leaders. He's both a capitalist with billions of dollars and a socialist/communist/nazi at the same time. It's what jews are like you know, it's in their blood. Did you know Marx' father was Jewish? Those people control everything you know, the media, the banks, everything! There is a Jewish problem here in America.

They also can shape-shift. I learned that from Borat.
dpnewell Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 03-16-2009
Posts: 7,491
Isn't the race card getting just a tad bit old, Fuzz?
dubleuhb Offline
#6 Posted:
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Some cannot stand to have their heroes exposed.
#7 Posted:
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rfenst Offline
#8 Posted:
Joined: 06-23-2007
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dpnewell wrote:
Isn't the race card getting just a tad bit old, Fuzz?

What Fuzz wrote, like it or not, was not about "race" comment. It was about "ethnicity". Now, as to the response Fuzz wrote, like it or not, is what many people believe in bits and pieces and for some people as a whole. Check into it for 5-10 minutes on the net. Go to polling data not conducted or connected to Judaism or Jews. Take a look at the views of both fringe American political parties and European political parties.

(Oh, and by the way for all- Jews do kill young gentile boys to get their blood to make Passover Matzoh!)
dubleuhb Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 03-20-2011
Posts: 11,350
The OP is about George Soros and his involvement in various efforts to cause chaos around the world because he can. Dittohead needed to point out the fact that he is Jewish and this is the only reason the article was written. Another attempt to avoid the intent of the thread.
tailgater Offline
#10 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
Posts: 26,187
Soros is evil.

Some people hate Jews.

Explain to me why these two things have to be related.
rfenst Offline
#11 Posted:
Joined: 06-23-2007
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dubleuhb wrote:
The OP is about George Soros and his involvement in various efforts to cause chaos around the world because he can. Dittohead needed to point out the fact that he is Jewish and this is the only reason the article was written. Another attempt to avoid the intent of the thread.

Can't say whether you are right or not as to intent of the writer or Fuzz. Fuzz can speak for himself. Having re-read the article, there is no mention of religion. But. that's not one of the things that isn't subtly used against Soros elsewhere in some sophisticated and sometimes subtle, but effective ways. Another conversation, perhaps for another day.

What I think this article is about is to expose people to what some believe may be true about Soros. The reason for this, IMO, is not to put a stop to anything Soros may be doing wrong, but to leverage against his relationship with Obama. Kind of like: Soros is a bad man. Soros is close to Obama. Therefore, Obama is a bad man; or something similar.

dubleuhb Offline
#12 Posted:
Joined: 03-20-2011
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rfenst wrote:
Having re-read the article, there is no mention of religion.

That is my point, so why was it even brought into the conversation ? To provide cover and deflect from the original intent.
Soros does what he does because he can. I believe this is just a game for him, and he doesn't do it because he is Jewish as some would like you to believe. That being said he doesn't get a pass for it either.
teedubbya Offline
#13 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
Posts: 95,637
I slept with a shape shifter once. She was really thin and pretty when we fell asleep.
tailgater Offline
#14 Posted:
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teedubbya wrote:
I slept with a shape shifter once. She was really thin and pretty when we fell asleep.

....and she grew a pen1s while you slept?
teedubbya Offline
#15 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
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tailgater wrote:
....and she grew a pen1s while you slept?

nah that was there the night before, you make one drunkin mistake and get branded for life. geez
FuzzNJ Offline
#16 Posted:
Joined: 06-28-2006
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dpnewell wrote:
Isn't the race card getting just a tad bit old, Fuzz?

Yes, it is tiring to see racist, bigoted, anti-semetic posts from you guys. There are so many 'dog-whistles' in that article you better stock up on milkbones. Ever heard of the 'Eternal Jew' and Nazi propaganda about the Rothchild's?

"An Argentinian activist called him a “hypocrite and a monster,” Posted article

What has happened to Russia that proves the correctness of those who for many years have told the Germans and an innocent world that a monster was rising to the East, a monster that would rip into the peoples of Europe and destroy what we once called European civilization? There has been injustice as long as humans have existed, and the resulting dissatisfaction. And for as long people have established governments that they believed would benefit them. Those revolutions were natural as long as they resulted from a people’s community of blood and civilization. But from the moment that the revolutions were led by blood-unrelated forces in the pursuit of selfish supra-national interests, these revolutions proved to be crimes against the independent life of the peoples. The leaders of the Bolshevist revolution in Russia were members of the Jewish people who followed the Biblical injunction: “You shall devour the peoples of the earth!”

Nazi propaganda

"That is not a human being, it is a monster. Yet how much worse has the Jew done to our mother Germany, and is still doing today!"

" Soros has spread billions around he world – even to helpful projects. But his liberal views and aggressive undermining of governments makes everything he does suspect." Posted article

"The most boorish example of the interference of “Soviet Diplomats” for the purpose of creating domestic political trouble in another country is afforded by the Jewish Soviet Ambassador, Joffe, who had to leave Berlin on the 6th November 1918, because he had utilized the diplomatic courier to transport sabotage material which was to be used to undermine the German army and make the revolution possible. What were called “Revolution Funds” were used in great part by Liebknecht for the purchase of weapons for the German Communists, and partly also for the production of propaganda material to be used among the army. On the 26th December 1918, one of the Socialists members of the Reichstag, the Jew, Dr. Oskar Cohn, declared that on the 5th of the previous month, he had received 4 million roubles from Joffe for the purpose of the German Revolution."

In its final consequences it signifies the destruction of all the commercial, social, political and cultural achievements of Western Europe, in favour of a deracinated and nomadic international cabal which has found its representation in Judaism. This grandiose attempt to overthrow the civilised world is so much more dangerous in its effects because the Communist International, which is a past master in the art of misrepresentation, has been able to find its protectors and pioneers among a great part of these intellectual circles in Europe whose physical and spiritual destruction much be the first result of a Bolshevic world revolution.

"Most everywhere Soros, his foundations or his investment money has gone, trouble has followed." " He was found guilty in France of an insider trading case about 20 years ago and has repeatedly failed at having that news pulled from his record." Posted article

“Yes, mother,” Franz replies. “I understand that in dealing with bad people trouble may arise, just as when one eats a poisonous mushroom. One may even die!”

"I hope that anti-Semitism takes hold everywhere in England. For too long, Jewish finance, Jewish speculation, and Jewish financial criminals and war profiteers have controlled us."

He who lives the life of a criminal wants to avoid being seen as one. His dark behavior forces him to wear the mask of the ordinary man, the mask of the harmless.

"The Jews live the lives of criminals. From the beginning, they have been told by their desert god El-Schaddei Jahwe that their task is to seize the products of the work of others and make themselves masters. From the moment the Jews decided to enslave other nations by committing crimes against humanity, they knew they were in great danger. If their crimes became known, they risked annihilation from a threatened humanity. It was necessary for the Jews to conceal their plans for world domination, to keep non-Jews from an awareness of the abyss before which they stood."

"The God of the Jews is gold. There is no crime he would not commit to get it. He has no rest till he can sit on the top of a gold-sack. He has no rest till he has become King Money. And with this money he would make us all into slaves and destroy us. With this money he seeks to dominate the whole world."

Given his sweeping global influence, you would think some traditional media outlet might look into that. Oh, that's right, he funds journalists, too. Posted article

"proposals were always rejected, since the entire Jewish and Jewish-influenced press ran long articles against them"

"Soros has enormous global influence – typically purchased by either his own hand or his Open Society Foundations." Posted article

"Jewish world policies in the old manner are no longer acceptable to the rest of the world. They must fail. The result of the current vast struggle will not be the establishment of Jewish control of the world, but rather a just new order in which all constructive nations will cooperate."

teedubbya Offline
#17 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
Posts: 95,637
I didn't read all that. boring.
HockeyDad Offline
#18 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
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teedubbya wrote:
I didn't read all that. boring.

I'm just going to blanket-disagree with it without reading it. I mean.....FuzzNJ posted it, I'm just playing the odds.
teedubbya Offline
#19 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
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HockeyDad wrote:
I'm just going to blanket-disagree with it without reading it. I mean.....FuzzNJ posted it, I'm just playing the odds.

true dat boo
ZRX1200 Offline
#20 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
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whiskey tango foxtrot.

I need to increase me self medication to read that whole thing.
FuzzNJ Offline
#21 Posted:
Joined: 06-28-2006
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I find it fascinating actually. That site has a lot of great archived material. I guess it's not realistic to expect others see the 'dog-whistles' if they aren't interested in what they actually are.
teedubbya Offline
#22 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
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Actually it is not possible for you to digest that amount of information and agree or disagree with it in the time it took you to post it in here as somehow meaning something. Your mind is simply a pass through in this case and that doesn't interest me.
ZRX1200 Offline
#23 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
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A mind pass through is like a brain fart right?
tailgater Offline
#24 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
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Fuzz finds articles that prove that someone is an anti-semite, and he concludes that all derogatory remarks aimed a Jew are therefore anti-semitic.

Fuzz, instead of posting that excessive gibberish above, why not post in your own words why you disagree with the OP?
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