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Last post 12 years ago by Gene363. 35 replies replies.
Sherrif Joe Just Proved IT!
teedubbya Offline
#1 Posted:
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daveincincy Offline
#2 Posted:
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You can buy IT on ebay...
z6joker9 Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2011
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I manage IT.
OldSchool Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 07-21-2005
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Kill IT with FIRE!!!!
dubleuhb Offline
#5 Posted:
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His posse hard at work.
Stinkdyr Offline
#6 Posted:
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A little applause here for the rack in Old School's avatar:

daveincincy Offline
#7 Posted:
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Stinkdyr wrote:
A little applause here for the rack in Old School's avatar:


Now I get this thread...tITs
fishinguitarman Offline
#8 Posted:
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Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Ariz., said today that he and his investigators have evidence that President Obama's birth certificate is a forgery. He also raised questions about the authenticity of Obama's selective service registration, though critics quickly accused him of pandering for votes.

"We believe probable cause exists indicating that forgery and fraud may have been committed, not only in President Obama's long-form birth certificate, but more disturbing evidence suggests that another fraud may have been committed regarding his selected service registration card," Arpaio, 79, said at a press conference. "Based on all of the evidence presented and investigated I cannot in good faith report to you that these documents are authentic."

The findings come after a six month investigation by Arpaio's Cold Case Posse, a group of volunteers, many of whom have backgrounds in law enforcement.

"My investigators believe that the long-form birth certificate was manufactured electronically and that it did not originate in a paper format as claimed by the White House," Arpaio said.

Arpaio's investigators said the issue they are most concerned with is that the "date stamp and registrar's stamp appear to have been imported from unknown outside sources."

Arpaio said he decided to undertake the investigation last August after members of the Tea Party asked him to do so. However, some critics say the tough-talking Arizona sheriff is using it as a way to distract from his own legal problems as he seeks a sixth term in office.

"You say I need this to get elected? Are you kiddiing me? I've been elected five times. I don't need this," he was quoted by The Associated Press as saying in response.

Arpaio faces a federal grand jury investigation on criminal abuse-of-power allegations; the Justice Department has accused him of racial profiling Latinos. And there has been an accusation that hundreds of sex-crime cases were inadequately investigtated by his department.

Obama's birth certificate has been called into question many times during his political career and last April the White House released copies of it in an attempt to quiet conspiracy theorists after Dondald Trump questioned whether the president was born in the U.S. as the Constitution requires.

In response to Arpaio's press conference today, Ben LaBolt, press secretary for the Obama campaign, tweeted a link to watch the live feed of Arpaio's announcement. The link actually led to the theme song from "The X-Files," a TV show that played heavily on consipracy theories.

Coincidentally, Arpaio's press conference also came on the same day Obama's campaign unveiled its new Facebook timeline. At the very bottom of the page it reads "Born on August 4, 1961. Made in the USA." The post is accompanied by a photo of a coffee mug with Obama's birth certificate on it.

teedubbya Offline
#9 Posted:
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LOL see he just proved IT. LOL what a maroon
Kawak Offline
#10 Posted:
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teedubbya wrote:
LOL see he just proved IT. LOL what a maroon

I love when a Lib tries to disguise and add validty by stating they are a Repub! LOL! Is this John McCain?
ZRX1200 Offline
#11 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
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The certificate they produced was layered and was a forgery. He very well may have one but I think he did this on purpose to isolate opponents as extremists.

Sherri Joe is too tough on future demoncat voters.
teedubbya Offline
#12 Posted:
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Lol and in related news Sheffir Rosco P Coltrain just announced the recount results and Boss Hogg is really our President.
teedubbya Offline
#13 Posted:
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Kawak wrote:
I love when a Lib tries to disguise and add validty by stating they are a Repub! LOL! Is this John McCain?

Z actually may be right. Only an idiot would think this is helpful towards electing Rs
ZRX1200 Offline
#14 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
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Teedubbya I'm conflicted on this. There seems to be reasonable doubt about his birth but not enough for me to buy into it completely.

Plus Soetoro is better at politics then he is leading.
Barry needs a boogy man to run against as his record isn't gonna be election advertisement gold for him.
DrafterX Offline
#15 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
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is he going to solve the mysteroius deaths of Obama's gay-homo lovers next..?? Huh
teedubbya Offline
#16 Posted:
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ZRX1200 wrote:
Teedubbya I'm conflicted on this. There seems to be reasonable doubt about his birth but not enough for me to buy into it completely.

Plus Soetoro is better at politics then he is leading.
Barry needs a boogy man to run against as his record isn't gonna be election advertisement gold for him.

There is no reasonable doubt.

The folks in Hawaii have jurisdiction over the documents. They say it's real therefore it is. If you watched Sherrif Joke's press conference they rejected anything that office did as questionable. Who is to say the same can not be done about anything his office does? The sherrif formed a not for profit 503(c) group to look into this sort of thing and now that group is referring it to his office to spend tax dollars on further investigation? A real teabagger would be appaled by this.

The funny part is when Barry didn't put out the long form he said because there will always be a demand for more. There is a fringe group (the AZ teabaggers in this case) that will never be happy. It is not in their interest to be happy. He put out the document and away we go.

He is our prez and this is silly. But I love it! The sherrif of hazzard county always makes me laugh.
ZRX1200 Offline
#17 Posted:
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Well what gets me is what is he going to do if its true and has incontravertable evidence?

I would love to see Barry ridgerunning in Uncle Jessie's Ford pickup.
wheelrite Offline
#18 Posted:
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I wanna know what planet Ron Paul is from ?
ZRX1200 Offline
#19 Posted:
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ZRX1200 Offline
#20 Posted:
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Barack Hussein Obama, using eight different names, has failed to meet eligibility requirements for the office of U.S. President. This is according to a 19 point challenge alleging he was born in Kenya to a Kenyan citizen and a teenage mother not old enough to convey U.S. citizenship.

Democratic Attorney Philip J. Berg, who filed his challenge to the nomination petition with the Pennsylvania Commonwealth on February 23, doubts in Argument 13 that “Obama ever held Natural Born Citizenship (NBC) status!”

Centering on the NBC clause, Article II, Sect. 1, Clause 5, the eligibility challenge states that Barack Hussein Obama, aka Barack Hussein Soetoro is “not a Natural Born Citizen as defined by the U.S, Constitution.”

Furthermore, Obama was “born in Kenya on August 4, 1961, (and) at the time of his birth his mother was only 18 years old and not old enough to confer U.S. NBC status to him.”

The native born Pennsylvania attorney is bringing transparency to the Obama eligibility problem, for which media pundits and liberal politicians have ridiculed birthers just for bringing it up. Berg’s argumentation point 3 says (BHO) was “born at Coast Hospital in Mombasa, Kenya located in Coast Province,’ to a father who was a Kenyan citizen, and to a mother “not old enough and did not reside in the U.S. long enough to register the Candidate’s birth in Hawai’i as a NBC. Berg cites five different case law applications here and further says that the law applied to overseas births must be in effect at the time of the birth in question.

He cites Marquez-Marques aka Moreno v. Gonzales. 455F.3rd 548 (5th Circuit 2006) and the Runnett v. Shultz 901 F.2d 782,783 (9th Cir. 1990) to further bolster the validity of his challenge.

The eight different names cited are Barack Hussein Obama; Barack Hussein Soetoro; Barack Hussein Obama II; Barack H. Obama; Barry H. Obama; Barry H. Soetoro; Barry Hussein Obama; Barry Hussein Soetoro.

Now, nearly one half of the Obama candidacy challenge has to do with his adoption by Lolo Soetoro when his mother Stanley Ann Dunham Obama married and moved to the police state of Indonesia. When a male Indonesian citizen adopts or “acknowledges a child as his son,” that child is deemed to be Indonesian because the country does not allow dual citizenship status.

The U.S. law neither allows dual citizenship nor intervention according to the 1930 Hague Convention protocols. A main exhibit to the challenge presents school records of Obama-Soetoro who holds the burden of proof for being eligible to appear on the Pennsylvania primary election ballot.

Dramatic testimony of Obama’s Kenyan grandmother, who stated in Swahili she was present at his birth, also is entered into the challenge document and provides further cause. Berg’s official challenge is a project funded by the U.S. Justice Foundation whose executive director Gary Kreep is serving as co-counsel.

The concluding analysis of this monumental legal keystone in the state whose very symbol is the crown arch can be found in the statement of Obama’s grandmother Sarah Obama who was “very adamant that Soetoro was born in Kenya!”
ZRX1200 Offline
#21 Posted:
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Flight records missing for week of Obama's birth

World Net Daily by: Jerome R. Corsi Friday, March 23, 2012

Examples of what Sheriff Joe Arpaio's volunteer posse claims are inconsistencies in President Obama's long-form birth certificate were presented during a March 1 news conference in Phoenix. Photo Credit:AP

After months of searching,investigators commissioned by Maricopa County,Ariz., Sheriff Joe Arpaio to examine Barack Obama’s eligibility for office found Immigration and Naturalization Service travel records for foreign flights into Hawaii in 1961,only to discover that records for the week of Obama’s birth were missing.

Investigators were searching to determine if Barack Obama might have been born in a foreign country and returned to Honolulu in or around August 1961 with his mother, Ann Dunham. ...

Investigators examining the microfilm records found only one week of INS passenger cards to be completely missing in all the records so far examined. ... Specifically,in Record Group A 3573,data records for Aug. 2,1961 through Aug. 7, 1961,appear to be completely missing,as if the records were removed from the database prior to the microfilm recording.
FuzzNJ Offline
#22 Posted:
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ZRX1200 wrote:
Flight records missing for week of Obama's birth

World Net Daily by: Jerome R. Corsi Friday, March 23, 2012

Examples of what Sheriff Joe Arpaio's volunteer posse claims are inconsistencies in President Obama's long-form birth certificate were presented during a March 1 news conference in Phoenix. Photo Credit:AP

After months of searching,investigators commissioned by Maricopa County,Ariz., Sheriff Joe Arpaio to examine Barack Obama’s eligibility for office found Immigration and Naturalization Service travel records for foreign flights into Hawaii in 1961,only to discover that records for the week of Obama’s birth were missing.

Investigators were searching to determine if Barack Obama might have been born in a foreign country and returned to Honolulu in or around August 1961 with his mother, Ann Dunham. ...

Investigators examining the microfilm records found only one week of INS passenger cards to be completely missing in all the records so far examined. ... Specifically,in Record Group A 3573,data records for Aug. 2,1961 through Aug. 7, 1961,appear to be completely missing,as if the records were removed from the database prior to the microfilm recording.

Simple explanation. Obama was born in Hawaii and this person was someone else. Birthers are just getting dumber and dumber.
wheelrite Offline
#23 Posted:
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FuzzNJ wrote:
Simple explanation. Obama was born in Hawaii and this person was someone else. Birthers are just getting dumber and dumber.

Ya know Hillary started all this
FuzzNJ Offline
#24 Posted:
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wheelrite wrote:
Ya know Hillary started all this

OH! Then nevermind. Carry on. We must expose the greatest fraud in U.S. history and bring him to justice, logic be damned!
wheelrite Offline
#25 Posted:
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FuzzNJ wrote:
OH! Then nevermind. Carry on. We must expose the greatest fraud in U.S. history and bring him to justice, logic be damned!

The Greatest fraud in U.S. history was The Milli Vanilli Lip Sync scandal...
FuzzNJ Offline
#26 Posted:
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wheelrite wrote:
The Greatest fraud in U.S. history was The Milli Vanilli Lip Sync scandal...

I stand corrected. And FYI, it wasn't Hillary. It was an email from a 'supporter' that started it. For all we know it could have been a Republican who started the the thing.
wheelrite Offline
#27 Posted:
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FuzzNJ wrote:
I stand corrected. And FYI, it wasn't Hillary. It was an email from a 'supporter' that started it. For all we know it could have been a Republican who started the the thing.

You believe that but not in a Supreme Being ?

FuzzNJ Offline
#28 Posted:
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wheelrite wrote:

You believe that but not in a Supreme Being ?

One is actually possible. And don't think that this comparison is a proper on just because I answered the question.
teedubbya Offline
#29 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
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Assuming it was Hillary, does that mean the republicans are angling for a position in the big o 2nd term cabinet? That's this tactics track record.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#30 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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teedubbya wrote:
There is no reasonable doubt.

A ghee ghee gheet...

“Senior officers in the City and County of Honolulu Elections Division told me on multiple occasions that no Hawaii long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate existed for Senator Obama in the Hawaii Department of Health,” Adams’ affidavit reads, “and there was no record that any such document had ever been on file in the Hawaii Department of Health or any other branch or department of the Hawaii government.”

In a recorded telephone interview, Adams told WND that it was common knowledge among election officials where he worked that no long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate could be found at the Hawaii Department of Health.

“My supervisor came and told me, ‘Of course, there’s no birth certificate. What? You stupid,’” Adams said. “She usually spoke well, but in saying this she reverted to a Hawaiian dialect. I really didn’t know how to respond to that. She said it and just walked off. She was quite a powerful lady.”

Then there's Gov. Ambercrombie's flip-flopping all over the holler here in Hazzard County...what with him first reading a letter at an event stating the Kenyan King was born at Kapi’olani Medical Center and then went on a quest to find the REAL document...but alas...he should've searched for the Holy Grail instead!

Q: You stirred up quite a controversy with your comments regarding birthers and your plans to release more information regarding President Barack Obama's birth certificate. How is that coming?

A: I got a letter from someone the other day who was genuinely concerned about it; it is not all just political agenda. They were talking on Olelo last night about this; it has a political implication for 2012 that we simply cannot have.

(Abercrombie said there is a recording of the birth in the State Archives and he wants to use that.)

It was actually written I am told, this is what our investigation is showing, it actually exists in the archives, written down ...

...What I can do, and all I have ever said, is that I am going to see to it as governor that I can verify to anyone who is honest about it that this is the case.

If there is a political agenda then there is nothing I can do about that, nor can the president.

Look, I'm willing to state that WND is a fringe kooky website but just like the National Enquirer busted the Monicagate story, they could have it right. There is MAJOR doubt. TWICE he's released a fake copy of some document that he claims is his birth certificate. He's spent MILLIONS defending it too. Why the stonewall? You'd think that if document existed that he would be more forthright about it instead of hiding them under his very first Executive Order! EO 13489.

What's he hiding and when did the mailmen 1st discover it!

Gene363 Offline
#31 Posted:
Joined: 01-24-2003
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First, our current President, GWB light, isn't worth a crap. That said, the so called proof of his birth location(s) reminds me of the 'proof' for big foot, Sasquatch, aliens, alien technology used by ancients, Area 51 etc., if you say it and quote something enough it becomes fact.
FuzzNJ Offline
#32 Posted:
Joined: 06-28-2006
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Gene363 wrote:
First, our current President, GWB light, isn't worth a crap. That said, the so called proof of his birth location(s) reminds me of the 'proof' for big foot, Sasquatch, aliens, alien technology used by ancients, Area 51 etc., if you say it and quote something enough it becomes fact.

You've seen Big Foot's short form and long form birth certificate and newspapers at the time announcing its birth?
Gene363 Offline
#33 Posted:
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FuzzNJ wrote:
You've seen Big Foot's short form and long form birth certificate and newspapers at the time announcing its birth?

No but it's been said that Al Gore has a notarized birth certificate for Manbearpig.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#34 Posted:
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FuzzNJ wrote:
You've seen Big Foot's short form and long form birth certificate and newspapers at the time announcing its birth?

Actually Bigfoot* would probably have already released his!

*Providing that Bigfoot actually exists!
Gene363 Offline
#35 Posted:
Joined: 01-24-2003
Posts: 30,950
Never mind the birth certificate, watch this video:

Dinesh D'Souza from the CPAC livestream

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