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Last post 12 years ago by TMCTLT. 8 replies replies.
any of these yours?
ZRX1200 Offline
#1 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
Posts: 60,746
Is Your Congressman a Communist? Check This List and Find Out



Remember when everyone gasped at accusations that Obama was a socialist who wanted a socialist nation? Like that was about the biggest piece of slander that could ever be thrown at a politician? Well. The socialists are out of the closet now, Americans. Obama’s socialist agenda has emboldened them to such an extent that they have officially gone public about their membership in the Democratic SOCIALISTS of America Party. These people believe in the violent overthrow of our capitalistic economic system to solve our problems. They believe in forcing private industry to do what they tell them to do. They put themselves in the center of the power and as the dictators of policy. Because they KNOW what is good for the rest of us. Here is just one example I found in the San Francisco chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America website. It concerns the energy ‘crisis’ (didn’t know we had one, but oh well..):

A simple recipe to end the crisis:

No federal action required. Just add spine.

Impose an excess profits tax on the profiteers. Seize the plants, transmission lines, and anything else attached to the California soil. Revoke the corporate charter of PG&E, SCE, and SDG&E. States charter corporations to serve the public interest. All those companies have served only their own interest for way too long.[3] Prosecute the individuals and companies responsible.[4] Repeal the “deregulation” law. Create state and local public power authorities”

Pay special attention to the ”seize the plants..” statement. Do you think they mean they will simply ask for the power plants? Also, “Repeal the deregulation law”. Um. That mean’s: make it all more central so that it can be controlled by a small number of people. How about the, “Prosecute the individuals & companies…” part? Sensing any tyranny here?

I found this little gem by looking one minute under the San Francisco charter. Looking for one other minute, I came across another little gem- one aimed at our youth:

What is Democratic Socialism?

To achieve a more just society, many structures of our government and economy must be radically transformed, toward greater economic and social democracy, so that ordinary Americans can participate in the many decisions that affect our lives. Democracy and socialism go hand and hand. All over the world, wherever the idea of democracy has taken root, the vision of socialism has taken root as well—everywhere but in the United States. This is due to misrepresentations of socialism that have been popularized by the business community in this country.”

“Young people are greatly needed in today’s struggles as well: to gain universal health care coverage, to build stronger labor unions, to strengthen and universalize welfare benefits, and to hold multinational corporations responsible for their actions. Through the socialist movement and the Democratic Socialists of America you can help build a progressive majority and become part of the solution to social and economic injustice here and abroad.”

Ahhh… nothing like teaching our youth to hate their own country, huh? We are the richest citizens in the world- we also have the richest ‘poor’ in the world- at least one flat screen t.v. & at least one cell phone per ‘poor’ household. Gosh, I guess Cuba, Russia, China & Venezuela are so much better at raising people from poverty, right? The most interesting part is that while promising that the ‘worker’ will be the ones to make the all the decisions, they don’t mention the sheer logistical impossibility of that promise. Can you imagine asking ALL the people about ALL the decisions? um, hum… Note that every country mentioned had big armies & secret police? um hum… Brain washing is KEY to giving up your freedom- for the promise of… more freedom?

Gosh, just think what I would find if I really looked hard.

And yet. Here is a list of congressmen who openly declare themselves for this Democratic Socialists of America. If you find your congressman here, be sure to write them and/or call them and let them know you won’t vote for them again- also to state your disgust at their brazen traitorousness. After this treasonous list are links that will give you everything you need to contact your senator and/or representatives, including a form letter you can modify, copy & paste into the email portion of your congressmen’s websites.

Co-Chairs Hon. Raúl M. Grijalva (AZ-07) Hon. Lynn Woolsey (CA-06)

Vice Chairs

Hon. Diane Watson (CA-33) Hon. Sheila Jackson-Lee (TX-18) Hon. Mazie Hirono (HI-02) Hon. Dennis Kucinich (OH-10)

Senate Members

Hon. Bernie Sanders (VT) House Members

Hon. Neil Abercrombie (HI-01) Hon. Tammy Baldwin (WI-02) Hon. Xavier Becerra (CA-31) Hon. Madeleine Bordallo (GU-AL) Hon. Robert Brady (PA-01) Hon. Corrine Brown (FL-03) Hon. Michael Capuano (MA-08) Hon. André Carson (IN-07) Hon. Donna Christensen (VI-AL) Hon. Yvette Clarke (NY-11) Hon. William “Lacy” Clay (MO-01) Hon. Emanuel Cleaver (MO-05) Hon. Steve Cohen (TN-09) Hon. John Conyers (MI-14) Hon. Elijah Cummings (MD-07) Hon. Danny Davis (IL-07) Hon. Peter DeFazio (OR-04) Hon. Rosa DeLauro (CT-03) Rep. Donna F. Edwards (MD-04) Hon. Keith Ellison (MN-05) Hon. Sam Farr (CA-17) Hon. Chaka Fattah (PA-02) Hon. Bob Filner (CA-51) Hon. Barney Frank (MA-04) Hon. Marcia L. Fudge (OH-11) Hon. Alan Grayson (FL-08) Hon. Luis Gutierrez (IL-04) Hon. John Hall (NY-19) Hon. Phil Hare (IL-17) Hon. Maurice Hinchey (NY-22) Hon. Michael Honda (CA-15) Hon. Jesse Jackson, Jr. (IL-02) Hon. Eddie Bernice Johnson (TX-30) Hon. Hank Johnson (GA-04) Hon. Marcy Kaptur (OH-09) Hon. Carolyn Kilpatrick (MI-13) Hon. Barbara Lee (CA-09) Hon. John Lewis (GA-05) Hon. David Loebsack (IA-02) Hon. Ben R. Lujan (NM-3) Hon. Carolyn Maloney (NY-14) Hon. Ed Markey (MA-07) Hon. Jim McDermott (WA-07) Hon. James McGovern (MA-03) Hon. George Miller (CA-07) Hon. Gwen Moore (WI-04) Hon. Jerrold Nadler (NY-08) Hon. Eleanor Holmes-Norton (DC-AL) Hon. John Olver (MA-01) Hon. Ed Pastor (AZ-04) Hon. Donald Payne (NJ-10)

Hon. Chellie Pingree (ME-01) Hon. Charles Rangel (NY-15) Hon. Laura Richardson (CA-37)
z6joker9 Offline
#2 Posted:
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Nicar Offline
#3 Posted:
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jackconrad Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 06-09-2003
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IN MY HUTCH I is da Dictator and i dooo Mean DICKTATOR!
rfenst Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 06-23-2007
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jackconrad wrote:
IN MY HUTCH I is da Dictator and i dooo Mean DICKTATOR!

What is the source for that article?
ZRX1200 Offline
#6 Posted:
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jetblasted Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 08-30-2004
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Hank Johnson, the guy who replaced Cythia McKinnet, who thinks Guam is going to 'tip over'.

But thankfully he's on the other side of town & not my Rep.
TMCTLT Offline
#8 Posted:
Joined: 11-22-2007
Posts: 19,733
Yup....that turd Andre Carson who took over where his dear auntie left off upon her death (the only thing that would have removed her from office) .My guess his constituents will continue to vote him back in.....
As in Jets least he's not in my district
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