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Last post 11 years ago by drywalldog. 40 replies replies.
Since he can't win,Gary Johnson & his Libertarian gang look to be spoilers
bloody spaniard Offline
#1 Posted:
Joined: 03-14-2003
Posts: 43,802
Due to his hurt pride after being embarrassed in the Republican primaries, vengeful Gary's going to make sure that he takes down the whole country down as well with 4 more years of Obama/Biden. Shades of Ross "Whoooshing sound of jobs leaving country" Perot who let Slick Willy win the Oval Office with a minority of the cast vote! Thanks, Gary, ole buddy, ole pal!

Gary Johnson, the former New Mexico governor who briefly and unsuccessfully competed for the Republican presidential nomination before joining the Libertarians, is polling barely above 5 percent nationwide. Yet his numbers in key battleground states suggest he could make a difference in what is shaping up to be a tight contest between President Obama and Mitt Romney.

He was rating at 13 percent in New Mexico and 9 percent in Arizona in recent polling -- not enough to win, but certainly enough to disadvantage whichever major-party candidate he's drawing votes away from.

The Libertarian Party is now touting that possibility. An emailed statement from the organization earlier this week carried a rather sensational subject line: "Libertarian Presidential Candidate Gov. Gary Johnson Could Deprive Mitt Romney of 5 battleground states, 74 Electoral Votes, 27% of the Electoral Votes needed to win in 2012."

It's impossible to gauge at this point what effect Johnson could have, but of course it's not unprecedented for a third-party candidate to tilt the scales.

In 1992, third-party candidate Ross Perot won roughly 19 percent of the popular vote, which many people think cut into GOP incumbent George H.W. Bush's take and put Democratic candidate Bill Clinton in the Oval Office with just 43 percent of the vote.

Though Johnson is polling barely above 5 percent nationwide, Romney and Obama are separated by single digits in the battleground states of Colorado, Florida, Nevada, North Carolina and Virginia.

The Libertarian Party is pointing to those states as among the places where Johnson's presence could make a difference. All five states voted for Obama in 2008. But they largely voted Republican in prior modern-day elections, and could be a toss-up this year.

As for which candidate Johnson benefits, it's unclear. The Libertarians think he mostly takes away from Romney's numbers. And they say Johnson will likely have the biggest impact in Colorado, based on a recent statewide poll that shows him with 7 percent of the vote.

Johnson is now on the November ballot in at least 48 states and is expected by Election Day to be on all 50 and on the District of Columbia's.

However, Johnson getting to 15 percent to get into the three scheduled presidential debates is unlikely.

"He's dreaming," said Larry Sabato, director of the University of Virginia Center For Politics. "The debate committee is run by the two (major) parties. They had to let in Perot because at one point he had 40 percent of the vote."

Johnson's supporters argue that he's not just a niche candidate.
d'oh! Liar Anxious
dpnewell Offline
#2 Posted:
Joined: 03-16-2009
Posts: 7,491
I guess this is a pro "lesser of two evils" argument? We'll never change the system as long as folks believe this.
bloody spaniard Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 03-14-2003
Posts: 43,802
dpnewell wrote:
I guess this is a pro "lesser of two evils" argument? We'll never change the system as long as folks believe this.

You'll never change the system as long as the American people choose from mediocrity.
Unfortunately, money talks and bs walks...

Having said that, there may be hope yet as more and more populist grassroots movements elect Tea Partiers.
HockeyDad Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,276
The two party clone system is firmly entrenched.

Short of a new Constitution, it will never be changed.
drywalldog Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 06-19-2007
Posts: 5,536
And here I thought Libertarian votes were wasted. They just count for the libs, thanks.
drywalldog Offline
#6 Posted:
Joined: 06-19-2007
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Dems probably just bought him.
drywalldog Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 06-19-2007
Posts: 5,536
Kinda looks like your vote counts even if you withhold it.
dpnewell Offline
#8 Posted:
Joined: 03-16-2009
Posts: 7,491
Homer: America, take a good look at your beloved candidates. They're nothing but hideous space reptiles.
[unmasks them] [audience gasps in terror]
Kodos: It's true, we are aliens. But what are you going to do about it? It's a two-party system; you have to vote for one of us.
Man1: He's right, this is a two-party system.
Man2: Well, I believe I'll vote for a third-party candidate.
Kang: Go ahead, throw your vote away.
[Kang and Kodos laugh out loud]

The next day, Kodos announces the result: "All hail, President Kang."

The field in front of the Capitol has now become a working ground where humans are whipped by aliens and used to carry materials.

The Simpsons family is working too, with Homer and the kids carryingwood, and Marge pushing a wheelbarrow of cinderblocks -- with Maggie on top.

Marge: I don't understand why we have to build a ray gun to aim at a planet I never even heard of.
Homer: Don't blame me, I voted for Kodos.
-- "Treehouse of Horror VII"

Funny, if it wheren't so blasted true.
z6joker9 Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2011
Posts: 5,902
I vote to put someone in office, not to prevent someone else. Whoever wants my vote has to earn it, not convice me they are the lesser evil.

Even if my choice isn't elected, my vote should still be heard by whoever is. As long as you keep trying to convince people that 3rd party is a wasted vote, we'll never change the system.
drywalldog Offline
#10 Posted:
Joined: 06-19-2007
Posts: 5,536
Well at least your not voting for Obama, er
bloody spaniard Offline
#11 Posted:
Joined: 03-14-2003
Posts: 43,802
I love the smell of naive, angry young guys immolating first thing in the morning full of indignation, self righteousness, and highfalutin' principles that are foolproof in theory.
ram27bat ram27bat ram27bat

Then what happens? Wait... don't recall...Think

Oh wait, yes, now I remember.. They get kicked in the nuts by a healthy dose of something called REALITY and WAKE the F UP.Unsure
Don't feel bad. Happens to most of us.
z6joker9 Offline
#12 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2011
Posts: 5,902
I'm disappointed bloody- I always held your insight in high regard, but then you use a logical fallacy instead of a counterpoint.

True nativity is thinking there is a real difference between two candidates.
Stinkdyr Offline
#13 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2009
Posts: 9,948
Well, I am a registered Democrat, and I am undecided....thinking about voting Libertarian this time.

But, well, since this is a democracy, I will let your voting decide how I will cast my vote.

Whichever party of cigar smokers sends me the most high end cigars by November 1st will buy my vote!

Thanks in advance, I look forward to voting for your candydate!

drywalldog Offline
#14 Posted:
Joined: 06-19-2007
Posts: 5,536
With that attitude you are clearly a righty, the log cabin variety. Good luck stinky.
CWFoster Offline
#15 Posted:
Joined: 12-12-2003
Posts: 5,414
bloody spaniard wrote:
You'll never change the system as long as the American people choose from mediocrity.
Unfortunately, money talks and bs walks...

Having said that, there may be hope yet as more and more populist grassroots movements elect Tea Partiers.

There is still one major problem with this. there was a Tea Party backed candidate, who could not fall to a "born with a sliver spoon in his mouth" attack, who was immune to charges of just being a "white Guy to replace the Black Guy in the White House" and who if anyone tried to paint him as ignorant, would run up against the fact that at one time, he WAS a rocket scientist! Before he was thoroughly "Borked" by Democrat operatives, I was a campaign volunteer for Herman Cain. Who you can't realistically lie about, assissinate their character with unfounded allegations of sexual impropriety! That's the "Chicago way"!
DadZilla3 Offline
#16 Posted:
Joined: 01-17-2009
Posts: 4,633
No matter who gets elected...Obama or Romney...thanks to the ever-increasing political polarization of the population, we're going to end up with about half the country harboring an intense dislike for the occupant of the White House.

So depending on what source we get our information from, our choice is basically:

1. Retain the Marxist marginally documented slick talking empty suit we currently have, or
2. Replace him with the throw-poor-old-starving-grandma-out-in-the-snow/ export-your-job-overseas-and-shut-down-your-factory rich white guy.

Either way there's gonna be a lot of pissed off voters come November if their team doesn't win the big game. Me, I'm rooting for the guy who didn't spend most of his time hanging around with communists, anarchists, and virulently anti-American theologists.
rfenst Offline
#17 Posted:
Joined: 06-23-2007
Posts: 39,617
DadZilla3 wrote:
No matter who gets elected...Obama or Romney...thanks to the ever-increasing political polarization of the population, we're going to end up with about half the country harboring an intense dislike for the occupant of the White House.

That is so true it's sad. Political freedom of expression has been all but crippled. I don't see this ever changing absent a war that unites all Americans (like WWII) or a viable third party, the existence of which requires compromise.
CWFoster Offline
#18 Posted:
Joined: 12-12-2003
Posts: 5,414
DadZilla3 wrote:
No matter who gets elected...Obama or Romney...thanks to the ever-increasing political polarization of the population, we're going to end up with about half the country harboring an intense dislike for the occupant of the White House.

So depending on what source we get our information from, our choice is basically:

1. Retain the Marxist marginally documented slick talking empty suit we currently have, or
2. Replace him with the throw-poor-old-starving-grandma-out-in-the-snow/ export-your-job-overseas-and-shut-down-your-factory rich white guy.

Either way there's gonna be a lot of pissed off voters come November if their team doesn't win the big game. Me, I'm rooting for the guy who didn't spend most of his time hanging around with communists, anarchists, and virulently anti-American theologists.

I'm wit' dis guy!
CWFoster Offline
#19 Posted:
Joined: 12-12-2003
Posts: 5,414
rfenst wrote:
That is so true it's sad. Political freedom of expression has been all but crippled. I don't see this ever changing absent a war that unites all Americans (like WWII) or a viable third party, the existence of which requires compromise.

I have been entertaining an idea, but lack any idea of how to execute it. It's too late to make any difference in THIS election, but starting the day after the election, form a new political party. Take a page from the Brits and call it the Conservative Party. There would be some significant differences between the Conservatives and the other two. First, you would not only have to be approved, but each election cycle, you would not only have to possibly face a challenger from within your own party, but you would have to be recertified by a party committee and if you voted against conservative issues too many times, your upstart challenger would run in the primary unopposed, because your Partyu credentials would be pulled, and you would be legally enjoined from claiming any affiliation to the Conservative Party in the general election. This would prevent the infiltration of liberal elements from taking over the party leadership, which is essentially what we see today with the GOP.

Now, for the interim, what lessons can be learned from the quite recent history?
Well, we have JUST once again had an object lesson that 80% of an electorate can want "anybody but ______" (Romney) and he still gets elected easily, because nobody can agree on who anybody but is going to be. If a candidate is going to say, If I can't be the nominee for my party, I'll just run third party and let the worst guy in (again), and we fall for it and don't stand united.... we will never be united as a country again, because if we as a party can't put forth a unified front, what hope is there of ever getting liberals and conservatives to cooperate?

There ARE valuable lessons to be learned from liberals.

1)Stand together, the liberals embrace the Muslims in the name of 'diversity' in spit of condeming the Christians for their refusal to accept homosexuality as 'normal' and in SPITE of the fact that the Muslims only problem with gays is whether they should be burned, hanged, stoned, or thrown off of buildings.
2)Stand together, the EPA regulations on greenhouse gasses (what a JOKE, but that's fodder for it's whole other, own thread) are causing the closure of numerous coal fired electric power plants, which is having a trickle down effect and causing the shut down of some coal mines that supply those plants due to decreased demand. Some locals in the UMW have started to crack a bit on this, but Richard Trumka, the president of the AFL-CIO who cooincidentally came UP through the UMW is still staunchly in the Liberal Democrat corner. Furthermore, I would not hold my breath waiting to see if the UMW endorses Mittens.
3)STAND TOGETHER!, if you can keep from falling apart like a bunch of children in a schoolyard arguing over who get's the first at bat, then every time someone proposes a game everone's going to take their bat and their ball and go home, and you will never win! Repeat after me George H.W. Bush, Ross Perot...... Bob Dole, and somebody even more forgettable...... John McCain, and the base, who decided to freakin' stay home that day.

If we don't get Obama OUT at any cost, what do you think the 450 million rounds of .40 S&W JHP ammo was for? They say it's for the Border Patrol, and ICE agents, but THEY have been ordered to avoid engaging illegals, so why the need for large amounts of ammo? Why the 147,000 rounds for the SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION???? 46,000 rounds for the National weather service?????? ANOTHER 750 MILLION rounds on RFP for DHS???? No, if we can't get him out now, IF we have an opportunity to have a free and fair election in 2016, all that'll be left will be deciding the seating arrangements on the Titanic. To be upfront and honest, I was working for a major defense contractor. I got laid off ahead of the looming defense cuts back in January. My State unemployment benefits have run out, and now I'm on Emergency Unemployment Compensation. My family recieves 9for the first time in my life) foodstamps, and is on medical assistance. So before you smug liberal thinkers out there accuse me of being heartless and wanting to throw the unfortunates under the freakin' bus.... I AM one! I don't want continued federal handouts, I want my $30/hr. job back! YES! George Bush SUCKED! But at least I had a job! Would McCain have sucked? ABSOLUTELY, but I would likely still have a job. we have two choices, we can either take the GOP back from the RINO's, or we can start over again, but you change horses BEFORE you cross the stream, not in the middle! If a candidate ran as a Republican in the Primary, and now wants to be a spoiler, then the electorate (that's us, unless you're one of the liberal weenies trolling on this thread) needs to reject them, and 'dance with the one who brung ya'. Then we can find a new dance partner for the next prom!
teedubbya Offline
#20 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
Posts: 95,637
Seems like a no compromise party which is what we already have.
CWFoster Offline
#21 Posted:
Joined: 12-12-2003
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TeeDubbya, what we NEED ia a no compromise party, if we freakin' HAD that, I wouldn't be unemployed today! The GOP PROMISED in 2010 to go to the mat on the Deficit when the debt cieling was reached. But they didn't WANT to be "the guys that shut down the govt". They didn't stonewall and shut it all down until the Democrats succumbed to fiscal sanity, they caved in, and not only agreed to raise the debt ceiling, but then put in an automatic raise that Obama could activate without further authority from then! But wait! They ALSO agreed to a Super Committee (well, OK, it WAS a SUPER Committee, and not just some run of the mill committee after all!) And for what? Cuts? NO a Balanced Budget Amendment? HARDLY! they caved in merely to get the Cut Cap and Balance bill a vote Dingy Harry said No, whistle blows, game over! OF COURSE the Stupor Committee failed to arrive at $1 Trillion dollars in cuts over the next ten years (who cares about THAT, we're looking at a baseline budget of 1.4 Trillion deficits for EACH year, if you cut $1 Trillion over ten years at a MINIMUM, you're still looking at $1.3 Trillion more added to the national Debt EACH YEAR!) BUT since the Stupor Committee failed the $1 Trillion gets cut automatically, but one half comes from the Department of Defense alone. now, for those who haven't READ the Constitution of the United States, or those who've read it, but failed at reading comprehension in school, "Providing for the common defense" IS one of the enumerated powers granted to the Federal Government by the various states that agreed to be bound by the Constitution. in the face of the coming cuts, my employer (one of the top three defense conctactors in the country) Laid off 600-900 employees. First they did a round of voluntary reductions in force, then started to do involuntary layoffs strictly according to seniority in accordance with the union contract (YES Brothers and Sisters, the Great CWFoster is/was a member of a labor union, happy now? Or was that the last of the 'end times' signs you were watching for?) So now I've been out of work since January 25th (No cigars for YOU!). We're collectively almost $4 Trillion deeper in the red than we were and got BUPKISS to show for it! Does THAT sound like "no compromise" to YOU TeeDubbya? if so, I'll let YOU pay my cellphone bill so if I get a call that I got selected for a job, or even for another interview, I can GET the call, because my RENT is $1229, and my unemployment bennies maxed out at $1720, which leaves a bit under $500 to keep the lights, cable/internet (for job hunting), and cellphone (for job hunting), food and gas. So yes, the Great CW is on foodstamps and medicaid too (GOD the end of the world is even closer than you thought aint it?) the only compromise has been in the values I believe in, because there's no grown ups in Washington to keep the kids from going bat snot crazy with our Grandkids credit card!
teedubbya Offline
#22 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
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CWFoster Offline
#23 Posted:
Joined: 12-12-2003
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teedubbya wrote:

Glad you're so amused by my misfortune, it's always good to see just how compassionate and caring libtards truly are.
jackconrad Offline
#24 Posted:
Joined: 06-09-2003
Posts: 67,461
I like Ice Cream !
teedubbya Offline
#25 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
Posts: 95,637
I wasn't laughing at your misfortune nancy.

But if you need to play the victim (usually reserved for libtards) and assume anyone that disagrees with you on any topic must be a liberal I have no desire to change that.

It's much more fun to watch an idiot act like a carnival barker when they think they are being intelligent than it is when they realize they are the only one that didn't realize they were acting the fool.

One is funny, the other is sad. A true tragedy.

On a more serious note I do wish you well on the job search. That sucks. If I can help in any way let me know. Folks don't have to agree completely to get along.

drywalldog Offline
#26 Posted:
Joined: 06-19-2007
Posts: 5,536
A union righty, dr. Madd aint never gonna believe this, I hardly can.
drywalldog Offline
#27 Posted:
Joined: 06-19-2007
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C.W, are there more of your kind? This is priceless.
drywalldog Offline
#28 Posted:
Joined: 06-19-2007
Posts: 5,536
He s here for 48 hours straight, I ask one question- poof, he is gone.
wheelrite Offline
#29 Posted:
Joined: 11-01-2006
Posts: 50,119
CWFoster wrote:
Glad you're so amused by my misfortune, it's always good to see just how compassionate and caring libtards truly are.

Sorry for your troubles

But there is always a job to be had..

Go deliver pizzas ..

No work is beneath any man,,,
drywalldog Offline
#30 Posted:
Joined: 06-19-2007
Posts: 5,536
Thats right wheel, even righties should be happy with 8.00 per hour, its the Walmart way.
wheelrite Offline
#31 Posted:
Joined: 11-01-2006
Posts: 50,119
drywalldog wrote:
Thats right wheel, even righties should be happy with 8.00 per hour, its the Walmart way.

$8 an hour is fine . You do that and work 2 other jobs to support yourself and family. And maybe a better opportunity arises,,,

and maybe not.
That is better than welfare ,,,,

It's called a work ethic...

drywalldog Offline
#32 Posted:
Joined: 06-19-2007
Posts: 5,536
He is a righty tho, isnt he entitled to more?
wheelrite Offline
#33 Posted:
Joined: 11-01-2006
Posts: 50,119
drywalldog wrote:
He is a righty tho, isnt he entitled to more?

well, duh
Stinkdyr Offline
#34 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2009
Posts: 9,948
wheelrite wrote:
$8 an hour is fine . You do that and work 2 other jobs to support yourself and family. And maybe a better opportunity arises,,,

and maybe not.
That is better than welfare ,,,,

It's called a work ethic...


Screw dat, Homeslice! I be on de welfare instead!

Pheloniousmunk Offline
#35 Posted:
Joined: 09-28-2011
Posts: 402
drywalldog wrote:
Thats right wheel, even righties should be happy with 8.00 per hour, its the Walmart way.

Hey, if you're not happy with $8/hour do something to make yourself worth more. Don't hide behind affirmative action or sit home waiting for welfare, expecting everyone else to do the work.

Hey drywalldog, do you pay federal taxes commensurate with what you gross every year? Most drywallers I know don't claim half their income, that means the rest of us get taxed at a higher rate to pay for all of the entitlements.
8trackdisco Offline
#36 Posted:
Joined: 11-06-2004
Posts: 60,157
bloody spaniard wrote:
Due to his hurt pride after being embarrassed in the Republican primaries, vengeful Gary's going to make sure that he takes down the whole country down as well with 4 more years of Obama/Biden. Shades of Ross "Whoooshing sound of jobs leaving country" Perot who let Slick Willy win the Oval Office with a minority of the cast vote! Thanks, Gary, ole buddy, ole pal!

Gary Johnson, the former New Mexico governor who briefly and unsuccessfully competed for the Republican presidential nomination before joining the Libertarians, is polling barely above 5 percent nationwide. Yet his numbers in key battleground states suggest he could make a difference in what is shaping up to be a tight contest between President Obama and Mitt Romney.

He was rating at 13 percent in New Mexico and 9 percent in Arizona in recent polling -- not enough to win, but certainly enough to disadvantage whichever major-party candidate he's drawing votes away from.

The Libertarian Party is now touting that possibility. An emailed statement from the organization earlier this week carried a rather sensational subject line: "Libertarian Presidential Candidate Gov. Gary Johnson Could Deprive Mitt Romney of 5 battleground states, 74 Electoral Votes, 27% of the Electoral Votes needed to win in 2012."

It's impossible to gauge at this point what effect Johnson could have, but of course it's not unprecedented for a third-party candidate to tilt the scales.

In 1992, third-party candidate Ross Perot won roughly 19 percent of the popular vote, which many people think cut into GOP incumbent George H.W. Bush's take and put Democratic candidate Bill Clinton in the Oval Office with just 43 percent of the vote.

Though Johnson is polling barely above 5 percent nationwide, Romney and Obama are separated by single digits in the battleground states of Colorado, Florida, Nevada, North Carolina and Virginia.

The Libertarian Party is pointing to those states as among the places where Johnson's presence could make a difference. All five states voted for Obama in 2008. But they largely voted Republican in prior modern-day elections, and could be a toss-up this year.

As for which candidate Johnson benefits, it's unclear. The Libertarians think he mostly takes away from Romney's numbers. And they say Johnson will likely have the biggest impact in Colorado, based on a recent statewide poll that shows him with 7 percent of the vote.

Johnson is now on the November ballot in at least 48 states and is expected by Election Day to be on all 50 and on the District of Columbia's.

However, Johnson getting to 15 percent to get into the three scheduled presidential debates is unlikely.

"He's dreaming," said Larry Sabato, director of the University of Virginia Center For Politics. "The debate committee is run by the two (major) parties. They had to let in Perot because at one point he had 40 percent of the vote."

Johnson's supporters argue that he's not just a niche candidate.
d'oh! Liar Anxious

Love you Brother but we are on opposite ends on this one. I voted Perot. I'm voting Gary Johnson this time. It wasn't an anti-Clinton vote. It was my first (of now four) Libertrarian votes.

I have no time for men of low character. Read my lips, no new taxes.... my ascot. Done.

Just need everyone to waste that vote at the same time. For the 95% of the sheep choosing a Socialist, or the guy so plastic he almost makes Al Gore look human, hiding money, paying half the tax rate of me? Pick either of those fothermuckers and your voting for the continued decay of the country.
HockeyDad Offline
#37 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,276
The continued decay is assured! Take what you can. Give nothin' back!

Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me.
We pillage plunder, we rifle and loot.
Drink up me hearties, yo ho.
We kidnap and ravage and don't give a hoot.
Drink up me hearties, yo ho.

Yo ho, ho ho, a pirate's life for me.
We extort and pilfer, we filch and sack.
Drink up me hearties, yo ho.
Maraud and embezzle and even highjack.
Drink up me hearties, yo ho.

Yo ho, ho ho, a pirate's life for me.
We kindle and char and in flame and ignite.
Drink up me hearties, yo ho.
We burn up the city, we're really a fright.
Drink up me hearties, yo ho.

We're rascals and scoundrels, we're villians and knaves.
Drink up me hearties, yo ho.
We're devils and black sheep, we're really bad eggs.
Drink up me hearties, yo ho.

We're beggars and blighters and ne'er do-well cads,
Drink up me hearties, yo ho.
Aye, but we're loved by our mommies and dads,
Drink up me hearties, yo ho.

Yo ho, ho ho, a pirate's life for me.
Yo ho, ho ho, a pirate's life for me! YO HO!
teedubbya Offline
#38 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
Posts: 95,637
I vote decay!
wheelrite Offline
#39 Posted:
Joined: 11-01-2006
Posts: 50,119
Ron Paul is growing a Hitler moustache,,,,
drywalldog Offline
#40 Posted:
Joined: 06-19-2007
Posts: 5,536
Phelonious, you are a moron.
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