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Last post 11 years ago by bloody spaniard. 22 replies replies.
U.S. will go to war with Iran in 2013, says ex-U.S. ambassador to Israel
HockeyDad Offline
#1 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
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Former U.S. ambassador to Israel Martin Indyk said on Sunday that he thinks the U.S. will go to war with Iran over its nuclear program in 2013.

Speaking during a panel on the CBS program Face the Nation, Indyk said, "I'm afraid that 2013 is going to be a year in which we're going to have a military confrontation with Iran."

The former ambassador stated that "Iran doesn't have a nuclear weapon," but added that there's not a lot of time left until it does.

Regarding the recent friction between U.S. President Barack Obama and Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over "red lines" on Iran, Indyk said that he doesn't think "the difference between Netanyahu and Obama on this is that great, in terms of the president's commitment not to allow Iran to acquire nuclear weapons."

He added, however, that Netanyahu's insistence on public "red lines" was unreasonable.

"That is an unreasonable requirement. The idea of putting out a public red line - in effect issuing an ultimatum - is something that no president would do. If you noticed, Governor Romney is not putting out a red line; Senator McCain didn't, either. And neither is Bibi Netanyahu for that matter, in terms of Israel's own actions."

Indyk went on to speak about instability across the Mideast region, saying that is making Israel "very nervous."

"The turmoil we see from here, they see from a much closer perspective, and that combines with the, as the prime minster puts it, the race of Iran towards weapons capability," he said.

"The fear that the Egypt-Israel peace treaty will start to come apart, the concern that in Syria what is happening there could lead to an Islamist government taking over eventually there as well, but before that a descent into chaos on the northern border - all that makes them very nervous and that’s why I think the prime minister is coming out much more vocally than one might have expected in the midst of an election campaign here saying, you know, we need reassurances, we need red lines aginst the Iranians because from his point of view, that’s the greatest threat they face."

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned on Sunday that Iran would be on the brink of nuclear weapons capability in six to seven months, adding new urgency to his demand that President Barack Obama set a clear "red line" for Tehran in what could deepen the worst U.S.-Israeli rift in decades.

Taking his case to the American public, Netanyahu said in U.S. television interviews that by mid-2013, Iran would be 90 percent of the way toward enough enriched uranium for a bomb. He urged the United States to spell out limits that Tehran must not cross or else face military action - something Obama has refused to do.

"You have to place that red line before them now, before it's too late," Netanyahu told NBC's "Meet the Press" program, saying that such a move could reduce the chances of having to attack Iran's nuclear sites.
DrafterX Offline
#2 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
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saw him on 60 minutes last night... he seemed to know what he was talking about but towards the end of the interview I started questioning his motives.. which is what I think the interviewer lady was trying to do... Think
DrMaddVibe Offline
#3 Posted:
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Owedumba needs another Nobel Peace Prize!!!horse
DrafterX Offline
#4 Posted:
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the Nobel dudes chose stupidly... Mellow
HockeyDad Offline
#5 Posted:
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Depends on what the definition of "peace" is!
DrMaddVibe Offline
#6 Posted:
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DrafterX wrote:
the Nobel dudes chose stupidly... Mellow

They were bamboozled...hoodwinked...led astray!d'oh!
DrMaddVibe Offline
#7 Posted:
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The Consequences of Obama’s Bungled Mideast Policy

In Libya, U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three colleagues were murdered Tuesday. Earlier that day, protesters in Egypt stormed the U.S. embassy and tore down the American flag.

It was “the day the roof fell in,” proclaimed blogger and historian Walter Russell Mead. Barack Obama’s “efforts to reconcile the U.S. and moderate Islamism — in part by distancing the U.S. from Israel — have angered Israel without reducing Islamist bitterness against the United States.”

In other words, his Middle East policies are in shambles. His assumption that a president “who doesn’t look like other presidents” would endear America to Arabs has been proven unfounded.

So have other assumptions. Like the idea that Iran’s mullah regime would negotiate with us if we uttered soothing words and turned a cold eye on Iranian dissidents, as Obama did in June 2009.

And the idea that creating distance between the United States and Israel would lead to a settlement between Israelis and Palestinians.

Obama came to office believing that America had a lot to apologize for. For the “tension” between the U.S. and the Muslim world that “has been fed” by colonialism and the Cold War, as he said in his June 2009 “New Beginning” speech in Cairo.

There, he implicitly contrasted George W. Bush’s emphasis on universal human rights by admitting that “America does not presume to know what is best for everyone.”

Since the 9/11/12 attacks on America, Muslims have been protesting over much of the world, from Tunisia to Yemen to Bangladesh, and in some cases, have been assaulting our embassies.

The ostensible reason for the protests is a video produced by someone in the United States criticizing the Prophet Muhammad. But that’s obviously just a pretext, used by Islamist terrorist organizers to whip up frenzy in nations with large numbers of angry unemployed young men.

Unfortunately, some of our government officials have taken the complaints about the video seriously. Before the attack, the Cairo embassy issued a statement condemning “the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims.”

When Mitt Romney condemned that statement, he was widely criticized by mainstream media. But his judgment was confirmed when Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama ordered the statement taken down.

Even so, White House press secretary Jay Carney said the protests were directed at the video rather than the United States — wishful thinking. The Hollywood Reporter revealed that the FBI was sent to Los Angeles to track down the video maker. The Los Angeles Times reported that the State Department asked YouTube whether the offending video violated its terms of service.

As Fox News commentator Kirsten Powers wrote, “Our leaders shouldn’t let our enemies know that when they kill our people and attack our embassies that the U.S. government will act like a battered wife making excuses for her psychotic husband.”

It’s also disturbing that Obama, after his brief statement deploring the Benghazi murders (and not mentioning the attack on the Cairo embassy), immediately embarked on a four-hour plane ride to campaign in Las Vegas.

In an interview there with Telemundo, Obama said Egypt was neither an ally nor an enemy. Later, the State Department spokesman conceded that Egypt is officially an ally under a 1989 law.

That’s an unforced error for an incumbent president, one who has criticized his opponent’s lack of foreign policy experience. But perhaps it’s not surprising. American Enterprise Institute’s Marc Thiessen revealed last week that Obama has skipped more than half of his daily intelligence briefings. He reads the reports instead. His last in-person briefing before 9/11/12 was on Sept. 5.

It’s not clear why security efforts failed in Benghazi and the Libyan government’s assurances that it will protect our diplomats in the future seems sincere.

And Obama did find time for a reportedly “tense” phone conversation with Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi, who then made a public statement denouncing the attacks. But on the phone, Morsi reportedly asked Obama to “put an end to such behavior” — i.e., suppress the video. Did the president explain that we have a First Amendment that prevents government from doing such things?

Under settled principles of international law, attacks on diplomats by, or permitted by, governments can be considered acts of war. The threat of such attacks deserves a more stern response than a campaign trip to Vegas, a misstatement of settled policy and skipped intelligence briefings.

Who knows...maybe another vacation...a couple rounds of golf...a beer summit or 3...hit the campaign trails in those 57 states...looks to be another brick in the Kenyan King's legacy!
Papachristou Offline
#8 Posted:
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DrMaddVibe wrote:
Under settled principles of international law, attacks on diplomats by, or permitted by, governments can be considered acts of war. The threat of such attacks deserves a more stern response than a campaign trip to Vegas, a misstatement of settled policy and skipped intelligence briefings.


but instead he apologized for the video BEFORE condeming the attack!
HockeyDad Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
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Well it was a bad video.
DrafterX Offline
#10 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
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should have got Borat to do it... Mellow
bloody spaniard Offline
#11 Posted:
Joined: 03-14-2003
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Not afraid. Anybody else storing up on beans, rice, flour, coffee, and water?ThumpUp
DrMaddVibe Offline
#12 Posted:
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DrafterX wrote:
should have got Borat to do it... Mellow

He already did it!
DrafterX Offline
#13 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
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we have a couple grocery stores in my little town... Mellow
DrafterX Offline
#14 Posted:
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DrMaddVibe wrote:
He already did it!

DrMaddVibe Offline
#15 Posted:
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DrafterX wrote:

YOU asked for it!
bloody spaniard Offline
#16 Posted:
Joined: 03-14-2003
Posts: 43,802
^ Nice to see folks enjoying some good, clean, musical fun for a change.
I'd like to see if someone has the guts to replace "jew" with "muslim" (or Muhammad) on Throw the jew down the well... that ain't going to happen. LOL
DrafterX Offline
#17 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
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Throw the noob down da well.. Whistle Whistle Whistle
dstieger Offline
#18 Posted:
Joined: 06-22-2007
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Maybe we'll get to test the 2-front strat plan....assuming we've decided by then whether to back China or Japan on the other side of Asia.

Has Israel tried to get Saudi to do the dirty work? Might have to be sorta covert, but I'd think the Saudi's would be all over this.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#19 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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bloody spaniard wrote:
^ Nice to see folks enjoying some good, clean, musical fun for a change.
I'd like to see if someone has the guts to replace "jew" with "muslim" (or Muhammad) on Throw the jew down the well... that ain't going to happen. LOL

Well, if you really BELIEVE John Carney...then all of those riots that happened around the world...on the anniversary of 9-11-01...just a coincidence...of course...then it was this very horrible "film". You have no idea how it pains me to say "film" a lifelong study of Filmmaking that has to be one of the worst things ever to be "produced". It makes "Street Trash" and "Pokémon-2000" look like "Gone With The Wind" and "The Shawshank Redemption"! The riots should've been directed at the MPAA, Academy Awards and the SAG officials not the US embassies!!! It was so damn bad, I wanted to riot! I wanted to gouge my eyeballs out with a spoon!

No, if ANYONE dares even draw a cartoon of THE Prophet...they're effectively signing a death warrant. This 7th Century backwards carnival isn't something to emulate. The mere thought of America going down to their extremes in regards to Women's Rights...we can't even mention the thought of repealing Roe vs. Wade...can you imagine telling them that they have to wear burquas and reveal nothing but their eyes...can't vote...can't drive a car and if you're caught having a sexual affair...DEATH! Maybe stoning if she's a real 10...I dunno. Yeah...riiight! Then if you dare even say something, read this case that the White House wants you to believe...WATCH something...well, go ahead and storm the gates, kill a couple of innocent people that aren't from around here...kill (and now there's even talk that the guy was RAPED!) and drag them through the streets while chanting and having a street party.

No, we enjoy our rights. A LOT. Some of us do, more than others. Can't wait to hear more apologizing from the Kenyan King & Co..
HockeyDad Offline
#20 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
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Suadis would mark it up and pass it off to the USA.

Too Many Middlemen Outrage!
DrMaddVibe Offline
#21 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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dstieger wrote:
Maybe we'll get to test the 2-front strat plan....assuming we've decided by then whether to back China or Japan on the other side of Asia.

Has Israel tried to get Saudi to do the dirty work? Might have to be sorta covert, but I'd think the Saudi's would be all over this.

The Haus of Saud is compliant to let all others slip into war...they want to sit around sipping tea in their tents. Midnight at the oasis...send your camel to bed...

Oh...they're the biggest pushers...they'll let little little fish do their bidding!
bloody spaniard Offline
#22 Posted:
Joined: 03-14-2003
Posts: 43,802
^ Yeah, I heard the Lybian ambassador my have been sodomized as well by those savages.

The interesting thing is how our stalwart politicians (Rice, H. Clinton, Obama, et al) are all adhering to the fake story that a lame video spurred on this coordinated attack on our embassies. What this tells me, aside from the obvious that they're duplicitous sheep, is that they have a selective way on applying our first amendment and that they must think that middle easterners are not only stupid but blinded by savage hatred evoked by a third rate SNL skit-like video. Think Ok, I'll concede on both points.
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