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Who wouldn't want to be President
Todog Offline
#1 Posted:
Joined: 05-05-2001
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I just received this: Hillary Clinton, as a New York Senator, now comes under this fancy Congressional Retirement and Staffing Plan. This means that even if she never gets re-elected, she still receives her Congressional salary until she dies. If Viagra Bill outlives her, he then inherits said salary until he dies. Of course, he is already receiving his Presidential salary until he dies and Hillary gets that if she outlives him. Guess who pays for all of this? AND....she wants to run for President!
Charlie Offline
#2 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
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The USA will paying for the Clinton's and their lifestyles for many years, in more ways than one! Too damn bad that they both had to get elected! Charlie
E-Chick Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 06-15-2002
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Meanwhile, I've got torn ligaments in my wrist that I can't afford to piss away over $1400.00 on for an MRI, not to mention surgery ($2500.00 deductible and we're never sick)...being 'self-employed' sure has it's 'benefits' - HAH!

She can go to Hell, if you believe in it! I do...I'm in medical Hell right now! If they BOTH die, are we off the hook?
Charlie Offline
#4 Posted:
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Yes, since the angelic little child, is over 21! Charlie
daveyg2 Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 04-24-2002
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Even though Clinton was a scummer in some of the things he did, he was a damn good president. He did a lot for this country. Dont mention all that fooling around crap as an argument either because it does not have any bearing on the job he did. People get hung up on that garbage way too much.

Hey, no one complained when the country did well for the 8 years he was in office. He passed more helpful laws and legislature than any other president in history. Go argue with the records on that one. I dont think he was an angel or a great guy to have as a husband (im a guy and wouldnt know how it would be to have a husband anyway) but as long as he did his job for this country and makes it a better place for us to live (which he did) I dont give a s*it whose mouth his schlong was in.

My family and welfare of this country are my first priorities. He did a damn good job and I dare you to find a president who did better. Who did better?? I dont play favorites or have a political party remotely. I am in no way a partisan person AT ALL. I give credit where credit is due. I hate Hillary though. Shes a snake as* whose trying to use the senate as a step to the presidency. She only stayed with Bill anyway to get there. You think she still loves him??

If Clinton ran for office again, I'd vote for him 100 times more. He kept this country in excellent shape and got us out of a recession in the early 90's. Look where we are now. I think that Bush is doing a great job with what he has, but I would want Clinton back anyday.
daveyg2 Offline
#6 Posted:
Joined: 04-24-2002
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By the way, Chelsea is a canine. Had to throw that in.
#7 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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daveyg2 ---you did not have to mention the daughter who has no part in any of the politics. --- i agree with everything you said including bush is doing the best with what he has, which is nothing.---- hilary is entirely to full of herself and the likelihood of her getting on the ticket for president is less than slim to none.
#8 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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Todog: they all get pensions forever. dol's wife receives a pension from the government and the red cross. don't forget the senators who resigned in disgrace still get there pensions.
daveyg2 Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 04-24-2002
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I had to mention her because shes heinous looking. She needs some serious help.
GTofMurphy Offline
#10 Posted:
Joined: 05-16-2002
Posts: 341
RICKAMAVEN & Daveyg2... Man, after reading your e-mails between each other about the Bill Clinton I have a suggestion. You both should agree to meet somewhere and exchange bodily fluids and get it over with. I wonder how it is to live in such delusional state you both reside in.

You both are CLUELESS when it comes to our Government and the Economy. The Executive branch has very little to do with the success of the economy. This is really determined by the Congress and the Federal Reserve. During economic growth experienced during the Clinton years, the Republicans controlled congress. If you were smart enough to look at the growth of the economy during the Clinton years you would see the majority of the economic growth was in step with when the Republicans had the majority in Congress. They passed laws that the investing communities supported which resulted in consumer confidence (i.e. Welfare Reform and the Balanced Budget legislation) and more investing and buying. The Fed Reserve provided low interest rates which also keep more money rolling into business for expansion and hiring.

THE only thing Clinton did was get out of the way and ride the wave (among other things). He now takes credit for the economy and worked against the main legislations that created conditions for the economy to soar. When he signed the Welfare Reform Bill he stated that ..." it goes to far...” and when he signed the Balanced Budget legislation he stated that it was ".financially irresponsible and balancing the budget on the backs of the poor...”. You can't name ONE thing that Clinton proposed, championed and then got congress to pass into law that was great for our country. The only thing that he and Hilary tried to get passed was government run healthcare which was a Disaster. He was SCUM before he was President Womanizer, Draft Dodger, and Lier), he was SCUM while he was President (THE MOST CORRUPT ADMINISTRATION IN US HISTORY) and he is still SCUM.

Anyway back to my original point. You both should meet and do the dirty deed and bask afterglow the feeling that Liberals like your selves are trying to realize by trying to F*** our Country with your warped agenda (Can you say Pledge of Allegiance)
#11 Posted:
Joined: 06-24-2002
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So what you’re saying GT is that it was the Republican congress that passed all the business friendly laws that made the boom in the economy happen. Fine, then I guess these same laws would be responsible for the “business friendly” way in which a few executives were allowed to get insanely rich while working for companies like Tyco, Enron, WorldCom, and others, while of course completely F***ING over thousands of employees and thousands of investors who lost their shirts in the aforementioned companies collapse. Great, now I know who to thank. If you don't think this entire system is corrupt and in need of a serious overhaul, wake up and look around you. As an aside, I do know how to say the Pledge of Allegiance, unlike those morons in the House who had to run outside and say it after the court ruling. If you see the beginning of the video, half the members were looking around, mouthing words that didn’t match the pledge because THEY HAD NO CLUE HOW IT GOES!
GTofMurphy Offline
#12 Posted:
Joined: 05-16-2002
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CCBAXTER... I don't think any new laws were passed by the Republicans that allowed these crooks to screw everyone. If this was the case the Dems. would have already had numerous press conferences to point this out to everyone. There is no question that there is something wrong with a financial reporting system that allows publicly traded company executives to do this. There should be real long jail time for the executives, accountants and lawyers involved. So, to your point it's a real stretch to try and tie the Republicans to these scandals.
Charlie Offline
#13 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
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US Grant thanks God that he created Bill Clinton so that Grant is no longer looked upon as the worst President to ever occupay the White House! What laughable crap you guys can post about Clinton and then say, his personal life doesn't matter. He was by far the worst and we will be paying his overhyped ass forever! Charlie
#14 Posted:
Joined: 06-24-2002
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Likewise GT, I think it’s a real stretch to try to pin all kinds of crap on Slick Willie. The real problem is that both parties are two sides of the same coin. We are fooling ourselves to believe that we really are choosing between two candidates with discernable differences. The business of this government is business, and to hell with the regular people. Here in MN we voted in Jesse Ventura for Governor 4 years ago. He was the wrong guy to try to start a third party movement, but he sure did throw a monkey wrench into political business as usual. What we found out is that the R’s and D’s have nothing to offer but a whole bunch of finger pointing and lip service.
daveyg2 Offline
#15 Posted:
Joined: 04-24-2002
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Do you think that the Executive branch has no control over trade agreements, tarriffs and other economy controling factors? You really dont know much huh? Talk all you want about the Federal Reserve and how it controls ALL of the economy in this country. Evidently you dont realize that it only controls the interest that a bank can put on loans and things of that nature. Why dont you get educated and then tell me what the fluids I can exchange will do for you and your family.
Todog Offline
#16 Posted:
Joined: 05-05-2001
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Daveyg2, Slick Willy simply was in the right place at the right time. Can you say "Republican controlled Congress"? They were responsible for all of the wonderful legislation that was passed during this period that you speak. Can you say Clinton, again, was in the right place at the right time with the economic boom! I only disagree with one of the responses to your post about Clinton's administration being the most corrupt in history. I think that Nixon still has dibs on that one with Clinton a close second!
daveyg2 Offline
#17 Posted:
Joined: 04-24-2002
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GT, First, Republicans (as a party) are scumbags just as the Democrats (as a party) are scumbags. I think that its pretty weak to take a side in politics and run with the big parties. If someone in that party is not all you like from a candidate, then you still are obligated to promote him/her. Why dont you look at each person for what they offer instead of jumping in with a majority so you look bigger than you are. Use you own judgement instead of the judgement of your "friends" and get a friggin life.
tailgater Offline
#18 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
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Good thread. We all know that both parties have their share of losers and scumbags. The overall picture, however, is the general party line: Republicans want "pro business" legislation in order to improve the economy. Call it "Trickle down" or whatever, the result is the same. More profits = more employed. The Dems want "feel good" legislation to help the meek. In theory, a great cause, but we're getting to a point where the recipients will outweigh the tax payers. The Dems have made it evil to turn a profit, and the news media eat it up. Let's face it, the Enron execs didn't get rich because of Republican enforced laws. They got rich because they BROKE the laws. And they will serve a LONG time in jail. Unless a liberal lawyer can get them off...
daveyg2 Offline
#19 Posted:
Joined: 04-24-2002
Posts: 288
Todog, Clintons was the most corrupt in history? Reagan was a shining star, let me tell you. Nixon was superb in the way he was basically fired. Kennedy was a real straight guy, thats why he was killed by God knows who. I mean please! The list goes on. The guy banged a fat chick and a couple of decent looking broads. His wife is obviously the reason why. He should have divorced her sorry as* a long time ago so he wouldnt have to get BJ's from cows.

Keep giving me crappy reasoning why he was terrible. The republican congress you talk about was only a part of the game, not the whole. you make it sound like they control all. if democrats were in you would be bitching how this country is going to hell. Trent Lot is really a straight honest guy. You really have some good looking around to do. Its all so friggin corrupt you wouldnt know what to do with yourself if you were behind closed door with your favorite republican congressman. same for the democrats. Get off the party line already.
daveyg2 Offline
#20 Posted:
Joined: 04-24-2002
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GT, by the way. I just actually finished reading your babbling rant and let me tell you something. The ONLY THING that keeps this economy going is comsumer confidence and consumer spending. Thats the ONLY thing that keeps business going. thats the ONLY thing that promotes business (or there wouldnt be businesses to sell things). You really arent very intelligent. economics will prove that the biggest and most important factor in the economy is the people in this country that buy things.

Now, i dont have an agenda you republican garbage. talk about an agenda. you want to know what my agenda is? its seeing that even schmucks like you have a job and are able to afford cigars to smoke. dont put words in my mouth just because you dont know how to use yours. You want me to name one thing that Clinton passed? O.K. a tax break for College students and tuition reimbursement. without that, there are a lot of college kids who cant afford to go. is that a simple enough example for a simple mind? dont call me names when the only fool here is you.
sammydaddy Offline
#21 Posted:
Joined: 10-29-2001
Posts: 201
Davey, Republican administration - lower interest rates for student loans - read your morning paper.
Nuff said
GTofMurphy Offline
#22 Posted:
Joined: 05-16-2002
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Daveyg2... Work on that reading comprehension of your. I will try and help you now read SLOWLY. People use money to buy things, they spend money when they have disposable income and confidence in the economy, they get money and jobs from their employers, employers hire people and expand their business when low interest capital is available and people are buying, employers invest in expansion of their business when they think it is the BEST way to make money, the Federal Reserve keeps it going by regulating the money flow (i.e. low interest rates, etc.), Government creates a environment that encourages investment in the economy (i.e. lower taxes and less govt. regulations). This is what was responsible for the great economy during the time the Republicans controlled Congress.

AS for the CLINTON Administration: You question if it was the most corrupt Admin ever. Only 2nd. President ever to get impeached. His admin; 5 cabinet members investigated, 55 criminal charges, 32 convictions. (Do your reschesrch.) ,selling of pardons, etc. ENOUGH SAID, that’s some HERO you have
#23 Posted:
Joined: 06-24-2002
Posts: 25
GT, I bet if you looked the Reagan administration would be right up there with Billy on number of indictments etc. As far as the pardons go, was it not Bush Sr. who pardoned Armand Hammer, convicted of laundering money during Watergate? Gee, and right after Hammer makes a $100,000 donation to the Rep party. He also pardoned Aslam Adam, a Pakistani Heroin dealer who had been caught bringing $1.5 million worth of smack in to the US. In light of recent events, what do you suppose that money was meant to do? He also pardoned Orlando Bosch, a terrorist who had blown up an airliner full of civilians from Cuba. He did this after severe pressure from the exile community in Florida. Then a few years later, looky looky who’s elected the governor of Florida? I’m telling you it’s all dirty, the whole thing is rotten to the core.
GTofMurphy Offline
#24 Posted:
Joined: 05-16-2002
Posts: 341
... Please show me an Admin. that even comes close to CLINTON. NO admin. in history has the slime associated with it that CLINTON had. The typical defense of CLINTON is everyone else did it for everything. There is no question that he abused his power like no President has ever done. I am no Republican mouth piece; I am actually a registered Independent. I must however speak up when someone says that CLINTON was “a darn good President”. There is no question that big money has controlled both Dems and Rep politicians in the past and I sure in the future this will go on. What must happen is to go after the people that get caught. I know our system needs work but please tell me who has a better one. As for the pardons, this should not be allowed as a last minute thing that a President can do to pay off favors, period.
daveyg2 Offline
#25 Posted:
Joined: 04-24-2002
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Sammy, im not talking about student loans.
#26 Posted:
Joined: 06-24-2002
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I’m no defender of Bill Clinton. He was a great disappointment to me as a president. However if I have to choose between a guy who violated the law by selling weapons to our enemies, laundering drug money, running black op assassination teams, diverting funds to secret wars, and a guy in a sham marriage getting a hummer from a chick in his office, I’ll take the sex fiend every day.
As far as a better system, I don’t think there is one. But that is no excuse to let a batch of low life scumbags run rampant in it.
And I completely agree that Presidential clemency should be done away with.
daveyg2 Offline
#27 Posted:
Joined: 04-24-2002
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Clinton got impeached for lying about getting a BJ from a fat chick. What other reason was he impeached? You mean to tell mne thats actual corruption? Nixon got impeached for actual good reason. You really cant compare the 2 as being the same thing. As you said it was a Republican congress. Thats WHY he was impeached. This is a new era where people sue and go to court for absolute bullsh*t. Was Kennedy impeached for doing even worse than what Bill did? The guy was clearly having other women on the side. Can we please not talk about his sex life? He doesnt know mine or yours and we shouldnt know his. If your saying taht he was corrupt for sexual things then I dont really have to make more point here do i?
daveyg2 Offline
#28 Posted:
Joined: 04-24-2002
Posts: 288
Thank you CC! Finally my point! Other administrations have done so much worse!!!!! Reagan was friggin riddiculous!! You cant hang the guy for sex charges. Thats riddiculous. GT, If you want to argue point about real issues then do so.
GTofMurphy Offline
#29 Posted:
Joined: 05-16-2002
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CC... Here is the real point. Clinton was not impeached because he lied about a BJ. He was impeached because our sitting President lied while under oath during a civil suit(Paula Jones). By the way why did he go after Paula Jones and Monica? He had "real problems" if that's all he could get. The conclusion reached by most legal scholars is that he undermined the integrity of the office ( disregard of constitutional responsibilities) and that rose to the level of an impeachable offense. You might recall it took both Republicans and Demacrates to impeach him.

If Reagan was gulity of all you say then why didn't he get impeached? The Dems controlled congress and there was no love lost between them. By the way Andrew Johnson was the other President to be impeached. Nixon resigned prior to this happening. He should have and would been impeached if the process would have continued.
daveyg2 Offline
#30 Posted:
Joined: 04-24-2002
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What was the Paula Jones Civil suit about? The reason why Regean wasnt impeached is because that was before an era where Presidents werent under such B.S. scruitiny. Presidents were impeached for real reasons. Not lying about sex and bullsh*t like that.
daveyg2 Offline
#31 Posted:
Joined: 04-24-2002
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My spelling is terrible today.
#32 Posted:
Joined: 06-24-2002
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Okay, thanks to GT for cutting through the crap and getting to the real point. The lying was the thing I hated the most. If he had come out and said, “Hey, I’m married to a cold, heartless mackerel that hates my guts and I haven’t touched her in ten years, so I strayed. I apologize.” I’d have been cool with that. That would never have happened for two reasons. The holier that thou republicans still would tried to pin him to the wall, so he tried to weasel. Secondly, our insanely prurient national interest in all things sexual would have insured that he would never get anything important done again. So he weaseled. It killed his presidency anyway. When history looks back on it however, I wonder how he’ll be judged. Thomas Jefferson, JFK, Roosevelt, Ike, and many other presidents were getting’ some on the side, but only serious historians ever seem to care about that. We all know the reason Reagan wasn’t impeached was he had guys falling on swords all over the place to protect him. He had plausible deniability. Hey, he just didn’t know what was going on. Ken Lay musta read Ronnie’s book!
#33 Posted:
Joined: 06-24-2002
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Dave-Heres a link to a copy of the complaint:
The basic truth is that she was paid by Republican party operatives to bring suit in what I’m willing to bet was a case of consensual sex. I hope those same people are quite proud of the Paula Jones legacy of Truth, Justice, and a quick nose job and an appearance on celebrity boxing!
Todog Offline
#34 Posted:
Joined: 05-05-2001
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I thought Monica was kind of cute!
Todog Offline
#35 Posted:
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Daveyg2, chill out! I'm not on the party line. Clinton had the talent, charisma and IQ to go down as one of if not the best Presidents in our history and two full terms to prove it. He blew it(or Monica did!) by engaging in corruption and conduct unbecoming a sitting US President(going down once too often!). He will be remembered by his very own quote, "I did not have sex with that woman". He looked the American people in their eyes and lied! That alone was reprehensible! Yes! You are correct that I would be bitching if Al Gore had been elected instead of GWB. GWB has held the Office of the Presidency with honor and fortitude, things that I did not expect of him.
daveyg2 Offline
#36 Posted:
Joined: 04-24-2002
Posts: 288
Im the last person to say that Bill wasnt an as* for lying. In fact i was severely disappointed in him. We all know that. To say he wasnt a great President with charisma and intelligence is robbing him of what credit he is due. I do not think that there has been a president in a long time who has done what he has done for us and I am not talking negatively. The man had sex on the side like pretty much every other President we ever had. Get over it. Whats more important to me is the JOB he's doing in the OFFICE, not the JOB hes doing in the BEDROOM.
#37 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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daveyg2 ---1.she is not your daughter.---2. your assesment of her looks is not accurate nor would you like the same remarks made about your child or wife or any relative?.
#38 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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you guys need to learn something about the law. --- clinton did not lie.--- sexual relations was specifically defined and a bj was not included in the definition, ergo he did not lie in the context of the legal definition.---it is about the letter of the law, not your personal opinion, or your distaste of the man.---
GTofMurphy Offline
#39 Posted:
Joined: 05-16-2002
Posts: 341
RICKAMAVEN..LET GO. If he did not lie, then why was he going to be disbarred until he issued a statement that he gave "misleading answers..." among other admissions. That's lawyer talk for lying. I am sure your next defense will be the infamous “it all depends on what "is" is” Clinton defense. NO reasonable person can say that he was not lying. If it was apparent enough that even LAWYERS (In Ark.) were convinced by the circumstances that he was lying and were going to disbar him for his actions and responses, that says it all.
daveyg2 Offline
#40 Posted:
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Posts: 288
Rickamaven is technically right. Thats why he was kicked is because of the letter of the law and he knew what he could get away with (being that Bill was a lawyer). He technically didnt lie, but he morally lied and thats what got everyone pissed off.
daveyg2 Offline
#41 Posted:
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wasnt kicked is what i meant to say.
daveyg2 Offline
#42 Posted:
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Rickamaven, if she was my daughter, do you think that I would be more right in calling her ugly? If it were my child that were called that, I probably would not like it. No matter what you say or I say, i'm wrong for calling her ugly. I admit that I am wrong. It doesnt change the fact that she is. I also dont think that I am the minority in thinking that way. Hey, I'm wrong, what can I do.
#43 Posted:
Joined: 06-24-2002
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Rick, you’re splittin’ some mighty fine hairs in this case. I think if the intent of a person’s statement is to lead away from the truth rather than towards it, then it may not be lying in a technical sense, but it is in a moral sense. Much in the same way that George Bush lists his residence as an empty hotel room in Houston to avoid paying any taxes in Maine, despite the fact that his family compound is in Kennebunkport. Lying? No. Very slimy? Damn straight!
E-Chick Offline
#44 Posted:
Joined: 06-15-2002
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So, everyone here has paid every cent technically owed to the IRS?
Charlie Offline
#45 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
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"Let he without sin cast the first stone!" And have a happy and safe July 4th. Charlie
jjohnson28 Offline
#46 Posted:
Joined: 09-12-2000
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Rick I don't think you, of all people, have any right to chastise anyone for making rude comments about a presidents daughter/s.JMHO Happy independence day all!
#47 Posted:
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jjohnson28---i never said anything about the twins appearance. i said they were overalcoholed. they drink to much. the acorn etc.
#48 Posted:
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CCBAXTER --exactly.
#49 Posted:
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daveyg2--by any stretch of the imagination he slimed his way through.----- and for that ugger, he should be ashamed of himself.
#50 Posted:
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E-Chick ---not only is it a right, it is a responsibility of every citizen to pay the least amount of tax. tax:3. A burdensome or excessive demand; a strain.
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