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Last post 21 years ago by SteveS. 28 replies replies.
Are you a Liberal?
E-Chick Offline
#1 Posted:
Joined: 06-15-2002
Posts: 4,877
Thought this was interesting. I have cut and pasted this from another site. The following was posted by a gentleman named Brad:

Are You A Liberal?

These are some points that I heard on a radio talk show hosted by Dennis Prager, on key beliefs of the Liberals (Democrats) in America. He points out that most people who label themselves as Liberals, do not agree with most of these beliefs.

What do you think?



You say you are a liberal.

Do you believe the following?

1. Standards for admissions to universities, fire departments, etc. should be lowered for people of color.

2. Bilingual education for children of immigrants, rather than immersion in English, is good for them and for America.

3. Murderers should never be put to death.

4. During the Cold War, America should have adopted a nuclear arms freeze.

5. Colleges should not allow ROTC programs.

5. It was wrong to wage war against Saddam Hussein in the Gulf War.

6. Poor parents should not be allowed to have vouchers to send their children to private schools.

7. It is good that trial lawyers and teachers unions are the two biggest contributors to the Democratic Party.

8. Marriage should be redefined from male-female to any two people.

9. A married couple should not have more of a right to adopt a child than two men or two women.

10. The Boy Scouts should not be allowed to use parks or any other public places and should be prohibited from using churches and synagogues for their meetings.

11. The present high tax rates are good.

12. Speech codes on college campuses are good and American values.

13. The Israelis and Palestinians are morally equivalent.

14. The United Nations is a moral force for good in the world, and therefore America should be subservient to it and such international institutions as a world court.

15. It is good that colleges have dropped hundreds of men's sports teams in order to meet gender-based quotas.

16. No abortions can be labeled immoral.

17. Restaurants should be prohibited by law from allowing customers to choose between a smoking and a non-smoking section.

18. High schools should make condoms available to students and teach them how to use them.

19. Racial profiling for terrorists is wrong -- a white American grandmother should as likely be searched as a Saudi young male.

20. Racism and poverty -- not a lack of fathers and a crisis of values -- are the primary causes of violent crime in the inner city.

21. It is wrong and unconstitutional for students to be told, "God bless you" at their graduation.

22. No culture is morally superior to any other.
Those are all liberal positions. How many of them do you hold?


"We will always remember. We will always be proud. We will always be prepared, so we may always be free."- Ronald Reagan at the D-Day Anniversary

daveyg2 Offline
#2 Posted:
Joined: 04-24-2002
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E-Chick Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 06-15-2002
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WHEW! Thought I was gonna have to go in and bring you back man!
Todog Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 05-05-2001
Posts: 804
E-Chick....I'll be whatever you want me be!
SteveS Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 01-13-2002
Posts: 8,751
I am NOT a liberal ... not simply because my opinions are the absolute opposite of each and every one of those statments, but in other ways as well ... I respect the rights of others to have an opinion different than mine and am glad our system is such that such differences are not stifled, but I don't have to like those opinions ... I've got a son that lives in MA who IS liberal and whose liberalism causes me to regard myself as a failure as a father in his case ... I think the government has infringed on personal liberties FAR too much (what business is it of the state, for example, whether I wear a seat belt or not??) ... big brotherism gone amock ... the kind benevolent omniscient governent knows what is good for me, for you and for everyone in town ... they'll take as much of my money as they can get, spend as much of it as they like on perks for themselves and for more pork in their barrels, then dole out pittances to people they deem worthy of government aid ... Social Security is a sham and if it were an insurance plan offered by a private company that we could each buy into or not as we chose, the people running the company would be put in jail ... plain and simple, it is an illegal Ponzi scheme, but for some reason, no one seems to recognize it as such ... (oh, my, he's on a roll now ... look out) ... what the hell is it going to take for so many people in this country who behave as if they were brain-dead ... I've been properly taken to task for calling them idiots (a figure of speech I used in describing people who buy into the liberal hogwash) ... they are not idiots and many are even highly educated ... it makes one wonder whether perhaps some of their wiring is crossed and is short-cicuiting their common sense .... but as I've heard many times and even repeated on occasion, the most notable thing about common sense is that it really isn't all that common ... goverment should and was intended to be nothing more than providers of that which can be provided in NO other way ... they should not be minding my business, taking an absolutely unconscionable amount of my earnings to support their projects and have no right to be peeking in the windows of my car to see if my seat belt is around me or not ... if it's not and I am injured it is MY fault, not that of the mayor, the governor, my senator (oh, DON'T let me start on my senators!!!) nor is it that of any other furshlugginer government officials ... (those of you whose youth was as influenced by MAD Magazine as mine was will recognize "furshlugginer" ... the rest of you will have to gather it's meaning by the context in which it's used) ... more another time, but no, I am not and never will be a liberal ...
carmine7075 Offline
#6 Posted:
Joined: 10-17-2001
Posts: 40
I have to admit i'm with you on that one.
tailgater Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
Posts: 26,187
Steve, since I live in MA I often see friends and family who are not only Democrats, but bleeding heart liberals bordering on socialists. I enjoy in depth conversations with them all and love many of them dearly. I hope your feelings of "failure" is an exageration intended to make a point. Most liberals do have their heart in the right place, even if their head is deep in a dark orifice elsewhere on their body...
#8 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248
too many double negatives possible, but here are my answers. i do not know html or phyz so i use dashes. let me know my score.
1. not correct.---

2. not correct.---
3. i do not believe in the death penalty.

4. i thought we had.---
5. who cares.---

5. BS war. served no purpoose.---

6. no one should get's all about the christian coalition anyway.---.

7. possibly, so what.---

8. it is also defined as . 1.a The legal union of a man and woman as husband and wife. b.
Wedlock. 2. A wedding. 3. A close union.---

9. not sure i care.---

10. what is this about?---

11. no tax is good.---

12. what speech codes?---

13. BS. the palastinians have followed the wrong demigog. life could have been different for

14. no, it is bs.---

15. no it's not, there is enough money to go around.---

16. of course some can be immoral.---

17. no they should not.---

18. they should be made available and any boy that doesn't know how to use one should not get
laid. (that's like a chicken laid an egg. nothing fowl intended.)---

19. not my grandmother.---

20. too narrow a scope, too simplistic.---

21. that is correct, unless they include all the gods, god of fire, god of rocks, hercules,
promethious, the rain god, etc.---

22. well we certainly aren't.

eleltea Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 03-03-2002
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Uh, Rick, does that mean you are not a liberal?
#10 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248
i think it doesn't not mean neither. don't you not disagree.
xrundog Offline
#11 Posted:
Joined: 01-17-2002
Posts: 2,212
If "liberal" is defined by those points, then "conservative" can be defined as: 1. Narrow minded. 2. Self righteous. Conservatives have attached too many negatives to the term "liberal". It's good to be a liberal thinker. What exactly is bad about it?
justforfun Offline
#12 Posted:
Joined: 03-06-2002
Posts: 797
Rick: LMAO; you are one funny guy!
justforfun Offline
#13 Posted:
Joined: 03-06-2002
Posts: 797
Rick: LMAO; you are one funny guy!
Charlie Offline
#14 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
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X, how can you be against Labor Unions and still claim to be a Liberal? Just wondering!!!! Charlie
xrundog Offline
#15 Posted:
Joined: 01-17-2002
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Charlie, you must be talkin' to me, I don't see any other X here. Actually if you look at the long unions post, I was mostly for them. And I must qualify this: I am a liberal thinker. Not a liberal as defined by the right wing everything good must be made to look bad politicos.
tailgater Offline
#16 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
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Unions epitomize the Liberal agenda: equal pay for unequal work. Be it lack of ability or lack of desire, unions reward longevity before accomplishment. Work your ass off and make x dollars. Punch the clock and go to sleep and make x dollars. Union members have no right to bitch about "big brother" because they are funding an entity with more control over their lives than the government has ever had.
tailgater Offline
#17 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
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X: "everything good must be made to look bad politicos"???? Are you OK? Most "conservatives" think it's OK that you want to support the drug use of poor, street-bound addicts. It's when you want to use MY money that makes it wrong. It's OK for you to contribute to the perpetual lifestyle known as welfare. But not with MY money. You should feel free to support the rights of murderers and rapists to have comfortable living conditions while institutionalized. Just don't demand that I assist financially. You liberals can vote for whoever you want. Just don't cry to me when you do it incorrectly.
cwilhelmi Offline
#18 Posted:
Joined: 07-24-2001
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I love how we are so confined in our thinking to assume that there are only two ways to think and that people must abide by these stringent schools of thought. The terms liberal and conservative are so trite and meaningless. Anyone who will vote for a candidate for the simple reason that they're in the same political party as the candidate is a lemming, and does not deserve the right to vote. I am neither "liberal" or "conservative", not because I'm too much of a pansy to "pick sides", but because I'm true to my beliefs and I'm unwilling to give in on the issues I feel strongly about. As far as this list is concerned, it's b*llsh*t, and for the most part I agree with Rick's answers.
JonR Offline
#19 Posted:
Joined: 02-19-2002
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Five years ago the federal government sent me a questionnaire to see if I was a liberal or a conservative , I filled it out to the best of my ability and sent it back. Two weeks later they suspended my drivers license and confiscated my dog. LOL JonR
xrundog Offline
#20 Posted:
Joined: 01-17-2002
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Hey 'gater, thanks for telling me what I'm for. I don't have to be confused anymore. I have been spending way too much time trying to solve the country's moral dilemas. Just a couple questions: MUST a democrat be a liberal? Is there such a thing as a liberal republican?
eleltea Offline
#21 Posted:
Joined: 03-03-2002
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Liberals and conservatives will still be disgusted with each other after Jews and Arabs have kissed and made up. It is interesting, isn't it, how intelligent people can be presented the same data and draw such polarized conclusions from it.

Rick is an intelligent man, and we don't agree on very much politically possibly excepting U.S. relations with Israel. I generally find Democrats better companions than conservatives, but I don't trust them with my money. Clearly, they cannot be trusted. Unfortunately, neither can the Republicans.

tailgater Offline
#22 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
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X, it was you who cast the first stone. You blame "conservatives" for making the "good look bad". I was just pointing out some GENERAL differences between the parties. Your sarcastic "thank you" implies that you were somehow offended by that. Why? True, not all dems are liberal, just as not all republicans are conservative (or at least right wing). But the general statement is true that the democrats use liberal reasoning to dictate fiscal spending. And vice versa. We all claim to be "moderate" in that we are free thinkers. But we all cling to general ideas that separate the parties. We usually argue over individuals within the party lines, but we should instead discuss the policies themselves. I hear time and again that the Bush led republicans are mere puppets to "big oil", but when somebody uses a truism like "tax and spend liberal" it seems to ruffle a few feathers. We can debate a specific topic, or we can make general comments. Either way, please don't be offended by it. Lest you show your Liberal side....
xrundog Offline
#23 Posted:
Joined: 01-17-2002
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Just yanking your chain 'gater. I don't easily offend. Actually I agree that the policies and not the men making them are the real issues. It is interesting to explore individual motives sometimes though. I enjoy your posts and like to return barbs in fun. Don't YOU be offended either. Okay?
tailgater Offline
#24 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
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I've been known to be offensive, but never offended. Don't worry about me. I'm thick headed. I mean thick skinned.
#25 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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JonR --- if you get any mail from any part of the government, do what i do. mark it deceased and give it back to the post office.
Messier11 Offline
#26 Posted:
Joined: 06-12-2002
Posts: 293
Tailgater I take serious offense to the things you wrote about unions. I have been a member of the International Association of Firefighters and now belong to the American Federation of Teachers. I want to explain to you something about all of the years (21) that I was a professional firefighter. We earned every penny. We worked harder in 24 hours and took more risks in a month than some desk-jockey whose major risk is complaining about his portfolio does in his lifetime. Now as a teacher our union contract calls for me to be in school from 07:10 am to 1400. Right! I leave between 1600 and 1700 every day. Don't even talk to me about summers off. Here in sunny Florida most teachers have to work during the summer thanks to the efforts of one of the wonderful Bush brothers. As for your "Unions epitomize the Liberal agenda: equal pay for unequal work."You are probably right. I have worked hard all of my life for unequal pay. Oh, sorry, isn't that what you meant? I chose both of these professions because I like to help people. I get a real kick out of working with HS kids. We used to say in the FD that if the city would just leave us alone and let us do our jobs everybody would be much better off. Unions have to lobby to protect the hardworking people trying to make an honest living from the unethical types that have dominated the news the past few months. Lots of remorse at Anderson et al for all of their out of work former employees. Thanks for listening.
tailgater Offline
#27 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
Posts: 26,187
Messier, good post. First of all, Thank You for your years as a firefighter. And God Bless you for choosing to become a teacher. But the fact that very important and credible jobs are supported by unions does not make the union system worthy in this day and age. Neither does the fact that real people work real hard in union jobs every day. I did not mean to imply that they don't. Strength in numbers is a good thing when done by choice. Here in Massachusetts, a recent Union strike by nurses caused terrible chaos at hospitals and could have resulted in undo deaths. Do you think each and every nurse on that picket line wanted to strike? And unions DO reward longevity before accomplishments. And the DO create an environment to allow mediocrity to thrive. And the DO surp much of the personal responsibility out from the very souls they claim to protect. I don't disagree that vital positions (such as your resume boasts) deserve a decent paycheck. But unions are not the answer. Too many evils. Like the fact that the teachers in my town adhere strictly to union guidelines regarding working hours. Cripes, I've never worked a 40 hour week in my life. But I don't need a union to fix that. It has become a crutch that is bigger than the disease it proposes to fix. And that is never a good thing. But welcome to the board, and don't worry: I have a lot of friends and family that belong to unions. I don't fault the people, I fault the system.
Messier11 Offline
#28 Posted:
Joined: 06-12-2002
Posts: 293
Thanks for the reply Tailgater. You do make valid points on which I will let the others on the board decide. However, I MUST say one more thing...I remember what it was like in our city before we as FF's formally organized. If you think police are a politically conservative group, you ain't seen nothing when compared to firefighters. Our guys were sick of being taken advantage of by the politcos with no legal recourse or protection. We didn't do it to strike, we did it to even the playing field. Well, enough of this...Had any good cigars lately?? Best, Mess
SteveS Offline
#29 Posted:
Joined: 01-13-2002
Posts: 8,751
A union to collectively address mutual problems is not a bad thing ... corporations can and have taken advantage of people, a practice which gave rise to unions in the first place. Unions too can be abusive, however ... I've seen firsthand, the protection of the weak, the unwilling, the inept, the drunks and drug abusers. My life was (seriously) threatened by an abusive labor leader because I preculed a truck driver from moving an extremely hazardous load until such time as he'd corrected it ... I've seen fork lift operators so buzzed they drove though walls and one who completely blew away a first aid station in the fab department and watched as their union leaders successfully defended them and held the umbrella of protection over their inept backs as the company I worked for went down the drain due to the time it tood to bring our product to market and the cost associated with doing so as compared to comparable products built in Japan and Italy ... I have never put the police and firefighters union in that category, but while I recognize that good teachers DO exist, will tell you that in my observation, far too many incompetent teachers are also being protected by their powerful unions ...
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