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Last post 11 years ago by JadeRose. 52 replies replies.
Poll Question : Poll Question : Is Gun Violence Real?
Choice Votes Statistics
No, it’s just made up by the left wing Liberals. 2 22 %
Maybe, it’s a natural cycle - not really man made. 2 22 %
Yes, it largely caused by industrial pollution. 5 55 %
Total 9 100%

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Is Gun Violence Real?
dstieger Offline
#1 Posted:
Joined: 06-22-2007
Posts: 10,889
So I was randomly thinking about this the other day and something occurred to me that kinda ticked me off.

Why would "It's not the guns, it's the killers" be an acceptable answer for doing nothing?

Seriously... The end result will be the same whether the gun violence is related to guns or not.

If you TRULY believe that gun violence is a natural phenomenon, then why aren't you demanding the scientists find a solution? We demand technological solutions to millions of natural things all the time.... from bridges and ferries to get vehicles across water, to cancer cures to vaccines and antibiotics.

If this "natural cycle" answer was anything other than a bs answer to avoid explaining why you don't want to have gun regulations, then you'd be trying to get someone with brains to find a solution, not just shrugging it off.

** Standard disclaimer, I don't care about gun laws, don't care about the life-span of the NRA past the next 50 years (my expected lifespan) I just get irritated when people give stupid answers to things. Just say you don't care... I'm fine with that.

Sorry, Victor.
DrafterX Offline
#2 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
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I'm not against regulations... I'm against more regulations... enforce what we already have.. and it really doesn't matter if we do nothing or confiscate all the guns.... if someone wants to kill a bunch of kids they're gonna do it.... Mellow
bloody spaniard Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 03-14-2003
Posts: 43,802
Keep prescribing more and more anti-depressants & it won't matter how many types of "guns" you outlaw.
Most of the shooters were hopped up on prescription goodies.

Gunpowder will be next, followed by arsenic, radioactive isotopes, and running with scissors with intent to maim. Drool

Not to sound too Victorish, er, partikoolar but can you give us more options?
jpotts Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 06-14-2006
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I'd like to think that the imposition of Robot Overlords would clear this mess up.
Buckwheat Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 04-15-2004
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"Albatross!! Albatross!! Albatross!! What flavor is it?"
Brewha Offline
#6 Posted:
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jpotts Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 06-14-2006
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I find this whole liberal hyperventallation about gun violence both funny and sad.

First, liberals are the first to tell us that between conception and birth, what grows in a woman's womb is nothing but "tissue." It;s not human.

Now we have people in places like Oxford questioning whether you're actually human once you're born.

And if you're old and sick, well, euthanasia is more than acceptable. We starve "braid dead" people even though there are people willing to put up their money and time to care for these individuals.

Then these same people lecture us about how there is no God, and how morality is all "relative."

They were the same people who stamped their feet for no-fault divorce, so they could cut their ties with their spouse whenever some new, fresh tail comes long, or when they feel the need to go "find themselves." Nevermind what it does to their kids.

And then they wonder openly why - after destroying the traditional moral structure, the ever-present family unit that reinforces these moral views, and the nothin that human life is sacred - people become unhinged and kill little children.

If mommy and daddy didn't give a crap about you enough to keep the family together, you're constantly told that the most innocent, and helpless of us are just "tissue", and you're then told that there is no God looking over your shoulder and that there will be a price to pay once you die...well, there's no limiting the horrors you can inflict on others.

I think modern-day liberals have de-evolved. It would explain a lot.
Brewha Offline
#8 Posted:
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jpotts wrote:

I think modern-day liberals have de-evolved. It would explain a lot.

I thought conservatives did not believe in evolution.
DrafterX Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
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I blame the communists.... Mellow
jpotts Offline
#10 Posted:
Joined: 06-14-2006
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Brewha wrote:
I thought conservatives did not believe in evolution.

I don't.

You show me an "evolved" human. I'll show you a really good PR firm.

Devolution, however, happens all the time.
jpotts Offline
#11 Posted:
Joined: 06-14-2006
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DrafterX wrote:
I blame the communists.... Mellow

Leave Rickamaven and Adroomi out of this!
bloody spaniard Offline
#12 Posted:
Joined: 03-14-2003
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jpotts wrote:
Leave Rickamaven and Adroomi out of this!

LOL! (brutal)
Brewha Offline
#13 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2010
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jpotts wrote:

Devolution, however, happens all the time.

So you’re into that band from the ‘80’s?
victor809 Offline
#14 Posted:
Joined: 10-14-2011
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Leave it to potts to take an already off-the-rails thread and go full-retard with it.
DadZilla3 Offline
#15 Posted:
Joined: 01-17-2009
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DrafterX wrote:
I blame the communists.... Mellow

[email protected] Shame on you
jpotts Offline
#16 Posted:
Joined: 06-14-2006
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victor809 wrote:
Leave it to potts to take an already off-the-rails thread and go full-retard with it.


Sorry, what was that?
Abrignac Offline
#17 Posted:
Joined: 02-24-2012
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Pot meet kettle
victor809 Offline
#18 Posted:
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jpotts wrote:

Sorry, what was that?

your apology has been accepted.
jpotts Offline
#19 Posted:
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victor809 wrote:
your apology has been accepted.

I'll admit, I've missed that.
SweetHavok Offline
#20 Posted:
Joined: 11-28-2012
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victor809 wrote:
Leave it to potts to take an already off-the-rails thread and go full-retard with it.

In other words like yourself for saying such a thing. Personally I take comments like that a little more serious than others, been married to my wife who although is not MR, since early childhood she's been wheelchair bound diagnosed with CP (cerebral palsy) normally wouldn't say anything just, but not today.
dstieger Offline
#21 Posted:
Joined: 06-22-2007
Posts: 10,889
Would it be true to suggest that most NRA-ers believe that gun violence is NOT a problem? At least not a big enough problem for society to do anything about? If so, OK...but then I wish they'd just say that.
DadZilla3 Offline
#22 Posted:
Joined: 01-17-2009
Posts: 4,633
OK, let's see...the rare but high profile gun violence caused by random nut jobs brings out massive liberal political frenzy almost instantaneously, invariably blaming the weapons rather than the random nut jobs themselves.

However, the near constant background level of gun violence in the inner cities caused by drug dealers and street gangs gets virtually no liberal political attention whatsoever.

Yup, makes perfect sense.
DrafterX Offline
#23 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
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dstieger wrote:
Would it be true to suggest that most NRA-ers believe that gun violence is NOT a problem? At least not a big enough problem for society to do anything about? If so, OK...but then I wish they'd just say that.

I think we need to find a valid solution to the problem before we do anything... yes, there is a problem.. but it takes a finger to pull trigger.. Mellow
Brewha Offline
#24 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2010
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The NRA formula is to beat high school alcoholism by providing free beer.

Where the hell were they in the ‘70’s?
jpotts Offline
#25 Posted:
Joined: 06-14-2006
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dstieger wrote:
Would it be true to suggest that most NRA-ers believe that gun violence is NOT a problem? At least not a big enough problem for society to do anything about? If so, OK...but then I wish they'd just say that.

I think it is that less than 1% of the deaths in this country are attributed to guns.

Anyone who has been bullied and worked their way through it realizes that usually violence and force can only be counered by greater violence and force in the opposite direction.

But taking guns away from people who have never commited a crime really solves nothing. And it really doesn't save any lives.
victor809 Offline
#26 Posted:
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SweetHavok wrote:
In other words like yourself for saying such a thing. Personally I take comments like that a little more serious than others, been married to my wife who although is not MR, since early childhood she's been wheelchair bound diagnosed with CP (cerebral palsy) normally wouldn't say anything just, but not today.

My sympathies for your wife. A little advice, don't let things get to you here. I believe the word retard is now used to intentionally rile up Bloody because people knew it got to him. ... that and vaccines.
jpotts Offline
#27 Posted:
Joined: 06-14-2006
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Brewha wrote:
The NRA formula is to beat high school alcoholism by providing free beer.

Where the hell were they in the ‘70’s?

When I was growing up, the drinking age was 21. Yet I can tell you that on any given weekend, at least a quarter of my high school class was out getting hammered.

And this was well before the "brew your own" fad.

So...uh...the opposite response didn't work either.

Next suggestion?
ZRX1200 Offline
#28 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
Posts: 60,759
Victor is an ass.

He's our ass and he's like genital warts he never goes away so we just learn to scratch him when he flares up.
Brewha Offline
#29 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2010
Posts: 12,262
jpotts wrote:
When I was growing up, the drinking age was 21. Yet I can tell you that on any given weekend, at least a quarter of my high school class was out getting hammered.

And this was well before the "brew your own" fad.

So...uh...the opposite response didn't work either.

Next suggestion?

Wait – are you against the NRA or teen drinking?
Because if you are against the NRA drinking you really have a long row to hoe . . . .
victor809 Offline
#30 Posted:
Joined: 10-14-2011
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dstieger wrote:
Would it be true to suggest that most NRA-ers believe that gun violence is NOT a problem? At least not a big enough problem for society to do anything about? If so, OK...but then I wish they'd just say that.

I say that all the time.
Hell you can find a thread in which I specifically state that the cost of all this whining/handwringing/lawwriting/soulsearching is WAAAYYYY more than the value of the handful kids lives.

Americans are idiots sometimes. When it comes to BIG SPLASHY EVENTS!!! we lose all sense of scale.

We do it with random mass murders (total deaths due to mass murders isn't even worth thinking about on a large scale)
We do it with acts of terrorism (total deaths from 9/11 in no way match the amount of money spent on trying to avoid it happening again).

But because they're so exciting and splashy, we can't help getting wound up, we sacrifice everything to try to avoid having it happen again... blah blah blah....
victor809 Offline
#31 Posted:
Joined: 10-14-2011
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ZRX1200 wrote:
Victor is an ass.

He's our ass and he's like genital warts he never goes away so we just learn to scratch him when he flares up.

Your juxtaposition of "ass" and "genital warts" makes me think you've got something on your.... mind.
Brewha Offline
#32 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2010
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victor809 wrote:
I say that all the time.
Hell you can find a thread in which I specifically state that the cost of all this whining/handwringing/lawwriting/soulsearching is WAAAYYYY more than the value of the handful kids lives.

Americans are idiots sometimes. When it comes to BIG SPLASHY EVENTS!!! we lose all sense of scale.

We do it with random mass murders (total deaths due to mass murders isn't even worth thinking about on a large scale)
We do it with acts of terrorism (total deaths from 9/11 in no way match the amount of money spent on trying to avoid it happening again).

But because they're so exciting and splashy, we can't help getting wound up, we sacrifice everything to try to avoid having it happen again... blah blah blah....

And this would be your proof of theorem?
schusler Offline
#33 Posted:
Joined: 09-21-2010
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dstieger wrote:
Would it be true to suggest that most NRA-ers believe that gun violence is NOT a problem? At least not a big enough problem for society to do anything about? If so, OK...but then I wish they'd just say that.

Why do you keep putting the word gun in front of the word violence...?
victor809 Offline
#34 Posted:
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Brewha wrote:
And this would be your proof of theorem?

My mistake... probably should have left the sometimes out of it...
I'd say "your average american is an idiot" ... but I'm sure pottsie would want me to divide the average by the population....
dstieger Offline
#35 Posted:
Joined: 06-22-2007
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schusler wrote:
Why do you keep putting the word gun in front of the word violence...?

I suppose that is a good question. That is what I've extracted from the media noise lately.

What is the correct name of the primary issue that the talking heads and politicians are 'discussing' lately?
ZRX1200 Offline
#36 Posted:
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jpotts Offline
#37 Posted:
Joined: 06-14-2006
Posts: 28,811
Brewha wrote:
Wait – are you against the NRA or teen drinking?
Because if you are against the NRA drinking you really have a long row to hoe . . . .

Victor is not a hoe.

Or at least he's never 'fessed up to being one. However, some have seen him out on the street corner in high heels and spandex pants...
jpotts Offline
#38 Posted:
Joined: 06-14-2006
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victor809 wrote:
My mistake... probably should have left the sometimes out of it...
I'd say "your average american is an idiot" ... but I'm sure pottsie would want me to divide the average by the population....

Actually, no.

But the upper-educated Americans, well, they peg the Idiot Meter, so it skews the average.

(You still owe the man an apology.)
dubleuhb Offline
#39 Posted:
Joined: 03-20-2011
Posts: 11,350
1000's of murders in this country since the Kenyan has been in office and NOW it's a priority, gimme a friggin break! Look at his home town of Chicago, those chillens don't count ?
Brewha Offline
#40 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2010
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jpotts wrote:
However, some have seen him out on the street corner in high heels and spandex pants...

That vial image will haunt my dreams. You should be ashamed of yourself Potts. Try using your powers for good instead of evil . . . .
dpnewell Offline
#41 Posted:
Joined: 03-16-2009
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schusler wrote:
Why do you keep putting the word gun in front of the word violence...?

Anytime someone commits violence or murder with a gun, the media and politicians like to use the labels "gunman" or "gun violence". Ever heard of a knife murderer called a "knifeman"? Ever heard of a "baseball batman", a "fistman", a "poisonman", a "bombman"? Ever heard the media talk of "knife violence", "club violence", "bomb violence" or "poison violence"?

The media and politicians have an agenda, and those who don't see it are either blind or naive. Maybe you folks need to start asking yourselves why when someone commits murder or violence with a gun, the tool used is demonized by the media, but when other deadly tools are used, the blame is placed on the actor, not the tool used.
victor809 Offline
#42 Posted:
Joined: 10-14-2011
Posts: 23,866
jpotts wrote:
Actually, no.

But the upper-educated Americans, well, they peg the Idiot Meter, so it skews the average.

(You still owe the man an apology.)

..... potts... you've become a one-note shill....
dpnewell Offline
#43 Posted:
Joined: 03-16-2009
Posts: 7,491
dstieger wrote:
Would it be true to suggest that most NRA-ers believe that gun violence is NOT a problem? At least not a big enough problem for society to do anything about? If so, OK...but then I wish they'd just say that.

No, Dave, this country has a problem with violence, period! To single out violence committed with one kind of tool, and then demonizing it above all other forms of violence, while placing blame on the tool itself is hypocritical. Murder is murder whether it's committed by someone using a gun, knife, bat, club, rope, bomb, car, etc. This country needs to be addressing the causes of all violence, not singling out one kind, and having knee jerk reactions.
schusler Offline
#44 Posted:
Joined: 09-21-2010
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dpnewell wrote:
Anytime someone commits violence or murder with a gun, the media and politicians like to use the labels "gunman" or "gun violence". Ever heard of a knife murderer called a "knifeman"? Ever heard of a "baseball batman", a "fistman", a "poisonman", a "bombman"? Ever heard the media talk of "knife violence", "club violence", "bomb violence" or "poison violence"?

The media and politicians have an agenda, and those who don't see it are either blind or naive. Maybe you folks need to start asking yourselves why when someone commits murder or violence with a gun, the tool used is demonized by the media, but when other deadly tools are used, the blame is placed on the actor, not the tool used.

That was my point.... thank you
fiddler898 Offline
#45 Posted:
Joined: 06-15-2009
Posts: 3,782
No, gun violence is fake. Nobody dies from guns, it's all an illusion.

Liberal media, and all that.
Brewha Offline
#46 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2010
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Meanwhile, Ma Barker lies in a ditch at the edge of town . . .
dpnewell Offline
#47 Posted:
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fiddler898 wrote:
No, gun violence is fake. Nobody dies from guns, it's all an illusion.

Liberal media, and all that.

You totally ignored my point, but I really didn't expect any less.
jpotts Offline
#48 Posted:
Joined: 06-14-2006
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Brewha wrote:
That vial image will haunt my dreams. You should be ashamed of yourself Potts. Try using your powers for good instead of evil . . . .

heh heh heh...
jpotts Offline
#49 Posted:
Joined: 06-14-2006
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victor809 wrote:
..... potts... you've become a one-note shill....

I'll have you know that Neil Young got awfully rich and famous of of being able to play one note through most of his songs.

snowwolf777 Offline
#50 Posted:
Joined: 06-03-2000
Posts: 4,082
Where's the "hemp" option on the gun violence poll?

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