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Last post 21 years ago by tailgater. 20 replies replies.
GWB speech and press conference
xrundog Offline
#1 Posted:
Joined: 01-17-2002
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This was yesterday. I mulled it over awhile. I liked the stuff about giving the SEC teeth. I'm wondering if the current wrong doers will go free do to some grandfather clause. Boy GW got a little shaky when he was quizzed about some financial dealings he had back when GHWB was prez. That's his nature though. He does not do well off the cuff. It's ancient history, I hope we don't need to waste $$ on an independant counsel.
#2 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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no it isn't ancient history, like whitewater wasn't. are you giving george a pass on his shady dealings? if a person doesn't lie, he does not need a good memory. and he does not do well off the cuff, because he is a dope. don't most of the people you know have the ability to talk without a script? every nickle this bum has came from dirty dealings. i'm wrong? well lets have an impeachment hearing about harken oil stock. they are after marth stewart for insider trading, why not this guy. playing with stock as an insider hurts everyone else. what is your point? i like this guy so i don't want to go in to his background. i hated clinton, so let's check anything and everything. where is a left wing conspiricy when we need one?
SteveS Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 01-13-2002
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Get out your red pencils and circle today's date on your calendars ... Rick and I agree on something political!!

Rick says: "... what is your point? i like this guy so i don't want to go into his background. i hated (deleted), so let's check anything and everything. where is a left wing conspiricy when we need one?"

... Note, that if you insert the word NIXON in the space where Clinton's name was deleted, that is EXACTLY the song that was sung by the Democrats throughout the 90's ... It seems to have become an altogether unpleasant and disabling part of the political process ...

In issuing the pardon to Nixon, Gerald Ford said that the long national nightmare was over ... his statement in that case was just one more of those shots shanked into the crowd instead of down the middle of the fairway.

It seems that instead of being over, it was just beginning ... each side has microscopes all over (and in the various orifices of) the other, seeking anything to maim or wound the opponent and in the process, it is we who are being wounded ... hell, FDR and Ike had mistresses, but their indiscretions were not made the subject of some vast (or half-vast) witch-hunt ... but Nixon, who was SO easy to hate, changed everything forever ... now we spend our time looking for dirt on their guy because THEY looked for dirt on OUR guy ...

As a result of that having become a fact of life, the most truly able are discouraged and disuaded from seeking public office and who can blame them? Our Democrat AND Republican choices for the most important job in the world have been getting fewer and less worthy as the microscopes bore in even more closely and if something doesn't change, there will come a time in the all too near future, when no one from either party with any competence at all will be willing to seek the job ...
daveyg2 Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 04-24-2002
Posts: 288
Seriously, everyone is so quick to hang Clinton for what he did. People are quick to also turn a cheek to the dirty dealings of the Bush legacy. Use the same judgement on all and not a select few if you want your view to be valid. The fickle earn no respect.
xrundog Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 01-17-2002
Posts: 2,212
Okay Rick, I softballed a little. Just feeling out the room. I do predict that ****** Cheney will resign over his Ken Laylike business dealings. Oh the shame GWB must feel today. And after that wonderful altruistic speech! Something that was bad for him is about to get much worse.
tailgater Offline
#6 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
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Where is the beef with Dubya? I thought his speech was wishy washy. But his "insider trading", if I understand it correctly may have netted him $850M, but had he held it through the downturn he could have made millions. (at least that's what I heard). The true problem will be with Cheney. If CEO's are to held responsible, and there is no grandfather clause, he will be screwed. He will most likely step down for the 2004 elections for "health" reasons.
#7 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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tailgater --- more like $850,000 which he invested in the texas rangers and than had whatever dufuss city it is in had to build a new stadium paid for by the taxpayers, allowing him to sell his investment in the ball club and make his millions. if you think he planned it, i'm sure you are incorrect. he has always been told what to do, where to stand, and what to say by his handlers. i doubt that he ever had an original thought. if i can find the film clip of him being interviewed at a party during the walk for the crown, he was clearly shown drinking. before you jump me, let me find the clip. you can than judge for yourself as well as the rest of the bush lovers. i do sense a slight backing off of his appeal from some people on the board. true?
E-Chick Offline
#8 Posted:
Joined: 06-15-2002
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Well, since we're comparing apples to oranges with the 'I wonder about Bush vs. Clinton'...I wonder how Clinton's holdings are faring? Any knowledge and answers on that subject?
xrundog Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 01-17-2002
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Clinton had his prostate inspected with a flashlight by Ken Starr. He does not need any stock. The guy gets major $$ (250K?) per speaking engagement. I think we should watch Hillary real close. I will be uneasy until her political career is dead, dead, dead!
SteveS Offline
#10 Posted:
Joined: 01-13-2002
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Clinton may not NEED stocks, but has (or has had) them. In fact, there was some insider-trading noise early-on in his case that was eerily similar to what we're hearing now, but it fell off the radar screen because of all the other attention the Clintons received.

As for being uneasy about Hilary, well, who that knew anything at all about her wouldn't be? Bill, at least, was somewhat a centrist, even a populist, but Hilary is a truly frightening radical leftist ... having her on the political scene is every bit the left-side equivilent of Jerry Falwell, perhaps even more so ... she is totally focused on her own goals and ambitions and has absolutely no ethics or scruples whatsoever ...
E-Chick Offline
#11 Posted:
Joined: 06-15-2002
Posts: 4,877
Steve, did you just describe me in the latter half of that sentence? Was that an innuendo? Gosh, I never imagined that I could be like Billary...
SteveS Offline
#12 Posted:
Joined: 01-13-2002
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I don't imagine so either ... many of us are focused on our goals and ambitions, which is not a bad thing at all ... unless we're pretending to be serving the interests of a consituency of our fellow citizens.

Her particular goals and ambitions are genuinely frightening and are not generally known ... many wrongly assume she's a hillbilly from AR, but she's not at all like Bill in that regard ... she's sly and cunning and attached herself to him and has stuck by him through all the events that would've caused 99.99% of women to leave their husbands, expressly because he was in her view, the perfect vehicle for her to reach the top ... and without her behind the scenes manipulations, he'd never have done it either ...

e-, I feel quite safe in saying (and in fact, would make a money bet) that you not only don't have much in common with Hillary, but are in fact, light years away from being like her ..
Todog Offline
#13 Posted:
Joined: 05-05-2001
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I read in the Chicago Tribune a few weeks ago that Clinton has already made close to 10 million dollars in appearances, speeches and book writing! No need for insider trading. Lest we forget Hillary's brilliant strategy for investing $1000 and receiving a profitable return of $100,000 early in Bill's Arkansas political career! I wish I new her strategy! BTW, Steve is right that Hillary is no Arkansas hillbilly. She was raised a Republican in Park Ridge, Illinois just a few miles outside the Democratic stronghold of Chicago.
tailgater Offline
#14 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
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Rick, I have a habit of using "M" for 1000. If I meant $850 Million, I would have typed $850MM. Some stupid sales tally habit, I guess... Oh, and please don't mention the New York Witch. I'd rather be Bubba's intern before I'd want her for president...
#15 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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SteveS ---i think you are correct about hillary. i do believe she has an ego that knows no bounds.
#16 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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tailgater ---K is usually used for 1000, but i understand what you are saying
tailgater Offline
#17 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
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A small "m" would stand for "million". A capital "M" is the roman numeral for 1000. MM would be 1,000,000. I don't know where the "K" comes from, unless it is the metric "kilo". Any way you slice it, it was a lot of loot. But not necessarily illegal. It is truely a liberal trait to treat profits as evil.
#18 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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tailgater-- it does depend upon who you defraud to make a profit, doesn't it?
tailgater Offline
#19 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
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Why doesn't "defraud" translate to "unfraud"?
#20 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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tailgater defraud=swindle.--- fraud=A deception deliberately practiced in order to secure unfair or unlawful gain. un in front of fraud =not fraud.
tailgater Offline
#21 Posted:
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