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Last post 21 years ago by RICKAMAVEN. 26 replies replies.
Dennis Miller's opinion....
Todog Offline
#1 Posted:
Joined: 05-05-2001
Posts: 804
"Isn't it great we live in a country where a Federal Appeals Court can declare the Pledge of Allegiance unconstitutional because the words "under God" are a violation of separation of church and state? Well, you know something, your Honors: following that logic, wouldn't the fact that you were sworn in with your hand on a Bible render you unemployed? Or maybe we should respond by withholding your obviously unconstitutional "In God we trust" paychecks, huh? Or why don't we just change the phrase to "One Nation under a crushing blanket of overly sensitive political correctness?" If you haven't heard, Michael Newdow, a 49 year old atheist, created a media sensation last week after bringing a lawsuit on behalf of his 8 year old daughter. Well, Mikey, you did a great job of protecting your kid, didn't ya? Put her in the middle of this jingoistic maelstrom. Yeah, you are the dad of the year. Why don't you pick up your trophy when you come out of hiding? By the way, to all of the people making death threats against this man and his daughter: if God had wanted you to kill in His name, you'd be living in the Middle East, not the Midwest! Well, anyway, it's good to know that all children are guaranteed the right to come into their classroom in the morning and burn the flag, as long as they don't salute it. You know folks, I haven't quite figured out the math on this one yet, but I think the aggrieved minority in this culture now is the majority. And, by the way, to the two Judges who authored this fiasco: instead of church and state, maybe you should be worried about the separation of your head and butt."
eleltea Offline
#2 Posted:
Joined: 03-03-2002
Posts: 4,562
i thought miller was one of the flaming. he is right on target on this one.
tailgater Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
Posts: 26,187
Flame he has. And flame he will. But we're all entitled to at least one moment of reason and logic. I'm still waiting...
#4 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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dennis miller is so full of himself, he is a bore. he has not been funny in years, and his wife dresses him funny, and like carlin is showing his age. carlin is vulger and trite. chris rock no better. other than eddie izzard, i can't think of one intelligent stand up comedian around now, but i am wide open to input.
#5 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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jingoistic maelstrom (chauvinistic
patriotism--A violent or turbulent situation)what the hell is he talking about? it may explain why he is not on monday night football any more
#6 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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tailgater i know you are perfectly able to look these words up just as i do, but you don't. pity.

xrundog Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 01-17-2002
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The last guy who made me laugh really hard was Sam Kinnison. He would have a great time with this. Dennis Miller is sometimes funny, but enjoys his own cleverness too much for my taste. I think most people don't get his jokes.
Todog Offline
#8 Posted:
Joined: 05-05-2001
Posts: 804
Rick, we could easily substitute your name in your post about Dennis Miller......"Rickamaven is so full of himself, he is a bore. he has not been funny in years, his wife dresses him funny and like Carlin is showing his age.......!
Charlie Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
Posts: 39,751
Home run by Todog!!! Light up a LGC and enjoy the shot you just scored! Charlie PS I am no Dennis Miller fan, but on rare moments he is good! Oh Rick, Eddie Izzard is terrible!
#10 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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Todog--- the difference is i know i am full of sh*t most of the time.
cwilhelmi Offline
#11 Posted:
Joined: 07-24-2001
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Charlie - I'm with Rick, Eddie Izzard is hilarious, and that he's full of sh*t most of the time... Chris
Todog Offline
#12 Posted:
Joined: 05-05-2001
Posts: 804
Rick is truly a fine man to admit that he is full of sh*t!
Charlie Offline
#13 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
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I am going to argue with Rick, just for the sake of disagreement, and I do not think he is full of s--t all of the time! Only some of the time! Charlie
JonR Offline
#14 Posted:
Joined: 02-19-2002
Posts: 9,740
Dosen't Rick have a toilet ? LOL JonR
tailgater Offline
#15 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
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Rick, look which words up? I don't need the specifics from a Dennis Miller dialog. A true cunning linguist he isn't. I just read through the bull**** and look for the punch line. In this instance, the point is clear. Hence my comment on reason and logic. I remain a NON DM fan.
tailgater Offline
#16 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
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BTW, Eddie who? Wasn't he Alpine Ski jumper from England? Or was he the miget who played MLB for Bill Veck?
SteveS Offline
#17 Posted:
Joined: 01-13-2002
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I have no thoughts on whether Rick or Dennis Miller are full of themselves, full of sh*t or whether that's a redundancy ... I don't give a ratsa*s about Dennis not being on MNF any longer although I WILL say that while there, he did very little to distinguish himself or even to even illustrate to someone that'd never seen him, what the producers of the show were hoping for when hiring him and I understood every word in his monologue without having to look up any ...

I'd not been aware of his having said this until reading it this morning, but I find I am in strong agreement with what he has to say. I find the decision itself to be supremely ridiculous, but am not welded to the 'under God' phrase in the pledge and can remember clearly when it was added. If removing that phrase is what is needed to restore the pledge to schools and other public places, I say remove it. Hwever, I think that removing the overwhelming, smothering, suffocating blanket of PC horsesh*t should be one of the first and highest priority items on any agenda and if THAT could be accomplished, we'd all have better lives.
daveyg2 Offline
#18 Posted:
Joined: 04-24-2002
Posts: 288
I think that Miller is on target. he is a jackass but at least he is sticking to some good old fashioned patriotism. As far as the whole country being completely overrun by politically correct bullsh*t, he totally right. i am in no way endorsing any political party and i have stated that before, but i completely agree with this view.

this country should come out of its overwhelming state of pussification and get real already. people are starting to live in a friggin dream world where everyone should not ever be judged by the content of their character let alone by the color of their skin. why doesnt everyone put some effort into doing the right thing instead of covering the asses of the people who dont and making them sound like they deserve fairness as well.

as far as all the people who are bitching about the pledge and how it should become more politically correct, get over it and move to another country if you dont like it. This country was founded by people with balls. Lets keep it that way. All of the garbage that our tax money goes toward is a sin. why should we have to pay for bilingual schools? when we go to another country are they going to teach us in our language? same for bullsh*t legislature like this as well. lets worry about the real problems we face and not critiquing the Pledge of Alligence. this country is turning into a bunch of friggin herbs.
tailgater Offline
#19 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
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Steve, you are correct. The Pledge remains the foundation to profess one's Patriotism with or without the words in question. But to remove the words in the name of a rights violation is not only ridiculous, it is inaccurate. The words, therefore, must remain if for nothing more than to stymie this Liberal bull****. Life ain't perfect, people can be offended without it being a Federal Case.
jjohnson28 Offline
#20 Posted:
Joined: 09-12-2000
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Todog took the words right out of my mouth.Oh and Rick,I'm not so sure you do know.
#21 Posted:
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jjohnson28 know what?---a son growing up in his father's dress making business wants to go to college. his father says you can't go, you don't know what's what. one day he enters the models dressing room and finds a model naked. he looks at her groin and says "what's that." the model says "what's what." the son answers "i don't know. if i knew what's what i'd be in college."
JonR Offline
#22 Posted:
Joined: 02-19-2002
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I read this thread to my niece's dog (a two old Pug ) and I could see by his eyes that he was totaly offended , therefore I demand that all these words be removed immediately if not sooner or else I will have no recourse but to take my case to the Supreme Court . LOL JonR
jjohnson28 Offline
#23 Posted:
Joined: 09-12-2000
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Know what else? If you were "a son growing up in his father's dress" You could easily win a scholarship at UC Berkeley or be Grandfathered in.Har har har...
Charlie Offline
#24 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
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If you are a disident or stand against the United States of America, then you are opening invited to attend UC Berkely! Sad but true..........Charlie
SteveS Offline
#25 Posted:
Joined: 01-13-2002
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The entire city of Berkeley is beneath contempt in my opinion ... I am boycotting all businesses in that city after their congresswoman cast the sole vote against taking action following 9/11 and the city officials one-upped her by removing the flags from city vehicles (including police cars and fire engines) as being "too militaristic" ... I know my boycott is strictly symbolic ... they won't miss my money, and I have no illusions that I'm somehow hurting them, but it makes ME feel good ...
Charlie Offline
#26 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
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Berkeley is the only city in USA that doesn't have American Flags on their firetrucks! Too bad we can't just send the entire mess city, university, men women and children and all to the Middle East! Let them deal with the liberal leftist, tree hugging and radical mentality of Berkeley! Charlie
#27 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248
SteveS ---you are doing exactly what you should do.
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