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Last post 10 years ago by tailgater. 119 replies replies.
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average repubicon. ---hard to believe such stupidity exists
#1 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248
Texas Republican Says He Wants to Ban Abortion Because ...

Fetuses Masturbate?

The comments came as the House of Representatives prepared to debate

a bill that would outlaw all abortions past 20 weeks of pregnancy.
#2 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248
god gave us two hands, one to pleasure ourself the other

to fast forward or pause the porn we are watching
ZRX1200 Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
Posts: 60,731
Which hand ptotects them from the scissors Rick?
rfenst Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 06-23-2007
Posts: 39,601
ZRX1200 wrote:
Which hand ptotects them from the scissors Rick?

We all know how you feel about abortion.
Don't you think the reasoning is a little flawed (if true)?
dpnewell Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 03-16-2009
Posts: 7,491
rfenst wrote:
We all know how you feel about abortion.
Don't you think the reasoning is a little flawed (if true)?

Robert, you're a lawyer, so please explain the logic behind this. If a pregnant women is run into by a drunk driver, or is shot during a crime, or is beaten by some pig, and she loses her baby, the responsible party can be charged with murder, correct? Yet the same women can legally have a doctor chop her baby into pieces.

So, is that how we determine if the unborn is a human life or not? If the mother wants the child, it's a human life protected by law, and if she doesn't, it's just a fetus that can be legally terminated? It just doesn't seem logical to me.

Again, correct me if I have this wrong, but I've heard many times, when a mother lost the baby she wanted, the responsible party being charged with murder or manslaughter. Yet a doctor or clinic can do the same thing, and it's just a legal "medical procedure".
borndead1 Offline
#6 Posted:
Joined: 11-07-2006
Posts: 5,216
20 weeks is a good compromise.

There has to be compromise on this issue or we will still be fighting about it 100 years from now.
rfenst Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 06-23-2007
Posts: 39,601
dpnewell wrote:
Robert, you're a lawyer, so please explain the logic behind this. If a pregnant women is run into by a drunk driver, or is shot during a crime, or is beaten by some pig, and she loses her baby, the responsible party can be charged with murder, correct? Yet the same women can legally have a doctor chop her baby into pieces.

So, is that how we determine if the unborn is a human life or not? If the mother wants the child, it's a human life protected by law, and if she doesn't, it's just a fetus that can be legally terminated? It just doesn't seem logical to me.

Again, correct me if I have this wrong, but I've heard many times, when a mother lost the baby she wanted, the responsible party being charged with murder or manslaughter. Yet a doctor or clinic can do the same thing, and it's just a legal "medical procedure".

We all know how you feel about abortion.
Don't you think the OP reasoning is a little flawed (if true)?
rfenst Offline
#8 Posted:
Joined: 06-23-2007
Posts: 39,601
borndead1 wrote:
20 weeks is a good compromise.

There has to be compromise on this issue or we will still be fighting about it 100 years from now.

There will never be a compromise on this issue. It is already centuries old and nothing about the debate will ever change in this country. I don't begrudge anyone on either side. Looks like I stepped in a pile of dog-poop by laughing at the reasoning...
ZRX1200 Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
Posts: 60,731
Robert that was sarcasm aimed at my dear Uncle Rick's baited hook....

No I don't support abortion. But I also don't believe my personal beliefs should all be law.

20 weeks is MORE than reasonable. An abortion never saves the mothers life, and how many DON'T know up till 5 MONTHS?

Ricks pre-birth masturbation use to highlight absurdity is lost on me after naming this "typical".
borndead1 Offline
#10 Posted:
Joined: 11-07-2006
Posts: 5,216
rfenst wrote:
There will never be a compromise on this issue. It is already centuries old and nothing about the debate will ever change in this country. I don't begrudge anyone on either side. Looks like I stepped in a pile of dog-poop by laughing at the reasoning...

I think compromise is possible. Most Americans actually have moderate views on abortion. It's the extremists on both sides who need to STFU and get real.
ZRX1200 Offline
#11 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
Posts: 60,731
^ they garner juicy headlines.

Reasoning? Calibrate your sarcasm meter!
jackconrad Offline
#12 Posted:
Joined: 06-09-2003
Posts: 67,461
If thinking Life is precious and giving a **** Then yes i am a Dumb Repooblican and i have NO INTEREST IN BEING A SMART (In thier own mind ) Liberal Murder Accomplice..
#13 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

listen to the repubican congresman speak on the floorand

you will see why i call it typical. " only a small number of rapes

resulst in pregnancy." a lie from a congressman who has no

idea what he is talking about.

"if a woman is raped her body has the ability to shut down the

potential pregnancy". totalo bull s h i t.

typical stupidity from and by repubicans..

do you think their god wants angels in heaven to lower the average iq?
wheelrite Offline
#14 Posted:
Joined: 11-01-2006
Posts: 50,119

2 points,

#1, All Abortion is Murder, regardless of how the pregnancy took place.

#2 You are really old an can no longer impregnate anyone, so why do you care ?

just sayin,,

ZRX1200 Offline
#15 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
Posts: 60,731
Rick what you're talking about is just asinine.

There's nothing there to debate.

And their God creates them in His image I don't believe angels have any proxy over intelligence capabilities or adjustments. And I don't believe in low iq segregation, it's the most prolific diversity in the world.

#16 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

i think in a moment of clearity, rare indeed, you

have solved the entire abortion problem.

instead of women hiring hitmen to kill their

husbands for the insurance money or

because divorce is so messy, she can hire

drivers to pretend they were drunk, hit her

right in the womb and flee the scene. an

unfortunate hit and run.

"Again, correct me if I have this wrong, but

I've heard many times, when a mother lost

the baby she wanted, the responsible party

being charged with murder or manslaughter."

you are lying through your teeth, you can't

point to one reference where you heard that

or read that, assuming you can read.

are you running for congress?
ZRX1200 Offline
#17 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
Posts: 60,731
Back alley hit n run OUTRAGE!
dpnewell Offline
#18 Posted:
Joined: 03-16-2009
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rfenst wrote:
We all know how you feel about abortion.
Don't you think the OP reasoning is a little flawed (if true)?

Actually, I very rarely can even understand what Rick tries to say (it makes my head hurt), so most of the time I don't even try. Going back and reading the OP, I have to agree with you.

I really wish someone could answer my question though, on how the termination of the same life can be considered murder in one incident, and perfectly legal in another.
dpnewell Offline
#19 Posted:
Joined: 03-16-2009
Posts: 7,491
Way to go, Rick. Robert, who is a lawyer did not refute my question, yet you call me a liar. At one time, I used to think there was some hope for you.

Here you go, Ricky Poo. A link to Connecticut Law that states that an attacker that kills a pregnant women, can also be charged with the murder of her unborn child. This was after a few second search. If I took my time, I bet I could find dozens more.

Still want to call be a liar? It's amazing how you start foaming at the mouth, when ever someone talks about protecting the unborn.
rfenst Offline
#20 Posted:
Joined: 06-23-2007
Posts: 39,601
wheelrite wrote:

2 points,

#1, All Abortion is Murder, regardless of how the pregnancy took place.

#2 You are really old an can no longer impregnate anyone, so why do you care ?

just sayin,,


You been testing his **** from your dress...?
#21 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248
dpnewell 15?

hope for what? i need nothing, i want nothing except to see my

grandson continue his mental growth. he printed his name when

his mothr bought a card thanking me for his present on his

second birthday.

top that mofo
dpnewell Offline
#22 Posted:
Joined: 03-16-2009
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I prove to you that I am not a liar, and that my statement was true, and what is your response? You curse me out. Typical.
jackconrad Offline
#23 Posted:
Joined: 06-09-2003
Posts: 67,461
dpnewell 15?

hope for what? i need nothing, i want nothing except to see my

grandson continue his mental growth. he printed his name when

his mothr bought a card thanking me for his present on his

second birthday.

top that mofo

Rick be thankful that your son married a good woman

Not all Grandparents are that lucky

They spend a lifetime in the anguish

Of losing thier gift from God

because the mother thought her happiness

was more important than the life she destroyed

and if you believe

she had that right

you are as guilty of MURDER

As she was

Millions of times
rfenst Offline
#24 Posted:
Joined: 06-23-2007
Posts: 39,601
dpnewell wrote:
Actually, I very rarely can even understand what Rick tries to say (it makes my head hurt), so most of the time I don't even try. Going back and reading the OP, I have to agree with you.

I really wish someone could answer my question though, on how the termination of the same life can be considered murder in one incident, and perfectly legal in another.

If you are looking for logic in the laws, you are looking in the wrong place. This is also a state by state issue/set of laws.
rfenst Offline
#25 Posted:
Joined: 06-23-2007
Posts: 39,601
dpnewell wrote:
Actually, I very rarely can even understand what Rick tries to say (it makes my head hurt), so most of the time I don't even try. Going back and reading the OP, I have to agree with you.

I really wish someone could answer my question though, on how the termination of the same life can be considered murder in one incident, and perfectly legal in another.

If you are looking for logic in the laws, you are looking in the wrong place. This is also a state by state issue/set of laws.
dpnewell Offline
#26 Posted:
Joined: 03-16-2009
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Oh, and by the way Ricky Poo, here is the guy's quote, as reported by the NY Daily News.

“Watch a sonogram of a 15-week baby, and they have movements that are purposeful,” Rep. Michael Burgess, a former obstetrician, said Tuesday.

They stroke their face. If they’re a male baby, they may have their hand between their legs. If they feel pleasure, why is it so hard to believe that they could feel pain,” he added."

Where does he actually say that babies masturbate? Once again, the left wing media has a knee jerk reaction, twist the truth, and blast outright lies everywhere, hoping that folks like you will believe their vile, and become outraged. Looks like their plan worked on you. NOW WHO'S THE LIAR, RICKY POO?!!!
teedubbya Offline
#27 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
Posts: 95,637
jackconrad wrote:

and if you believe

she had that right

you are as guilty of MURDER

As she was

Millions of times

F U C K You

And for the record they DO have the right. That is just a matter of fact at this point and time. It has nothing to do with approving of it or wanting it. The right exists as of now.

This is the type of comment that is part of the problem and I have zero respect for it.
jackconrad Offline
#28 Posted:
Joined: 06-09-2003
Posts: 67,461
Would you respect a comment that Kiss's political butt to satisfy your friends

Or one that respects Life and thinks the innocent are worth advocating
teedubbya Offline
#29 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
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jackconrad wrote:
Would you respect a comment that Kiss's political butt to satisfy your friends

Or one that respects Life and thinks the innocent are worth advocating

You can try to reframe things anyway you want. you just called rick and many others in here murderers which makes you a **** h e a d.

teedubbya Offline
#30 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
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I can respect the argument. I can respect both sides. I can't respect that sort of bull****
jackconrad Offline
#31 Posted:
Joined: 06-09-2003
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To each his own. I don't want to tell people how to live ..

But i can't apologize for the way i feel

or i would be lying
teedubbya Offline
#32 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
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Fine by me but you do tell people how to live. Don't mistake any of this as agreeing or disagreeing with Ricka.... it is just simply if you can't understand calling him and many others in here murderers based on your view of things than you are simply a **** head.
teedubbya Offline
#33 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
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Make no mistake I respect your opinion on the subject.... I actually more agree with it than disagree... but the minute you start calling people (who disagree) murderers you lose all credibility and are nothing more than a pile of **** on the side of the road.
DrafterX Offline
#34 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
Posts: 98,644
what would he have to do to become a pile of **** in the middle of the road..?? Huh
teedubbya Offline
#35 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
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DrafterX wrote:
what would he have to do to become a pile of **** in the middle of the road..?? Huh

prolly just have some redneck kick him or somethin
bloody spaniard Offline
#36 Posted:
Joined: 03-14-2003
Posts: 43,802
teedubbya wrote:
Fine by me but you do tell people how to live. Don't mistake any of this as agreeing or disagreeing with Ricka.... it is just simply if you can't understand calling him and many others in here murderers based on your view of things than you are simply a **** head.

teedubbya wrote:
Make no mistake I respect your opinion on the subject.... I actually more agree with it than disagree... but the minute you start calling people (who disagree) murderers you lose all credibility and are nothing more than a pile of **** on the side of the road.


I am awed by the airborne pirouettes of our fencepost Baryshnikoff. BRAVO!Applause

Anyone who destroys the life of an unborn human being IS a murderer. Anybody who condones it is either ignorant or at best a deluded collaborator IMO.
...but don't take it up with me, explain it to the Creator.

WTH is this thread about anyway? I was just captivated by TW's recent aerial hijinks.
tailgater Offline
#37 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
Posts: 26,187
dpnewell 15?

hope for what? i need nothing, i want nothing except to see my

grandson continue his mental growth. he printed his name when

his mothr bought a card thanking me for his present on his

second birthday.

top that mofo

Well, not to be a braggart, but I could write multi-syllable words while still in the womb.
Of course, I didn't have much time to do this. I was busy masturbating.

teedubbya Offline
#38 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
Posts: 95,637
bloody spaniard wrote:


Anyone who destroys the life of an unborn human being IS a murderer. Anybody who condones it is either ignorant or at best a deluded collaborator IMO.
...but don't take it up with me, explain it to the Creator.

I don't condone it but it is legal and they do have that right. I wish they would choose a different path, but they do have the right. That's the problem with living in this country some folks have the right to do things I don't condone or like. The Taliban would certainly put a stop to that. And yes they will have to take it up with their creator, as will those calling folks that have never taken a life murderers, and those acting on those words that take extreme action.

It's an unwinable argument in here or anywhere else. But to call Ricka or anyone in here a murderer is fucked up.
teedubbya Offline
#39 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
Posts: 95,637
Oh yea.... almost forgot

dpnewell Offline
#40 Posted:
Joined: 03-16-2009
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teedubbya wrote:
I don't condone it but it is legal and they do have that right. I wish they would choose a different path, but they do have the right. That's the problem with living in this country some folks have the right to do things I don't condone or like. The Taliban would certainly put a stop to that. And yes they will have to take it up with their creator, as will those calling folks that have never taken a life murderers, and those acting on those words that take extreme action.

It's an unwinable argument in here or anywhere else. But to call Ricka or anyone in here a murderer is ****ed up.

Agreed that it is for now, legal. Just because something is legal, does not make it right, nor does it make it moral. All through history, governments and societies have allowed, or even condoned "legal" acts that we today would consider barbaric. I wonder how future societies will look back on us? Will they view our allowing the killing of our unborn, as enlightened, or barbaric?
Buckwheat Offline
#41 Posted:
Joined: 04-15-2004
Posts: 12,251
Original sin? We are all born sinners.
teedubbya Offline
#42 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
Posts: 95,637
You may be correct on questioning the future but I disagree on the issue of right. As of now they do have the right to do it. That's just a fact.
teedubbya Offline
#43 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
Posts: 95,637
Misread your post and can't edit. Right vs the right. I don't think it's right but they do have the right.

There are lots of things I find morally wrong or not right that folks have the right to do. There are things I have the right to do that folks find wrong or morally incorrect. It's tough to live in a society where folks have freedom and it's easy to be selective where the line is drawn.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#44 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
god gave us two hands, one to pleasure ourself the other

to fast forward or pause the porn we are watching

Or the other one to paint the house or clean the joint up once a decade!!!!
#45 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

let me think about what you said.

20 weeks is a good compromize.

so it is ok to "murder" a fetus at 14 weeks

but a fetus growing in the womb, bred by an uncle who raped

his 14 year old niece and the fetus will be born without a head

and will die as soon as he is born, must be carried to full term,

unless the little girl reported it to the police, wasn't really raped

and she must carry this headless fetus until it is born to die.

i'll have to think a little more about your compromise
DrafterX Offline
#46 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
Posts: 98,644
with further stem cell research that little fetus could have a head waiting for it at birth.... Mellow
#47 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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i'm sorry i make your head hurt. i assure you it is not intentional.
borndead1 Offline
#48 Posted:
Joined: 11-07-2006
Posts: 5,216

let me think about what you said.

20 weeks is a good compromize.

so it is ok to "murder" a fetus at 14 weeks

but a fetus growing in the womb, bred by an uncle who raped

his 14 year old niece and the fetus will be born without a head

and will die as soon as he is born, must be carried to full term,

unless the little girl reported it to the police, wasn't really raped

and she must carry this headless fetus until it is born to die.

i'll have to think a little more about your compromise

Rick, the key word is "compromise". As long as people on both sides are unwilling to compromise, there will be no progress on the issue. As long as we live in a representative democracy, abortion will never be 100% legal or 100% illegal anywhere. The only solution is compromise. Yes, 20 weeks is a good compromise.

The hardcore anti-abortionists believe that life begins at conception. While this is technically true, if you want to legislate from that point of view, it would make the morning after pill illegal, in vitro fertilization illegal, stem cell research illegal, and would force rape victims to give birth to their rapists' babies. So the hardcore anti-abortionists need to compromise and move a little toward the center.

The hardcore pro-abortionists believe that a woman should be able to get an abortion at any time, even after the point that the fetus could survive outside the mother's womb. Many of them also believe abortions should be free and that taxpayer money should pay for them. So they need to compromise and move a little toward the center.

And hypothetical scenario arguments are lame.
teedubbya Offline
#49 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
Posts: 95,637
A compromise is not possible.
wheelrite Offline
#50 Posted:
Joined: 11-01-2006
Posts: 50,119

let me think about what you said.

20 weeks is a good compromize.

so it is ok to "murder" a fetus at 14 weeks

but a fetus growing in the womb, bred by an uncle who raped

his 14 year old niece and the fetus will be born without a head

and will die as soon as he is born, must be carried to full term,

unless the little girl reported it to the police, wasn't really raped

and she must carry this headless fetus until it is born to die.

i'll have to think a little more about your compromise

you are a senile commie idiot,,,

The unborn human cares not how it was conceived,,,,

It deserves a life.

It might conjure up a cure for senility,,

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