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Last post 10 years ago by Brewha. 29 replies replies.
religious controversy?
ZRX1200 Offline
#1 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
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1500 Year Old Bible Claims Jesus Christ Was Not Crucified –Vatican In Awe

Much to the dismay of the Vatican, an approx. 1500-2000 year old bible was found in Turkey, in the Ethnography Museum of Ankara.

Discovered and kept secret in the year 2000, the book contains the Gospel of Barnabas – a disciple of Christ – which shows that Jesus was not crucified, nor was he the son of God, but a Prophet. The book also calls Apostle Paul “The Impostor”. The book also claims that Jesus ascended to heaven alive, and that Judas Iscariot was crucified in his place.

A report by The National Turk says that the Bible was seized from a gang of smugglers in a Mediterranean-area operation. The report states the gang was charged with smuggling antiquities, illegal excavations, and the possession of explosives. The books itself is valued as high as 40 Million Turkish Liras (approx. 28 mil. Dollars). Man, where is the Thieves Guild, when you need them?


According to reports, experts and religious authorities in Tehram insist that the book is original. The book itself is written with gold lettering, onto loosely-tied leather in Aramaic, the language of Jesus Christ.

The text maintains a vision similar to Islam, contradicting the New Testament’s teachings of Christianity. Jesus also foresees the coming of the Prophet Muhammad, who would found Islam 700 years later.

It is believed that, during the Council of Nicea, the Catholic Church hand-picked the gospels that form the Bible as we know it today; omitting the Gospel of Barnabas (among many others) in favor of the four canonical gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Many biblical texts have begun to surface over time, including those of the Dead Sea and Gnostic Gospels; but this book especially, seems to worry the Vatican.

The Catholic Church wants in

What does this mean to Christian-derived religions and their followers? Quite a tight spot. The Vatican has asked Turkish authorities to let them examine the contents of the book within the Church. Now that the book has been found, will they come to accept the it and its evidence? Will they deny it altogether? Call it a “Muslim lie”, as did the “Truth” Magazine, in 2000?

To many, this book is a beacon of hope, that believers soon realize that the object of their adoration is arbitrary; and that all text, especially religious text, is subject to interpretation.

What does this mean to atheists/agnostics/secular thinkers? Is the text real? Fake? Does it matter? Hopefully, this news inspires the religious to ask questions, instead of pointing fingers or believing anything blindly.

Please, don’t go poking fun or tossing around the “I told you so!”s. The biggest danger of faith is when people believe what they want to believe, defending against any and all evidence; especially when that evidence revolutionizes their foundation from the ground up. And the biggest culprit to that danger is the ego trap: rejecting/criticizing others, for being unlike you.

For centuries, the “defense” of blind faith has driven nations to war, violence, discrimination, slavery and to become the society of automatons that we are today; and for just as long, it has been justified with lies. If you know better, act like it.

This article originally appeared on Sons on the Pyre
Abrignac Offline
#2 Posted:
Joined: 02-24-2012
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This'll get interesting.
Burner02 Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 12-21-2010
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Abrignac wrote:
This'll get interesting.


But have trouble believing anything out of Tehran, past, current or future.
Buckwheat Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 04-15-2004
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No controversy. Who cares what some text written centuries after the fact has to say? You either have faith or you don't. I do find these texts to be interesting from a historical perspective. fog
Gene363 Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 01-24-2003
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I was done when I got to this part:

According to reports, experts and religious authorities in Tehram insist that the book is original.

(Tehran capital of iran)
HockeyDad Offline
#6 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
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Buckwheat wrote:
No controversy. Who cares what some text written centuries after the fact has to say? You either have faith or you don't. I do find these texts to be interesting from a historical perspective. fog

That remind me of a Wham! song. Or was that George Michael.
ZRX1200 Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
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Gene what about the implications of the Vatican altering the bible?
Gene363 Offline
#8 Posted:
Joined: 01-24-2003
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ZRX1200 wrote:
Gene what about the implications of the Vatican altering the bible?

Old news, the Bible is the word of God as written and edited, by the hand of man.

IMO, arguing about various details of the Bible, dates, evolution, etc, is a waste of time and servers only to distance us from the message in the Bible. These arguments are also used as a 'blunt instrument' by atheists to undermine the message and by various religions as a litmus test for membership in their particular religion (gang).
Mr Roso Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 09-05-2013
Posts: 384
Gene363 wrote:
Old news, the Bible is the word of God as written and edited, by the hand of man.

IMO, arguing about various details of the Bible, dates, evolution, etc, is a waste of time and servers only to distance us from the message in the Bible. These arguments are also used as a 'blunt instrument' by atheists to undermine the message and by various religions as a litmus test for membership in their particular religion (gang).

Um, ok? Someone has to get out and read more.
ZRX1200 Offline
#10 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
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I don't disagree with Gene about athiests, but the shocker to me is the Vatican controlling editing of what's in the bible. If true how is that NOT a huge deal?
Gene363 Offline
#11 Posted:
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ZRX1200 wrote:
I don't disagree with Gene about athiests, but the shocker to me is the Vatican controlling editing of what's in the bible. If true how is that NOT a huge deal?

No more shocking than the King (Of England) James version.
Gene363 Offline
#12 Posted:
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FWIW, I knew an atheist back in the BBS days before the Internet. He felt we had made a huge mistake removing what are commonly called 'Christian values' from schools. In spite of religious 'baggage' the Ten Commandments and other biblical rules are valid. Unfortunately the gang fighting between atheists and organized religion is detrimental to all.
Gene363 Offline
#13 Posted:
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ZRX1200 wrote:
I don't disagree with Gene about athiests, but the shocker to me is the Vatican controlling editing of what's in the bible. If true how is that NOT a huge deal?

There have been many translations and interpretations of biblical texts after it was first recorded, before that it was passed along orally.

I know it's that online encyclopedia, but check out the list and history if the Bible here:


Depends on your definition of "versions" -- MOST historians, theologians, Pastors, Priests, and Scholars wouldn't say versions at all, they would say "translations"

You see the bible started as a compilation of texts from 2 primary sources.
1) Jewish historical record, translated from Hebrew into Greek, in what is called the Septuagint
2) the Compilation of the Gospel accounts of the Apostles which were ALSO in Greek.

So you see the Bible was, in its rawest form, written in Greek. Before it was canonized and even CALLED "The Bible" it was just a bunch of letters and books by a group of Jesus's followers called "the apostles."
So GREEK is the original bible.
Some may say that the Old Testament was written in Hebrew..but that isn't really an accurate statement for a couple of reasons.. For 1 thing, the Jews never referred to their historical record as the Old Testament. Secondily, The bible isn't a Jewish book, it is a Christian book and the Christians based their OT on the Greek translation of the Hebrew history BEFORE it was canonized. The Jew's canonized their history around 100BC, but the Greek Translation was made just before that.

SO the bible is essentially a Greek document, historically speaking.

The Canon of the bible was closed off from changes around 397AD, AFTER that time, there has been nearly Zero changes. This is because in many cases originals exist of what was officially canonized and even some before that, therefore Modern bible translators can go BACK to the original Greek and study it to make sure there are no alterations.

The FIRST major translation of the bible was from Greek into Latin. This was done by the Catholic church and it is easy to see that it was done accurately, because we can go back and compare it to the Greek.
This was done in after Latin replaced Greek as the major language spoken by most people, especially Scholars and Business men.

The Bible remained in Latin for many centuries, though "unofficial" translations were made into other languages. Some even done by Catholic monks in the 700-800s. - Such was the case in Romania and Slovakia

Around the 1300 and 1400s, the New Testament portion of the bible was translated into English.

Now I said "nearly zero" changes, because there are at least 3 very well documented changes to the official canon of the bible.
1) around the mid-1500s, Martin Luther added at least 1 word to a few verses in the bible dealing with faith. He added the word "alone" to some verses, making them read "faith alone" - when the original Greek never had that in it. - Luckily Martin Luther's "corrections" have been removed from the bible translations we have today.
2) Around the 1600s, the Basis for the Old Testament was changed from the Greek Septuagint to the Hebrew Tanakh, thus moving 7 books from the OT to the Appendix in the back of most bibles in the process. The Catholic church to this day, STILL holds to the original canon it created in 397AD, which includes the 7 disputed books.
3) Those 7 books which hung out in the appendix of most bibles were completely removed from most bibles around the 1800s.

So these 3 changes are the only alterations to the bible which it has undergone. We haven't really lost anything because the Catholic church still adheres to its original canon, so the 7 books can still be found. AND the alterations that Martin Luther made, have been removed.

SO, there are Translations of the Bible, but not really different versions, unless you claim the Catholic canon and the Protestant canon to be different versions, in which case their are then 2.

As far as different Bibles... there are MANY. Each one translating the text slightly differently to make it more clear to the reader, updating the language a bit since few of us speak old-english, latin, or greek.
All translations can be reviewed by scholars, compared to the original Greek, etc.

The tranlsations I am aware of are:

I will say THIS...

The King James Version is not really a TRUE translation but a compilation of translations, as the people which the King of England commissioned to create it were not Biblical scholars so they stole heavily from the Coverdale, Wycliff, Latin Vulgate, Septuagint, and other sources to create their bible. Scholars have thoroughly picked it apart and found countless translational errors in it. PLUS it is written in old-english, so other then sounding holy, with all its thy and thous, in it, it is a really bad version to go by UNLESS you already KNOW the bible fairly well and won't get tripped up by its awkward wording.

The Douay Rheims bible is often times overlooked. It is a Catholic translation into English, follows the original canon, which includes the 7 books of the apocrypha, AND pre-dates the King James version, without the same errors and old english writing style. Unfortunately, most people don't know about it.

frankj1 Offline
#14 Posted:
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not to nit pick, but Jews would not have coined the term "Old" Testament for obvious reasons...
Gene363 Offline
#15 Posted:
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frankj1 wrote:
not to nit pick, but Jews would not have coined the term "Old" Testament for obvious reasons...

Point. The Torah.
Mr Roso Offline
#16 Posted:
Joined: 09-05-2013
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Gene363 wrote:

Unfortunately the gang fighting between atheists and organized religion is detrimental to all.

Not if Reason prevails in the end and religious tales are classified for what they are - myths.
ZRX1200 Offline
#17 Posted:
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That's not nice.
Mr Roso Offline
#18 Posted:
Joined: 09-05-2013
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Who, me? Just sharing my point of view, just like those on this thread.
edin508 Offline
#19 Posted:
Joined: 06-19-2012
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But true.
Gene363 Offline
#20 Posted:
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Mr Roso wrote:
Not if Reason prevails in the end and religious tales are classified for what they are - myths.

What was it you said, oh yes, this:

Mr Roso wrote:
Um, ok? Someone has to get out and read more.

cacman Offline
#21 Posted:
Joined: 07-03-2010
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A book, whether it be the Bible, Koran, or Dr. Suess' Green Eggs & Ham, does not dictate a person's faith.
It's been a well known fact the Vatican is full of itself.
Buckwheat Offline
#22 Posted:
Joined: 04-15-2004
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cacman wrote:
A book, whether it be the Bible, Koran, or Dr. Suess' Green Eggs & Ham, does not dictate a person's faith.
It's been a well known fact the Vatican is full of itself.


The Vatican doesn't have exclusive rights on being full of itself. Angel
Brewha Offline
#23 Posted:
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Mr Roso wrote:
Not if Reason prevails in the end and religious tales are classified for what they are - myths.

Well if you want to call a spade a spade, I think you're ignoring the endemic need for religion. Never mind who Constantine canonized or if he was right - it doesn't matter.
Frederick Nietzsche said it best; if there was no God it would be necessary to create him.
jetblasted Offline
#24 Posted:
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I don't know the whole list, but apparently there is a long list of gospels that never made it into the final version.

The Gospel of Thomas is probably the most famous one . . .
Brewha Offline
#25 Posted:
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The Apocrypha. The Council of Nicaea through them out.

Hey, somebody's got to edit God's will.
ZRX1200 Offline
#26 Posted:
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Brewha Offline
#27 Posted:
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I reckon it's a matter of point of view.
teedubbya Offline
#28 Posted:
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Klaatu Barada Nikto
Brewha Offline
#29 Posted:
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Tito jermaine latoya
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