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Last post 8 years ago by DrafterX. 58 replies replies.
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government declares 22 Clinton emails top secret.
Speyside Offline
#1 Posted:
Joined: 03-16-2015
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Could this be the smoking gun?
pdxstogieman Offline
#2 Posted:
Joined: 10-04-2007
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Speyside wrote:
Could this be the smoking gun?

No. It's clearly Fed Gubmint overreach. God told me so.
tonygraz Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 08-11-2008
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Now or when originally sent or received ?
Burner02 Offline
#4 Posted:
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tonygraz wrote:
Now or when originally sent or received ?

You would not know the truth if it hit you between the eyes.
cacman Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 07-03-2010
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Speyside wrote:
Could this be the smoking gun?

According to Hilldog, she is a victim and this is just another Republican attack on her character.

As she continues to state, she did not send or receive any "confidential" or "top secret" emails, but that doesn't mean her staff didn't (especially Huma). And that doesn't include Hilldog telling her staff to "copy & paste" from the SAP.

She should be in fuggin jail instead of running for president. The fact that she is still allowed to run is a slap in the American people's face and an indication of how corrupt our guberment really is.
bgz Offline
#6 Posted:
Joined: 07-29-2014
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I say let her win the primaries... the news will be flooded with her incompetence if she goes up against Trump.

She stands no chance.
CruzJ Offline
#7 Posted:
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tonygraz wrote:
Now or when originally sent or received ?
Gene363 Offline
#8 Posted:
Joined: 01-24-2003
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Speyside wrote:
Could this be the smoking gun?

Yes, even if the messages were originated by others. You are responsible for recognizing classification mistakes by others and taking specified action to safeguard classified content. This responsibility is above any other consideration, period.

Oh, and Hillary saying she wants the emails shown is public is a truly disingenuous and telling statement. She know they cannot due to the content of the emails.
Mikekoz13 Offline
#9 Posted:
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Gene363 wrote:
Yes, even if the messages were originated by others. You are responsible for recognizing classification mistakes by others and taking specified action to safeguard classified content. This responsibility is above any other consideration, period.

Oh, and Hillary saying she wants the emails shown is public is a truly disingenuous and telling statement. She know they cannot due to the content of the emails.

This is spot on. When one gets a clearance they know the rules and implications.
teedubbya Offline
#10 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
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Yup. But context and timing is also part of the equation and consequences may not be as harsh as some would like. Calls to have her in jail may be a little early and harsh and maybe a little hyperbole based on politics. Saying the only reason she isn't already in jail is the system is fixed blah blah blah is convenient if your view of guilt (regardless of where the process is or what evidence is there) is all that is important and due process isn't a concern.

If she is guilty she WILL pay for it dearly with a minimum of her aspirations going away. There are enough professionals working on this that if there is a solid case she won't slide. She is so divisive that for every person willing to slime for her there is another sliming against her. If there is a smoking gun there is no way it will slide by unused and ineffective. She has just as many or more powerful enemies as friends. And many of her friends won't fall on their sword for her. She's just not likeable even to her friends.

When there is no smoking gun that's when the politically blinded morons go crazy about she should be in jail what a world what a world. If there is one it will play out. And the later it players out in the process the better it is for the republicans. To those convinced at the beginning with no evidence or information at all none of this matters. She's guilty period. Anything short of that is a fix. Some know this approach isn't accurate but is convenient. Others don't know, actually believe, and are merely the idiotic sheep they accuse the other side as being.
teedubbya Offline
#11 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
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Honestly it behooves the republicans to keep this an open unresolved issue. Absent absolute proof the uncertainty and presumption of proof is their best tool. Many of people in this very forum believed the birthers for years no matter how stupid they looked. Some still do but they are beyond help and probably listen to that bob dude who thinks the world is flat. Their counterparts still think Cheney parachuted out right before the plane he was flying hit tower 1. It is amazing to me how politics blinds otherwise smart people. But then again it amazes me ho an NFL fan is convinced there is uncalled pass interference or holding against them every play but the refs are calling it way to tight against them.
frankj1 Offline
#12 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
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so, let me see if I understand you.
There is blue AND red koolaid?
teedubbya Offline
#13 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
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Yes. And there is always a prankster serving purple to the hale bop types.
tonygraz Offline
#14 Posted:
Joined: 08-11-2008
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Nice to see a voice of reason on this subject.
frankj1 Offline
#15 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
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what flavor would white koolaid be?

I'd be interested to see if red, white, and blue might work well together.
ZRX1200 Offline
#16 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
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She sure has suffered like Petreus.
Krazeehorse Offline
#17 Posted:
Joined: 04-09-2010
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Gene363 wrote:
Yes, even if the messages were originated by others. You are responsible for recognizing classification mistakes by others and taking specified action to safeguard classified content. This responsibility is above any other consideration, period.

Oh, and Hillary saying she wants the emails shown is public is a truly disingenuous and telling statement. She know they cannot due to the content of the emails.

Hey Hill, if the emails aren't classified and you want them made public just book yourself on another show and show us what you got.
DrafterX Offline
#18 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
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Blow jobs don't count... Mellow
cacman Offline
#19 Posted:
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Krazeehorse wrote:
Hey Hill, if the emails aren't classified and you want them made public just book yourself on another show and show us what you got.

Really don't want to see that it's a man underneath that pant suit…
drnos Offline
#20 Posted:
Joined: 10-29-2003
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I have not been following this too closely. Did she also have a secure email account that she used?

If not, then she is saying she NEVER received or sent any classified emails during her term?

And, TW, a person's grand aspirations should not mitigate the punishment. Losing the office of President is not punishment under the law.

Buckwheat Offline
#21 Posted:
Joined: 04-15-2004
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Business as usual in Washington. Nothing to see here. Time to move along. horse
teedubbya Offline
#22 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
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Drnos I agree and didn't say differently. The process needs to play out. If folks are saying anything short of jail is fixed at the beginning of the process their credibility is shot. It's like the crowd that says all formal or "traditional" sources are tainted or bunk so you must ignore them and follow the only real truth which is in a blog supporting my position. You can't argue with it because they've set up a false argument.

I hate Hillary, but believe if there is anything there she will get what she deserves. She has enough enemies she might get more than she deserves. There are just a group of people in here that will jump at anything and call it absolute fact and anything disputing their position is part of some grand conspiracy. It's sad really.
Burner02 Offline
#23 Posted:
Joined: 12-21-2010
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teedubbya wrote:
Drnos I agree and didn't say differently. The process needs to play out. If folks are saying anything short of jail is fixed at the beginning of the process their credibility is shot. It's like the crowd that says all formal or "traditional" sources are tainted or bunk so you must ignore them and follow the only real truth which is in a blog supporting my position. You can't argue with it because they've set up a false argument.

I hate Hillary, but believe if there is anything there she will get what she deserves. She has enough enemies she might get more than she deserves. There are just a group of people in here that will jump at anything and call it absolute fact and anything disputing their position is part of some grand conspiracy. It's sad really.

TW, have you ever been a job that required a security clearance, the handling of classified material by hand, computer and/or secure com line on a regular basis.
teedubbya Offline
#24 Posted:
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blackfoot11 Offline
#25 Posted:
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Every year my company, (which is very large, nation wide), requires info and privacy testing with curriculum. Absolutely no confidential company information will make its way to a personal anything. Punishment by termination, and depending on how sensitive, by law, and there are no exceptions. This is very strict.

I find it hard to believe she had nuthin'. Possible but doubtful.

Time will tell.
Burner02 Offline
#26 Posted:
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teedubbya wrote:

I will take your answer meaning that you did more than just have a clearance and handle classified material once a year.

With that being a given, do you feel that Hill could have handled her duties as Secretary of State by using a personal server and not broken any number of classified/COMSEC protocols?

I for one think it is impossible.
dstieger Offline
#27 Posted:
Joined: 06-22-2007
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I'm more concerned with the motive for using private email server in the first place. I get that she absolutely should know if information is top secret whether its marked or not -- and thus, handle it appropriately. I also get that info classification can be a very messy business. Further, I get that sometimes official email channels can be be a tremendous PITA and a real obstacle to getting work done and that just about anyone who uses government email has at one time or another conducted some amount (generally very small amount) of business with personal email. But I still do NOT get why Clinton was operating wholly outside state department IT. The only thing that I keep coming back to was intent to circumvent FOIA. And, if that's the case, I find it more serious than any of the other issues...classified or not.
rfenst Online
#28 Posted:
Joined: 06-23-2007
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Buckwheat wrote:
Business as usual in Washington. Nothing to see here. Time to move along. horse

teedubbya Offline
#29 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
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Burner02 wrote:
I will take your answer meaning that you did more than just have a clearance and handle classified material once a year.

With that being a given, do you feel that Hill could have handled her duties as Secretary of State by using a personal server and not broken any number of classified/COMSEC protocols?

I for one think it is impossible.

I think neither of us has the information required to make the determination and pity people that have already decided and think any decision other than the one they think is the correct one is a fix.

I personally think this is going to get her, but I like you, don't have the information needed to say so with certainty. Nothing I've said indicated I think she didn't do anything wrong, and won't be held accountable. I think if she did something wrong she will be held accountable. I'm just always amused by those that know the answer at the beginning of the process with no real information.
teddyballgame Offline
#30 Posted:
Joined: 09-16-2015
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Well, she wasn't held accountable in the Benghazi incident.....

but then again she really didn't "do" anything, so maybe the argument "if she did something wrong, she will be held accountable" doesn't really apply in my example.
teedubbya Offline
#31 Posted:
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And your information has her guilty.
Krazeehorse Offline
#32 Posted:
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teedubbya wrote:

I hate Hillary, but believe if there is anything there she will get what she deserves.

Like Bill did when he lied to a grand jury?
teedubbya Offline
#33 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
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Good lord. If they are that good at getting their way and putting the fix in then I want them in office. Honestly I think she is an evil succubis but it is amazing the paranoid fantasy land around them.
jjanecka Offline
#34 Posted:
Joined: 12-08-2015
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All they have to do is find a couple ssn's from a few veterans to slap her with sensitive violation charges. I'm sure those are pretty abundant in contrast to the blatant top secret level emails that are sure to exist. At the very least they can pop her with a couple hundred grand plus jailtime for sensitive level information. It's definitely a possibility.
teedubbya Offline
#35 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
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This is actually one I think could have legs. But we'll have to see. Some in here think all of the "scandals" have legs and if they don't take off the fix is in. Alex Jones loves those people.
teedubbya Offline
#36 Posted:
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Jjanecka that could happen, but I'm not sure why a cabin ate head would ever receive SSNs. I think it may go deeper than that though. We'll see.

True story - The Bush White House was throwing an event in KC (red dress charity). They collected all the names and SSNs of everyone that we're going to attend for background checks etc. They used the same list for other purposes and accidentally email blasted the list out with the SSNs. No repercussions, no outrage.
teddyballgame Offline
#37 Posted:
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teedubbya wrote:
And your information has her guilty.

So, Hillary has no responsibility in the 4 deaths in Benghazi?

She did nothing to help secure that mess before or send help during.

But lets not hold her accountable, she was only the Sec of State.

That damned video!

...and now there is that damned movie.
rfenst Online
#38 Posted:
Joined: 06-23-2007
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If Hillary loses, she will be pardoned. End of story.
frankj1 Offline
#39 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
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"cabin ate head" is my new answer to everything.
victor809 Offline
#40 Posted:
Joined: 10-14-2011
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Hang on... Are we now citing Michael Bay movies as factual representations? Because that means there's transformers....
teddyballgame Offline
#41 Posted:
Joined: 09-16-2015
Posts: 592 transformers aren't real.
Gene363 Offline
#42 Posted:
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teedubbya wrote:
Jjanecka that could happen, but I'm not sure why a cabin ate head would ever receive SSNs. I think it may go deeper than that though. We'll see.

True story - The Bush White House was throwing an event in KC (red dress charity). They collected all the names and SSNs of everyone that we're going to attend for background checks etc. They used the same list for other purposes and accidentally email blasted the list out with the SSNs. No repercussions, no outrage.

It's bad, but it isn't the same. Very different rules for personal data versus for state secrets. There is also a difference between inadvertent exposure data, your example and the intentional mishandling of classified data.
teedubbya Offline
#43 Posted:
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I was responding to the previous post regarding SSNs and it was intentionally sent with no regard to the data. Different than inadvertent. It was secret service data.

We don't know what hill dog had or didn't or if she forwarded on etc. that's my point but it's wasted in here. It will play out.

I personally hope it takes her down but somehow that gets lost by suggesting we wait for facts.

I heard Obama wasn't born here and stuff.
frankj1 Offline
#44 Posted:
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teedubbya wrote:
I was responding to the previous post regarding SSNs and it was intentionally sent with no regard to the data. Different than inadvertent. It was secret service data.

We don't know what hill dog had or didn't or if she forwarded on etc. that's my point but it's wasted in here. It will play out.

I personally hope it takes her down but somehow that gets lost by suggesting we wait for facts.

I heard Obama wasn't born here and stuff.

so, you would prefer Americans actually value the institutions that define us, actually value the pillars of our society that sometimes has us send our young to death overseas in order that these pillars be preserved, actually value the system of justice that affords even the lowest among us to not be railroaded by a rush to judgement, and allow the process to follow the same deliberate course we would all want for ourselves even before being charged with a crime?

You. sir, are like a idiot.

As am I.
teedubbya Offline
#45 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
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I nominate you as a cabin ate head
frankj1 Offline
#46 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
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you really pay attention.
tonygraz Offline
#47 Posted:
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rfenst wrote:
If Hillary loses, she will be pardoned. End of story.

No doubt about it, glad someone finally said it.
Burner02 Offline
#48 Posted:
Joined: 12-21-2010
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tonygraz wrote:
No doubt about it, glad someone finally said it.

Don't give a crap about a pardon as long as she is not Commander in Chief.
DrafterX Offline
#49 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
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tonygraz wrote:
No doubt about it, glad someone finally said it.

Gene363 Offline
#50 Posted:
Joined: 01-24-2003
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Burner02 wrote:
Don't give a crap about a pardon as long as she is not Commander in Chief.

True true..
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