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Last post 4 years ago by Brewha. 43 replies replies.
Just voted in the primaries with my wife
fishinguitarman Offline
#1 Posted:
Joined: 07-29-2006
Posts: 69,157
TRUMP 2020!!!

All Republicans!!!

NO socialists and NO commucrats

Who was in office in 2008 for the Great Recession??
Who was the VP?πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
frankj1 Offline
#2 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
Posts: 44,310
fishinguitarman wrote:
TRUMP 2020!!!

All Republicans!!!

NO socialists and NO commucrats

Who was in office in 2008 for the Great Recession??
Who was the VP?πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

Ray, seriously?
Who was in office in 2008 that started our now 11 year run?
That was the year the damage created by President Cheney began to get fixed.
fishinguitarman Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 07-29-2006
Posts: 69,157
Hey I was just asking
delta1 Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 11-23-2011
Posts: 28,889
you have to stop listening to the con's revisionist history, Ray...

the Great Recession started in 2007, when the housing bubble burst and the unregulated financial industry melted down due to the sub-prime mortgage the end of 2007, the US govt, under POTUS GW Bush and VP D Cheney had to request help from Congress to use $700 Billion of taxpayer money to keep the financial sector afloat...the recession continued into 2008, as people who bought homes with encouragement from greedy unregulated financial institutions, who knowingly made bad loans using subprime mortgages, defaulted on their loans and millions of homes went into foreclosure...Bush was still POTUS and Cheney VP in 2008...

they did not leave office until early 2009, when Obama and Biden, who won election in November 2008, were inaugurated a Dem POTUS Obama and Dem VP Biden had to rescue a free-falling US economy that they inherited from a GOP administration who left office after a disastrous war of choice and idly standing by as an unregulated financial industry nearly collapsed the world economy...
rfenst Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 06-23-2007
Posts: 39,733
^ This.
jjanecka Offline
#6 Posted:
Joined: 12-08-2015
Posts: 4,334
Even Bush said in the middle of his term during one of the state of the union addresses that the economy was going to crash. He said he would try to soften the blow and delay it as long as he could. Held true to his promise.
Buckwheat Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 04-15-2004
Posts: 12,251
fishinguitarman wrote:
TRUMP 2020!!!

All Republicans!!!

NO socialists and NO commucrats

Who was in office in 2008 for the Great Recession??
Who was the VP?πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

Even though I disagree with you politically; I support and will defend your right to freely vote for whomever you choose to vote for. Applause

It has always disappointed me to see people throw away one of the hard won keys of our system of self governance. fog
delta1 Offline
#8 Posted:
Joined: 11-23-2011
Posts: 28,889
yes...and I am hoping that this doesn't happen again in 2020, where low voter turn-out helped to usher in a man who was clearly unfit for the job...

in his three+ years, he's proven to most everyone but his die-hard base that he's not competent for the office, so if large numbers of voters sit on the couch again in November 2020, we will deserve another 4 years...
deadeyedick Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 03-13-2003
Posts: 17,264
delta1 wrote:
you have to stop listening to the con's revisionist history, Ray...

the Great Recession started in 2007, when the housing bubble burst and the unregulated financial industry melted down due to the sub-prime mortgage the end of 2007, the US govt, under POTUS GW Bush and VP D Cheney had to request help from Congress to use $700 Billion of taxpayer money to keep the financial sector afloat...the recession continued into 2008, as people who bought homes with encouragement from greedy unregulated financial institutions, who knowingly made bad loans using subprime mortgages, defaulted on their loans and millions of homes went into foreclosure...Bush was still POTUS and Cheney VP in 2008...

they did not leave office until early 2009, when Obama and Biden, who won election in November 2008, were inaugurated a Dem POTUS Obama and Dem VP Biden had to rescue a free-falling US economy that they inherited from a GOP administration who left office after a disastrous war of choice and idly standing by as an unregulated financial industry nearly collapsed the world economy...

Exactly what the left has been spouting for years. I'm just not sure how those greedy banks made all these poor people sign for those loans. Gun to their head I suppose. Surly there was no greed on the part of the people who signed up for more expensive houses in anticipation of increased valuations and in thousands of cases falsified their incomes to get them. But I guess there should be no individual responsibility when there is those big corporations that can be blamed.
MACS Offline
#10 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
Posts: 80,100
^^Wasn't it Al Franken and the Dems who pushed that Fannie Mae / Freddie Mac gov't takeover?

Which purported that housing loans should be given to everyone? Or at least the bar lowered? Which CAUSED the whole gods damned housing market collapse?

Yeah... I seem to recall that's how it went. Fortunately for me, I bought my house in 1999 and the boom/bust/boom has been really good for me. Beer
Mrs. dpnewell Offline
#11 Posted:
Joined: 08-23-2014
Posts: 1,373
From a 2008 Time Magazine article.

"President Clinton's tenure was characterized by economic prosperity and financial deregulation, which in many ways set the stage for the excesses of recent years. Among his biggest strokes of free-wheeling capitalism was the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, which repealed the Glass-Steagall Act, a cornerstone of Depression-era regulation. He also signed the Commodity Futures Modernization Act, which exempted credit-default swaps from regulation. In 1995 Clinton loosened housing rules by rewriting the Community Reinvestment Act, which put added pressure on banks to lend in low-income neighborhoods. It is the subject of heated political and scholarly debate whether any of these moves are to blame for our troubles, but they certainly played a role in creating a permissive lending environment."

Bush tried to revise this, but was met with accusations of racism from House and Senate Democrats.
frankj1 Offline
#12 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
Posts: 44,310
deadeyedick wrote:
Exactly what the left has been spouting for years. I'm just not sure how those greedy banks made all these poor people sign for those loans. Gun to their head I suppose. Surly there was no greed on the part of the people who signed up for more expensive houses in anticipation of increased valuations and in thousands of cases falsified their incomes to get them. But I guess there should be no individual responsibility when there is those big corporations that can be blamed.

a huge amount of those devastated by these loans and the entire sections of inner cities where they lived had been illegally red lined for decades. A large part of Reagan's fake economic "recovery" had nothing to do with tangible products or goods but rather with unwise easing of credit...we may not have lost homes, but we still pay for his folly.

it's one thing to make purchasing, home improvement, and consolidation loans available to neighborhoods previously and shamefully not allowed to participate in what they, like other Americans, had worked hard to earn, but it's another to "fix" that inequity by removing all risk for lenders (that risk was transferred to the rest of us) and even allowing banks previously restricted from entering the residential loan arena to be all in. Greed was good for the country! All could now participate in the American Dream.

But there was no downside for lenders. Zero. NO RISK, NO DOWNSIDE! Trickle down mofo's. Take the money, lend it out, if they pay you win. If they don't pay you don't lose. Evict them and auction the property and we'll make up the difference or you may make a profit! If you were a lender, this was a wet dream. Find a way to say "yes", fark due diligence, just approve them!

We all got played.

Most Americans blame the victims..."no one made them do it". I actually get it. But it's an assumption based on superficial knowledge of what went on behind the scenes. It's not stupidity, it's lack of information of how the money industry worked while untethered and without oversight. It's why I want Warren to remain a senator and not move to the White House...she is the champion in this fight.

Ever gone decades without a chance to borrow a nickle and all of a sudden have someone use whiteout on your W-2 to "qualify" you? And worse? Yeah, most have no idea what I'm talking about. The applicants didn't create false income documents, the pros did and the applicants didn't even know it.

Oh, here's another one no one else knows about while they blame the victims...instead of the standard loan-to-value formulas in effect for years to regulate, control and prevent lenders from using predatory not allowing mortgaging beyond 80% of residential value...The Reagan Administration allowed loans up to 110% of appraisals...and the appraisers were on the take! Still blaming the victims? Hang on...Property values WENT DOWN! They went down even more for those homes with fake appraisals. Can't Happen Here, borrowers were told, real estate ALWAYS goes up...until it doesn't.

Borrowers may have been naive but the banks/lenders fudged the numbers so severely that no average person could have known what all the values really should have been. Like buying a car but on steroids! Based on the appraisal of 100K you can borrow up to 110K, and have a payment for 1 year/3 years/5 years at a APR below market...until the loan is due in full. Oh, then you just convert it to a conventional mortgage...well yah most of your payments went to interest and now your appraisal is too low to support a new just lost your home, but the siding looks great!

Yup, some of you can't follow these terms, and you haven't gone 4 decades being excluded from borrowing even though you have good credit.

A large percentage of the loans that resulted in foreclosures (the banks didn't lose a penny) were balloon notes that were like time release disasters. I don't have the energy to explain that right now, but if you don't know what it means and how it worked, I'd like to come by after dinner and show you and the little woman how you can pay off your credit cards and your car loan, get your house covered in carefree vinyl siding, new windows and a free roof! while saving you hundreds a month...and I might be able to put a little cash in your pocket.

How's that sound? Great! I'll be back tonight at 7:00.
MACS Offline
#13 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
Posts: 80,100

This part is simple math. Lemme aks you a question, bruh.

I know you ain't good wif numbahs... but loan people are, right? If loan people... if they don't wanna loan you no money... they have a damn good reason, right? Because they WANT to loan money to earn the interest.

Now I ask you... seriously. Do you think banks would take on loans they KNEW would default... on purpose? (rhetorical... f*ck no, that'd be stupid)

Why did they do it? Why did banks loan money to clearly unqualified people?

*No hint will be provided... *cough Al Franken*

Now... even so...

Whose responsibility is it, ultimately, to pay a loan that they signed for? (once again, rhetorical)
deadeyedick Offline
#14 Posted:
Joined: 03-13-2003
Posts: 17,264
I'm not saying there was no predatory lending, redlining, balloon mortgages, etc. I'm saying the whole disaster was a combination of players that worked to a perfect storm. Greedy people on all sides.

I personally saw some of my friends gamble big time on funny mortgages they knew they had no way of paying because they intended to flip the houses for a big profit before they came due. Hell, prices were escalating at 30% a year in many places. These were not financially gullible, uneducated. They were college grads playing the system. Once the housing market tanked and they were under water enough, they threw the keys on the counter and walked away. Cost them a bad credit score for years but that is all that happened to them.

I have never heard Sanders or Warren once say anyone but the evil banks had any responsibility.
frankj1 Offline
#15 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
Posts: 44,310
MACS wrote:

This part is simple math. Lemme aks you a question, bruh.

I know you ain't good wif numbahs... but loan people are, right? If loan people... if they don't wanna loan you no money... they have a damn good reason, right? Because they WANT to loan money to earn the interest.

Now I ask you... seriously. Do you think banks would take on loans they KNEW would default... on purpose? (rhetorical... f*ck no, that'd be stupid)

Why did they do it? Why did banks loan money to clearly unqualified people?

*No hint will be provided... *cough Al Franken*

Now... even so...

Whose responsibility is it, ultimately, to pay a loan that they signed for? (once again, rhetorical)

I lied when I said I'm not gud wif numbahs. Actually had a couple jobs that were closely tied to financing/loans/mortgages.

But yes, I do actually believe and personally know of lenders who made those loans...the answer to "why" is they no longer needed to be careful, risk had been removed under Reagan.

Before the removal of regulations, banks would be badly hurt by defaults. But that was no longer an issue because you and I would pay for those tons of good and bad money was pumped into the streets, much at high risk to us but not to lenders, and Reagan got to enjoy the benefits of American's going on a spending spree by claiming he had fixed the economy...without any goods being produced, but by freeing up unregulated cash.
frankj1 Offline
#16 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
Posts: 44,310
deadeyedick wrote:
I'm not saying there was no predatory lending, redlining, balloon mortgages, etc. I'm saying the whole disaster was a combination of players that worked to a perfect storm. Greedy people on all sides.

I personally saw some of my friends gamble big time on funny mortgages they knew they had no way of paying because they intended to flip the houses for a big profit before they came due. Hell, prices were escalating at 30% a year in many places. These were not financially gullible, uneducated. They were college grads playing the system. Once the housing market tanked and they were under water enough, they threw the keys on the counter and walked away. Cost them a bad credit score for years but that is all that happened to them.

I have never heard Sanders or Warren once say anyone but the evil banks had any responsibility.

I know I quoted your post but really was not going after you specifically.

Greed is an interesting player. The secret to a successful con man is his ability to uncover and nurture greed in his target, enlist them in his special-for-them-but-only-good-tonight/don't tell others about this offer. So, yes, you are absolutely correct that it wasn't all one way, and Warren/Sanders are telling half the story...well, maybe a little more than half!

People who had money took shots on investment properties and did walk away with bruised credit, but owner occupied mortgages that were funny were the real shame and pain of that era.

Were your friends involved with Keating?
DrMaddVibe Offline
#17 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,798
deadeyedick wrote:
I'm not saying there was no predatory lending, redlining, balloon mortgages, etc. I'm saying the whole disaster was a combination of players that worked to a perfect storm. Greedy people on all sides.

I personally saw some of my friends gamble big time on funny mortgages they knew they had no way of paying because they intended to flip the houses for a big profit before they came due. Hell, prices were escalating at 30% a year in many places. These were not financially gullible, uneducated. They were college grads playing the system. Once the housing market tanked and they were under water enough, they threw the keys on the counter and walked away. Cost them a bad credit score for years but that is all that happened to them.

I have never heard Sanders or Warren once say anyone but the evil banks had any responsibility.

The movie "The Big Short" detailed this for snippet or quick brief. Brad Pitt's character in this movie is worth reading up on, Ben Hockett.

The documentary on PBS' show Frontline called "Breaking the Bank" gathered it all together.

To get to your last point...yes. People should've gone to prison. Sadly, all it did was show that there are different rules that apply to the wealthy.

Warren was Chair of the Congressional Oversight Panel too! 51:46 of the video above. Yeah.
deadeyedick Offline
#18 Posted:
Joined: 03-13-2003
Posts: 17,264
frankj1 wrote:
I know I quoted your post but really was not going after you specifically.

Greed is an interesting player. The secret to a successful con man is his ability to uncover and nurture greed in his target, enlist them in his special-for-them-but-only-good-tonight/don't tell others about this offer. So, yes, you are absolutely correct that it wasn't all one way, and Warren/Sanders are telling half the story...well, maybe a little more than half!

People who had money took shots on investment properties and did walk away with bruised credit, but owner occupied mortgages that were funny were the real shame and pain of that era.

Were your friends involved with Keating?

Keating was a personal friend of one of my best buddies. Az has a sordid history of speculation as many places do.
izonfire Offline
#19 Posted:
Joined: 12-09-2013
Posts: 8,730
Actuarially, the banks knew all along...
DrMaddVibe Offline
#20 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,798
izonfire wrote:
Actuarially, the banks knew all along...
Frying pan Frying pan Frying pan

How do you make money disappear? Put it in a bank!whip
frankj1 Offline
#21 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
Posts: 44,310
deadeyedick wrote:
Keating was a personal friend of one of my best buddies. Az has a sordid history of speculation as many places do.

it was certainly more than Keating, his gang got a lot of the notoriety did GHW Bush's son Neil with Silverado.
But thousands of smaller players did plenty of damage too.

I knew of a fellow, used his own money and became a "private lender". His stated goal was to end up with a load of homes, mostly 3-deckers, that he planned to rent out until the market recovered then sell off and be wealthy beyond imagination.

He literally started off by going door to door offering to "help" people in financial straits, all they needed to do was agree to some home improvement, maybe new porches or get the flat roof done, and he would finance it all including money to pay off their bills...and he then filed mortgages on all of the properties, mostly balloon notes.

His plan worked. Somehow he was able to live with what he had done. He was a scumbag even before he hatched his scheme.
delta1 Offline
#22 Posted:
Joined: 11-23-2011
Posts: 28,889
MACS wrote:

This part is simple math. Lemme aks you a question, bruh.

I know you ain't good wif numbahs... but loan people are, right? If loan people... if they don't wanna loan you no money... they have a damn good reason, right? Because they WANT to loan money to earn the interest.

Now I ask you... seriously. Do you think banks would take on loans they KNEW would default... on purpose? (rhetorical... f*ck no, that'd be stupid)

Why did they do it? Why did banks loan money to clearly unqualified people?

*No hint will be provided... *cough Al Franken*

Now... even so...

Whose responsibility is it, ultimately, to pay a loan that they signed for? (once again, rhetorical)

plenty of blame to go around but...

You are missing the power dynamics in this whole scenario that led to the finance collapse. If you operated any other business besides loaning money, say the grocery business, would you tell your employees to offer steep discounts on your prime produce to the poorest customers who walked through the doors? Would a demanding poor customer be given a bag of groceries he couldn't pay for?

Hells no...but that's what the mortgage lenders did, because someone invented a new way to profit from reselling those ridiculous was called mortgage backed securities...

the original lenders had no intention of hanging onto these knowingly bad loans and waiting to see if they would default...they knew they would, so why do the loans? because poor Mr. Smith lied about his income and begged to buy a house and needed the loan? no...they've been refusing lending to those peeps from the beginning of lending...

so why do them? because they planned to palm them off as gold to some other company, who would greedily buy them because they were fraudulently rated as A+ securities...companies like Lehman Brothers and Bear Stearns (those two giants of the industry collapsed and failed) and Deutsche Bank

sure, there were plenty of poor people who falsely said they had more income, and signed for loans they should've stayed away from...their greed let them be sold by the lender, who told them their income would go up and the house's equity would go up so that'll help pay the loan when the rate kicked in.... and.... you can also re-finance again and again...

so who was in the driver's seat and deserves more of the credit here?
frankj1 Offline
#23 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
Posts: 44,310
delta1 wrote:
plenty of blame to go around but...

You are missing the power dynamics in this whole scenario that led to the finance collapse. If you operated any other business besides loaning money, say the grocery business, would you tell your employees to offer steep discounts on your prime produce to the poorest customers who walked through the doors? Would a demanding poor customer be given a bag of groceries he couldn't pay for?

Hells no...but that's what the mortgage lenders did, because someone invented a new way to profit from reselling those ridiculous was called mortgage backed securities...

the original lenders had no intention of hanging onto these knowingly bad loans and waiting to see if they would default...they knew they would, so why do the loans? because poor Mr. Smith lied about his income and begged to buy a house and needed the loan? no...they've been refusing lending to those peeps from the beginning of lending...

so why do them? because they planned to palm them off as gold to some other company, who would greedily buy them because they were fraudulently rated as A+ securities...companies like Lehman Brothers and Bear Stearns (those two giants of the industry collapsed and failed) and Deutsche Bank

sure, there were plenty of poor people who falsely said they had more income, and signed for loans they should've stayed away from...their greed let them be sold by the lender, who told them their income would go up and the house's equity would go up so that'll help pay the loan when the rate kicked in.... and.... you can also re-finance again and again...

so who was in the driver's seat and deserves more of the credit here?

I didn't have the energy to go beyond the original mortgage lenders...

always found it beyond interesting that the Vice Prez son happened to be in the industry that Reagan helped while everyone else suffered so much...makes the Biden/Ukraine nonsense look like petty theft.
Hard to recall outrage from the conservatives when Neil Bush became infamous
delta1 Offline
#24 Posted:
Joined: 11-23-2011
Posts: 28,889
cons are predictable in their defense of unscrupulous, even criminal, business practices by big corporations and willing to shift the blame for whatever catastrophes result on to the poor, uneducated and unsophisticated consumer...or worse, to the tax-payers as a whole

sure there's caveat emptor, but that generally applies when both the buyer and seller are in roughly equal positions...

as practiced today, the seller has such a huge advantage in knowledge and experience, it has become so easy to fool the average consumer that regulated capitalism has become the norm...the power of persuasion/marketing/advertising is very strong, giving the corporate seller a tremendous edge in any transaction...

couple that with a legal judicial system designed to protect corporations and a governmental process that allows them to write their own legislation and here we are
izonfire Offline
#25 Posted:
Joined: 12-09-2013
Posts: 8,730
You're not implying that the system's rigged, are ya???
delta1 Offline
#26 Posted:
Joined: 11-23-2011
Posts: 28,889
ummmm....depends on who you ask...

funny tho...cons say we should fear the big government...libs say we should fear big business....

don't look now, but they are more alike than different...
izonfire Offline
#27 Posted:
Joined: 12-09-2013
Posts: 8,730
delta1 wrote:
ummmm....depends on who you ask...

funny tho...cons say we should fear the big government...libs say we should fear big business....

don't look now, but they are more alike than different...

Brewha Offline
#28 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2010
Posts: 12,269
Wait... I thought big business selected and paid for the people who run the govmut. That's why they get such good tax breaks.
fishinguitarman Offline
#29 Posted:
Joined: 07-29-2006
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That would be the Sanders Way
Brewha Offline
#30 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2010
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Colonel Sanders?
RMAN4443 Offline
#31 Posted:
Joined: 09-29-2016
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until further notice, KFC will no longer be "Finger Lickin' Good"...d'oh!
fishinguitarman Offline
#32 Posted:
Joined: 07-29-2006
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Biden is
Brewha Offline
#33 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2010
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fishinguitarman wrote:
Biden is

..finger licking good????




Speak to the hand
fishinguitarman Offline
#34 Posted:
Joined: 07-29-2006
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No pedos or socialcraps
Brewha Offline
#35 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2010
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I heard Trump qualifies as a socialcrap....
izonfire Offline
#36 Posted:
Joined: 12-09-2013
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fishinguitarman wrote:
Biden is

Brewha wrote:
..finger licking good????




Speak to the hand

Just don't let him touch your children...
fishinguitarman Offline
#37 Posted:
Joined: 07-29-2006
Posts: 69,157
Yeah he’s lower than a snakes belly in a wagon rut
delta1 Offline
#38 Posted:
Joined: 11-23-2011
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O yeah? you lying dog faced pony soldier!
fishinguitarman Offline
#39 Posted:
Joined: 07-29-2006
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Am not you low crawlin skunk smellin weasel!
delta1 Offline
#40 Posted:
Joined: 11-23-2011
Posts: 28,889
don't you ever say I'm low!
DrMaddVibe Offline
#41 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,798
So...2 more voters for the President. Florida made sure to make him the GOPs defacto candidate.

The DNC is a terrorist organization.

fishinguitarman Offline
#42 Posted:
Joined: 07-29-2006
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Low low low low low
Brewha Offline
#43 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2010
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....It's the intellectuals and their rarefied banter.

That's why I read Cbid and always will.
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