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Last post 21 years ago by tarheel4lyf. 21 replies replies.
Dealing with the Influx of Newbies
SteveS Offline
#1 Posted:
Joined: 01-13-2002
Posts: 8,751
As was speculated when that other board suddenly shut down recently, we're seeing a large influx of newbies ... they, however, don't see themselves as newbies inasmuch as they're experienced cigar smokers, many of whom have made purchases here without posting on this board ... many of them are good guys and will be welcome additions to the group ... but a few have made posts that clearly hint at the sort of problems that caused the other site to be closed.

We should welcome those who make positive contributions ... but I think we should totally ignore the posts and responses of those who have low-class, negative things to say. As a group, let's make no response whatsoever to anything they have to say and bore them to death ... let them find some other venue in which to spout their idiotic rantings ... a good example of what I'm talking about can be seen in a thread jazzman started today in which he asked what everyone was smoking for Christmas ... don't offer any response at all ... ignore this type of post ... pretend it doesn't exist and soon it won't ...
E-Chick Offline
#2 Posted:
Joined: 06-15-2002
Posts: 4,877

And you thought you had it bad with me!?

My advice for any "fish & bait" newbies is this...take a number, I'm the resident trouble maker here...and they can *barely* handle me! And I'm a mild smoke...
LongAshes2u Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 12-12-2002
Posts: 46
Please don't get me wrong being a newbie and all, and I have not been to any other boards. So... I could have the etiquette wrong here, Didn't E-chickity get a ROYAL reaming for posting on the WRONG BOARD?????

Just pointing out that this thread should have been posted on the MISC. board???

Slim back me up on this one. huh? J/J ;)

SteveS, I respect your advice and Knowledge and agree with what you stated here.

Danny Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 06-21-2002
Posts: 613
you're right Steve. Next time, I'll bite my tongue, uh keyboard
huskey Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 11-09-2001
Posts: 275
SteveS, referring to the same post you are ..I did wonder why someone would post a comment on a cigar board on Christmas Day and make fun of other people because they were posting about cigars on Christmas Day???? Of course after being called out on his idiotic post he did say it was just a joke.

Did you notice he also posted on the trade board?
Now there is a person I want to trade with.

His address is probably--
Mr. SmartAss
123 Dickhead Lane
****, USA

Sorry SteveS I forgot to be polite.
Tobasco Offline
#6 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2003
Posts: 2,809
Steve, are we speaking of Dezblows?(Hehehe!) If so, yes that was not acceptable, in my opinion. I will not respond to posts of that nature.
Besides that, dont you think a newbie should build a little repore with the group before comming on in that way? I realize he said he was kidding, but you dont "start off" like that.


[email protected] Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2002
Posts: 9,719

- you're not a mild smoke ...

... you're wrapper is just coming undone and your filler is spilling out in your posts ....
SteveS Offline
#8 Posted:
Joined: 01-13-2002
Posts: 8,751
I just think that whether it's that guy or any other of that sort, if we simply ignore them and carry on as if they and their posts weren't there, that they won't be here long ... I don't mean to imply we should ignore all newbies ... whether a week ago, a month ago, a year ago or more, we were all "newbies" at SOME point ... and as Mag says, once a guy has established himself and built some rapport with the others in the goup, joking in even what might be thought of as a heavy-handed manner is recognized as a joke ...

Frankly, I DID go on that "other" recently closed board some ... but not nearly as much as here because of the nature of too many of the postings ... in another thread, I mentioned having met a lot of regulars on that board in person at our SF/EB Herf last month ... those I spoke with were decent guys that we'd welcome with open arms into this "family", but I thought the comment one of their most prolific posters made to me was revealing ... when I commented that I recognized his "screen name" and had seen a lot of his posts, he laughed and said "oh, yes ... I recognize you too ... you're one of the REASONABLE guys" ... yet here, I'm as guilty as most anyone for "thread-jacking" and for off the wall comments and jokes .. I've defended that sort of practice too, saying it was the nature of normal in-person conversations to take a diversion from topic and go off on tangents and didn't see why it should be different here ... I'll stand by that viewpoint, too ... IMO, there's no harm in a bit of humor or off the wall comments ... I just don't want to see our forum sink into some abyss of plain and simple BS ...

So, as we get newbies posting here, we SHOULD remain cordial to those whose words reveal them to be reasonable, fellow lovers of the leaf who're here for an exchange of thoughts and knowledge related to cigars and accessories, posts on trades and on misc topics such as sports and politics .. I think the best way to deal with the UNreasonable is to totally ignore them ... what they want is to provoke a reaction and to stir the pot ... don't engage them in dialogue ... pretend they just don't even exist and their posts are utterly invisible ... don't take them on, freeze their butts out ... show them how utterly insignificant they and their BS really are by completely ignoring them and the vast majority of them will give up and go away ... the few hard cases that can't or won't take a hint will stick out like the sore thumbs they really are and will be dealt with by Gonz with a few strokes of his magic keyboard ...
Tobasco Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2003
Posts: 2,809
Steve, nice speach! Also thanks for getting the spelling right for "rapport". Im embarrassed, I wasnt even close! I figured you guys would get the message though, thanks!

SteveS Offline
#10 Posted:
Joined: 01-13-2002
Posts: 8,751
Don't be embarrased ... I got your message and didn't even think about it when I wrote what I did ... besides, if I ran my own posts through a spell checker, I'd be a bit red-faced on all too many occasions myself ... I see ALL my mis-spellings and typos after the fact ... make so many, I've come to the conclusion I'm taking on some sort of keyboard dislexia ... it's incredible how much back-spacing I already do and how much more I SHOULD be doing ... LOL ...
Lowman Offline
#11 Posted:
Joined: 12-03-2002
Posts: 6,982
As for me, newbie to the board but I've been smoking cigars for about 6 years and love to learn as much as possible. I like to read the posts and get some valuable information. I like to talk cigars to anyone that will listen. Hopefully, I can share some of my growing knowledge.

PS, I didn't smoke a cigar on x-mas day. Too much traveling and visiting but I WILL make up for it!!
mhollowa Offline
#12 Posted:
Joined: 10-03-2001
Posts: 517
I knew a guy once who walked around with an AM/FM transitor radio in his pants back-pocket. He had carried it around so much that like a square dippin' box all his pants had a faded impression of it. That radio was always turned on and constantly changing channels as he moved. I thought the guy was crazy and never took anything he said or anything I heard when I was around him seriously. But he was harmless.
dogrocket Offline
#13 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2002
Posts: 5
I am glad I read your post. I always wondered who invented cigars. Now I know. DR
Slimboli Offline
#14 Posted:
Joined: 07-09-2000
Posts: 16,139
My input on this?

... we should all show that we respect the boards, the folks here, and the guidelines set out by our hosts (and can still have fun with our ribbing). We must show, by our actions, that we have made these forums the high caliber cigar forums that they have become, and we still can have a lot of fun doing it. It's a work in progress ...

If we don't show the class of people we are, by setting an expample ... then they will follow in our footsteps. Different forums have their own lives, and this one may be run a little different that what they are use to ... so it may take a little time, and some 'soft' reminders.

LongAshes2u was correct in his statement, this thread should have been generated on the 'Miscellaneous Board'. There has to be some resemblence of order ... or it just turns into a heterogeneous mixure of disassoiated threads.

I agree with SteveS that we should just ignore the jerks, who's sole purpose at these BB's is just to disrupt and cause dissension ... they will soon get bored, and either go away ... or join in the camaraderie that we all share here.
Charlie Offline
#15 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
Posts: 39,751
Steve is right in asking or suggesting to ignore the jerks, such as the one that responded to the Christmas Cigar posting, in such a wise and all knowing manner! It is difficult to let cheap shots go, but I will attempt restraint when it comes to dealing with the "newcomers"! We have always welcomed newbies or newcomers as long as they play by the rules of the CI board...........fine, let us all make welcome to the influx and hope that they have some good additional thoughts to bat around!

rayder1 Offline
#16 Posted:
Joined: 06-02-2002
Posts: 2,226
Absolute agreement. I have found myself in a similar bind (recently). It is hard not to defend one's politics, upbringing or career but it seems too easy here to insult one's politics, upbringing and career.

I'll join Steve in ignoring those who use this site as an outlet of their own misery.

Lets keep it fun and remember to post in the proper forums (heheh):-P

E-Chick Offline
#17 Posted:
Joined: 06-15-2002
Posts: 4,877
ok...too many disparaging "jerk" remarks here...JK [big grin w/eyebrows raised]!

I have to agree with Steve (thanks for watching my back and speaking up over the past year or so), Long (wow, thanks for the shout out, too!), and Slim here (we HAVE agreed to disagree, except for the fact that I agree with him here!)...ok I AGREE with you hug!

Can't stop the freakin' newbies, NOR the assinine posts by me and others...besides putting our foot in our mouth (some put it elsewhere) from time to time, we ALL make mistakes!!! Spelling, grammar, punctuation, and WHICH gosh-darned, mo-fo board to put it on...see! No filler spilling out!

I've been on my best behaviour lately...anyone noticed? Unlike SOME others here that obviously are having a good ride on me (don't forget that your hand never says no, Jimmy, when the missus does!)...LOL!
BMW Offline
#18 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 3,010
Steve, just think of all the free cigars coming your way!!!!

Just kidding, nice post.

jjohnson28 Offline
#19 Posted:
Joined: 09-12-2000
Posts: 7,914
Well OK. As long as I get to keep giving the regular guys/gals a bunch a crap when they deserve it...
Tobasco Offline
#20 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2003
Posts: 2,809
You talkin about Me again JJ? Hehehe!

Charlie Offline
#21 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
Posts: 39,751
Jim, you are great at dishing out rounds of crap and should not "spare the rod" on anybody!!! Whip em in line!

tarheel4lyf Offline
#22 Posted:
Joined: 09-23-2002
Posts: 2,543
it looks like Marla has a foot fetish
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