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I read something scary, here the other night.
Homebrew Offline
#1 Posted:
Joined: 02-11-2003
Posts: 11,885
The other night I was checking out some posts, and cam across a couple of posts that made me think of the Nazis of late 30's Germany. The only problem was, They were American.
They were laughing about taking over IRAQ, Making it the 51st state. The beginning of the American Empire.

Sounds Like Hess to me.
Very unamerican if you ask me.
And worse yet they consider themselves patriots, and enjoy bashing Liberals.
I am as conservative as it gets. I'm a Libertarian.
This country was not founded to be an Empire.
p.s. You guys know who you are.
usahog Offline
#2 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
That would be me I am thinking.. and how do you feel it is Un American?? it is posted all over from head to toe in these threads and on the news media as to whats going to happen to Iraq after the war? and Yes I was bashing Liberals as being Bashed myself...if they cannot Take it... Don't dish it Out!!!!

it's a Freedom of Speach just like the Dem. in office today/tomorrow... bashing the Bush Administration for there Stance on this Issue... instead of getting behind him and supporting the Troops....

I'm sorry if it Offended you Homebrew... but those were my feelings... and I'll dish it if I have to Take it...

Homebrew Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 02-11-2003
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Here's to freedom of speech.
But, the reason for the gulf war was an Imperialistic attack on Kuwait. You are calling for the making of an American Empire. Sounds Like the Nazi, and Japanese, propaganda of WWII.
First of all, I am not a Liberal. I also agree with alot of your posts, USAHOG. But one calling for an Expansion of the "American Empire" Geeze, listen to your self. Political extremism is bad for the country. Liberal or conservative.
You sir, are a little to the right of Attila the Hun.
Later Homebrew.
Homebrew Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 02-11-2003
Posts: 11,885
By the way,
Don't expect any more posts from me until Sunday night or Monday morning, I work 40 hours in 3 days. Every Fri, sat, and sunday.
Later Homebrew
tarheel4lyf Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 09-23-2002
Posts: 2,543
If you can't take a joke, perhaps you shouldn't be here. The majority of the posts made on this board are friendly joking amongst brethren (and E-Chick). Get over it.
tarheel4lyf Offline
#6 Posted:
Joined: 09-23-2002
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And by the way, I'll be over there, fighting for our way of life and your freedoms, all of them, while you are sitting home drinking tea and living carefree in the very environment that WE provide for you.
tarheel4lyf Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 09-23-2002
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So, roll that in your cigar leaf and smoke it.
jdrabinski Offline
#8 Posted:
Joined: 08-16-2002
Posts: 794

Uh, ok? Fighting in Iraq protects freedom of oil barons, not us peons. Last time I looked, there were not Iraqi battleships headed to the U.S. border. So don't overstate what you are doing there. You aren't protecting our country. Freedom of speech couldn't be further from what you are about to do. You are fighting a war for either a UN resolution or the interests of oil corporations (your choice; we've debated this here before).

tarheel4lyf Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 09-23-2002
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If the US military didn't participate in every conflict that was deemed as a personal agenda, there is no telling where the world would be today. Perhaps you would like to be living as a servant on some British Lord's land, starving while he throws out the feast that he didn't want anymore because his stomach was full, or because he passed out from all of the wine he had been drinking. Everything is part of a grander scheme. Narrow-mindedness will drive us all into the ground.
jdrabinski Offline
#10 Posted:
Joined: 08-16-2002
Posts: 794
Nope. I didn't say that, and I don't think it. It's just that this war is clearly not a pre-emptive, defensive war. Not by any stretch of the imagination.

tarheel4lyf Offline
#11 Posted:
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tailgater Offline
#12 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
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Simply because there are no Iraqi battleships heading our way doesn't mean that our armed forces overseas are not fighting for our freedom.
How simplistic and shortsighted of you.
And to suggest that he was "overstating" what he is doing over there? Well, THAT my friend is very UNAmerican.
You are showing your true colors. And they are not red, white and blue.
jdrabinski Offline
#13 Posted:
Joined: 08-16-2002
Posts: 794

OK, so being 'american' means blindly supporting whatever the President does? That's your insinuation here. I know you don't believe that. Admit it. Did you blindly support whatever Clinton did? No, you didn't.

Iraq is a third-world country. They aren't headed to our shores to take over the East Coast in any future you or I could imagine. That much I promise you.

Just because I said 'protecting our freedoms' was overstating the case, that does not mean there is not another way to argue for the nobility of the cause. Enforcing a UN resolution can be a noble cause; I just don't think it is in this case. But fighting for the oil industry's interests...that is fucked up and no one deserves to die for that. I worry that the latter is the case.

Don't accuse me of being unamerican unless you have some way of explaining yourself that isn't itself unamerican. Dissent is essential to democracy. Without dissent and disagreement, we'd have no democracy at all. So don't call my dissent unamerican. When you do, you look like a fascist.

This is my country just as much as it is yours. I am many generations invested in this country, so back don't have a corner on being american. I live here, love people here, love the landscapes and mountains and rivers here, feel at home here, this is my native culture and language, and so on. YOU are unamerican if you want to squash my dissent.

usahog Offline
#14 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
woooooooo John.. Take a Chil Pill man...

you are getting a little heated over there....

get some air and then come back and Debate the Issues here....

tailgater Offline
#15 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
Posts: 26,187
I'm not suggesting that "anti-war" = unAmerican.
I'm telling you point blank that claiming our troops overseas are not fighting for our freedom is unAmerican.
Our troops fight and die for America.
Germany never sent battleships to the shores of America. Why then did we fight them?
Don't oversimplify the issues at stake.
Our troops are indeed fighting for our freedoms.
This pending war is indeed about our protection. Not because Saddam is on his way. But because he will be if left unchecked.
A little foresight might prove beneficial.
I hope I've explained myself. You don't seem to understand much of what I say, or perhaps you simply ignore it. Either way, I'm not suggesting that you don't speak out. Simply that you remain objective.
Also, support doesn't have to equate to "blind support" as you suggest. My loyalty is based on what I see as the facts.
Protestors seem to think they are the only objective ones. THAT, is being blind.

tarheel4lyf Offline
#16 Posted:
Joined: 09-23-2002
Posts: 2,543
de·moc·ra·cy ( P ) Pronunciation Key (d-mkr-s)
n. pl. de·moc·ra·cies
Government by the people, exercised either directly or through elected representatives.
A political or social unit that has such a government.
The common people, considered as the primary source of political power.
Majority rule.
The principles of social equality and respect for the individual within a community.

dis·sent ( P ) Pronunciation Key (d-snt)
intr.v. dis·sent·ed, dis·sent·ing, dis·sents
To differ in opinion or feeling; disagree.
To withhold assent or approval.

Difference of opinion or feeling; disagreement.
The refusal to conform to the authority or doctrine of an established church; nonconformity.
Law. A justice's refusal to concur with the opinion of a majority, as on a higher court. Also called dissenting opinion.

The 2 terms have nothing to do with each other.
jdrabinski Offline
#17 Posted:
Joined: 08-16-2002
Posts: 794

I don't think our freedoms are being defended, directly or indirectly, by this war in Iraq. That doesn't make me unamerican at all. It is a different view of the war, and I suspect we'll never agree on this. Just because I don't think the soldiers are fighting 'for our freedom' doesn't mean I don't value their lives. To the contrary, I value them so much I don't want them to die for a cause I think is not right.


This is why dictionaries don't rule the world. I hate to pull the 'specialty' card here, but my writing and research is in theories of democracy. And all the theories have as an essential part the notion of dissent. Democracy, as we know, is more than a political system (certainly more than 'majority rule'...that is a definitional mistake). It is a way of life, a way a group of people live together. And we live together in a way that makes dissent necessary and essential to healthy political functioning. Do you think freedoms of speech and assembly are just thrown in there for fun? No, they aren't. I am not the hugest fan of the founding fathers as people (they were pretty bad people in many respects), but they were smart. They understood that democracy meant making room for dissent...thus the freedoms of speech and assembly. Dissent and democracy: they need each other.

Finally, usahog,

Dude, surely you know by now that things will get heated in the Miscellaneous debate forum. I gladly embrace the heat!

THL Offline
#18 Posted:
Joined: 10-22-2002
Posts: 3,044
News Flash, this just in.. we're not a democracy, we're a republic. And oh yeah, we're already an empire. Anyone know what's playing at the Coliseum this afternoon?
xrundog Offline
#19 Posted:
Joined: 01-17-2002
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We are a republican form of Government based on Democratic principles. Dissent is tied to democracy in that one ALWAYS has the right to disagree with one's Government and voice said disagreement whenever and wherever one pleases. In other forms of government that is often not the case. And now a prediction: The President will not pull the trigger without the backing of the UN. The UN resolution is at the heart of this issue. So how can 1 or 2 countries go off on their own to enforce a UN resolution if the UN does not endorse said action? Oh, it can be done. But that thars one slippery slope!
usahog Offline
#20 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
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Yep, and it's expected to cost US $40 billion.

SteveS Offline
#21 Posted:
Joined: 01-13-2002
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No Iraqi battleships will be headed for the east coast ... but not long ago, terrorists from that part of the world who were trained and fiananced in part fy Iraq DID strike at three targets on the east coast ... how many more targets in this country will they strike before the liberals in this country pull their heads out of their asses long enough to wake up and smell the coffee???

Dunno about the rest of you, but I see clearly that the time has come to take action now ...
jjohnson28 Offline
#22 Posted:
Joined: 09-12-2000
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Damn straight Steve and it took a man with the courage of GW to make it happen.He isn't really worried about popualrity polls,he dosen't really care if everybody likes him.There is a job to be done and he and his administration are going to do it.

Yo any of you libs want ot explain why there aint no terrorist **** going on here in the US for the last year and a half?

Thats cause we got em on the run boys...and thats a fact!

You fuggers can sit all high and mighty if you want to and don't worry your pansy arsed little heads about it,because there are people like GW,like Colin Powell,Like Condie Rice,Like Donald Rumsfeld,like USAHog,like Tarheel,Like Arkies son and all the rest of us that will support them.Carry on as you always will and demorilize this country further than you already have.You've had 40 years to change the world and as far as I can see you've done nothing but take it to the toilet.

Before you fly off the handle,I should tell you all a little something.You see I was a registered Democrat up until Clintons 2nd term although I voted for Reagan Twice and GW Sr once.I voted for Clinton once and trust me when I say ONLY ONCE!...LOL
jdrabinski Offline
#23 Posted:
Joined: 08-16-2002
Posts: 794
"You've had 40 years to change the world and as far as I can see you've done nothing but take it to the toilet."

By my count, the Republicans have been in the presidency for more than half of the past 40 years. Nixon/Ford (8), Reagan (8), Bush Sr. (4), and Bush Jr. (2). 22 of 40. And it is OUR fault that the world is ****, as you say?

Ha ha ha ha ha!!! Do your math before you make your point, bro! Nice try. Not this time. Some of us can count.

jjohnson28 Offline
#24 Posted:
Joined: 09-12-2000
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Sorry to disapoint you jdrabinski but the congress/ house and senate have been democratically controled for at least the last 40 years prior to 1988?

jjohnson28 Offline
#25 Posted:
Joined: 09-12-2000
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or was it 1994?

Bwahahahaha!!! Sorry jdrabinski get a life!
jdrabinski Offline
#26 Posted:
Joined: 08-16-2002
Posts: 794
Nice back pedal. You and I both know the President sets the agenda and gets pretty much what he wants. We both live here and have seen how things work. You are just pissed because I called you out on the 'last 40 years' remark.

Are you a super patriotic person? If so, please explain to me how you say 'this is the greatest country in the world' (I agree) AND say 'this country is in the toilet'(I don't agree).

If you think this is the greatest country, how could it also be in the toilet? I never get that. Please clarify.

I think this is a great country and it is not in the toilet. The economy sucks, I don't want us to go to war, and we have some social problems that need addressing...but 'in the toilet'? Huh?

jdrabinski Offline
#27 Posted:
Joined: 08-16-2002
Posts: 794
P.S.: get a life? What led you to believe that I don't have one? My life is pretty good.
usahog Offline
#28 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
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John I Believe he did say You are are taking it to the Toilet... if I am reading this right... You would be Plural and meaning You=Liberals

I see the Point headed to the Toilet...

Homebrew Offline
#29 Posted:
Joined: 02-11-2003
Posts: 11,885
Man, I love this place, This forum, this country, and all the freedoms we all enjoy. Just don't want to see war without the full support of the U.N. We can not rush the process. We cannot be percieved by the rest of the world as we now view the Nazis, and the Imperial japanese, or even how we view Saddam, my kid calls him Sadly Insane, he's 4.
It's just a matter of time before we have to take him out, but lets do it the legitimate way. If we go off as "Cowboys" History will judge us as harshly as we judge the nazis.
p.s. I just couldn't stay away. I might get 2 hours sleep before I have to go back to work for my last 14 hour day this weekend. F#@K
Tobasco Offline
#30 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2003
Posts: 2,809


I will be all over the place here.

First you don't believe that the war, is for security of this nation. That they are too far away to be a threat, and its all about oil. If a small terrorist group can do what happened on 9/11, don't you think that given the opportunity to attain technology to get a nuke over here, that Saddam wouldn't do it? I think he would. That is a future threat.

Second, we are allies of Israel. Don't you see the threat to them as being something to be concerned about? How many suicide bombings will it take? We cant ignore it, that's why we are allies. Why create alliances if you don't look after their security also?

Third, I don't really even care about the latest resolution. The earlier resolutions haven't been honored at all, so what makes you think that resolutions do anything at all. The UN is a joke! They are not a responsible authority of the world if they make a resolution and don't in-force it. I myself think we should get out of the UN. The UN is anti US.

Forth, you've talked about a majority rule isn't good politics, and that since the vote was close, that this administration should also represent the folks who didn't vote for him, tried to make him look like a dumb ass, and looked for any little thing to dig up to defame him. Yea right!

What about the promises made by Bush to his supporters to be elected. Those need to be addressed to be credible, or why do campaign platforms even matter?

Let me give you an example. If your party is Socialism, and there was an election with a Socialist, Democratic, and Republican party. And the election went like this: Socialists 35%, Dems 32%, Rep 33%.

Your wildest dream would have come true! Now, would you like it if your party had to represent the nation in a way that represents the out come of the vote in percentages? No!

With your theory, your party would only get to implement approximately one-third of its Agenda! You would be up in arms over this. You would believe that now is your chance to see your party make changes for the better, in your opinion. You would go for that? Now, tell the truth here because this is a tough pill to swallow. You would be in control, but still be a minority when you add the Dems & Rep views together.

The socialist party would do things their way, in my opinion. They wouldn't adopt the views of the other parties. If you believe that, you are being unrealistic.

Chew on those views a little. I look fwd to your response!


jjohnson28 Offline
#31 Posted:
Joined: 09-12-2000
Posts: 7,914
Sorry John but there was and is no back pedaling going on here except for your own.The House,Senate and basically the Supreme court has been Democratically contoled for as long as I care to remember.The fact of the matter is Congress makes the laws the Prez can only veto them or pass them in tact.Now this is the way it is and always has been as far as I can remember.No?

Now if your talking about how GW is playing the Dems and the rest of the UN like an old fiddle then we can talk.He's sitin back on the porch playin' turkey in the straw and the fuggin Dems,the rest of the world and the UN think they're listening to a Violin Concerto. God ya gotta love GW for that and I do.These fuggers wouldn't be doin **** right now just like Clinton until GW called thier bluff and you know it.You also can't stand it and you know it!

God Bless GW! We got these fuggers on the run and we aint gonna stop until they've have paid and paid dearly.You don't have to jump on the wagon here boys just get the F_ck out of the way and let the guys willin to do the job. DO IT! How simple is that?
jjohnson28 Offline
#32 Posted:
Joined: 09-12-2000
Posts: 7,914
Yo any of you libs want ot explain why there aint no terrorist **** going on here in the US for the last year and a half?
daveyg2 Offline
#33 Posted:
Joined: 04-24-2002
Posts: 288

2 questions for you so I can ask you a few more.

1) Where do you live (state)?
2) What exactly do you think this war we are about to have is exactly about?

cwilhelmi Offline
#34 Posted:
Joined: 07-24-2001
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jj - not a lib or a con, but there has been al queda activity throughout the world in the last 18 months. There have been no succesful attacks on the US, but I'm sure there's been attempts/plans, we're doing a better job of preventing them though. Getting people back in the intelligence business is one of the good things GWB is doing, this war could be his worst.

Do you really think these issues are black and white? You speak so vociferously against anyone who disagrees and act like their idiots because they think for themselves and have come to different conclusions. Or maybe I should just get in line and salute our leader, heil GWB, we don't need freedom just GWB; not likely... This isn't nazi germany yet, but it seems like you'd be happy if it was, round up all the libs and burn'em right, and while they're at it have all the gays and any other group that is different thrown in...

I think that it is not only our right, but our duty to constantly question those in power in order to maintian our freedoms and to make our country even better.
tailgater Offline
#35 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
Posts: 26,187
Opposition to the war is not the issue, at least not the issue that seems to rile up the whole gang.
Personal opinions are welcome. We are not sheep.
But to make blanket statements based on little or no facts, and to state these to be undeniable truths, well that is what prompts the animation within these threads.

"The US military is not fighting for our freedom, even indirectly". That's rubbish, and belittles the sacrifice by each and every soldier overseas.

"This is an oil war". Too simplistic. Is oil a factor? Yes. Because without oil, Saddam would have no leverage over countries like France. And they would have no moneys to build weapons (illegally). But it's only ONE piece to the puzzle.

Homebrew Offline
#36 Posted:
Joined: 02-11-2003
Posts: 11,885
Hey guys,
Has anyone looked at my original post? I think the thread has strayed from the original topic.
Homebrew @ Work
p.s. Hope I don't get in trouble for using the boses computer to check on the forums.
tarheel4lyf Offline
#37 Posted:
Joined: 09-23-2002
Posts: 2,543
This wouldn't be CBID if we didn't stray from the original topic......
smithbw Offline
#38 Posted:
Joined: 09-01-2001
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I am the last person that will advocate for War but in this case it is necessary. Suddam Hussein is a threat to the World not just to America. Yes, this War is about maintaining freedom. It is not about oil.

We, as a Nation, cannot sit idly by with this immense threat constantly hovering over our heads.

I chose to support a military action against Iraq. I support the warriors' if/when they are called upon to act for the preservation of World peace. We must maintain the freedoms that we all enjoy even if it means using the offensive powers of the Greatest Damn Armed Forces in the World.

Just my 2 cents.


osage Offline
#39 Posted:
Joined: 02-18-2001
Posts: 492
As to us not being attacked by Iraq... we weren't being attacked by al-Qaida until the WTC went down. Should we wait for something like that to happen again?
cwilhelmi Offline
#40 Posted:
Joined: 07-24-2001
Posts: 2,739
tailgater - I didn't like the statement against our troups either, they're not the ones who decide what wars we engage in so we can never speak against them unless they actually do something to deserve it.

Also glad to hear you acknowledge that oil plays a part in this, I agree it's not the only factor, but it is involved.
usahog Offline
#41 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
osage but the Al Quida only attacked us Once....

Ask Cwil if we should just wait it out and see if they really meant it???

Maybe they was just Playing????
after all it only happened Once....
cwilhelmi Offline
#42 Posted:
Joined: 07-24-2001
Posts: 2,739
Too funny Hog, twist and turn twist and turn, my statements that is, but I can't say I'm innocent either....

I've never said I was fully opposed to going into Iraq, I just think it makes sense to have UN support since we're trying to use UN resolutions as our reason for going into Iraq. Will we get UN approval, probably not since the French don't want to go into Iraq no matter what evidence there is. I prefer to enter into this cautiously in order to prevent unnecessary death of both our troops and Iraqi civilians, but at the end of the day we also have to prevent against the potential losses that inaction could cause.

Also, I can't say that Clinton should remain blameless for inaction regarding 9/11 or Iraq, but I also don't think you can lay it all on him.
usahog Offline
#43 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
do you know the main reason why we are not getting the UN Support???

it isn't because the facts have not been laid out on the Table...
with this note my day here is finished i'm locking up and will continue this post after a bit...

cwilhelmi Offline
#44 Posted:
Joined: 07-24-2001
Posts: 2,739
have a good rest of the day...

Homebrew Offline
#45 Posted:
Joined: 02-11-2003
Posts: 11,885
Hey, USAHog, We were attacked by Al-Qaida twice. They attacked the world trade center before, but the attack was a failure. Closed the parking garage for awhile.
Just thought I would clear that up.
Later, a very tired but my work week is over till next friday,
usahog Offline
#46 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
Here's an old one to bring back up... in the Afterglow of what has happened since the last discussions on this issue??? and Now two of Saddam's siblings are roasting marshmellows in Hell!!!

Robby Offline
#47 Posted:
Joined: 10-30-2002
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Bomb um!
Homebrew Offline
#48 Posted:
Joined: 02-11-2003
Posts: 11,885
Great to see you back usahog,
Yep, thats an old one.
Dave (A.K.A. Homebrew)
jjohnson28 Offline
#49 Posted:
Joined: 09-12-2000
Posts: 7,914
Great stuff! LOL
DrMaddVibe Offline
#50 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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Thanks for giving us all a tour to the...Twilight Zone. Some parallel universe people live in.
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