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Last post 21 years ago by E-Chick. 62 replies replies.
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Interesting Discussion
SteveS Offline
#51 Posted:
Joined: 01-13-2002
Posts: 8,751
Rick ... in speaking of the liberal community's embrace of Saddam, I was not necessarily referring to you or to any other individual in this forum ... but you imply there is no embrace and I will tell you from personal observation that there is ... I've been on Market Street here in SF and in the East Bay during the demonstrations and have seen his supporters with my own eyes, carrying signs of their own making ... I read their bilge in the letter to the editor section of the newspapers here and am shocked to see how they think ... they are ignorant fools, living with their heads in a cloud ...

The parallels between what we see today and Germany of the 30s are quite accurate ... if you compare Saddam to Hitler ... Oh, sure ... he's Hitler Light, but the point is to nail the son of a bitch early on rather than shilly-shally as we and Europe did in the 30s and be forced to pay a stiffer price to solve the problem.

And please ... don't continue to parrot the line that the President was not elected ... it belies the intelligence I know you possess ...

And before I go (and go I must), let me tell you that I have not heard or read a single word from Rush in well more than 10 years ... he and I might be on the same page part of the time, just as you and I are ... but just as you and I are poles apart on other issues, so it is with Rush ... funny thing is, I betcha that all three of us could sit down and enjoy an afternoon spent over cigars as long as certain topics were not discussed ...
Charlie Offline
#52 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
Posts: 39,751
And I would like to be the fourth member of that group of cigar smokers.

Rick is beating the "not elected" thing into the ground and it is getting old, but some folks never give up and right or wrong....wrong in this case.

Screw the protesters and their "right" to glorify Saddam and any other crazy who would just as soon see them dead. They are stupid idealist who will protest against anything at anytime.

Support our troops, the greatest Military ever assembled.

tailgater Offline
#53 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
Posts: 26,187
Rick uses the "false election" battlecry to intimidate his opposition on this board.
He knows it infuriates some, and it is difficult to respond with level headed facts when bothered by such a remark.
It is his only defense, and it has worked well.

Paranoia aside, Rick can be somewhat intelligent in his posts. They are thought provoking if nothing else.
We understand that he could not possibly be so stupid as to believe the election was other than valid.
At least we can hope.
#54 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

i'll take you at your word that you have seen or heard or read people who embrace saddam. i would call these people saddamits, and i belive that behaviour is illegal in some states. i can't think of one reason to embrace saddam. he is maniacal tyrant who rules by force.

there is some information about him gassing the kurds during the iran iraq war. i believe we were on saddam's side against the iran regime. why didn't we go after saddam then, when he clearly violated the all the rules of civilized society.

it is a parodox that in "civilized society" using gas to kill people is a no-no, but dropping bombs on the same people is acceptable. we, the human race, are clearly psychotic

i was comparing bush to nazi germany, not saddam.

my reference to bush not being elected is not a parroting of any part line. it is a conclusion i have reached after investigating and reading every thing i could. if you have read the same material and came to a different conclusion, so be it. shall i call your accepting him as president, a parroting of a party line? both of us being of equal inteligence and given the same set of fact's are prefectly capable of reaching different conclusions. they are colored by our backgrounds and experiences. some people are afraid of spiders, some people are afraid of heights. some people are not.

"stress is not inherent in the event, but in how you perceive it." neither are conclusions.

one of the things i have noticed from almost all of the people on the right who jump my posts constantly, is their is a bit of mellowing into discussion and debate. i'm being cursed and called all sorts of cliche names less and less. that doesn't mean anyone has changed their minds, but there attitude towards a different point of view then their's.

the guys i met at the herf and a few guys willing to stop by my house for a trade, have said the same thing you did, about herfing together. some of the guys have jumped me on any political post i leave and still do without rancor.

without political discussion, we could shot the **** as buddys, friends, neighbors, whatever, and enjoy each other's company.

keep smoking and as the irish say "may you be in heaven an hour before the devil knows you're dead."


#55 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

you will have shattered hopes.
CulleyJC52 Offline
#56 Posted:
Joined: 09-25-2002
Posts: 369
Hello all,

Didn't have time to read the entire post, But wanted to say somethings that may further clarify some of my past post.

I have repeatly conveyed my support of our governmonts dicision making, regarding this war. But, (Rick hold on to your hat, and beleive it or not I have always felt this way), I have fears there are possible bad consequences for initiating this war, and fears of consequences for not going to war.

Of all the muslims nations, I beleive there is not one nation that has a truly democratic society. These are people that their culture provides for 5% of the population wielding the power, making the decisions and controlling the wealth, where as, the remaing 95% live in poverty and are bullied into submission.

I don't think going to war is going to free the people of Iraq in the same way you and I view freedom. Yes the evil Dictator will be gone, but, the prosperity of the majority will remain the same, with the few having it all. My other fear is that we will end up with another Palastine, where small groups of people will killing people, (including our troops), everyday for years to come, in protest of our intervention.

On the flip side, I support the war to eliminate such an evil person, Sadam. I hope the recent bombing didn't get him.
This would have been a painless out for a person that has slowly tortured so many. If it is shown that Sadam had no weapons of mass destruction, (I doubt this is a likely) I don't think it matters, because if he didn't have them today, and was left alone, I am convinced he would have acquired them and would use them, as he had done in the past.

We live in a dangerous world, we have developed most efficient methods of killing, killing that is like playing a video
game, where you don't feel the consequence of moving a joystick or pushing a buttom. Unfortunately, with this
technology, comes the greater threat that there are evil people in this world, that has and will continue to the place of the Hitler's, the Musilinies, the Sadam's, etc., Evil people that out of their on twisted ideals, would not hesitate to kill hundreds of thousands of people.

I have adult children, a 30 year old daughter with three grandbabies, a newly married 27 year old son and a 16 year old daughter in High School. I have thus far lived a full life, it is theirs and their children I worry for.

I ask my youngest what she thought about the war, she and friends think it is wrong. It would be nice to think that other children in the world holds this same opionion. And when it became their time to run things, maybe wars would be few and far apart.

I have bashed people that have said I am against the war, but, support our troops. This is an oxy-moron.
A good friend of my that is a Colonel in the Marines, says, "You can't always stand on the fence, there is times whether you like it or not, to put on a helmet and choose a side.

I support the war and our troops, though as you can see, it is not as I view it, all glorious, waving the flag of freedom and rejoicing that we are going to make the world a better place, because we are at war.

You know we say, "God Bless America", I am sure all other countries think they also have their blessings too. I don't think God meant us to act this way.

Anyway, sorry to have been so wordy, hope I offended none with my thoughts. I disagree with many that post on this website. But, I do feel most people that inhabit this site are good decent individuals, with good intentions.
usahog Offline
#57 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
Cully, Great Post!!!!

Robby Offline
#58 Posted:
Joined: 10-30-2002
Posts: 5,067
Rick, you've lost it. Did you ever have it to loose?
Robby Offline
#59 Posted:
Joined: 10-30-2002
Posts: 5,067
Main Entry: curĀ·mudĀ·geon
Pronunciation: (")k&r-'m&-j&n
Function: noun
Etymology: origin unknown
Date: 1577
1 archaic : MISER
2 : a crusty, ill-tempered, and usually old man
tailgater Offline
#60 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
Posts: 26,187
Did you mean "to lose" or "too loose"?

The answer to the first is obvious.

The answer to the second is none of our business...
Charlie Offline
#61 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
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Robby Offline
#62 Posted:
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E-Chick Offline
#63 Posted:
Joined: 06-15-2002
Posts: 4,877
Robby, thanks for the word of the day...
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