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The Corona Blues Café: BYOTP
251. Author: NapalmMan67Date: Fri, 8/25/2017, 9:31AM EST
Damn, everything is dusty and musty in here. I guess if we drink enough, it won't be so bad.

252. Author: delta1Date: Fri, 8/25/2017, 10:31AM EST
TGIF...round of drinks for everybody, on Napalm...Beer Beer Beer
253. Author: NapalmMan67Date: Fri, 8/25/2017, 3:16PM EST
You're what hurts Al? j/k

I'm buying!

254. Author: delta1Date: Fri, 8/25/2017, 4:05PM EST
Since it's Friday, I got round 2!!
255. Author: 05busaDate: Sat, 8/26/2017, 11:55AM EST
Ive been chasing the tequila for a few days and now im tired.

256. Author: NapalmMan67Date: Wed, 8/30/2017, 9:22AM EST
Bacon, eggs over easy in bacon grease, side of toast and hot tea. Breakfast of champions.
257. Author: itsawaldoDate: Thu, 9/7/2017, 10:54AM EST
Lets light this place up!

I have an interview this afternoon.

Cripes I have had enough time off, I can't stand it, I need this job. New industry and I am excited to give it a go!

You guys got any good luck left, please send it!

Thanks kids
258. Author: delta1Date: Thu, 9/7/2017, 3:12PM EST
Beer ThumpUp

Best of luck, bro!!!
259. Author: DaQueenBeezDate: Wed, 11/8/2017, 7:40PM EST
Howdy, strangers...
260. Author: Ewok126Date: Wed, 11/8/2017, 7:53PM EST
Howdy QueenB
261. Author: DaQueenBeezDate: Wed, 11/8/2017, 8:22PM EST
Anything earth-shattering happen while I was on a low-social media diet?
262. Author: DaQueenBeezDate: Wed, 11/8/2017, 8:25PM EST
Other than the new page design...not sure how I feel about that.
263. Author: Ewok126Date: Wed, 11/8/2017, 8:42PM EST
Our Mayor Jack Conrad passed away, not sure if you seen that post, Some folks going through some hard times with loss of family. I myself am not to fond of the new page design. As with anything new though one tends to get use to it I guess.
264. Author: delta1Date: Thu, 11/9/2017, 7:14PM EST
Good to see you Queenie,...been too long...have a glass of bordeaux on me...

Frank is going bananas over "lol" "lolololol" n "loooooooooooooooooool"

do him a favor....heehaw...
265. Author: itsawaldoDate: Thu, 11/9/2017, 7:19PM EST
Whats up my fellow squirrels?
Chilly night here in the Windy City area, no smokes tonight but plenty of JD over ice.
266. Author: NapalmMan67Date: Fri, 11/10/2017, 8:50AM EST
The Queen hath returneth. All hail the Queen! Hope you and your clan are doing well Queenie, any snow out there yet?

Chris, you mean it finally got to be good smoking weather outside by us ya? Love this weather.

267. Author: DaQueenBeezDate: Fri, 11/10/2017, 10:42PM EST
Ewok - I saw JackBunny's daughter post on FB 😪. It's part of what gave me the urge to touch base with folks in a couple other places.

Delta - I say that no one has the right to tell me whether or not I'm actually lol-ing when I type lol. I may be very reserved and refrain from outward displays of emotion whilst inwardly hooting like a howler monkey...silence can be "loud" too, if you're a sensitive sort! Or, I may be in midway through a complete nervous breakdown and prone to sporadic giggling fits. Or I may burst into Joker-like maniacal laughter for no discernible reason...well...not discernible to *you* MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Or, it may be my equivalent of a sardonic "haaaa." Or I may be chuckling inwardly. Or I may be chuckling outwardly. Or it may have been one of those really embarassing grimace sneezes and I'm trying to salvage my dignity by saying I was laughing. YOU DON'T KNOW ME! YOU DON'T KNOW MY STRUGGLE!

I'll take a refill on that Bordeaux, though...thank you!

NapalmMan - snow a couple of times, but nothing that stuck or stayed past noon. Getting colder, though - we're in that weird part of the back half of fall...finter? The part where you don't know from one day to the next if you are going to need your down parka or just a nice warm sweater.
268. Author: DrafterXDate: Fri, 11/10/2017, 10:53PM EST
269. Author: DaQueenBeezDate: Fri, 11/10/2017, 11:00PM EST

270. Author: DaQueenBeezDate: Fri, 11/10/2017, 11:03PM EST
In other news, Ashland is finally home from deployment, phone calls are finally a thing again, leave has been approved, tickets have been purchased, and boyo will be HOME for Christmas!!! WOOP!!!
271. Author: DrafterXDate: Fri, 11/10/2017, 11:06PM EST
Good News...
272. Author: delta1Date: Fri, 11/10/2017, 11:08PM EST
dangit...she said "Christmas"...
273. Author: DaQueenBeezDate: Fri, 11/10/2017, 11:21PM EST
274. Author: frankj1Date: Fri, 11/10/2017, 11:32PM EST
DaQueenBeez wrote:

he was hoping for Chanukkah?
275. Author: DaQueenBeezDate: Sat, 11/11/2017, 12:43AM EST
Well he doesn't get to be picky, since he shunned Diwali!
276. Author: Ewok126Date: Sat, 11/11/2017, 1:22AM EST
DaQueenBeez wrote:
Well he doesn't get to be picky, since he shunned Diwali!

Delta shunned Diwali.... Scared Scared Scared

A clean home
A feasts and firework festivities
A Festival of Lights

Please Please tell me this is fake news. For shame Delta For Shame..... Crying
277. Author: delta1Date: Sat, 11/11/2017, 1:51PM EST
DaQueenBeez wrote:

I have watched the early encroachment of Christmas, and thought a line was crossed when Christmas was promoted before reaction to your mention was merely reflexive...apologies

And I have shunned da Wally...I never agreed with any of Wally George's rants on the Hot my opinion, da Wally is a blowhard...
278. Author: Ewok126Date: Sat, 11/11/2017, 2:44PM EST
LOL da Wally... I see what you did there.
279. Author: DaQueenBeezDate: Sat, 11/11/2017, 9:08PM EST
Ewok126 wrote:
Delta shunned Diwali.... Scared Scared Scared

A clean home
A feasts and firework festivities
A Festival of Lights

Please Please tell me this is fake news. For shame Delta For Shame..... Crying

(I have a little Hindu kiddo in my class, actually. His mom is just about the sweetest person Ive ever met - she introduced me to Diwali this year.)

I'd actually love to shun da Wallys, but it's pretty much that or Costco, and I just don't always NEED fifty pounds of baking soda, six heads of romaine lettuce and a pumpkin pie the size of a truck hubcap. I mean, I could pick up DirecTv on the last apple pie I bought there, but once the ice cream went on, the signal went to poo.

What kind of tequila do you guys stock here? I'm in a Patrón silver kind of lime please. I like it with orange.

Don't judge me.
280. Author: delta1Date: Sat, 11/11/2017, 10:42PM EST
Have a shot or two of Herradura, Your Majesty...
281. Author: DaQueenBeezDate: Sat, 11/11/2017, 11:06PM EST
Ooooh...a new one for me! Don't mind if I do - thank you, kind sir!
Silver with an orange wedge, añejo all by its lonely...
282. Author: Ewok126Date: Sun, 11/12/2017, 2:23AM EST
Years ago I was moonlighting for a Neurologist in Asheville NC. Dr Gupta. She was the one that introduced me to Diwali. It became the subject one night while she and I was having a conversation about culture and cuisine. Man that woman could cook and I will have to admit out of the many neuro docs I have worked with across the US she was one of the few nice ones.

Tequila, I make my own Reposado by aging in my oak barrels. I can only have a drop or two due to meds I take but my wife dearly loves it. I decanted my one liter barrel a few weeks back and have a 5 liter barrel that is due to be decanted but holding off until I have something else to put in the barrel so as not to dry it out. I hope it comes out as good as what was in the one liter because OMG it was so buttery good.
283. Author: DaQueenBeezDate: Mon, 11/13/2017, 9:00PM EST
That sounds like it would hit the spot on a madhouse Monday, Ewok!

"Take that out of your mouth."
"Get your hand out of your pants."
Followed by
"Go wash your hands."
"Get your finger out of your nose."
"Do NOT eat that booger, go get a Klee..."
"Seeetheart, we're headed to lunch. I promise you can have chicken nuggets very soon, but I don't want to see another booger go into your mouth between here and the lunch room."
"Why did you lick him? That made your friend sad - you need to apologize now."
"Bobby, what on EARTH are you doing?"
"What is in your hand?"
"What is in your mouth?"
"What is in your nose?"
"Take that out of your nose. Crayons do not belong there."
"Bobby, stop screaming, you are not stuck - you have to unzip your coat to take it off,"
"I'm sorry you don't have a purple crayon. You have eaten one and a half boxes of crayons already - I'm not giving you any more. Choose another color. Pink is a nice color - use pink" (not a joke)
"Jane, did you eat that pink crayon? Go spit that in the garbage - you're going to use colored pencils today."
"I know she said you're not her best friend anymore, but Jesus is everyone's best friend and everyone else is just regular friends so we all have the same best friend and He's way nicer than Ashley."
"I did NOT tell you to tell Ashley that she wasn't a nice friend. Go apologize."
"Bobby, where are your pants?"(yup. Same kid.)
"You need a drink? Honey, you're on the toilet. One thing at a time."
"You need a drink? You just barely walked away from the water fountain. Give it time to soak in."
"You need a drink? We don't get drinks in the middle of the Pledge of Allegiance. We're going to start over, and you need to wait until we're finished."
"You need a drink?
Me too."

(Names have been changed to protect the "innocent.")

Kracken and coke, please.
And a brownie.

Thank you.
284. Author: SpeysideDate: Mon, 11/13/2017, 9:28PM EST
LMAO! I have a nice Ramos Pinto 10 year tawny port open. Have as much as you would like. You DESERVE it.
285. Author: DaQueenBeezDate: Mon, 11/13/2017, 9:46PM EST
I haven't had port in AGES...THANK YOU, kind sir!
286. Author: frankj1Date: Mon, 11/13/2017, 10:13PM EST
DaQueenBeez wrote:
I haven't had port in AGES...THANK YOU, kind sir!

I know I've said it before but it bears repeating...I could read your prose every day.

How's the boy doing since the trauma?
287. Author: NapalmMan67Date: Tue, 11/14/2017, 5:58PM EST
DaQueenBeez wrote:
That sounds like it would hit the spot on a madhouse Monday, Ewok!

"Take that out of your mouth."
"Get your hand out of your pants."
Followed by
"Go wash your hands."
"Get your finger out of your nose."
"Do NOT eat that booger, go get a Klee..."
"Seeetheart, we're headed to lunch. I promise you can have chicken nuggets very soon, but I don't want to see another booger go into your mouth between here and the lunch room."
"Why did you lick him? That made your friend sad - you need to apologize now."
"Bobby, what on EARTH are you doing?"
"What is in your hand?"
"What is in your mouth?"
"What is in your nose?"
"Take that out of your nose. Crayons do not belong there."
"Bobby, stop screaming, you are not stuck - you have to unzip your coat to take it off,"
"I'm sorry you don't have a purple crayon. You have eaten one and a half boxes of crayons already - I'm not giving you any more. Choose another color. Pink is a nice color - use pink" (not a joke)
"Jane, did you eat that pink crayon? Go spit that in the garbage - you're going to use colored pencils today."
"I know she said you're not her best friend anymore, but Jesus is everyone's best friend and everyone else is just regular friends so we all have the same best friend and He's way nicer than Ashley."
"I did NOT tell you to tell Ashley that she wasn't a nice friend. Go apologize."
"Bobby, where are your pants?"(yup. Same kid.)
"You need a drink? Honey, you're on the toilet. One thing at a time."
"You need a drink? You just barely walked away from the water fountain. Give it time to soak in."
"You need a drink? We don't get drinks in the middle of the Pledge of Allegiance. We're going to start over, and you need to wait until we're finished."
"You need a drink?
Me too."

(Names have been changed to protect the "innocent.")

Kracken and coke, please.
And a brownie.

Thank you.

Sounds like a lot of things my old lady says to me whenever we go someplace.

288. Author: itsawaldoDate: Fri, 11/17/2017, 10:51PM EST
For the first time in 35 years I went to work yesterday without a suit on. No beautiful silk ties, no French cuffs.

I am now the first to great you or the last to thank you for shopping at my local Costco. Less then 10 minutes from home!

Member Service a great job for someone that likes smoozing with people. I don't like people but there're fun to look at and talk to a bit.

No doubt I don't have to put much brain power into it but it's my dream retirement job 3-4 years earlier then planned.

Mrs. Waldo still wants me to find a more lucrative job but I'm going to bust my butt and see if I can get into management. Maybe find a home to take me into retirement.

Woo woo, stop by and I'll draw a cigar smoking smilie on your receipt.

289. Author: MACSDate: Fri, 11/17/2017, 10:58PM EST
Congrats, man. Costco in CA pays decent, from what I understand.

If you're bored in retirement, you couldn't find a better gig. If you need the income... your aspirations for a management job are well placed.

I've been #3 on the corporal promotion list for 11 months. No corporals have been promoted. I was #16 on the sergeant list... but since they've promoted 10... now I'm #6!!

I'm not sure whether to be happy or depressed at that... I choose happy.
290. Author: NapalmMan67Date: Sat, 11/18/2017, 5:35PM EST
itsawaldo wrote:
For the first time in 35 years I went to work yesterday without a suit on. No beautiful silk ties, no French cuffs.

I am now the first to great you or the last to thank you for shopping at my local Costco. Less then 10 minutes from home!

Member Service a great job for someone that likes smoozing with people. I don't like people but there're fun to look at and talk to a bit.

No doubt I don't have to put much brain power into it but it's my dream retirement job 3-4 years earlier then planned.

Mrs. Waldo still wants me to find a more lucrative job but I'm going to bust my butt and see if I can get into management. Maybe find a home to take me into retirement.

Woo woo, stop by and I'll draw a cigar smoking smilie on your receipt.


You went to work neked? Wait, isn't that still a birthday suit though?

Congrats on the new job and right on for working close to home. I'm only 2.9 miles from my work, it's a hella commute some days I tell ya! lol

Which Costco are you working for?
291. Author: itsawaldoDate: Sat, 11/18/2017, 10:02PM EST
Naperville, most labor intensive day since I was a contractor.
Loading carts at check out.
JD is working on my aching back as I type, best part was the 20 yo female cashier I worked with, I had to ring all the booze so she liked having me close, lol.
By break time she was telling some customers I was her grandpa. Too funny.
292. Author: DrafterXDate: Sat, 11/18/2017, 10:16PM EST
Did she show you her boobs..?? Huh
293. Author: itsawaldoDate: Sat, 11/18/2017, 11:46PM EST
DrafterX wrote:
Did she show you her boobs..?? Huh

Left elbow touched her.....right?
Does that count?
294. Author: frankj1Date: Sat, 11/18/2017, 11:54PM EST
itsawaldo wrote:
Left elbow touched her.....right?
Does that count?

you'll never be a senator.
295. Author: RMAN4443Date: Sun, 11/19/2017, 1:25AM EST
DrafterX wrote:
Did you show her your boobs..?? Huh

296. Author: itsawaldoDate: Mon, 11/20/2017, 11:20PM EST
Day 4

Because I flew quite a bit I thought airports were great for people watching. They got nothing on Costco.

What a social-economic-race and religion too mix of consumers. I don't care I make them all smile as they leave.

Outside of my right knee still complaining (I seem to be trying to rotate on it) I'm alive and feeling pretty dang well for a 63yo standing all day.

Managers often look a bit intense but just about everyone else looks to be happy there.

Let's see how I feel after this weekend!

297. Author: itsawaldoDate: Sun, 12/17/2017, 1:23PM EST
Who hung the decorations? Even put a timer on the outside lights.

Nice work they look great!
298. Author: NapalmMan67Date: Tue, 12/19/2017, 11:27AM EST
I can't take credit for the decorations, but it does look good.

Hot Tea and Oatmeal please...
299. Author: delta1Date: Wed, 12/27/2017, 5:00PM EST
We'll be open on New Year's Eve...PARTY!!!!
300. Author: NapalmMan67Date: Sat, 1/20/2018, 7:03PM EST
Whisky neat please. Better make it a double...

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