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Ya Got Blood on Your Face, I'ma Big Disgrace
51. Author: victor809Date: Sun, 7/2/2017, 9:21PM EST
Everyone's got their sacred calf they don't want gored... or some sort of mixed metaphor.
52. Author: AbrignacDate: Mon, 7/3/2017, 9:21AM EST
Stick a fork in me, I'm done. Time for the narcissistic 🤡 to go.

We can only hope that the leakers can leak something that will force him out of office.
53. Author: SpeysideDate: Mon, 7/3/2017, 10:12AM EST
I had hoped he would bring positive change, not being a politician. Same old same old. He'll get his 8 years and then we will move on th the next loser.
54. Author: MACSDate: Mon, 7/3/2017, 10:42AM EST
F***in' quitters.
55. Author: teedubbyaDate: Mon, 7/3/2017, 11:23AM EST
I actually think some of what he does is funny, but not as President. Some act as if he is a cbid poster like jimmyct and root for his juvenile tantrums. He's not and the office deserves more.
56. Author: AbrignacDate: Mon, 7/3/2017, 1:29PM EST
In thins case it's the messenger, not the message. I have no problem with anything he has done regarding the job of President. I'm tired of his juvenile behavior. He needs to go. We need someone who will uphold the dignity of the office. Not someone who's an embarrassment.
57. Author: delta1Date: Mon, 7/3/2017, 1:42PM EST
Thank you have restored my faith that not everyone in the GOP ship has shed all their bearings...the man obviously cannot see the world except how it affects himself...we need a President who sees the world and how it affects America... not Trump first...America First...
58. Author: AbrignacDate: Mon, 7/3/2017, 8:16PM EST
delta1 wrote:
Thank you have restored my faith that not everyone in the GOP ship has shed all their bearings...the man obviously cannot see the world except how it affects himself...we need a President who sees the world and how it affects America... not Trump first...America First...

I like to think I'm pragmatic, but for me his aggravation favor now outweighs his production factor and that divide widens every time he hits the POST button on his Twitter account.

Even if he never posted again, I fear he's become to toxic to work with.
59. Author: dstiegerDate: Fri, 7/21/2017, 12:11PM EST
dstieger wrote:
Poor Sarah Huckabee Sanders and Shawn Spicer. Just imagine when they're in a room with Trump and he sets his phone down on the fn tempting it must be to just grab that phone and change his tweet password...or delete the wake up every single morning with dread as you check your messages and see what indefensible silliness you're going to spend your day defending....there isn't enough money in the world....

Mr Spicer is set to get his first good night's sleep in a long time
60. Author: DrafterXDate: Fri, 7/21/2017, 12:23PM EST
I don't get his reason for leaving tho... he must really the Scaramouche guy... Mellow
61. Author: MACSDate: Fri, 7/21/2017, 1:43PM EST
Yup... the Donald is in over his head. Still-- he got elected because people were/are tired of the same old BS.

We gotta fix this crap.Brick wall
62. Author: DrafterXDate: Fri, 7/21/2017, 2:28PM EST
it's only been 6 months... it'll settle down... Mellow
63. Author: Burner02Date: Fri, 7/21/2017, 2:35PM EST
Who watches Morning Joe?
64. Author: teedubbyaDate: Fri, 7/21/2017, 3:49PM EST
MACS I agree with you on the tired of the BS and need to fix this crap. I also understand the desperation that would bring some folks to believe he is something he isn't. Trump is who he always has been and the disaster that this Admin is was predictable.

We do need someone different than the same ol same ol... this con man just was never the solution.

Palin was right about lipstick on a pig
65. Author: MACSDate: Fri, 7/21/2017, 4:42PM EST
^^How bad does it have to be for the electorate to vote the guy in, though? Some were fooled by him, some were not - but they were hopeful... and some just did NOT want the alternative.
66. Author: frankj1Date: Fri, 7/21/2017, 6:02PM EST
MACS wrote:
^^How bad does it have to be for the electorate to vote the guy in, though? Some were fooled by him, some were not - but they were hopeful... and some just did NOT want the alternative.

Shawn, lots of open minded libs with a strong dislike for Hillary like me were poised to pull the lever for a GOP nominee this year...but not for this guy, not EVAH! TW is so right, I can't believe even the staunchest conservative had not known enough about Trump over the last 3 or 4 decades to think he had any qualifications.

As far as the electorate goes, he lost that by a few million. It was a factor of where voters reside that won it...and I'm ok with that system. He won.

They had 8 years to find one person, they offered up 17, literally 17. And one had narcolepsy. And he is now in da Cabinet.

I did not vote for her, and I did not vote GOP, and who knows if I will ever have enough faith in them again, at least regarding the Presidency...though I am mostly happy with the rep Governator of MA.
67. Author: delta1Date: Fri, 7/21/2017, 6:10PM EST
Pardon Me?!?
68. Author: frankj1Date: Fri, 7/21/2017, 6:55PM EST
yes, Al?
69. Author: xibbumberoDate: Fri, 7/21/2017, 9:28PM EST
MACS wrote:
Yup... the Donald is in over his head. Still-- he got elected because people were/are tired of the same old BS.

We gotta fix this crap.Brick wall

All politics is BS. We just have a different color and flavor now. XThink
70. Author: DrafterXDate: Sat, 7/22/2017, 8:47AM EST
President Donald Trump came to power as a wrecking ball. His campaign promise to “drain the swamp” captured the public’s disdain for the status quo in Washington.

His inaugural address continued the theme, putting the establishment on notice that their days of “reap[ing] the rewards of government” were over. “Today,” he said, “we are not merely transferring power from one administration to another, or from one party to another—but we are transferring power from Washington DC, and giving it back to you, the American people.”

While Trump ran an unorthodox campaign, pundits and historians will judge his presidency by all of the usual standards: the performance of the economy, leadership on the world stage, navigation in times of crisis, and success in implementing his policy agenda.

And in each of these four categories, Trump has rung up significant success in his first six months in office. Major economic indicators—from GDP growth to inflation and unemployment rates—have improved. The S&P 500 and Dow have gained roughly 9% since Trump took office, while the Nasdaq is up almost 15%.

Trump’s foreign trips and dealings with world leaders have been widely lauded as successful, especially his recent address in Poland. He met his first real crisis—the mass shooting of members of congress and staff on in June—with poise and sober leadership. And he has achieved several policy successes, too, from repealing 14 of President Obama’s signature regulations to winning Senate confirmation of Neil Gorsuch as Supreme Court justice.

But what if we were to judge Trump’s presidency thus far not by traditional metrics, but on his own terms—specifically by his success in upsetting the status quo. In Trump’s own words from his inaugural address, “What truly matters is not which party controls our government, but whether our government is controlled by the people.”

Right out of the gate, Trump enacted policy reversals in key policy areas. His immigration executive orders—particularly those concerning the enforcement of immigration laws and the temporary travel ban—markedly upset the status quo. Another tectonic shift took place when he pulled out of the Paris climate agreement, reclaiming a little piece of American sovereignty in the process.

One of establishment Washington’s main functions is regulation. The federal bureaucracy has increasingly insinuated itself into the day-to-day lives of Americans for years. Perhaps Trump’s most overlooked achievement is the progress made toward dismantling the administrative state. According to the American Action Fund, his actions have reduced regulatory costs imposed on Americans by $70 billion. Going forward, he has promised to eliminate two regulations for every new one enacted.

Of course, Trump’s Twitter feed upsets official Washington’s apple cart almost every single day, even when no policy issue is involved. The president’s tweets give us a window into his thinking, cutting right to the point and, often, attacking his detractors. His lack of decorum on Twitter can be painful to watch at times, but it offers the American people a totally unprecedented level of transparency about their elected leader. And that’s as anti-establishment as it gets.

Clearly, Washington is a far different place today than it was six months ago. The economy is stronger. The regulatory state is shrinking, not growing. Our international relationships are taking a decidedly different shape. The federal judiciary is taking on a more conservative cast, and our laws are being enforced at the borders.

On top of that, Trump has made some significant progress toward the signature goal that set for himself. Through executive orders and with bold legislative proposals such as his “skinny budget,” Trump is slogging his way through the status quo, working to drain the swamp.

Film at 11... ThumpUp

Nobody likes da tweets... Mellow
71. Author: bgzDate: Sat, 7/22/2017, 11:54AM EST
I for one enjoy teh trumpentwitter!

Covfefe was a bigly win!
72. Author: delta1Date: Sat, 7/22/2017, 1:14PM EST
The other side of the de-regulation coin is that private industry has a history of doing seriously bad things to its customers, its neighbors and the environment. When it is a major corporation, like Enron, hundreds of thousands of people pay the price. When it is a critical sector of the economy, like the banking industry, the malfeasance can threaten the entire world. And we, the people, pay the bill.

It'd be interesting to tabulate the cost of regulation versus the cost of cleaning up after a major private industry catastrophe. An example is the mining industry in the US, which has historically gotten free passes in the form of lax regulatory oversight. They have crapped in a bunch of rivers, ruined underground water supplies for thousands of years into the future, polluted air around urban areas nearby, and left geologic disasters in their wake.

Dodd -Frank looks like it will be repealed, and we should all be afraid...anybody notice all the shenanigans that Wells-Fargo has pulled over the past few years...anybody happy with all the nonsensical "service fees" that all major banks are charging?

There has to be a balance between private capitalism's desire for profits and corporate citizenship. Some examples are General Electric and Chevron, both huge corporations that have made environmental protection and corporate responsibility part of their culture, starting at the top, with those values part of the missions of both their CEO's and their Boards.

We need some regulation if the our businesses do not regulate themselves and cause more harm than good.
73. Author: DrafterXDate: Sat, 7/22/2017, 1:20PM EST
I don't think deregulation is letting any environment damagers off the hook.. but we could end up paying if the EPA does the damage... It's happened before.. everybody else is insured.. Mellow
74. Author: DrafterXDate: Sat, 7/22/2017, 1:24PM EST
And for the record I'm growing weary... Trying to respect the office but it's tough defending the man sometimes... Not giving up on him tho... Mellow
75. Author: delta1Date: Sat, 7/22/2017, 1:32PM EST
DrafterX wrote:
I don't think deregulation is letting any environment damagers off the hook.. but we could end up paying if the EPA does the damage... It's happened before.. everybody else is insured.. Mellow

They declare bankruptcy and disappear...leaving us holding the bag...sometimes it's better to watch them and keep them from doing serious damage because we all end up paying the bill...

DrafterX wrote:
And for the record I'm growing weary... Trying to respect the office but it's tough defending the man sometimes... Not giving up on him tho... Mellow

It doesn't look like he can change...I think it's gonna get worse for him and for us before it gets better...
76. Author: DrafterXDate: Sat, 7/22/2017, 1:41PM EST
Curious who 'they' are.. and how long ago are we talking about... BP spent a lot of money and was fined heavily for the gulf spill... Overturned trains cleanup there messes.. if your talking the small bidness dude dumping antifreeze in a ditch then there's not much we can do there.. and again, I don't think deregulation has much to do with that.....

And we can't throw the towel in on Trump yet... It's only been 6 months... He's learning he's not da King.. Mellow
77. Author: DrafterXDate: Sat, 7/22/2017, 1:42PM EST
Time to go drink some beers and piss in da lake... Trump said that was OK now.. Laugh
78. Author: DrMaddVibeDate: Sat, 7/22/2017, 3:18PM EST
victor809 wrote:
I love how pointing out trumps disgraceful actions as president translates to "carrying water for clinton"....

You just love to nitpick the guy. You've got company here doing it too.

I'm loving it all because like I said...he's a Dem that won on a GOP platform.

Eat your own all you want! Nitpick away. Pick at the scabs.
79. Author: delta1Date: Sat, 7/22/2017, 6:23PM EST
DrafterX wrote:
Curious who 'they' are.. and how long ago are we talking about... BP spent a lot of money and was fined heavily for the gulf spill... Overturned trains cleanup there messes.. if your talking the small bidness dude dumping antifreeze in a ditch then there's not much we can do there.. and again, I don't think deregulation has much to do with that.....

And we can't throw the towel in on Trump yet... It's only been 6 months... He's learning he's not da King.. Mellow

Several coal mining companies went bankrupt and left environmental disasters for the public to clean up. In 2016 Peabody Mining Co. and during the past couple years Alpha Natural Resources and Arch Coal, did too

Freedom Energy chemical spill poisons Elk River in West Virginia, goes bankrupt, 2014

Atlantic, Maine and Montreal Railroads went bankrupt after train crash and oil spill killed a bunch in Canada in 2013

Bhopal, India, 1984. Union Carbide India Limited factory suffered an explosion and subsequent gas leak killed about 8,000. UCIL went out of business and Union Carbide Corp. (parent corp) ended up on the hook for cleanup and fines.
80. Author: DrafterXDate: Sat, 7/22/2017, 6:34PM EST
Those Bassards..!! Mad
81. Author: DrafterXDate: Sat, 7/22/2017, 6:36PM EST
And how does Trump's deregulation affect this..?? Huh
82. Author: delta1Date: Sat, 7/22/2017, 7:05PM EST
Those all happened before Trump, so he's not involved. The biggest recent disaster perpetrated by an inadequately regulated industry is the financial meltdown/Great Recession caused by the investment banking industry. Sure hope Trump re-thinks repealing Dodd-Frank.

By de-regulating some industries, we may be creating a business environment that allows companies to do harm without accountability...more carbon emissions, air pollution, water pollution, higher costs to consumers, injurious and illnesses and unsafe products.

Is it better to give businesses free reign, and then try to hold them accountable after they do some serious harm? Maybe in some industries...but the potential damage in others is too much to quantify...
83. Author: DrafterXDate: Sun, 7/23/2017, 8:49AM EST
I think we've reduced our emissions to 35â„… of what they were 20 years ago.. I doubt we will undo anything that would reverse that.. and not holding someone accountable isn't going to happen.. too many 'what ifs' here tho... Anything could or could not happen...
84. Author: DrMaddVibeDate: Sun, 7/23/2017, 8:57AM EST
And there you have it...some Peter Pan "dreamworld" where there are endless unicorns, lollipops and rainbows. Some Pollyanna alternative universe where "IF" becomes a fact. Where nature doesn't matter, but skewed data and an appetite for holding corporations, nations and people hostage to some "carbon credit" to offset the "sins" of whatever they're not doing right today by decree of the Manbearpig!

Make me laugh.

Some of the regulations put in place choked out small unions, smaller local banks and other downscale financial institutions that didn't create the debacle on Wall Street that cause the American taxpayer to bail them out are out of business. Can't operate because the legislation only favors the fat cats that put this nation and all of us in danger to begin with. We have regulatory commissions with oversight that tried to warn the government agencies and they were laughed at, ridiculed and they promoted the biggest buffoons to point the fingers at them.

Better understand that it isn't Left or Right, Dem or're being cheated and you just don't know it. The swindle is in and its your retirement, your benefits and your healthcare being ripped away from you. Wake the **** up already. The swindle is happening now.
85. Author: chazzericDate: Tue, 7/25/2017, 11:33PM EST
Vibe I agree
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