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Poll Question : How will DACA die?
It's not even gonna get a vote1270 %
Failure in the Senate15 %
It'll pass the Senate and fail in the House211 %
Agent Orange won't sign anything15 %
Pass the Senate but die by an Agent Orange tweet15 %

Fool me once shame on me... fool me twice well I won't be fooled again...
201. Author: jetblastedDate: Tue, 1/30/2018, 10:55PM EST
teedubbya wrote:
revisionist history is crap whether you like or agree with it or not.

202. Author: DrMaddVibeDate: Wed, 1/31/2018, 8:10AM EST
The fooling keeps happening and the DACA votes keep on tallying.

The irony.
203. Author: tailgaterDate: Wed, 1/31/2018, 9:43AM EST
In summary:

Lincoln Mary'd Todd.

204. Author: delta1Date: Wed, 1/31/2018, 11:12AM EST
and hunted vampires ... for his twilight...
205. Author: HuckFinnDate: Wed, 1/31/2018, 11:15AM EST
And was linkedin
206. Author: jetblastedDate: Wed, 1/31/2018, 12:04PM EST
I’ve (only recently) found it interesting learning that Lincoln was not the first gay President. James Buchanan was. Interesting, that America had back to back homosexual presidents. Buchanan’s VP, William R. king, was also his lover. He died of TB six weeks into office and was replaced by John C. Breckinridge, who later became a General with the Confederate States. Now, Breckenridge is one of the people I find more interesting in history. His (pricey) biographies are on my list. I’m really quite interested in him. He had quite a life.
207. Author: tailgaterDate: Wed, 1/31/2018, 12:48PM EST
back to back homosexual presidents?
Is that some kind of bathhouse maneuver?
208. Author: HuckFinnDate: Wed, 1/31/2018, 12:52PM EST
The 69th president should be required to mouthwash hourly.
209. Author: delta1Date: Wed, 1/31/2018, 5:08PM EST
Seriously...if Lincoln was gay... proves how strong homophobia in America has been and how we, as a society, are still struggling with it. This struggle continues because some of us accept the idea that some of the greatest among us are worthy of being discriminated against.
210. Author: teedubbyaDate: Wed, 1/31/2018, 5:19PM EST
he wasn't gay. that's nonsense

If anyone was ghey it was Robert E lee
211. Author: victor809Date: Wed, 1/31/2018, 5:29PM EST
I heard the entire civil war was because of a lovers quarrel.... Lincoln had gone and dumped Lee for Sherman....

Well, any historian worth his salt knows how much Lee hated getting dumped by guys less attractive than him. That just threw him into a tizzy and he wouldn't stop swearing until he had whipped 10 of his slaves (this is documented in the personal diaries of his Pantaloons Squire I. M. McBottom)...

so Lee rallied the troops thinking if he got a few wins on the battlefield his twink lover Lincoln would come back to him. Of course, then Sherman was like "oh no you di'int" and decided to stand up to keep his man.

212. Author: banderlDate: Wed, 1/31/2018, 5:30PM EST
teedubbya wrote:
he wasn't gay. that's nonsense

If anyone was ghey it was Robert E lee

Sherman violated Lee at Appomattox.
And Lee begged for more.
213. Author: teedubbyaDate: Wed, 1/31/2018, 5:32PM EST
banderl wrote:
Sherman violated Lee at Appomattox.
And Lee begged for more.

Well Lee did take it up the arse and complain about Sherman making his southern parts burn. But I still don't beleive it. Sherman was a man. Lee was a twink.
214. Author: victor809Date: Wed, 1/31/2018, 5:38PM EST
teedubbya wrote:
Well Lee did take it up the arse and complain about Sherman making his southern parts burn. But I still don't beleive it. Sherman was a man. Lee was a twink.

Sherman was a leather daddy.
215. Author: teedubbyaDate: Wed, 1/31/2018, 5:39PM EST
victor809 wrote:
Sherman was a leather daddy.

and most likely jet's grandpappys babydaddy

or something like that... its the south. who knows?
216. Author: victor809Date: Wed, 1/31/2018, 5:42PM EST
Well... its the south, so getting some northerner genetic material in there turned the family stick into an actual bush....
217. Author: teedubbyaDate: Wed, 1/31/2018, 5:42PM EST
it also shortened up the fiveheads a bit
218. Author: delta1Date: Wed, 1/31/2018, 5:44PM EST finish the thought...

if Lincoln wasn't gay, then revisionist historians who disapprove of historical events and attempt to smear the historic figure by claiming his motivations were due to his "sexuality" are repulsive and should be reviled, not celebrated or offered as speakers of truth. They should be ignored, and their "work" relegated to the trash heap...and the person exhuming the drivel should be shamed.
219. Author: HuckFinnDate: Wed, 1/31/2018, 5:48PM EST
Have you seen him? Who sober would wanna get with this mug?
220. Author: victor809Date: Wed, 1/31/2018, 5:50PM EST
HuckFinn wrote:
Have you seen him? Who sober would wanna get with this mug?

to be fair, they didn't have grindr... I'm guessing the guys were stuck with anyone who they could find....
221. Author: banderlDate: Wed, 1/31/2018, 5:55PM EST
victor809 wrote:
to be fair, they didn't have grindr... I'm guessing the guys were stuck with anyone who they could find....

Poor CROS.
222. Author: victor809Date: Wed, 1/31/2018, 5:56PM EST
delta1 wrote: finish the thought...

if Lincoln wasn't gay, then revisionist historians who disapprove of historical events and attempt to smear the historic figure by claiming his motivations were due to his "sexuality" are repulsive and should be reviled, not celebrated or offered as speakers of truth. They should be ignored, and their "work" relegated to the trash heap...and the person exhuming the drivel should be shamed.

Lincoln's sexuality should be irrelevant, just as the sexuality of anyone should be.

I look at people claiming lincoln was gay as falling into two groups... 1 - People saying lincoln was gay as a piece of trivia which others may or may not know... they are hopefully not making a judgement call, and therefore there's nothing really wrong with it... vs 2 - Someone trying to use his sexuality a a smear... that's obviously homophobic, simply because homosexuality isn't an insult, unless you believe there is something inherently wrong with it (ie, are a homophobe)...

Anyone trying to say that one's sexuality would dictate whether one is going to free slaves or not is using piss-poor logic. I'm sure there were plenty of gay southerners who loved the institution of slavery. Probably gave them easy access to some azz that wouldn't rat out their secrets.
223. Author: teedubbyaDate: Wed, 1/31/2018, 5:57PM EST
delta1 wrote: finish the thought...

if Lincoln wasn't gay, then revisionist historians who disapprove of historical events and attempt to smear the historic figure by claiming his motivations were due to his "sexuality" are repulsive and should be reviled, not celebrated or offered as speakers of truth. They should be ignored, and their "work" relegated to the trash heap...and the person exhuming the drivel should be shamed.

Actually I think it was a gay man saying a great american was gay for his own purposes
224. Author: delta1Date: Wed, 1/31/2018, 5:58PM EST
c'mon...even then, feigning illness and throwing up was the "get out of horseface" card...
225. Author: teedubbyaDate: Wed, 1/31/2018, 6:00PM EST
delta1 wrote:
c'mon...even then, feigning illness and throwing up was the "get out of horseface" card...

what does this have to do with sarah jessica parker?
226. Author: victor809Date: Wed, 1/31/2018, 6:02PM EST
teedubbya wrote:
what does this have to do with sarah jessica parker?

Was Lincoln the Sarah Jessica Parker of the gay civil war era scene?
227. Author: teedubbyaDate: Wed, 1/31/2018, 6:05PM EST
I heard he was fabulous until Robert E lee stole his boyfriend
228. Author: KawakDate: Wed, 1/31/2018, 6:07PM EST
The room is starting to spin from all the gayness...Cal I love you!
229. Author: teedubbyaDate: Wed, 1/31/2018, 6:07PM EST
Kawak wrote:
The room is starting to spin from all the gayness...Cal I love you!

we were just trying to get you interested again sally
230. Author: delta1Date: Wed, 1/31/2018, 6:08PM EST
I heard Lee cussed Sherman out: "Damn you and the horse you rode in on!"
231. Author: teedubbyaDate: Wed, 1/31/2018, 6:11PM EST
he rode in on SJP?
232. Author: teedubbyaDate: Wed, 1/31/2018, 6:11PM EST
More likely Shannon Sharpe
233. Author: banderlDate: Wed, 1/31/2018, 6:17PM EST
teedubbya wrote:
More likely Shannon Sharpe

I hope that he didn't speak.
234. Author: jetblastedDate: Wed, 1/31/2018, 7:43PM EST
victor809 wrote:
Lincoln's sexuality should be irrelevant, just as the sexuality of anyone should be.
lincoln was gay as a piece of trivia which others may or may not know...

This is my interest . . . the mere fact that it's so unknown. **REGARDLESS** of what I said in the beginning.

I do have my beliefs, but I really don't like the way you "debate". Talking to you victor, would be much more of a pleasant experience if you weren't such an ***hole. I'd love to debate or converse with you on a number of things . . . "What do you think about this?", and "I disagree ... I see it this way. I feel you're wrong, and this is why, Ok I can see how you might view it that way, but I see it like this. That kinda makes sense, but I don't believe so because . . . . . . (etc.)" But no . . . You really come across as a pompous ******. You have zero respect for people you disagree with. And in turn it is reflected upon you, as well. If you weren't such a jerk, then conversation would be much, much more fun. And possibly a *lot* more enlightening as well. Screaming at people is never a way to win friends, influences or arguments.

teedubbya wrote:
and most likely jet's grandpappys babydaddy. or something like that... its the south. who knows?

I've actually got no direct bloodline for anyone that actively served in the Civil War. It's kind of a complicated thing for our family to trace. There are those in our family that served on the "home-guard", probably associated with "Joe Brown's Pets", but I haven't looked too much into their story as of yet.
235. Author: teedubbyaDate: Wed, 1/31/2018, 7:56PM EST
I’ve got direct descendants that fough in the war. On both sides. It got pretty ugly between two of them.
236. Author: HuckFinnDate: Wed, 1/31/2018, 7:57PM EST
Jet? If you really dislike vics manner why bait him that way?
You sure you don't actually enjoy mixing it up with him?
You have to know he's gonna try and bite your head off for a comment like that.
237. Author: teedubbyaDate: Wed, 1/31/2018, 7:58PM EST
235 - my adoptive family that is
238. Author: teedubbyaDate: Wed, 1/31/2018, 7:59PM EST
And for the record Victor rarely types in all caps.

239. Author: HuckFinnDate: Wed, 1/31/2018, 7:59PM EST
teedubbya wrote:
235 - my adoptive family that is

How were they related?
240. Author: teedubbyaDate: Wed, 1/31/2018, 8:01PM EST
Brothers in one instance. The ugly instance (same battle against each other) first cousins.
241. Author: HuckFinnDate: Wed, 1/31/2018, 8:10PM EST
teedubbya wrote:
Brothers in one instance. The ugly instance (same battle against each other) first cousins.

242. Author: victor809Date: Wed, 1/31/2018, 8:13PM EST
This place has always been ugly.
Most don't remember, or don't think about it because they weren't the recipients of the ugly.

When I first got here I had to argue with morons that I actually existed, and wasn't a fake name of another poster (adroomi) who I shared some views with. I patiently tried to explain to them that I existed, even provided way more information to prove my existence than I really should have bothered. I was stupidly polite, but didn't know better.

Over the years I ran into a huge number of posters who have been ridiculously reductive in their arguments (don't want laws based on the christian bible? you must be a liberal!) and for years I dealt with them in a respectful manner. I argued with them point for point in a way that attempted to show respect for their stupid positions.

About the time I got into pages long arguments with jpotts, who tried to change the basic transitive property of algebra to support his point (and refused to acknowledge the incorrect math), I stopped giving a f$$k. I'm not going to spend hours trying to share ideas with someone if they are unwilling to accept the basic principles of math as a foundation for a discussion.

Now... if you say something stupid, I'm simply going to state that. I'm not mad. I'm usually just disappointed that people still have the poor logic skills they display today. That and amused at mocking them.... I dunno if the germans have a word for "disappointed and amused at the same time".... probably something like matterfarker....
243. Author: frankj1Date: Wed, 1/31/2018, 8:43PM EST
teedubbya wrote:
I’ve got direct descendants that fough in the war. On both sides. It got pretty ugly between two of them.

there are fine people on both sides
244. Author: frankj1Date: Wed, 1/31/2018, 8:45PM EST
victor809 wrote:
This place has always been ugly.
Most don't remember, or don't think about it because they weren't the recipients of the ugly.

When I first got here I had to argue with morons that I actually existed, and wasn't a fake name of another poster (adroomi) who I shared some views with. I patiently tried to explain to them that I existed, even provided way more information to prove my existence than I really should have bothered. I was stupidly polite, but didn't know better.

Over the years I ran into a huge number of posters who have been ridiculously reductive in their arguments (don't want laws based on the christian bible? you must be a liberal!) and for years I dealt with them in a respectful manner. I argued with them point for point in a way that attempted to show respect for their stupid positions.

About the time I got into pages long arguments with jpotts, who tried to change the basic transitive property of algebra to support his point (and refused to acknowledge the incorrect math), I stopped giving a f$$k. I'm not going to spend hours trying to share ideas with someone if they are unwilling to accept the basic principles of math as a foundation for a discussion.

Now... if you say something stupid, I'm simply going to state that. I'm not mad. I'm usually just disappointed that people still have the poor logic skills they display today. That and amused at mocking them.... I dunno if the germans have a word for "disappointed and amused at the same time".... probably something like matterfarker.... you're NOT Adroomi?
Or you are?

whatever happened to your brothers Victor808 and the other one? Do you still hear from them?

Stoopid people suck.
245. Author: teedubbyaDate: Wed, 1/31/2018, 8:46PM EST
They were all a holes
246. Author: tailgaterDate: Wed, 1/31/2018, 9:12PM EST
banderl wrote:
I hope that he didn't speak.

See that?

Common ground!

247. Author: tailgaterDate: Wed, 1/31/2018, 9:15PM EST
victor809 wrote:
This place has always been ugly.
Most don't remember, or don't think about it because they weren't the recipients of the ugly.

When I first got here I had to argue with morons that I actually existed, and wasn't a fake name of another poster (adroomi) who I shared some views with. I patiently tried to explain to them that I existed, even provided way more information to prove my existence than I really should have bothered. I was stupidly polite, but didn't know better.

Over the years I ran into a huge number of posters who have been ridiculously reductive in their arguments (don't want laws based on the christian bible? you must be a liberal!) and for years I dealt with them in a respectful manner. I argued with them point for point in a way that attempted to show respect for their stupid positions.

About the time I got into pages long arguments with jpotts, who tried to change the basic transitive property of algebra to support his point (and refused to acknowledge the incorrect math), I stopped giving a f$$k. I'm not going to spend hours trying to share ideas with someone if they are unwilling to accept the basic principles of math as a foundation for a discussion.

Now... if you say something stupid, I'm simply going to state that. I'm not mad. I'm usually just disappointed that people still have the poor logic skills they display today. That and amused at mocking them.... I dunno if the germans have a word for "disappointed and amused at the same time".... probably something like matterfarker....

I hear the Germans are remorsefully guiltless about that.

248. Author: HuckFinnDate: Wed, 1/31/2018, 9:19PM EST
victor809 wrote:

I'm not going to spend hours trying to share ideas with someone if they are unwilling to accept the basic principles of math as a foundation for a discussion.

“The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom.”
― Isaac Asimov
249. Author: frankj1Date: Wed, 1/31/2018, 9:21PM EST
victor809 wrote:
The democrats are fools.

Whether one cares about DACA or not, you have to agree this is pure stupid by the dems.

Assuming they actually wanted to pass a DACA extension before it expires in March, with the knowledge that the orange f$$tard has already torpedoed a bill to extend it which was supported by both dems and reps... they were idiots to accept a "pinky swear" from McConnel. He didn't even promise anything more that "we'll look at it".

Who wants to take bets on how the DACA program will be torpedoed?

Think the Senate won't pass anything?
Think something will pass the Senate but not the House?
Think a joint bill will make it to El Presidente F#$$tard and he'll veto it?
Some combination of the above BS?

couldn't vote, cuz I don't think it will die.
250. Author: HuckFinnDate: Thu, 2/1/2018, 6:05PM EST
victor809 wrote:

.... I dunno if the germans have a word for "disappointed and amused at the same time"

weltschmerz comes close
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