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Presidentin' Is...The Thing...You Know...The Thing!
851. Author: DrMaddVibeDate: Thu, 5/5/2022, 6:31AM EST
Imaginary instances to fight with imaginary people. This is our President ladies and gentlemen!

The desperation mounts as Bidenflation soars, China locks down ports, The Fed raises rates, Putin savagely attacks an unprovoked sovereign nation and the rats are jumping ship before the mid-terms for cushy Op Ed jobs.

It's a damn good thing we have this blob there that was supposed to unite this country after who knows what this applesauce for brains criminal thinks.

852. Author: RayRDate: Thu, 5/5/2022, 8:08AM EST
DrMaddVibe wrote:
Imaginary instances to fight with imaginary people. This is our President ladies and gentlemen!

The desperation mounts as Bidenflation soars, China locks down ports, The Fed raises rates, Putin savagely attacks an unprovoked sovereign nation and the rats are jumping ship before the mid-terms for cushy Op Ed jobs.

It's a damn good thing we have this blob there that was supposed to unite this country after who knows what this applesauce for brains criminal thinks.


OH are just one of those crazy MAGA extremists who doesn't want kids to be groomed in skool to be woke LGBQ+++XYZ/2x10 and stuff. You don't want state-sanctioned killin' of little chilldrens. You just don't appreciate the genius of da president saving the soul of Amerika.Anxious
What's the matter with you?
853. Author: DrMaddVibeDate: Thu, 5/5/2022, 8:10AM EST
Frying pan Frying pan Frying pan

854. Author: DrMaddVibeDate: Thu, 5/5/2022, 8:56AM EST
Remember all that strategic oil reserve that was shipped to Europe but was supposed to be released here in America to relieve the doubled prices at the pump? Well, there's more bad news about that...

Biden Begins Buying Back Oil To Refill Strategic Reserve... Will Send Gas Prices Back To Record Highs

Not The Onion...

Frankly, when this headline hit we just assumed it was a mistake... but it's not.

Just 6 weeks after President Biden unveiled the greatest, most-massivest, democracy-saving plan to release millions of barrels of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve into the market to bring down the price of gasoline at the pump for Americans... which was crushing his approval ratings as the average joe's pocket book is eaten alive by Biden-flation...

CNN reports that the Biden administration plans to seek bids this fall to buy 60 million barrels of crude oil as the first step in a years-long process aimed at replenishing America's shrinking emergency oil reserve, an Energy Department official said.

"As we are thoughtful and methodical in the decision to drawdown from our emergency reserve, we must be similarly strategic in replenishing the supply so that it stands ready to deliver on its mission to provide relief when needed most," Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm said in a statement.

Beyond trying to refill a vital rainy fund, the Biden administration hopes the buyback plan will encourage domestic oil production by guaranteeing a source of future demand.

This cunning plan to sell low and buy high has sent oil prices back above $110... and erased any short-term impact on oil prices from Biden's plan...

And in the meantime, gas prices at the pump are now above where they were when Biden unveiled the cunning plan...

And given the moves in oil and wholesale gasoline, things will not be slowing down anytime soon...

So - the plan to sell oil to the market from the SPR was designed to lower oil prices (more supply) and thus lower gas prices... and now the plan to buy oil and refill the SPR is design to lower prices (because it may encourage domestic production)?

"Congress has been irresponsibly selling the SPR down," said Bob McNally, who in the early 2000s oversaw the Energy Department's efforts to replenish the SPR under former President George W. Bush, adding that "draining the reserve leaves the country and the world more vulnerable to geopolitical shocks."

CNN adds that the buyback plan won't impact congressionally mandated sales of oil from the SPR aimed at raising revenue to ease the federal deficit...

...but won't buying the oil back worsen the deficit?

WTF is going on!!!

You simply cannot make this up!!!!

Cue the jokes...little do they know the disdain everyone holds them to.
855. Author: RayRDate: Thu, 5/5/2022, 2:30PM EST
Talking about disdain and contempt...

Joey B has a new name for those Republicans that think he sucks...


And he says he's reducing the deficit, you know like he reduced inflation! LOL LOL LOL

Biden Has a 'Deplorables' Moment as Attempt to Give Conservatives a Demeaning New Name Backfires

By Jack Davis
May 4, 2022 at 4:44pm

Former President Donald Trump’s “Make America Great Again” slogan appeared to be living in President Joe Biden’s head Wednesday as Biden unleashed an attack on conservatives.

During a brief media appearance during which Biden praised himself for shrinking the federal deficit, he repeated the phrase “Ultra-MAGA.” Repeatedly.

856. Author: SunoverbeachDate: Thu, 5/5/2022, 5:59PM EST
The consensus after the election is that 100% of Americans think 50% of Americans have lost their minds.
857. Author: JGKAMINDate: Thu, 5/5/2022, 7:14PM EST
Sunoverbeach wrote:
The consensus after the election is that 100% of Americans think 50% of Americans have lost their minds.

Or the 51% feel they can control the minds of the 100% of Americans.
858. Author: DrMaddVibeDate: Fri, 5/6/2022, 7:32AM EST
There's no consensus.

The DNC is a terrorist organization.
859. Author: RayRDate: Fri, 5/6/2022, 7:26PM EST
Will the real terrorist please stand up.

Tulsi Gabbard: Biden Is 'Essentially Calling Millions of Americans Terrorists'

Democrat former congresswomen responds to Biden's 'MAGA crowd' insult

Democrat former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) has slammed Joe Biden for claiming that the "MAGA crowd" is "the most extreme political organization that’s existed in American history."Gabbard responded by noting that Biden is "essentially" calling millions of Americans "terrorists."On Wednesday, Biden made the harsh and derogatory disparagement against tens of millions of Americans while suggesting that the potential overturning of Roe v. Wade is a slippery slope."What happens if you have states change the law saying that children who are LGBTQ can’t be in classrooms with other children?" Biden said as he proposed a hypothetical situation.

860. Author: SunoverbeachDate: Fri, 5/6/2022, 7:51PM EST
My favorite mythical creature (aside from lizard people)? The honest politician
861. Author: frankj1Date: Fri, 5/6/2022, 8:58PM EST
ray, you've branded billions commies.
making him look moderate.
862. Author: RayRDate: Sat, 5/7/2022, 9:54AM EST
Sunoverbeach wrote:
My favorite mythical creature (aside from lizard people)? The honest politician

Mythical creature?

Frankie wrote:
ray, you've branded billions commies.
making him look moderate.

Again you insist on building a strawman.
You play with wurds again and make chit up that I said.
Like a typical leftie, you brand an Anti-Commie like me as an EXTREMIST.

863. Author: frankj1Date: Sat, 5/7/2022, 12:16PM EST
RayR wrote:
Mythical creature?

Again you insist on building a strawman.
You play with wurds again and make chit up that I said.
Like a typical leftie, you brand an Anti-Commie like me as an EXTREMIST.

being anti commie is not in and of itself an extreme position to take for believers in Democracy and Capitalism.
It's your belief that 98.2% of the world's population fit your definition of commie that makes even extremists look moderate.

Will you be needing an even clearer statement... yet again?
864. Author: SunoverbeachDate: Sat, 5/7/2022, 7:39PM EST
Stop repeat offenders. Don't reelect them
865. Author: DrMaddVibeDate: Sun, 5/8/2022, 9:42AM EST
Preach it Creepy Joe...

"AnalF**k69": Hunter Biden's Password Revealed In Whistleblower Tell-All

A Delaware computer repair shop owner who was driven out of business for blowing the whistle over Hunter Biden's abandoned laptop has written a book, "American Injustice: My Battle to Expose the Truth, in which he details what went down behind the scenes with the sitting president's crack-addict son.

According to an excerpt published by the New York Post, John Paul Mac Isaac was about to close up shop on a Friday night when Hunter Biden 'stumbled' in carrying three MacBook Pros.

"I’m glad you’re still open," Hunter reportedly said with an "air of entitlement" radiating off of him. "I just came from the cigar bar, and they told me about your shop, but I had to hurry because you close at seven."

One of the computers, writes Mac Isaac, had a Beau Biden Foundation sticker covering the Apple logo. He proceeded to inspect the computers, when Hunter revealed his password: Analfuck69

For some reason, maybe misplaced compassion, I decided to check them over then and there. One at a time, I performed a quick inspection of the machines. The 15-inch laptop was a complete write-off. It had extensive liquid damage, and because the drive was soldered to the logic board, data recovery was beyond my capability. (If a Mac can’t power on, you won’t be able to access the drive and get to the data.)

The 13-inch 2015 MacBook Pro was in slightly better shape. It could boot up, but the keyboard was unresponsive. I pulled out an external keyboard and asked for permission to log in.

Hunter started laughing.

“My password is f–ked up. Don’t be offended!” he said, before announcing that it was “analf–k69” or something to that extent. His inebriated condition made it difficult to understand is speech. My eyes widened a bit, and I told him that maybe it would be best if he tried to log in himself. -via the NY Post

Mac Isaac then offered to loan Hunter the keyboard so he could perform his own hard drive recovery on one of the other laptops, before discovering porn on what would come to be known as the 'laptop from hell.'

"Scrolling down, I started to see files that didn’t align. I started to individually drag and drop the files to the recovery folder. It took only a few files before I noticed pornography appearing in the right column," he writes.

“How many of these does he have?” I wondered. It wasn’t just him alone either. Although it looked like he was having a love affair with himself, there also were photos with women. I decided I’d had enough, that I was no longer going to preview the data. I would just go by the file name and hope for the best. And I tried to work out how to keep a straight face when he returned for the recovery data.

He then writes that there was a file labeled "income.pdf," which showed what Hunter made in 2013, 2014 and 2015. "Next to each year was the amount of taxable income earned: $833,000+ in 2013, $847,000+ amended to $1,247,000+ in 2014, $2,478,000+ in 2015." - all while Joe Biden was the sitting Vice President.

Another note read, "Since you couldn’t have lived on $550,000 a year, you ‘borrowed’ some money from RSB in advance of payments."

The whole document seemed shady. I saw that a lot of money had exchanged hands, and it didn’t seem like it had been recorded lawfully. But what did I know? Plus, it was none of my business. It wasn’t my job to judge — just to transfer and verify. So I kept transferring data until I hit a rather large file. The file was about half transferred when the screen went blank. Dammit, the battery had run out.

Now while all of this is certainly entertaining, what's it going to take for the DOJ to launch a special counsel - given all the evidence of international dealings and other malarkey involving Joe Biden? If it was Don Jr's laptop we would have already moved on to impeachment. Then again, we're sure big tech platforms wouldn't have interfered in the 2020 election by censoring the original story if the shoe was on the other foot.

So smaht. So...smaht.

NOT, and the people that voted for this are dumber than him!
866. Author: RayRDate: Sun, 5/8/2022, 10:01AM EST
frankj1 wrote:
being anti commie is not in and of itself an extreme position to take for believers in Democracy and Capitalism.
It's your belief that 98.2% of the world's population fit your definition of commie that makes even extremists look moderate.

Will you be needing an even clearer statement... yet again?

So to add insult to injury you do it again! So now you infer that I am an Ultra Extremist! You've somehow channeled that I believe that "98.2% of the world's population" fits my definition of a commie? Shame on you

No, I won't need you to make a clearer statement, I think you've made your FEELINGS clear enough.

867. Author: SunoverbeachDate: Sun, 5/8/2022, 10:55AM EST
Well you are an ultra extremist. Anyone who disagrees with you on any point is slapped with any number of unfriendly labels. Whole compliance to the thought process of one individual is about as extreme as it gets, comrade.
868. Author: SunoverbeachDate: Sun, 5/8/2022, 9:25PM EST
Don't steal. That's the government's job
869. Author: Speyside2Date: Mon, 5/9/2022, 10:09AM EST
Frank, Ray is a radical extremist. Fortunately he does not appear to be a violent one. Quit feeding the squirrel!!! By directly engaging him in any manner important, I expect this from anyone who is a follower of the Mices Institute. I say Mices because they have no more power or input than a mouse does. It is comical how he tries so hard to engage many here with his witless insults. Though I do have fun commenting about him. It is so easy to goad him into am idiotic diatribe. Though at least for me he is useful in a way. If I am feel down in the dumps I only need to think of him. I think of how meaningless his life must be. I think of the need to be the source of wisdom on a discount cigar forum. I realize that is rock bottom in a life. It is hard for me to imagine being that insecure. I would not wish demons of the mind like that on anyone, I battle my own demons of the mind with some success. The battle is daily and always will be. I hope someday Ray sees clearly what his battle is.
870. Author: RayRDate: Mon, 5/9/2022, 11:04AM EST
Yes Spey, I am an EXTREMIST.

No Spey. I'm not a violent EXTREMIST, that's the duty of the LEFT that clearly labors to destroy culture, tradition, science and civilization. Are you LEFT-SPEY today? Damn!, I don't know how you juggle all those personalities.

Spey, your insults against me or other rational EXTREMISTS for liberty like me fall on deaf ears. Or we just laugh at you.

LEFT-SPEY prolly feels down in the dumps because he has no coherent counterargument to offer and his spelling sucks.
871. Author: Dg west deptfordDate: Mon, 5/9/2022, 5:28PM EST
Personally, I'm kinda Ultra, Uber, Supercalifragilisticexpealidocious MAGA

So, Thanks for sharing DMV & all you other Ultras in here!

The rest of you non-ultras out there
There's still time to get on board the Train

But if you haven't jumped from BBB yet there's very little hope

872. Author: DrMaddVibeDate: Mon, 5/9/2022, 8:35PM EST

873. Author: Speyside2Date: Mon, 5/9/2022, 8:51PM EST
I've never been on the BBB DG. Though I think BBW would be a better acronym. I follow my own path, as you well know. I think maybe 2 or 3 people that post here are on the BBW. They are occasional posters. Overall the people here are fun and interesting. 2 or 3 aren't. They are regular posters. You are not 1 of the 2 or 3.
874. Author: SunoverbeachDate: Mon, 5/9/2022, 9:30PM EST
A long time ago, we had empires run by emperors, and kingdoms run by kings. Now we have countries....
875. Author: BuckyB93Date: Mon, 5/9/2022, 9:55PM EST
Speyside2 wrote:
I've never been on the BBB DG. Though I think BBW would be a better acronym. I follow my own path, as you well know. I think maybe 2 or 3 people that post here are on the BBW. They are occasional posters. Overall the people here are fun and interesting. 2 or 3 aren't. They are regular posters. You are not 1 of the 2 or 3.

Excuse me for being ignorant but what does the Better Business Bureau and Bath & Body Works factor into this, if at all?
876. Author: DrMaddVibeDate: Tue, 5/10/2022, 6:34AM EST
Now, where did I hear ANTIFA nad BLM are the Brown Shirts for the DNC? Well, they're calling in the Planned Parenthood division. Oh yeah, I remember now!

From court packing to leaking to doxing: White House yields to a national rage addiction

Nearly 70 years ago, a little-known lawyer named Joseph Welch famously confronted Sen. Joseph McCarthy (D-Wis.) in defense of a young man hounded over alleged un-American views. Welch told McCarthy that “I think I have never really gauged … your recklessness” before asking: “Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?”

It was a defining moment in American politics as Welch called out a politician who had abandoned any semblance of principle in the pursuit of political advantage. This week, the same scene played out in the White House with one striking difference: This was no Joseph Welch to be found.

After someone in the Supreme Court leaked a draft opinion in the case of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, a virtual flash-mob formed around the court and its members demanding retributive justice. This included renewed calls for court “packing,” as well as the potential targeting of individual justices at their homes. Like the leaking of the opinion itself, the doxing of justices and their families is being treated as fair game in our age of rage.

There is more than a license to this rage; there is an addiction to it. That was evident in March 2020 when Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) stood in front of the Supreme Court to threaten Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh by name: “I want to tell you, Gorsuch, I want to tell you, Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price! You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.” Schumer’s reckless rhetoric was celebrated, not condemned, by many on the left, even after he attempted to walk it back by stating that “I should not have used the words I used … they did not come out the way I intended to.”

What occurred at the White House this week is even more troubling. When asked for a response to the leaking of a justice’s draft opinion, White House press secretary Jen Psaki declined to condemn the leaker and said the real issue was the opinion itself. Then she was asked about the potential targeting of justices and their families at their homes, and whether that might be considered extreme. It should have been another easy question; few Americans would approve of such doxing, particularly since some of the justices have young children at home. Yet Psaki declared that “I don’t have an official U.S. government position on where people protest,” adding that “peaceful protest is not extreme.”

In reality, not having an official position on doxing and harassing Supreme Court justices and their families is a policy.

Whether protests are judged to be extreme seems often to depend upon their underlying viewpoints. When Westboro Baptist Church activists protested at the funeral of Beau Biden, it was peaceful — but many critics rightly condemned the demonstration as extreme; some even approved of Westboro activists being physically assaulted. When the church brought its case before the Supreme Court, some of us supported its claims despite our vehement disagreement with their views, but 42 senators filed an amicus brief asking the court to deny free-speech protections for such protests. The court ultimately ruled 8-1 in favor of the church.

In this case, the Biden administration and the Justice Department have condemned the court’s leaked draft — but not the threatened protests at justices’ homes, even though those arguably could be treated as a crime. Under 18 U.S.C. 1507, it is a federal crime to protest near a residence occupied by a judge or jury with the intent to influence their decisions in pending cases, and this case remains pending. (Ironically, prosecution could be difficult if the protesters said they had no intent other than to vent anger.)

Even if protests at justices’ homes are constitutionally protected, that does not make them right, any more than the lawful Army-McCarthy hearings of 1954 were right.

In 1954, the left was targeted for its political views; today, it is the left which is calling for censorship, blacklisting and doxing. In such moments of reckless rage, presidents often have become calming voices, tempering extremist passions in their own parties. When they have failed to do so, history has judged them harshly, as in the case of President Eisenhower’s belated condemnation of Sen. McCarthy, something he reportedly regretted for the rest of his life.

President Biden has repeatedly shown that polls, not principles, guide his presidency. He showed integrity as a senator by denouncing court packing as a “bonehead … terrible, terrible” idea. However, he has stayed silent as today’s Democrats have pushed to pack the court with an instant liberal majority, a demand that increased this week. Biden long supported the Senate’s filibuster rule and said efforts to eliminate it would be “disastrous” — but when today’s mob formed, he flipped and denounced the filibuster as a “relic” of the Jim Crow era.

Even on abortion, Biden has shifted with the polls. He once opposed Roe v. Wade and supported an amendment that would negate the decision. At the time, he declared that “I don’t think that a woman has the sole right to say what should happen to her body.” Now President Biden has switched his position without really switching his logic. He recently declared that he supported Roe because “I’m just a child of God; I exist” and thus can decide what happens to his body. Accordingly, he denounced the Supreme Court’s draft opinion as “radical” and affirmed the right of a woman “to abort a child.“

Whether it is court leaking, packing, doxing or other tactics, many Democratic politicians and pundits continue to follow the mob rather than risk its ire.

Our national addiction to rage is captured in three indelible images. In June 2020, there was the White House surrounded by security fencing after nights of arson and rioting; in January 2021, Congress was surrounded by the same fencing after rioting that momentarily halted the certification of the presidential election. Now the set is complete with photos of the Supreme Court encased in the same fencing.

All three branches, having to be protected from enraged citizens on the left or the right.

Schumer’s 2020 pledge that justices would “pay the price” has been realized as they and their families are now bunkered in their homes. Despite the shocking image of a court system under attack, President Biden has not mustered the courage to dissuade these protesters. He appears to be following the lead of French revolutionary Abbe Sieyes, who watched as his 1789-99 revolution spun out of control; asked what he had done during “the Terror,” he replied: “I survived.”

President Biden is now in survival mode, too. It seems he does not lack decency, just the courage to defend it.

Just like the Summer of Floyd...another DNC propped rage-a-thon. Look at all the feigned anger with the backgrounds around icons on social media...Frying pan

They really believe that if Roe V Wade is struck down abortion just ends.
877. Author: Speyside2Date: Tue, 5/10/2022, 7:09AM EST
You will just have to guess, I guess.
878. Author: DrMaddVibeDate: Tue, 5/10/2022, 7:45AM EST
Speyside2 wrote:
You will just have to guess, I guess. first!

Um...gonna go waaay out on a limb here...if they repeal Roe V Wade...birthing people will still be able to get abortions. Prolly gonna be more "inconvenient"...but who cares about the baby anyways? Not the people that matter and that's the hypocritical truth. Most of the empty skulls have never seen an abortion. Maybe we should start airing that dirty little in-utero abortion to witness what happens to the baby, I mean if we can make it past 2 Girls 1 Cup...surely we can watch that!whip
879. Author: RayRDate: Tue, 5/10/2022, 8:35AM EST
DrMaddVibe wrote: first!

Um...gonna go waaay out on a limb here...if they repeal Roe V Wade...birthing people will still be able to get abortions. Prolly gonna be more "inconvenient"...but who cares about the baby anyways? Not the people that matter and that's the hypocritical truth. Most of the empty skulls have never seen an abortion. Maybe we should start airing that dirty little in-utero abortion to witness what happens to the baby, I mean if we can make it past 2 Girls 1 Cup...surely we can watch that!whip

Good'll make for a good gross reality TV show...right after Dr. Pimple Popper. BARF!
880. Author: SunoverbeachDate: Tue, 5/10/2022, 4:15PM EST
What do you call a Russian procrastinaor? Putinoff
881. Author: DrMaddVibeDate: Thu, 5/12/2022, 6:34AM EST

Whew....dodged a BIG bullet with this meathead commie!

AG Garland Rules Judges May Consider Criminal Illegal Aliens’ Mental Health When Reviewing Asylum Claims

The Biden administration has said that judges may take into consideration the mental health of criminal illegal immigrants who have been convicted of “particularly serious crimes” when considering asylum cases.
Attorney General Merrick Garland speaks at a news conference to announce actions to enhance the Biden administration's environmental justice efforts at the Department of Justice in Washington, on May 5, 2022.

Under the Immigration and Nationality Act, illegal immigrants seeking entry into the country would be made ineligible for both asylum and withholding of removal—whereby illegal immigrants remain in the United States after demonstrating that they would likely face persecution in their country of origin due to their race, nationality, religion, or political opinion, among others—if they have been convicted of a “particularly serious crime” and are found to be a danger to the community of the United States.

However, Attorney General Merrick Garland ruled on May 9 that judges considering such cases may now take into consideration the mental health of these immigrants in their rulings.

Garland’s decision overturns a 2014 Board of Immigration Appeals ruling, in a case known as “Matter of G-G-S” (pdf), in which “a person’s mental health is not a factor to be considered in a particularly serious crime analysis.”

That determination rested on two factors, the first one being “whether and to what extent an individual’s mental illness or disorder is relevant to his or her commission of an offense and conviction for a crime are issues best resolved in criminal proceedings by finders of fact,” and the fact that immigration adjudicators “cannot go behind the decisions of the criminal judge and reassess any ruling on criminal culpability.”

The second factor is that the board concluded that an illegal alien’s “mental condition does not relate to the pivotal issue in a particularly serious crime analysis, which is whether the nature of his convictions he sentence imposed, and the circumstances and underlying facts indicate that he posed a danger to the community.”

The “Matter of G-G-S” case involved a Mexican man who was convicted in 2004 of assault with a deadly weapon and sentenced to two years in prison.

From an early age, the man suffered from chronic paranoid schizophrenia, according to an interim decision on the case. The immigration judge found that the man’s offense was a “crime of violence aggravated felony,” and further determined that it was a “particularly serious crime,” which barred him from establishing eligibility for withholding of removal.

However, the man sought to block his deportation by stating that his mental health condition should be a factor in determining whether his offense was a particularly serious crime and claimed that “his mental illness prevented him from solving a complex social situation such as being aggressively challenged by a stranger” and consequently resulted in him being violent.

Garland in December directed the board to send him the case for review.
A Border Patrol agent drops a group of illegal immigrants being expelled under Title 42 at the halfway point of the international bridge between the United States and Mexico, in Eagle Pass, Texas, on April 19, 2022. (Charlotte Cuthbertson/The Epoch Times)

On Monday, Garland said that he had determined that “it is appropriate to overrule the Board’s decision in G-G-S-.”

“In some circumstances, a respondent’s mental health condition may indicate that the respondent does not pose a danger to the community,” he said, citing examples such as where the individual had suffered from “intimate partner violence” and was convicted of assaulting their partner, or where “reliable evidence” showed that the individual’s assault had been motivated by post-traumatic stress disorder.

“Of course, an individual may pose a danger to the community notwithstanding a mental health condition, and in those cases, the ‘particularly serious crime’ bar to asylum and withholding of removal may apply,” he noted. “But the potential relevance of mental health evidence to the dangerousness inquiry suffices to establish that such evidence should not categorically be disregarded, as G-G-S- held.”

“Going forward, immigration adjudicators may consider a respondent’s mental health in determining whether a respondent, having been convicted by a final judgment of a particularly serious crime, constitutes a danger to the community of the United States,” he said.

“The Board’s decision in respondent’s matter is vacated and the case is remanded to the immigration judge for further proceedings consistent with this opinion.”

Garland’s decision comes as U.S. Border Patrol agents are preparing for an influx of illegal immigrants attempting to enter the country when the Trump-era Title 42 policy is lifted later this month.

That policy had allowed agents to turn illegal aliens back to Mexico immediately if they were deemed to pose a health threat amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

But the Biden administration says it believes that an increase in health tools such as vaccinations has helped to combat the spread of the virus and therefore those restrictions will be terminated on May 23.

Garland is mad he didn't get his job for life on the bench and then shows everyone he's not fit for the job he currently has and to ever be a judge on the Supreme Court!
882. Author: MACSDate: Thu, 5/12/2022, 5:14PM EST
Biden is an idiot... the end.
883. Author: SunoverbeachDate: Thu, 5/12/2022, 8:01PM EST
All politics is loco.
- Howard Ogden
884. Author: DrMaddVibeDate: Fri, 5/13/2022, 7:17AM EST
MACS wrote:
Biden is an idiot... the end.

ANYONE spouting that Trump was worse than this is a flaming big mouthed idiot that should NEVER EVER be believed.

This administration is the biggest failure when the world needs it's shining City on the Hill. The DNC and it's craptastic followers gave us Biden.

But hey let's give Ukraine trillions of dollars!
885. Author: DrMaddVibeDate: Fri, 5/13/2022, 7:44AM EST
A tad bit late now eh?

Biden administration runs ads in Central America asking migrants not to come

The Biden administration is blitzing social media in Guatemala and Honduras with advertisements meant to deter people from migrating to the United States and crossing the border illegally.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection announced on Wednesday that it began a cross-border digital ad campaign targeting the two Central American countries, the points of origin for many migrants, ahead of the anticipated end of Title 42, the pandemic policy for turning away migrants at the border.

"The ads deliver a clear message: Smugglers are lying to you. The fact is that entering the United States illegally is a crime. The ads highlight smugglers, known as ‘coyotes,’ who take advantage of and profit from vulnerable migrants," CBP said in a press release.

CBP Commissioner Chris Magnus said the campaign was part of the Biden administration's efforts to deter illegal migration. Border Patrol has rescued more migrants over the past year and a half than any other time on record, while deaths in custody or while being apprehended have also risen.

The ads are in Spanish, with English text at the bottom. They warn: "The coyote lied to us. Entering the USA illegally is a crime. Say no to the coyote."

Others state the coyotes took a child or father away from a family and warn not to let the coyotes "destroy" other families. A fourth ad says that the coyote "swindled" the migrants out of money. Each ad contains a link to a U.S. government website that has more information urging migrants not to pay cartels to smuggle them into the U.S.

The ads will run through mid-July. The administration did not say how much was being spent on the campaign.

In less than two weeks, the Biden administration is slated to stop using Title 42, which allowed the immediate turning away of all migrants who illegally crossed the border or sought asylum at a port of entry. The Biden administration has predicted as many as 18,000 migrants could attempt to cross the border each day in the six weeks after Title 42 ends on May 23, though a federal judge has indicated plans to delay that.

Encounters of migrants at the border have fluctuated through the decades between 1,000 and 7,000 per day. At present, border authorities are taking in up to 8,000 people daily, though that does not include people who cross and evade arrest.

Despite Title 42 still being in effect, the Biden administration has not returned all illegal migrants and has instead sent back just over half, releasing others into the U.S. on parole or another temporary basis pending appearances in immigration court.

This is not the first time that CBP has run ads to deter migrants, and its effectiveness has been called into question in the past.

Political pressure from the crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border in early 2021 pushed President Joe Biden to launch a different ad campaign in January 2021, with tens of thousands of radio ads in Brazil, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras in Spanish, Portuguese, and six indigenous languages. The ads played on 33 radio stations, reaching an estimated 15 million individuals, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said at a press briefing at the time.

Psaki presented the ads as a meaningful example of actions taken by the Biden administration to help stem the tide of illegal migrants.

The anti-illegal immigration ads that federal agencies air in Central American countries are useless, former senior Trump officials told the Washington Examiner in 2021, undercutting one of the Biden administration's defenses of its border policies. Some liberal immigrant groups also said the ads do not stop migrants from coming to the U.S. and added that there is no research to support their efficacy.

Former Trump administration officials who dealt with border and migration issues say the technique, which has been used in varying forms since the Obama administration and was used by the Trump administration, has very limited effectiveness and should end.

“We analyzed the ads internally, and the results always showed the limited effectiveness of them,” said Chad Wolf, former acting secretary of Homeland Security, in an interview with the Washington Examiner.

He added that although tracking the effectiveness of a large number of ads was “hard to do,” internal Homeland Security data show the number of illegal immigrants didn’t decrease thanks to the ads. Furthermore, qualitative data collected in migrant interviews also show the ads were not effective, he said.

Duh...but that will come out of the President's mouth too! Just how much are these ads costing the taxpayer???
886. Author: RayRDate: Fri, 5/13/2022, 9:19AM EST
"The ads are in Spanish, with English text at the bottom. They warn: "The coyote lied to us. Entering the USA illegally is a crime. Say no to the coyote.""

It won't work cause everybody knows the Biden administration does nothin' but a lot of lyin' and foolin'
They all know what those ads really mean..."Com'on in! Free Smart Phones For All! Vote Democrat Always and Often!"

887. Author: JGKAMINDate: Fri, 5/13/2022, 10:01AM EST
Wait, so you’re saying a coyote can carry a person across the border? LOL!
888. Author: RayRDate: Fri, 5/13/2022, 10:18AM EST
JGKAMIN wrote:
Wait, so you’re saying a coyote can carry a person across the border? LOL!

I heard yes, as long as Joe gets his 10% cut.
889. Author: JGKAMINDate: Fri, 5/13/2022, 10:24AM EST
RayR wrote:
I heard yes, as long as Joe gets his 10% cut.

When President Trump suggested at Thursday's presidential debate that the more than 500 migrant children unable to be reunited with their parents were brought to the border by "coyotes," many on social media were left confused.

“Georgia state Rep. Dar'shun Kendrick, a Democrat, was among those who seemed to have been puzzled by the remark.

“Did @realDonaldTrump just say 545 kids they can't find their parents for came over through 'cartels and coyotes'?!’” she tweeted. “How the hell does a coyote bring a whole human across the border?! Lord-----stop talking.”

After constant mocking on Twitter over the mistake, Kendrick snapped back, tweeting, “Lol. These keyboard bandits sure do talk big behind their keyboards. I want you all you know all you're doing is getting me MORE followers not less. By all means, keep being annoying.”

She also wrote she planned to ignore the “hateful” tweets and let people “have fun arguing with” themselves.”

890. Author: Speyside2Date: Fri, 5/13/2022, 12:13PM EST
Ya know, about 2 weeks of legal bounty hunting wanted dead would go a long way to fixing the border crisis. Say $200 per.
891. Author: Stogie1020Date: Fri, 5/13/2022, 1:30PM EST
Speyside2 wrote:
Ya know, about 2 weeks of legal bounty hunting wanted dead would go a long way to fixing the border crisis. Say $200 per.

$200 per politician? Seems like an overvalue, but w/e...
892. Author: MACSDate: Fri, 5/13/2022, 4:08PM EST
Meme the left... LOL
893. Author: SunoverbeachDate: Fri, 5/13/2022, 5:44PM EST
There are two things that are important in politics. The first is money, and I can’t remember the second.
- Mark Hanna
894. Author: DrMaddVibeDate: Fri, 6/24/2022, 7:29AM EST
Leader of the Free World or a decide.

Biden Given 'Cheat Sheet' That Instructs Him How To 'Say Hello' And 'Sit Down'

Joe Biden was photographed holding a “cheat sheet” given to him by his advisers instructing him on how to enter a room, say “hello,” sit down, talk to other people and then depart.

Yes, really.

“YOU enter the Roosevelt Room and say hello to participants,” states the bullet point list before going on to tell Biden, “YOU take YOUR seat.”

“Press enters,” the cheat sheet continues. “YOU give brief comments (2 minutes). Press departs (t). YOU ask Liz Shuler, President, AFL-CIO, a question. Note: Liz is joining virtually. YOU thank participants. YOU depart.”

Why on earth does the leader of a free world require an instruction manual on how to behave like a normal human? This is like something you would give to an autistic child doing a high school presentation.

“How mentally out of it is this geriatric patient that he needs to be told to sit down and say hello?” asks Chris Menahan.

“He’s already the least popular president in American history and yet they just continue to use and abuse him for all he’s worth.”

As we have exhaustively highlighted, Biden’s mental frailties, which routinely manifest themselves in the form of verbal gaffes and confused, befuddled behavior, are of real concern to Democrats given that Biden will be 82 years old by the time he begins a second term.

Another example occurred earlier this month when Biden appeared baffled as to whether or not he was visiting Saudi Arabia.

Last week, he also mistakenly made reference to the “L-G-B-T-Q-L” community.

According to a report by the New York Times, Democrats are panicking at the thought of Biden once again going up against Trump for the 2024 presidential election.

“They have watched as a commander in chief who built a reputation for gaffes has repeatedly rattled global diplomacy with unexpected remarks that were later walked back by his White House staff, and as he has sat for fewer interviews than any of his recent predecessors,” reported the newspaper.

Sit...judging by his bike riding skills we don't need to teach him lie down...maybe he should take up sky-diving!
895. Author: SunoverbeachDate: Fri, 6/24/2022, 12:23PM EST
I'm not saying your perfume is too strong. I'm just saying the canary was alive before you got here.
896. Author: DrMaddVibeDate: Tue, 6/28/2022, 3:06PM EST
Joe Biden Covered Hunter's Russia-Linked Hooker Tab; Leaked Audio Proves Joe Spoke Of Dealings

President Joe Biden inadvertently paid son Hunter's tab to a Russia-linked escort ring, the Washington Examiner reports, citing records from the first son's infamous laptop.

After Hunter spent more than $30,000 on prostitutes between November 2018 and March 2019 - including several who use ".ru" email addresses linked to Russia, and an "exclusive model agency," UberGFE, Joe wired $5,000 while Hunter was "actively engaged" with an escort.

Hunter Biden disclosed in text messages with a woman named Eva, the go-between who served as his primary point of contact for UberGFE, that his accounts were temporarily frozen at one point because his attempted payments to her "girls" with Russian email accounts were too much of a "red flag" for his bank. Eva refers to him as Robert in the messages, which is his birth name. -Washington Examiner

Hunter also convinced Joe to send $20,000 more, claiming it was to pay for drug rehab in New York, but which never actually happened.

The Examiner notes that there's no suggestion that Joe knew what Hunter was spending the money on.

"What's wrong with you," Hunter asked the Examiner just after the above story was published.

According to a 2020 GOP Senate report, "Hunter Biden paid nonresident women who were nationals of Russia or other Eastern European countries," and that certain transactions were linked to what "appears to be an Eastern European prostitution or human trafficking ring."

The report says that Hunter "sent thousands of dollars" to individuals who were either involved in "transactions consistent with possible human trafficking" or "potential association with prostitution."

Some of Hunter's hookers "subsequently wired funds they have received from Hunter Biden to individuals located in Russia and Ukraine."

In one instance, a prostitute named Eva told Hunter that he owed a total of $9,500 for 16 hours of 'work' - telling him to wire the funds directly to a bank account linked to a woman with a Russian email address. Less than 90 minutes later, "Joseph R. Biden Jr." sent him $5,000 through Cash App, after which Joe Biden's former assistant texted Hunter to say that the amount was the maximum amount allowed because the "weekly limit is $7,500."

Many of the previously unreported records cited in this story, including Hunter Biden's communications with his father, were located in a password-protected iPhone XS backup found on a copy of his abandoned laptop. The iPhone was saved to Hunter Biden’s computer on Feb. 6, 2019. Konstantinos "Gus" Dimitrelos, a cyber forensics expert commissioned by the Washington Examiner, located the password to the iPhone backup during his examination of the hard drive.

In one instance, Joe Biden wired his son $5,000 less than three hours before he filmed a dispute with an escort over a $10,000 payment at a cottage in Boston, Massachusetts. -Washington Examiner

According to Hunter's search history, he was looking for "dc Russian escorts," and visited the UberGFE website to browse for hookers.

Hunter is currently under federal investigation for possible tax fraud linked to his overseas business dealings.

Speaking of which, the Daily Mail has leaked December 2018 audio of Joe Biden telling Hunter he wanted to talk to him after the New York Times dropped a story on Hunter's dealings with Chinese oil company CEFC.

The president has repeatedly denied personally and through his press secretary that he ever talked about Hunter's foreign business with his Hunter – despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

Now, in a voicemail left on Hunter's iPhone, the evidence has come from POTUS' own mouth.

Joe called Hunter on December 12, 2018 saying that he wanted to talk to him after reading a New York Times story about Hunter's dealings with the Chinese oil giant CEFC. -Daily Mail

Files on Hunter's laptop reveal that he leveraged his family name to strike a deal with CEFC for millions of dollars.

According to the Times story, CEFC chairman Ye Jianming was arrested in China, while his #2 Patrick Ho had been convicted in the US for bribing African officials in order to help Iran evade oil sanctions.

Ye met with Hunter in 2017 in a Miami hotel to discuss "a partnership to invest in American infrastructure and energy deals."

According to the leaked Audio, Joe says in a voicemail to Hunter; "Hey pal, it's Dad. It's 8:15 on Wednesday night. If you get a chance just give me a call. Nothing urgent. I just wanted to talk to you," adding "I thought the article released online, it's going to be printed tomorrow in the Times, was good. I think you're clear. And anyway if you get a chance give me a call, I love you."

And of course, none of this is apparently newsworthy according to the same networks that provided 24-7 coverage of the Trump children's nothingburger "gotchas."
897. Author: RayRDate: Tue, 6/28/2022, 4:00PM EST
^ I heard this on the NEWS this morning. and listened to the recorded message to Hunter.
Lyin' Biden of the Biden Crime Family should be locked up!
898. Author: DrMaddVibeDate: Tue, 6/28/2022, 4:44PM EST
Should be...but idiots are all insurrectioned in the membrane to actually be bothered with FACTS!
899. Author: MACSDate: Tue, 6/28/2022, 5:25PM EST
DrMaddVibe wrote:
Should be...but idiots are all insurrectioned in the membrane to actually be bothered with FACTS!

Yep... and if it was Donnny and Don Jr... it'd be plastered all over the networks, non-stop and all the cackling b*tches on the view and other shows like it would be screaming bloody murder... but it's their guy, so... SHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!
900. Author: SunoverbeachDate: Tue, 6/28/2022, 9:06PM EST
That one line 'i'm not drinking too much tonight' never goes as planned...
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