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MACS to Florida Journey Journal
651. Author: DrMaddVibeDate: Tue, 7/19/2022, 6:25AM EST
MACS wrote:
The guy I am using came highly recommended by my buddy here who used him. He said I was welcome to follow him for 2-3 hours, but I declined. Told him I'd show up the last 30 minutes so we could go over his report and he could point out anything he thought was of concern.

Did not get the house with the pool.

You can ALWAYS put a pool in...even a huge hottub on the's to no problems and move in goes great!
652. Author: MACSDate: Tue, 7/19/2022, 7:56AM EST
Clubhouse has a huge pool... and a gym. No need for a pool.
653. Author: DrMaddVibeDate: Tue, 7/19/2022, 8:03AM EST
MACS wrote:
Clubhouse has a huge pool... and a gym. No need for a pool.

Yeah..but people...whip
654. Author: MACSDate: Tue, 7/19/2022, 9:29AM EST
BuckyB93 wrote:
Congrats, sounds like the relocation went rather smooth.

We'll see. Still have to get my stuff delivered. Still have to close and move in. Let's not get ahead of ourselves. lol
655. Author: BuckyB93Date: Tue, 7/19/2022, 10:49AM EST
MACS wrote:
We'll see. Still have to get my stuff delivered. Still have to close and move in. Let's not get ahead of ourselves. lol

Post deleted, don't want to jinx things.
656. Author: MACSDate: Tue, 7/19/2022, 12:48PM EST
BuckyB93 wrote:
Post deleted, don't want to jinx things.

All good, Bucky...I'm not a superstitious type. What'll be will be... gotta roll with the punches.
657. Author: MACSDate: Tue, 7/19/2022, 1:08PM EST
Can't recall who mentioned this, but I think it was madspackler, about obtaining a loan nowadays... jiminy flippin' Christmas!

It's funny because all the info NFCU is asking for they can see by pulling up my accounts. Brick wall
658. Author: rfenstDate: Tue, 7/19/2022, 1:11PM EST
MACS wrote:
Can't recall who mentioned this, but I think it was madspackler, about obtaining a loan nowadays... jiminy flippin' Christmas!

It's funny because all the info NFCU is asking for they can see by pulling up my accounts. Brick wall

Not good enough. Also, prepare to update them a few days before closing. Brick wall
659. Author: SunoverbeachDate: Tue, 7/19/2022, 9:28PM EST
And references, and pay stubs for the last 20yrs, and dry cleaning bills for the last 5, and blood samples from yourself, the wife, the extended family on both sides, and prolly from Tank too. That's likely enough to get started
660. Author: MACSDate: Wed, 7/20/2022, 5:53AM EST
The home buying process is rolling and now it's kind of just a waiting game. The home and termite inspections will be done Friday morning. Bank is having the appraisal done (at my expense, of course) so many of the next 40 or so days will be idle.

Wife is already looking at furniture options.
661. Author: frankj1Date: Wed, 7/20/2022, 8:06AM EST
madspackler wrote:
When I bought my first house, my father advised me to scope out the neighborhood by getting there very early in the morning and watch the neighbors leaving for work, and the kids heading out for school. Do the same again in the afternoon/evening and get a feel for the neighborhood as well as the neighbors. You will learn very quickly about how the neighborhood works - who has dogs and walks them; do the kids play together; how young/old the people are in the area.

I always suspected MY father had a secret second family...HA!

anyway, reallyhappy for you guys, Shawn. I'm on the Cape and just told Caren, Rick and Bonni (spending a few nights at our rental). They're happy for you too...and are still in awe about that tour you gave us!
662. Author: MACSDate: Wed, 7/20/2022, 11:18AM EST
frankj1 wrote:
I always suspected MY father had a secret second family...HA!

anyway, reallyhappy for you guys, Shawn. I'm on the Cape and just told Caren, Rick and Bonni (spending a few nights at our rental). They're happy for you too...and are still in awe about that tour you gave us!

T'weren't nuttin' but a thang, ya know... happy to have been able to do it.
663. Author: MACSDate: Wed, 7/20/2022, 11:22AM EST
Hearing the sound of Blue Jays again warms my heart... unless it's 0500. Then I want to shoot the mother effers. But Jays are wicked smaaht. You'll hear them screaming, but rarely see them when there are leaves on da trees.
664. Author: Gene363Date: Wed, 7/20/2022, 1:49PM EST
MACS wrote:
Hearing the sound of Blue Jays again warms my heart... unless it's 0500. Then I want to shoot the mother effers. But Jays are wicked smaaht. You'll hear them screaming, but rarely see them when there are leaves on da trees.

Better check local regulations, we move here from Aiken, SC where they considered a BB gun as a firearm, just nuts.

Oh, and don't forget to get your concealed carry license too.
665. Author: MACSDate: Wed, 7/20/2022, 2:01PM EST
Word on the street is Florida is trying to go to "constitutional carry", which everyone should, IMO.
666. Author: Gene363Date: Wed, 7/20/2022, 2:09PM EST
MACS wrote:
Word on the street is Florida is trying to go to "constitutional carry", which everyone should, IMO.

Absolutely the right way to go, the SC legislature has been "working" that for several years now. OTOH, it may help you for traveling to a state that has reciprocity with your state.
667. Author: madspacklerDate: Thu, 7/21/2022, 9:27AM EST
Alabama has recently adopted the Constitutional Carry rule. It is still helpful to hold a concealed carry license regardless, especially if you are traveling to neighboring states. It also helps fund the Sheriff’s office in your local area.
668. Author: HockeyDadDate: Fri, 7/22/2022, 6:47PM EST
10 biggest adjustments fleeing Californians have to make in their new states:

Strange wet stuff falls from the sky once in a while. Try not to drive your car into a pole when this happens. Take a deep breath. You will get through it.

People don't say "The" in front of highway names. If you're driving on I-10 in Texas, you'll feel the urge to say "The 10," but don't do it. It's wrong.

You can't wear flip-flops to church. Not even your "nice" Vans flip-flops. Put on shoes like an adult.

There's no need to call the police if you see someone with a gun strapped to their hip. It's OK. The guns can't jump out and hurt you, no matter what Newsom told you back in California.

"Bless your heart" doesn't mean "bless your heart." Well, it might mean "bless your heart," but it's a safer bet that it means "that person's weird," or "you're an idiot," or "I don't like you." Or, it's a simple ending to a statement you've made about someone that you don't want to feel bad about.

No one cares about your preferred pronouns. Go ahead and tell an old farmer in Oklahoma that you go by "they" pronouns. The look on his face will be worth it.

Man-buns are unacceptable in a professional setting. Or any setting.

You have to go into buildings without any kind of official warning that something inside there might cause cancer. You will just have to take the chance. Be strong.

The weather cycles from hot to cold and back again on an annual basis. Do not be alarmed. These are called "seasons."

You might have to make your own choices and take responsibility for your actions without the government taking care of you. This is the most difficult adjustment for Californians to make when they move to America, but with time, prayer (also acceptable in red states), and willpower, you can do it!
669. Author: SunoverbeachDate: Fri, 7/22/2022, 8:23PM EST
Advice for Macs, or are you prepping yourself for your eventual Texit?
670. Author: HockeyDadDate: Fri, 7/22/2022, 8:27PM EST
Sunoverbeach wrote:
Advice for Macs, or are you prepping yourself for your eventual Texit?

That’s for MACS. Besides only SoCal people say “the 10”. We make fun of that in NorCal.

I’ve already exited California once in my past. This will be my second 7 year stint in Cali and exit for freer pastures.
671. Author: MACSDate: Sat, 7/23/2022, 6:53AM EST
None of that crap applies to me. Sure, I was stuck in Commiefornia for quite some time, but I knew they were f---ed up the whole time.

Not gonna lie... I already miss the weather... and the roads, in Jax at least, are frickin' horrible. The interstates 95, 295, 10, and all the damn rest of them are like a scrambled up plate of spaghetti with on-ramps and off-ramps in the same spot. Idiotic.
672. Author: rfenstDate: Sat, 7/23/2022, 10:17AM EST
MACS wrote:
None of that crap applies to me. Sure, I was stuck in Commiefornia for quite some time, but I knew they were f---ed up the whole time.

Not gonna lie... I already miss the weather... and the roads, in Jax at least, are frickin' horrible. The interstates 95, 295, 10, and all the damn rest of them are like a scrambled up plate of spaghetti with on-ramps and off-ramps in the same spot. Idiotic.

July through August suck. September knocks off a few degrees and some humidity. November starts to cool down just a bit. December and January are cold for us. February Now, remember yo are like June are great. But, you are like 2 hours north of me and not inland so you will have cooler temps and colder spells than us.

Hurricaine season slows down at the end of October and November 30 storms later in the season strike from the Atlantic through the islands and maybe Florida's east coast. Buy a whole house generator (Generac?).
673. Author: Major BoobageDate: Sat, 7/23/2022, 10:59AM EST
Why would anyone live there?
674. Author: rfenstDate: Sat, 7/23/2022, 1:14PM EST
Major Boobage wrote:
Why would anyone live there?

Because it has real nice weather most of the year, no state income tax, Republican legislator and governor, ultra conservative, no snow no winter, cold weather is like bellow 60F and only lasts one or two days a week an it is in the 70's the rest of the time, in Orlando. These are just some of the reasons that bring people to Florida.
675. Author: MACSDate: Sat, 7/23/2022, 4:38PM EST
He lives in AZ Robert. He'd rather pay taxes and melt from June-September for the privilege.
676. Author: deadeyedickDate: Sat, 7/23/2022, 4:48PM EST
MACS wrote:
He lives in AZ Robert. He'd rather pay taxes and melt from June-September for the privilege.

While Florida has no income taxes their sales taxes are twice as high as California's.
677. Author: HockeyDadDate: Sat, 7/23/2022, 7:48PM EST
deadeyedick wrote:
While Florida has no income taxes their sales taxes are twice as high as California's.

I just paid 9.3% sales tax in California. Florida’s is not 18.6%.
678. Author: Ram27Date: Sat, 7/23/2022, 8:48PM EST
6% same as PA.
679. Author: MACSDate: Sun, 7/24/2022, 5:40AM EST
deadeyedick wrote:
While Florida has no income taxes their sales taxes are twice as high as California's.

Sorry, bruddah... dat's just not so. 8.5% was the sales tax in Temecula. It is 7.5% here in Jax. My property tax is going to be higher, but my home price will be higher than what I paid for my old house 22 years ago.

Auto insurance, believe it or not, may be a bit higher here. Prolly cuz da old people's driving and stuff. Anxious
680. Author: deadeyedickDate: Sun, 7/24/2022, 6:50AM EST
MACS wrote:
Sorry, bruddah... dat's just not so. 8.5% was the sales tax in Temecula. It is 7.5% here in Jax. My property tax is going to be higher, but my home price will be higher than what I paid for my old house 22 years ago.

Auto insurance, believe it or not, may be a bit higher here. Prolly cuz da old people's driving and stuff. Anxious

Ya, it was from memory of an article. I should have said sales and excise taxes.

Cali =$ 36.59/1000 29th highest state
Fla = $47.95/1000 10 highest state

And all of us are paying for the FEMA subsidized flood insurance and Hurricane mitigation. You are welcome.
681. Author: MACSDate: Sun, 7/24/2022, 8:01AM EST
According to that list I moved from #17 to #44 in total taxes. I find those terms acceptable. LOL

I used to think CA had crappy roads. Not compared to Jax. Good grief.

Will be curious to see what my power bill will be like here. I'll be heating and cooling 1000 more sqft... no whole house fan... and I'll need to run the AC 24/7 for more months than I did in CA. d'oh!

Once I get settled I hope we can do a FL herf so I can actually get to meet Rfenst and DMV in person.
682. Author: Gene363Date: Sun, 7/24/2022, 9:24AM EST
Interesting information on taxes.

From the Tax Foundation website:

The states with the highest state-local tax burdens in calendar year 2022 were:

1. New York (15.9 percent)
2. Connecticut (15.4 percent)
3. Hawaii (14.1 percent)
4. Vermont (13.6 percent)
5. California (13.5 percent)
6. New Jersey (13.2 percent)
7. Illinois (12.9 percent)
8. Virginia (12.5 percent)
9. Delaware (12.4 percent)
10. Maine (12.4 percent)
11. Florida (9.1 percent)
15. Arizona (9.5 percent)

The states with the lowest state-local tax burdens in calendar year 2022 were:

50. Alaska (4.6 percent)
49. Wyoming (7.5 percent)
48. Tennessee (7.6 percent)
47. South Dakota (8.4 percent)
46. Michigan (8.6 percent)
45. Texas (8.6 percent)
44. North Dakota (8.8 percent)
43. Georgia (8.9 percent)
42. South Carolina (8.9 percent)
41. Oklahoma (9.0 percent)

683. Author: SunoverbeachDate: Sun, 7/24/2022, 10:40AM EST
Haven't tried Jx roads specifically, but they're awful up here. The freeze/thaw every few days in the winter is hell on the asphalt
684. Author: MACSDate: Tue, 7/26/2022, 12:21PM EST
Ohhhhhhh, my goodness.

So, the wife and I either sold or donated quite a bit of stuff before we left, so we'd have a lot less to ship... and frankly because pretty much everything except our living room set was old and dated... and cheap.

Welp... we found a quality furniture store in the area and did a little one stop shopping. The older sales lady that helped us out had to be dancing a jig when we left if she works on commission. I actually anticipated the pain this would cause to my account and planned for it. I didn't spend as much as I anticipated, but we still have a few odds and ends to finish out our shopping.

New bedroom set. King bed frame with head/foot board, Dresser with mirror, 2 nightstands and a chest of drawers. Got what the wife really liked (so did I, but sshhhh) and got to pick the mattress. Serta iComfort hybrid with max cooling and pressure relief... plush. Because I am a human frickin' fireplace, really wanted the max cooling. I sleep better.

Formal dining set. Table with 2 leafs, 4 side chairs, 2 arm chairs and a gorgeous china cabinet.

Man cave. 2 brown leather rocker recliners and a table to put between them.

Still need outdoor patio furniture, maybe some area rugs, and a few things for the guest bedrooms.
685. Author: BuckyB93Date: Tue, 7/26/2022, 12:41PM EST
When can I move in?
686. Author: SunoverbeachDate: Tue, 7/26/2022, 6:45PM EST
Soon as he gets a few things for the guest bedrooms. I read multiple there. Who's up for a Jaxhole Herf?
687. Author: MACSDate: Tue, 7/26/2022, 7:39PM EST
2 guest rooms and a man cave that'll fit the rollaway bed in a pinch... or the air bed. Rollaway is more comfy IMHO.

Still gotta close escrow, but things seem to be proceeding, so...
688. Author: DrMaddVibeDate: Wed, 7/27/2022, 6:54AM EST
MACS wrote:
According to that list I moved from #17 to #44 in total taxes. I find those terms acceptable. LOL

I used to think CA had crappy roads. Not compared to Jax. Good grief.

Will be curious to see what my power bill will be like here. I'll be heating and cooling 1000 more sqft... no whole house fan... and I'll need to run the AC 24/7 for more months than I did in CA. d'oh!

Once I get settled I hope we can do a FL herf so I can actually get to meet Rfenst and DMV in person.

SAy when!
689. Author: 8trackdiscoDate: Wed, 7/27/2022, 9:02AM EST
MACS wrote:
Serta iComfort hybrid with max cooling and pressure relief... plush. Because I am a human frickin' fireplace, really wanted the max cooling. I sleep better.

Real Manopause.
690. Author: MACSDate: Wed, 7/27/2022, 9:43AM EST
8trackdisco wrote:
Real Manopause.

Shaaaaadaaaaaaap! Frying pan

Fun fact...

We went to one furniture store and were looking around when the owner comes out and asks us to take Tank out of the store. I tell her I am retired military and he is my service dog and she asks for papers. I say... you can't ask me for those, it's against HIPPA laws. She assures me she can, if Tank isn't wearing a vest or a collar that identifies him as a service dog.

Meh... he's not a service dog, I'm just not leaving him in a tiny Airbnb apartment, nor in the tiny yard that wraps around to an apartment on the other side with someone else in it. So we left.

Found a better store who was happy to allow him to walk around and smell stuff while we shopped.

Felt like going back to the other store with my receipt... and saying, "You work on commission, right? Big mistake. Big. Yuge." LOL

Yeak. Like in Pretty Woman. Anxious
691. Author: HockeyDadDate: Wed, 7/27/2022, 10:03AM EST
MACS wrote:
According to that list I moved from #17 to #44 in total taxes. I find those terms acceptable. LOL

I used to think CA had crappy roads. Not compared to Jax. Good grief.

Will be curious to see what my power bill will be like here. I'll be heating and cooling 1000 more sqft... no whole house fan... and I'll need to run the AC 24/7 for more months than I did in CA. d'oh!

Once I get settled I hope we can do a FL herf so I can actually get to meet Rfenst and DMV in person.

When I moved to Cali my power bill stayed the same. Used 1/3 the electricity at 3X the cost per KWH.
692. Author: 8trackdiscoDate: Wed, 7/27/2022, 1:47PM EST
MACS wrote:
Shaaaaadaaaaaaap! Frying pan

Fun fact...

We went to one furniture store and were looking around when the owner comes out and asks us to take Tank out of the store. I tell her I am retired military and he is my service dog and she asks for papers. I say... you can't ask me for those, it's against HIPPA laws. She assures me she can, if Tank isn't wearing a vest or a collar that identifies him as a service dog.

Meh... he's not a service dog, I'm just not leaving him in a tiny Airbnb apartment, nor in the tiny yard that wraps around to an apartment on the other side with someone else in it. So we left.

Found a better store who was happy to allow him to walk around and smell stuff while we shopped.

Felt like going back to the other store with my receipt... and saying, "You work on commission, right? Big mistake. Big. Yuge." LOL

Yeak. Like in Pretty Woman. Anxious

You can and should still do it.
693. Author: SunoverbeachDate: Wed, 7/27/2022, 6:09PM EST
Extra credit if you do it in heels, a dress, and a long red wig
694. Author: Stogie1020Date: Wed, 7/27/2022, 6:13PM EST
Sunoverbeach wrote:
Extra credit if you do it in heels, a dress, and a long red wig

Why would MACS change wig color just for this?
695. Author: 8trackdiscoDate: Wed, 7/27/2022, 8:26PM EST
Sunoverbeach wrote:
Extra credit if you do it in heels, a dress, and a long red wig

You’ve got some weird kinks, Sun.
696. Author: SunoverbeachDate: Wed, 7/27/2022, 8:39PM EST
Don't judge me
697. Author: Gene363Date: Wed, 7/27/2022, 8:39PM EST
8trackdisco wrote:
You’ve got some weird kinks, Sun.

True, but you know we'd all pay money to watch. Popcorn
698. Author: 8trackdiscoDate: Wed, 7/27/2022, 9:04PM EST
Sunoverbeach wrote:
Don't judge me

More of an observation than a judgment.
699. Author: 8trackdiscoDate: Wed, 7/27/2022, 9:05PM EST
Gene363 wrote:
True, but you know we'd all pay money to watch. Popcorn

700. Author: MACSDate: Fri, 7/29/2022, 3:59PM EST
Ayite den... roofers were out there today with my WDO inspector. He showed them the 3 areas he noted and they replaced the wood and re-shingled. I just submitted the passing inspection report to my credit union. Final approval is around the corner.

Processor said... "I'll let you know if they need any other documentation".

I replied... "Well, I had a colonoscopy 2 frickin' years ago if they need that... you know, to show my head is not up there".

She laffed.
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