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Speaker of the House
51. Author: RayRDate: Thu, 1/5/2023, 11:50AM EST
I heard Hakeem Jeffries is a threat to our duhmacracy who denied the legitimacy of the Supreme Court.
I heard Da Squad said he is too much of a centrist and not Marxist Commie enough for them, and not as woke as AOC.
I heard Hakeem Jeffries is an election denier who floated a conspiracy theory that Republicans stole multiple elections in 2018.
I heard he has also equated pro-life conservatives to a “cult”.

52. Author: AbrignacDate: Thu, 1/5/2023, 11:57AM EST
Here’s what I find funny. At least 20 members don’t want Kevin McCarthy as their leader. As such they are exercising their constitutional mandate to participate in an election for Speaker. But, they aren’t picking the front runner. In doing so they have so excited nearly half of the nation that they have deemed a democratic process a chit show. So I guess there are those that feel as long as they allow themselves to be bullied into towing the line they are ok. Otherwise, the are pariahs?

Out of respect for the friendship I share with some here I’ll defer on calling this what I see it to be, but I urge you to step back from the tree line and try to understand what process is playing out. McCarthy is simply a Republican version of Pelosi. He wants the rules to stay the same so like her he can bully his side into doing what he wants. Is it so bad to return to open debate on bills with far ranging consequences?

Is it so bad to have a Speaker who needs to be capable of compromise to keep his position? After all, that is the job of Congress. It must be capable of Comoros o that it best serves the majority of its constituents.
53. Author: HockeyDadDate: Thu, 1/5/2023, 12:31PM EST
RayR wrote:
I heard Hakeem Jeffries is a threat to our duhmacracy who denied the legitimacy of the Supreme Court.
I heard Da Squad said he is too much of a centrist and not Marxist Commie enough for them, and not as woke as AOC.
I heard Hakeem Jeffries is an election denier who floated a conspiracy theory that Republicans stole multiple elections in 2018.
I heard he has also equated pro-life conservatives to a “cult”.

Pretty much sounds like a mainstream 2023 Democrat.
54. Author: HockeyDadDate: Thu, 1/5/2023, 12:32PM EST
DrMaddVibe wrote:
Robert's head would explode.

I dunno. I got Brewha on board for Lauren Boebert in a leather teddy. I need to get AOC in on this broad coalition.
55. Author: AbrignacDate: Thu, 1/5/2023, 12:42PM EST
HockeyDad wrote:
I dunno. I got Brewha on board for Lauren Boebert in a leather teddy. I need to get AOC in on this broad coalition.

I’d hit it as long as I didn’t have to listen to politics while doing so.
56. Author: BrewhaDate: Thu, 1/5/2023, 1:01PM EST
Abrignac wrote:
I’d hit it as long as I didn’t have to listen to politics while doing so.

She prolly can’t talk is her mouth is full….
57. Author: HockeyDadDate: Thu, 1/5/2023, 1:07PM EST
dictatorship of the proletariat
58. Author: Mr. JonesDate: Thu, 1/5/2023, 1:23PM EST
Watching the "sorry ass sad process of over paid pariahs"
Voting right now

Jefferies is winning 212
McCarthy 201
Donald's 18
Present 1
Still voting


WTF ???
The lying EMBELSHER can't even pronounce his new correctly.

Loser army general Scott perry of Pa ( Jan. 6 capital rioter colluder and no show to his subpoena) is a NON -VOTE ...

59. Author: HockeyDadDate: Thu, 1/5/2023, 1:25PM EST
Pennsylvania does not deserve better.
60. Author: DrMaddVibeDate: Thu, 1/5/2023, 1:43PM EST
HockeyDad wrote:
Pennsylvania does not deserve better.

They got that new senator that's a snappy dresser! He uses those real big words like Pedo Joe from Scranton!

61. Author: RayRDate: Thu, 1/5/2023, 1:44PM EST
I heard the people of Pennsylvania got the government they deserve.

"The Government of the absolute majority instead of the Government of the people is but the Government of the strongest interests; and when not efficiently checked, it is the most tyrannical and oppressive that can be devised." — John C Calhoun
62. Author: AbrignacDate: Thu, 1/5/2023, 1:57PM EST
Brewha wrote:
She prolly can’t talk is her mouth is full….

But, that’s only a part time solution.
63. Author: DrMaddVibeDate: Thu, 1/5/2023, 2:29PM EST
I had a six over here, now I got a going going I got an eight who's gonna give me eight...give me an eight up in here.
64. Author: drglncDate: Thu, 1/5/2023, 2:51PM EST
DrMaddVibe wrote:
I had a six over here, now I got a going going I got an eight who's gonna give me eight...give me an eight up in here.

You have 8 Sir! now with 1 more dissenting vote for 21...
65. Author: DrMaddVibeDate: Thu, 1/5/2023, 3:05PM EST
Frying pan Frying pan Frying pan

Waiting for Turtle Mitch to say something statesman like and walk off...I know Jim Jordan really wants that Judicial seat...but!
66. Author: ZRX1200Date: Thu, 1/5/2023, 3:17PM EST
House members are tired of no reading or debate on bills and them being done behind closed doors. The “reasonable middle” should support that and if they don’t they’re either stupid or willing sheep.

So that brings us to the lizard people wearing boots to hold your back legs or you hold still.
67. Author: DrMaddVibeDate: Thu, 1/5/2023, 3:18PM EST
ZRX1200 wrote:
House members are tired of no reading or debate on bills and them being done behind closed doors. The “reasonable middle” should support that and if they don’t they’re either stupid or willing sheep.

So that brings us to the lizard people wearing boots to hold your back legs or you hold still.


Another movie that's now a documentary on the American Dream
68. Author: drglncDate: Thu, 1/5/2023, 3:31PM EST
ZRX1200 wrote:
House members are tired of no reading or debate on bills and them being done behind closed doors. The “reasonable middle” should support that and if they don’t they’re either stupid or willing sheep.

So that brings us to the lizard people wearing boots to hold your back legs or you hold still.

100% agree that these bills being released for immediate vote are BS... should be a minimum number of days from release of the bill prior to voting being allowed... 3 days? 5 days? im not sure the right amount of time but something has to change in that way.
69. Author: ZRX1200Date: Thu, 1/5/2023, 3:34PM EST
Shhhhh……you’re sounding like an extremist!

Where were you on January 6th?!!!!
70. Author: drglncDate: Thu, 1/5/2023, 3:38PM EST
ZRX1200 wrote:
Shhhhh……you’re sounding like an extremist!

Where were you on January 6th?!!!!

i Stayed home like a good boy... Bosses orders.
71. Author: ZRX1200Date: Thu, 1/5/2023, 3:55PM EST
Yeah you’re gonna be on the list until innocence is proven, sorry not sorry. You can contact Jonsie for tradecraft recommendations.
72. Author: AbrignacDate: Thu, 1/5/2023, 4:07PM EST
What I don’t understand though is why if McCarthy is such an effective leader he doesn’t convince the R’s to adjourn until there is a negotiated solution. As it stands, he appears to be stubborn which is only going to increase the resolve of those R’s against him.
73. Author: rfenstDate: Thu, 1/5/2023, 4:22PM EST
Abrignac wrote:
You simply made it sound as though it was arbitrary when the reasons are much more complicated. By simplifying the explanation, I was able to show just how precarious McCarthy's leadership would be regardless of the reason chosen by any five Republicans. You really want a Republican Speaker who can be taken out by any five Republican Senate members ? I do not. I think stability and effectiveness is much better for both parties and the country.

For one, they want to be allowed to offer amendments to bills once a bill reaches the floor. Presently this can only be done in committee. So if a member isn’t on the committee that writes the bill he can’t directly offer an amendment, or participate in debate of such. I have no problem with this.

They want an end to these one-stop-shop Omnibus bills dropped in their lap a few hours before the vote where there is little time to debate or read the bill before it must be voted on. “We must pass this bill so we can see what’s in it” ~ Nancy Pelosi (ties into #3) I have no problem with this.

The demand by the holdouts would restore the House rules on vacating the chair to what they were before Rep. Nancy Pelosi was elected speaker in 2019. Under Pelosi, a motion to vacate could be offered on the House floor only if a majority of either party agreed to it. Before that rules change, a single member could move for a vote to unseat the speaker.I have no problem with this either. It's the congressional Republicans' choice as the majority party.

You have a small group that has had enough time to work all this out and McCarthy is giving them every thing they want, but they won't agree to him because they have a "burn down the house down" mentality instead of moving forward and governing (any way they want). I just do not think they are negotiating honestly. Neither have they brought forth a legitimate alternative. They are accomplishing nothing other than blocking McCarthy- who needs to throw in the towel already. The House can't do critical business until someone is elected Speaker. This is a problem for all Americans, regardless of party affiliation or where they fit on the political spectrum.

Absent the 20 or so hold-outs, the only timely way out of this I see, after the 9th vote, is bipartisan election of a more middle of the road Republican, which certainly won't serve the 20 or so well at all. The Republicans just need to end the chit-show and let Congress get to work. If this continues too much longer, it is a free gift to the Dems, that they don't deserve.

Do this one in private and then get it done!
74. Author: ZRX1200Date: Thu, 1/5/2023, 4:23PM EST
When you’re establishment you don’t entertain the commoners in your court.
75. Author: HockeyDadDate: Thu, 1/5/2023, 4:28PM EST
Stability and effectiveness is best achieved by iron fisted rule.
76. Author: drglncDate: Thu, 1/5/2023, 5:18PM EST
And we have a perfect 10…
77. Author: ZRX1200Date: Thu, 1/5/2023, 5:19PM EST
You had me at fist.
78. Author: RayRDate: Thu, 1/5/2023, 5:21PM EST
HockeyDad wrote:
Stability and effectiveness is best achieved by iron fisted rule.

I heard that's what it's like under dicktatorships. Think
79. Author: ryankelly77Date: Thu, 1/5/2023, 6:16PM EST
Did you see Gaetz nominate Trump for speaker today?
80. Author: BrewhaDate: Thu, 1/5/2023, 6:17PM EST
And I thought the Republican Party were obstructionist before. Damn, now they even stop themselves.

The Republicans should just give it to Jeffries so they can get back to fund raising….
81. Author: ryankelly77Date: Thu, 1/5/2023, 6:20PM EST
Trump said he would accept the nomination for speaker only if there was a fair election on wait for it…..January 6th! (Tomorrow) lol
82. Author: ZRX1200Date: Thu, 1/5/2023, 6:22PM EST
Brew what did republiCANTS obstruct before?
83. Author: AbrignacDate: Thu, 1/5/2023, 6:26PM EST
rfenst wrote:
You have a small group that has had enough time to work all this out and McCarthy is giving them every thing they want, but they won't agree to him because they have a "burn down the house down" mentality instead of moving forward and governing (any way they want). I just do not think they are negotiating honestly. Neither have they brought forth a legitimate alternative. They are accomplishing nothing other than blocking McCarthy- who needs to throw in the towel already. The House can't do critical business until someone is elected Speaker. This is a problem for all Americans, regardless of party affiliation or where they fit on the political spectrum.

Absent the 20 or so hold-outs, the only timely way out of this I see, after the 9th vote, is bipartisan election of a more middle of the road Republican, which certainly won't serve the 20 or so well at all. McCarthy just need to end the chit-show and let Congress get to work. If this continues too much longer, it is a free gift to the Dems, that they don't deserve.

Do this one in private and then get it done!


I’m not aware that McCarthy has agreed to anything. Has this been reported and I missed it?

I do agree that McCarthy needs to step aside, but a) he’s too arrogant to do so and b) he’s too blind to see how dumb he looks by continuing to push forward. What’s the definition of insanity?

Bi-partisan? Good luck on that one. The D’s are going to continue watching McCarthy twist in the wind while jumping up and down like a bunch of teenaged cheerleaders about to pee on themselves every time they vote unanimously for an election denier.
84. Author: ZRX1200Date: Thu, 1/5/2023, 6:38PM EST
Tell me what “critical business” congress has Robert I’m all ears (and I won’t ask for historical citation or an official sources…..

For bonus credit, critical to WHOM.
85. Author: rfenstDate: Thu, 1/5/2023, 6:45PM EST
Abrignac wrote:

I’m not aware that McCarthy has agreed to anything. Has this been reported and I missed it?

I do agree that McCarthy needs to step aside, but a) he’s too arrogant to do so and b) he’s too blind to see how dumb he looks by continuing to push forward. What’s the definition of insanity?

Bi-partisan? Good luck on that one. The D’s are going to continue watching McCarthy twist in the wind while jumping up and down like a bunch of teenaged cheerleaders about to pee on themselves every time they vote unanimously for an election denier.

Anth, you must have just missed it while out on the road... I found this for you:

Seems like we are in AGREEMENT.
86. Author: BrewhaDate: Thu, 1/5/2023, 6:45PM EST
ZRX1200 wrote:
Brew what did republiCANTS obstruct before?

Life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness.

Not to mention the obvious last 10 votes to plug in one of their own.

Where you been Homie?
87. Author: Mr. JonesDate: Thu, 1/5/2023, 6:47PM EST
Zee man...

I don't hand out hard earned TRADECRAFT lessons from my shabak buddy "TOMMY" IN THE LATE 70'S AND ALL OF THE EIGHTIES...

IT was amazing stuff...gotta love a "good T.O.A.D.Y." AT A JEWISH WEDDING ON LONG ISLAND...TWENTY++ YRS AFTER I WENT DARK....

DMV and dirjnc will get the "cigar bid discount price " if they want me to learn'mmm real good... 👍
88. Author: ZRX1200Date: Thu, 1/5/2023, 6:51PM EST
Yeah there is a responsibility to act and restrain, DC has forgotten that last part. Till they remember enumerated powers they can stay at home. I’ve been…..wait….I’m not falling for that I may need an alibi.

Jonsie I wouldn’t dream of you not getting a going rate for your abilities.
89. Author: BrewhaDate: Thu, 1/5/2023, 7:03PM EST

They nominated TRUMP - And he lost!

90. Author: Mr. JonesDate: Thu, 1/5/2023, 7:59PM EST
Dominion voting machines in da' H.O.U.S.E. TODAY...


Mike LINDELL...he's been watching the vote count "through cyber-space"...just like he did with his cohorts on the midterm elections...they had "cameras everywhere..watching in REAL TIME SEQUENCE & IN C.Y.B.E.R. REAL TIME"...

91. Author: Mr. JonesDate: Thu, 1/5/2023, 8:20PM EST

"you don't know f**k about ****!! "
"You don't know **** about f**k!! "

Signed ruth langmore
92. Author: Mr. JonesDate: Thu, 1/5/2023, 8:21PM EST
**** = s h i t
93. Author: drglncDate: Thu, 1/5/2023, 8:30PM EST
Don’t say his name… someone might decide to nominate him for speaker… prob get more votes then trump has.
94. Author: RayRDate: Thu, 1/5/2023, 8:41PM EST
Mr. Jones is Drunk...Wasted...ALLEgEdLY Beer
95. Author: tailgaterDate: Thu, 1/5/2023, 9:05PM EST
Brewha wrote:
Life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness.

Not to mention the obvious last 10 votes to plug in one of their own.

Where you been Homie?

Hold on.
Those were guaranteed in our Declaration of Independence. But didn't our departing speaker tear that in half after Trumps SOTU?
96. Author: AbrignacDate: Thu, 1/5/2023, 11:09PM EST
rfenst wrote:
Anth, you must have just missed it while out on the road... I found this for you:

Seems like we are in AGREEMENT.

That’s heresay. I have t heard him say it. Nor has he put out a statement to that effect. However, that only one of many issues of contention that members have gone on the record stating they want changed.

No mention has been made of the ability to offer amendments on the floor, single issue bills or a minimum time for debate of a bill.
97. Author: JGKAMINDate: Fri, 1/6/2023, 7:18AM EST
tailgater wrote:
Hold on.
Those were guaranteed in our Declaration of Independence. But didn't our departing speaker tear that in half after Trumps SOTU?

Technically, she actually already ripped it ahead of time but made it appear as if she was tearing it up while on camera. All about the Hollywood tv value.Speak to the hand
98. Author: DrMaddVibeDate: Fri, 1/6/2023, 7:30AM EST
The Sgt. At Arms should've removed her by the hair kicking and screaming for that stunt.

Then again, Lefty DGAS and liked the "entertainment" value it produced.
99. Author: rfenstDate: Fri, 1/6/2023, 7:51AM EST
tailgater wrote:
Hold on.
Those were guaranteed in our Declaration of Independence. But didn't our departing speaker tear that in half after Trumps SOTU?

Don't play dense- You know what she tore up was Trump's state of the union transcript.
But, we would all be better off had she torn him up. Everything going on now is due to or magnified by him.
100. Author: rfenstDate: Fri, 1/6/2023, 8:46AM EST
Abrignac wrote:
That’s heresay. I have t heard him say it. Nor has he put out a statement to that effect. However, that only one of many issues of contention that members have gone on the record stating they want changed.

No mention has been made of the ability to offer amendments on the floor, single issue bills or a minimum time for debate of a bill.

Hearsay you say? Yes, of course it is. But, the mere fact that someone repeats what another person says does not necessarily make the truth of the matter false...

Try this:

Seeking Votes, McCarthy Offers to Make It Easier for Lawmakers to Oust Speaker
The Republican suggested a House rules change to allow five members to call for a vote on the leader

Rep. Kevin McCarthy has offered to make it easier for critics to oust him as speaker, in an effort to secure enough votes for the California Republican to be elected to the post next week, according to two people familiar with the matter.

While this is the most significant concession to his detractors to date, it isn’t clear if the House minority leader’s proposal will win over the support he needs. ...

Or, try this:

"McCarthy offered more concessions to members of the House Freedom Caucus (HFC) opposing his bid for speaker since the House adjourned Wednesday evening. He has discussed granting the HFC more positions on the House Rules Committee, holding a vote on congressional term limits, as well as lowering the threshold for forcing a vote to remove the speaker to just one majority-party lawmaker."

You truly still think this is just b.s. gossip?
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