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Last post 23 years ago by mark. 11 replies replies.
You gotta read this!!!!!!
usahog Offline
#1 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
Of all the BS that is going on, this has got to be the Biggest...on Matt Drudge Report.. (nothing for sale so I'll post) You all need to read What Jessie Jackson Has said About this ordeal.. this is totally unreal.. I personally think this man has out Stepped his Bounds... How many of these Voters,(Students) do you recollect Had a Voters Reg. card from the place where they lived and were out of there Area to vote??? this Happened to my Brother-in-Law and Sister.. I am upoalddddd!!!! Should they Sue the State Governer because of there neglagence? (Jessie Jackson also went to Decatur Illinois, and raised a rukkus about students who got expelled from the school for a riot at a ball game that they had started..this went "National News".. you do not hear any more about this nationally, because all those teenagers he tried to defend have wound up in Jail over and over again for Violence!!!) this is not a Time to lash out at America it is time for the legislature to follow through with there job.. Elect our President and get back to a life in this USA.. I really find this Ironic how it is Florida (the state of President-Elect GWB's Brother is governer over) seemed to be the one in a fault over all this.. Could it have been intentional from the start to have this happen? naaaaaa No Way.. and Our President Smoked it but did not inhale.. and there wasnt a Monica Lewinski Stained Dress.. A BJ is not a sexual Act not hear anything about White Water incident..anyone know how Paula Jones settled out?? no there was no money's collected from China for the Presidential Campaine in 1996..and to Top it all off.. If elected President I Will (Gore) Pardon William Jefferson Clinton should any charges be brought against him... Come On America it is time to get real, get back to the Morals and Ethics that our Great Nation was founded on!!!!!!Happy Holidays to All!!!God Bless!!!!
TC Offline
#2 Posted:
Joined: 06-13-2000
Posts: 13
How great of a nation is it when the foreigners came here, slaughter Native Americans, took their land,tried to make them read and write English and also turned other human beings into slaves for their own personal gain. Tell me how great of a nation is it? Pleassssssse! Give me a break. He who is without sin cast the first STONE!!!!!!!!!!
tailgater Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
Posts: 26,187
I don't think that you truly have to be without sin to point out the failings of others. As for the horrible way in which our forefathers treated the natives and then the slaves, I can happily say that the country has matured. But we can NOT dwell on the past, for to do so would be counter productive. Instead we must learn from it and move FORWARD! Much like this election: We can not dwell on the fact that the votomatic machines are faulty. We must move forward and make new laws to govern the NEXT election. Let's face it, these democratic counties knew of the faults but ignored them until it was against their favor. Change it for next time. And TC, I really do believe that our country is GREAT despite heinous acts in our history. We need to live for today and tomorrow, not the past. Democrats always use HATE to gather votes. I will post a letter sent to me at a later date. It explains this in greater detail. In the mean time, let Sanity Prevail...
jjohnson28 Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 09-12-2000
Posts: 7,914
No disrespect TC but would you rather be speaking German,Russian or Chinese?PLEEEAAASSSEEE.
mark Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 08-03-1999
Posts: 143
TC, it is simply the case that America today is the greatest nation ever. Mightier than the Roman and British empires at their respective peaks, but more compassionate and morally righteous as well. Not through imperialism, but by promoting democracy and spreading the greatness of capitalism and stomping out oppression around the globe. Let's not judge the events of 200 years ago by the standards of today for it is intellectually lazy and tells us more about you than affirm your point. It kills me to hear ingrates like you whine about how terrible it is here. Another great thing about capitalism and democracy as we know it: CHOICES. You and Alec Baldwin can pack your Star Wars lunch boxes and move to China.
#6 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248
To TC. You are correct. Don't forget the chinese laborers who built the railroads but were not aloud to bring wives here because the country did not want "those kind of people" settling here. Work and get out. Woman were burned at the stake by religious zealots. Unfortunately this is a very republican leaning site and these things are not talked about in polite company. But we are a nation in progress and there is always hope we can make things better for all of us. Constant vigil is necessary.
TC Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 06-13-2000
Posts: 13
Sorry to tell you this but in case you did not not notice and you probably are not affected by it but oppression is still going on. It's not HATE it's the truth. What went on the past is still going on only in different methods and actions.
TC Offline
#8 Posted:
Joined: 06-13-2000
Posts: 13
Thank you. I do believe that you have to keep working at it and yes this is a very REPUBLICAN learning site. It's scary to see so many in one place!
TC Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 06-13-2000
Posts: 13
It's not intellectually lazy or whining about the standards in this country. We have many freedoms but we have such a long way to go. Besides why should I pack and leave most likely your ancestors came here, mine were already here. You are just blind to the many injustices that go on this country on a daily basis and has been going on for a very long time. Our politically correct society still does it they just do it in a different manner.
tailgater Offline
#10 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
Posts: 26,187
TC, no one denies that there are indeed bad groups of people still roaming this country. But it is not constructive to denounce the moral fortitude of America 2000 by "crying" about the injustices of the fairly distant past. Last I looked slavery was over. Programs exist to help out the poor. People need to take advantage of these outlets, not just sit back and wait for a never-ending hand out. We can not undo the past. We can only learn from it. Predjudice will always exist. It's ok to speak out against it, but don't drag down the entire country while doing it. You embody the very emotion that you claim to denounce when you show your hatred towards this country in your posts. You speak of Republicans as if it were a four letter word. I am not a registered Republican (I'm independent), but I know that both sides want all of the same things for the people of this country. Our paths may be different, but the destination is the same. And I, for one, chose Self sufficiency over a democrat-induced eternal welfare handout. If that makes me evil, so be it. Sorry if you disagree.
jjohnson28 Offline
#11 Posted:
Joined: 09-12-2000
Posts: 7,914
TC you speak of freedom,but it's because of the whinny ass liberals that we have less and less freedom today than at any time in history."They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."--Benjamin
Franklin. Rick and TC,tell me what the hell do Republicans have to do with slavery,the fall of the Native American Nations,and Predgudice that the Democrats do not.Excuse me but wasn't it Abraham Lincoln that had a lot to do with an end to slavery,Guess what REPUBLICAN.
Rick come on now Witch burnings,We weren't even a republic yet let alone have a Republican Party.
mark Offline
#12 Posted:
Joined: 08-03-1999
Posts: 143
Liberals are about self-hate. they are feeling guilty about something and therefore want to make everyone else feel guilty. go away and mind your own business. Racism? It does not exist in a free market. when Germans, Irish, Jews, whatever came to this country, if merchants did not give them a job due to their race, guess what? they set up shop across the street or worked for someone else who would hire them for less and drove the other guy out of business. the market is about competition, and the best rise to the top in competition. do you think the NBA is racist? why don't we have affirmative action for white guys in the NBA? Racism is a tool for the weak. It keeps Al Sharpton and Jesse jackson in power. The dirty truth is that it's all about merit. How about Asians? they have done well in this country. And do you know of any Asian American leaders the equivalent of Jesse Jackson and his ilk? unlikely, because they don't need or want one. It is not in interest of those like Al Sharpton's interest to have his people succeed, because he'd be out of power.
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