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Last post 13 years ago by bloody spaniard. 70 replies replies.
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big mistake
#1 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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Hamas fires dozens of mortars at Israel

JERUSALEM (AP) -- Palestinian militants in Gaza fired more than 50 mortar shells into Israel on Saturday, the heaviest barrage in two years, Israeli officials said, raising the prospect of a new Mideast flareup.

Also Saturday, Hamas police beat reporters and news photographers covering a rally in Gaza City, drawing a stiff condemnation from the reporters' association.

Israel invaded Gaza two years ago to put a stop to daily rocket barrages by Gaza militants, and Saturday's exchange showed how the conflict could quickly spiral out of control. Gaza's Hamas rulers are thought to be trying to avoid another Israeli invasion, after the last one caused widespread damage, killed more than 1,400 and left the territory under blockade, but Hamas claimed responsibility for some of the mortar rounds.

A Hamas official was killed and four civilians were wounded when Israel hit back with tank fire and air strikes, said Gaza Health Ministry spokesman Adham Abu Salmia.

Israeli police spokesman Tamir Avtabi said Gaza militants fired 54 mortar shells at Israeli border communities within 15 minutes. He said two Israeli civilians were lightly wounded by shrapnel, and residents were advised to stay at home or in bomb shelters.

Hayim Yellin, head of the Eshkol region where the mortars exploded, said they were the same type as those intercepted last week on a cargo ship loaded with weapons Israel said were sent by Iran to Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip.

Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said he will file a complaint at the U.N. after Saturday's unusually large barrage of rockets. In a statement, Lieberman said the Palestinians "primary goal is destroying Israel."

Footage broadcast on Israeli media showed homes pockmarked with large shrapnel holes from where mortar shells exploded.

Hamas spokesman Ismail Radwan said the shelling was in response to recent Israeli airstrikes that killed militants. He warned Israel "not to test Hamas' response."

Hamas displayed its control of Gaza in a violent manner Saturday, breaking up a demonstration favoring reconciliation between the Hamas government in Gaza and the Western-backed Palestinian Authority in the West Bank, headed by President Mahmoud Abbas. Hamas overran Gaza in 2007, leading to the split.

An Associated Press Television News cameraman was cornered by Hamas police and beaten with sticks. He was briefly detained and released unharmed. Other cameramen were beaten, and some had their equipment confiscated by Hamas.

Hamas also raided the offices of the Reuters news agency, CNN and Japanese channel NHK in Gaza. A Reuters producer was arrested by Hamas and witnesses later saw him leave hospital with a bandage wrapped around his hand.

Reuters Bureau Chief Crispian Balmer said, "A group of armed men entered our office in Gaza and threatened our employees and confiscated a video camera after we were spotted filming a demonstration from the building. They smashed a TV in the office, they clubbed one of our guys on the arm with a metal club and they threatened to throw another one of our employees out of the window."

The Foreign Press Association, which represents hundreds of journalists in Israel and the Palestinian territories, condemned the crackdown by Hamas security. "We demand that these tactics - which run counter to the rule of law and to the basic norms of legitimate government behavior - cease immediately," the FPA said in a statement. "Journalists must be allowed to their work safely and unhindered," the FPA said.

Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri sent a conciliatory message to reporters. "We condemn the attack on Reuters agency in Gaza and we call on the Hamas interior ministry to investigate this incident. We emphasize our respect for the media," he said.

The violence overshadowed a broadcast Saturday of an Abbas interview on an Israeli TV station. He told Channel 2 TV that he was "more determined than ever to reach a (peace) solution with Israel." Referring to reconciliation efforts with Hamas, he said, "Hamas has committed terrible crimes, but they are still part of the Palestinian people."

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HockeyDad Offline
#2 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,327
A big mistake is cooking a cake @ 425 instead of 375 degrees.

Sometimes the inmates try to shank a guard.
Kawak Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 11-26-2007
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HockeyDad wrote:
A big mistake is cooking a cake @ 425 instead of 375 degrees.

Sometimes the inmates try to shank a guard.

Very true HD. I also cook my Hamas at 375 therefore leaving the middle pink. I love pink on the inside
donutboy2000 Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 11-20-2001
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Perhaps Obama will rush to Palestine and broker a peace accord.


jackconrad Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 06-09-2003
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(")(") Once i Miss Staked a Vampire

IT Sucked..
DadZilla3 Offline
#6 Posted:
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Palestinian militants in Gaza fired more than 50 mortar shells into Israel on Saturday, the heaviest barrage in two years, Israeli officials said, raising the prospect of a new Mideast flareup.

Sounds a lot like 'suicide by cop' to me.
rfenst Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 06-23-2007
Posts: 39,733
What round is this?

Apparently, Hamas beat pro P.A. Gazans yesterday too.

Too bad, all the way around.
frankj1 Offline
#8 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
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Gosh, I am surprised. This was supposed to be the easy part, wimpy rockets and all.
HockeyDad Offline
#9 Posted:
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frankj1 wrote:
Gosh, I am surprised. This was supposed to be the easy part, wimpy rockets and all.

You wanted endless war/endless got it. Enjoy. Just don't act surprised when the inmates in the concentration camp get uppity sometimes.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#10 Posted:
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HockeyDad Offline
#11 Posted:
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03/21/2011 10:27

Police investigate residents of Hebron-area settlement; two Palestinians shot after rocks thrown at Israeli cars.
Talkbacks (13)

A 25-year-old Palestinian was stabbed by a masked man south of Hebron on Monday, in what police suspect is a "price tag" attack by a settler.

The man, a resident of nearby Hirbat Tuba, was taken to the hospital with moderate injuries.

Two Palestinians were shot near Bet Omar on Monday, shortly after rocks were thrown at Israeli cars in the area.

The Palestinians were lightly injured. IDF and police are investigating the incident.

Police are investigating the attack and probing residents of Chavat Maon.

On Thursday, Settlers lit two vehicles on fire between the settlement of Kedumim and the Palestinian village of Kedum in Samaria, according to Palestinian eyewitnesses.

Palestinian fire services arrived and put out the blaze.

Earlier on Thursday, two Palestinians who were renovating a home on the edge of the West Bank settlement of Shilo were set upon by a group of five to seven Jewish men wearing face masks, a Judea and Samaria police spokesman said. The suspects then fled the area in a vehicle.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#12 Posted:
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frankj1 Offline
#13 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
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HockeyDad wrote:
You wanted endless war/endless got it. Enjoy. Just don't act surprised when the inmates in the concentration camp get uppity sometimes.

Again, your line is endless war, mine is endless defense. I wasn't a bit surprised, guess the sarcasm missed, but would have been had I agreed with you.

"Hamas displayed its control of Gaza in a violent manner Saturday, breaking up a demonstration favoring reconciliation between the Hamas government in Gaza and the Western-backed Palestinian Authority in the West Bank, headed by President Mahmoud Abbas. Hamas overran Gaza in 2007, leading to the split".

So make peace with the PA and don't worry so much about Hamas/Gaza and Hezbollah/Lebanon. I really wish your ideas were currently I said, they need to get control of their own for any discussions to have meaning. Moderates seeking unity with PA (the best shot at peace and Palestinian statehood) have seen how they will be treated by their own. This does not sound like people seeking an end to endless war, but it does cause endless defense.

Since 1948, Arab reps have turned down all offers of statehood because they always included an Israel.

Abbas (sadly) will be killed and any agreement will be for naught. Currently. Ball is in their court. How are they going to make peace if their own will kill them for doing so?
HockeyDad Offline
#14 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
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Do you actually expect Hamas to just give power over to the Palestinian Authority? They won the election and are the largest gang in the prison.

However, saying Israel can't make peace with the Palestinian Authority because of Hamas in Gaza or Hezbollah in Lebanon or we don't want to get Abbas killed is a cop out. Might as well throw in that Israel can't make peace with the West Bank until the Japanese nuclear reactors are rebuilt.

In the meantime, build some more Jewish settlements in the West Bank because collective punishment is awesome! (Unless you are on the receiving end)

If the ball is in their court, the next serve will be a UN general assembly resolution this fall declaring an independent Palestine based on the pre-1967 war borders. Over a half a million Jews will be in Palestine.

Israel might want to try that peace thing instead. Either that or step up to the plate and have our backs in Libya!
wheelrite Offline
#15 Posted:
Joined: 11-01-2006
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HockeyDad wrote:
Do you actually expect Hamas to just give power over to the Palestinian Authority? They won the election and are the largest gang in the prison.

However, saying Israel can't make peace with the Palestinian Authority because of Hamas in Gaza or Hezbollah in Lebanon or we don't want to get Abbas killed is a cop out. Might as well throw in that Israel can't make peace with the West Bank until the Japanese nuclear reactors are rebuilt.

In the meantime, build some more Jewish settlements in the West Bank because collective punishment is awesome! (Unless you are on the receiving end)

If the ball is in their court, the next serve will be a UN general assembly resolution this fall declaring an independent Palestine based on the pre-1967 war borders. Over a half a million Jews will be in Palestine.

Israel might want to try that peace thing instead. Either that or step up to the plate and have our backs in Libya!

Pass the chopped liver and Falafel, please...
frankj1 Offline
#16 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
Posts: 44,310
HockeyDad wrote:
Do you actually expect Hamas to just give power over to the Palestinian Authority? They won the election and are the largest gang in the prison.

However, saying Israel can't make peace with the Palestinian Authority because of Hamas in Gaza or Hezbollah in Lebanon or we don't want to get Abbas killed is a cop out. Might as well throw in that Israel can't make peace with the West Bank until the Japanese nuclear reactors are rebuilt.

In the meantime, build some more Jewish settlements in the West Bank because collective punishment is awesome! (Unless you are on the receiving end)

If the ball is in their court, the next serve will be a UN general assembly resolution this fall declaring an independent Palestine based on the pre-1967 war borders. Over a half a million Jews will be in Palestine.

Israel might want to try that peace thing instead. Either that or step up to the plate and have our backs in Libya!

Nope. I'm saying PA can't make peace with Israel because of the militant wings. You have me reversed. Militant wings, as in eternal war. That is why they exist, but they have taken too much of the political control, mostly by force on their own people. And winning a prison election...I dunno.

Yeah, I must be nuts to think Hamas would work with the folks trying to gain peace, recognize Israel, and achieve statehood. Why would they ever back that? What would be in it for them? They'd be voting themselves out of a job. Why do you think I keep saying there can be no peace until there really is a cohesive Palestinian people...where in your plan does that happen?

And you think that they'd take what they refused in 1948? You mean when Israel was attacked on DAY ONE? And refused several times after that? Do you think they would sign up for that now? Really? I smell Jihad. And they consider you an infidel, btw. Despite your attempts to sell them deodorant. Israel just considers you wrong, not a capital punishment in their system of justice. Good luck when the militants take over. They'll appreciate your support.

You need Israel where it is, France is doing great, and they speak Libyanese. Probably.

Oh, the settlements do suck. Make it tougher, no question. Get your side on the same page and Israel will stop voting in hard liners. They have gone back and forth in their elections. He does not have solid backing. There have been leaders who would have been easier to deal with but I guess the mood wasn't quite right. Maybe you know what was wrong then that would be so great now??

You and I could work out a plan, I nodded alot when I read your post on the last thread...but I knew it was dismissing some reality, and today we see an inkling.
rfenst Offline
#17 Posted:
Joined: 06-23-2007
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Both sides need to get real. Real fast. But, with all that is going on in the "Middle East" right now, real progress will not be made and nothing good will happen.

The P.A. needs to forget about Gaza for now, probably forever. It needs to worry about keeping political control of the West Bank, something I doubt it will be able to do in the long run. Gaza, in my mind, won't ever be part of Palestine while Israel exists. If it doesn't become its own country, It will end up as a de facto part of Egypt.

Premature declaration by the Palestinians or UN, which includes disputed borders, will result in both sides immediately going to war. Israel will be attacked by Syria in the Golan and through Lebanon. The Gazans will go wild. Who knows what the West Bank Palestinians will be able to do. Jordan will try to stay out of it. No one knows which way Egypt will go. The oil rich countries will go which ever way will best secure their dynasties. Israel should be grateful Saddam won't be involved. But, Ahmadinejad will.

The longer it takes for amicably settled peace, if even possible, the better the Palestinians, Syrians, Lebanese and Gazans will be armed by Iran. Good luck Israel. Good luck Palestine. If you are concerned about the Japanese nuclear reactors right now, wait until this goes down. Then you will have some real radiation to worry about. The entire Middle East will suffer for decades, if not centuries.

As much as I would hate to even think about it, I truly think this is the present course. Kiss the Holy Land goodbye...

(The pre-1967 border approach is bull****. Arabs attacked and lost that land as a result. They no longer have a right to it in Israel's eyes, unless Israel gives it up as part of a comprehensive deal.)
HockeyDad Offline
#18 Posted:
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So Israel would be glad to make peace with the Palestinians in the West Bank but can't because of the militant wing. Poor Israel, just sitting there wanting peace and having nothing to do but build more settlements in the West Bank until all the militants vanish.

You keep finding reasons for talking your way out of even trying to find peace. Thus guaranteeing future war. oh wait, defense.

Even Israel knows the clock is ticking on Israel. The United Nations and EU have tired of the fact that over 40 years have passed trying to find a solution for the Palestinians. Nobody supports West Banks settlements, land grabs, and ethnic cleansing. (The Gaza Strip is already ethnic cleansed, with barbed wire fences even!)

Rfenst hits some very good points. The Palestinian Authority will fall to Hamas in a year if they can produce no peace results. An Israeli desired subjugation/surrender won't cut it. They will need to show success and that will mean maybe 100,000+ Jews will have to relocate from the West Bank. Time is not on Israel's side.

The arab population in Israel is outgrowing the Jewish population. The arab population of Jerusalem is growing at twice the rate of Jews. By 2035, Jerusalem will be 50/50 arab/Jew. The West Bank cannot be annexed to form Greater Israel without ethnic cleansing of 2 million Palestinians just in the West Bank. Otherwise Israel will be rapidly approaching the point of losing Jewish majority.

Israel has a problem with more Israelis leaving each year then immigrating in. The fall of communism fed a million new Jews to Israel from Russia and eastern Europe but that has tailed off. Only a mass exodus from the USA could change the situation.

Without firing a shot, pure demographics and population growth rates say Israel as a Jewish State is done.

So maybe the ball to make peace actually is in Israel's court.

HockeyDad Offline
#19 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
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The 1967 war was a surprise attack by Israel on arab neighbors. That is why pre-1967 war borders always become the starting point for any negotiations. Israel conquered the West Bank, East Jerusalem, Golan Heights, Gaza, and the Sinai. Only the Sinai was ever returned.

Wars for territorial gain are not popular any more and Israel's gains in 1967 are still not recognized by the international community.
robertknyc Offline
#20 Posted:
Joined: 07-24-2003
Posts: 5,475
Here's the response:

Palestinians wounded in Israeli air strikes

At least 17 people, including children, injured in military attacks on Gaza Strip, witnesses say.
Last Modified: 22 Mar 2011 03:17

The Israeli army confirmed one of the raids, saying Hamas-affiliated fighters had been targeted [AFP]

At least 17 people, including children, have been wounded in a series of Israeli air strikes on the Gaza Strip, Palestinian emergency workers said.

Witnesses and medics said Israeli jets carried out at least five air strikes late on Monday in the northern town of Beit Lahiya and Gaza City.

Witnesses said a security compound for Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip, a training camp north of the city and a brickworks and metal foundry in northern Gaza were among the targets.

An Israeli military spokesman said aircraft attacked a total of six targets, including two arms manufacturing facilities and two "terror tunnels" which he said were intended for staging attacks under the border fence into Israel.

He said that the raids were in response to a wave of 56 rocket and mortar attacks from Gaza into Israel since Saturday and that the military held Hamas "solely responsible for terrorist activity in the Gaza Strip and warns Hamas not to continue its aggression".

Cross-border fire

The Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, had earlier said it would stop cross-border fire into Israel if the Israelis halted attacks on Gaza.

It said rocket fire into Israel on Saturday had been in response to an Israeli strike last week which killed two of its members, but the group said it was ready to call an end to the tit-for-tat violence if Israel also did so.

"If the enemy stops the escalation and aggression against our people we will implement the Palestinian national agreement," the AFP news agency reported, citing a statement from the group.

The statement referenced a truce reaffirmed by Gaza's main armed factions in January.

The offer, however, came with a warning attached: "The enemy will pay a heavy price if it continues its aggression and crimes against our people in the Gaza Strip."

Informal truce

In a later statement, Hamas spokesman Taher al-Nunu said the movement's Gaza government was committed to preserving the informal truce, with the backing of other groups, AFP reported.

"The government affirms that there is consensus among the factions regarding the security situation in the Strip," he said.

Also on Monday, Danny Ayalon, Israel's deputy foreign minister, issued a threat against Hamas leaders.

"If Hamas decides to escalate, we will put an end to it... We have several actions before putting ground forces in Gaza, including direct threats against Hamas leaders," Ayalon told public radio.
ZRX1200 Offline
#21 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
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Hamas has never used already dead bodies or killed anyone to pose after Israeli air strikes. Or hidden in ambulances.......
DrMaddVibe Offline
#22 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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Please pass the grape jelly!
Papachristou Offline
#23 Posted:
Joined: 10-20-2010
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Iran only wants peace!
rfenst Offline
#24 Posted:
Joined: 06-23-2007
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HockeyDad wrote:
The 1967 war was a surprise attack by Israel on Arab neighbors ... and Israel's gains in 1967 are still not recognized by the international community.

Sure, the Israelis struck Egypt first. By surprise. But, that in and of itself does not make doing so wrong. Neither does firing the first round of the war. From a pro-Israel perspective, attacking Egypt was justified because Egypt had begun amassing troops on the Israel Egyptian border, which was interpreted as a major threat, which justified attacking first.

As to the West Bank and the capture of the Temple Mount and ancient Jerusalem. That was not part of the original plan. However, from a pro-Israel perspective, Jordan, which controlled the West bank at the time, had a security agreement with Egypt which involved reciprocal agreements to defend one another should either find itself at war with Israel. Pro Israel "facts" include that Jordan began sending troops towards the Egyptians to aid them. Jordan also began began shelling parts of Jerusalem and areas close to Tel Aviv. Israel implored Jordan not to get involved, but Jordan refused replying to the effect that: "the die was already cast" by then and ramped up on its side.

As to the Golan, the "fact" is that Syria came into the war late, but began its involvement by shelling down from The Heights onto Israeli kibbutzim (collective farming and communities).

From a pro-Israel perspective, the above version of events/history are considered sufficient reasons for Israel to attack first (as opposed to "starting it"). On the other hand, a pro-Arab perspective would dispute the accuracy of every aspect of the the version above. It would pretty much deny these "facts" and would add different perspectives on the events and "facts" allegedly omitted above.

The bottom line of what I am trying to say here is that not much, if anything, can even be agreed upon regarding the (1967) Six-Day War, which occurred some 40+ years ago. No one really knows what the "honest to god" historical truth is, or is likely even capable of determining it. In my opinion, people make up their mind about which side they support and then believe only those sets of "facts" that justify whatever they have already made their mind up about.

The bottom line is that Israel will never voluntarily give up control of The Temple Mount or Western Wall and Arabs will never give up control of the Dome of the Rock (which Jews and Christians have a claim to as well. I believe that this is the true essence to the problem, which will never be resolved before there is another war. Thus, I truly and sadly believe that there will NEVER be a lasting peace because neither side can forget about the past and put it behind themselves.

Papachristou Offline
#25 Posted:
Joined: 10-20-2010
Posts: 845
why cant they just go to work, go home, have a beer and watch tv like americans?
HockeyDad Offline
#26 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
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The 1967 war isn't about right or wrong. War was brewing and Israel launched a surprise attack and kicked ass. It was brilliant and executed perfectly. The problem is war that results in territorial gain no longer results in international recognition of that gain and after 40 years it is pretty clear that Israel has had some difficulty with returning that territory. The West Bank settlements are the icing on the cake.

If it were me, I would have accidentally destroyed the Dome of the Rock and then build the Third Temple.

This fall, UN recognition of a Palestinian state based on pre-1967 borders. It is coming. An Israeli-Palestinian Authority peace in the West Bank that results in land swaps, some relocation of Jewish settlements, and a East Jerusalem for Palestine would head off the storm on the horizon.

Israel has had a good run since 1948 but I'm not in favor of trying to go 5-0. The previous 3000 years pretty much sucked for Israel and the Jews.

topper7788 Offline
#27 Posted:
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5 and 0, I don't think that's a issue problem, Israel has the ability to take on anyone or all if nessasary. The true question isn't can it win... Sure it can, the question if a major war breaks out is at what cost... FOR EVERYONE on both sides involved and the west....

Passover is around the corner, the seder ends with the words "next year in Jerusalem" ...........

#28 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

it's a shame hitler didn't win. the world could have solved the jew problem permanently.
HockeyDad Offline
#29 Posted:
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The problem with playing for 5-0 isn't can Israel win, all smart money will bet on Israel. The problem is then they have to go for 6-0, 7-0, 8-0, etc. What if Israel goes 9-1, will there still be an Israel.

Egypt, Syria, and Jordan are all 0-4 but still exist and they could go 0-5 and would still exist. Heck, Lebanon is 0-6 and still exists.
topper7788 Offline
#30 Posted:
Joined: 06-21-2006
Posts: 4,719

Very true. And there lies the difference, as Israel has always ackowledged the other sides right to exist....

The only question is boarders, security etc...

Simple don't ya think? The other side makes a mistake, they lose some land, maybe a couple of towns. Israel losses and well no country and no place to go.... Heck the Arab countries could have handled and solved the "Palestinian issue" if they actually wanted to.....The poor "Palestinians" have been the pawns in the Mideast since 1948....
HockeyDad Offline
#31 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
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Save your drama queen antics and go paint your house.
HockeyDad Offline
#32 Posted:
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Whenever I hear someone say the arab countries could have handled the Palestinian issue, it always translates to the arab countries could have packed up and moved the millions of Palestinians to some piece of land in some other arab country like Jordan so that Israel could have the entire West Bank to create Greater Israel with an ethnically pure Jewish nation. The Palestinians don't want to leave.

Is that what you mean?

I'm not saying I couldn't be in favor of ethnic cleansing and forced relocation (it does work) but when you're moving 5 million people, it is quite obvious.
HockeyDad Offline
#33 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,327
Israel could also just annex the entire West Bank and Gaza Strip, declare everyone citizens, and give them full rights including voting.

Egypt and Jordan relinquished their right to that land so all it would need is a little international blessing.
jojoc Offline
#34 Posted:
Joined: 03-05-2007
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HockeyDad wrote:
Israel could also just annex the entire West Bank and Gaza Strip, declare everyone citizens, and give them full rights including voting.

Egypt and Jordan relinquished their right to that land so all it would need is a little international blessing.

don't you mean "declare everyone as non-voting citizens?
topper7788 Offline
#35 Posted:
Joined: 06-21-2006
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HockeyDad wrote:

Whenever I hear someone say the arab countries could have handled the Palestinian issue, it always translates to the arab countries could have packed up and moved the millions of Palestinians to some piece of land in some other arab country like Jordan so that Israel could have the entire West Bank to create Greater Israel with an ethnically pure Jewish nation. The Palestinians don't want to leave.

Is that what you mean?

I'm not saying I couldn't be in favor of ethnic cleansing and forced relocation (it does work) but when you're moving 5 million people, it is quite obvious.

Well let's see, first they could have accepted those darn 1948 borders? back in well 1948! And yes they could have moved em or pushed for a 2 state solutuion that is acceptable to Israel. HD your an intelligent fellow, I assume you have the Understanding of how and why Israel came to be... I guess the fact that they are 4 and 0 is inconvenient to most is troubling. Truth is the Arab states have used the Palestinians to further there own agendas and for the most part didn't give a sh*t what happened to them.

Time to head out to dinner.... Plus I really don't think we are going to come to an agreement on the issue... Let's discuss let's say abortion, at least there we can have a unemotional discussion!!!horse

HockeyDad Offline
#36 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,327
They could have accepted the 1948 borders. They didn't. Now it is 2011. Israel would not accept those borders now.

The fact that Israel is 4-0 is not inconvenient to most. That is a straw man. Israel is 4-0 because they kicked ass in a number of wars through good military strategy. I would prefer to not see Israel eventually take that first loss.

I am capable of discussing this or abortion unemotionally. I am fully aware of the playbook which makes anything remotely related to Israel's actions or the West Bank. If someone criticizes Israel in any way, they are an anti-Semite. If someone calls for US funding to Israel to be eliminated, they are an anti-Semite. If a Jew, especially and American Jew, does any of this they are a self-loathing Jew that has forgotten their roots. This has been very effective in maintaining US funding and I don't expect that to change because politicians are terrified of these labels. That doesn't make it true or right, just effective. We all know the US will cut funding for school lunches for needy children before we cut funding to Israel for fighter jets and cluster bombs. That is our moral cross to bear.

There are some fundamental questions that have to be answered by Israelis (and American Jews) before there can be peace.

1. Is the West Bank including East Jerusalem part of Greater Israel.
2. Should arabs be expelled from Israel to form an ethnically pure state.
3. Should Israel have built Jewish settlements on Palestinian land in the West Bank to colonize it.
4. Should Israel continue building Jewish settlements in the West Bank.

Israel is split on these questions. The American Jewish community is split on these questions. I'm not asking anyone here to answer them. I know how much trouble the answers cause. The answers will drive whether Israel can make peace with the Palestinians or even define what is an acceptable 2 state solution for Israel.

Maybe a bunch more Israelis and Palestinians need to die. I'm OK with that. I just don't want to keep dumping US tax dollars down that pit.
rfenst Offline
#37 Posted:
Joined: 06-23-2007
Posts: 39,733
I have a lengthily answer/reply, but need to proof-read it before posting it later today.

On second thought, it is too lengthy to post and touches too many different issues that probably don't belong being a part of this particular discussion.
topper7788 Offline
#38 Posted:
Joined: 06-21-2006
Posts: 4,719

Since Robert is writing up a reply and we are generally of the same thinking on Israel, plus quite frankly he is a better writer than I so I will defer to him...

And by the way I don't always agree with what Israel does... I don't for one thing think they should continue building settlements... But it's not my call, it's theirs! I do however think US aid is OK, I don't think someone is an Anti-Semite who believes aid should be ended, just think they are wrong... I do think most people that are anti Israel on almost anything have an issue with Jews... That is just based on personal observation...
frankj1 Offline
#39 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
Posts: 44,310
HockeyDad wrote:
The 1967 war was a surprise attack by Israel on Arab neighbors ... and Israel's gains in 1967 are still not recognized by the international community.

I know Robert gave an answer to this, and I know HD called Israel's "attack" brilliant, but just to set the record straight about attacking first for our faithful readers cuz words shape opinions:

Not only was Egypt positioning massive amounts of troops on the border, not only was Syria positioning between 300 and 500 tanks, but Egypt blockaded the port of Eilat (sp?) which was and would still be considered an act of war. Israel responded by wiping out almost everyone's Air Force... I assume this was the "brilliant" ploy HD references, but it was obviously not what started that war. Clearly it was a pre-emptive strike and was widely accepted as defensive in nature at the time, not a surprise attack with a planned land grab, but a protection of their borders.

Israel needed time to assemble defense against Syria and had roughly one dozen tanks ready to go against the 300-500 Syrian tanks. The veteran Israeli commander insanely ordered his youthful troops and 12 or so tanks to advance, creating enough time for Israel to get support in position to take the strategically located Golan Heights. Israel's losses were hideous, but the tactic worked, the Air Forces were destroyed and the six day march ensued. It was estimated that Israel had enough fuel and supplies in reserve to last 14 days before this act of desperation

As Topper said, more than a few towns are lost if and when Israel loses, but Israel's goal was not and is not to own it all.

History, not opinion.
#40 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

note i took your name off the post after i read a few more of you posts.

now about my house, what the hell do you care if it needs pain or not.

i never thought of you as a nut case
#41 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248
1. Is the West Bank including East Jerusalem part of Greater Israel.
2. Should arabs be expelled from Israel to form an ethnically pure state.
3. Should Israel have built Jewish settlements on Palestinian land in the West Bank to colonize it.
4. Should Israel continue building Jewish settlements in the West Bank.

1 Jerusalem was supposed be an open city but jewish people were hot allowed to visit the west wall,
the only reminder of the last temple.

2 no. no oine will prevent them from visiting their holy sights.

3. i beliee we built homes on indiam land after we gave them infected blankets.

[size=9][color=darkred]4. i don't know. should we have built forts, and used barbed wire on indian land and killed most of their meat source
HockeyDad Offline
#42 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,327

I see you still struggling with the West Bank settlements and I feel your pain.

It wasn't a planned land grab. Accidental land grab maybe! Maybe there just wasn't enough gasoline for the army to leave and they've been trying to save up for gas money for 43 years.

Israel's goal is not to own it all. Maybe the settlers in the West Bank were just visiting and ran out of gas and had no choice but to build new towns and subdivisions for a few hundred thousand Israeli Jews.

The whole problem might just be a lack of gas stations in the West Bank.

HockeyDad Offline
#43 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,327

If how the USA treated Indians can be used as justification, I suppose it also could be used as justification for how the Nazis treated the Jews in Europe. Or how the Romans treated the Jews during the siege of Jerusalem.

Although perhaps the West Bank could be turned into a giant Palestinian Reservation with casinos.
DrafterX Offline
#44 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
Posts: 98,710
HockeyDad wrote:

Although perhaps the West Bank could be turned into a giant Palestinian Reservation with casinos.

the casinos would provide plenty of job opportunties also... maybe they could get the Somali Pirates to work for them...ThumpUp
bloody spaniard Offline
#45 Posted:
Joined: 03-14-2003
Posts: 43,802
Quick observations: Palestinians are generally hated (or ignored) more than any other group in the Middle East besides the Iraelis.
Jordan is majority Palestinian and most Palestinians are of Jordanian extraction. Wonder why the Palestinians insist on a second homeland *AND what's in it for the arabs to support the cause of a group they hate almost as much as they hate the Jews? Think

topper7788 Offline
#46 Posted:
Joined: 06-21-2006
Posts: 4,719
bloody spaniard wrote:
Quick observations: Palestinians are generally hated (or ignored) more than any other group in the Middle East besides the Iraelis.
Jordan is majority Palestinian and most Palestinians are of Jordanian extraction. Wonder why the Palestinians insist on a second homeland?Think

Exactly ! But it's much easier to blame the Israelies
HockeyDad Offline
#47 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,327
bloody spaniard wrote:
Quick observations: Palestinians are generally hated (or ignored) more than any other group in the Middle East besides the Iraelis.
Jordan is majority Palestinian and most Palestinians are of Jordanian extraction. Wonder why the Palestinians insist on a second homeland *AND what's in it for the arabs to support the cause of a group they hate almost as much as they hate the Jews? Think

Jordan is not majority Palestinian and is not ruled by Palestinians. The Palestinians did try to change that during Black September in 1970. When it comes right down to it, you've got Arabs, Bedouins, and a line drawn in the sand by the British.

There are movements under way right now to have Jordan declared as the Palestinian nation. It is an idea that has been around for a while. The problem with it is it is also associated with forced relocation of Palestinian Arabs from Israel, Judea, and Samaria and this is considered ethnic cleansing and is a war crime and the USA bombs nations for doing this.

This is why I asked: "Should Arabs be expelled from Israel to form an ethnically pure state."

This would be the equivalent to answering "yes" to all four of the questions posed and mean this is the only solution for an Israeli approved peace.

By the way, Queen Rania of Jordan is smoking hot and Jordan is a close American ally.
bloody spaniard Offline
#48 Posted:
Joined: 03-14-2003
Posts: 43,802
Palestinians not a majority in Jordan?
I'd heard that up to 70% of the population consider themselves to be Palestinian. Abdul Hamid Sharif, Prime Minister of Jordan declared, in 1980, that he, Palestinians, and Jordanians do not belong to different nationalities. They hold the same Jordanian passports, are Arabs and have the same Jordanian culture.

Wikipedia: "In 1949, Trans-Jordan officially changed its name to Jordan; in 1950, it annexed the West Bank of the Jordan River, and brought Palestinian representation into the government.

At the time, the population east of the Jordan River contained over 400,000 Palestinian refugees who made up one-third of the population; another third of the population was Palestinians on the West Bank. Only one third of the population consisted of the original inhabitants of Trans-Jordan, which meant that the Jordanians had become a ruling minority over a Palestinian majority. This proved to be a mercurial element..."

...and yes I knew that the ruling Hashemite kingdom, quashed the PLO rebellion & killed up to 10,000 in 1970. It was in all the papers...

frankj1 Offline
#49 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
Posts: 44,310
By the way, Queen Rania of Jordan is smoking hot and Jordan is a close American ally.

Is she the Queen who is really American born?

Re: #45- Bloody, very close but I believe a bit reversed...most Palestinians began as Jordanians (no one liked my term "Jordan's Gypsies" last week). Jordanians are Jordanian. Quite a while back I did blame Jordan for creating Palestinians, not that it matters today. There really was never a nation named Palestine, but the area became generally known as Palestine (I believe the Romans favored the term) while the Jews were in exile. Yes, many Arabs despise them but see value in that they do a nice job discrediting Israel and are decent human shields. And they have been turning down a new Palestine since 1948. I know you said you had a lot to consider a couple of weeks ago and I am glad to see you have done some research.

HD- if and when this is all settled, the settlers will be forcibly removed from many of the settlements and/or their homes will be bulldozed by the Israeli we have seen Israel willingly do in the past. But your nonsense of relocating 5 mil Palestinians and ethnic cleansing to protect a Jewish state...I'm going to assume you are being playful. Many Arabs and others are accepted citizens of Israel, they vote, run for office, go to school, earn livings etc

The fear of fast growing Arab population is not a new subject, it was brought up several years ago and in fact has been suggested as the answer to why there has not been a successful peace plan with a Palestinian state: They will just wait for enough generations to pass until they are the majority. Supposely there are those that believe this is the real just wait and never settle with Israel. I do not believe it but maybe some do. Israel is an attractive turnkey operation though, much better to take over than to try to do all that frigging desert irrigating etc.

bloody spaniard Offline
#50 Posted:
Joined: 03-14-2003
Posts: 43,802
Thanks Frank, but no, aside from the wikipedia blurb, hadn't done any research- just relying on my misfiring brain cells.
Don't know how the true makeup of the Jordanian population can be determined accurately however... Seems to me that Jordan should be carved up & a share given to the "Palestinians" vs. taking land from tiny Israel. Having said that, I don't think that'll satiate arab hunger to eradicate Israel.

I know that war is inevitable (again) even if concessions are made. I also know that we can't afford to sustain current foreign aid to anyone in the Middle East... and that God will protect his chosen people with or w/o American intervention.
As a Christian I feel a strong bond with my Jewish brothers.

(excuse my silly avatar)
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