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Presidentin' Be Hard
501. Author: DrafterXDate: Wed, 9/9/2015, 4:50PM EST
TMCTLT wrote:
That company should fight this all the way to the SCOTUS....

you really think that would make a difference right now... they should wait till a couple of them keel over first.. Mellow
502. Author: TMCTLTDate: Wed, 9/9/2015, 4:53PM EST
DrafterX wrote:
you really think that would make a difference right now... they should wait till a couple of them keel over first.. Mellow

True...what was I thinking d'oh!
503. Author: ZRX1200Date: Mon, 9/21/2015, 4:25PM EST
504. Author: ZRX1200Date: Thu, 9/24/2015, 12:48PM EST
Is the us government but actively in the never-ending stream of refugees to Europe involved? English reporters have on the Greek island of lesbos a " Migrants-manual " with the title " how do I get the best found to Europe " [1]. The book is by volunteers in turkey to escape willing distributed, before you on schmugglerboote with the aim of Europe. This very "Special Travel Guide", The fully in the Arabic language is written, clarifies potential immigrants explicitly about their rights within the EU member states and gives tips on how to undermine the intra-European social systems and take advantage of the best [2]. The book is also explicitly to migrants to "on rights to rap" and is packed with phone numbers of helpers, advice, recommendations, maps and tips on the best routes, in order to freely in the EU. Financed and published by the publication of the organization "W2eu"[ 3], A Non-governmental organisation (NGO) for the open-Society-network of the American Billionaire George Soros. In the last few decades, there were in the world no revolt and not a coup in the soros not with one of his many Ngos was involved [4]. The colours revolutions, the arab spring, and the bloody coup on the Kiev Maidan last year, just to name a few [5]. Everywhere where the name soros showed up, sank in the chaos and crashed governments. The fact that migration as a weapon could be abused us military politicians is known for years. Already in the year 2008, at the American Harvard University a scientific scientific article [6] to the abuse of refugees as a " Migration " weapon (" Migration as a weapon of war ") Published. At The John F. Kennedy school of government of Harvard University has been quite openly about the "Migration" Weapon.


[1] Sky Finds 'Handbook' For EU-Bound Migrants

[2] Sky news is manual for migrants

[3] Official website w2eu

[4] welcome to eurabia

[5] who are the criminals?

[6] Strategic Engineered Migration as a Weapon of War
505. Author: DrafterXDate: Thu, 9/24/2015, 2:08PM EST
what... Mellow
506. Author: ZRX1200Date: Sat, 10/3/2015, 2:56PM EST
The story about the terror list dates back to 12 days ago and we reported on this! see it here

via EU TIMES: The Federal Security Services (FSB) is reporting today that an American black-Islamist terror suspect, who yesterday committed an act of mass murder in the State of Oregon (United States), had been included on a list of 87,000 “known/suspected” Islamic terrorists that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) refused last month to accept from the Federation due to its not being “politically viable in the present atmosphere”.


According to this report, the black-Islamist terrorist who committed this act of terror, Chris Harper Mercer, had previously been identified by electronic intelligence specialists within the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) as being an Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) adherent after he had attempted to gain passage to Syria via Turkey during the first week of September, 2015.

By the Obama regime refusing to accept this terror list from the Federation, this report continues, Mercer was able to accomplish his terror act when yesterday he killed 9 people and wounded 7 others at the Umpqua Community College prior to his being shot and killed by local US police forces.

Most critical to note about this FSB report is that where it ends, the mysterious, and hugely read, Russian publication Reedus ( continues—and to fully understand this information one must note that Russian intelligence agencies (SVR/FSB) frequently use Reedus to put information into the public sphere that otherwise would have serious international consequences should the government be found to be behind it—thus giving Reedus its current status known as “a Kremlin resource” and an “agency of Orthodox journalism”. [Русский]

And the information relating to the black-Islamist terrorist Mercer “leaked” into Reedus by the SVR/FSB is, to say the least, shocking and disturbing–including that immediately after the Oregon mass shooting, his Internet personal profile was changed from his true identity as an ISIS/ISIL terror supporter to one of his being a “white conservative Republican”. [Русский]

507. Author: ZRX1200Date: Mon, 10/5/2015, 9:44PM EST
Written by Erich Pratt
GOA Responds to the President on the Oregon Shooting
-- Top Ten misstatements made by Obama

On October 1, 2015, the nation witnessed another tragic shooting -- this one at the Umpqua Community College in Oregon.

The President shortly took to a national platform to address the killings.

This should have been an opportunity for the President to unite a grieving nation. But instead, he chose to foment division. He even bragged that it was right for him to politicize this tragedy.

Over and over again, on nationwide television, the President misled the American people in an effort to further restrict the rights of law-abiding Americans who have done no wrong.

But to the President, we say: Shame on you, for leveling so many false accusations about guns and crime in America.

Here are the Top Ten misstatements he made during that nationwide address.

1. “Earlier this year, I answered a question in an interview by saying, ‘The United States of America is the one advanced nation on Earth in which we do not have sufficient common-sense gun-safety laws — even in the face of repeated mass killings.’ And later that day, there was a mass shooting at a movie theater in Lafayette, Louisiana. That day!”

Not enough gun control? Mr. President, it is insane to expect criminals to obey “common sense” gun control laws. They don’t obey gun restrictions any more than you heed the “shall not be infringed” limitation in the Second Amendment.

But not enough gun control? Look at the recent University of Chicago Crime Lab study which found that very few criminals get their firearms from “gun shows or through the Internet” or from “a licensed store” -- but rather, they get their guns “on the street.”

Criminals don’t obey the laws. The gun restrictions you are pushing only end up infringing on the rights of the law-abiding.

As for the “repeated mass killings” you referenced, all but two public mass shootings since 1950 have occurred in a gun free zone. Perhaps you didn’t realize that your reference to the Lafayette, Louisiana, theater shooting was another case in point.

And by the way, you should note that the Louisiana shooter passed a background check before purchasing his firearm -- as did the Umpqua shooter, who ALSO passed background checks in purchasing his firearms.

So how are more background checks going to make a difference, when they are doing nothing to stop killers like the ones in Louisiana and Oregon? The one thing background checks do accomplish is register law-abiding gun owners, as seen here and here.

2. “We talked about this after Columbine and Blacksburg, after Tucson, after Newtown, after Aurora, after Charleston.”

Mr. President, you just listed another set of gun free zones where law-abiding citizens were PROHIBITED from carrying firearms.

The only exception was the Tucson shooting -- which, as referenced above, was one of only two public mass shootings (dating back to 1950) that did not occur in a gun free zone.

Hence, the overwhelming majority of public mass shootings occur in places where guns are outlawed, and yet criminals disregard those bans.

But in regard to the shootings you just mentioned, please explain what gun control law would have prevented the above shooters from getting their firearms, given the following scenarios: Columbine (guns were illegally acquired); Blacksburg, Aurora and Charleston (shooters passed background checks); and Newtown (gunman stole his weapons).

3. “It cannot be this easy for somebody who wants to inflict harm on other people to get his or her hands on a gun.”

Somebody who wants to get a gun will get one. Look at our nation’s capital, which has some of the toughest restrictions in the country on legally purchasing and carrying guns. And yet, according to the FBI’s list of 50 states, plus the District of Columbia, they had the highest murder rate in the nation.

Guns are EXTREMELY difficult to obtain legally in DC, and EXTREMELY difficult to carry legally. (Most recent reports indicate that fewer than 50 people in THE ENTIRE CITY are permitted to carry concealed.)

Of course, you’ll say that criminals in DC just get their guns from places where guns are more easily available -- like Northern Virginia.

But if that’s the case, then please explain why Fairfax County -- which has twice the population of DC, and where civilians can easily carry guns legally -- has a murder rate that is 20 times lower than that in the District. And Arlington, which is just across the river and where guns are also easily obtainable, the murder rate is 40 times lower than DC’s.

4. “And what’s become routine, of course, is the response of those who oppose any kind of common-sense gun legislation. Right now, I can imagine the press releases being cranked out: We need more guns, they’ll argue. Fewer gun safety laws.”

Well, if you won’t listen to common sense from the American people, then listen to the police. Almost 90% of our “first responders” say that these types of incidents would be prevented if the potential victims were armed.

And by a two-to-one margin, police favor concealed carry over expanded background checks as the best method of preventing “large scale shootings in public.”

5. “We know because of the polling that says the majority of Americans understand we should be changing these laws — including the majority of responsible, law-abiding gun owners.”

First, our God-given rights don’t depend on polls. The Declaration of Independence says that people are “endowed by their Creator” with unalienable rights. In other words, law-abiding individuals can’t have their rights diminished, limited or restricted in any way by government.

And the Second Amendment makes the same point, stating that our right to keep and bear arms “shall not be infringed.” So our rights don’t hinge on polling, any more than our First or Fourth or Fifth Amendment rights do.

Having said that, the polls contradict each other. A recent CNN poll says that almost 60% of respondents don’t think that expanded gun control laws (including expanded background checks) will prevent criminals or the mentally ill from getting firearms. And a majority of respondents in a recent Pew Poll oppose additional gun control.

Overriding the Constitution, based on cherry-picked polling, would be as valid as forcing a President to step down because a poll shows him to only have 40% or less of the public support.

6. “There is a gun for roughly every man, woman, and child in America. So how can you, with a straight face, make the argument that more guns will make us safer?”

Actually, that’s exactly what the evidence shows. From 1991-2013, this country has manufactured or imported an additional 150 million firearms -- even while the murder and violent crime rates dropped more than 50%. (Source: FBI Uniform Crime Reports, Table 1, 1991 and 2013).

We literally have “More Guns, Less Crime” -- just like the book says.

But since you mock the idea that “more guns will make us safer,” when will you begin firing your Secret Service protectors?

7. “We know that states with the most gun laws tend to have the fewest gun deaths. So the notion that gun laws don’t work, or just will make it harder for law-abiding citizens and criminals will still get their guns is not borne out by the evidence.”

Really, are you forgetting Vermont which for more than 100 years has allowed residents to carry concealed firearms WITHOUT getting permission from government officials?

And yet, the Green Mountain State is frequently ranked as the Safest State in the Union.

Besides, what is the jurisdiction in this country that is the most dangerous? Despite its draconian gun laws, it is Washington, DC, that has the highest GUN MURDER rate in the country, by far.

How strange to hear someone who lives in the nation’s capital -- and who is from Chicago -- saying that places “with the most gun laws tend to have the fewest gun deaths.”

Perhaps you don’t see the crime in the District because you are the most well-guarded individual in the country.

As for your native Chicago, the city is one of the most dangerous places in the country -- even though they have erected some of the highest barriers to gun possession. Regardless, bad guys there still keep getting guns.

8. “We know that other countries, in response to one mass shooting, have been able to craft laws that almost eliminate mass shootings. Friends of ours, allies of ours — Great Britain, Australia, countries like ours. So we know there are ways to prevent it.”

For starters, there are other developed countries that have higher rates of mass shootings, even though they have greater firearms restrictions. Norway, Finland and Switzerland are examples.

Likewise, there are countries with stricter gun laws that have FAR GREATER rates of carnage whenever they do have a mass shooting. Consider how many people died in the following shooting massacres: Kenya college (147 in 2015); Nairobi, Kenya mall (67 in 2013); Mumbai, India hotel (164 in 2008); Tunisia hotel (38 in 2015); Norway summer camp (69 in 2011); etc.

And you reference Australia, which has NOT eliminated mass shootings. For starters, crime rates Down Under were declining before the 1996 ban, and then continued to rise and fall after the ban, leading the researchers of one exhaustive review of Australia’s crime rates to conclude that the “gun buy-back and restrictive legislative changes had no influence on firearm homicide in Australia.”

But in regard to mass shootings, you can’t ignore New Zealand, which allows the same types of firearms that were confiscated in Australia. Even though these guns are legal in New Zealand, they have experienced no mass shootings during the entire time following the completion of Australia’s gun confiscation (in 1997).

9. “This is a political choice that we make to allow this to happen every few months in America. We collectively are answerable to those families who lose their loved ones because of our inaction. When Americans are killed in mine disasters, we work to make mines safer. When Americans are killed in floods and hurricanes, we make communities safer. When roads are unsafe, we fix them to reduce auto fatalities. We have seatbelt laws because we know it saves lives. So the notion that gun violence is somehow different, that our freedom and our Constitution prohibits any modest regulation of how we use a deadly weapon, when there are law-abiding gun owners all across the country who could hunt and protect their families and do everything they do under such regulations doesn’t make sense.”

Mr. President, it’s your policies that are making the American people less safe. There is a policy that will make people safer. It’s the policy that is supported by 90% of police. It’s called concealed carry. But so far, you’ve done everything in your power to oppose that.

10. “And I would particularly ask America’s gun owners — who are using those guns properly, safely, to hunt, for sport, for protecting their families — to think about whether your views are properly being represented by the organization that suggests it’s speaking for you.”

Mr. President, with all due respect, you are not the best person to speak on behalf of gun owners. You don’t know what you are talking about.

Both NRA and GOA did polls of their own members.

* NRA did a scientific survey of about 1,000 members and found that 5% of its members support the universal registry legislation.

* And GOA did a non-scientific poll of its members. After nearly 25,000 gun owners responded, GOA’s survey found that only 4% of its members supported “universal background checks.”

Our combined membership is FAR GREATER than that of the anti-gun lobby. Mr. President, whom do you represent?

The above polls indicate that we are the ones who understand gun owners. We understand that our highest law -- the Constitution -- says the right to keep and bear arms “shall not be infringed.”

So please, spare us your lectures, Mr. President.

Why we need to repeal Gun Free Zones

Mr. President, you uttered NOT ONE WORD about the Oregon killer’s hatred for Christians. He specifically targeted Christians at the Umpqua Community College.

But you ignored this, and instead, directed your vitriol against the rights of law-abiding gun owners.

Apparently, you have forgotten that it has been law-abiding gun owners who have brought public mass shootings to a screeching halt.

Consider just a partial list of the locations where armed good guys have stopped bad guys in their tracks over the past year: in a bar in Ohio, on a street corner in Chicago, at a barber shop in Philadelphia, at a church in Florida, and at a hospital in Darby, Pennsylvania.

And then, of course, there was the attempted mass shooting in 2012 at the Clackamas Mall in Oregon. When a gunman began killing people in the mall, Nick Meli drew his concealed firearm and pointed it at the gunman, thus spooking him into taking his own life.

Nick Meli was breaking the “no guns policy” at the mall, but there are many survivors who are glad he did.

Umpqua Community College is a Gun Free Zone. Gun Free Zones are the problem. We should repeal Gun Free Zones.

Erich Pratt is the Director of Communications for Gun Owners of America, a grassroots lobby that represents more than one million gun owners.


In his October 1 address to the nation, the President asked the media to compare the number of Americans killed by terrorist attacks versus the number killed by guns. Well, CNN dutifully accepted his offer and crunched the numbers, but their figures only tell half the story.

CNN revealed that guns have been used to kill 316,545 Americans between 2004-2013. Some might say this number is somewhat overstated since a majority of the gun deaths are suicides. After all, if guns were not available, then people bent on killing themselves would simply resort to other means, such as tall bridges, asphyxiation, etc.

Even so, the figure sounds daunting, until one considers the TOTAL NUMBER of self-defense uses with guns -- a total that completely DWARFS the number CNN is touting.

According to the President’s own Center for Disease Control (in 2013), guns are used in self-defense anywhere from 500,000 to 3,000,000 times a year.

That means that, between 2004-2013, guns have been used in self-defense anywhere from 5-30 million times -- a number that far surpasses the illegitimate uses of firearms.
508. Author: DrafterXDate: Tue, 10/6/2015, 8:51AM EST
ZRX1200 wrote:
The story about the terror list dates back to 12 days ago and we reported on this! see it here

via EU TIMES: The Federal Security Services (FSB) is reporting today that an American black-Islamist terror suspect, who yesterday committed an act of mass murder in the State of Oregon (United States), had been included on a list of 87,000 “known/suspected” Islamic terrorists that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) refused last month to accept from the Federation due to its not being “politically viable in the present atmosphere”.


According to this report, the black-Islamist terrorist who committed this act of terror, Chris Harper Mercer, had previously been identified by electronic intelligence specialists within the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) as being an Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) adherent after he had attempted to gain passage to Syria via Turkey during the first week of September, 2015.

By the Obama regime refusing to accept this terror list from the Federation, this report continues, Mercer was able to accomplish his terror act when yesterday he killed 9 people and wounded 7 others at the Umpqua Community College prior to his being shot and killed by local US police forces.

Most critical to note about this FSB report is that where it ends, the mysterious, and hugely read, Russian publication Reedus ( continues—and to fully understand this information one must note that Russian intelligence agencies (SVR/FSB) frequently use Reedus to put information into the public sphere that otherwise would have serious international consequences should the government be found to be behind it—thus giving Reedus its current status known as “a Kremlin resource” and an “agency of Orthodox journalism”. [Русский]

And the information relating to the black-Islamist terrorist Mercer “leaked” into Reedus by the SVR/FSB is, to say the least, shocking and disturbing–including that immediately after the Oregon mass shooting, his Internet personal profile was changed from his true identity as an ISIS/ISIL terror supporter to one of his being a “white conservative Republican”. [Русский]


Think Think
509. Author: tonygrazDate: Tue, 10/6/2015, 8:55AM EST
ZRX1200 wrote:

In his October 1 address to the nation, the President asked the media to compare the number of Americans killed by terrorist attacks versus the number killed by guns. Well, CNN dutifully accepted his offer and crunched the numbers, but their figures only tell half the story.

CNN revealed that guns have been used to kill 316,545 Americans between 2004-2013. Some might say this number is somewhat overstated since a majority of the gun deaths are suicides. After all, if guns were not available, then people bent on killing themselves would simply resort to other means, such as tall bridges, asphyxiation, etc.

Even so, the figure sounds daunting, until one considers the TOTAL NUMBER of self-defense uses with guns -- a total that completely DWARFS the number CNN is touting.

According to the President’s own Center for Disease Control (in 2013), guns are used in self-defense anywhere from 500,000 to 3,000,000 times a year.

That means that, between 2004-2013, guns have been used in self-defense anywhere from 5-30 million times -- a number that far surpasses the illegitimate uses of firearms.

The numbers don't seem to jive. 5-30million guns used in self defense and a total death by guns of under 317 k. Either we need more target practice or are forgetting to load those guns with real bullets.
510. Author: BrewhaDate: Tue, 10/6/2015, 1:07PM EST
Guns are the sacred cow of the GOP.
And conservative hold them up to be the panacea for all violence - no mater who gets killed.
511. Author: ZRX1200Date: Tue, 10/13/2015, 2:55PM EST
Guns do not kill people 100% of the time, but abortions do!

By John Vibes on October 12, 2015

Washington DC – According to a report recently published by the watchdog group “Open the Books,” the US Environmental Protection Agency has been spending millions of dollars on military-style weapons.

The report indicated that over the past decade, the government agency has equipped hundreds of “special agents with anything from guns, body armor, weaponized drones, amphibious assault ships, night-vision gear and other military-style weapons.” The agency reportedly has a “criminal enforcement” budget of $75 million per year.

Adam Andrzejewski of Open the Books told the Washington Post, “Protecting the environment just got real. With millions of dollars spent on military-style weaponry, the EPA is now literally ensconced with all institutional force.”

“Our report discovered that when the EPA comes knocking they are armed with a thousand lawyers, arrest/criminal data, credit, business and property histories, plus a ‘Special Agent’ with the latest in weaponry and technology,” he added.

According to the EPA’s website, the agency “enforces the nation’s laws by investigating cases, collecting evidence, conducting forensic analyses and providing legal guidance to assist in the prosecution of criminal conduct that threatens people’s health and the environment.”

In addition to the weapons purchases, the report also showed billions of dollars in frivolous expenses in the EPA’s budget.

According to the Post:

The EPA’s military weapons spending is just one example of the agency’s questionable purchases highlighted in the 40-page report.
Open the Books, a nonpartisan and nonprofit group based in Illinois, scanned tens of thousands of the agency’s spending contracts totaling more than $93 billion from 2000 to 2014.
Among the findings were hundreds of millions of dollars on high-end office furnishings, sports equipment and “environmental justice” grants to raise awareness of global warming.
The report also reveals that seven of 10 EPA employees make more than $100,000 a year and more than 12,000 of its 16,000 employees were given bonuses last year despite budget cuts.
In the public arena, the EPA is seen as a friendly organization that is here to help the environment, but according to their budget sheet, they don’t look very different from a highly paid military or spy agency.

512. Author: ZRX1200Date: Fri, 10/16/2015, 7:12PM EST

Americans seen as possibly more threatening than Islamic jihadists

Loretta Lynch's Justice Department will place new emphasis on home-grown violent extremism committed by so-called 'right wing' attackers.
Loretta Lynch’s Justice Department will place new emphasis on home-grown violent extremism committed by so-called ‘right wing’ attackers.
Just two weeks after it announced a plan to globalize local police departments through the “Strong Cities Network,” the Obama administration has added a new tool in its fight against “violent extremism.”

A new position within the Justice Department – yet to be filled – will focus on investigating lone-wolf domestic terrorists or “extremists.”

The person who heads this new effort will target extremists who plan mass shootings, hold racist, bigoted or anti-government views or see themselves as “sovereign citizens.”

The new position at the Justice Department, dubbed the “domestic terrorism counsel,” will serve as the main point of contact for U.S. attorney offices nationwide and will identify trends across cases, help shape strategy and “analyze legal gaps that need to be closed,” said Assistant Attorney General John Carlin.

It is not clear what Carlin meant by that statement.

“The legal gaps are probably laws that need to be changed,” said John Whitehead, founder of the Rutherford Institute.
“I’m sure it’s gun laws,” said Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, another watchdog agency. Fitton says the Justice Department is teaming up with the Southern Poverty Law Center to “go after” the Obama administration’s political enemies while downplaying the threat of Islamic terrorism on U.S. soil.

The FBI has confirmed it has active ISIS investigations in all 50 states. And Islamic-inspired attacks have occurred in recent years in Chattanooga, Tennessee; Garland, Texas, and Fort Hood, Texas. Other examples include the Boston Marathon bombing and the Oklahoma City beheading of a Christian woman.

But the Justice Department sees Islamic jihadists as no more dangerous than mentally ill actors such as Dylann Roof, the Charleston, South Carolina, church shooter who killed nine black Christians.

In fact, Justice officials have indicated these home-grown “right wingers” are possibly more numerous and dangerous than the jihadists.

In announcing the new position Wednesday, Carlin referred to a study by the New America Foundation that found nearly twice as many Americans have been killed by “right-wing” extremists since Sept. 11 than by Islamic terrorists.

“Looking back over the past few years, it is clear that domestic terrorists and homegrown violent extremists remain a real and present danger to the United States,” he said. “We recognize that, over the past few years, more people have died in this country in attacks by domestic extremists than in attacks associated with international terrorist groups.”

However, a look at the funding sources of the New America Foundation show its financial support comes from billionaire George Soros’ Open Society Foundations and the Carnegie Corp. of New York, which has funded causes such as Common Core and mass immigration.

New America Foundation’s list of terror attacks since 9/11 includes the Charleston church shooting among 19 “right-wing” attacks, despite evidence that Roof has a history of severe mental health issues.

The study could find only seven “jihadist” attacks that killed 26 people since Sept. 11. Nowhere to be found on the foundation’s list is the Chattanooga shooter, Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez, who killed five U.S. servicemen. Also absent on the list is John Muhammad, the Washington, D.C., sniper who killed at least 10 people in 2002 with his young accomplice, Lee Malvo.

Among the attacks classified as “right wing” are multiple shootings of police officers by suspected “anti-government” perpetrators, a 2004 bank robbery in Oklahoma and an armed robbery of a man’s house in Arizona in 2009.

The study referenced by Carlin was reported uncritically by the Associated Press, the Hill magazine and other media outlets.

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton
Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton
Fitton said the move marks the continuation of Obama’s legacy of targeting conservatives in memos that have come down from the FBI and Homeland Security through the years. The memos have targeted military veterans, gun owners and tea-party activists, all of whom are viewed as potential terrorists worthy of being watched.

As recently as August WND reported on a leaked memo from the FBI that alerted law enforcement at the state, local and federal level that the next big terrorist attack on U.S. soil was likely to come from an extremist militia group harboring anti-government views.

“This administration takes a dim view of conservatives and one memo indicated membership in many mainstream conservative organizations was incompatible with military service,” Fitton told WND. “Ironically, it’s probably the Justice Department itself that has done the most to foment racial violence in America over the last year or two.”

Whitehead, author of “Battlefield America: The War on the American People,” said he believes the new czar over homegrown violent extremism will work in tandem with the Strong Cities Network announced late last month at the United Nations.

“It’s going to be coordinated somehow with the Strong Cities Network. What you’re going to see is, they’re going to federalize police across the country,” said Whitehead. “They’re already doing it. Ten federal agents have recently moved in to the Oakland Police Department, and they study social media, create algorithms, studying and creating profiles.”

As the Obama administration comes down to its final months in office, look for more brazen, racially charged steps that target law-abiding American citizens who express political views that don’t line up with those of the administration, Fitton said.

“This is going to become the vehicle through which the Justice Department can target those who oppose the Obama agenda,” he said. “This is a solution in search of a problem.”

While there has been an uptick in mass violence, Fitton said it’s been clear in almost every case that the cause was mental illness. “But often it’s not the politically correct mode of violence.”

For instance, if a black man kills a white cop, it’s ignored by the Justice Department and left to local law enforcement. But if a mentally ill white loner who can’t find a girlfriend shoots up a school, it’s seen as “right-wing extremism.” It then gets thrown in the same boat as terrorism, which triggers federal involvement, he said.

‘A liberal fantasy’

“The fantasy of right-wing extremists trying to overthrow the government has always been a liberal fantasy,” Fitton said. “They write books off it. They make movies off it and raise money off it. Now they’re endorsing it as reality, and it’s truly frightening.”

By shifting resources away from international terrorist organizations and putting them into a new focus on domestic lone-wolf “extremists,” the Obama administration is sending a message to its enemies, Fitton said.

“The term ‘anti-government views’ ranges from Bernie Sanders to Donald Trump, in my estimation. When they talk about ‘racist views,’ are they talking about La Raza (The Race), or are they talking about people opposed to the immigration crisis at our border?”

“This is a leftist fantasy,” he continued. “If a totalitarian leftist had to write a description for a government operation to suppress his enemies, this would be it.”

Where is Congress?

The problem with these programs is a lack of clear definitions, said Whitehead. What is “violent extremism,” and what is “terrorism?” Are they the same?

“The government will be defining what extremism is. I’m going to write a letter to the Justice Department and ask them, ‘Can you please define it right now?’ Congress should already be asking this. Do we want to go back to those 2009 memos under Janet Napolitano where returning vets and anti-abortion activists were named as potential extremists to be watched?” he asked, referring to Obama’s former secretary of homeland security.

“So what Americans are facing here, these are bureaucrats making rules,” Whitehead said. “Congress is not voting on it. There is no representative government going on here. This is autocratic rule by oligarchy.”

Based on President Obama’s comments and the actions of his administration, Whitehead said he can only guess who will get slapped with the “extremist” label. It won’t be Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam, who recently implored his followers to “stalk and kill” those white cops who have killed black suspects.

Will Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam, who has openly called for his followers to 'stalk' and ' kill' certain cops, be branded an "extremist" by Obama's new czar?
Will Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam, who has openly called for his followers to ‘stalk’ and ‘ kill’ certain cops, be branded an “extremist” by Obama’s new czar?
‘Be careful what you say on Facebook’

“Anybody with a gun now, in my opinion, is an extremist, at least as viewed by this government,” Whitehead said. “You’re going to be watched. Be careful what you say on Facebook. The wrong kind of joke will put you on the extremist list, because the government agents – I will tell you this – they do not have a sense of humor.”

Whitehead said Google’s latest multi-million dollar contract from the National Security Agency is telling. Facebook is also used by the government.

“Everything is shared. There’s nothing that disappears. Everything goes into the cloud. The police agencies will say they only keep data for a year or six months, but it’s always there,” he said.

He said Obama has pumped more than $100 million into the federal “smart cities” program, which will be run by advanced fusion centers or real-time crime centers.

“Once you enter a smart city, all your data will be downloaded from your cell phone without you knowing it. Facial recognition software-scanners will scan your face,” he said. “The big corporations all want this, and some banks are starting to use that already. So everything about you will be known. There will be no privacy left. You add to that drones and what they can do. Man, we live in an algorithm universe. We’re all data bits now.”

Fighting crime before it happens

Whitehead said the Strong Cities Network, which was announced by Attorney General Loretta Lynch at the United Nations on Sept. 30, will play a pivotal role but it will be subtle.

“They’re not stupid enough to dress up U.N. police in blue helmets. They’ll use local police,” he said. “The U.N. officials will move into the fusion centers and run it through Strong Cities Network. This is one big program you’re looking at, very large.”

If you want to see the future of law enforcement, watch the film “Minority Report,” a drama about “pre-crime” fighting police engaged 24/7 with a population addicted to social media and the Internet, Whitehead said.

“They’re already saying ‘we’re going against violent extremists,’ but who are they?” Whitehead said. “Well automatically under the Obama administration you are an extremist if you own a gun.

The ultimate goal of the NSA is “total population control,” according to William Binney, the highest-level whistleblower to ever come out of the NSA. Binney, one of the agency’s leading code-breakers during the Cold War, made this statement at a conference in London in July 2014. He left the NSA after Sept. 11, 2001, when he became disgusted with the NSA’s targeting of Americans instead of foreign enemies and he said the NSA “lies about what it stores,” the Guardian reported.

“They want to be able to predict future behaviors of all citizens,” Whitehead said.

And the administration has already admitted it is using behavioral psychologists to design federal programs in a way that subtly influences people’s behavior.

“Obama wrote an executive order that the government wants to ‘nudge’ people to be involved in certain programs, and they admitted in that executive order that they’re working with behavioral psychologists to do this,” Whitehead said.

The brains behind these mind-control programs belong to Cass Sunstein, the former Obama adviser who wrote the book on “Nudge.” Britain is the world model, with “Nudge squads” that influence people to perform certain tasks and think certain ways, Fox News reported.

“So we’re dealing with an entity that has no idea about representative government. They’ve made up their mind who constitutes an extremist, and an extremist is a terrorist, an enemy of the state,” Whitehead said. “Veterans are already on the list, as are abortion activists, tea-party activists, constitutionalists. I know the vets are because we have them calling us every day.

“These are all things that should be debated openly, but now you’re having cities moving into U.N. programs, police being federalized and internationalized and now targeting their own people as enemies of the state,” he added. “I’m a student of history, and I see us repeating history. We’re following the Chinese model, which is basically the old Soviet model.”

Fitton said the Obama administration has effectively put certain groups “on notice” that they will be watched, and watched closely.

“They will all be tarred as being terrorists. By including any sort of one-off that had nothing to do with anything but one person having an animus as ‘right wing,’ it shows you they’re not really interested in combating terrorism,” he said. “All crime becomes terrorism in that respect. It’s basically hijacking taxpayer resources to intimidate an opponent of the government’s policies. Those who respect the First Amendment and value it ought to be very much concerned.”

‘Fingerprints’ of the Southern Poverty Law Center

Fitton said he sees the “fingerprints” of the Southern Poverty Law Center all over the new focus on right-wing violent extremism. The SPLC comes out with a list of “hate groups” annually and has over the years increasingly branded mainstream conservative groups touting family values as “haters.”

The SPLC has made more than $150 million in the past 20 years from advising law enforcement on socially conservative and libertarian “extremism.”

“I see the fingerprints here of the SPLC. … If you don’t like gay marriage you go on their hate list,” he said. “Are supporters of traditional marriage going to be on this list of suspects? We have an epidemic of cop killing across the country. Murder is up. Drug crimes are up. We have a president who has abused his powers, and what is the Justice Department doing? Looking for new ways of going after opponents of the president.

In fact, the ink was barely dry on Obama’s announcement and the SPLC put out a press release “lauding” the administration for creating the new position focusing on “domestic terrorism.”

“This is the ‘Alice and Wonderland’ approach to our security in this nation,” Fitton said. “Terrorist attacks are treated as crimes, and here they’re going to be treating crimes as terrorist attacks.”

513. Author: ZRX1200Date: Sat, 10/17/2015, 4:31PM EST
514. Author: ZRX1200Date: Mon, 10/26/2015, 11:26AM EST
515. Author: ZRX1200Date: Thu, 10/29/2015, 9:47PM EST

US Secretary of State John Kerry and Saudi Arabia’s ruler Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud have pledged to further boost anti-Syrian-government militants and reiterated the need for resolving Syria’s crisis without its incumbent president involved.

In a visit to the Arabian Kingdom on Saturday, Kerry met Salman at al-Oja palace in Dareya district on the outskirts of Riyadh, where they both called for the “importance of mobilizing the international community” to what they called restoring stability to the Middle Eastern country and “the need for a transition away from Assad,” the US State Department said in a statement.
Kerry had earlier accused Syrian President Bashar al-Assad of “standing in the way” of peace efforts in Syria.
“One thing stands in the way of being able to rapidly move to implement that, and it’s a person called Assad – Bashar Assad,” he said during a meeting that was held in Vienna on Friday with his Russian, Turkish, and Saudi counterparts.
On September 30, Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir had said Assad must leave office or face being removed via military intervention.
Kerry and Salman also expressed intensified support to the so-called “moderate Syrian opposition” operating in the war-torn country.
This is while the Pentagon has admitted that a number of US-trained “moderate” militants in Syria have handed over arms and equipment to an al-Qaeda-linked terror group in the country.
Meanwhile, Syrian armed forces, backed by the Russian air force, have made a series of new gains in the fight against the Takfiri militants of Daesh in recent weeks. Reports say large numbers of ISIS terrorists are abandoning the ranks of the extremist group amid the advances of government troops.
Syria has been gripped by foreign-backed militancy since March 2011. The crisis has claimed the lives of more than 250,000 people so far and displaced millions of others; Press TV reported.
516. Author: ZRX1200Date: Sat, 10/31/2015, 11:02AM EST
517. Author: DrMaddVibeDate: Wed, 11/4/2015, 6:39PM EST

Brick wall
518. Author: ZRX1200Date: Sun, 11/8/2015, 12:37AM EST
Russia Captures Two CIA Assets Who ‘Planned’ Sinai Plane Crash
Posted on November 7, 2015 by BIOMORPHIC
The Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) have reported that two CIA assets have been captured and arrested due to their ‘masterminding’ of the Sinai plane crash of Flight 9268.
The SVR believe that Flight 9268 was tricked into flying at an unusually low altitude by two CIA assets, and was then shot down by a British made surface-to-air missile provided by Saudi Arabia and given to ISIS.

Russia say they have captured two CIA operative who masterminded the Sinai plane crash

After the capture of these two CIA “assets” and their “highly sophisticated” equipment, this report continues, a Ministry of Emergencies (EMERCOM) “special flight” was dispatched to Yemen’s capitol of Sanaa where it landed successfully by using as cover one of the most powerful cyclones to hit this nation in its entire history.

Upon this EMERCOM “special flight” landing in Sanaa, this report says, the two CIA “assets” and their equipment, along with the Spetsnaz troops that captured them, then boarded the plane but wererefused to be allowed to take off again by Saudi military aircraft who under Obama regime control are bombing this nation into utter and complete famine.

Within hours though, this report states, Aerospace Forces “countermeasures” employed against the Saudis was successful thus allowing this EMERCOM “special flight” to depart from Sanaa and return safely to Federation airspace.

This report further explains that President Putin’s banning of all flights to this region could not have been made prior to the successful removal of these CIA “assets” and their equipment from Yemen this morning, and whose “special flight” was further protected by an Iranian C-130 Hercules military transport aircraft flying into Syria that “confused/distorted” Western military radar systems.

Federation fears that the Obama regime would attempt to destroy this EMERCOM “special flight”, this report further explains, were raised when the US rushed to their base in Turkey a squadron of F-15 air-to-air fighter aircraft, and whose only mission in this region would be for the deliberate targeting of Russian aircraft attacking Islamic State terrorists.

Even more astounding, this report continues, within 72 hours of downing of Flight 9268 over Egypt, both the CIA and Saudis announced that they would be providing to the Islamic terrorists operating in Syria even more shoulder fired missiles capable of downing civilian aircraft.

With the British government “knowing full well” that their missile brought down Flight 9268, and the Obama regime knowing too the CIA’s complicity, this report concludes, it is no surprise that these Western allies have now been flooding their propaganda press outlets with “stories” of this catastrophe being caused by a bomb—a claim to which the SVR is not accepting and causing the Foreign Ministry to state it is “shocked” that these Western warmongers are using secret information which they won’t share.
519. Author: ZRX1200Date: Sun, 11/15/2015, 11:13PM EST
520. Author: TMCTLTDate: Mon, 11/16/2015, 9:05AM EST
Brewha wrote:
Guns are the sacred cow of the GOP.
And conservative hold them up to be the panacea for all violence - no mater who gets killed.

YES....and WITHOUT them, YOU and others who feel they're the problem......would already be OWNED.
That's okay though we'll carry you and Tony.

More from our CIC.....d'oh!
521. Author: tonygrazDate: Mon, 11/16/2015, 10:20AM EST
3,400 dead in the USA from home kept guns in the last five weeks. Nice job of carrying us.
522. Author: TMCTLTDate: Mon, 11/16/2015, 11:05AM EST
tonygraz wrote:
3,400 dead in the USA from home kept guns in the last five weeks. Nice job of carrying us.

Please show where you got these little gems from....oh that's don't need no stinking proof!!!! Your just like other dimwits who think they can manipulate the facts. How many of those guns are owned legally? How many were intruders?

Oh that's right your one of those who think homeowners don't have the right to protect life and property...Whistle
523. Author: SpeysideDate: Mon, 11/16/2015, 11:44AM EST
According to the CDC there were 505 accidental gun deaths in the United States in 2013, which is the most recent report I can find.

The 3,400 figure was in a tweet from the astrophysicist Neil Degrasse. Not sure of last name spelling.

I think I will go with the CDC'S numbers as being factual.
524. Author: tonygrazDate: Mon, 11/16/2015, 2:02PM EST
Spey your number was for accidental gun deaths only.
525. Author: tonygrazDate: Mon, 11/16/2015, 2:12PM EST
Here is the article :
526. Author: TMCTLTDate: Mon, 11/16/2015, 2:21PM EST
tonygraz wrote:
Here is the article :

Why don't you just come out and say they scare you and be done with it already?? It's okay, they're NOT for everyone.

FRom YOUR article:

Being the professional intellect that he is, Tyson was not rattled by those who rose up against him on the social media site. Instead, he continued to release valid statistical tweets that pointed out even more jarring gun facts. First he correctly pointed out that the number of Americans who have died from household guns since 1968 (1.4 million) is the same as the number of Americans killed in all wars since 1776, the birth of our country. Later, he also pointed to the fact that 400,000 Americans have been killed by home guns since 2001, which happens to be the same number of Americans killed in World War II. As one might guess, these additional tweets weren’t enough to draw the criticism away, but it was enough to bolster support from those who agreed with him.

As asked already....So are the 1.4 M " household gun deaths " innocent people who were accidently shot? Where they perps who shot and killed law abiding citizens In Their Homes? ORrrrrr were they hoodrats who were shot and killed in the commission of a crime???? See it REALLY DOES MATTER.....

What are his sources for these numbers and why aren't YOU asking the same questions?

Because all you and he are looking for is the last part of the article....

I used Brown to represent Poopy...fog
527. Author: SpeysideDate: Mon, 11/16/2015, 5:08PM EST
Tony, the accidental deaths is the number I find significant. Yes, the CDC found 32,000 gun related deaths in 2013. So Tyson's number seems accurate, but I do not think the total number is a viable number for an argument for gun control. For example approximately 60% of gun related deaths are suicides. While the argument might be made no gun no suicide I rather doubt that. I think suicides would find a different way, such as pills. Same goes for homicides, if a homical person has no gun they will find a knife. So I find nothing inaccurate with the 3,400 number, but I do not think it is relevant when discussing gun control.
528. Author: tonygrazDate: Mon, 11/16/2015, 5:28PM EST
TMCTLT wrote:

I used Brown to represent Poopy...fog

Better go see a doctor. It looked kinda red to me.
529. Author: TMCTLTDate: Tue, 11/24/2015, 7:11AM EST
tonygraz wrote:
Better go see a doctor. It looked kinda red to me.

Please get your head out of my ASS

Just another reason to hold this POTUS up as a Glaring example of the corruption he brought to the WH
530. Author: banderlDate: Tue, 11/24/2015, 10:16AM EST
TMCTLT wrote:
Please get your head out of my ASS

Just another reason to hold this POTUS up as a Glaring example of the corruption he brought to the WH

Ray Hanania?
The author used Ray Hanania as a source?
Disgraced former journalist who now spends his time as a mouthpiece for the town of Cicero.
You've outdone yourself here.
531. Author: tonygrazDate: Tue, 11/24/2015, 11:12AM EST
[quote=TMCTLT]Please get your head out of my ASS/quote]

But it's so big that it's everywhere.
532. Author: TMCTLTDate: Wed, 11/25/2015, 7:36AM EST
banderl wrote:
Ray Hanania?
The author used Ray Hanania as a source?
Disgraced former journalist who now spends his time as a mouthpiece for the town of Cicero.
You've outdone yourself here.

Dude you continue to support an angry....racist.... disgraced former community organizer that now spends his time weaving bigger lies and more deceit than ever before as our President....still Hoping for Change???? WHY?....because he happens to hail from that lovely town that you do? Not LMAO....just sick :-&
533. Author: tonygrazDate: Wed, 11/25/2015, 10:22AM EST
banderi supports TCBY ?
534. Author: banderlDate: Wed, 11/25/2015, 7:45PM EST

We need to support him , he's from Hicksville, USA.
535. Author: banderlDate: Wed, 11/25/2015, 8:26PM EST
TCMetc keeps making remarks about violence in Chicago, so I looked up the crime rate for his area, Indianapolis.
Look what I found:

536. Author: tonygrazDate: Wed, 11/25/2015, 9:36PM EST
Murders went down when Obama took office.

537. Author: TMCTLTDate: Thu, 11/26/2015, 8:29AM EST
banderl wrote:
We need to support him , he's from Hicksville, USA.

I'll take hicksville over ****ville.....7 days a week and twice on Sunday.

tonygraz wrote:
Murders went down when Obama took office.

Of course they did.....lmao
Well at least the numbers they posted to support their rhetoric did....or perhaps it was an initial thingy....until the Black Community realized that our first !/2 Black Pres. did not give two sh*ts about them in reality!!!!
538. Author: tonygrazDate: Thu, 11/26/2015, 8:52AM EST
I think they thought things would get better, they underestimated the power of racist, bigoted buffoons.
539. Author: banderlDate: Thu, 11/26/2015, 10:41AM EST
So no comment on the FACT that Indianapolis has much more crime, per capita, than Chicago has?
Of course not.
540. Author: TMCTLTDate: Sun, 11/29/2015, 8:20AM EST
banderl wrote:
So no comment on the FACT that Indianapolis has much more crime, per capita, than Chicago has?
Of course not.

BS and we Both know it....enjoy your **** city though...Beer
It's too bad you'all can't keep your peeps employed and there's SO many that have come here for work in Hicksville....

tonygraz wrote:
I think they thought things would get better, they underestimated the power of Old racist, bigoted buffoons like ME....


tonygraz wrote:
Murders went down when Obama took office. must be working on your stand-up routine!!! THAT....was Hilarious!!!!!!!!!!
541. Author: tonygrazDate: Sun, 11/29/2015, 9:41AM EST
Gotta get more wife jokes.
542. Author: usafvet509Date: Sun, 11/29/2015, 10:56AM EST
Or a gag... Yeah, that'd be nice
543. Author: frankj1Date: Sun, 11/29/2015, 11:07AM EST
usafvet509 wrote:
Or a gag... Yeah, that'd be nice

one party system countries are really desirable.

careful what you wish for.
544. Author: TMCTLTDate: Sun, 11/29/2015, 11:52AM EST
tonygraz wrote:
Gotta get more wife jokes. ARE a wife joke. Beer

frankj1 wrote:
one party system countries are really desirable.

careful what you wish for.

Is it okay to wish Tony would find one already in existence and move there?? I'm just checkin Frank :)
545. Author: ZRX1200Date: Sun, 11/29/2015, 3:25PM EST

Meet The Man Who Funds ISIS: Bilal Erdogan, The Son Of Turkey's President
Tyler Durden's pictureSubmitted by Tyler Durden on 11/26/2015 19:55 -0500

China Crude Crude Oil France Iran Iraq Joe Biden Middle East Reality Saudi Arabia Testimony Turkey World Bank


Russia's Sergey Lavrov is not one foreign minister known to mince his words. Just earlier today, 24 hours after a Russian plane was brought down by the country whose president three years ago said "a short-term border violation can never be a pretext for an attack", had this to say: "We have serious doubts this was an unintended incident and believe this is a planned provocation" by Turkey.

But even that was tame compared to what Lavrov said to his Turkish counterparty Mevlut Cavusoglu earlier today during a phone call between the two (Lavrov who was supposed to travel to Turkey has since canceled such plans).

As Sputnik transcribes, according to a press release from Russia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Lavrov pointed out that, "by shooting down a Russian plane on a counter-terrorist mission of the Russian Aerospace Force in Syria, and one that did not violate Turkey’s airspace, the Turkish government has in effect sided with ISIS."

It was in this context when Lavrov added that "Turkey’s actions appear premeditated, planned, and undertaken with a specific objective."

More importantly, Lavrov pointed to Turkey’s role in the propping up the terror network through the oil trade. Per the Russian statement:

"The Russian Minister reminded his counterpart about Turkey’s involvement in the ISIS’ illegal trade in oil, which is transported via the area where the Russian plane was shot down, and about the terrorist infrastructure, arms and munitions depots and control centers that are also located there."
Others reaffirmed Lavrov's stance, such as retired French General Dominique Trinquand, who said that "Turkey is either not fighting ISIL at all or very little, and does not interfere with different types of smuggling that takes place on its border, be it oil, phosphate, cotton or people," he said.

The reason we find this line of questioning fascinating is that just last week in the aftermath of the French terror attack but long before the Turkish downing of the Russian jet, we wrote about "The Most Important Question About ISIS That Nobody Is Asking" in which we asked who is the one "breaching every known law of funding terrorism when buying ISIS crude, almost certainly with the tacit approval by various "western alliance" governments, and why is it that these governments have allowed said middleman to continue funding ISIS for as long as it has?"

Precisely one week later, in even more tragic circumstances, suddenly everyone is asking this question.

And while we patiently dig to find who the on and offshore "commodity trading" middleman are, who cart away ISIS oil to European and other international markets in exchange for hundreds of millions of dollars, one name keeps popping up as the primary culprit of regional demand for the Islamic State's "terrorist oil" - that of Turkish president Recep Erdogan's son: Bilal Erdogan.

His very brief bio:

Necmettin Bilal Erdogan, commonly known as Bilal Erdogan (born 23 April 1980) is the third child of Recep Tayyip Erdo?an, the current President of Turkey.

After graduating from Kartal Imam Hatip High School in 1999, Bilal Erdogan moved to the US for undergraduate education. He also earned a Masters Degree in John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University in 2004. After graduation, he served in the World Bank as intern for a while. He returned Turkey in 2006 and started to his business life. Bilal Erdogan is one of the three equal shareholders of "BMZ Group Denizcilik ", a marine transportation corporation.
Here is a recent picture of Bilal, shown in a photo from a Turkish 2014 article, which "asked why his ships are now in Syria":

In the next few days, we will present a full breakdown of Bilal's various business ventures, starting with his BMZ Group which is the name implicated most often in the smuggling of illegal Iraqi and Islamic State through to the western supply chain, but for now here is a brief, if very disturbing snapshot, of both father and son Erdogan by F. William Engdahl, one which should make everyone ask whether the son of Turkey's president (and thus, the father) is the silent mastermind who has been responsible for converting millions of barrels of Syrian Oil into hundreds of millions of dollars of Islamic State revenue.

More and more details are coming to light revealing that the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, variously known as ISIS, IS or Daesh, is being fed and kept alive by Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the Turkish President and by his Turkish intelligence service, including MIT, the Turkish CIA. Turkey, as a result of Erdogan’s pursuit of what some call a Neo-Ottoman Empire fantasies that stretch all the way to China, Syria and Iraq, threatens not only to destroy Turkey but much of the Middle East if he continues on his present path.

In October 2014 US Vice President Joe Biden told a Harvard gathering that Erdogan’s regime was backing ISIS with “hundreds of millions of dollars and thousands of tons of weapons…” Biden later apologized clearly for tactical reasons to get Erdo?an’s permission to use Turkey’s Incirlik Air Base for airstrikes against ISIS in Syria, but the dimensions of Erdogan’s backing for ISIS since revealed is far, far more than Biden hinted.

ISIS militants were trained by US, Israeli and now it emerges, by Turkish special forces at secret bases in Konya Province inside the Turkish border to Syria, over the past three years. Erdo?an’s involvement in ISIS goes much deeper. At a time when Washington, Saudi Arabia and even Qatar appear to have cut off their support for ISIS, they remaining amazingly durable. The reason appears to be the scale of the backing from Erdo?an and his fellow neo-Ottoman Sunni Islam Prime Minister, Ahmet Davuto?lu.

Nice Family Business

The prime source of money feeding ISIS these days is sale of Iraqi oil from the Mosul region oilfields where they maintain a stronghold. The son of Erdogan it seems is the man who makes the export sales of ISIS-controlled oil possible.

Bilal Erdo?an owns several maritime companies. He has allegedly signed contracts with European operating companies to carry Iraqi stolen oil to different Asian countries. The Turkish government buys Iraqi plundered oil which is being produced from the Iraqi seized oil wells. Bilal Erdogan’s maritime companies own special wharfs in Beirut and Ceyhan ports that are transporting ISIS’ smuggled crude oil in Japan-bound oil tankers.

Gürsel Tekin vice-president of the Turkish Republican Peoples’ Party, CHP, declared in a recent Turkish media interview, “President Erdogan claims that according to international transportation conventions there is no legal infraction concerning Bilal’s illicit activities and his son is doing an ordinary business with the registered Japanese companies, but in fact Bilal Erdo?an is up to his neck in complicity with terrorism, but as long as his father holds office he will be immune from any judicial prosecution.” Tekin adds that Bilal’s maritime company doing the oil trades for ISIS, BMZ Ltd, is “a family business and president Erdogan’s close relatives hold shares in BMZ and they misused public funds and took illicit loans from Turkish banks.”

In addition to son Bilal’s illegal and lucrative oil trading for ISIS, Sümeyye Erdogan, the daughter of the Turkish President apparently runs a secret hospital camp inside Turkey just over the Syrian border where Turkish army trucks daily being in scores of wounded ISIS Jihadists to be patched up and sent back to wage the bloody Jihad in Syria, according to the testimony of a nurse who was recruited to work there until it was discovered she was a member of the Alawite branch of Islam, the same as Syrian President Bashar al-Assad who Erdogan seems hell-bent on toppling.

Turkish citizen Ramazan Bagol, captured this month by Kurdish People’s Defence Units,YPG, as he attempted to join ISIS from Konya province, told his captors that said he was sent to ISIS by the ‘Ismailia Sect,’ a strict Turkish Islam sect reported to be tied to Recep Erdogan. Baol said the sect recruits members and provides logistic support to the radical Islamist organization. He added that the Sect gives jihad training in neighborhoods of Konya and sends those trained here to join ISIS gangs in Syria.

According to French geopolitical analyst, Thierry Meyssan, Recep Erdogan “organised the pillage of Syria, dismantled all the factories in Aleppo, the economic capital, and stole the machine-tools. Similarly, he organised the theft of archeological treasures and set up an international market in Antioch…with the help of General Benoît Puga, Chief of Staff for the Elysée, he organised a false-flag operation intended to provoke the launching of a war by the Atlantic Alliance – the chemical bombing of la Ghoutta in Damascus, in August 2013. “

Meyssan claims that the Syria strategy of Erdo?an was initially secretly developed in coordination with former French Foreign Minister Alain Juppé and Erdogan’s then Foreign Minister Ahmet Davuto?lu, in 2011, after Juppe won a hesitant Erdogan to the idea of supporting the attack on traditional Turkish ally Syria in return for a promise of French support for Turkish membership in the EU. France later backed out, leaving Erdogan to continue the Syrian bloodbath largely on his own using ISIS.

Gen. John R. Allen, an opponent of Obama’s Iran peace strategy, now US diplomatic envoy coordinating the coalition against the Islamic State, exceeded his authorized role after meeting with Erdogan and “promised to create a "no-fly zone" ninety miles wide, over Syrian territory, along the whole border with Turkey, supposedly intended to help Syrian refugees fleeing from their government, but in reality to apply the "Juppé-Wright plan". The Turkish Prime Minister, Ahmet Davutoglu, revealed US support for the project on the TV channel A Haber by launching a bombing raid against the PKK.” Meyssan adds.

There are never winners in war and Erdogan’s war against Syria’s Assad demonstrates that in bold. Turkey and the world deserve better. Ahmet Davutoglu’s famous “Zero Problems With Neighbors” foreign policy has been turned into massive problems with all neighbors due to the foolish ambitions of Erdogan and his gang.
546. Author: tonygrazDate: Sun, 11/29/2015, 4:50PM EST
TMCTLT wrote: ARE a wife joke. Beer
Is it okay to wish Tony would find one already in existence and move there?? I'm just checkin Frank :)

You continue to prove yourself to be a redneck.
547. Author: BrewhaDate: Sun, 11/29/2015, 6:08PM EST
tonygraz wrote:
You continue to prove yourself to be a redneck.

Thank you Tony. I knew you wanted to write "damn cousin raping redneck", but you restrained yourself.

You have my vote for Cbid moral compass.....
548. Author: banderlDate: Sun, 11/29/2015, 6:13PM EST
Brewha wrote:
Thank you Tony. I knew you wanted to write "damn cousin raping redneck", but you restrained yourself.

You have my vote for Cbid moral compass.....

Mine too.
549. Author: frankj1Date: Sun, 11/29/2015, 9:34PM EST
TMCTLT wrote: ARE a wife joke. Beer

Is it okay to wish Tony would find one already in existence and move there?? I'm just checkin Frank :)

you can wish for it, but be careful.
550. Author: usafvet509Date: Sun, 11/29/2015, 11:55PM EST
Good thing there is no office of "Moral Compass" at Cbid. You pervgressives would find some way to F@#$ that up royally
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