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Last post 7 days ago by DrMaddVibe. 608 replies replies.
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Still Believe the FBI Is Some Honorable Institution?
Mr. Jones Offline
#501 Posted:
Joined: 06-12-2005
Posts: 20,310



500 !!!!

F.B.I. IS YOUR SAVIOR....and my ur good buddies watching over Your well being...

and we will show you that they aren't....

IN S.p.A.d.E.s....
DrMaddVibe Offline
#502 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 57,143
Silly...this was NEVER gonna run just 500!

Surprise! The FBI Lied About 'White Supremacist' Memo Targeting Catholics, New Document Reveals

When the FBI was busted targeting Catholics in a now-retracted leaked document which said Roman Catholics were 'at risk of committing acts of extremist violence,' the agency downplayed it as the work of a 'rogue field office.'

Now, thanks to a less-redacted internal FBI document released Wednesday by the House Judiciary Committee, we learn that the effort was far more widespread than the agency acknowledged.

Now, Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) wants more details.

In February, a whistleblower leaked a heavily redacted January report from the FBI's Richmond office: "Interest of Racially or Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremists in Radical-Traditionalist Catholic Ideology Almost Certainly Presents New Mitigation Opportunities."

The document defined "radical-traditionalist Catholics" as those who attend Latin Mass and, according to the FBI, adhere to "anti-Semitic, anti-immigrant, anti-LGBTQ, and white supremacist ideology," based on what the WSJ editorial board called half-baked "open-source" reporting from liberal news outlets to justify further investigation.

FBI headquarters quickly said the report didn’t meet its “exacting standards” and had been withdrawn. FBI Director Christopher Wray told the Judiciary Committee in July that the report was “a single product by a single field office.” He added that “as soon as I found out about it, I was aghast and ordered it withdrawn and removed from FBI systems,” and he said he began an internal probe.

On July 25 the FBI finally provided the committee with a less-redacted version of that Richmond document. The report says that its information on Catholics was “primarily derived” from an “FBI Richmond contact”; an “FBI Portland liaison contact” who informed on a subject who “gravitated to” traditionalist catholicism; and an “FBI Undercover Employee” who reported on a subject who attended a Catholic church in California. -WSJ

The FBI's Los Angeles field office, meanwhile, "initiated an investigation" into one subject, while the Richmond office "[c]oordinated with" the agency's Portland office to prepare the field report.

In other words - it wasn't just the product of a single field office as Wray had claimed, but was instead a widespread effort among several offices.

What's more, the Journal calls out the FBI's 'troubling decision' to redact the roles of the Los Angeles and Portland offices from the original version of the Richmond document it provided to Congress in March. The agency defended the earlier redactions due to "ongoing criminal investigations."

Yet, as the Journal asks:

What changed from March until July, other than a threat of contempt from the Judiciary Committee? It’s hard not to conclude that the bureau was trying to hide the breadth of its Catholics-as-radicals investigation.

In a Wednesday letter, Jordan asks Wray to amend his July testimony "to fully explain the nature and scope of the FBI’s assessment of traditional Catholics as potential domestic terrorists."

Let's start talking about jail time for lying to Congress now.
ZRX1200 Offline
#503 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
Posts: 61,547
I’m shocked, shocked I tell ya.
RayR Offline
#504 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,951
Me too, I've lost all faith in 3 letter duhmocratically created creatures of Congress. They are no different from the Gestapo or the Stassi
DrMaddVibe Offline
#505 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 57,143
Heil Biden!

The FBI Illegally Politicized Background Investigations For Republican Presidential Nominees

A recent report published by America First Legal (AFL) details how the FBI weaponized the federal background investigation process to deny Republican presidents — specifically Donald Trump — the ability to make political appointments in an “institution-wide” violation of the Privacy Act, the Paperwork Reduction Act, and other federal statutes. Institutional disregard for the FBI Manual of Investigative Operations and Guidelines (MIOG) further contributed to this.

It alleges that during the Trump administration, the FBI illegally conducted politically biased background checks to sabotage potential appointees with selectively “unsubstantiated” and “derogatory” information.

The report, along with a letter detailing its findings, was sent to Republican Reps. Jim Jordan, Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, and James Comer, Chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability and Democrat Sens. ****** Durbin of the Senate Judiciary Committee and Gary Peters of the Senate Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs Committee.

Recall the nomination process of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. Throughout Kavanaugh’s confirmation process, due to unsubstantiated concerns of sexual impropriety, the Senate Judiciary Committee sought a supplemental FBI investigation — supported by the White House — into the allegations.

However, AFL argues that if, at the outset, the confirmation process was conducted fairly and objectively, then a supplemental investigation would never have been necessary. Further, the FBI’s Washington, D.C. field office is notorious for its political bias and is a hub of institutionalized political weaponization. How could any of this supplemental investigation be conducted in good faith?

Obviously, it wasn’t.

As AFL details, because of “procedural infirmities that biased the FBI [background investigation] process in ways that benefited those politically opposed to former President Trump,” several federal laws were broken.

Litigation conducted by AFL, leading to this report, shows that the FBI failed to guarantee Kavanaugh various legal protections.

Because during the process of the background investigation, the FBI “collect[ed] information from the public and third parties concerning nominees without using a form with a valid OMB-approved control number,” the FBI violated the Paperwork Reduction Act’s requirements at 44 U.S.C. § 3512(a).

“By no longer enforcing the MIOG standards, which requires the FBI to seek to offset derogatory information,” the report reads, “the FBI does not ‘make reasonable efforts to assure that [nominee] records are accurate, complete, timely, and relevant, for agency purposes.” As such, AFL contends the FBI violated federal law — 5 U.S.C. § 552a(e)(6).

The report also argues that the FBI’s disregard for the MIOG caused it to further violate federal law — 5 U.S.C. §§ 552a(e)(1), (e)(2), (e)(3), and (e)(5) — because “the FI or DOJ maintain[ed] in its records information about applicants that [are] likely irrelevant to their qualifications to daily and completely adjudicate cases arising under the Constitution and [relevant] statutes.”

These are just a few of the findings detailed in AFL’s report. And whereas it may sound like legalistic jargon, it is illustrative of a glaring issue in our political system and government: the federal government and federal bureaucracy are thoroughly weaponized against the ideological enemies of permanent Washington.

If someone presents a threat to the regime’s agenda, its allies will mobilize to violate protections legally guaranteed to that person. There can no longer be illusions of political neutrality or fair play.

During Biden’s time in office, the Office of Legal Policy at the Department of Justice rescinded regulations designed to protect political nominees subjected to background investigations of this nature. The deep state subterfuge that plagued Kavanaugh’s confirmation will become the norm unless Congressional Republicans amplify this misconduct and exercise whatever power they have over these rogue agencies.
Stogie1020 Offline
#506 Posted:
Joined: 12-19-2019
Posts: 6,041
remind me why we keep trying to avert a government shutdown?

Seems like everything would run a lot more smoothly without most of the Govt.
Mr. Jones Offline
#507 Posted:
Joined: 06-12-2005
Posts: 20,310
THE FBI IS all LYING, bribery & theft....

*Theft what the FBI-SSG DIVISION

RayR Offline
#508 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,951
Stogie1020 wrote:
remind me why we keep trying to avert a government shutdown?

Seems like everything would run a lot more smoothly without most of the Govt.

No doubt about that but the statist cult of big government bureaucracy would call it ANARCHY! using that word in its most negative connotation to scare the proles.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#509 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 57,143
FBI Informant Created One Of Largest Nazi Groups In American History

An FBI informant cofounded one of the largest and oldest neo-Nazi organizations in U.S. history: the National Socialist Movement, a group connected to numerous crimes and violent events, including the deadly 2017 Charlottesville “Unite the Right” rally, according to previously unpublicized records reviewed by Headline USA.

The documents—a trove of FBI memos, affidavits and court records that this publication has dubbed the “Fed Files”—further indicate that the NSM allegedly had informants in prominent positions throughout much of its nearly 50-year history.

Once known as the “Hollywood Nazis” for its flamboyant demonstrations and crude propaganda, the NSM has also been accused of being co-opted by the FBI in a lawsuit filed by a former member who is now in prison.

Multiple current and former NSM members denied any affiliation with the FBI or law enforcement.
Jeff Schoep / IMAGE: CNN via YouTube

The FBI declined to comment for this story.

NSM’s Founding

The NSM was founded in 1974 by Cliff Herrington and Robert Brannen, both of whom were chief lieutenants of prominent American fascist George Lincoln Rockwell—the founder of the original American Nazi Party in 1959.

By 1976, there was growing suspicion in the Nazi movement that Brannen was working with the FBI.

In fact, the NSM’s own publication, the National Socialist, released an article in April 1976, denying accusations from a rival group—the National Socialist White Peoples Party, or NSWPP—that Brannen was an informant. The National Socialist article called the accusations a “reckless and irresponsible smear attack on Comrade Brennan.”

But the NSWPP was right about Brannen.
An FBI memo warning that undercover informant Robert Brannnen’s cover had been compromised

Commenting on that National Socialist article several months later, a May 1976 FBI memo warned that Brannen’s cover might have been blown.

The redacted memo doesn’t show the informant’s name, but it clearly identifies Brannen by referencing the National Socialist article and the accusations floating around him at the time.

“Informant’s photograph and description appeared in the February 1976, NSWPP publication and he was named an FBI informant,” the FBI memo said.

“Informant’s group, the NSM, has publicized a rebuttal, and the Cincinnati Office is taking special precaution to ensure this informant can be operated successfully without jeopardizing his personal safety,” the memo said.

Despite the accusations against Brannen, he continued to lead the NSM undaunted for almost another decade until he suffered several strokes in 1983.

The other cofounder of NSM, Cliff Herrington, denied that his former colleague was ever a federal informant.

“I knew Robert F. Brannen personally. He wasn’t on the take,” Herrington said in an email to this publication.

As an aside, Herrington also confirmed reports that his wife, Andrea Herrington aka Maxine Dietrich, founded a Satanic cult called the Joy of Satan Ministries. The discovery of Herrington’s Satanic leanings is a reason cited by White for why he left the NSM in the mid-2000s.

“Yes! I am married to HP Andrea Herrington nee Dietrich!! Many ivy league critiques have said she was worthy of Master Degrees! Oh, ps SHE & Her Lieutenants are completely right!” Herrington said in a typo-ridden email, which he signed, “Herrington Heil Hitler!”

Herrington led the NSM from the time of Brannen’s major stroke in 1983 until 1994, when he appointed Jeff Schoep to succeed him.

The Jeff Schoep Era

Schoep, who led the NSM from 1994 until shortly after the Charlottesville “Unite the Right” rally, has also been accused of being an FBI informant.

Unlike Brannen, the allegation against Schoep isn’t clearly corroborated by FBI memos. And the accusation comes from a controversial source: former NSM member Bill White, who is now serving time in prison for multiple felony convictions.

White accused Schoep of being an informant in an 2017 FOIA lawsuit he filed against the FBI from prison, as well as a 2020 court declaration in which he unsuccessfully sought compassionate release. White attached the FBI memo about Brannen to this same court declaration.

In his FOIA lawsuit, White sought records about the NSM, Schoep and a slew of other players he alleged were part of an FBI right-wing entrapment operation.

According to White, the FBI took control of the NSM as early as 2004, and likely much earlier. White said in his FOIA lawsuit that the FBI and ATF “would use the National Socialist Movement to hold phony ‘white supremacist’ rallies.”

“The FBI-JTTF [Joint Terrorism Task Force] would also arrange for violent counterdemonstrations against these rallies through informants in groups such as Anti-Racist Action … The ATF was also using the NSM in a similar fashion,” White said in his FOIA lawsuit.

“Neither party was disclosing that the rallies were fraudulent,” White added. “Instead, the federal government was using the rallies to make it appear as if there was a ‘domestic terrorist threat’ when no such threat existed.”

As for Schoep, White said he believes the former NSM leader was an FBI informant because, among other reasons, Schoep would “frequently lie” when they worked directly together in 2005 to 2006.

“Schoep frequently asked me to go various places to perform tasks that only advantaged the FBI-JTTF operation, either by adding legitimacy to their front groups or to get me away from situations,” White said.

“It is virtually impossible for Schoep not to know that he is acting primarily in the interests of the FBI-JTTF operation, and not in his own interests, if he were a sincere advocate for National Socialism,” White added in his lawsuit, which was ultimately dismissed by a judge for procedural reasons.

In an October 2020 sworn declaration to the court in a separate matter, White provided more details on why he thinks Schoep worked with the feds.

The convicted Nazi cited a heavily redacted FBI memo he obtained via FOIA. The memo said that the FBI interviewed an NSM associate who was in Chicago when law enforcement arrested Matthew Hale—a white nationalist in prison for allegedly soliciting an undercover FBI informant to murder U.S. District Judge Joan Lefkow.

“[Schoep’s] presence in Chicago with Matt Hale at Hale’s arrest make it clear that [the FBI memo is referring to] Schoep,” White said in his sworn declaration, also claiming: “I know from prior releases that Minneapolis Field Division Squad 4 handled Jeff Schoep.”

When presented with White’s records, Schoep admitted to being detained briefly and talking to law enforcement upon Hale’s arrest, but he denied talking to the FBI about Hale or any other topic. He said he spoke to U.S. Marshals when Hale was arrested and he was detained, offering no info.

“I was detained for a couple hours at the most and was being questioned. If the FBI was there, I don’t recall them identifying themselves, I just remember being told it was US Marshals,” he told Headline USA.

“They asked why I was in Chicago with Matt, I said he was a friend, and I was there to support him … It was like 20 years ago I don’t remember every stupid question they asked, but I know I didn’t offer them anything more than who I was and why I was there,” he added.

“All my dealing with law enforcement pressure over the years ended in the same manner: very little or nothing to say.”

Schoep, who was reportedly given probation for a felony burglary charge in 1998, also said his home was raided by law enforcement twice—once by federal law enforcement—which he said is further evidence that he was never an informant.

Additionally, Schoep noted that White was an avowed communist before he joined the NSM.

“I took a lot of sh*t from longtime members of the NSM for even allowing Bill to join the group,” he said of White.

“I believed everyone deserved a chance and even with his past history as a communist; I believed he changed his views,” he added. “… Big mistake on my part.”

To Schoep’s point, White hasn’t offered clear-cut proof that Schoep was an FBI informant.

White’s accusations were contested by the Justice Department, and a district court ultimately dismissed his application for compassionate release (his accusations against Schoep were one small part of a 97-page court declaration he submitted in support of his release). White’s FOIA lawsuit implicating Schoep was also unsuccessful.

Headline USA has published a separate story about White’s background, explaining why this publication thinks his allegations are worth reporting.

In any event, Schoep now openly collaborates with the FBI and other law enforcers since disavowing his Nazi lifestyle in the wake of Charlottesville—an apparent change of heart that has drawn much scrutiny in liberal media.

“Honored to speak twice at Midwest Police Expo for Illinois #PoliceChiefs Association and FBI,” Schoep tweeted on Aug. 21.

“Thx #FBI for the commemorative coin. Its [sic] ironic, how life has changed. In the past I avoided LE like the plague, today we are on the same side in service to #humanity.”

Schoep has also openly consorted with former FBI informant Jesse Morton, who was an al-Qaeda recruiter in the post-9/11 era until he was arrested in 2011.

Schoep and Morton both participated in a panel about countering violent extremism sponsored by the DHS-funded nonprofit organization Parallel Networks in November 2021, about a month before Morton was found dead in a Florida hotel room.

Despite openly working with law enforcement now, Schoep still bristles at the suggestion that he was an informant in the Nazi movement.

“Outright accusing me of being an informant: Wow,” he said in an email to this publication. “If I was still in the movement, you might have gotten a visit for that accusation—and not a visit from law enforcement.”
Other Feds in the NSM

Assuming that Schoep wasn’t, in fact, an FBI informant, the NSM was nevertheless infiltrated by feds during his leadership tenure.

For example, court proceedings revealed in 2007 that the leader of NSM’s Florida chapter, David Gletty, was an informant.

Gletty had organized a NSM Nazi rally in Orlando in 2006. So when he was outed as an informant over a year later, it sparked an uproar in the local black community.

“That revelation came Wednesday in an unrelated federal court hearing and has prompted outrage from black leaders, some of whom demanded an investigation into whether the February 2006 march was, itself, an event staged by law-enforcement agencies,” the Orlando Sentinel reported at the time.

Gletty later published a memoir titled Undercover Nazi, in which he disclosed that three ATF agents also attended the Orlando rally.

Prison inmate White, who was also attended the Orlando rally, said in his 2020 declaration that he now believes the majority of Nazi demonstrators were informants.

“I estimate that about three of the twenty to twenty-five persons who participated were not federal agents: myself, Laura Sennett, aka Isis, and an undercover reporter for a local paper,” White said.

In 2012, another prominent member of the NSM revealed himself as a federal informant. The informant, Brian Holland, had been the NSM’s candidate for U.S. President in 2008.

Holland told his story on the popular radio show Coast to Coast AM, telling host George Knapp about how he infiltrated the white-supremacy movement in 1999.

Holland explained that his job entailed going to neo-Nazi gatherings and reporting on their activities to the FBI. According to Holland, at times he was making up to $8,000 a month.

According to Holland, he was terminated by the FBI without warning and told by the bureau, “Now you don’t exist.”

“With the shake of a bureaucratic hand, the third highest-ranking neo-Nazi in the country was put to pasture after 11 years of risking my life,” he said.

NSM is currently commanded by Burt Colucci, who told Headline USA that he, too, was asked to be an informant.

Colucci said he turned down the FBI’s offer.

“The FBI likes to play games no matter what side of this you’re on. They actually came to me and told me they could ‘supplement my income,’ offering me—they didn’t specify what exactly they meant or or how much, but they said they’d supplement my income,” he said.

“I told them I don’t want anything to do with them and to talk to my lawyers, so they did—they talked to my Arizona lawyer at the time,” he said, adding, “I would have personally told them to f*ck off and keep their money, but my lawyer’s like, ‘Let me tell them. I’ll say it a little bit nicer for you.’”

But Colluci, who deleted Schoep’s NSM email accounts after taking control of the group, said he isn’t concerned whether his former leader was an informant.

“All of these people are long gone, whether informants at the time or not,” he said.

Meanwhile, a jury ruled in November 2021 that the NSM owes $1 million for its actions at Charlottesville in 2017, while Schoep owes $500,000.

Schoep has an appeal pending in that case.

For just pennies a day, you too could sponsor a Neo-Nazi, er FBI agent. Only a fool would say this organization needs to exist still.
Mr. Jones Offline
#510 Posted:
Joined: 06-12-2005
Posts: 20,310
Ohhhhhhhhhhh ....


And that is iffffffffff.....





I HATE real NAZIS...
( as proven by my uncle Bill sanctioned S.A. & C.A.missions in the 80's) ESPECIALLY F.B.I.-S.S.G. NAZIS !!!!
DrafterX Offline
#511 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
Posts: 99,695
And Illinois Nazis.. !! Mad
DrMaddVibe Offline
#512 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 57,143
Mr. Jones wrote:
Ohhhhhhhhhhh ....


And that is iffffffffff.....





I HATE real NAZIS...
( as proven by my uncle Bill sanctioned S.A. & C.A.missions in the 80's) ESPECIALLY F.B.I.-S.S.G. NAZIS !!!!

If you say?


You know this guy???

Citing Work as FBI Informant, Ex-Proud Boys and Patriot Front Member Seeks Light Sentence

'He has changed his thinking and actually worked as a paid FBI informant who infiltrated the Charlotte chapter of the Proud Boys and gave agents valuable information about the organization...'

(Ken Silva, Headline USA) A former member of the Proud Boys, the white nationalist Patriot Front and the neo-Nazi group The Base seeks a light sentence for his possessing a firearm as a convicted felon, citing his infected leg and his past work as an FBI informant as a reason to keep him out of jail.

The defendant, Michael Alan Jones, is set to be sentenced next week for unlawfully possessing a firearm and ammunition by a convicted felon, a charge stemming from a March 2022 traffic stop in upstate New York, where police officers allegedly found him in possession of an illegally modified AR-15.

Jones had previously been convicted of two felony sex crimes. His lawyer said Jones’s “then-minor girlfriend twice performed oral sex on him in the boys’ bathroom of their high school.”

Jones’s lawyer admitted in a recent letter that his client was a member of the Proud Boys.

“However, since that time, he has changed his thinking and actually worked as a paid FBI informant who infiltrated the Charlotte chapter of the Proud Boys and gave agents valuable information about the organization,” Jones’s lawyer said.

“Jones has since matured and no longer harbors these views. In fact, renouncing these views was a prerequisite for his parents allowing him to come back to their home after he was released from jail,” he said, omitting Jones’s past affiliations with the Patriot Front or The Base.

Jones is seeking “time served” as his sentence. He’s already served about six months in prison, and has been on home detention since last December, when his leg almost had to be amputated, according to his lawyer.

“Since returning home to North Carolina, the infection has subsided, but he is still going to weekly physical therapy appointments and wears an ankle-foot orthotic when he walks and another when he sleeps to help his healing,” Jones’s lawyer said Monday in a letter.

“Based on his previous history, the Court should consider that there is a real possibility that his leg may become re-infected at the BOP and the infection cycle will start over again.”

The Justice Department, for its part, is seeking 24- to 30-months imprisonment for Jones, arguing that such a punishment is consistent with sentencing guidelines.

Jones’s arrest last year reportedly made waves among the Proud Boys and other right-wing groups. The left-leaning media outlet Raw Story obtained leaked messages that showed them discussing Jones.

“They created a whole new degree of f—ed-upness,” a member identified as “Jimbob Smith” reportedly said on Telegram. “It’s a fed-ophile. It was a fed informant mixed with a pedophile. Only Charlotte can do that!”

Raw Story also reported that Jones “fought with the police alongside the Proud Boys at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6.” Jones has not been charged in relation to J6.

Seems like with all these informants that happen to be Nazis and were involved in the INSURRECTION that the FBI would've arrested SOMEBODY...but...nope. The organizations still function and they still are paying for info. Sounds like a grift to me.
Mr. Jones Offline
#513 Posted:
Joined: 06-12-2005
Posts: 20,310
They're all a bunch of KRAUT NAZIS!!!
Mr. Jones Offline
#514 Posted:
Joined: 06-12-2005
Posts: 20,310
And ...

NO, I DON'T KNOW Eeeeeeeeeeemmmmm'
DrMaddVibe Offline
#515 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 57,143
Another ho-hum day over at the J. Edgar Hoover Building.

FBI Creates 'MAGA' Extremist Category, Targets Trump Supporters Ahead Of 2024 Election

The Biden FBI has 'quietly created a new category of extremists that it seeks to track and counter: Donald Trump's army of MAGA followers' ahead of the 2024 election, according to prolific (and well connected) anti-war journalist and political commentator, William Arkin, who has previously reported on the FBI's efforts to "Fight MAGA Terrorism."

In a Wednesday Newsweek article, Arkin reveals that the vast majority of FBI investigations into "anti-government" activities are of Trump supporters.

"The FBI is in an almost impossible position," a current FBI official told Arkin, who added that the agency's stated intent is stopping a repeat of January 6th type incidents (which was riddled with feds), while balancing the Constitutional right of Americans to protest the government "Especially at a time when the White House is facing Congressional Republican opposition claiming that the Biden administration has 'weaponized' the Bureau against the right wing, it has to tread very carefully," the official continued.

Newsweek spoke to over a dozen current or former government officials who specialize in terrorism in a three-month investigation to understand the current domestic-security landscape and to evaluate what President Joe Biden's administration is doing about what it calls domestic terrorism. Most requested anonymity because they were not authorized to talk publicly, were reluctant to stray into partisan politics or feared the repercussions of speaking frankly.

Newsweek has also reviewed secret FBI and Department of Homeland Security data that track incidents, threats, investigations and cases to try to build a better picture. While experts agree that the current partisan environment is charged and uniquely dangerous (with the threat not only of violence but, in the most extreme scenarios, possibly civil war), many also question whether "terrorism" is the most effective way to describe the problem, or that the methods of counterterrorism developed over the past decade in response to Al-Qaeda and other Islamist groups constitute the most fruitful way to craft domestic solutions.

We would note that an FBI whistleblower in March claimed that the agency pressured him to inflate domestic terrorism figures against conservatives, and that the agency created a specific threat tag for pro-lifers "THREATSCOTUS2022" following the leaked Supreme Court opinion on abortion (and not a threat tag for the violent leftists who threatened SCOTUS justices?).

The FBI told Newsweek in a statement that: "The threat posed by domestic violent extremists is persistent, evolving, and deadly. The FBI's goal is to detect and stop terrorist attacks, and our focus is on potential criminal violations, violence and threats of violence. Anti-government or anti-authority violent extremism is one category of domestic terrorism, as well as one of the FBI's top threat priorities," adding "We are committed to protecting the safety and constitutional rights of all Americans and will never open an investigation based solely on First Amendment protected activity, including a person's political beliefs or affiliations."

According to the FBI's data leaked to Arkin, the number of domestic extremism cases has dropped since Jan 6, but that "Sociopolitical developments—such as narratives of fraud in the recent general election, the emboldening impact of the violent breach of the U.S. Capitol, conditions related to the COVID-19 pandemic, and conspiracy theories promoting violence—will almost certainly spur some domestic terrorists to try to engage in violence."

So - while the threat that the FBI has encouraged agents to inflate may have fallen, they're on the lookout!

The agency has even created a new subcategory of threats, "AGAAVE-Other," to denote those who are a threat but don't fit into its anarchist, militia or Sovereign Citizen categories.

Introduced without any announcement, and reported here for the first time, the new classification is officially defined as "domestic violent extremists who cite anti-government or anti-authority motivations for violence or criminal activity not otherwise defined, such as individuals motivated by a desire to commit violence against those with a real or perceived association with a specific political party or faction of a specific political party." -Newsweek

Trump or MAGA aren't directly menti0oned in the official description of AGAAVE-Other, however "government insiders acknowledge that it applies to political violence ascribed to the former president's supporters."

"What other name could we use?" said one FBI officer, who added: "Obviously if Democratic Party supporters resort to violence, it [AGAAVE-Other] would apply to them as well. It doesn't matter that there is a low likelihood of that. So yes, in practical terms, it refers to MAGA, though the carefully constructed language is wholly nonpartisan."

Sure anonymous FBI guy... there's a 'low likelihood' that Democrats (the party which the FBI's top brass belong to) aren't causing political violence. Did someone get into Hunter's crack stash?
A parked limousine burns during a demonstration after the inauguration of President Donald Trump, Friday, Jan. 20, 2017, in Washington.


3 cops, pepper spray used in arrest of Sen. Tim Kaine’s son near Trump rally at Capitol

"100% Antifa" Portland Shooting Suspect Brought Loaded Gun To July Riot

"We Know Where You Sleep At Night": Antifa Mob Whose Founder Loves Assassination Targets Tucker Carlson At Home

As The Federalist perfectly notes;

Despite widespread, leftist-led and encouraged riots during the 2020 summer of rage, FBI data says that spikes in domestic violent extremism and domestic terrorism investigations in 2020 and 2021 “show clearly that the main targets of the investigations and cases open were of Trump supporters,” not the people who wreaked billions of dollars of damage on American cities.

Similarly, “assessments,” a shadowy tool used by the FBI to spy on Americans who have political or ideological associations deemed unfavorable by the agency, “more than doubled from 2019 to 2021.”

A drastic rise in politicized probes of Trump voters follows an avalanche of rhetoric touted by President Joe Biden, his White House, Democrats in Congress, Attorney General Merrick Garland, FBI Director Christopher Wray, and other officials who have named the “domestic extremism” often pinned on Republican voters as the nation’s biggest threat.

The increase also serves as a continuation of the Biden regime’s persecution of its number one political opponent and his popular brand of wrongthink ahead of the 2024 presidential election.

Totally 'not weaponized.'
HockeyDad Offline
#516 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,700
Probably best just to go ahead and delete this whole thread.
Mr. Jones Offline
#517 Posted:
Joined: 06-12-2005
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DrMaddVibe Offline
#518 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 57,143
FBI = Following Biden's Instructions?

Does “FBI” now stand for “Following Biden’s Instructions”? The FBI is doing backflips to boost Joe Biden’s re-election campaign. Unfortunately, federal courts don’t recognize law enforcement shenanigans as a violation of the Voting Rights Act.

The FBI is categorizing Donald Trump’s supporters as terrorist suspects, according to a new report in Newsweek. The FBI created “a new category of extremists that it seeks to track and counter: Donald Trump’s army of MAGA followers,” Newsweek revealed. The FBI is relying on the same counterterrorism methods honed to fight al Qaeda to go after the incumbent president’s political opponents.

Naturally, the latest Washington crusade against extremism has more malarkey than a White House summit. Federal bureaucrats heaved together a bunch of letters to contrive an ominous new acronym for the latest peril to domestic tranquility. The result: AGAAVE—“anti-government, anti-authority violent extremism”—which looks like a typo for a sugar substitute.

Recently, the FBI vastly expanded the supposed AGAAVE peril by broadening suspicion from “furtherance of ideological agendas” to “furtherance of political and/or social agendas.” Anyone who has an agenda different from Team Biden’s could be AGAAVE’d for his own good. The great majority of the FBI’s “current ‘anti-government’ investigations are of Trump supporters,” William Arkin, a highly respected investigative journalist, reported in Newsweek.

The FBI crackdown is following some of the most overheated political rhetoric of our era. Biden has denounced Trump supporters for “semi-fascism.” Biden tweeted last November, “Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans are a threat to the very soul of this country.”

Biden’s Homeland Security Advisor Liz Sherwood-Randall declared, “The use of violence to pursue political ends is a profound threat to our public safety and national security…it is a threat to our national identity, our values, our norms, our rule of law—our democracy.” And since Team Biden says that Trump supporters could be violent, suppressing them is the only way to protect “the will of the people” or whatever honorific is used for rigged election results.

In June, the FBI and Department of Homeland Security issued a warning: “Sociopolitical developments—such as narratives of fraud in the recent general election, the emboldening impact of the violent breach of the U.S. Capitol, conditions related to the COVID-19 pandemic, and conspiracy theories promoting violence—will almost certainly spur some domestic terrorists to try to engage in violence.” In other words, alleging that there was election fraud in past elections can qualify a person as a terrorist suspect—and justify suppressing their political activity in subsequent elections.

Biden’s FBI views Trump supporters as a deadly threat to democracy, thereby justifying subverting or crippling Trump supporters’ ability to oppose Biden and other Democrats.

The FBI is required to have (or claim to have) solid information before launching a criminal investigation. But the bureau needs almost zero information to open an “assessment.” The FBI conducted more than 5,500 domestic-terrorism “assessments” in 2021, a 10-fold increase since 2017 and a 50-fold increase since 2013. “Assessments are the closest thing to domestic spying that exists in America and generally not talked about by the Bureau,” Arkin noted. The House Weaponization Subcommittee warned that “the FBI appears to be complicit in artificially supporting the Administration’s political narrative” that domestic violent extremism is “the ‘greatest threat’ facing the United States.”

Those assessments could prove perilous because the official demand for terrorists far exceeds the domestic supply. A top federal official told Newsweek last year, “We’ve become too prone to labeling anything we don’t like as extremism, and then any extremist as a terrorist.” “Trespassing plus thought crimes equals terrorism” is the Biden standard for prosecuting January 6 defendants.

FBI whistleblower Steve Friend complained of current FBI leadership, “There is this belief that half the country are domestic terrorists and we can’t have a conversation with them. There is a fundamental belief that unless you are voicing what we agree…you are the enemy.”

Did the Biden administration secretly want Newsweek to vindicate the fears of legions of Trump supporters? Perhaps those “assessments” are repeating a tactic used against Vietnam War protesters: FBI agents were encouraged to conduct frequent interviews with antiwar activists to “enhance the paranoia endemic in such circles” and “get the point across that there is an FBI agent behind every mailbox,” according to an FBI memo from that era.

The more abusive the FBI becomes, the more outraged that Trump supporters sound, thereby justifying further FBI repression. That also makes it easier for Team Biden to portray Trump supporters as public menaces.

Biden’s war on extremism could become a self-fulfilling prophecy that destroys American political legitimacy. An official in the Office of Director of National Intelligence lamented, “So we have the president increasing his own inflammatory rhetoric which leads Donald Trump and the Republicans to do the same”—and the media follow suit. Biden is exempt from official suspicion even when he denounced Republicans as fascists who want to destroy democracy. Yet if Republicans sound equally overheated, Biden’s FBI has pretexts to unleash the hounds.

Is there any limit to the federal entrapment operations designed to spur headlines that make politicians applaud? The latest FBI crackdown echoes a DHS campaign that was leaked to the press in 2021. Federal policymakers launched a “legal work-around” to spy on and potentially entrap Americans who are “perpetuating the ‘narratives’ of concern,” CNN reported. The DHS plan would “allow the department to circumvent [constitutional and legal] limits” on surveillance of private citizens and groups. Federal agencies are prohibited from targeting individuals solely for First Amendment-protected speech and activities. But federal hirelings would be under no such restraint.

Will the FBI’s interventions in the 2024 presidential election be even more brazen than its 2016 and 2020 stunts? Will the agency exploit its “assessments” to recruit knuckleheads to engage in another pre-election Keystone Kops plot to kidnap a governor, as it did in Michigan in 2020?

The FBI has a sordid history of intervening in presidential elections since 1948—if not before. A 1976 Senate report on FBI abuses warned, “The American people need to be assured that never again will an agency of the government be permitted to conduct a secret war against those citizens it considers threats to the established order.” Unfortunately, Americans may not learn the damning details of another FBI “secret war” until long after the next election.

Ironically, the Biden administration is vilifying anti-government opinions at the same time judges are exposing federal crimes. Federal court decisions in July and September condemned the Biden censorship regime—and those rulings were preceded by Supreme Court decisions striking down President Joe Biden’s student-loan-forgiveness scheme and vaccine mandates.

But Team Biden still presumes anyone who suspects the feds are violating the Constitution is up to no good. In the same way that Biden based his 2020 election campaign on vilifying Charlottesville 2017 protests, so the Biden re-election campaign will vilify anyone who distrusts the feds. Regardless of the outcome, the 2024 election will be another boomtime for cynics.

Frying pan Frying pan Frying pan Frying pan Frying pan
DrMaddVibe Offline
#519 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 57,143

Whistleblowers accuse senior FBI officials of retaliating against agents for their political beliefs

At least three FBI whistleblowers told lawmakers on the House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday that high-level senior officials at the bureau are revoking security clearances of personnel based on religious or politically conservative beliefs.

According to the disclosure, shared with The Washington Times, one of the whistleblowers reported that FBI executives targeted current employees associated with former FBI employees who were interviewed for the movie “Police State,” which includes former FBI agents Kyle Seraphin and Steven Friend.

The movie, a documentary co-created by conservative author and filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza and produced by talk radio host Dan Bongino, claims Democratic Party leaders, working with top officials in the FBI, CIA and Justice Department, have censored and, in some cases, imprisoned their political opponents.

The executives in the FBI’s security division, which agents call SecD, assigned agents from field offices to conduct security clearance investigations of employees suspected of communicating with or providing information to people involved with the movie, the whistleblowers said.

The movie had its red-carpet premiere late last month at Mar-a-Lago, the Florida residence of former President Donald Trump. The audience consisted of about 500 conservative influencers, media personalities and politicians.

Mr. Trump did not attend the event but voiced his support. He said the film exposes “the witch hunt that the deep state has against me.”

The disclosure said an FBI employee revealed that SecD sought to recruit 100 to 300 temporary employees to conduct security clearance investigations “against whistleblowers, conservatives, and employees with an unacceptable political affiliation or belief.”

The FBI disputed the whistleblowers’ allegations.

“The FBI does not target or take adverse action against employees for exercising their First Amendment rights or for their political views; to allege otherwise is false and misleading. The FBI is required to follow established policies and procedures, to include a thorough investigation, when suspending or revoking a security clearance,” the FBI said in a statement to The Times.

According to the disclosure, the first of these alleged politically motivated security clearance investigations targeted employees associated with Mr. Friend and Mr. Seraphin.

SecD recently attempted to recruit 100 to 300 special agents to conduct these internal investigations temporarily, according to the whistleblower information.

Another SecD employee said Mr. Seraphin’s security clearance investigation did not follow the policy of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.

Mr. Seraphin was subjected to a security clearance investigation, according to the disclosure, after his field office notified FBI official Dena Perkins that a police officer who was out of his jurisdiction confronted him about practicing his firearm shooting at a range/shooting area.

“The minor allegations against Seraphin had no national security nexus. An administrative misconduct investigation would have likely resulted in, at most, a letter of censure or written counseling,” the disclosure states. “However, Seraphin had previously refused to take a Covid vaccine, which was an obvious indication to SecD that an employee is politically conservative.

“There were approximately 300 FBI employees who refused to take the Covid vaccine and were communicating with each other about the FBI Headquarters’ discriminating against conservative Christian employees and others who refused the vaccine for political reasons,” the disclosure to lawmakers read.

One FBI employee said a special agent in the bureau’s Miami field office was temporarily assigned to conduct SecD security clearances of associates to Mr. Friend.

The disclosure accuses FBI brass of violating the Security Executive Agent Directive 4 (SEAD 4), disseminated by the ODNI, which is its national security guideline for allowing intelligence community agencies to conduct security clearance adjudications.

“Specifically, SecD Section Chief Section Matthew Nagle, Deputy Assistant Director Lawerence Buckley, and Assistant Section Chief Dena Perkins have caused security clearance investigators to adjudicate security clearances in a manner that is contrary to the SEAD IV guidelines,” the disclosure said.

SecD is “intentionally misinterpreting the SEAD IV guidelines so that it can deny, suspend and revoke security clearances of FBI employees because of political affiliations and beliefs.”

The disclosure said these security division officials have been exaggerating single incidents of alleged misconduct to be substituted for multiple incidents of misconduct while using security clearance investigations to substitute for internal misconduct investigations.

When an internal investigation finds minor misconduct incidents, the penalty typically ranges from oral or written reprimands to performance counseling, according to the whistleblowers’ account.

“Nagle, Buckley, and Perkins have been expanding the scope of security investigations in a manner that violates ODNI’s rules and policies,” the disclosure states. “The basis for security revocations are specifically enumerated by ODNI.”

A SecD employee said Ms. Perkins, who has been in her job since 2018, retaliated against an employee who reported her to the office of Attorney General Merrick Garland. The day after the complaint was filed, Ms. Perkins suspended the employee’s clearance.

Surprised? You shouldn't be.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#520 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 57,143
How Many Perverts Did The FBI Ignore While It Chased Trump Supporters?

The Federal Bureau of Investigation, by its own admission, neglected at least one critical investigation into horrific child sexual exploitation, while diverting agency resources toward investigating those thought to be involved in the Jan. 6, 2021, events at the U.S. Capitol.

An example of FBI misdirecting its resources is the disturbing case of an Alaska man, Brogan T. Welsh, who allegedly distributed child pornography and expressed disgusting fantasies online about anally raping male children.

The FBI had Welsh in its sights and was set to bring charges against him. Even one week before Jan. 6, 2021, the man they believe is Welsh was trying to get a sex date with a prepubescent boy online.

But the FBI but dropped the case on Jan. 6, 2021, according to the FBI’s Statement of Facts to the court. It had more important things to investigate – Trump supporters.

How many other cases of equal or greater severity have been dropped by the FBI in favor of targeting politically active Americans?

The alarming nearly three-year delay in arresting Welsh raises concerns about the FBI’s priorities and whether it is really dedicated to protecting vulnerable children from heinous sexual predators.

Welsh was finally indicted in late October in the District of Columbia on charges of distributing child pornography. Other charges may be developed as his activities are uncovered.

The arrest itself occurred a few days later in Anchorage. From the time the FBI dropped the case in 2021 until just two weeks ago, Welsh likely continued to be part of online exploitation of children.

This isn’t just a kinky proclivity of a hyper-sexualized adult man. Before his case was forgotten about by the FBI, Welsh had contacted someone on a kiddie-porn internet platform. He apparently believed the man to be the father of a minor child, and Welsh expressed a desire to travel to the District of Columbia to sexually abuse the purported child. The description of what he wanted to do to the child is graphic.

That man turned out to be an undercover FBI agent. The evidence against Welsh was substantial, including IP addresses, online identities, explicit images, and videos depicting the sexual abuse of prepubescent boys. In text messages, Welsh was recorded telling the FBI undercover officer how much he wanted to rape the man’s son. It is unimaginable that such a case would be put on hold. But it was.

After the FBI lost interest in Welsh on Jan. 6, 2021, it wasn’t until August 2023 that the FBI stumbled upon Welsh’s file, and it only did so because it was investigating another unrelated case.

This disturbing incident highlights a concerning pattern of the FBI diverting resources away from vital cases to pursue politically motivated agendas.

In the months following Jan. 6, 2021, innocent Alaskans, including Paul and Marilyn Hueper of Homer, were targeted by the FBI. Agents came bursting through the front door of the couple’s home on April 28, 2021, saying they were searching for then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s laptop. Investigators left with a pocket-size copy of the U.S. Constitution that the agency took into evidence, thinking it added credence to their case, but the laptop was nowhere to be found in Alaska because this turned out to be a case of badly mistaken identity.

Anchorage activist Jay McDonald was also subjected to a harassing interrogation from the FBI because the agency had opened up a tip line and a political operative from the Democratic side submitted McDonald’s name as someone who was at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6. The records show, however, that McDonald was in Alaska that day. It was a case of political warfare, and the FBI was a useful pawn, while McDonald rightfully feared for his family’s safety.

These instances of mistaken identity and political harassment demonstrate how valuable FBI resources were misallocated while perverts ran wild.

During Welsh’s ultimate arrest, the FBI said it found incriminating evidence in his Anchorage room, “Including sex toys that are very small in size and apparently consistent with the body size of an approximate 10-year-old boy, including: a silicon ring, apparently of the type commonly referred to as a ‘**** ring;’ a bag of ‘sensory finger rings’ which are apparently devices for manual sexual stimulation; a very small **** consistent in size with anal penetration; and the following clothing consistent with a 10-year-old boy and too small for an adult person of WELSH’s size: two pairs of underwear; and one pajama bottom.”

The investigation revealed that a 10-year-old boy was, in fact, residing at the residence with Welsh.

“On January 6, 2021, FBI, Washington Field Office, this investigation was halted due to events that occurred at the United States Capitol Building that day,” the Statement of Facts said.

How long might this case have been ignored if it had not stumbled on it again?

This is a job for the Chairman James Comer of the Congressional Oversight and Accountability Committee, who should review the Statement of Facts of this case and subpoena the FBI Director Christopher Wray and his subordinates to answer the question: How many other Brogan Welshes are still out there committing crimes, while the FBI conducts manhunts relating to Jan. 6?

Just as long as they FINALLY get "their" man..ok.
Mr. Jones Offline
#521 Posted:
Joined: 06-12-2005
Posts: 20,310
RUNNING AMOK with zero repercussions to any law
Local, state or federal that they break...





They are the last resort for any major complaint or grievance...local cops? Too corrupt and on the take..Forget it...the state police ( bunch of NAZI'S too) that answer to the FBI AND STATE POLITICIANS IN CHARGE...



6 shot revolvers, single shot rifles or bolt action rifles and double barrel shotguns...and those will require unbelievable circumstances and licensing fees in the thousands of dollars...
DrMaddVibe Offline
#522 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 57,143
FBI Seizures From Safe Deposit Boxes Violated US Constitution: Federal Court

The FBI’s seizure of contents from safe deposit boxes during a raid on a Beverly Hills vault in 2021 violated the U.S. Constitution, a federal appeals court ruled on Jan. 23.

Agents raided U.S. Private Vaults, a business that allowed people to rent safe deposit boxes anonymously, based on the belief that criminals were using the service. The search warrant stated that agents could only open the boxes to inventory their contents and identify the owners for the return of their property.

However, agents brought drug-sniffing dogs and planned to set aside cash worth more than $5,000, with the intent to seize the money.

The FBI searched the contents of about 700 safe deposit boxes.

When people who rented boxes asked the FBI for their belongings back after the raid, the bureau refused, saying it was going to file for forfeiture or transfer ownership to the government. The renters of the boxes then sued.

A U.S. district judge previously ruled in favor of the government, finding the search was covered by what’s known as an inventory exception to the requirement for a warrant in the U.S. Constitution’s Fourth Amendment.

That exception, though, doesn’t apply to the raid on U.S. Private Vaults, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ruled.

The ruling hinged largely on how the exception requires searches to operate on standardized instructions and highlighted how the FBI, in the Beverly Hills raid, used supplemental, customized instructions.

“Once the government begins adding a set of ‘customized’ instructions to a ’standardized‘ inventory policy—particularly the type of custom instructions presented by this case—the entire search stops being conducted pursuant to a ’standardized’ policy,” U.S. Circuit Judge Milan D. Smith Jr. wrote in the ruling.

‘No Probable Cause’

During oral arguments, the appeals court panel compared the search to the “writs of assistance,” or unlimited searches executed by British authorities in pre-founding America.

“What you’ve got is a declaration or an understanding that from the beginning, the authorities intended to search all the boxes, all of them,” Judge Smith said at the time. “There was not probable cause available with respect to all of the boxes, but they did it anyway. Now, how do we distinguish that from what the colonists were upset about, and which led to the Fourth Amendment?”

In response, a government lawyer said the raid was “a unique situation” that involved “rampant illegal conduct.” U.S. Private Vaults has acknowledged in a plea agreement to recruiting criminals and conspiring to launder money.

“We note that it is particularly troubling that the government has failed to provide a limiting principle to how far a hypothetical ‘inventory search’ conducted pursuant to customized instructions can go,” Judge Smith said.

Many of the plaintiffs have already had their belongings returned by the FBI but pressed forward with the case for an opinion in their favor.

The ruling remanded the case back to U.S. District Judge Robert Klausner, who previously dismissed the case, for a ruling that directs the FBI to destroy records the bureau collected on the box renters who are members of the class-action case.

The opinion “draws a line in the sand, to ensure something like this never happens again,” Rob Johnson, a senior attorney with the Institute for Justice, which was representing the plaintiffs, said in a statement. “If this had come out the other way, the government could have exported this raid as a model across the country. Now, the government is on notice its actions violated the Fourth Amendment.”

“This is a good day for our country and the principle that the government’s power to search our property has limits,” added Jennifer Snitko, who was among the box renters.

The FBI didn’t respond to a request for comment.

‘Significant Privacy Interest’

A spokesperson for the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Los Angeles told news outlets that the office is “prepared to destroy records of the inventory search.”

The ruling also said the government went outside the authority outlined in the search warrant.

U.S. Circuit Judge Lawrence Van**** concurred with the ruling in full, while U.S. Circuit Judge Carlos T. Bea, agreeing that the search violated the Constitution, found the second finding regarding the warrant scope to be unnecessary.

Judges Smith, Bea, and Klausner were appointed by President George W. Bush. Judge Van**** was appointed by President Donald Trump.

Judge Smith also wrote a separate, concurring opinion that addressed the plaintiffs’ argument that the inventory exception, typically applied to automobiles, shouldn’t extend to stationary locations such as apartment buildings or safe deposit boxes.

“Plaintiffs do have a significant privacy interest in their safe deposit boxes, given that their conduct indicates they intended their items to be ‘preserved ... as private,’ and society generally views the privacy expectations of items in safe deposit boxes as reasonable,” Judge Smith wrote.

“Ultimately, given the greater privacy interests at stake and the implication of the rights of third parties,” he added, “I would hold that the inventory search doctrine does not extend to searches of box contents in a locked vault.”

Anyone want to talk about this at the tavern?
Abrignac Offline
#523 Posted:
Joined: 02-24-2012
Posts: 17,790
Having been through two complete blocks of instruction taught by a former FBI lawyer whose job was to write warrants for FBI field agents I found the inventory exception dubious. For example normally absent a warrant the only evidence a LEO can collect is what is in plain view or if not he must be given consent to search. Neither was the case here as one cannot see what is in a safe deposit box without opening it. The fact that the FBI was sued by the owners leads me to believe that did not have consent.

They’re another exceptions to the need for a warrant but they don’t fit into that scenario.

One of the methods we were taught was how to gain access to the contents of a vehicle trunk was to use the inventory exception by towing a vehicle. Suppose a person is pulled over and based reasons developed before or after that stop an officer has reason to believe contraband is concealed in the trunk. One way to access it is to tow the vehicle. However, as soon an officer assumes control of the vehicle he becomes responsible for every item in l it including the dirt in the trunk. So he needs to note all items and have the driver sign or refuse to sign a receipt. Doing so the officer conducts a through search and notates every item found. However, if the automobile can be released person designated by the driver they a limited to get the vehicle le prior to commence of arsenal.
Gene363 Offline
#524 Posted:
Joined: 01-24-2003
Posts: 32,073
DrMaddVibe wrote:
FBI Seizures From Safe Deposit Boxes Violated US Constitution: Federal Court

The FBI’s seizure of contents from safe deposit boxes during a raid on a Beverly Hills vault in 2021 violated the U.S. Constitution, a federal appeals court ruled on Jan. 23.

Agents raided U.S. Private Vaults, a business that allowed people to rent safe deposit boxes anonymously, based on the belief that criminals were using the service. The search warrant stated that agents could only open the boxes to inventory their contents and identify the owners for the return of their property.

However, agents brought drug-sniffing dogs and planned to set aside cash worth more than $5,000, with the intent to seize the money.

The FBI searched the contents of about 700 safe deposit boxes.

When people who rented boxes asked the FBI for their belongings back after the raid, the bureau refused, saying it was going to file for forfeiture or transfer ownership to the government. The renters of the boxes then sued.

A U.S. district judge previously ruled in favor of the government, finding the search was covered by what’s known as an inventory exception to the requirement for a warrant in the U.S. Constitution’s Fourth Amendment.

That exception, though, doesn’t apply to the raid on U.S. Private Vaults, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ruled.

The ruling hinged largely on how the exception requires searches to operate on standardized instructions and highlighted how the FBI, in the Beverly Hills raid, used supplemental, customized instructions.

“Once the government begins adding a set of ‘customized’ instructions to a ’standardized‘ inventory policy—particularly the type of custom instructions presented by this case—the entire search stops being conducted pursuant to a ’standardized’ policy,” U.S. Circuit Judge Milan D. Smith Jr. wrote in the ruling.

‘No Probable Cause’

During oral arguments, the appeals court panel compared the search to the “writs of assistance,” or unlimited searches executed by British authorities in pre-founding America.

“What you’ve got is a declaration or an understanding that from the beginning, the authorities intended to search all the boxes, all of them,” Judge Smith said at the time. “There was not probable cause available with respect to all of the boxes, but they did it anyway. Now, how do we distinguish that from what the colonists were upset about, and which led to the Fourth Amendment?”

In response, a government lawyer said the raid was “a unique situation” that involved “rampant illegal conduct.” U.S. Private Vaults has acknowledged in a plea agreement to recruiting criminals and conspiring to launder money.

“We note that it is particularly troubling that the government has failed to provide a limiting principle to how far a hypothetical ‘inventory search’ conducted pursuant to customized instructions can go,” Judge Smith said.

Many of the plaintiffs have already had their belongings returned by the FBI but pressed forward with the case for an opinion in their favor.

The ruling remanded the case back to U.S. District Judge Robert Klausner, who previously dismissed the case, for a ruling that directs the FBI to destroy records the bureau collected on the box renters who are members of the class-action case.

The opinion “draws a line in the sand, to ensure something like this never happens again,” Rob Johnson, a senior attorney with the Institute for Justice, which was representing the plaintiffs, said in a statement. “If this had come out the other way, the government could have exported this raid as a model across the country. Now, the government is on notice its actions violated the Fourth Amendment.”

“This is a good day for our country and the principle that the government’s power to search our property has limits,” added Jennifer Snitko, who was among the box renters.

The FBI didn’t respond to a request for comment.

‘Significant Privacy Interest’

A spokesperson for the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Los Angeles told news outlets that the office is “prepared to destroy records of the inventory search.”

The ruling also said the government went outside the authority outlined in the search warrant.

U.S. Circuit Judge Lawrence Van**** concurred with the ruling in full, while U.S. Circuit Judge Carlos T. Bea, agreeing that the search violated the Constitution, found the second finding regarding the warrant scope to be unnecessary.

Judges Smith, Bea, and Klausner were appointed by President George W. Bush. Judge Van**** was appointed by President Donald Trump.

Judge Smith also wrote a separate, concurring opinion that addressed the plaintiffs’ argument that the inventory exception, typically applied to automobiles, shouldn’t extend to stationary locations such as apartment buildings or safe deposit boxes.

“Plaintiffs do have a significant privacy interest in their safe deposit boxes, given that their conduct indicates they intended their items to be ‘preserved ... as private,’ and society generally views the privacy expectations of items in safe deposit boxes as reasonable,” Judge Smith wrote.

“Ultimately, given the greater privacy interests at stake and the implication of the rights of third parties,” he added, “I would hold that the inventory search doctrine does not extend to searches of box contents in a locked vault.”

Anyone want to talk about this at the tavern?

The Justice institute took on the FBI.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#525 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 57,143
The FBI must be wiped clean, or wiped out, on Day One of the next Repubican administration

Christopher Wray, the world's most powerful mobster

Should Donald Trump become president in 2024 and the acts to make major changes within the federal executive bureaucracy, cleaning house from top to bottom with major firings and layoffs (something he should have done in his first administration and failed to do), without question the first agency he must attack mercilessly is the FBI.

There are numerous documented examples in the past decade where the FBI has been weaponized against conservatives and Republicans, investigating, harassing, and even arresting people because they held beliefs that opposed the agenda of the Democratic Party. In some cases the individuals attacked were simply religious Christians who opposed abortion. In other cases the victims were ordinary Americans who simply made public their support of Trump.

Nor were just everyday Americans attacked. The FBI has arrested Republican candidates for office. Its officials have altered evidence to justify illegal seach warrants against Republicans. Its management also targeted and framed Trump officials it did not like. Officials there also abused the FISA court, submitting error-filled applications that were used to get warrants to spy on Americans. It redacted information to hide its misbehavior, claiming dishonestly that the redactions were for national security reasons.

This list is only a very small selection of the many such stories reported in the past decade. Any one of these corrupt actions would justify firing everyone at the FBI and zeroing out its budget as quickly as possible. Last week however the Ninth U.S. Court of Appeals provided us another reason: It ruled that FBI agents literally committed theft in rummaging through hundreds of security deposit boxes at a bank in wealthy Beverly Hills, confiscating millions of dollars it had no right to grab, simply because the cash was there and the agents and the agency wanted that money for their own pockets.

The decision slammed the FBI for overstepping its authority when it opened up hundreds of renters’ boxes, conducted criminal searches of them all, and attempted to permanently keep everything in the boxes worth more than $5,000, all without charging any box renter with a crime.

…For years, the FBI and Department of Justice (DOJ) insisted that they did nothing wrong at US Private Vaults. Even though the warrant authorizing the raid only permitted the FBI to open boxes to identify their owners and safeguard the contents, agents rummaged through hundreds of boxes, ran currency they found in front of drug sniffing dogs, and made copies of people’s most personal records. The DOJ then filed a massive administrative forfeiture claim to take more than $100 million in cash and other valuables, again, without charging any individual with a crime.

In other words, the court has ruled that the FBI is really a criminal organization that routinely abuses its power, and in this case it did so in order to literally steal millions from innocent Americans.

The ruling [pdf] returns the case to the lower courts, which had previously ruled in favor of the FBI, for further action. Its language also appears to demand that the FBI must destroy all data it obtained during these illegal searches. It is unclear however whether the decision requires the FBI to return the stolen money. Further litigation in the lower courts will likely settle this issue.

Regardless, the FBI’s behavior in this one case alone demonstrates its utter corruption. Not only has its officials been more than willing to help Democrats unfairly by attacking Republicans for political reasons, the case shows that those same officials are crooks as well. They need to go.

Moreover, they need to be frog-marched from their offices on the first day of office of the very next Republican who gains the presidency. There should be no mercy or grace period, which is what Trump did in 2020. The result was a four-year-long quiet insurrection within the FBI to undermine his entire administration.

That must not happen in 2025, should Trump win in November. On inauguration day every FBI agent and manager must either submit his or her resignation or be fired. They should told in no uncertain terms that they must not report to work, and that they no longer have any authority to enter any FBI facility or use any government equipment, from email servers to computer desktops. This will not only allow the new administration to start fresh, it will make more difficult for these thugs to do anything to sabotage that administration.

Nor am I being paranoid. These corrupt FBI officials have demonstrated quite openly their willingness to cheat, lie, defy the law for both political and personal reasons. To leave them in power for even one nanosecond after Trump has the power to remove them would be allow them the opportunity to defy that new administration, in ways that are too awful to contemplate.


RayR Offline
#526 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,951
Vivek Ramaswamy was the only candidate vowing to dismantle the FBI.

"Former FBI Counterintelligence Agent issues chilling warning to Vivek Ramaswamy:

“Be careful… I’d get some very, very competent help, some very competent people to do intelligence work for you before you went places."
DrMaddVibe Offline
#527 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 57,143
Been awhile...

Dirtbag FBI agent charged with stealing from January 6 defendant

Is the FBI now hiring the scum of the Earth?

Well, you can decide, based on the kind of lowlife charges filed against one of their finest.

According to KTRK in Houston:

HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) -- A former FBI special agent for the Houston Field Office has been indicted on theft charges after being accused of stealing government and personal property from homes during FBI raids, according to U.S. Attorney Alamdar S. Hamdani.

Authorities have arrested 36-year-old Nicholas Anthony Williams. According to the indictment, from March 2022 to July 2023, Williams allegedly took money or items from multiple homes while executing search warrants as an FBI special agent.

And who did he take money from?

But of course:

A Houston college student prosecuted for his participation in the Jan. 6 insurrection was one of people robbed by a Houston-based FBI agent, according to newly released court records.

Alexander Fan's complaint about missing cash and silver helped lead to the January indictment of FBI agent Nicholas Anthony Williams, according to court records.

Fan, 27, was sentenced to 12 months probation in connection to the riot. Fan was found guilty of entering and remaining a room in the Capitol building. He was accused of climbing into an office through a broken window after his entry was blocked by a closed door.

That's from the Houston Chronicle, which reported that it went down like this:

Fan's home was searched on the day he was arrested and the next day he reported to the FBI that items, including $2,500 and silvers bars, were missing from his bedroom. The items were not seized as part of the warrant served on his home, according to court records.

Months later, the FBI announced that one of its own agents, Nicholas Anthony Williams, had been indicted on theft charges, over accusations he stole money and property while executing search warrants between March 2022 and July 2023.

One of the three charges related to thefts is over the missing items at Fan's home.

Williams is also accused of stealing money during searches at homes in March 2022 and January 2023, as well as misusing a government-issued credit card and stealing agency cellphones, according to court records. The other theft victims weren't named in the indictment.

So much for America's premiere law enforcement agency. Apparently allowing one of those guys into your home is the same as leaving your front door unlocked for burglars.

This is astonishing to hear of, actually. When was the last time you heard of this kind of untrustworthy lowlife character at the FBI? A petty thief who steals like burglars do. He'd be an anomaly if he were merely on the cops. This guy is more like the Mexican cops who steal ransoms paid from kidnappers and then see the victims murdered, which has happened. He's a walking violation of trust.

This guy has reportedly been on the force since around 2019. Did anyone at the Bureau do background checks on him before handing him a badge and a gun? Did he take a polygraph to pass muster? How'd he get into this elite agency? Was there so much hiring going on as the agency expanded and money rolled in that they just let anyone into the agency, criminal behavior or not? That's a common experience in law enforcement agencies that expand too fast. It seems doubtful he just started stealing once he got into the FBI. For a rookie to have so boldly taken so much from homes being searched so soon seems unusual. Corruption is usually a long slide downward, but his was fast.

How'd he take the silver bars reportedly stolen and did he stuff them into his pockets? Did his partner notice and say nothing? Was stealing an instant response because he'd done it so often?. Was there a culture of thefts on this squad, which was continuously overlooked until the public complaints started to get into the press? Was he a DEI hire whose color was more important than his character? There are a lot of unanswered questions here.

Perhaps the most important question is why the bureau was searching this kid's family home at all on a mere charge of trespassing, and with a friendly, cooperative, give-no-trouble, contrite suspect? He was obviously trusting of them, based on the Chronicle report, and they violated that trust, stealing thousands in his family's property earned in a hardscrabble immigrant way by working long hours at dreary, thankless, restaurant jobs, saving every penny.

What kind of a sleazy lowlife could steal from such honorable, hard-working people?

Would Fan's complaint have been dismissed had he been the only one making the complaint? I don't know, but I sure as heck haven't heard reports about this kind of law enforcement behavior outside Mexico or Venezuela.

Maybe if the FBI would vet their agents for basic honesty, (I am sure this kid's family could give the lessons), it wouldn't be a problem at all.

I did read a study not too long ago, don't recall where, about how the Bureau actually likes having agents with discipline problems that normally merit firing on the force, because it leaves them more malleable for certain kinds of work that ethical agents would balk at doing. If so, this guy would be the poster boy for such a setup, the guy who persecutes political opponents on behalf of the Democrats, much like the dirty cops of the KGB, because he knows he could be fired at any minute for other transgressions.

Guys like that keep up with their dirty, dishonest behavior, and their political masters protect them.

Is that the picture that's starting to emerge here? What was this guy's discipline record before he apparently got canned and charged? And how many more are like this with this set of ethics in this agency, spying on Americans and persecuting political opponents? Maybe Director Christopher Wray should be called back to answer a few questions from Congress.

How about prosecuting this to the hilt? If it was some random white, MAGA, conservative married guy with know it would be different!

I would LOVE to read THAT study too! C'mon...list them deets!
#528 Posted:
Joined: 05-08-2011
Posts: 1,713
“This guy has reportedly been on the force since around 2019. Did anyone at the Bureau do background checks on him before handing him a badge and a gun? Did he take a polygraph to pass muster? How'd he get into this elite agency? Was there so much hiring going on as the agency expanded and money rolled in that they just let anyone into the agency, criminal behavior or not? That's a common experience in law enforcement agencies that expand too fast. It seems doubtful he just started stealing once he got into the FBI. For a rookie to have so boldly taken so much from homes being searched so soon seems unusual. Corruption is usually a long slide downward, but his was fast.”

Like when a teacher or coach gets nailed for doing something wrong to a minor, people start going off about how that person could possibly clear a background check or blasting the employer saying they obviously don’t even do them. People seem to think background checks predict the future, they merely show previous reports so if this is his first transgression he would’ve obviously passed with flying colors. Safe to say the FBI is likely not hiring a Special Agent with any previous criminal behavior. Without any previous charges a polygraph would catch skeptical responses to questions, but it’s possible this person started living above their means or owes alimony/child support and started skimming to make up the difference since they got hired. If they got hired in 2019 they passed the background check, a follow-up would be done every 5 years thereafter which would’ve been this coming year and would show a bad credit report that may lead to corruption.
Abrignac Offline
#529 Posted:
Joined: 02-24-2012
Posts: 17,790
DrMaddVibe wrote:
I did read a study not too long ago, don't recall where, about how the Bureau actually likes having agents with discipline problems that normally merit firing on the force, because it leaves them more malleable for certain kinds of work that ethical agents would balk at doing. If so, this guy would be the poster boy for such a setup, the guy who persecutes political opponents on behalf of the Democrats, much like the dirty cops of the KGB, because he knows he could be fired at any minute for other transgressions.

I’d like to read that study.

Certainly wouldn’t say this doesn’t exist. However, I wouldn’t say this systemic though. Probably more of a localized issue based on the SAC.
Mr. Jones Offline
#530 Posted:
Joined: 06-12-2005
Posts: 20,310
DMV post #527

IN MARCH?APRIL ? OF 2013 WHO WERE never caught or prosecuted...
They still have my money...either in the evidence room, entered into the 2014 FBI BUDGET, IN THE SEVERAL PRICKS PERSONNEL BANK ACCOUNTS , OR 80% IN BARRY OBAMMY'S BANK ACCT AND 10% TO THE " BIG GUY " JOE STRANOSA AND 10% TO DIRECTOR COMEYS BANK ACCT.
ZRX1200 Offline
#531 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
Posts: 61,547
Steve Baker arrested…..

3 years of threats and a refusal to pronounce the charges.

Obama jailed a reporter too. I’m sure we’ll just as much as we did then.
RayR Offline
#532 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,951
ZRX1200 wrote:
Steve Baker arrested…..

3 years of threats and a refusal to pronounce the charges.

Obama jailed a reporter too. I’m sure we’ll just as much as we did then.

Arresting journalists for reporting?
I heard Putin and Xi do that too.
RobertHively Offline
#533 Posted:
Joined: 01-14-2015
Posts: 2,580
"The FBI's Double Agent" in the Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping plot.

"When FBI agents feared their informant might reveal the investigation’s flaws, they sought to coerce him into silence, at one point telling him: “A saying we have in my office is, ‘Don’t let the facts get in the way of a good story,’ right?”"
Mr. Jones Offline
#534 Posted:
Joined: 06-12-2005
Posts: 20,310
That Gretchen Williams debacle kidnapping case is a FBI RAT INFESTED NARC CLUSTER FUCCCC....

IT was forced on half retarded white guys with I.Q.'s of 25?? Maybe?

The were all in "Sped Ed" classes and are SLOW MO's in minimum wage jobs, unemployed or homeless and recruited by stupid white supremacist gangs, as butt boys for their pleasure because most of them are closet MOHO's and they made them do the dirty work because they are freaking SPEDS and easy to coerce....

This entire case is nothing but A FBI ENTRAPMENT CASE with paid informants coercing sped tards into a bogus plan they couldn't possibly understand or pull off...

Bunch of FBI BUNK....
DrMaddVibe Offline
#535 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 57,143
Mr. Jones wrote:
That Gretchen Williams debacle kidnapping case is a FBI RAT INFESTED NARC CLUSTER FUCCCC....

IT was forced on half retarded white guys with I.Q.'s of 25?? Maybe?

The were all in "Sped Ed" classes and are SLOW MO's in minimum wage jobs, unemployed or homeless and recruited by stupid white supremacist gangs, as butt boys for their pleasure because most of them are closet MOHO's and they made them do the dirty work because they are freaking SPEDS and easy to coerce....

This entire case is nothing but A FBI ENTRAPMENT CASE with paid informants coercing sped tards into a bogus plan they couldn't possibly understand or pull off...

Bunch of FBI BUNK....
DrMaddVibe Offline
#536 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 57,143
This tactic is right out of the Nazi SS playbook. So, when I say the FBI is the SS for the DNC...tell me how I'm wrong?

Viral Videos Appear To Show FBI Agents Visiting Homes Over Social Media Posts

Two videos have gone viral on X showing FBI agents visiting people’s houses to ask questions about offensive social media posts.

The first clip shows three people who claim to be FBI agents visiting a woman called Rolla Abdeljawad at her home in Stillwater, Oklahoma.

The woman asks them to identify themselves, but they refuse to do so while being filmed, before claiming they had already shown the woman their IDs.

Wow. The FBI reportedly sent agents to a woman’s house in Stillwater, Oklahoma to question her over her political beliefs that she posted on Facebook.

Unless these guys are impersonating federal agents, this is a very serious red line they’ve crossed. 😳
— Robby Starbuck (@robbystarbuck) March 29, 2024

“What we’d like to do is have a conversation with you about some social media posts that you’ve made, would you be willing to talk to us about that?” asks one of the agents.

The woman refuses to talk until she has a lawyer present, before the agent asks her for contact information.

“No, I’ll get back to you,” states Abdeljawad.

Another agent then asks the woman to have her attorney “contact the FBI office in Oklahoma City.”

Abdeljawad is told by one of the agents that “Facebook gave us a couple of screenshots of your accounts.”

“Well you can’t arrest me for freedom of speech, we live in America, so it’s kind of weird that you want to come talk to me about me exercising my freedom of speech,” responds the woman.

“We do this every day, all day long we talk to people, it’s just an effort to keep everybody safe, make sure that nobody has any ill will or bad intent or anything like that,” responds one of the agents.

After Abdeljawad asks if the FBI would question “all the citizens in America” who used Facebook, the agent responds, “We certainly would if we had any sort of concerns.”

The clip then shows the agents leaving the scene.

The woman later posted a message on her Facebook confirming that the individuals were FBI agents.

“Just verified with local law enforcement that, the indivs who came to my home, really were FBI per their license plate. My lawyer will contact the OKC field office. The lawyer did inform me that, these instances are now common but, the lawyer doesn’t believe that FB sent them the screenshots of my posts. Rather, it seems like a fishing expedition. I do not fear them. My only concern as, I told the cop is that, someone in my state will do something or that they would and then use my posts in a malicious attempt to “smear” me. Just *remember, I am a Muslim, an obligated protector of creation. I enjoin what is good and forbid what is wrong.”

Another X user called Kam St. Martin posted, “The FBI came to my house over a TWEET! Not cool. My pinned tweet that’s still up.”

The video she posted shows a man who introduces himself as an FBI special agent asking to speak to someone over a post which he subsequently explains is “about the Baton Rouge subject.”

🚩The FBI came to my house over a TWEET!
Not cool.
My pinned tweet that’s still up.
— 𝐊𝐚𝐦 𝐒𝐭.𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐧 (@KAM4Texas) March 29, 2024

The pinned tweet in question features an image of a black man who St. Martin claims killed her cousin.

“This monster drugged my 27 yr old cousin at the L’Auberge Casino in Baton Rouge last February. He dumped her half naked dead body like trash. Rap sheet a mile long. He walks today on PROBATION. Damion Matthews may you reap what you have sown,” it states.

🚨This monster drugged my 27 yr old cousin at the L’Auberge Casino in Baton Rouge last February. He dumped her half naked dead body like trash.
Rap sheet a mile long. He walks today on PROBATION .Damion Matthews may you reap what you have sown. @govjefflandryy
— 𝐊𝐚𝐦 𝐒𝐭.𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐧 (@KAM4Texas) February 20, 2024

The post has 39,000 likes.

Is the FBI really visiting private homes to police social media posts that criticize alleged murderers?

That ENTIRE organization needs to be leveled! If this is where they're at combating crime, terrorism and a host of other things they were actually created to do then the crime numbers in this nation would be a flatline ZERO in all major categories. Instead...we've got worse!

A Freedom of Speech "violator" is now warranted a visit from an unidentified goon squad. Coming to a neighborhood near you!
Abrignac Offline
#537 Posted:
Joined: 02-24-2012
Posts: 17,790
DrMaddVibe wrote:

Another X user called Kam St. Martin posted, “The FBI came to my house over a TWEET! Not cool. My pinned tweet that’s still up.”

The video she posted shows a man who introduces himself as an FBI special agent asking to speak to someone over a post which he subsequently explains is “about the Baton Rouge subject.”

🚩The FBI came to my house over a TWEET!
Not cool.
My pinned tweet that’s still up.
— 𝐊𝐚𝐦 𝐒𝐭.𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐧 (@KAM4Texas) March 29, 2024

The pinned tweet in question features an image of a black man who St. Martin claims killed her cousin.

“This monster drugged my 27 yr old cousin at the L’Auberge Casino in Baton Rouge last February. He dumped her half naked dead body like trash. Rap sheet a mile long. He walks today on PROBATION. Damion Matthews may you reap what you have sown,” it states.

🚨This monster drugged my 27 yr old cousin at the L’Auberge Casino in Baton Rouge last February. He dumped her half naked dead body like trash.
Rap sheet a mile long. He walks today on PROBATION .Damion Matthews may you reap what you have sown. @govjefflandryy
— 𝐊𝐚𝐦 𝐒𝐭.𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐧 (@KAM4Texas) February 20, 2024

I remember this case. As far as the person listed above having worked 15 years in law enforcement in the area mentioned I’m well acquainted with him. The stories I could tell……..
Gene363 Offline
#538 Posted:
Joined: 01-24-2003
Posts: 32,073
An interesting video about Hoover, the criminal:

Birth of the FBI - J. Edgar Hoover - Forgotten History
DrMaddVibe Offline
#539 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 57,143
Gene363 wrote:
An interesting video about Hoover, the criminal:

Birth of the FBI - J. Edgar Hoover - Forgotten History

The OG trans!
Mr. Jones Offline
#540 Posted:
Joined: 06-12-2005
Posts: 20,310

All'a I gotta say to all these 3? Stories is....

Just one thing....

At least they came up to these people and showed them their I.D.'S
AND BADGES , then asked them several questions....
All in under a 30 minute window???.

They absolutely N.E.V.E.R. showed me an I.D. OR BADGE...
OVER 300 FBI GANGSTALKED MY SORRY ASS OVER 7 state area over 6+ years....and they never ever asked me one question....none at all...

These 3 people should be happy it went the way it did with their
FBI intimidation.....

Mine was totally anonymous, totally illegal on multiple local,state and federal levels , and they tried to murder me over 9 times....

Those 3 peeps got off easy ....
DrMaddVibe Offline
#541 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 57,143
The FBI And CIA Are Enemies Of The American People

Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson sat down for a three-hour-plus discussion on the Joe Rogan Show last week, covering everything from UFOs, to religion and artificial intelligence. But perhaps the most important topic they covered was the insidious and dangerous role played by the US regime’s intelligence agencies in America.

Specifically, Carlson suggested the CIA continues to lobby for keeping the JFK files secret, possibly because the CIA had a role in the assassination. Tucker also brought up how the FBI’s second-in-command was responsible for taking down Richard Nixon. Carlson described how intelligence agencies hold immense power within Congress because members of Congress—who are generally disreputable people with many secrets—are terrified of being blackmailed. After all, in a post-Patriot Act world of nearly unrestrained spying by the US regime, there is no privacy in America.

I’ll let you, dear readers, listen to the full interview and make up your mind for yourselves as to the details of the discussion.

What I want to highlight here, however, is how remarkable it is that two major media figures—Rogan and Carlson—are announcing to their millions of listeners and readers that organizations like the CIA and the FBI are despicable agencies committed to undermining the legal and constitutional institutions of the United States.

This is long overdue.

Deep-state agencies like the CIA and the FBI have for far too long been considered reputable organizations just trying to “keep us safe” or somehow defend the United States from alleged foreign threats. Conservatives have long been among the worst offenders. Libertarians know this well, and have observed for decades the breed of “small-government” conservatives who one minute claim “the government can’t do anything right” and then the next minute simp for “heroic” CIA and FBI agents. People such as these have long checked their critical thinking skills at the door as soon as the discussion turns to the regime’s spy agencies—or the Pentagon, for that matter. This is not to say that Leftists are guiltless on this. While historically it was the Left that actually made some efforts to expose intelligence agencies and their crimes in the 1970s, that is now ancient history. The Left in 2024 has rarely met a regime spook it didn’t like. This was made explicit last month when Adam Westbrook and Lindsey Crouse declared in The New York Times that “the Deep State is actually kind of awesome.”

The job of opposing these contemptible enemies of freedom at America’s intelligence agencies—especially the FBI and CIA and NSA—falls to the minority of Americans who actually care about law and human rights enough to seek true restraints on regime power. Those of us in this minority must never miss an opportunity to disparage, doubt, question, and generally express loathing for these organizations and for every single agent and employee at these agencies who collects a taxpayer-funded salary.

A Danger for Many Decades

Since at least the early 1960s, many have understood that the post-war intelligence agencies have posed an especially dangerous threat to the people of the United States. For example, exactly one month after Kennedy’s assassination—surely, just a coincidence!—former president Harry Truman expressed alarm about the CIA’s meddling in domestic affairs. He wrote in The Washington Post: “For some time I have been disturbed by the way CIA has been diverted from its original assignment. It has become an operational and at times a policy-making arm of the Government. This has led to trouble and may have compounded our difficulties in several explosive areas. ...I never had any thought that when I set up the CIA that it would be injected into peacetime cloak and dagger operations.”

Then as now, however, The Washington Post was an arm of the deep state and the editor buried Truman’s op-ed on Page A11. The CIA was outraged enough by the column, however, that CIA director Allen Dulles lied and claimed that Truman had been “quite astounded“ when he saw his own article and that the whole thing was really the work of a Truman aide.

This bizarre attempt by CIA operative to “retract” Truman’s article was nonetheless contradicted by Truman himself who reiterated in a 1964 letter that Truman had only intended the CIA to be an informational service for the president, and that “[I]t was not intended to operate as an international agency engaged in strange activities.” Truman would later tell an interviewer that “[I]f I’d known what was going to happen, I never would have [created the CIA.]”1

Of course, Truman may have known about many of the CIA’s “strange activities” by the late 1950s, such as MKULTRA, and related “mind control” experiments with LSD and other drugs. The CIA was known to drug the agency’s victims against their will, such as seven black inmates in Kentucky who were were fed “’double, triple and quadruple’ doses of LSD for 77 straight days.” One might also mention the very suspicious case of Frank Olson, a bioweapons expert who was given LSD by CIA agents without his knowledge. Olson later “fell” to his death from a hotel window in 1953. The agency lied about drugging Olson for 22 years.

The CIA faced some scrutiny in the wake of the Vietnam war as the Left began to rein in the deep state which had spent years attempting to destroy American opponents of the war through a variety of dirty tricks. Yet, the agency had hardly been “reformed” by the time the US’s “war on terror” was launched in late 2001. The CIA returned to its illegal medical torture—assuming it had ever stopped—with new medical experiments on regime prisoners. Documents uncovered by the ACLU have shown that CIA doctors are still used to provide a veneer of scientific legitimacy to CIA torture programs. In the age of vaccine passports, this alliance between doctors and the CIA should alarm any defender of human rights.

In spite of all this, the CIA continues to fail spectacularly at its original mission of collecting useful information. The CIA failed to see the Iranian Revolution coming. The CIA was clueless about Soviet Missiles shipped to Cuba in 1962. The CIA believed the Soviet Union was an economic powerhouse in the 1980s. And, of course, the CIA let 9/11 happen right under its nose.

Given all this, even conservative stalwarts have seen the light on the CIA in recent years. The late Angelo Codevilla, for example, penned a 2020 article calling for “breaking up” the CIA. The CIA, Codevilla notes, is now so “ideologically partisan,” so “obsolete,” and its record of failure so undeniable, that the agency is now “inherently dangerous and low-value.”
End the FBI

The CIA isn’t alone in its war on American freedom and decency, however. The FBI is almost equally dangerous, which is why Codevilla also calls for the FBI to be “restricted to law enforcement.”

Unknown to many Americans, the FBI doesn’t even consider itself to be a law enforcement agency anymore. The FBI is now a “national security” agency, and that means the FBI is an arm of the American spy regime. This, of course, is why the Department of Justice can now be used for blatantly political purposes such as when the FBI spied on candidate Donald Trump in 2016.

Here at, we’ve already reported on the mixture of abuse and incompetence that characterizes the FBI. The FBI expends countless hours tracking down harmless “enemies” of the regime—such as little old ladies prosecuted for the January 6 riot—while ignoring real criminals like Larry Nassar. Nor surprisingly, local police will tell you it’s the state and local police who do the real work of tracking down real criminals, and then the FBI swoops in to take the credit.

Moreover, the history of the FBI lends substantial plausibility to Tucker Carlson’s claim that intelligence agencies are in the business of blackmailing members of Congress. This is a known tactic employed by J. Edgar Hoover during this 48-year reign at the FBI. Hoover, of course, was lauded for decades as a hero, but in reality, he was, in the words of historian Beverly Gage, a “one-dimensional tyrant and backroom schemer who strong-armed the rest of the country into submission...the most influential federal appointee of the twentieth century.” Hoover and his army of compliant FBI agents spied on anyone and everyone—especially elected officials and other public figures—who might be useful as a target for blackmail.
So, what to do with these agencies?

There is nothing that these agencies do that could justify their continued existence. Both agencies—neither of which in their present forms are authorized among the enumerated powers of the US constitution—were sold to the taxpayers as agencies to be used only against hardened criminals and foreign dictators. Today, these organizations spend their time exploiting the taxpayers for ever larger budgets, for ever more power to spy on Americans, and new ways to trick those same Americans into supporting the regime’s latest wars.

They are, simply put, the regime’s secret police, devoted to building the regime’s power. One answer is to eviscerate their budgets, repeal their enabling legislation, and encourage aggressive lawfare against the regime in retribution for these agencies’ many crimes. That’s probably a best-case scenario. Other scenarios likely require the bankruptcy of the regime, or perhaps its dissolution. That is likely to come with substantial and negative economic effects in the short term. Unfortunately, many Americans are still enthralled to these organizations thanks to relentless state propaganda that tells us this American version of the KGB exists for our own good. Abolition will clearly take time. Now is a good time to start.

The DNC is a terrorist organization.

The FBI is the SS for the DNC.

Been saying that for years. They're behaving worse and the pleas to wrangle them back into order are being ignored. They've already been caught meddling in American politics. Yes, the CIA too.
jeebling Offline
#542 Posted:
Joined: 08-04-2015
Posts: 3,912
I’m just beginning to scratch the surface of this thread. My thoughts are that I was mistaken when I believed the FBI cleaned up its act after the Waco travesty. I think I was fooled. I always had respect and confidence in our national institutions, right up until 2015. I’m one of those guys who needs to be beaten over the head I guess. Not proud of that but I must admit the truth of it. I’m careful not to jump on to every conspiracy bandwagon. When the facts pile up the “coincidences” look less like coincidences. I try to do a better job at separating opinions from facts when I read newspaper, magazine or blog posts. It’s virtually impossible for me to read anything from WaPo, NYT, The Atlantic, Rolling Stone these days…well, since about 2015. I think I was severely burned by those publications because I read them quite a bit back then. They outright lied to their readers as did others but those in particular I read more frequently. Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh and Alex Jones…all liars and twisters of half truths. So, it’s not just the lefty wing nuts I guard against. Telling a truth or reporting one story truthfully doesn’t rectify the loss of credibility. I could blabber on and on but I’ll end this quickly by saying I think that the FBI, as an organization, is corrupt and defunct and a political weapon of the DNC.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#543 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 57,143
Must be nice to have those kind of benefits when you're a Company Man.

FBI File On Jeff Bezos' Grandfather, A DARPA Co-Founder, Has Been Destroyed

What's not widely known is that Amazon founder Jeff Bezos' grandfather, Lawrence Preston Gise, helped form the Pentagon's supersecret Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA—renamed DARPA) in 1958. Years later, DARPA developed the internet and spurred breakthroughs in high-speed networking, voice recognition, and internet search.

One year before Gise died in 1995, Bezos founded Amazon in the garage of his Bellevue, Washington home.

Or so we're told...

John Greenewald Jr., who operates The Black Vault, a website dedicated to revealing declassified government documents through obtaining Freedom of Information Act requests, posted on X that he went after Gise's "FBI file, but found out if there was one, it has been destroyed."

News website Leading Report's Patrick Webb commented on Greenewald's findings, saying, "There has long been speculation that DARPA has been involved in the creation of many popular big tech companies, using "frontmen" for the allusion of a startup led by outsiders."

With the contents of Gise's FBI file unlikely to ever be unearthed and likely never destroyed, just inaccessible to FOIA requests or the public, other X users commented on Webb's and Greenewald's posts, pointing out how DARPA possibly created other big tech firms:

We know Facebook is a "cancelled program" out of the DOD... if you look at bill gates family you find similar stuff.

This "theory" is more confirmed every day
— Scott (@Scott89947486) May 7, 2024

Questions swirl about DARPA's involvement in creating Amazon, given Bezos' grandfather's connection to the secret agency.

Being at the top of the Club doesn't hurt either!

Just burn those offending documents though.

PS: You can forget all about those Kennedy files now.
Mr. Jones Offline
#544 Posted:
Joined: 06-12-2005
Posts: 20,310
You can file an "FOIA " ALL YOU want...

You get denied all the time because of typos, black budget projects, top secret designations, JSOC RAIDS THAT NEVER SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY OR ANY PRESS COVERAGE WHATSOEVER ( I.E. Sept. 9, 2012 when Harrisburg was almost destroyed by a terrorist dirty bomb via 10 Saudis, one 6'8" Egyptian and 25 somali's)...and HOMELAND SECURITY DENIES EVERY FOIA REQUEST...




IT JUST GETS HIDDEN BY THE DEEP STATE, THE ILLUMINATI and the current HYBRID "M.J.-12" designation participants...whatever their code name is now....just go to the basement of SKULL AND BONES in
new haven, CT / YALE UNIVERSITY...KNOCK ON THe door and ask to go to the basement to get an ice cold beverage from the 1935 GE AMMONIA GAS CIRCULAR TOP FRIDGE THAT IS STILL WORKING DOWN THERE...then request the keys to a non discript green Buick to complete the requested task....
DrMaddVibe Offline
#545 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 57,143
Would you believe...(gotta read that with Agent Smart dialect)..The FBI and the CIA working together?

NOT the first time this has happened!
DrMaddVibe Offline
#546 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 57,143
FBI Director Met With Hamas Supporters Asking Him to Lock Up Jews
The FBI has gone from fighting Islamic terrorists to taking orders from them.

Islamic pro-terror groups reacted to the Hamas terror attacks of Oct 7 not only with riots and public pressure campaigns aimed at politicians, but also by privately meeting with top federal and state law enforcement officials to demand that they lock up Jewish political opponents.

The David Horowitz Freedom Center’s investigative arm exclusively reported last month that the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), an Islamist group whose leader had celebrated Oct 7, had been meeting with attorney generals around the country trying to convince them to arrest journalists and activists who had been investigating and exposing Hamas supporters.

Based on our past history with CAIR, the Freedom Center could be one of their targets.

Now, the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), has been caught meeting with Attorney General Merrick Garland and senior Department of Justice (DOJ) officials, including FBI Director Christopher Wray and Associate Attorney General Lisa Monaco, to also discuss targeting Jews.

The meeting, originally reported by Militant Islam Monitor, represents another part of what appears to be a larger effort by Islamist groups to weaponize prosecutors against their critics.

On May 22nd, top Department of Justice officials and the FBI Director met with Arab American Institute boss James Zogby and MPAC founder Salam al-Marayati. Both men had been accused of supporting terrorism , including Hamas, in accusations going back decades.

Zogby, a Lebanese Arab activist, had described Hezbollah, which was responsible for the murder of hundreds of Americans, as “the Lebanese armed resistance”.

“By criminalizing attempts to send money to Hezbollah or to support it, the FBI is confusing and alienating people here who could be allies in the war on terrorism,” he had warned the FBI.

Hezbollah’s crimes included the torture and murder of Colonel William R. Higgins, whose castrated body was found near a mosque with the”skin on his face partially removed.”

When Hezbollah terrorists hijacked TWA Flight 847, they tortured Robert Stethem, a Navy diver, by “jumping in the air and landing full force on his body. He must have had all his ribs broken.”

“They put the mic up to his face so his screams could be heard by the outside world,” a stewardess described.

But rather than expelling or arresting terrorist supporters, the FBI was meeting with them.

Salam al-Marayati had defended Hamas, blamed Israel for 9/11 and claimed that Hezbollah was not engaged in terrorism, but “ legitimate resistance… that could be called liberation movement.” When Hezbollah bombed the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut killing 241 military personnel, he argued that “tt was a military operation, producing no civilian casualties.”

(Al-Marayati was not telling the truth. The attack also killed Lebanese employees in the area.)

“Yesterday’s terrorists in the Middle East are today’s leaders,” he had argued and “Hamas in terms of its social and educational operations is doing exactly what the PLO was doing 35 years ago, as well as its quote unquote military operations.”

MPAC, the organization Al-Marayati had co-founded, had issued policy papers calling for the removal of Hamas and Hezbollah from the list of terror groups. At a meeting of the Palestine Committee’ of Hamas supporters in America, MPAC had been described as a “sympathetic” group that could be used as “an entry point to use them to pressure Congress and the decision-makers in America.” Was that what MPAC was doing here?

Normally, the FBI should have been interrogating MPAC, but instead MPAC was interrogating it.

Salam al-Marayati filmed a video outside the Attorney General’s office in which he falsely claimed that the Hamas campus encampments had been “peaceful” and that the violence had come from the police, and urged an investigation to “hold law enforcement accountable”.

But at the meeting arranged by Zogby, Al-Marayati, based on MPAC’s account of events, went even further off the rails and claimed that Muslims were under attack by Jewish “terrorists” allied with the “Proud Boys” and demanded that the FBI do something about them.

This bizarre screed should have ended the meeting, but instead the DOJ and the FBI took it seriously. And that is every bit as troubling as meeting with terrorist apologists in the first place.

Al-Marayati’s only example of Jews fighting back against Hamas supporters occurred at UCLA when after a Jewish female student had been knocked unconscious and multiple Jewish community members had been assaulted, with no response from the university, campus police or the LAPD, some young Jewish men showed up and took on the terrorist encampment.

Nevertheless, according to the MPAC account, FBI Director Christopher Wray said that he would pass on the case to the FBI Los Angeles field office. This is troubling because a previous exclusive Freedom Center investigation found that the FBI LA office had treated assaults against Muslims and by Muslims against Jews very differently. Any FBI investigation of UCLA prompted by Islamists to focus not on Muslim antisemitic violence, but only on the response to that violence by a small handful of young Jewish men, would be a civil rights violation.

Attorney General Garland and the DOJ leadership should be fighting Islamic terrorism. Instead they’re meeting with groups like MPAC that have a history of defending Islamic terrorism. And not only are they meeting with them, they’re taking cues about investigations from them.

The DOJ and the FBI have gone from fighting Islamic terrorists to taking orders from them.

CAIR’s efforts to influence state attorney generals and MPAC’s attempt to manipulate the United States Attorney General and the FBI to target political and religious opponents, especially Jews, is in line with Islamist supremacist groups who, in their own home countries like Iran, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, routinely lock up opponents and repress non-Muslims. But that should have no place in America. The Biden administration has opened the doors of the federal government to the worst possible extremists in the hopes of winning another term in office.

Had Al-Marayati not filmed his video, we might never have known what the Biden administration was doing. Instead, a private meeting has gone public and the investigative arm of the David Horowitz Freedom Center will continue monitoring the secret alliance between Islamists and government officials, exposing their events and holding them accountable.

Even as the Biden administration promises that it is fighting antisemitism, it’s holding covert meetings with antisemites who demand that the FBI go after the Jews.

Papers...papers please.
ZRX1200 Offline
#547 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
Posts: 61,547
CAIR was heavily involved in the Kenyan Kings administration.
Mr. Jones Offline
#548 Posted:
Joined: 06-12-2005
Posts: 20,310
I used to drink beers with James Zogby down at maxi's bar back in
1976-78? In Shippensburg, PA at Shippensburg State College....and we would see him at off campus big party's and at private parties....
The dude was intense and very gregarious ... he knew how to work a room and he was a very intelligent just knew this guy was gonna be famous and he was really into Middle East politics...
He was a religious and history professor at SSC FROM 1972-78?( not sure of ending date)....

#549 Posted:
Joined: 05-08-2011
Posts: 1,713
Mr. Jones wrote:
I used to drink beers with James Zogby down at maxi's bar back in
1976-78? In Shippensburg, PA at Shippensburg State College....and we would see him at off campus big party's and at private parties....
The dude was intense and very gregarious ... he knew how to work a room and he was a very intelligent just knew this guy was gonna be famous and he was really into Middle East politics...
He was a religious and history professor at SSC FROM 1972-78?( not sure of ending date)....



Associate professor of history and philosophy, Shippensburg (Pennsylvania) College, 1972-1980; fellow-in-residence, Princeton (New Jersey) U., 1976-1977; founder and director national office, Palestine Human Rights Campaign, Washington, 1978-1980; executive director, co-founder, American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, Washington, 1984; deputy campaign manager, Jesse Jackson for President Campaign, Washington, 1984; president, founder, Arab American Institute, Washington, since 1985. Instructor Rosemont (Pennsylvania) College, 1969-1971. Part-time instructor religion Temple University, Philadelphia, 1969-1972.

Adjunct Professor political science Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pennsylvania, 1975. Director faculty seminar Gettysburg (Pennsylvania) College, 1976.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#550 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 57,143
Trump campaign finance director says he uncovered FBI’s dark new coercion plot to stop Trump…

By now, most rational folks would agree that the FBI, along with the entire intelligence community, has been weaponized and now serves as the strong arm of the Biden regime. It makes perfect sense, doesn’t it? We’ve heard countless stories about how the intel community has shielded Hunter Biden, from dismissing his laptop issues as ‘Russian disinformation’ to covering up his illegal gun and tax troubles.

As a matter of fact, we just found out how the CIA circled the wagons for Hunter and the IRS.

Just the News:

A new cache of documents from the IRS whistleblowers released Wednesday by the House Ways and Means Committee show how the Central Intelligence Agency directly intervened to prevent the IRS investigators from interviewing Hunter Biden lawyer and benefactor Kevin Morris.

The CIA’s involvement in the case was first suggested in earlier this year when the House Judiciary and Oversight Committees wrote a letter to Director William Burns that revealed impeachment investigators had at least one whistleblower who alleged the spy agency tried to interfere with a witness interview in the case, Just the News previously reported.

“According to the whistleblower, in August 2021, when IRS investigators were preparing to interview Patrick Kevin Morris, an associate of Hunter Biden, the CIA intervened to stop the interview,” Chairmen Jim Jordan and James Comer wrote. “Two DOJ officials were allegedly summoned to CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia for a briefing regarding Mr. Morris. At that meeting, it was communicated that Mr. Morris could not be a witness during the investigation.”

The new documents show IRS whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler provided documents to the committee detailing the CIA’s intervention.

So, it’s hardly a stretch or a “conspiracy” to believe that intelligence communities like the CIA and FBI are battling on behalf of the Biden regime. Many suspect they played a role in getting Biden installed in 2020, and they haven’t stopped their sneaky ways as we approach 2024. And now, adding fuel to the fire, a new video from President Trump’s Mississippi finance director isn’t doing the feds any favors. He alleges that he’s uncovered a sinister new plot aimed at sabotaging Trump in 2024 by threatening major donors with “trouble” should they choose to support President Trump.

Who can forget when the IRS targeted conservatives donating to the Tea Party? Now, with Biden’s massive expansion of the IRS, one has to wonder: Are they collaborating with the feds to stick it to anyone who makes hefty donations to Trump?

The Daily Signal:

Given the Internal Revenue Service’s history of politicization, conservatives are expressing concern about the potential for abuse from President Joe Biden’s proposed doubling of the number of IRS agents.

A massive information leak of private tax data has only exacerbated those concerns.

Ahead of IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig’s testimony before a Senate committee Tuesday, ProPublica, an investigative journalism nonprofit, published private tax data of wealthy individuals, saying it “obtained the information from an anonymous source.”

Biden’s $6 trillion fiscal year 2022 budget proposal includes $80 billion for the IRS over the next decade to cover the cost of an additional 87,000 new IRS agents. The stated reason is to help an under-resourced agency pursue tax cheats. That would empower an agency just a few years after it was embroiled in a scandal for alleged politicized targeting.

If what Trump’s finance director says is true, it’s highly illegal and profoundly un-American, but sadly, we’ve seen this happen before. What on earth has our country become? Sadly, the Deep State is always a few steps ahead of us. By the time we piece together what’s happening, it’s usually too late. That’s exactly what happened in 2020, and why we ended up with a bumbling buffoon as “president.”

The FBI is the SS for the DNC.

Get it yet?
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