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Last post 19 years ago by Cigar_Fiend. 14 replies replies.
Is this all true?
Cigar_Fiend Offline
#1 Posted:
Joined: 03-16-2004
Posts: 637
My uncle (for whom I have a great deal of respect for) sent me an e-mail that contained this information in it. I am NOT a Kerry basher - I am trying to make up my mind on the person I THINK would do a better job for my family. I do not vote 100% according to party affiliation --- so I need some input on this.

I decided to come here because I know that politics are a very hot topic here, and are discussed freely with no hard feelings. Thanks.


John Kerry on Defense -- I hadn't seen this list
printed before.
It would make one heck of a mailer if it were sent to voters.
(So... send it to as many voters as you can!)

He voted to kill the Bradley Fighting Vehicle
He voted to kill the M-1 Abrams Tank
He voted to kill every aircraft carrier laid down since 1988
He voted to kill the Aegis anti aircraft system
He voted to Kill the F-15 Strike Eagle
He voted to Kill the Block 60 F-16
He voted to Kill the P-3 Orion upgrade
He voted to Kill the B-1
He voted to Kill the B-2
He voted to Kill the Patriot Anti Missile System
He voted to Kill the FA-18
He voted to Kill the B-2
He voted to Kill the F117

In short, he voted to kill every military
appropriation for the development and deployment of every weapons systems since 1988 to include the battle armor for our troops. With Kerry as president our Army will be made up of naked men running around with sticks and clubs.

He also voted to kill all anti terrorism activities of every agency of the U.S. Government and to cut the funding of the FBI by 60%, to cut the funding for the CIA by 80%, and cut the funding for the NSA by 80%.

But then he voted to increase OUR funding for UN
operations by 800%!!!


bassdude Offline
#2 Posted:
Joined: 01-13-2004
Posts: 8,871
freely with no hard feelings. I am guessing you do not read many of them.

I am sure Hog can validate for you. I believe all the votes against funding are factual.
usahog Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
Chris, if you don't mind.. take a look at the Roll Call Thread I posted last week

it has a link that can take you directly to the senate voting since 1986...

there are 1000's of bills since then that have been discussed passed or failed on the senate floor since then

this email issue is on

and listed as false.. "why false" because as it explains these items were on the defense appropriations bills and Members of Congress ultimately vote "yea" or "nay" on an entire appropriations bill; they don't pick and choose to approve some items and reject others.

So Yes Kerry voted against these Defense Appropriations Bills which in turn would be against the items listed on these bills

1990 DAB

Roll Call..

this can direct you to actual votings by each member of congress on each bill for that session of the senate dating back to 1989.... the defence authorization bills are annually and can be viewed from this site.. just click back to get back to the main page to go on to the next session...

Good Luck and hope this helps!!!!

adroomi Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 05-10-2002
Posts: 10,143
Pardon my bluntness if it is not deserved, but you are a blithering idiot with nothing better to do than to make a sad attempt at using this forum to promote your Kerry-Bashing activities. I don't like the guy either, but please, in the future have the ba*ls to bash him up front instead of the covert tactic which you have chosen here.

You begin yor message with some BS about getting this information from you "great uncle," whom you respect. Is this suppost to make me believe it easier? Granted, much of it is factual, but regardless of what your uncle says (much respect to him nonetheless), I will base my own opinions on fact.

You further ask the board for their opinions. Rather you are asking for their support.

The key note is your attempt to convince the readers and poster of this board to put this useless dribble into a "chain email" and send it to every voter we can think of.

Your email is not a quest for opinions from the other members of this board, nor is it a "fact finding" mission as you try to pawn it off to be. It is instead a direct attempt to bash Kerry and discreetly start a chain of emails flooding the net regarding the same.

I personally think Kerry is a royal f*ck up, and have nothing nice to say about the man. Please in the future reach down, grab whatever it is you find and be so bold as to speak your feelings about him up front and directly. Covert bashing is a totally "Clinton" thing to do, and I lose any and all respect for any politcal party, member, voter, or whomever that resorts to this type of "sneaky" behavior.

I'll climb off the soapbox now.

Again Cigar-Fiend, don't take that personal, just take it for what it's worth.

pabloescabar Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 02-25-2005
Posts: 30,183

I did not know that, thanks for that clear and percise information.

I know who Im voting for, so there...

#6 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

one of the reasons i read and post here is because there are soome like yourself who understand the reality of what is going on..

so i wade through mud looking for the occassional gem.
shine on.
Cigar_Fiend Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 03-16-2004
Posts: 637
My post was all-in-all 100% honest.

My uncle from Maine sent me this email in a Kerry-bashing sort of way. I do love my uncle, and I do respect him greatly. However, I want to know if the things on the e-mail are factual or are not factual.

If you honestly feel that I posted this as an attempt to bash Kerry than I am sorry. You are wrong.

I am a person that does not follow politics because it is hard for me to choose the lesser of two lairs. I would like to know what others think about this. That is all.

Adroomi - people like you make it hard for me to post regularly on this site. I will continue to read, but probably won't be posting too much anymore.

You and your "EVERYONE HAS AN ADJENDA" brothers can now have this site back.

Charlie Offline
#8 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
Posts: 39,751
The JfK backers will deny deny deny and deny when it comes to the truth about his voting against all of these major bills. Some probably should not have been voted for, but to vote against all of them and then to say, during his acceptance speech, "I will build a newer and more modern and fully equipped military....yada yada yada"! This is the height of flip flop logic or ill logic! Take your choice!

Cavallo Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 01-05-2004
Posts: 2,796
cigar-fiend: you can find info on a whole lot of disinformation on -- both about kerry and bush.

the direct link to this particular bit of falsehood is here:

you can also find out the truth about his wife's funds -- she does not donate to the hodgepodge of uber-lefty orgs she was acused of doing. also, the stuff about "her" company sending jobs abroad is debunked as well (she doesn't own the company, for one thing, nor does she control it or its stock).
Cavallo Offline
#10 Posted:
Joined: 01-05-2004
Posts: 2,796
charlie: NO member of congress gets to pick and choose which of these to vote for.

from snopes: "Members of Congress ultimately vote "yea" or "nay" on an ENTIRE appropriations bill; they don't pick and choose to approve some items and reject others."

i suggest you read the full information on the link i posted. there's no such thing as sen. kerry (or any other senator) voting to yes or no on ANY particular program -- it covers everything from how much tuition assistance military people get to how much to pay out for hazardous waste cleanup. and for ALL of these things TOGETHER, a senator gets to only vote "yes" or "no."
Cavallo Offline
#11 Posted:
Joined: 01-05-2004
Posts: 2,796
sorry for the triple here, but i feel the need to address this:

adroomi -- while you're welcome to your opinions, that was in MY opinion a very craptastic way to address a BOTL here. i didn't read *any* malice at all into cigar-fiend's post, and your name calling was wholly uncalled for. i would think that an apology is in order.

cigar-fiend, regardless of political affiliation, you should feel welcome to speak your mind here. while we do talk a LOT about politics in this forum right now -- as it is an election year. however, whatever the content of your posts, i hope you'll continue to participate in this forum.

i'm an unapologetic democrat (note: that does NOT make me a kerry fan; i am not even close to being happy with, much less thrilled about, his candidacy), but not every democrat (or every liberal) is just ready to pounce on those who have different beliefs.

finally, to everyone -- state your facts, speak your opinion, but remember that you're addressing your brothers and sisters here. if we can't address each other with a modicum of decency and respect, i don't have much hope for us as a nation at all.
usahog Offline
#12 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
Cav, please explain Sen. Kerry's voting Stance on Every one of the Defence Authorization Bills that he has had a chance to vote the Nay or Yea on since becoming a Senator... do you need me to post the links?

I do understand how the voting system and how these bills in essence are brought to light for votes and revotes with this or that dropped off or added until it is justified with a Majority Vote...

what I am looking at perticulaly because this is the Man running for the Highest office in the Land is his Real Factual actions that have bookmarked his Charicter for the roll he wants to represent.. and what I have been digging into is not what he is telling the American People in his travels across this country...

and why not?? Tell them What they want to hear is the Motto... Hell they don't have time to look up the facts of the situation anyways!!!

Well thats BullSH!T... Tell the American People the Damn truth and don't sugar coat it to make it look good for you!!!!!

Cavallo Offline
#13 Posted:
Joined: 01-05-2004
Posts: 2,796
hog, brother, i hear you. i want the same thing. however, we're not going to GET the whole truth -- not out of kerry, and not out of bush either.

what we get is so much spin -- for better and for worse. the above email spam is just another "let's make kerry look as dirty as possible" piece of fiction. i could dig up this and that "good program" that bush has denied, gutted and killed as well -- but that, too, isn't the full truth, just like this piece isn't the full truth.

thing is, folks just want to point that out in the candidate they oppose -- not their own man.

if you dig deeper than a hair's breadth on either of these candidates, you WILL find half-truths, lies and outright deceit. there IS no presidential candidate that is without dirt -- and plenty of it -- on their character, their voting record and their very personhood. the best we can do is examine BOTH of them with EQUAL VIGOR and decide from there.

in short, if you only look for dirt on one man, you'll only find it on one. give as much time into looking up the grime on bush, and you'll find just as much. you'll ALSO find just as many instances of him being unfairly bashed and half truths told about him.

this kind of one-sided b.s. is just that -- b.s. -- and ultimately not a useful reflection on the candidate at all. what i want is what's ALL true, ALL real; not this lopsided twisted-around crap.
osage Offline
#14 Posted:
Joined: 02-18-2001
Posts: 492
Cigar Friend, You just learned an important lesson.. If the Leftwing Wackos post crap about Bush it is okay. If you publish info on Kerry it isn't okay.
Cigar_Fiend Offline
#15 Posted:
Joined: 03-16-2004
Posts: 637
For those of you that took your time for a truthfull and honest explaination of the question I thank you.

For those of you that think I meant otherwise or think badly of my for posting my question...I'm sorry.


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