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Last post 22 years ago by Charlie. 107 replies replies.
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tailgater Offline
#1 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
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Why was it important that Halle and Denzel happen to be black? Were it not for the Leftist Liberal media forcing the race issue down my throat I would simply have been happy for a great actor and a real babe winning Oscars. Now I can't think of the award without seeing their skin color. And that's a shame.
JonR Offline
#2 Posted:
Joined: 02-19-2002
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What if Cbid gave out Oscars, who would win. What would the categories be: 1. Best Post, Best Reply, Best Supporting Reply, etc. etc.. You decide.
tailgater Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
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Like many things today, the awards programs have too many categories. "Best sound editing for a black and white animation with lebaneze subtitles" It's crazy, almost like the recent olympic games. We could go nuts just inventing categories, nevermind voting on them. We could have "best use of fonts", "most capital letters", "worst spelling", "most consistent use of computer geek lingo". We'll have to come up with enough categories to cover everybody. We wouldn't want to offend anyone...
Charlie Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
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I am a long time fan of Denzel Washington and feel that he is a lot like Tom Hanks and Jack Nicholson in that any movie roll they play is potential nomination time! All three bring more to a roll than the character that they are portraying....they make each and every part played on screen monumental. Now don't throw "The Burbs", or any early Hanks trash up in next post, I mean since he made "Philadelphia", which either Denzel or Hanks could have won the Oscar for fine portrayals! Charlie
plabonte Offline
#5 Posted:
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plabonte Offline
#6 Posted:
Joined: 09-11-2000
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Thanks for the link altitude. It puts a little more light onto this case. I hadn't realized that other injuries occurred before this incident and yet McDonalds did nothing to help prevent future injuries.
plabonte Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 09-11-2000
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Alright, first I hit return to early, then I typed what I wanted to say, and then spell checked it in word, however when I went to paste it here I pasted the wrong thing.

Anyway what I wanted to say is why did Denzel get an award for this movie and not his other movies? His acting is identical in every film. He has the same tone, same facial expressions, and same movement and gestures in every character he does.
Charlie Offline
#8 Posted:
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So what you mean is that Denzil could not play Ronald McDonald? :):):) Charlie
plabonte Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 09-11-2000
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Well no. Ronald is white with a big red nose.
Charlie Offline
#10 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
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In Philadelphia the role that Denzil played was supposed to be a white guy and the role Hanks played was supposed to be a black, gay lawyer so they reversed the roles! So why cannot Ronald McDonald be Ronald Washington or Ronald Jackson and have Denzil play the part???? Charlie
gdurfor Offline
#11 Posted:
Joined: 01-24-2001
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i agree plabonte. Dudzel is the black kevin cosner.
Charlie Offline
#12 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
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That is a good point, as he does not have the range of characterizations that Tom Hanks does, in fact, nobody but nobody is even close to Tom Hanks in ability to adapt to a role and turn that part into something that is worthy of Acadamey consideration over and over! Sure Denzil was the "default" winner this time on Let's Love all Races night at the Awards and he has had better parts before! Look how long it took Paul Newman to win an AA!!! Tom Hanks is really as close to Jimmy Stewart as any actor working today and will probably end up being best actor of all time! He is great and getting greater! I have been having some fun with this thread, but sincerely believe that Hanks is heads above any other actor in Hollywood! Charlie
plabonte Offline
#13 Posted:
Joined: 09-11-2000
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Don't get me wrong, I think Hanks is good. But IMHO Mel Gibson is the best actor. But I guess its all subjective.

The Denzel as Ronald brings a thought to mind. I once saw some talk show where a white guy put on black makeup and did comedy in the styles of that Al Jolson period. I don't know what the proper term for it is but you know that "Mammy I'm comin home" stuff. Anyway, a large number of black people found it very offensive saying he was making fun of them. His claim was that he was paying tribute to the people that did it originally.

Anyway, I'm wondering if Denzel put on white makeup and acted foolish and unintelligent like a clown would white people consider it offensive saying he is making fun of white people.
tailgater Offline
#14 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
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Although the face painting is indeed offensive (and not funny) by todays standards, the argument could be made that it was indeed a tribute of sorts since their is a history of that behavior. If Denzel did what you want in that role reversal it would simply be offensive with no rhyme nor reason. But if it were done properly like Eddy Murphy in Coming to America, then THAT'S funny!
JonR Offline
#15 Posted:
Joined: 02-19-2002
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Best Actor Oscar goes to Tailgator for his role in "Sports Fans Forum" he almost convinced me that New England had a professional hockey team.
#16 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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plabonte:. "I don't know what the proper term for it is" it is simply called "blackface". char5353: i
sort of agree with you about hanks, but as he said himself, "people trust tommy to never do anything
wrong." all his parts are what he described as "goody two shoes". there are some powerhouses
out there that should never be missed. gene hackman, sean connery, sean penn, anthony
hopkins, kevin spacey, etc.
Charlie Offline
#17 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
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I agree with the Mel Gibson take and he is another of the versitle greats! Remember him in Mad Max? Great! Kevin Spacey, Sean Connery, Jack Nicholson to name a few moe of the "greats"! I like Hackman, but all of his parts are all the same characterizations! Talk about range in characters, look at Mel Gibson all the way to the "What Women Want" part! He is superb, but I still take Hanks as the best of all! It is a fun subject to debate, as an avowed Movie Hound I can talk film noir and throw in a few more greats: Robert Mitchum, Humphrey Bogart, Richard Widmark, Orson Welles, etc! Charlie
calavera Offline
#18 Posted:
Joined: 01-26-2002
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If you want to see versatility, check out Gary Oldman.
Dracula, True Romance ('He must have thought it was white boy day. It's not white boy day is it?), Sid and Nancy, The Professional, Romeo is Bleeding. This guy truly disappears into his characters.
Charlie Offline
#19 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
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Talk about disappearing into a role, how about his character in Hannibal? He is one of the great character actors and can play heavies as well as anybody! Charlie
plabonte Offline
#20 Posted:
Joined: 09-11-2000
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I'm surprised nobody has mentioned Harrison Ford. He is another great actor. Ditto on the Hopkins.
#21 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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i think the real actors may be the people who appear in movie after movie in small parts. we don't know there names and we barely recognize them. sort of "wasn't he/she in another movie". we barely recognize them because they become the part but they are always sort of familiar.
JonR Offline
#22 Posted:
Joined: 02-19-2002
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How about Pauly Shore in "Son in Law". ROFLMAO!
tailgater Offline
#23 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
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JonR: First you like the Flyers, now Pauly Shore. It all makes sense now...
Charlie Offline
#24 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
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Some are Lesser known others are character actors but all are very good actors: Steve Buscemi, Chris Penn, Christopher Walken, Dennis Hopper, Michael Madsen, Dennis Hopper, Michael Ironside, Powers Booth,William Forsythe, Tim Roth,Paul Sorvino, Ray Liotta,Frank Vincent and Joe Pesci to name a few! These people help to make the movie and while some are big names they play characters! Charlie
Todog Offline
#25 Posted:
Joined: 05-05-2001
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It seems to me that Halle Berry felt that it was very important to campaign about the race issue for weeks before her big win. I'm sure that she made her white Mother very proud! John
Charlie Offline
#26 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
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Her "white" mother is bought and paid for by Halle and will Aunty Em anything that "black" Halle wants done! We need to get race out of everything in this country as I am tired of the Jesse Jackson's and Al Sharptons making a living off of that issue that is soundly supported by the liberal press! Charlie
xrundog Offline
#27 Posted:
Joined: 01-17-2002
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I saw Halle do an interview a few days before the awards. Her main point was that for many years movies were not made with black actors. When they finally were, blacks did not get lead or even significant supporting roles. Yes there are some exceptions. She was grateful that black actors are finally being given the chance to make movies and have roles making them eligible for the academy award. It occurs to me that black americans getting over slavery and Jim Crow would be about as likely as jews getting over their slavery in Egypt. It's been 3000 years or so and they (the jews) still memorialize it. Why should we expect different of African Americans?
xrundog Offline
#28 Posted:
Joined: 01-17-2002
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Oh yeah, I will see almost any Bruce Willis flick. He does comedy, drama, action movies. The guy has range and is often very funny!
#29 Posted:
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xrundog: It's been 3000 years or so and they (the jews) still memorialize it. first: we don't memorialize it, we celebrat it. second: what is wrong with a religious holiday. you are using the term memorialize as a negative term. we also have easter at the same time as passover. i never thought of either in the negative. your problem is you are a racist and don't know it. blacks built this country with their sweat, as slaves. that means forced labor. no compensation. no family. nothing. i don't believe their descendents deserve compensation for their ancestors plight, but unless you at the minimum recognize the background, and walk in their shoes, nothing you have to say means anything. this is completely apart from our emails and trades, because i still think you are a nice guy.
Charlie Offline
#30 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
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Funny, I thought that immigrants in general had a hell of a lot to do with building this country! Irish, Chinese, Italians, Africans and oh yes, the cursed "white" people! Charlie
michaelsean Offline
#31 Posted:
Joined: 12-10-2001
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Don't forget Morgan Freeman. He's had his share of dogs, but his acting is outstanding. I'd mention Tim Robbins, but I'm tired of seeing him and Susan...well I'm just tired of seeing them.
Charlie Offline
#32 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
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Speaking of Susan whats her name, did she look like she needed to visit Joan Rivers personal Plastic Surgeon on Oscar Night or was my televison set just not working? Charlie
xrundog Offline
#33 Posted:
Joined: 01-17-2002
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Whoa Rick! You have me all wrong. I am using the term memorialize as in the term "Memorial Day". Nothing negative about it! Any holiday is by definition a memorial. The Jewish people mark the fact of their bondage in Egypt. What I am doing is defending African Americans for the fact that they will never forget slavery. Many people say they should "Get over it"! Why should they? Am I a racist? I don't think so. I might be guilty of some cultural bigotry but it's not based on race. I am cool with Jews, Blacks, Asians, Hispanics, Arabs and any other people I forgot to name. I don't like the criminal culture overtaking youth in America. I don't like the white supremacy movement. Fundamental christianity makes me nervous as does fundamental islam, as do the black muslims. I think political corruption in countries with a history of spainish colonialism is troubling. The Indian caste system is unjust. What is happening in Africa would be a tradgedy anyplace and it's a function of culutre, not race. Does this help you "see" me better?
#34 Posted:
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: xrundog: thanks. yes. we cool. i appreciate your kind response to my nasty post.
#35 Posted:
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char5353: yes, but later in our evolution. irish and italians and all "white" people were invited with their families because as a country we needed a work force. did you know that the chinese that built the railroads were not allowed to bring wives or family. they were provided with prostitutes to take care of their sex. we (the us)wanted them to build and get out. we did not want non whites to live here on a permanent basis. bet you didn't know that charlie.
Charlie Offline
#36 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
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Rick, wrong, I am a student of history and also know that the Chinese workmen, gandi dancers (which also included Irish immigrant workers, did in fact build the railroads and tunnels, and didn't see a woman for weeks on end, till the prostitutes were brought to them! My studies in college included a major in History and Business Management....along with playing baseball and chasing girls! Charlie
#37 Posted:
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char5353: you continue to amaze me.
tailgater Offline
#38 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
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Now I've heard everything: The Italians, Irish and other "whites" were "invited". Like it's a party. Those people came here with nothing and WORKED to feed their families. If it meant building the railroad and being away from their loved ones for months, so be it. If it meant shoveling **** 24 hours a day 7 days a week, so be it. They were not "invited". They earned their share. As for the Chinese immigrants, we didn't force them to come and work. They came to earn a few American pennies in order to send them home to their families. They knew the deal, so don't cry for them. This is ridiculous. MOST ethnic and religious groups faced some sort of discomfort in the early years. Call it bigotry, call it ignorance but deal with it. Americans were not evil, they were simply uninformed. This is 2002, and it's OK to remember the past. It's smart to learn from the past. But to DWELL on the past and use for gain in today's world is nothing but pitiful lack of self respect.
Charlie Offline
#39 Posted:
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I never said anything about being "invited"! They came to build a dream and conquer a wilderness and desert! Charlie
#40 Posted:
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tailgater i did not meann they were invited to a party, i meant they could bring their families. they could work and live here. i know every ethmic group from europe faced the same problem, trying to fit in to the new country. my grandfather came here in the late 1800's and faced the same bigotry all immigrants faced until they were absorbed into the society. there was no bi-lingual education. you want to work and live here, you learn to speak english. you study and become a citizen. the chinese knew the "deal".
the Chinese weren't immigrants "A person who leaves one country to settle permanently in another." it was then as it is now, skin color, the easiest way to divide people. this color of skin is acceptable, that color is not.
#41 Posted:
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i just remembered an incident that happened to some friends and i when we were stationed in jersey in 1958.
four of us, one of my buddies was single the other two were married, drove to dc. we singles were going to listen to oscar peterson or some other piano player and chase woman and the married guys went to their homes. on the way back to the base we stopped at some crappy cafe on the road, i went to the bathroom and when i came out my buddies said we would get food to go. i didn't want food in my hudson hornet so i said bs, let's eat here and then go. a whisper in my ear said they wouldn't serve all of us. i'm from brooklyn and when i was younger i tended to get pi**ed off easily so i said to the owner or whatever he was "are you sh**ting me? why can't you serve all of us. my buddies pulled me out of this joint where, as i recall, i was leery of using their toilet. on the way back to the base we all talked and i learned what it like to be treated like sh*t because of color and being unable to fight it for fear of death to your family from your "white neighbors". it's over 40 years and i have not forgotten it and will take my disgust and hatred of bigots to the grave.
Charlie Offline
#42 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
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Bigots are ignorant and show no intolerance for anybody or anything, thus they should be viewed with disgust and pity!!!! Charlie
tailgater Offline
#43 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
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That's a very telling story of reality from 40 years ago. It's a shame that so many "do-gooders" have diluted the words "Biggot" and "Racist" by using them in situations where it isn't accurate. Also, since your anger is well placed, would you feel that justice is served if the son or daughter of that owner had to pay a fee to your friend of color? We can't sweep the crimes of yesterday under the rug, but neither can we capitalize on them other than the lesson learned.
#44 Posted:
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tailgater no i don't think it is necessary to pay the children for the suffering of their ancestors to serve justice and if the children think they should get any money, they are trying to capitalize on the past they didn't live through. they don't even deserve an apology.
Dishman Offline
#45 Posted:
Joined: 08-25-2007
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Amen, Rick!
Charlie Offline
#46 Posted:
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As Rush would say, "Double Dittos, Rick and Crossbones"! Charlie
Charlie Offline
#47 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
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And of course at the heart of this whole thing are the sleazy attorneys who stand to pick up a truckload of money by freeloading this process to the max! Charlie
tailgater Offline
#48 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
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Thank you, Rick, for your candor. It is good to know that common sense isn't completely lost on those that "lean left".
barryneedleman Offline
#49 Posted:
Joined: 08-23-2000
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OK, I will post my 2 cents on this as another of the left leaning minority on this board. I wholeheartidly agree that the "race card" is played way too freely in todays society but (and this is a big but)there is still widespread prejudice. I do not feel that reparations are appropriate for decendants of slaves but was way overdue for the Americans of Japanese decent that were kept in internment camps. I do feel that a good bit of the white population views Halle as black and the jist of her speach was appropriate (but very long winded). Have at it guys.
plabonte Offline
#50 Posted:
Joined: 09-11-2000
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Boy I hate that term "playing the race card". I remember when Ray Rhoads got fired as the coach of the Packers a few years back. There were hints of "he only got fired because he was black" in the papers. When his PR was asked about this they said, "We aren't going to play the race card yet" as if they are playing a game of sheepshead or something. It just drives me nuts.
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