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Last post 13 years ago by jackconrad. 282 replies replies.
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#251 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

what initials do you use on the bids, and i will not overbid you for at least 30 days. you know,
xx from who knows where.
#252 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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Robusto Churchill

this appears to be your second post so i don't want to respond with you double suck, let's just say you
suck 1½ times.
hup4 Offline
#253 Posted:
Joined: 10-03-2002
Posts: 223
This has got to be some kind of a record for posts?
It takes forever for this page to load.
Maybe c-bid should send you some gars
for bringing all this action to their site!
CigarPrimate Offline
#254 Posted:
Joined: 09-18-2004
Posts: 701
Hate crimes = debate!? Who is this guy ... Zell Miller?
HWYMAN Offline
#255 Posted:
Joined: 09-24-2004
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jekyl9 Offline
#256 Posted:
Joined: 03-28-2004
Posts: 200
geez hog you seem so gung ho and again anyone who thinks we ought to get the hell out of Iraq and thinks prez georgi is and idiot must be an a$$hole.

ps the citibank analogy is funny since they helped the terrorist launder money that helped many terrorist organizations and were instrumental in both the WorldCom and Enron scandles....... actually the drug dealer have more moral fiber in their financial dealings than Citigroup. at least you know what they're selling

guess you should learn to read more than the political propaganda that you spew so much. but no that would obvously be a waste of good literature and your eyes might open......hell i doubt you could handle the shock
EI Offline
#257 Posted:
Joined: 06-29-2002
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Author: jekyl9 Date: 01/17/2005 10:24 AM Reply
geez hog you seem so gung ho and again anyone who thinks we ought to get the hell out of Iraq and thinks prez georgi is and idiot must be an a$$hole.

DUHHH yeahhhhhhhhh

mrtelcom Offline
#258 Posted:
Joined: 03-25-2004
Posts: 2,255
Will someone summarize this thread into 30 words or less?
Charlie Offline
#259 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
Posts: 39,751
Another stir em up posting by Rickamaven! Lots of slams back and forth etc!


Da Chief Offline
#260 Posted:
Joined: 12-29-2005
Posts: 3,111
It was not the Senator or the Congressman, or the Representative, or the Reporter who gave us all the Freedoms we have now in this great country of ours.

It was the American Soldier.

The American Soldier from The Revolutionary Wars to the present Wars. Thank him/her for they are the true Heros that gave you your right to freedom, and your right to a freedom of speech.

We may not all agree on what we all have to say but that is what makes this country great. We can voice our opinions with out reprecussion.

So me having said that and being a 23 year and going soldier who enjoys fine cigars and a good old fire fight....I would like to say in my freedomistic right...

Screw all of you who talk crap about my Commander In Chief!

If you don't like him, then get your lazy asses to the voting booth and vote when it comes time to vote. Don't complain if you don't vote cause you don't have a damn leg to stand on!

That is all! Smoke if you got them!
#261 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248

great post. tell it like you see it.
JonR Offline
#262 Posted:
Joined: 02-19-2002
Posts: 9,740
Yo R6_80922:

I agree with you 100%.

Check out my post "What do...".

justforfun Offline
#263 Posted:
Joined: 03-06-2002
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adroomi Offline
#264 Posted:
Joined: 05-10-2002
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It was not ever and is not currently "only" the American Soldier that gives me my freedom. Do not read this wrong, I am not taking anything away from the millions of past and present brothers and sisters of our nation that have served, fought, died, or retired, I am simply giving credit where credit is due.

Our members of Congress and our Media have played a major role in my freedom. So has the military. So has the housewife that attends PTA meetings and waves a flag on holidays.

The kids killed at Kent State a few years back gave me my freedom, as did the kids that burned the American flag during their own war protests of the era.

The businessmen that travel the world, and then come home and talk to other Americans about how good it is to come home help me keep my freedom too.

I could go on and on, but I won't. Basically, there's a lot more to it than fighting a war to give me my freedom. War is a terrible thing, and many of my freedoms we enjoy stem from people and ideals that were able somehow to avoid war. This war we are involved in now will not in any way give me "more" freedom than I already have. It will protect me from terrorism.....maybe, but not give me freedom.

Don't take "freedomistic" rights too far. There are certain rights that I have that the soldier doesn't. If I don't like the Commander in Chief I can call him an A*shole, even to his face. Can a soldier do that? For this "lack" of freedom, I respect soldiers. Right or wrong, they support their boss. Good on them.

They "enjoying a firefight" part disturbs me. It's a little too gung-ho to be based on experience. I've been there, I've done that.....I still do it. I would give every penny I own, and all my time and effort so that another person would never have to experience it. There is nothing fun about death, killing, or the aftermath of the destruction. I know the ones, that like myself have seen it, it's in their eyes. Please do not pretend to ever enjoy a firefight. One day you may just have to be in will leave a mark on you that you wish you could erase, but can't. If you've been there, and you still claim to enjoy it, then please seek counseling. I mean that. You've got some issues you need to get out of your head before they destroy you. I know.

Freedom doesn't only come from the military. Unfortunately they seem to lose their lives a lot quicker though. Please don't forget the countless thousands of heroes that have had their heads and arms broken under the billy club while protesting for your rights.....they're heroes too. Or the petitioners that devote their time to walking the streets for signatures....they're also heroes.

I think Rick is a hero......he's made more people actually "think" with his posts here than MTV ever could.

jackconrad Offline
#265 Posted:
Joined: 06-09-2003
Posts: 67,461
More fair and balanced
donutboy2000 Offline
#266 Posted:
Joined: 11-20-2001
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Stinkdyr Offline
#267 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2009
Posts: 9,948
Move to Cuba, rickymaven. Che and Fidel killed plenty too, but their kind of killing you can get behind!

#268 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248
the winner and still king of the serial killer group above.

george bush with over 4000 of his countries young men and women and hundred's of thousands of irag citizens.

and for an encore, destroyed the financial structure of his country while enriching himself and his "friends."
jpotts Offline
#269 Posted:
Joined: 06-14-2006
Posts: 28,811
the winner and still king of the serial killer group above.

george bush with over 4000 of his countries young men and women and hundred's of thousands of irag citizens.

and for an encore, destroyed the financial structure of his country while enriching himself and his "friends."


When is Idi Amin Jr, going to shut down Gitmo, end warrentless wire taps, stop rendition, and get us out of Afghanistan?

donutboy2000 Offline
#270 Posted:
Joined: 11-20-2001
Posts: 25,000
the winner and still king of the serial killer group above.

george bush with over 4000 of his countries young men and women and hundred's of thousands of irag citizens.

and for an encore, destroyed the financial structure of his country while enriching himself and his "friends."

White guilt can be ugly.
Stinkdyr Offline
#271 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2009
Posts: 9,948
Obomba continues Bush's wars.

Pelosi.......still stuffed with plastic.

Bonny Fwank.......still stuffed with sausage.
#272 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248
puskarich 14

so mamy serial killers, so little space. one must be selective.

feel free to pick your favorite

we're number one
we're number one
pdxstogieman Offline
#273 Posted:
Joined: 10-04-2007
Posts: 5,219
Jdllizard wrote:
I have to agree with ehdg on this, this post is ridiculous. Comparing the President of the US to serial killers? Shame on you Rick, this is a new low for sure.

John L

Ok, so also censor the posts comparing the current president to another mass murderer, Hitler.

Either allow them all or disallow them all, just be consistent.

Personally I'm in favor of allowing them all. It's just words and images. Only offensive depending on your individual political perspective.
#274 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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pdxstogieman #273

if you will look at the date, i posted this long before there were
over 4000 deaths because we invaded a country that had no
connection whatsoever to the tragedy of 9/11. this president
**** hid the bodies of the dead returning from iraq. he knew
why you don't show american dead bodies, it pisses people off
and makes them wonder why. 55,000 dead in vietnam.

he conned the congress with his WMD's and the stupid
congress went along with him until he finally suspended habeas
corpus, the final act of a despot.

have you forgotten that he went to his "ranch" without horses,
he was afraid of them, to clear brush shortley after he failed to
pay attention to a memo from his intel that osama was planing
some attack on america.

forget the torture, what the hell they were only iraq's.

do you know any one in your family or any one you ever met that
could have done that.

are you uninformed or have you ignored the facts the american
people have been privy to eventually.

did you ever read "fortunate son." the bush family bought the
entire first printing to destroy it. is was too true to have it made

his review is from: Fortunate Son: George W. Bush and the
Making of an American President (Paperback)
If you want to find out more about public officials, start with the
books they don't want you to read. Fortunate Son, James
Hatfield's swan song, amasses the single most informative and
n: George W. Bush and the Making of an American President
ivilege, and arrogance nearing Shakespearean proportions. In
the wake of its destruction by its original publisher, subsequent
revival by Soft Skull Press, as well as the tragic suicide of its
author, this book has undergone several revisions. This third
revision, featuring a new forward by Greg Palast and Mark
Crispin Miller, is as outstanding as they come, the antithesis to
all of the Neoconservative-sanctioned Bush books flooding the
market. Approached as a cautionary tale, Fortunate Son's
enormous scope is as insightful as it is well-written. An amazing
work by an author whose brilliance resonates through every

This is the book that (in its last chapter) documents with
excruciating detail Dubya's arrest for cocaine possession and
subsequent community service punishment...and how he got
the records destroyed as governor by taking the unprecedent
action of issuing a new driver's license to himself and
essentially erasing himself as a person in Texas prior to that
time. Devastating and brilliant!

i don't know who the ddllizard is that you quoted nor do i give a
****, but next time you are tossing a coin to see who you feel has
the facts, try researching it for yourself and then make a
decision based on your own knowledge, you can use the coin
to buy some gum.
#275 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248
Stinkdyr #271

"Obomba continues Bush's wars."

YES, and that pisses me off. he is in charge of the military, he should get the hell out of there. any american blood spilled is on his own hands.

"Pelosi.......still stuffed with plastic"

probably botox, but so what, maybe it makes her husband happy. if boner gets her job next year, we know what he is full of, southern crap. (why is crap ok but not s**t?)

"Bonny Fwank.......still stuffed with sausage."

why are you making fun of a man because he is gay, it's not funny, and it degrades you.
donutboy2000 Offline
#276 Posted:
Joined: 11-20-2001
Posts: 25,000

Obama is GWB in blackface.

Gene363 Online
#277 Posted:
Joined: 01-24-2003
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Stinkdyr #271

"Obomba continues Bush's wars."

YES, and that pisses me off. he is in charge of the military, he should get the hell out of there. any american blood spilled is on his own hands.

Live with it Rick, we tried to talk about Obama's qualifications and positions, but all we got was hate.
#278 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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Gene363 277

i have no hate in me. when i had my heat attack 20 + years ago, i o rid of all of it. i dom't even think i hated bush jr. it is hard to hate a spoiled, self indulgent child, even when he grows up.

i think i hate cheney, because he is evil to the core, so i hate evil. i hate and detest pedophiles because of the damage they do to innocents. amd i hate what bush jr did that has destroyed the country/

i guess i have a little hate left.

i don't even hate the rabid right wingers on the boards nor the tea baggers. it is impossible to forgive their ignorance tho.
Double D Offline
#279 Posted:
Joined: 08-20-2003
Posts: 2,819
^ Rick, time to put on your Depends and take your meds..its way past your bedtime!! Shame on you


Double D Offline
#280 Posted:
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RICKAMAVEN #278 Posted : Tue, Oct 12 2010, 1:51 AM Quote
Joined: 10/1/2000
Posts: 31,290




31,220 of those have been to bash Bush, Cheney, and those evil Republicans!! Boo hoo!


#281 Posted:
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Double D

jackconrad Offline
#282 Posted:
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