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Last post 13 years ago by HockeyDad. 81 replies replies.
Poll Question : How soon until we Bomb Libya ??
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I can hear a big noise on the Tv 1 7 %
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frankj1 Online
#51 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
Posts: 44,301
OK, nice tone above, much more productive, we have some agreement as you shall see.

I did not accuse you of saying Israel attacked to grab land, I said you slyly allowed that conclusion to be inferred by readers. Your use of Zionism hinted at the somewhat believed notion that there is a movement in play to take over the whole area. I know you know that is also a dangerous misconception to float out there in the midst of possible anti israeli sentiment.

I also know you know the truth about the land acquisittion. You know more than I do! And much land was returned to those that wanted no more part of Israel militarily...other land was legitimately used as buffer, and roads and settlements were built on land that Israel felt was now theirs and in their minds somehow made them even safer. Their land, their the ignorant who call Israel America's bitch, did you not notice they did not ask for our approval? We don't have to like it and we don't. They do not care...they are in the biz of survival and it seems to be working...37 years now according to HD. Not by continuing war, but by discouraging and even pre-empting war's possibility, by staying forever vigilant. This is what "never again" means. Do not over value our "aid". They will not blink. Read history, they will not blink.

And rewarding peace and the right to exist with returned land. Not very good expansionistas for such savvy businessmen, eh? Bad joke, would have jumped all over you for it. Sorry.

I am not Israeli, I do not condone a lot of what they have done, you are quite correct (again) that many Jews and Israelis not in power do not support what has developed. count me among them, but what if they had lost when attacked. Care to fill in any readers still with us what the odds are on Israeli land being returned? Or any Jews allowed on it? That game shows up as "no line" at my bookie's house. What they built may be contentious, but what they also did was unprecedented and worthy of Global praise.

Yes, I speak of seige mentality. You say I speak of endless war. I am speaking of endless defense, the wars may come and go, that is up to the Arabs. Be real, they have enemies, you can't mean that part of the above post. I don't see scuds landing on my lawn being launched from Quebec and Mexico City. If there were, oh yeah, I'd be a bit edgy. So would you. Siege mentality. Assume the defensive posture or perish. You and I would be shoulder to shoulder (please bring Tats, I never get any) locked and loaded (did I say that right?).

The Arabs, in fact do reload. Tell us what you know of Hezbollah, aren't they responsible for horrors in other neighbors of Israel? Poor sweet Lebanon. Lovely people, lovely country. Hezbollah and Syria causing so much destruction. Cowardly military tactics, hiding behind chidren, launching missles from apartment complexes, Israel forced to shut these sites down...CNN, bad pub.

Tell us what you know of all the ammo, missiles, other war making materials, ordinary looking trash trucks that are vehicles of destruction etc that Israel intercepts or uncovers every day for the last 37 years of no war. They are mind numbingly great at it. They don't body scan, xray, or pat down people at airports. Just excellent police work, observation, yes there are stops for questioning...what in God's name would you do? Americans are willing to give up all freedoms to government for a bit of perceived security because of one horrendous terrorist attack. Terrorists are in their marketplace every day! They can not afford to relax...but that is not me saying they need war. That is correct survival defensive tactics when surrounded.

You are also correct (how many is that?), Israel has already won. So make peace with the victor and hope to get most of what you want. Start with publishing this alleged document recognizing Israel's right to exist, my copy got lost in the mail.

I'm serious about the tats, dude.



HockeyDad Offline
#52 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
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The next arab-Israeli war hasn't happened in 37 years because of the events of the 1973 war, not because Israel is ever vigilant, not because of "never again", not because of endless war, not because of endless defense, and not because of seige mentality. The situation and the world is different now and Israel has failed to adapt and is gloriously failing again right now.

The 1973 war proved that Israel was not invincible. It also proved that Israel couldn't be wiped out through conventional war. Although on the ground it pretty much was fought to a stalemate, what changed is Israel readied their nuclear arsenal when things weren't looking good. The USSR also readied their nuclear arsenal and the USA went on nuclear alert. It is also believed that the USSR sent nuclear warheads to Egypt. Low and behold, a cease fire was arranged.

Under the endless war/endless defense method of operation, here is how the next arab-Israeli war plays out. There are something like 50 Muslim countries, 20+ that are arab. One billion muslims versus 9 million Israeli Jews. If Israel really wants to sit back and wait for war #5 and try to go 5-0, OK fine.

Here's your scenario: Pakistan moves 30 nuclear warheads to Syria very secretly. A combined nuclear launch and air attack overwhelms the Israel defenses just enough that missles get through. 6-7 nuclear detonations and Israel is destroyed. Ground troops mop up the rest. With submarines and missle silos, Israel has seond strike capability and a bunch of arab cities go up in nuclear detonations so there is a steep price to pay. The Palestinians get the most radiated areas of Israel for their homeland. Israel is now 4-1 and eliminated from the tournament. Thanks for playing.

Now let's try the peace approach instead:

The reality is a whole lot of those arab and/or Muslim nations don't really give a crap about Israel any more. The armies aren't poised on the border. The bombs haven't been going off in Israeli marketplaces for years. You have to get past the old threats to deal with the future.

Arab leaders do not fear Israel. Right now they fear democracy, change, freedom, and like every politician-loss of power. So now you start working your way around the borders to improve relations.

Egypt: Already have a peace treaty. Just ousted Mubarak. Might want to start contacting some of the presidential candidates. There are some good ones already announced.

Jordan: Already have a peace treaty.

Palestinians: Time to end the camps. It is going to cost a lot of West Bank territory and Jewish settlements. This is the #1 issue that makes Israel a pariah and rogue state. A Egyptian style nonviolent protest in the West Bank and Gaza wold be the absolute worst thing for Israel right now.

Syria: Almost had a peace treaty completed but negotiations fell apart when Israeli tanks rolled into Gaza. Blue Line or Green Line. They were arguing over 100 yds in the Golan. Peace with Syria means less Iranian influence. Syria is more afraid of protests in the streets than Israel.

Lebanon: Hezbollah is now democratically elected in control of the government. They gained this strength because Israel invaded in 2006. Peace with Syria cuts some of their support and even now Hezbollah has to act like a government, not a terrorist organization or they will face uprisings.

Imagine the press conference.....

Q: What do you plan to do to improve schools?
A: Death to Israel.
Q: What are your plans to strengthen the economy?
A: Death to Israel.
Q: What about jobs?
A: Death to Israel.

Now let's see which path Israel is taking right now......Peace or endless war/defense.

Israel is still building settlements in the West Bank. Gaza is still a prison camp. There are no peace negotiations with Lebanon or Syria or Palestinians. Israel says beware of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. Israel says they may need another $20 billion from the USA for military aid. Israel wants the USA to bomb Iran.

End settlement construction and make peace with an independent Palestine and you nullify around 80% of the gripes against Israel.
HockeyDad Offline
#53 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
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The document with Israel's right to exist is in the Egyptian peace treaty, the Jordanian peace treaty, and in the Palestinian Authority charter. Just google it. It is definitely not in Hamas or Hezbollah's charters. Hamas and Hezbollah are not the West Bank. They are not Judea and Samaria. They are not surrounding the hundreds of thousands of Jewish settlers in the West Bank.
frankj1 Online
#54 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
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Of all the inaccuracies/points we will never agree upon two posts up, I actually believe that I am not the only one laughing at "Lebanon: Hezbollah is now democratically elected in control of the government." They are in control alright. And they caused the destruction as described in my previous post. Setting up cowardly attacks from southern Lebanon (despite your claims there haven't been any ) is what caused the invasion!! Not sure that Lebanese people would agree about a legitimate democratic process. Backlash for sure, but ask the Lebanese Christians how delighted they are. Or non-radical Muslims. There are many.

Ask any Christians about Bethlehem (a little off the topic). Hell, ask Christians about oppression in any of these countries, may make you vomit.

Was I'madinnerjacket also elected in a legitimate democratic process? Pretty sure he has been open about his commitment to destroy Israel. Not reading that from you, though. And so on and so forth.

There are no other words to say when I keep saying endless defense , and you keep claiming I am saying endless war/endless defense. You say the war is over for decades. Make up your mind. You are simply wrong about why Israel is still around. We wish Homeland turns out as reliable. And the Israeli army stopping 90 miles outside of Cairo (the joke goes that they had to stop Friday at sundown for Shabat) was a huge part of the treaty that followed.

But here is where you are correct:

You are correct when you say Arab leaders no longer fear Israel. They should not fear Israel for Israel is not looking to wipe them out, just to make sure they understand Israel ain't going away either.

And you are also correct when you say the world has and is changing...except for those folks stuck in a world worshipping death to the infidels. Israel shines in the development of all things improving life from medicine to technology, to agriculture etc etc (do you really need links, doesn't everyone know this?) This is where the rest of the world should focus its energy and efforts...on pulling these people out of their 500 year old mind jail. They must change, they need help to change, Israel is already instrumental in developing the modern world. No nations will be truly safe until the lunatics catch up. So you are right the world has changed, but you are wrong in who you think is out of step. Even America is not safe from them until they join the rest of modern humanity

There are many peace loving devout Muslims in towns around my home and they are distraught about the terrorists and the situation. They and their majority brothers and sisters all over the world (they vastly outnumber radical Islamists) need to strap on a few million pairs and start taking control of their religion.

The number one time you are correct...End settlement construction and make peace with an independent Palestine and you nullify around 80% of the gripes against Israel:

I could be convinced of this.
HockeyDad Offline
#55 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
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You can laugh at Lebanon because you don't like the outcome but that had elections and Hezbollah won the majority of the seats. Absolutely there are Lebanese than are not thrilled about that just like not everyone was thrilled about Obama. This is one of the problems with supporting democracy. You don't always get what you want. Were you expecting a pro-Israel government after the 2006 invasion? You weed Hezbollah out through peace with Syria and the Palestinians. You take their legs out from under them. ...Or go the other route and invade again. I expect another Lebanon-Israeil war very soon if the USA will fund it.

Bethlehem is an excellent example of why we should launch a Christian crusade and clear out the whole area! It is also the Christian Holy Land and we have far more weaponry. We can move the Palestinians to Jordan and the Jews to the Sinai and let them wander for 40 years or so. How Christians are treated in Muslim countries does not affect Israel's ability to stop settlements in the West Bank and make peace with the Palestinians.

Akmenaged got elected through a democratic process. He won 114% of the vote. Did you notice the violent protests afterward? Iran has a little internal problem like a lot of other countries in the region. This should be cultivated, not bombed. This is another area where once again Israel is useless to the USA and can't help us.

You're more than welcome to joke about why the Israeli army stopped short of Cairo. You also might want to google a bit about USSR's intentions to make sure Cairo didn't fall or the Egyptian air force wasn't destroyed. Proxy wars were still important back then. Why did the USA go on nuclear alert?

Problems with radical Islam is a deflection. It is not a reason to avoid peace with the West Bank and end the settlement colonization. If anything, current behavior feeds radical Islam and keeps that faction much stronger than its true numbers. Islam has to fix that problem, not Israel or the USA or the world. Islam knows that during the dark ages they were the innovators, inventors, and best civilization. They also know that now they are backward-ass and that slide started well before Israel existed. This is a source of embarrassment.

For Israel, keep doing the same thing, expect different results with the West Bank. ...or take a look at what worked with Egypt and Jordan. The underlying difference is a significant amount of Israelis see the West Bank as Israel and think the Palestinians should pack up and leave. That is why the settlements are there in the first place. This is not that hard to figure out.

I'll fund Israel when they try something different.
frankj1 Online
#56 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
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Excellent! Thank you, very funny and also poignant. There will be peace between us soon. Short retorts first, OK?

1) I didn't question if it was a legitimate democratic election because I didn't get what I wanted, I question it based of the fact that it wasn't legitimate. Intimidation, Hezbollah controlled...fairly accepted as what happened by the rest of the world. Never would get a pro Israel result, even if not rigged, but a better chance for peace with more moderates in charge. Democracy and freedom should have risks, and sometimes I lose. Still, fearful that Syria and Hezbollah are redundant terms...hope you are right about weeding out, seriously, it is something to root for.

2) Didn't mean to tie in Bethlehem with Israel, that's why I said "off the topic". But as an example of how nicely your side would treat you shortly after landing here! You blame Israel's treatment, c'mon man, they been killing you guys for centuries, also before new Israel. They treat Jews worse. Maybe someday you can be allowed in Bethlehem. But I definitely meant it as a side bar.

3) Not much dispute about Iran between us. Agree with cultivation. Hate him or not, Obama is trying to get some kind of message inside that country, maybe he is being foolish, maybe an embarrassment in the eyes of many here, but refusing to even talk to them adds decades to the stalemate. 114%? Closer than I thought. The over/under was 126%. But if and when they become desparate, Iran's leaders could lash out...WHO YOU GONNA CALL? Israel, not Ghostbusters or the love-in bunch from OPEC. Spare me france and germany.

4) Maybe Russia was a factor in Israel stopping...maybe not. But A) Israel did not want to take over Egypt, they wanted Egypt to get the fear of G-d in them and never attack again. Mission accomplished. And B) for the record, it was Shabat.

5) Not so close on radical Islam. It is the problem, or a huge deterent to peace. They are not into negotiating, they are absolutists...or else they wouldn't be called "radical". What am I missing in that definition. BUT, you are making my point with... "Islam has to fix that problem, not Israel or the USA or the world. Islam knows that during the dark ages they were the innovators, inventors, and best civilization. They also know that now they are backward-ass and that slide started well before Israel existed. This is a source of embarrassment." You are aware that you were agreeing with me, eh? I tell you when you are correct, would it kill ya to toss me a bone? I'm working hard here. Abbas might negotiate, and he'll be killed for doing so.

I hope you didn't previously think I felt Israel had to "fix" Islam's problems...just not get wiped out by them. Unfortunately, to protect oneself from absolutist radicals, well, packing up and backing up would only encourage them, not soften their 5 century fanaticism. Everyday Muslims have to emerge from their paralyzing cocoons and speak out LOUDLY. Israel will tread water to survive in the interim.

6) If you mean that you would then fund, then at least use Jewish terms. Say "I pledge (fill in the blank) dollars." I though you were more familiar with our ways!

DrMaddVibe Offline
#57 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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Israel doesn't roll on the Shabat Donnie.
HockeyDad Offline
#58 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
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It all still comes down to the fact that there are two camps of thought in Israel.

Left: Land for peace. It worked with Egypt and Jordan.

Right: Endless war/defense. The arabs are just reloading. Peace will only come from absolute surrender of everyone to us. Colonize the West Bank for Greater Israel. Jordan should declare itself the Palestinian state and the Palestinians should leave the West Bank and Greater Israel. We will go 5-0! Oh, and we may need another $20 billion from the US to do it. Sure the whole world is against us but they're all anti-Semites.

The USA funds Israel regardless of which camp is in power and gets nothing in return. Do the same thing, expect different results.

Israel has lost the worldwide war of public opinion and diplomacy because of the West Bank settlements. Israel will have to repair that. The current course is only going to result in a UN unilateral declaration of an independent Palestine complete with UN and possibly NATO peacekeepers.
frankj1 Online
#59 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
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Some right, some wrong, some...we shall see.

But I'm pretty sure that lots and lots of generations of "Palestinian" people have been simply discarded by Jordan (and some others) in the first place. They sure as hell don't want them now!! Never would have been any problems had they cared about them as much as you do! But they do have marketing value...

I'm going to coin a phrase right now: Jordan's Gypsies. Here, you can have 'em. We don't want 'em, you keep 'em. OK, we'll put them in front of tanks when CNN shows up. I don't think that many of the sovereign nations in the area give a crap about the Palestinians, but the radicals find use for them.

Israel didn't lose the worldwide war of public opinion, they stubbornly and arrogantly refused to enter a team. I agree, gigantic mistake. "I only know what I read in the papers" has been replaced by what I see in soundbites on cable news. But see the statement above: radicals finding use.

Israel gives nothing in return...not worthy of you and not worthy of a response. Their contributions to the world in a few decades has been spectacular.

What do say, synchronized cigars tonight...celebrate the Sabbath together?

"Israel doesn't roll on the Shabat Donnie." Great! Thanks

DrMaddVibe Offline
#60 Posted:
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frankj1 wrote:
"Israel doesn't roll on the Shabat Donnie." Great! Thanks

I try...I'll be here all week...try the fish and don't forget to tip your waitress!
HockeyDad Offline
#61 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
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You've still provided no reason why Israel has a few hundred thousand Israelis living in settlements in the West Bank and continues to build more. You are still just producing talking point distractions from why Israel cannot/will not make peace.

You want the Palestinians gone. Removed from the West Bank. Dumped on Jordan. That is one of the current lines of thinking I already outlined. The problem is you can't force march them out and you can't exterminate them. I know, we can't use the word "exterminate". How about UFOs come down and magically remove all the Palestinians from Greater Israel! Sounds much better.

The USA gives Israel $3 billion a year plus various other lumps sums. It now is over $100 billion since the 1970s and we get nothing in return. We've given more to Israel than any nation on the planet. Israel is the only industrialized nation that needs/receives our free money. That statement has nothing to do with Israel's "contributions to the world". Actually "contributions to the world" is a right wing Israeli talking point to combat de-legitimization. When you read the talking point it mainly covers technology and medical advancements that are sold to the world. Israel is high-tech but it is a little fast and loose with the definition of "contribute".

While celebrating synchronized cigars tonight, think of a way to get Israel out of the West Bank so the Palestinians can have a little rock of their own. So the entire world can stop being dragged into the mess. What would be the terms that both sides could live with but not be happy with because nobody will be perfectly happy when it is done. In negotiations with arabs, the most important thing to them is saving face. They will never completely surrender. Another 100 years of war would be preferred over total loss of face.

Either that or think about how Israel is going to go 5-0. ...and then 6-0, etc.

(I'm not counting Lebanon in 1982 that resulted in the creation of Hezbollah or Lebanon in 2006 the pushed Hezbollah into a leadership role. Those wouldn't go in the win column)

Live by the sword, die by the sword...get more free swords from the USA.
HockeyDad Offline
#62 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
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Have you noticed that you haven't offered a single solution to the Palestinian problem?
ZRX1200 Offline
#63 Posted:
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Detroit? ?
frankj1 Online
#64 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
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HockeyDad wrote:
You've still provided no reason why Israel has a few hundred thousand Israelis living in settlements in the West Bank and continues to build more. You are still just producing talking point distractions from why Israel cannot/will not make peace.

You want the Palestinians gone. Removed from the West Bank. Dumped on Jordan. That is one of the current lines of thinking I already outlined. The problem is you can't force march them out and you can't exterminate them. I know, we can't use the word "exterminate". How about UFOs come down and magically remove all the Palestinians from Greater Israel! Sounds much better.

The USA gives Israel $3 billion a year plus various other lumps sums. It now is over $100 billion since the 1970s and we get nothing in return. We've given more to Israel than any nation on the planet. Israel is the only industrialized nation that needs/receives our free money. That statement has nothing to do with Israel's "contributions to the world". Actually "contributions to the world" is a right wing Israeli talking point to combat de-legitimization. When you read the talking point it mainly covers technology and medical advancements that are sold to the world. Israel is high-tech but it is a little fast and loose with the definition of "contribute".

While celebrating synchronized cigars tonight, think of a way to get Israel out of the West Bank so the Palestinians can have a little rock of their own. So the entire world can stop being dragged into the mess. What would be the terms that both sides could live with but not be happy with because nobody will be perfectly happy when it is done. In negotiations with arabs, the most important thing to them is saving face. They will never completely surrender. Another 100 years of war would be preferred over total loss of face.

Either that or think about how Israel is going to go 5-0. ...and then 6-0, etc.

(I'm not counting Lebanon in 1982 that resulted in the creation of Hezbollah or Lebanon in 2006 the pushed Hezbollah into a leadership role. Those wouldn't go in the win column)

Live by the sword, die by the sword...get more free swords from the USA.

You're so busy researching to win a debate on a cigar forum that you forget what I wrote over several posts. I will try to Reader's Digest some highlights for...the...last...time...

Why does Israel...they believe it is their land, their roads, your opinion, my opinion means nothing. They have reasons you evidently can not fathom that they believe make it good for them. They may be wrong, maybe not, I wasn't in the meetings when they decided to move in. You are not tapped into their esteemed intelligence.

I don't want the Palestinians gone, you are quoting yourself supposedly quoting me again. You said dumped on Jordan, I said Jordan wouldn't take them, they created them. I said Jordan et al should help them (they don't). Many may end up Israeli citizens, many already are, living and working and being educated in Israel. Very desirable lifestyle for upwardly mobile people. Dark, not so much. You can say exterminate. It doesn't apply to this case. But it sure does set the mood for you, just didn't work on me. Reset.

Refuse to make peace...Oy, so stupid. Israel has been to the table many times, with the Power du Jour over the years, once offered 98% of the land that was asked for. It was angrily rejected, no counteroffer, leaving us to surmise a compromise is out of the question. Jerusalem seemed to be part of that problem, we are left to guess. Israel's capital is Jerusalem, get over it. You can not negotiate with terrorists (as opposed to everyday suffering Palestinians being used by terrorists). Whatshisname (replaced Arafat) is almost powerless probably BECAUSE HE MIGHT find a compromise!!Radicals have no flexibility or they would be bad radicals, they do not have "compromise" in their dictionary. Everyone else seems to get this. Oh yeah, Israel will negotiate, check out your boys track record.

Peace will be negotiated and a state will be established when non-radical Muslims regain control...I am paraphrasing yours and my words from before. Somehow you made my point earlier, this we have stated in common: It is Islam's problem. But you want it to be Israel's...hey, good luck there. Modern Muslims MUST take back there religion for meaningful talks to occur. Modern Muslims are cowering in shameful silence. You really think Isarel can expect a serious dialogue with those making their brethren cower? Defense is not war mongering...but terrorism sure is.

Money...The new Tea Party agrees with you, No funding period. There's a recruitment center somewhere near you. You should be mad at the US, not Israel. Remember, your vote counts. It's just different than mine. Gotta love legitimate democracy.

Contributions...come on, you know better. Won't dignify that again. Hate all you want, but don't distort their excellence. You do the googling, I'm really low tech. I didn't even look up Whatshisname's name (what is his name, Abass? seriously I am at a loss)

A little rock...guess I have to be the one to tell you but if you give them a little rock, they might throw it through your window. They won't take it, and have turned down WAY more!

"In negotiations with arabs, the most important thing to them is saving face. They will never completely surrender. Another 100 years of war would be preferred over total loss of face."...Dude, I couldn't have said it better myself, thank you so much. Phew.

Smoke if you got 'em.

ZRX1200 Offline
#65 Posted:
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HockeyDad Offline
#66 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
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Once again, you offer no solution for peace.

Just maintain the status quo. You've already convinced yourself that there cannot be peace because they'll throw the rock back so why try. Waiting for more moderate Muslims to come along isn't going to make things better. It is a chicken-egg thing.

This all leaves you squarely stuck in the right wing camp. Play for 5-0.

I do business in that part of the world. I have coworkers in Israel, business partners in Lebanon. The people I know there don't want to live under the reality that the only option is to play for 5-0 or 1-4 in the next round of an eternal war. The thing is, they're the one standing on the playing field. However, there are plenty wanting the next round so WAR ON!

Pepin JJ Maduro. Not like a Gurkha which I refer to as Palestinian cigars 'cause they explode.
ZRX1200 Offline
#67 Posted:
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HockeyDad Offline
#68 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
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Madison is a nice place. I wouldn't give it the Israelis or the Palestinians.

Besides, it is one of the liberals' Holy Sites!
ZRX1200 Offline
#69 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
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Modesto CA!
rfenst Offline
#70 Posted:
Joined: 06-23-2007
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Has anyone besides me been to Israel and seen the historical and holly sites? Went to Bethlehem, Dome of the Rock, Temple Mount, The Old City, Golan Heights, Masada, several churches , holy Christian and Jewish burial sites, places, ancient ruins, an archaeological dig, Dead Sea Scrolls, where Jesus walked, etc. Perhaps that gives me a different perspective...

frankj1 Online
#71 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
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Sadly, in my opinion, the only hope for solution, is for the majority mainstream, modern-world-accepting Muslims to represent the interests of a people desiring to live in peace while accepting the right of Israel to exist...something millions and millions of Muslims do believe in and desire. I must have said versions of this several times already. I didn't say it would be on the fast track, but sure hope these folks step up soon. Hopefully even sooner the Palestinians will become disgusted with their failed alienating leadership and show them the door, or vote them out!!

I do not believe Hammas/Hezbollah et al deal in good faith. Few people trust them, do you? They have done nothing to bridge the gap. All of these quaint expressions referring to waiting "100 years" and more are Arab adages purposely designed to delay decisions and frustrate negotiators, they are not the best candidates for one-call sales closers. Israelis are swift and impatient doers. Yeah, arrogant, part of their charm. The delay is the property of the Arab way, not judging, just explaining.

I live near a heavily Jewish town that is home to a sparkling newer major mosque. These folks are digging each other so much, you'd don a tallis and do the horah. I am optimistic based on this that those in the middle east can also coexist, pessimistic about the time frame. If there can be no solution when radicals are holding the keys, how do you blame Israel? Blame doesn't matter anyway. Don't answer.

Islam must find it's true voice again, and that voice would be heard. If soon, then my fears would subside. The ball is in Islam's court. You hate that, I hate that, but it is my feeling, not necessarily the views of this station. Please don't demand I solve this crisis on CBids forums! I'm good, but not that good.

It isn't about wanting eternal war, but sadly it is about eternal waiting...and sometimes a hockey game breaks out.

I'm scared to ask what business you are in cuz then you may have to kill me. But I'm guessing that a few tweaks to Israel's policies and biz gets better? No insult intended, but people do form opinions with some appreciation of self-interest. Wouldn't think less of you. Just curious if it is part of the overwhelming frustration you are experiencing. Either way, I sincerely appreciate the insight you have afforded me.

On a personal note, I have never been accused of being a right winger in my life! And you probably the same about liberal positions. And here you are touting the NPR position. Were we switched at birth??

Maybe a Kristoff tonight, starts with that beautiful "K". say around nine-ish? I will share the Gurkah joke with the tribe.



HockeyDad Offline
#72 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,276
One thing you seem to be missing is knowing who the enemy is and where. You can't lump them all together and then wait for some global Islamic solution.

The Palestinian Authority is the West Bank. These are moderates.
Hamas is a terrorist organization in Gaza.
Hezbollah is a terrorist organization in Lebanon and rather strong.

My focus has been on the West Bank and the Palestinians. This is where the settlements are. This is where the ball is in Israel's court. This is where the occupation is and there is opportunity for peace. This is the flashpoint and the first domino for war or peace. When the West Bank shifts back to radicals.....fine, start the next war and go for 5-0.

My point all along has been the USA has no business funding this mess. We've poured over $100 billion into Israel and got nothing in return and will continue to get nothing in return. It is not overwhelming frustration, it is pointing out a policy that can't be defended in the post Cold War era. Israel doesn't need our money but, they enjoy spending it. The reality is the US left and right are both well conditioned and well lobbied to keep sending this money even though they can't explain why but they will trip over themselves to send more money to buy the Jewish vote. That is the comedy. It has nothing to do with the Israeli left and right.

As for Electricity, nuclear, oil, natural gas, ethanol, biodiesel, solar, wind power. Worldwide. We have enough offices in enough places that we get around any geopolitical issues. We don't send women to the middle east. We don't send Americans to Venezuela. Americans go to the friendly sheikdoms, Turks to the less friendly. Canadians can go anywhere! Someone who has been to Israel doesn't go to a number of arab countries and vice versa.

As for the Israeli region, what little market there is we already have pretty much cornered for our domain. If there were another war and Israel suffered damage to the electrical grid, power plants, oil terminals, and pipelines, we would definitely get an increase in work! It would be paid for by the USA and we would staff it from Spain. Our partner in Lebanon got work once when Israel bombed a Lebanese substation. (I guess they thought there were PLO hiding behind a transformer! Cool thing....the USA paid for the jet and the bombs and the USA paid for the reconstruction!) I assume you thought I wanted to sell deodorant in the West Bank and Israel was blocking my efforts!

In the grand scheme of things and as industrialized as Israel is, one mid-sized city in China can easily provide far more revenue and profit than all of Israel even if it were rebuilding after a war. (and they both pay in US Dollars!)
frankj1 Online
#73 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
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I accept your advantage in experience with the people and conditions in the middle east. I have never been there. Tell me what type of offer would be accepted by the current Palestinian representatives. And those reps would be able to sell to the factions. And missle lobbing would end Obviously, it's senseless to offer a little piece of rock, previous sit-downs were much further along then that. Rioting would ensue as it would be an insult. What is an acceptable starting point, fair to both sides, taking into account Palestinian rights to self government and self determination in a recognized statehood, and true eternal peace (of mind) for Israel? Ironically, it will include the reviled "land for peace". Won't it?

Let's pretend that if Jerusalem ain't in the package they walk from the table without a response. Or whatever is or isn't in the offer causes a walkout without counteroffer? Would it still be up to Israel to keep changing offers?

Does a car buyer have to keep guessing what the car costs?

I am not trying to be provocative, it is morning and I want peace today.
jackconrad Offline
#74 Posted:
Joined: 06-09-2003
Posts: 67,461
You can't find Good hot dogs anywhere in the Mid East
frankj1 Online
#75 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
Posts: 44,301
no Hebrew National???
jackconrad Offline
#76 Posted:
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Turkey Dogs !
frankj1 Online
#77 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
Posts: 44,301
instead of pork,,,
jackconrad Offline
#78 Posted:
Joined: 06-09-2003
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(")(") The other Kosher meat
frankj1 Online
#79 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
Posts: 44,301
I eat it...shhhhh.
HockeyDad Offline
#80 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,276
I would take a kosher hot dog over any middle eastern food!

....but I don't think I would even try to buy a car from a Jew or an arab. It would take a year to figure out what the final price was.
HockeyDad Offline
#81 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
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frankj1 wrote:

I accept your advantage in experience with the people and conditions in the middle east. I have never been there. Tell me what type of offer would be accepted by the current Palestinian representatives. And those reps would be able to sell to the factions. And missle lobbing would end Obviously, it's senseless to offer a little piece of rock, previous sit-downs were much further along then that. Rioting would ensue as it would be an insult. What is an acceptable starting point, fair to both sides, taking into account Palestinian rights to self government and self determination in a recognized statehood, and true eternal peace (of mind) for Israel? Ironically, it will include the reviled "land for peace". Won't it?

Let's pretend that if Jerusalem ain't in the package they walk from the table without a response. Or whatever is or isn't in the offer causes a walkout without counteroffer? Would it still be up to Israel to keep changing offers?

Does a car buyer have to keep guessing what the car costs?

I am not trying to be provocative, it is morning and I want peace today.

OK, I'll try.

First, missle lobbing does not come from the West Bank. Gaza has a few but they are wimpy. Hezbollah in Lebanon has a crapload.

There are a number of reasons why time is running out for peace but for now I'll just start with the big one. The Palestinian Authority is about as moderate a government as Israel will ever face in negotiations. If there is an agreement, Israel is going to have to offer enough to keep them from being assassinated. The PA success in a deal is now Israel's success. Israel will also have to win enough to keep its leaders from being assassinated. With failure, the next election in the West Bank will likely put Hamas in power.

The first step will be does either side want peace. I do not believe the current Israeli administration does. The PA marginally does. (but doesn't want to get assassinated)

Where they start is where they left off with the Green Line being the starting point. If they don't start where they left off, someone doesn't want peace and they should be able to figure that out before lunch on the first day.

Palestinian right of return: Everybody knows it won't happen. There will be some sort of Israeli financial compensation. The USA will pay for it. No real issue here.

Land swaps: The wall the Israelis built took over 12% of the West Bank. A lot of this is open land and a lot juts way in to surround settlements. Some places the wall will need to go. Other places there will need to be land swaps. Because of how the wall snakes around, the Israel-West Bank border doubled in length and it not really very defensible.

Jordan border: Palestine cannot be surrounded by an Israeli military zone. Especially when that zone butts up to Jordan for which Israel has a peace treaty.

Settlements: Large numbers of settlements are nowhere near the wall or the Green Line and cannot be defended. They will need to relocate or become Israelis in Palestine. This is the issue that will get the Israeli prime minister assassinated. The International Court of Justice, International law, and most nations recognize all Israeli settlements in the West Bank as illegal. The USA calls them illegitimate. Recent leaked documents show that the Palestinians were willing to heavily compromise on settlements.

Jerusalem: The idea of Jerusalem not being in the package is just another way of saying "Israel will play for 5-0." Even the Israeli negotiators. Here is a number to keep in mind. Jerusalem is 32% Muslim Do you really want them? The Muslim population in Jerusalem is growing faster than the Jewish population. Israel really doesn't want all those non-Jew voters. The problem is the largest Jewish settlements almost surround East Jerusalem. Recent leaks show they Palestinians would agree to annexing most of those settlements but not all so they would have a corridor into East Jerusalem.

Israel doesn't have to negotiate. Israel doesn't have to try to find a better offer. Keep in mind the final deal will be hated by many Israelis and Palestinians. That is just how it will be. The try for 5-0 will also be hated by many Israelis and Palestinians.

Israel can just walk away and do nothing. Right now they control everything and man the prison camp walls. That creates a whole host of other problems for another post.

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